Lifting Database

Lifter - Michael Fragale Jr

Birth year: 2004
State: Pennsylvania


Type Division Discipline Weight Date

Results - Raw

Personal bests

Squat 235 kg Stars and Stripes Championships 11/11/2023
Bench press 157.5 kg University Nationals 03/17/2024
Deadlift 272.5 kg Stars and Stripes Championships 11/11/2023
Total 660 kg Stars and Stripes Championships 11/11/2023

Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points
03/17/2024 University Nationals 4. R-Uni -93 91.15 215 230 -240 140 150 157.5 -240 240 245 632.5 83.56
11/11/2023 Stars and Stripes Championships 2. R-JR -93 90.10 210 225 235 -140 147.5 152.5 240 250 272.5 660 87.69