Lifting Database


USA National Team



Competition Lifter Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points
10/30/2024 10th Annual NAPF/FESUPO Pan-American Regional Bench Press Championships Nimisha Mitha 2. R-M1 -63 60.3 47.5 50 52.5 52.5 44.96
10/30/2024 10th Annual NAPF/FESUPO Pan-American Regional Bench Press Championships Michal Harris 2. R-M2 -84 83 47.5 52.5 -55 52.5 39.28
10/30/2024 10th Annual NAPF/FESUPO Pan-American Regional Bench Press Championships Stephanie Tracy 1. R-M1 -84 81.8 75 -77.5 -77.5 75 56.33
10/30/2024 10th Annual NAPF/FESUPO Pan-American Regional Bench Press Championships Rachael Diehl 2. R-M1 -84 83.2 70 75 -80 75 56.09
10/30/2024 10th Annual NAPF/FESUPO Pan-American Regional Bench Press Championships Sarah Wages 1. R-M1 84+ 132.4 105 115 -125 115 81.24
10/30/2024 10th Annual NAPF/FESUPO Pan-American Regional Bench Press Championships Faith Clough 1. R-M1 -63 60.2 62.5 70 -80 70 60.02
10/30/2024 10th Annual NAPF/FESUPO Pan-American Regional Bench Press Championships Michelle Carlascio 1. R-M2 -63 59.3 52.5 -57.5 57.5 57.5 49.77
10/30/2024 10th Annual NAPF/FESUPO Pan-American Regional Bench Press Championships Chris Felix 1. R-M3 -120 118 -125 125 -135 125 53.12
10/30/2024 10th Annual NAPF/FESUPO Pan-American Regional Bench Press Championships Mack Hodges 1. R-M4 -120 107.5 120 126 131 131 58.02
10/30/2024 10th Annual NAPF/FESUPO Pan-American Regional Bench Press Championships Michelle Robbins 1. R-O -76 74.9 120 131 -138 131 101.15
10/30/2024 10th Annual NAPF/FESUPO Pan-American Regional Bench Press Championships Gary Reale 1. R-M4 -74 73.1 92.5 97.5 -102.5 97.5 52.34
10/30/2024 10th Annual NAPF/FESUPO Pan-American Regional Bench Press Championships Sara Roden 3. R-O 84+ 89 82.5 87.5 -92.5 87.5 64.44
10/30/2024 10th Annual NAPF/FESUPO Pan-American Regional Bench Press Championships Ken Levine 1. R-M4 -83 81.4 -120 125 -128 125 63.42
10/30/2024 10th Annual NAPF/FESUPO Pan-American Regional Bench Press Championships William Holloway 1. R-JR -93 92.1 165 167.5 172.5 172.5 82.25
10/30/2024 10th Annual NAPF/FESUPO Pan-American Regional Bench Press Championships Claude Welcome 1. R-M4 -93 92.2 125 132.5 137.5 137.5 65.52
10/30/2024 10th Annual NAPF/FESUPO Pan-American Regional Bench Press Championships Nathan Terry 3. R-JR -93 83.4 110 115 -122.5 115 57.63
10/30/2024 10th Annual NAPF/FESUPO Pan-American Regional Bench Press Championships Daniel Sides 1. M3 -74 73 135 145 150.5 150.5 59.33
10/30/2024 10th Annual NAPF/FESUPO Pan-American Regional Bench Press Championships Adam Mamola 0. O -105 100.1 -310 -316 -328 0 0.00
10/30/2024 10th Annual NAPF/FESUPO Pan-American Regional Bench Press Championships Thomas Cencich 1. M3 -93 91.2 193 -205.5 -205.5 193 64.60
10/30/2024 10th Annual NAPF/FESUPO Pan-American Regional Bench Press Championships Martin Agoes 1. O 120+ 126.7 270 -280 -280 270 78.02
10/30/2024 10th Annual NAPF/FESUPO Pan-American Regional Bench Press Championships Ron Falcone Jr 2. M3 -105 93.7 125 -135 145 145 47.76
10/30/2024 10th Annual NAPF/FESUPO Pan-American Regional Bench Press Championships Robert Keller 1. M3 -120 119.5 145 150 155 155 45.67
10/30/2024 10th Annual NAPF/FESUPO Pan-American Regional Bench Press Championships Arian Khamesi 2. O -83 80.4 75 -115 -120 75 27.34
10/30/2024 10th Annual NAPF/FESUPO Pan-American Regional Bench Press Championships Llalando Austin 1. R-M1 -93 85.2 165 187.5 200 200 99.15
10/30/2024 10th Annual NAPF/FESUPO Pan-American Regional Bench Press Championships Jeremiah Cruz 1. R-M1 -105 94.8 110 117.5 122.5 122.5 57.57
10/30/2024 10th Annual NAPF/FESUPO Pan-American Regional Bench Press Championships Donna Marts 1. R-M3 -69 66.2 70 73 -76 73 59.36
10/30/2024 10th Annual NAPF/FESUPO Pan-American Regional Bench Press Championships Kenneth Cameron 1. R-M1 -120 118 165 172.5 -182.5 172.5 73.29
10/30/2024 10th Annual NAPF/FESUPO Pan-American Regional Bench Press Championships Lenore Gelb 1. R-M4 -76 72.7 45 48 51 51 39.81
10/30/2024 10th Annual NAPF/FESUPO Pan-American Regional Bench Press Championships Steve Petrencak 1. R-M2 -66 65.6 126.5 136.5 -139 136.5 77.66
10/30/2024 10th Annual NAPF/FESUPO Pan-American Regional Bench Press Championships Merdan Nursahatov 1. R-M1 -74 73.9 160 165 -170 165 88.08
10/30/2024 10th Annual NAPF/FESUPO Pan-American Regional Bench Press Championships Sean Williams 1. R-M2 -74 73.6 137.5 -142.5 145.5 145.5 77.80
10/30/2024 10th Annual NAPF/FESUPO Pan-American Regional Bench Press Championships Danny Hashempour 1. R-JR -105 93.5 140 145 -150 145 68.63
10/30/2024 10th Annual NAPF/FESUPO Pan-American Regional Bench Press Championships Allan Morelos 2. R-O -105 99.3 175 177.5 182.5 182.5 83.89
10/30/2024 10th Annual NAPF/FESUPO Pan-American Regional Bench Press Championships Matthew Cronin 1. R-O -120 118.8 220 228 233 233 98.71
10/30/2024 10th Annual NAPF/FESUPO Pan-American Regional Bench Press Championships Seth Howard 1. R-O -74 73.2 157.5 164 167 167 89.57
10/30/2024 10th Annual NAPF/FESUPO Pan-American Regional Bench Press Championships Martin Agoes 3. R-O 120+ 126.2 205 215 -222.5 215 88.79
10/30/2024 10th Annual NAPF/FESUPO Pan-American Regional Bench Press Championships Mitchell Glover 2. R-O -83 80.5 160 165 -175 165 84.18
10/30/2024 10th Annual NAPF/FESUPO Pan-American Regional Bench Press Championships Derrick Le 1. R-SJ -59 56.8 87.5 93 95 95 58.58
10/30/2024 10th Annual NAPF/FESUPO Pan-American Regional Bench Press Championships Cameron Krueger 3. R-O -93 89.7 -182.5 182.5 -205 182.5 88.15
10/30/2024 10th Annual NAPF/FESUPO Pan-American Regional Bench Press Championships Daniel Haroon 1. R-SJ 120+ 122 160 -170 -170 160 67.02
10/30/2024 10th Annual NAPF/FESUPO Pan-American Regional Bench Press Championships Daniel Sides 1. R-M3 -74 73.5 62.5 85 100 100 53.51
10/30/2024 10th Annual NAPF/FESUPO Pan-American Regional Bench Press Championships Pat Keenan 3. R-M2 -74 71.8 110 117.5 125 125 67.73
10/30/2024 10th Annual NAPF/FESUPO Pan-American Regional Bench Press Championships Howard Sturman 1. R-M3 -83 82.4 157.5 -166.5 166.5 166.5 83.96
10/30/2024 10th Annual NAPF/FESUPO Pan-American Regional Bench Press Championships Jason Ross 1. R-M2 -93 89 -145 145 -160 145 70.30
10/30/2024 10th Annual NAPF/FESUPO Pan-American Regional Bench Press Championships Ron Falcone Jr 1. R-M3 -93 92.4 85 95 105 105 49.99
10/30/2024 10th Annual NAPF/FESUPO Pan-American Regional Bench Press Championships Michael McQueen 1. R-M2 -105 103.6 167.5 172.5 -180 172.5 77.72
10/30/2024 10th Annual NAPF/FESUPO Pan-American Regional Bench Press Championships Jim Kathios 1. R-M3 -105 102.8 142.5 -156 -156 142.5 64.45
10/30/2024 10th Annual NAPF/FESUPO Pan-American Regional Bench Press Championships Chris Walter 1. R-M2 -120 105.9 211.5 221 225.5 225.5 100.60
10/30/2024 10th Annual NAPF/FESUPO Pan-American Regional Bench Press Championships Donna Marts 1. M3 -69 64.6 92.5 96 -101 96 57.07
10/30/2024 10th Annual NAPF/FESUPO Pan-American Regional Bench Press Championships Amber Gomez 1. M1 -76 75.1 100 107.5 -112.5 107.5 58.90
10/30/2024 10th Annual NAPF/FESUPO Pan-American Regional Bench Press Championships Sara Shelton 2. O 84+ 94.7 102.5 110 -120 110 55.09
10/30/2024 10th Annual NAPF/FESUPO Pan-American Regional Bench Press Championships Sarah Wages 1. M1 84+ 132.3 140 147.5 -152.5 147.5 68.77
10/30/2024 10th Annual NAPF/FESUPO Pan-American Regional Bench Press Championships Rebecca Salter 3. O 84+ 107.3 -105 105 -117.5 105 50.84
