Lifting Database

Lifter - Nicole Rothschild

Birth year: 1972
State: New York

Results - Raw

Personal bests

Squat 40 kg Kilo Feast at JDI Barbell 11/23/2024
Bench press 35 kg Kilo Feast at JDI Barbell 11/23/2024
Deadlift 62.5 kg Kilo Feast at JDI Barbell 11/23/2024
Total 137.5 kg Kilo Feast at JDI Barbell 11/23/2024

kgkgClick and drag to zoomSquatBench pressDeadliftTotal18. Nov19. Nov20. Nov21. Nov22. Nov23. Nov24. Nov25. Nov26. Nov27. Nov28. Nov29. Nov30. Nov1. Dec4050607050100150200
Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points
11/23/2024 Kilo Feast at JDI Barbell 1. R-M2 -69 66.30 35 -37.5 40 35 -37.5 -37.5 50 60 62.5 137.5 29.15