Lifting Database

Lifter - Sara Sosa-Garcia

Birth year: 1995
State: Florida

Results - Raw

Personal bests

Squat 170 kg 44th Annual Sunshine State Games Championships 06/24/2023
Bench press 85 kg 44th Annual Sunshine State Games Championships 06/24/2023
Deadlift 185 kg Ft. Myers Open - Around the Clock Fitness Championships 01/21/2023
Total 440 kg 44th Annual Sunshine State Games Championships 06/24/2023

Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points
06/24/2023 44th Annual Sunshine State Games Championships 1. R-O 84+ 89.44 145 157.5 170 72.5 85 -87.5 170 185 -195 440 81.20
01/21/2023 Ft. Myers Open - Around the Clock Fitness Championships 1. R-O 84+ 86.79 137.5 147.5 157.5 70 77.5 -82.5 165 175 185 420 78.34