10/30/2024 10th Annual NAPF/FESUPO Pan-American Regional Bench Press Championships Michelle Carlascio 1. M2 -63 59.6 45 65 -72.5 65 40.69
10/30/2024 10th Annual NAPF/FESUPO Pan-American Regional Bench Press Championships Jonathan Losa 1. M1 -93 85.3 145 175 185 185 64.59
10/30/2024 10th Annual NAPF/FESUPO Pan-American Regional Bench Press Championships Michal Harris 1. M2 -84 83.1 47.5 -70 -75 47.5 24.90
10/13/2024 2024 World Classic & Equipped Masters Powerlifting Championships Leah Goldring 0. R-M1 -52 51.3 -127.5 -127.5 -127.5 80 85 87.5 165 175 -182.5 0 0.00
10/13/2024 2024 World Classic & Equipped Masters Powerlifting Championships Erin Riddle 3. R-M1 -57 55.5 130 137.5 140 65 70 -72.5 145 152.5 155 365 87.44
10/13/2024 2024 World Classic & Equipped Masters Powerlifting Championships Esther Scott 3. R-M1 -76 74.7 167.5 175 180 92.5 97.5 100 175 185 -192.5 465 92.44
10/13/2024 2024 World Classic & Equipped Masters Powerlifting Championships Robert Lane 1. R-M2 -74 73.4 175 185 192.5 127.5 135 -137.5 235 250 252.5 580 85.51
10/13/2024 2024 World Classic & Equipped Masters Powerlifting Championships Carlos Santoliquido 1. R-M1 -120 109.9 287.5 302.5 310 175 185 190 305 322.5 -340 822.5 99.44
10/13/2024 2024 World Classic & Equipped Masters Powerlifting Championships Ls McClain 2. R-M1 -105 104.3 267.5 285 300 195 205 -210 285 -300 307.5 812.5 100.63
10/13/2024 2024 World Classic & Equipped Masters Powerlifting Championships Edward Ruland 12. R-M2 -93 90.6 25 165 175 -182.5 75 275 36.44
10/13/2024 2024 World Classic & Equipped Masters Powerlifting Championships Eric Kupperstein 2. R-M2 -59 58.4 145 -152.5 155 55 57.5 60 192.5 -202.5 -212.5 407.5 67.83
10/13/2024 2024 World Classic & Equipped Masters Powerlifting Championships Thaddeus Say 5. R-M2 -83 82.5 175 185 192.5 122.5 127.5 -130 230 240 -255 560 77.78
10/13/2024 2024 World Classic & Equipped Masters Powerlifting Championships Rick Brink 1. R-M2 -66 65.5 175 182.5 187.5 97.5 102.5 107.5 207.5 220 227.5 522.5 81.78
10/13/2024 2024 World Classic & Equipped Masters Powerlifting Championships Nathan Gorham 2. R-M1 -120 118.4 295 -312.5 312.5 200 210 217.5 275 -300 -312.5 805 94.13
10/13/2024 2024 World Classic & Equipped Masters Powerlifting Championships Michael McQueen 2. R-M2 -105 101.1 230 240 250 170 177.5 -180 260 270 275 702.5 88.31
10/13/2024 2024 World Classic & Equipped Masters Powerlifting Championships Lilyan Jackson 3. R-M2 84+ 172.4 160 167.5 175 110 117.5 125 165 180 192.5 492.5 81.42
10/13/2024 2024 World Classic & Equipped Masters Powerlifting Championships Alma Kimura 2. R-M4 -69 66.8 105 -111 113 47.5 52.5 -55 132.5 142.5 145 310.5 65.53
10/13/2024 2024 World Classic & Equipped Masters Powerlifting Championships Patricia Johnson 1. R-M2 84+ 101.5 -180 180 -192.5 115 122.5 -128 210 220 230 532.5 94.61
10/13/2024 2024 World Classic & Equipped Masters Powerlifting Championships Jessica Marshall 2. R-M3 -69 66.1 112.5 120.5 123 52.5 57.5 62.5 152.5 162.5 167.5 353 74.96
10/13/2024 2024 World Classic & Equipped Masters Powerlifting Championships Travis Koehn 1. M2 -120 119.5 290 305 317.5 -220 -225 225 262.5 275 280 822.5 79.63
10/13/2024 2024 World Classic & Equipped Masters Powerlifting Championships Michael Jean Sr. 2. M1 120+ 160.9 235 245 270 210 -230 -230 270 290 305 785 69.26
10/13/2024 2024 World Classic & Equipped Masters Powerlifting Championships Suzanne Hartwig-Gary 2. R-M2 -57 56.3 132.5 140.5 143 62.5 67.5 72.5 132.5 142.5 -147.5 358 84.82
10/13/2024 2024 World Classic & Equipped Masters Powerlifting Championships Denise Johnson 3. R-M4 -52 50.1 37.5 40 45 30 -32.5 32.5 75 80 -87.5 157.5 41.13
10/13/2024 2024 World Classic & Equipped Masters Powerlifting Championships Cathy Avery 4. R-M2 -63 63 125 -132.5 -132.5 77.5 82.5 85 140 147.5 -155 357.5 78.21
10/13/2024 2024 World Classic & Equipped Masters Powerlifting Championships Linda Gorham 1. R-M4 84+ 99 -107.5 112.5 117.5 65 70 72.5 -122.5 -122.5 122.5 312.5 55.89
10/13/2024 2024 World Classic & Equipped Masters Powerlifting Championships Ross Leppala 1. R-M1 -83 82.4 242.5 260 270 170 180 187.5 267.5 282.5 290 747.5 103.85
10/13/2024 2024 World Classic & Equipped Masters Powerlifting Championships Gerard Dally 4. M3 -93 90 180 192.5 202.5 105 112.5 120 187.5 205 207.5 530 58.50
10/13/2024 2024 World Classic & Equipped Masters Powerlifting Championships Thomas Cencich 3. M3 -93 91.5 175 -195 195 190 203.5 -208 185 202.5 207.5 606 66.30
10/13/2024 2024 World Classic & Equipped Masters Powerlifting Championships William Clayton 1. M4 -93 83.5 125 130 137.5 90 97.5 -102.5 150 385 44.30
10/13/2024 2024 World Classic & Equipped Masters Powerlifting Championships Rob Ward 3. R-M1 120+ 144.2 310 327.5 342.5 182.5 -190 -190 285 305 -317.5 830 89.43
10/13/2024 2024 World Classic & Equipped Masters Powerlifting Championships Brad Salter 1. M4 -120 112.5 140 155 165 -92.5 92.5 102.5 150 170 180 447.5 44.39
10/13/2024 2024 World Classic & Equipped Masters Powerlifting Championships Tuan Nguyen 1. R-M1 -66 65.7 -180 185 -192.5 105 110 115 210 217.5 222.5 522.5 81.65
10/13/2024 2024 World Classic & Equipped Masters Powerlifting Championships Keith Taylor 5. M3 -105 96.2 -182.5 182.5 -195 110 150 160 185 195 205 547.5 58.36
10/13/2024 2024 World Classic & Equipped Masters Powerlifting Championships Layne Norton 1. R-M1 -93 92.6 270 287.5 -295 155 165 -167.5 300 310 328 780.5 102.32
10/13/2024 2024 World Classic & Equipped Masters Powerlifting Championships Melissa Copeland 1. R-M1 84+ 123.4 202.5 212.5 215 130 -135 135 200 205 -210 555 94.71
10/13/2024 2024 World Classic & Equipped Masters Powerlifting Championships Jennifer Sauter 3. R-M1 -69 68.6 150 157.5 -162.5 77.5 82.5 85 170 180 187.5 430 89.41
10/13/2024 2024 World Classic & Equipped Masters Powerlifting Championships Leah Cruciani 0. R-M2 -63 61.1 -110 -110 -110 0 0.00
10/13/2024 2024 World Classic & Equipped Masters Powerlifting Championships Chereny Woodard 5. R-M1 -84 80.9 130 142.5 150 92.5 97.5 102.5 170 185 195 447.5 85.81
10/13/2024 2024 World Classic & Equipped Masters Powerlifting Championships Joah Iannotta 1. R-M2 -76 75.3 145 152.5 157.5 105 110 -115 180 187.5 195 462.5 91.59
10/13/2024 2024 World Classic & Equipped Masters Powerlifting Championships Alexa Sperske 2. R-M1 -69 68.7 152.5 157.5 162.5 72.5 77.5 80 182.5 192.5 197.5 440 91.42
10/13/2024 2024 World Classic & Equipped Masters Powerlifting Championships Siri Hoogen 3. R-M2 -84 82.2 145 155 160 85 90 92.5 165 175 -180 427.5 81.45
10/13/2024 2024 World Classic & Equipped Masters Powerlifting Championships Manuel Rodriguez 1. R-M4 -66 65 135 140 145 85 90 92.5 185 190 195 432.5 68.00
10/13/2024 2024 World Classic & Equipped Masters Powerlifting Championships Richard Carni 7. R-M3 -74 73.6 120 125 -135 90 95 100 137.5 145 150 375 55.21
10/13/2024 2024 World Classic & Equipped Masters Powerlifting Championships Dale Garlitz 2. R-M4 -74 71 155 160 -167.5 97.5 102.5 105 175 182.5 -195 447.5 67.13
10/13/2024 2024 World Classic & Equipped Masters Powerlifting Championships Robert Moore 1. R-M4 -93 88.8 165 -172.5 172.5 125 130 132.5 170 182.5 185 490 65.58
10/13/2024 2024 World Classic & Equipped Masters Powerlifting Championships Carlos Lewis 2. R-M3 -74 73.6 182.5 192.5 200 122.5 127.5 130 190 205 -217.5 535 78.79
10/13/2024 2024 World Classic & Equipped Masters Powerlifting Championships Larry Nash 5. R-M3 -83 79.3 172.5 180 187.5 127.5 135 137.5 205 -210 -210 530 75.09
