Lifting Database

Lifter - Dakota Petago

Birth year: 1994
State: New Mexico

Results - Raw

Personal bests

Squat 240 kg 4th Annual New Mexico State Fair Bench Press Deadlift and Powerlifting 09/16/2023
Bench press 167.5 kg 5th Annual New Mexico State Fair Bench Press Deadlift and Powerlifting 09/13/2024
Deadlift 267.5 kg 4th Annual New Mexico State Fair Bench Press Deadlift and Powerlifting 09/16/2023
Total 670 kg 4th Annual New Mexico State Fair Bench Press Deadlift and Powerlifting 09/16/2023

Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points
09/13/2024 5th Annual New Mexico State Fair Bench Press Deadlift and Powerlifting 1. R-O -120 113.30 227.5 -232.5 237.5 155 162.5 167.5 247.5 257.5 -265 662.5 79.00
09/16/2023 4th Annual New Mexico State Fair Bench Press Deadlift and Powerlifting 2. R-O -120 117.00 145 157.5 162.5 162.5 69.31
09/16/2023 4th Annual New Mexico State Fair Bench Press Deadlift and Powerlifting 2. R-O -120 117.00 210 222.5 240 145 157.5 162.5 252.5 267.5 -272.5 670 78.76
09/16/2023 4th Annual New Mexico State Fair Bench Press Deadlift and Powerlifting 2. R-O -120 117.00 252.5 267.5 -272.5 267.5 31.44