Lifting Database

Lifter - Milton Sanchez

Birth year: 1986
State: New Mexico

Results - Raw

Personal bests

Squat 160 kg Rumble on the Rio 03/19/2022
Bench press 145 kg Overload Classic 06/25/2022
Deadlift 200 kg Rumble on the Rio 03/19/2022
Total 500 kg Rumble on the Rio 03/19/2022

Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points
06/25/2022 Overload Classic - R-O 120+ 171.40 -145 -150 -150 125 135 145 -185 0 0.00
03/19/2022 Rumble on the Rio 2. R-O 120+ 165.52 130 140 -150 140 52.25
03/19/2022 Rumble on the Rio 1. R-O 120+ 165.52 125 -150 160 130 140 -150 185 200 -207.5 500 51.20
03/19/2022 Rumble on the Rio 2. R-O 120+ 165.52 185 200 -207.5 200 20.48
03/19/2022 Rumble on the Rio 1. R-O 120+ 165.52 130 140 -150 185 200 -207.5 340 34.82