10/13/2024 2024 World Classic & Equipped Masters Powerlifting Championships Eric Verbel 1. M2 -66 65.5 170 185 -195 75 -112.5 -112.5 175 187.5 200 460 61.98
10/13/2024 2024 World Classic & Equipped Masters Powerlifting Championships Eric Kupperstein 1. M2 -59 58.5 175 -195 205 50 55 -57.5 175 -195 -215 435 63.80
10/13/2024 2024 World Classic & Equipped Masters Powerlifting Championships John Demchak 3. M2 -83 82.3 195 205 210 102.5 -110 -110 230 242.5 -252.5 555 64.43
10/13/2024 2024 World Classic & Equipped Masters Powerlifting Championships Chris Boillot 1. M3 -83 80.9 220 230 -240 140 150 155 205 215 -225 600 70.37
10/13/2024 2024 World Classic & Equipped Masters Powerlifting Championships Travis Pardue 2. M2 -74 74 195 205 -215 130 137.5 -140 227.5 245 247.5 590 73.12
10/13/2024 2024 World Classic & Equipped Masters Powerlifting Championships Richard Johnson 4. M3 -105 96.7 210 -235 -235 117.5 122.5 125 210 -225 225 560 59.55
10/13/2024 2024 World Classic & Equipped Masters Powerlifting Championships Michael Kalter 2. M2 -120 115.4 290 300 310 200 -207.5 -207.5 -285 285 -312.5 795 78.03
08/28/2024 2024 World Juniors and Sub-Juniors Championships (USA) Layla Soto 1. R-JR -84 83.4 207.5 220 -227.5 115 120 -125 190 200 -205 540 102.29
08/28/2024 2024 World Juniors and Sub-Juniors Championships (USA) Nataleigh Hunter 4. R-JR -63 61.1 180 190.5 195.5 92.5 97.5 -102.5 185 195 200 493 110.06
08/28/2024 2024 World Juniors and Sub-Juniors Championships (USA) Carolyn Connor 3. R-JR -69 68.7 177.5 187.5 195 100 105 110 200 215 -227.5 520 107.99
08/28/2024 2024 World Juniors and Sub-Juniors Championships (USA) Angelina Martinez 3. R-JR -63 62.4 160 167.5 -170 95 100 102.5 197.5 212.5 225 495 109.03
08/28/2024 2024 World Juniors and Sub-Juniors Championships (USA) Daniel Harris 1. R-SJ -66 65.9 225 233 238 135 142.5 147.5 -240 240 250 635.5 99.14
08/28/2024 2024 World Juniors and Sub-Juniors Championships (USA) Antara Jackson 2. R-JR -84 82.9 -170 170 180 110 117.5 122.5 197.5 207.5 217.5 520 98.71
08/28/2024 2024 World Juniors and Sub-Juniors Championships (USA) Jack Reynolds 1. R-SJ -83 82.3 267.5 280 -290.5 183 190.5 195.5 280 295 -305 770.5 107.15
08/28/2024 2024 World Juniors and Sub-Juniors Championships (USA) Haley Hunter 7. R-JR -69 69 175 185 -190 87.5 92.5 97.5 177.5 187.5 200 482.5 100.00
08/28/2024 2024 World Juniors and Sub-Juniors Championships (USA) Dillon Johnson 0. R-SJ -83 82.6 -282.5 -282.5 -282.5 -155 -155 -155 75 0 0.00
08/28/2024 2024 World Juniors and Sub-Juniors Championships (USA) Jonathan Becerril 0. SJ -59 57.1 -192.5 -202.5 -202.5 112.5 120 -127.5 -202.5 0 0.00
08/28/2024 2024 World Juniors and Sub-Juniors Championships (USA) Nathan Lovemore 0. SJ -66 65.9 240 -250 -250 -175 -175 -175 225 -240 240 0 0.00
08/28/2024 2024 World Juniors and Sub-Juniors Championships (USA) Cael McDaniel 1. SJ -120 114.1 285 307.5 322.5 200 215 222.5 255 270 -280 815 80.36
08/28/2024 2024 World Juniors and Sub-Juniors Championships (USA) Demitri Ayala 1. SJ -105 94.6 317.5 -327.5 327.5 -230 230 242.5 275 292.5 322 892 95.89
08/28/2024 2024 World Juniors and Sub-Juniors Championships (USA) Javier Martinez 3. SJ -93 83.4 -265 265 275 147.5 155 157.5 270 275 280 712.5 82.08
08/28/2024 2024 World Juniors and Sub-Juniors Championships (USA) Nicolas Calidonia 2. JR -59 56.7 207.5 217.5 -222.5 130 140 145 195 -207.5 207.5 570 85.63
08/28/2024 2024 World Juniors and Sub-Juniors Championships (USA) John Sylvera 1. SJ -59 58.9 -180 180 195 115 122.5 127.5 215 230 -247.5 552.5 80.60
08/28/2024 2024 World Juniors and Sub-Juniors Championships (USA) Dwayne Coleman 2. JR 120+ 209 380 395 -410 205 220 227.5 285 302.5 -320 925 77.76
08/28/2024 2024 World Juniors and Sub-Juniors Championships (USA) Cole Schirg 2. SJ -120 107.6 275 287.5 305 195 205 -215 230 255 -272.5 765 77.36
08/28/2024 2024 World Juniors and Sub-Juniors Championships (USA) Reese Hamilton 7. JR -59 57.3 147.5 -160 -160 105 -110 -110 145 155 -165 407.5 60.70
08/28/2024 2024 World Juniors and Sub-Juniors Championships (USA) Brandon Jones 2. R-JR -93 92 285 310 -317.5 185 205 210 287.5 315 325 845 111.13
08/28/2024 2024 World Juniors and Sub-Juniors Championships (USA) Khandi C. Shuford 1. SJ -57 55.7 137.5 145 150 77.5 85 90 137.5 150 157.5 397.5 77.32
08/28/2024 2024 World Juniors and Sub-Juniors Championships (USA) Matt Foddrill 6. R-JR -74 73.5 227.5 242.5 247.5 -162.5 165 -172.5 -267.5 287.5 -297.5 700 103.17
08/28/2024 2024 World Juniors and Sub-Juniors Championships (USA) Tony Hinson 15. R-JR -83 83 252.5 -260 260 140 147.5 150 -290 290 297.5 707.5 97.97
08/28/2024 2024 World Juniors and Sub-Juniors Championships (USA) Camille Crutcher 2. SJ -47 46.1 115 -122.5 -122.5 52.5 60 65 -115 115 117.5 297.5 66.21
08/28/2024 2024 World Juniors and Sub-Juniors Championships (USA) Aidan Roeder 10. R-JR -93 92.3 280 290 -295 -165 165 -172.5 305 -325 -325 760 99.82
08/28/2024 2024 World Juniors and Sub-Juniors Championships (USA) Adeline Launey 4. SJ -52 51 -130 130 -137.5 72.5 77.5 82.5 137.5 145 147.5 360 74.31
08/28/2024 2024 World Juniors and Sub-Juniors Championships (USA) Jayden Edwards 2. R-JR -120 118.5 315 337.5 352.5 -187.5 192.5 200 320 347.5 350 902.5 105.49
08/28/2024 2024 World Juniors and Sub-Juniors Championships (USA) Celeste Godinez 1. SJ -69 69 170 -177.5 -177.5 92.5 100 107.5 137.5 150 155 432.5 74.35
08/28/2024 2024 World Juniors and Sub-Juniors Championships (USA) Stella Tintari 9. R-SJ -69 68.5 150 -157.5 -157.5 -80 80 87.5 140 150 -157.5 387.5 80.61
08/28/2024 2024 World Juniors and Sub-Juniors Championships (USA) Katelyn Plourde 11. R-SJ -57 56 97.5 105 110 72.5 77.5 -82.5 120 127.5 -135 315 74.89
08/28/2024 2024 World Juniors and Sub-Juniors Championships (USA) Jessica Espinal 1. R-JR -47 46.7 135 142.5 150 87.5 92.5 97.5 167.5 178 186 433.5 121.07
08/28/2024 2024 World Juniors and Sub-Juniors Championships (USA) Lauren Jansen 4. R-SJ -52 51.9 122.5 -130 -130 60 65 -70 137.5 147.5 155 342.5 86.63
08/28/2024 2024 World Juniors and Sub-Juniors Championships (USA) Chealsea Enemor 1. R-JR 84+ 116.7 215 225 227.5 115 120 125 222.5 232.5 238.5 591 101.82
08/28/2024 2024 World Juniors and Sub-Juniors Championships (USA) Brooke Naegel 1. R-SJ -63 62.7 152.5 157.5 -161.5 95 100.5 103 162.5 170 177.5 438 96.12
08/28/2024 2024 World Juniors and Sub-Juniors Championships (USA) Esperanza Delgado 2. R-SJ -76 75.1 182.5 -192.5 -192.5 97.5 -105 -107.5 182.5 190 -195 470 93.19
08/28/2024 2024 World Juniors and Sub-Juniors Championships (USA) Anne Tyler 3. R-SJ -84 80.7 147.5 157.5 162.5 65 72.5 77.5 185 192.5 -195 432.5 83.04
08/28/2024 2024 World Juniors and Sub-Juniors Championships (USA) Eleni Guerrera 1. R-SJ -57 56.2 -145 145 150 75 80 82.5 172.5 181 -184.5 413.5 98.10
08/28/2024 2024 World Juniors and Sub-Juniors Championships (USA) Angel Flores 1. SJ -66 63.3 202.5 -215 215 125 130 137.5 190 205 225 577.5 79.73
08/28/2024 2024 World Juniors and Sub-Juniors Championships (USA) Celine Orozco 2. JR -76 72.6 215 225 232.5 120 125 -130 170 180 190 547.5 91.80
08/28/2024 2024 World Juniors and Sub-Juniors Championships (USA) Savannah York 4. JR -69 66.7 190 200 210 115 -130 -132.5 160 175 -180 500 87.52
08/28/2024 2024 World Juniors and Sub-Juniors Championships (USA) Katherine Cargill 7. JR -76 74.7 -190 -190 190 -120 120 127.5 152.5 162.5 167.5 485 80.21
08/28/2024 2024 World Juniors and Sub-Juniors Championships (USA) Abigail Lee 2. JR 84+ 140.9 -250 250 270 132.5 145 155 177.5 190 -202.5 615 84.49
