Lifting Database

Lifter - Todd Peterson

Birth year: 1961
State: Nevada


Type Division Discipline Weight Date
Nevada Raw Raw Master 3 -93 Deadlift 190 kg 10/07/2022
Nevada Raw Raw Master 3 -105 Bench press single lift 110 kg 01/14/2023

Results - Raw

Personal bests

Squat 175 kg 2023 Nevada State 05/14/2023
Bench press 110 kg 2023 Bench Press National Championships 01/14/2023
Deadlift 190 kg 2022 West Regionals at the Legion Sport Fest 10/07/2022
Total 472.5 kg Powerlifting America at the Legion 09/28/2024

Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points
09/28/2024 Powerlifting America at the Legion 1. R-M3 -93 89.55 155 165 175 97.5 105 107.5 165 180 190 472.5 62.97
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships 2. R-M3 -93 89.60 150 165 175 97.5 105 110 165 180 -205 465 61.95
10/07/2023 Powerlifting America at the Legion 1. R-M3 -93 91.70 150 -157.5 162.5 95 100 -107.5 160 177.5 190 452.5 59.61
05/14/2023 2023 Nevada State 1. R-M3 -93 92.50 155 165 175 100 107.5 -112.5 170 185 -195 467.5 61.32
01/14/2023 2023 Bench Press National Championships 3. R-M3 -105 97.45 97.5 105 110 110 51.02
10/07/2022 2022 West Regionals at the Legion Sport Fest 1. R-M3 -93 89.80 145 -160 165 87.5 92.5 105 160 180 190 460 61.22