Lifting Database

Lifter - Paris Acosta

Birth year: 2004
State: Nevada

Results - Raw

Personal bests

Squat 190 kg Western University Cup at the Legion 09/29/2024
Deadlift 217.5 kg Powerlifting America at the Legion 10/07/2023
Bench press 117.5 kg Western University Cup at the Legion 09/29/2024
Total 512.5 kg Western University Cup at the Legion 09/29/2024

Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points
09/29/2024 Western University Cup at the Legion 5. R-O -83 80.70 -190 190 -202.5 107.5 112.5 117.5 192.5 205 -227.5 512.5 71.96
03/17/2024 University Nationals 4. R-Uni -74 73.85 -175 175 185 102.5 105 -107.5 205 212.5 -227.5 502.5 73.85
10/07/2023 Powerlifting America at the Legion 2. R-JR -74 72.80 152.5 170 -180 97.5 100 102.5 -192.5 192.5 217.5 490 72.55
05/14/2023 2023 Nevada State - R-JR -66 65.80 142.5 -152.5 -152.5 -87.5 -87.5 -87.5 165 175 195 0 0.00