08/28/2024 2024 World Juniors and Sub-Juniors Championships (USA) Lola Cheramie 0. JR -57 54 165 175 -180 -92.5 -92.5 -92.5 167.5 175 -182.5 0 0.00
08/28/2024 2024 World Juniors and Sub-Juniors Championships (USA) Jackson Bice 1. SJ -74 73.1 225 -240 240 142.5 157.5 165 222.5 235 -247.5 640 79.95
08/28/2024 2024 World Juniors and Sub-Juniors Championships (USA) Jasmine Barlow 2. JR -43 41.6 -77.5 -77.5 77.5 47.5 -52.5 52.5 75 80 -82.5 210 50.74
08/28/2024 2024 World Juniors and Sub-Juniors Championships (USA) Michael Simmons 6. R-SJ -59 58.8 167.5 175 182.5 95 102.5 -105 187.5 202.5 215 500 82.89
08/28/2024 2024 World Juniors and Sub-Juniors Championships (USA) Trevor Klein 1. R-SJ 120+ 122 270 287.5 -295 213 -223 223 245 260 267.5 778 89.81
08/28/2024 2024 World Juniors and Sub-Juniors Championships (USA) William Ball 1. R-SJ -93 89.9 275 -290.5 -295.5 177.5 187.5 195 290 305 318 788 104.85
08/28/2024 2024 World Juniors and Sub-Juniors Championships (USA) Elliott Sykes 1. R-SJ -74 72.7 275.5 -295.5 295.5 -157.5 162.5 170.5 285.5 300 -312.5 766 113.50
08/28/2024 2024 World Juniors and Sub-Juniors Championships (USA) Bodie LaCoe 4. R-JR -59 58.5 180 190 200 102.5 107.5 112.5 -265 265 -287.5 577.5 96.04
08/28/2024 2024 World Juniors and Sub-Juniors Championships (USA) Ashton Fischer 2. R-SJ -105 100.2 -285 285 -295 200 -214.5 -214.5 280 295 305 790 99.71
08/28/2024 2024 World Juniors and Sub-Juniors Championships (USA) Austin Nikolai 1. R-JR -66 65.6 235 250 257.5 132.5 140 145 290 -308.5 -308.5 692.5 108.34
08/28/2024 2024 World Juniors and Sub-Juniors Championships (USA) Ryan Musto 2. R-SJ -120 118 270 285 290 165 180 185 290 302.5 315 790 92.53
08/28/2024 2024 World Juniors and Sub-Juniors Championships (USA) Landon Diepenbrock 0. JR -66 65.2 197.5 -210 -210 142.5 155 -162.5 -205 -205 -205 0 0.00
08/28/2024 2024 World Juniors and Sub-Juniors Championships (USA) Corey James Charleston 7. JR -105 102.4 260 -275 280 170 185 192.5 245 255 -265 727.5 75.24
08/28/2024 2024 World Juniors and Sub-Juniors Championships (USA) Ariyo Sanyaolu 5. JR -105 104.9 -305 305 320 175 -185 -185 297.5 307.5 -320 802.5 82.08
08/28/2024 2024 World Juniors and Sub-Juniors Championships (USA) Chase Lawton 4. JR -93 92.5 300 315 -320 215 222.5 -230 285 295 -315 832.5 90.54
08/28/2024 2024 World Juniors and Sub-Juniors Championships (USA) Haley Beardin 11. R-JR 84+ 84.7 125 137.5 147.5 -80 82.5 92.5 162.5 177.5 -190 417.5 78.61
08/28/2024 2024 World Juniors and Sub-Juniors Championships (USA) Liam Zuffoletti 8. JR -74 72 217.5 225 232.5 152.5 -160 -160 217.5 235 252.5 637.5 80.43
08/28/2024 2024 World Juniors and Sub-Juniors Championships (USA) Anika Klawikowski 8. R-SJ 84+ 96.6 125 140 145 62.5 70 75 142.5 -165 -165 362.5 65.29
08/28/2024 2024 World Juniors and Sub-Juniors Championships (USA) Sergio Lerma 2. JR -93 91.8 340 -355 355 182.5 -187.5 -187.5 -282.5 292.5 312.5 850 92.83
08/28/2024 2024 World Juniors and Sub-Juniors Championships (USA) Tayler Guidry 8. JR 84+ 100.2 185 197.5 -207.5 122.5 127.5 130 130 -145 145 472.5 69.91
08/28/2024 2024 World Juniors and Sub-Juniors Championships (USA) Lila Cooper 2. SJ -57 56.9 137.5 145 152.5 85 92.5 97.5 140 147.5 -152.5 397.5 76.32
08/28/2024 2024 World Juniors and Sub-Juniors Championships (USA) Brylee Batiste 1. SJ -84 83.4 197.5 -212.5 212.5 95 105 110 182.5 -200 212.5 535 84.38
08/28/2024 2024 World Juniors and Sub-Juniors Championships (USA) Mikayla Forsythe 1. SJ 84+ 101.4 180 192.5 202.5 135 -147.5 147.5 175 187.5 192.5 542.5 79.98
08/28/2024 2024 World Juniors and Sub-Juniors Championships (USA) Kaylee Robin 2. SJ -76 74 160 175 -185 -125 125 135 122.5 135 145 455 75.60
08/28/2024 2024 World Juniors and Sub-Juniors Championships (USA) Mena Reeves 5. JR -84 81.8 175 185 -195 105 -112.5 112.5 165 175 182.5 480 76.32
08/28/2024 2024 World Juniors and Sub-Juniors Championships (USA) Mackenzie Wells 2. SJ -84 82.2 195 205 215 105 110 115 187.5 197.5 202.5 532.5 84.50
08/28/2024 2024 World Juniors and Sub-Juniors Championships (USA) Lydia Shields 5. JR -63 60.3 145 155 162.5 90 97.5 -105 137.5 147.5 -152.5 407.5 75.46
08/05/2024 21st Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Michael Sysavan 1. R-JR -74 73.5 245 -255 -255 152.5 163 -168 255 270 276 684 100.77
08/05/2024 21st Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Thomas Cencich 1. M3 -93 91.9 150 175 -185 201 202 203 175 200 205 583 63.62
08/05/2024 21st Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Thomas Ashbrook 1. R-M3 -74 73.9 -165 165 -167.5 110 115 -117.5 180 -190 -190 460 67.60
08/05/2024 21st Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Nelson Martinez 1. O -105 104 -325 325 -345 260 -270 -270 255 270 -280 855 87.78
08/05/2024 21st Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Ron Falcone Jr 1. M3 -105 94.3 80 95 115 75 120 135 160 -180 180 430 46.30
08/05/2024 21st Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Carlos Lewis 0. R-M3 -74 73.5 -190 190 -208 -125 -130 -130 190 200 -220 0 0.00
08/05/2024 21st Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Huaiyu Tan 1. R-M1 -66 65.6 -160 160 -170 100 107.5 110 210 -223 -227.5 480 75.10
08/05/2024 21st Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Jessie Badeaux 1. O -120 114.2 345 -365 365 272.5 285 295 272.5 290 300 960 94.64
08/05/2024 21st Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Mario Leos 1. O -66 66 -250 250 260 187.5 192.5 197.5 237.5 -250 -250 695 93.09
08/05/2024 21st Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships John LaFlamme 1. R-M4 -74 73.6 157.5 165.5 -167.5 65 70 72.5 185.5 201 208 446 65.69
08/05/2024 21st Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Michael Haran 1. R-M1 -74 72.8 235 245 -250 140 147.5 -150 230 240 250 642.5 95.16
08/05/2024 21st Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Mark Leebrick 2. O -120 114 310 327.5 342.5 212.5 227.5 232.5 247.5 260 275 850 83.84
08/05/2024 21st Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Kamil Iwasiow 2. O -66 65.6 -235 -235 235 175 -180 -180 -220 -220 220 630 84.80
08/05/2024 21st Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Alex Thielemier 1. R-O -59 58.9 165 -172.5 -172.5 102.5 110 112.5 200 207.5 217.5 495 81.98
08/05/2024 21st Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships George Kern 1. M3 -66 65.7 112.5 120 -125 90 -95.5 95.5 167.5 175 -183.5 390.5 52.48
08/05/2024 21st Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Chris Boillot 1. M3 -83 82 -240 240 -276.5 75 75 390 45.37
08/05/2024 21st Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Robert Lane 1. R-M2 -74 73.6 175 185 190.5 127.5 135 137.5 245 261 -267.5 589 86.71
08/05/2024 21st Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Nicholas Farison 1. O -74 72.8 262.5 275 280 -187.5 187.5 -193 262.5 275 -290 742.5 93.04
08/05/2024 21st Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Miguel Jimenez 1. R-JR -66 65.1 210 220.5 227 145 152.5 155.5 232.5 245 -260.5 627.5 98.53
08/05/2024 21st Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Michelle Kane 1. R-M2 -84 82.7 137 145 155 100 106.5 110 156.5 165 170 435 82.68
08/05/2024 21st Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Saige Back 2. R-SJ 84+ 101.4 90 95 105 57.5 62.5 67.5 100 110 -117.5 282.5 50.20
08/05/2024 21st Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Heidi Meeley 1. R-M2 84+ 102.8 120 130 137.5 65 70 72.5 132.5 145 155 365 64.64
08/05/2024 21st Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Dylan Turner 1. R-JR -93 91.7 290 303 -315.5 182.5 191 193 285 300 -305 796 104.85
08/05/2024 21st Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Tiffany Savage 1. R-O -84 83.7 -182.5 192.5 200 122.5 132.5 140 200 217.5 232.5 572.5 108.27
08/05/2024 21st Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Michael Reed 1. R-M1 -93 92.2 237.5 247.5 250 155 162.5 -165 255 265 270 682.5 89.69
08/05/2024 21st Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Aracely Del Aguila 1. R-SJ -84 81.3 127.5 135 142.5 65 70 72.5 130 137.5 142.5 357.5 68.41
08/05/2024 21st Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Michelle Harrell 1. R-M1 84+ 107.5 142.5 147.5 152.5 92.5 95 97.5 165 172.5 -182.5 422.5 74.01
08/05/2024 21st Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Kaylee Mann 1. R-SJ 84+ 122.1 -170 177.5 185 60 62.5 65 140 147.5 157.5 407.5 69.65
08/05/2024 21st Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Isabella Gregory 1. R-SJ -57 55.7 100 105 107.5 70 75 -80.5 120 125 130 312.5 74.60
08/05/2024 21st Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Jim Kathios 1. R-M3 -105 102.7 200 210 -218 142.5 145.5 148 220 230.5 238.5 596.5 74.41
08/05/2024 21st Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Timothy Whang 2. R-JR 120+ 122 285 302.5 320 200 210 215 295 310 327.5 862.5 99.55
08/05/2024 21st Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Vanessa Pineda 1. R-O -52 51.3 142.5 150 155 75 80 82.5 170 -180 -180 407.5 104.20
08/05/2024 21st Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Kenneth Bennett 2. R-M3 -105 103.1 175 185 195 130 137.5 142.5 215 227.5 238 575.5 71.66
08/05/2024 21st Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Kenneth Cameron 1. R-M1 -120 118.5 225 240 250 167.5 172.5 -177.5 275 290 300 722.5 84.47
08/05/2024 21st Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Daisy Arreola Garcia 1. R-JR -63 62.9 157 166 173 92.5 97.5 102 160 175 183 458 100.31
08/05/2024 21st Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Kaye Johnson 1. R-O -57 56.1 137.5 142.5 -147.5 85 -90 -90 152.5 -160 -160 380 90.28
08/05/2024 21st Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Alec Buob 1. R-O -105 95.8 300 320 325.5 175 182.5 187.5 295 302.5 -312.5 815.5 105.19
08/05/2024 21st Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships James Farrior 1. R-M1 120+ 153.9 283.5 290 -295 207.5 217.5 225 275 285 292.5 807.5 84.89
08/05/2024 21st Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Hannah Smith 1. R-JR -69 63.3 130 135 -142.5 77.5 82.5 -85 145 155 -162.5 372.5 81.25
08/05/2024 21st Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Isabella Bilyeu 1. R-SJ -52 50.3 82.5 90 -95 47.5 52.5 55 125 135 140.5 285.5 74.29
08/05/2024 21st Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Devin Williams 1. R-O -120 119.9 300 320 -340 240.5 253.5 261 332.5 345 -367.5 926 107.68
08/05/2024 21st Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Esteban Rubens 1. R-M2 -120 112.8 225 240 250 155 165 -172.5 240 250 265 680 81.26
08/05/2024 21st Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Diana Alrabadi 2. R-JR -69 67.8 110 120 125 60 65 67.5 140 152.5 162.5 355 74.31
08/05/2024 21st Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Zahyra Hayes 1. SJ 84+ 145.4 175 195 205 110 120 -130 175 192.5 200 525 71.81
08/05/2024 21st Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Dante Deleon 1. R-JR 120+ 120.5 340 355 -360 215 -227.5 240 280 297.5 -312.5 892.5 103.56
08/05/2024 21st Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Emma Klime 2. R-SJ -52 49.1 -87.5 87.5 92.5 40 42.5 45 110 120 125 262.5 69.84
08/05/2024 21st Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Heather Connor 1. R-O -47 46.7 125 130 132.5 65 67.5 70 177.5 185 192.5 395 110.31
08/05/2024 21st Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Esteban Mallory 1. R-SJ -66 62.7 177.5 182.5 187.5 110 115 120 217.5 230 232.5 540 86.50
08/05/2024 21st Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Kristopher Lewis 2. O 120+ 128 272.5 -282.5 282.5 172.5 177.5 182.5 215 230 -240 695 65.60
08/05/2024 21st Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Lily Rubenstein 1. R-JR -76 75.4 142.5 -147.5 147.5 85 -95.5 -95.5 155 165 -170 397.5 78.69
08/05/2024 21st Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Ty Felle 1. SJ -83 80.7 -215 215 235 112.5 125 -135 210 220 235 595 69.86
08/05/2024 21st Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Daniel Hale 1. SJ -59 57.4 142.5 152.5 -157.5 100 -102.5 102.5 150 157.5 -170 412.5 61.36
08/05/2024 21st Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Linette Bogdan 1. R-M1 -76 75.7 142.5 152.5 157.5 87.5 92.5 95 180 190 -197 442.5 87.40
08/05/2024 21st Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Tyler Dehoff 2. R-SJ -66 65 177.5 185 188 115 120 122.5 217.5 225 227.5 538 84.58
08/05/2024 21st Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Steele Rogers 1. SJ -93 91.7 217.5 -227.5 227.5 147.5 157.5 162.5 215 225 237.5 627.5 68.56
08/05/2024 21st Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Joshua Thompson 1. SJ -66 65 227.5 235 245 105 117.5 127.5 225 235 250 622.5 84.34
08/05/2024 21st Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Jessica Kinney 1. R-O -76 74.3 170 180 185 107.5 112.5 115 202.5 215 222.5 522.5 104.14
08/05/2024 21st Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Rito Flores 1. R-SJ -74 73.7 -200 200 207.5 145 152.5 158 197.5 217.5 225 590.5 86.91
08/05/2024 21st Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Eric Arbour 1. SJ -74 71.4 237.5 247.5 -257.5 115 125 130 245 260 -272.5 637.5 80.88
08/05/2024 21st Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Alex Sydor 1. R-JR -83 82.9 237.5 250 257.5 157.5 165 170 275 287.5 -300 715 99.04
08/05/2024 21st Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Zen McCollum 1. O 120+ 171.1 390 410 417.5 302.5 315 320 310 327.5 -352.5 1065 92.67
08/05/2024 21st Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Arzad Afzaal 2. R-SJ -74 71.6 -190 190 -215 100 105 107.5 215 230 252.5 550 82.17
08/05/2024 21st Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Derek Logrande 1. R-O -74 73.1 220 230 235 175 183 185 235 247.5 -250 667.5 98.62
08/05/2024 21st Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Brett Falco 2. SJ -74 69.7 227.5 -237.5 -245 147.5 157.5 167.5 212.5 222.5 232.5 627.5 80.92
08/05/2024 21st Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Gavin Adin 1. R-O -93 92.1 310 -341 341 202.5 217.5 222.5 295 332.5 337.5 901 118.46
08/05/2024 21st Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Amber Gomez 1. M1 -76 74.1 137.5 -155 155 95 102.5 107.5 160 175 182.5 445 73.89
08/05/2024 21st Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Anna Gonzalez 1. O -52 51.6 -127.5 127.5 -140 77.5 -80 80 135 145 152.5 360 73.76
08/05/2024 21st Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Peyton Johnson 2. R-O -93 92.4 290 300 307.5 165 170 175 340 -355 355 837.5 109.94
08/05/2024 21st Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Juanita Najera 1. O -57 55.7 137.5 150 -155 60 80 -85 160 172.5 -185.5 402.5 78.29
08/05/2024 21st Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Aeryn Anderson 1. JR -69 64.4 135 -142.5 142.5 87.5 95 100 140 147.5 152.5 395 70.47
08/05/2024 21st Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Taylor Lachapelle 1. O -63 62.2 232.5 -240 240 147.5 152.5 158 227.5 235 -237.5 633 115.17
08/05/2024 21st Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Haileigh Lupo 0. JR -84 83 -167.5 167.5 -177.5 -125 -125 -125 -115 0 0.00
08/05/2024 21st Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Marcos Sanchez 1. R-M2 -93 91.8 230 240 -247.5 125 135 140 240 250 255 635 83.60
08/05/2024 21st Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Eleanor Lake 1. R-SJ -63 61.3 -115 115 122.5 65 70 72.5 120 125 -130 320 71.32
08/05/2024 21st Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Mathew Sanchez 1. JR -83 81.6 -260 270 280 162.5 170 180 235 250 267.5 727.5 84.85
08/05/2024 21st Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Amy Mason 1. R-M1 -63 62.6 140 145 147.5 75 77.5 80 162.5 175 -179 402.5 88.42
08/05/2024 21st Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Stephen Newman 1. R-SJ -105 101.4 240 250 255 160 165.5 171 257.5 273 283 709 89.00
08/05/2024 21st Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Joan Hon 1. R-M1 -69 67 112.5 120 -125 65 70 72.5 137.5 147.5 150 342.5 72.19
08/05/2024 21st Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Ryan Donnelly 1. M1 -105 104.6 275 -295 -300 222.5 235 -240 260 285 295 805 82.42
08/05/2024 21st Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Mason Ross 2. R-SJ -105 103.3 232.5 242.5 -250 155 162.5 170 242.5 260 -270 672.5 83.68
08/05/2024 21st Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Jaden Corpuz 2. R-SJ -63 58.5 107.5 115 120 45 50 55 120 127.5 -132.5 302.5 69.66
08/05/2024 21st Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Katie Achille 2. R-M1 -69 68.3 115 120 125 67.5 72.5 75 132.5 142.5 -147.5 342.5 71.39
08/05/2024 21st Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Jesse Johnson 1. JR -59 57.2 175 185 195 80 92.5 -97.5 185 -195 195 482.5 72.03
08/05/2024 21st Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Peter Vong 1. R-JR -59 58.6 180 -195.5 -195.5 100 105 -110 220 232.5 237.5 522.5 86.78
08/05/2024 21st Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Roberta Carlson 1. R-M2 -69 67.4 130 -137.5 137.5 67.5 72.5 75 167.5 177.5 185 397.5 83.45
08/05/2024 21st Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Rayshone Manuel 1. JR -66 64.4 175 185 -195 90 102.5 -115 200 210 217.5 505 68.85
08/05/2024 21st Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Ray Williams 1. R-O 120+ 200 432.5 457.5 -480 217.5 227.5 -235 320 340 -350 1025 98.82
08/05/2024 21st Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Michelle Liu 1. R-O -63 62.6 120 130 -135 87.5 92.5 96 175 185 -192.5 411 90.34
08/05/2024 21st Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Kindley Dill 2. R-JR -83 82.5 -257.5 260 275.5 142.5 150 155 245 260 -270 690.5 95.91
08/05/2024 21st Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Alexa-Briana Batchateu 1. R-JR -84 83.1 185 193 -200.5 77.5 82.5 85 207.5 215.5 220.5 498.5 94.54
08/05/2024 21st Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Todd Straub 1. R-M1 -83 82.7 220 230 -235 170 177.5 180 270 -285 -290 680 94.30
08/05/2024 21st Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Elis Bradshaw 1. R-M1 -84 80.6 152.5 160 162.5 80 85 87.5 167.5 175 180 430 82.60
08/05/2024 21st Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Willie Wong 1. R-M3 -83 82.6 -195 -195 195 107.5 112.5 -115 212.5 225 -230 532.5 73.89
08/05/2024 21st Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Amy Hutchison 2. R-M1 -84 83.9 145 150 -157.5 80 -85 85 -162.5 162.5 -170 397.5 75.12
08/05/2024 21st Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Andrew Grambow 0. SJ -105 98.9 -220 -220 -220 125 -135 -135 190 207.5 -220 0 0.00
08/05/2024 21st Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Daniel Russo 1. R-SJ -83 81.8 212.5 -222.5 -222.5 155 165 171 247.5 262.5 -272.5 646 90.09
08/05/2024 21st Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Evan Schmitt 1. SJ -120 119.3 237.5 250 -270 125 132.5 142.5 202.5 -215 215 607.5 58.85
08/05/2024 21st Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Hayden Pittman 2. R-SJ -83 77.7 190 200 212.5 120 125 130 220 235 -240 577.5 82.67
08/05/2024 21st Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Emily Badeaux 1. O -84 82 150 160 165 -125 125 130 142.5 157.5 -167.5 452.5 71.86
08/05/2024 21st Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Elizabeth Kroll 1. SJ -76 74.6 152.5 165 172.5 -107 -107 107 132.5 140 145 424.5 70.25
08/05/2024 21st Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Camille Crutcher 1. SJ -52 48.1 110 120 127.5 52.5 60 -70 -120 120 125 312.5 67.30
08/05/2024 21st Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Kelly Tonini 1. R-M1 -57 56.3 107.5 115 122.5 65 70 75 130 140 150 347.5 82.33
08/05/2024 21st Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Baylee Donovan 2. SJ -76 71.3 137.5 142.5 150 95 -100 100 160 162.5 -167.5 412.5 69.78
08/05/2024 21st Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Abbey Kelley 1. SJ -63 58.2 125 -130 -130 72.5 77.5 -80 120 127.5 -135 330 62.44
08/05/2024 21st Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Lisa Weiss 1. R-M2 -52 51 80 85 -87.5 55 -60 -60 125 130 135 275 70.62
08/05/2024 21st Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Naomi Lukas 1. SJ -69 68 -137.5 137.5 145 70 75 80 -132.5 132.5 142.5 367.5 63.67
08/05/2024 21st Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Dora Justice 1. R-M3 -57 56.3 72.5 -80 80 72.5 77.5 78 100 105 112.5 270.5 64.05
08/05/2024 21st Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Ella Riley 2. SJ -69 64.8 130 137.5 -145 -72.5 72.5 77.5 137.5 142.5 -152.5 357.5 63.53
07/22/2024 FISU World Championships Powerlifting Kimberly Pedroza 15. R-O -69 67.8 -105 -110 110 55 57.5 60 130 140 147.5 317.5 66.44
07/22/2024 FISU World Championships Powerlifting Faith Anderson 12. R-O -69 68.6 117.5 125 132.5 65 70 75 120 127.5 -137.5 335 69.62
07/22/2024 FISU World Championships Powerlifting Katherine Costanzo 11. R-O -57 54.6 97.5 107.5 112.5 52.5 -55 55 117.5 125 -132.5 292.5 70.97
07/22/2024 FISU World Championships Powerlifting Heaven Conner 9. R-O -84 79.6 120 127.5 132.5 72.5 -77.5 -77.5 117.5 125 132.5 337.5 65.16
07/22/2024 FISU World Championships Powerlifting Mirick Tarazon 5. R-O -59 58.6 142.5 150 -152.5 97.5 102.5 -105 180 -192.5 -192.5 432.5 71.85
07/22/2024 FISU World Championships Powerlifting Caity McMahon 4. R-O 84+ 94.5 120 127.5 130 65 70 -72.5 132.5 140 150 350 63.44
07/22/2024 FISU World Championships Powerlifting Justin Choy 15. R-O -83 82.2 222.5 237.5 -240 137.5 145 -150 245 -260 -260 627.5 87.31
07/22/2024 FISU World Championships Powerlifting Mena Reeves 7. R-O -84 81.5 152.5 160 -170 75 -82.5 -82.5 145 152.5 160 395 75.50
07/22/2024 FISU World Championships Powerlifting Polo Tapia 6. R-O 120+ 149.3 330 350 -362.5 190 -197.5 -197.5 250 -265 -265 790 84.01
07/22/2024 FISU World Championships Powerlifting Sydney Kender 12. R-O -63 59.6 105 112.5 -117.5 45 47.5 50 120 127.5 130 292.5 66.41
07/22/2024 FISU World Championships Powerlifting Princeton Phasakda 16. R-O -93 91.5 170 195 -230 142.5 150 152.5 195 225 -245 572.5 75.49
07/22/2024 FISU World Championships Powerlifting Gustavo Alvarado-P'rez 10. R-O -93 92.5 -245 245 252.5 142.5 147.5 152.5 260 267.5 -275 672.5 88.20
07/22/2024 FISU World Championships Powerlifting Matthew Schraith 7. R-O -105 103.5 -255 255 265 155 160 165 285 305 -322.5 735 91.34
07/22/2024 FISU World Championships Powerlifting Cameron Lunsford 4. R-O -105 103.8 -285 285 295 180 190 -197.5 260 270 282.5 767.5 95.28
07/22/2024 FISU World Championships Powerlifting Ayden Triano 6. R-O -59 55.9 122.5 -130 -130 75 -80 80 155 165 -180 367.5 62.57
07/22/2024 FISU World Championships Powerlifting Jaden Bilal 15. R-O -120 113.7 -227.5 227.5 -237.5 130 135 -137.5 265 272.5 -277.5 635 75.61
07/22/2024 FISU World Championships Powerlifting Andrew Cabindol 4. R-O -66 64.4 190 197.5 -202.5 150.5 -157.5 -157.5 227.5 235 -240 583 92.04
07/22/2024 FISU World Championships Powerlifting Dawson Aaron 5. R-O -83 82.4 240 252.5 -257.5 150 157.5 167.5 240 255 265 685 95.15
07/22/2024 FISU World Championships Powerlifting Megan Richard 10. R-O -76 75.2 150 160 167.5 87.5 90 95 142.5 150 -160 412.5 81.73
07/22/2024 FISU World Championships Powerlifting Jamie Scott 8. R-O -76 74.1 145 152.5 -157.5 80 85 87.5 175 182.5 -187.5 422.5 84.34
07/22/2024 FISU World Championships Powerlifting Annika Boungnavong 6. R-O 84+ 92.4 122.5 -130 130 55 60 62.5 125 135 142.5 335 61.15
07/22/2024 FISU World Championships Powerlifting Nicolas Flores 14. R-O -120 118.9 270 282.5 292.5 -155 -155 155 205 220 -225 667.5 77.91
07/22/2024 FISU World Championships Powerlifting Adam Dias 12. R-O -74 71.8 205 -207.5 -207.5 120 125 -127.5 217.5 230 242.5 572.5 85.36
07/22/2024 FISU World Championships Powerlifting Blaize Whitaker 9. R-O 120+ 143.1 240 252.5 255 157.5 165 175 262.5 285 -300 715 77.28
07/22/2024 FISU World Championships Powerlifting Micah Barron 11. R-O -74 73.6 205 -212.5 212.5 115 -122.5 122.5 250 -265 -265 585 86.14
07/22/2024 FISU World Championships Powerlifting Daniel Glavan 3. R-O -66 65.4 207.5 222.5 233 110 115 117.5 235 250 -267.5 600.5 94.05
06/16/2024 World Classic Open Powerlifting Championships Meghan Scanlon 1. R-O -63 62.6 182.5 192.5 202.5 135 140 -144 195 205 210 552.5 121.38
06/16/2024 World Classic Open Powerlifting Championships Megan Hurlburt 5. R-O -52 52 155 -165 -165 95 102.5 -105 162.5 175 -187.5 432.5 109.21
06/16/2024 World Classic Open Powerlifting Championships Jessica Espinal 2. R-O -47 46.6 132.5 140 147.5 90 -95 -95 167.5 177.5 -197.5 415 116.02
06/16/2024 World Classic Open Powerlifting Championships Amanda Lawrence 1. R-O -84 83.1 227.5 237.5 247.5 122.5 130 135 240 260 -265 642.5 121.85
06/16/2024 World Classic Open Powerlifting Championships Jonathan Garcia 2. R-O -66 65.6 250 -262.5 270 160 170 177.5 -252.5 260 -265 707.5 110.69
06/16/2024 World Classic Open Powerlifting Championships Gabby Martinez 4. R-O -69 68.4 182.5 192.5 200 112.5 -120 122.5 210 222.5 -230 545 113.51
06/16/2024 World Classic Open Powerlifting Championships Russel Orhii 2. R-O -83 82.7 305 321 -328 180 185 187.5 310 325 335 843.5 117.01
06/16/2024 World Classic Open Powerlifting Championships Cranon Worford 3. R-O -76 76 205 215 220 115 120 -122.5 220 235 245 585 115.34
06/16/2024 World Classic Open Powerlifting Championships Brandon Pitre 3. R-O -93 92.3 295 310 320 197.5 207.5 210 337.5 357.5 -365 887.5 116.53
06/16/2024 World Classic Open Powerlifting Championships Alexis Jones 3. R-O 84+ 134.8 245 260 275 152.5 160 167 242.5 257.5 262.5 704.5 118.77
06/16/2024 World Classic Open Powerlifting Championships Ashton Rouska 1. R-O -105 102.9 325 355 365.5 200 210 -215 332.5 360 365 940.5 117.22
06/16/2024 World Classic Open Powerlifting Championships Austin Perkins 1. R-O -74 72.8 290 305.5 311 187.5 195 200 300 317.5 325 836 123.83
06/16/2024 World Classic Open Powerlifting Championships Wascar Carpio 1. R-O -59 59 202.5 215 222.5 137.5 145 147.5 240 255 267.5 637.5 105.49
06/16/2024 World Classic Open Powerlifting Championships Bobb Matthews 1. R-O -120 105.9 327.5 347.5 352.5 227.5 235 237.5 345 367.5 380 970 119.29
06/16/2024 World Classic Open Powerlifting Championships Jesus Olivares 1. R-O 120+ 179.9 425 455 245 255 262.5 365 385 395 1112.5 110.79
05/22/2024 2024 IPF World Age Division Bench Press Championships Drew Carrithers 5. R-JR 120+ 161.9 197.5 207.5 -217.5 207.5 78.02
05/22/2024 2024 IPF World Age Division Bench Press Championships Natalie Hanson 4. O -76 75.9 172.5 175 -180 175 95.45
05/22/2024 2024 IPF World Age Division Bench Press Championships Aliza Tessler 6. R-O -84 82.1 100 107.5 112.5 112.5 84.43
05/22/2024 2024 IPF World Age Division Bench Press Championships Andyn Grubb 2. R-SJ -66 65 -120 120 -135 120 68.66
05/22/2024 2024 IPF World Age Division Bench Press Championships Lola Cheramie 2. JR -57 54.5 80 85 -90 85 56.75
05/22/2024 2024 IPF World Age Division Bench Press Championships Christina Peters 4. R-JR -76 74.8 87.5 -97.5 -97.5 87.5 67.58
05/22/2024 2024 IPF World Age Division Bench Press Championships Casey Hill 4. O -57 56 120 130 137.5 137.5 89.93
05/22/2024 2024 IPF World Age Division Bench Press Championships David Syrotchen 1. R-SJ -93 88.7 142.5 -147.5 155 155 75.30
05/22/2024 2024 IPF World Age Division Bench Press Championships Astrid Girolamo 4. R-M1 -57 56.9 72.5 77.5 -85 77.5 69.01
05/22/2024 2024 IPF World Age Division Bench Press Championships William Holloway 5. R-JR -93 86.4 152.5 162.5 167.5 167.5 82.46
05/22/2024 2024 IPF World Age Division Bench Press Championships Antara Jackson 1. R-JR -84 83.2 107.5 112.5 -120 112.5 84.13
05/22/2024 2024 IPF World Age Division Bench Press Championships Aeryn Anderson 2. JR -63 62.8 80 85 87.5 87.5 52.94
05/22/2024 2024 IPF World Age Division Bench Press Championships Heather Heywood 9. R-O -63 62.8 32.5 37.5 -42.5 37.5 31.36
05/22/2024 2024 IPF World Age Division Bench Press Championships Kelsey McCarthy 1. O -69 67.9 172.5 177.5 -183.5 177.5 102.47
05/22/2024 2024 IPF World Age Division Bench Press Championships Isabel Olivarez 0. JR -69 68.5 -107.5 -110 -110 0 0.00
05/22/2024 2024 IPF World Age Division Bench Press Championships Patricia Southerland 5. O -63 62.9 -140 140 -145 140 84.57
05/22/2024 2024 IPF World Age Division Bench Press Championships Terrin Howard 5. R-JR -120 105.6 152.5 157.5 -160 157.5 70.35
05/22/2024 2024 IPF World Age Division Bench Press Championships Kiersten Madoo 3. R-JR -84 82.3 85 -90 -97.5 85 63.76
05/22/2024 2024 IPF World Age Division Bench Press Championships Jamie Fisher 2. R-O -52 51.6 100 102.5 -107.5 102.5 98.89
05/22/2024 2024 IPF World Age Division Bench Press Championships Katelyn Gmernicki 4. O -69 65.6 130 132.5 135 135 79.49
05/22/2024 2024 IPF World Age Division Bench Press Championships Rebecca Salter 7. O 84+ 107.5 100 110 -120 110 53.24
05/22/2024 2024 IPF World Age Division Bench Press Championships Daniel Haroon 2. R-SJ -120 109.4 125 137.5 147.5 147.5 64.83
05/22/2024 2024 IPF World Age Division Bench Press Championships Joy Rindfleisch 1. R-JR -69 67.2 105 112.5 120 120 96.89
05/22/2024 2024 IPF World Age Division Bench Press Championships Stephanie Birkhimer 5. R-O -69 67.4 92.5 100 102.5 102.5 82.61
05/22/2024 2024 IPF World Age Division Bench Press Championships Haileigh Lupo 1. JR -84 82.9 120 125 130 130 68.24
05/22/2024 2024 IPF World Age Division Bench Press Championships Brett Falco 1. SJ -66 65.3 127.5 142.5 155 155 68.00
05/22/2024 2024 IPF World Age Division Bench Press Championships Damian Fronzaglia 1. R-M2 -74 73 155 160 170 170 91.32
05/22/2024 2024 IPF World Age Division Bench Press Championships Bryce Toups 4. JR -59 58 120 127.5 -135 127.5 64.20
05/22/2024 2024 IPF World Age Division Bench Press Championships Dennis Alba 3. R-M3 -83 79.8 150 160 -164 160 82.04
05/22/2024 2024 IPF World Age Division Bench Press Championships William Clayton 3. M4 -93 84.3 92.5 -100 100 100 35.21
05/22/2024 2024 IPF World Age Division Bench Press Championships John Sylvera 2. SJ -59 58.4 100 107.5 115 115 57.40
05/22/2024 2024 IPF World Age Division Bench Press Championships James Ray 2. R-M3 120+ 158.7 182.5 195 -200 195 73.82
05/22/2024 2024 IPF World Age Division Bench Press Championships Steven Edwards 3. R-M3 -66 65 90 95 -110 95 54.36
05/22/2024 2024 IPF World Age Division Bench Press Championships James Ray 3. M3 120+ 158.4 220 -230 -242.5 220 60.31
05/22/2024 2024 IPF World Age Division Bench Press Championships Howard Sturman 2. R-M3 -83 82.4 -157.5 157.5 164.5 164.5 82.96
05/22/2024 2024 IPF World Age Division Bench Press Championships Lawson Lillo 1. SJ -83 81.5 205 -235.5 -235.5 205 73.93
05/22/2024 2024 IPF World Age Division Bench Press Championships Ariyo Sanyaolu 3. JR -120 107.7 170 180 -185 180 55.25
05/22/2024 2024 IPF World Age Division Bench Press Championships Levi Cowart 3. JR -105 97.4 195 212.5 237.5 237.5 76.56
05/22/2024 2024 IPF World Age Division Bench Press Championships David Doan 1. R-M3 120+ 127 185 197.5 202.5 202.5 83.42
05/22/2024 2024 IPF World Age Division Bench Press Championships Thomas Cencich 2. R-M3 -93 90.4 145 150 -152.5 150 72.17
05/22/2024 2024 IPF World Age Division Bench Press Championships Cole Schirg 2. SJ -105 103.8 185 195 -205 195 60.89
05/22/2024 2024 IPF World Age Division Bench Press Championships Nicolas Calidonia 3. JR -59 57.9 125 135 142.5 142.5 71.91
05/22/2024 2024 IPF World Age Division Bench Press Championships Joseph McAuliffe 2. R-M2 -83 81.9 162.5 170 175 175 88.51
05/22/2024 2024 IPF World Age Division Bench Press Championships Jim Kathios 4. R-M3 -105 102.9 142.5 147.5 152.5 152.5 68.93
05/22/2024 2024 IPF World Age Division Bench Press Championships Dora Justice 1. M3 -57 55.9 -77.5 80 -85 80 52.39
05/22/2024 2024 IPF World Age Division Bench Press Championships Easton Schuster 1. O -93 92.3 325 332.5 340 340 112.96
05/22/2024 2024 IPF World Age Division Bench Press Championships Danny Hashempour 7. R-JR -93 89.4 137.5 -145 145 145 70.15
05/22/2024 2024 IPF World Age Division Bench Press Championships isabelle iliev 1. M2 -63 62.3 117.5 122.5 -127.5 122.5 74.49
05/22/2024 2024 IPF World Age Division Bench Press Championships Kathryn Cordeiro 1. R-M3 -47 46.1 55 -60 -60 55 59.69
05/22/2024 2024 IPF World Age Division Bench Press Championships Jack Solomon 8. R-O -66 64.2 125 -140 145 145 83.54
05/22/2024 2024 IPF World Age Division Bench Press Championships Cael McDaniel 1. SJ -120 113.7 185 190 212.5 212.5 63.78
05/22/2024 2024 IPF World Age Division Bench Press Championships Claudia Nagata 6. M2 -69 63.2 75 77.5 -82.5 77.5 46.68
05/22/2024 2024 IPF World Age Division Bench Press Championships Donna Marts 1. M3 -76 69.3 92.5 97.5 105 105 59.94
05/22/2024 2024 IPF World Age Division Bench Press Championships James Kellerman 9. R-JR -105 101.1 165 170 -177.5 170 77.48
05/22/2024 2024 IPF World Age Division Bench Press Championships Jonathan Losa 2. M1 -93 85.7 180 210 -250 210 73.14
05/22/2024 2024 IPF World Age Division Bench Press Championships John Tyler 3. R-JR -105 96.3 182.5 190 197.5 197.5 92.13
05/22/2024 2024 IPF World Age Division Bench Press Championships Lenore Gelb 1. R-M4 -76 73.5 40 45 47.5 47.5 36.92
05/22/2024 2024 IPF World Age Division Bench Press Championships Kim Wilson 5. M2 -57 56.4 67.5 75 -85 75 48.83
05/22/2024 2024 IPF World Age Division Bench Press Championships Martin Agoes 9. O -120 119.4 250 -320 -337.5 250 73.69
05/22/2024 2024 IPF World Age Division Bench Press Championships Lynne Homan 2. M3 -63 58.7 77.5 80 82.5 82.5 52.20
05/22/2024 2024 IPF World Age Division Bench Press Championships Rito Flores 1. R-SJ -74 73.5 137.5 145 152.5 152.5 81.62
05/22/2024 2024 IPF World Age Division Bench Press Championships Gale Williams 1. M4 -69 66.9 72.5 78 80.5 80.5 46.86
05/22/2024 2024 IPF World Age Division Bench Press Championships Brady Graceffa 11. R-JR -83 81.4 135 145 152.5 152.5 77.39
05/22/2024 2024 IPF World Age Division Bench Press Championships Linda Gorham 1. R-M4 84+ 91.6 62.5 67.5 70 70 51.26
05/22/2024 2024 IPF World Age Division Bench Press Championships Austin Brown 4. O -105 103.6 -307.5 312.5 317.5 317.5 99.23
05/22/2024 2024 IPF World Age Division Bench Press Championships Marie Brenden 1. M3 -84 81.1 115 -120 120 120 63.56
05/22/2024 2024 IPF World Age Division Bench Press Championships Jack Reynolds 1. R-SJ -83 81.2 162.5 177.5 185 185 94.01
05/22/2024 2024 IPF World Age Division Bench Press Championships Vicki Brackett 1. M3 84+ 127 105 112.5 -117.5 112.5 52.76
05/22/2024 2024 IPF World Age Division Bench Press Championships Henrik Chan 4. R-JR -120 119.3 167.5 -180 -182.5 167.5 70.86
05/22/2024 2024 IPF World Age Division Bench Press Championships Dora Justice 1. R-M3 -57 55.5 70 75 -83 75 68.03
05/22/2024 2024 IPF World Age Division Bench Press Championships Matthew Deans 4. R-SJ -83 81.1 85 -92.5 92.5 92.5 47.03
05/22/2024 2024 IPF World Age Division Bench Press Championships Mikayla Forsythe 1. SJ 84+ 99.5 125 135 142.5 142.5 70.34
05/22/2024 2024 IPF World Age Division Bench Press Championships Ryli Greer 6. R-SJ -63 58.3 50 55 -62.5 55 48.15
05/22/2024 2024 IPF World Age Division Bench Press Championships Celeste Godinez 2. SJ -69 68.8 90 95 100 100 57.33
05/22/2024 2024 IPF World Age Division Bench Press Championships Chelsea Savit 1. R-O -76 73.7 125 132.5 137.5 137.5 106.76
05/22/2024 2024 IPF World Age Division Bench Press Championships Lynne Homan 3. R-M3 -63 58.6 55 60 -65 60 52.37
05/22/2024 2024 IPF World Age Division Bench Press Championships Kevin Hutchinson 1. M4 -105 99.4 130 145 -194 145 46.24
05/22/2024 2024 IPF World Age Division Bench Press Championships Eleni Guerrera 1. R-SJ -57 56.2 77.5 -82.5 -85 77.5 69.68
05/22/2024 2024 IPF World Age Division Bench Press Championships Bailey Fields 2. SJ -84 79.3 -92.5 92.5 -102.5 92.5 49.45
05/22/2024 2024 IPF World Age Division Bench Press Championships Marie Brenden 1. R-M3 -84 80.8 82.5 87.5 95 95 71.61
05/22/2024 2024 IPF World Age Division Bench Press Championships Daniel Sides 3. M3 -74 73.3 120 130 137.5 137.5 53.99
05/22/2024 2024 IPF World Age Division Bench Press Championships Sagan Marks 2. R-SJ -76 71.8 67.5 72.5 75 75 58.82
05/22/2024 2024 IPF World Age Division Bench Press Championships Kaylee Robin 1. SJ -76 74.5 120 135 -145.5 135 74.26
05/22/2024 2024 IPF World Age Division Bench Press Championships Jasmine Barlow 2. JR -43 42.7 -47.5 -47.5 47.5 47.5 39.65
05/22/2024 2024 IPF World Age Division Bench Press Championships Lilyan Jackson 1. R-M2 84+ 170.8 115 120 130.5 130.5 91.73
05/22/2024 2024 IPF World Age Division Bench Press Championships Giselle Altamirano 4. R-SJ -63 60.2 62.5 67.5 -72.5 67.5 57.87
05/22/2024 2024 IPF World Age Division Bench Press Championships Lila Cooper 1. SJ -57 56.8 82.5 -92.5 92.5 92.5 59.87
05/22/2024 2024 IPF World Age Division Bench Press Championships Katherine Cargill 2. JR -76 73.8 117.5 122.5 125 125 69.08
05/22/2024 2024 IPF World Age Division Bench Press Championships Joah Iannotta 1. R-M2 -76 75.4 105 112.5 -117.5 112.5 86.66
05/22/2024 2024 IPF World Age Division Bench Press Championships Steve Petrencak 1. M2 -66 64.5 110 -117.5 120 120 53.34
05/22/2024 2024 IPF World Age Division Bench Press Championships Phillip Wilkins 1. R-M1 -105 102.9 217.5 -225 -227.5 217.5 98.33
05/22/2024 2024 IPF World Age Division Bench Press Championships Michael Rodriguez 1. M3 -74 72.2 155 -162.5 -162.5 155 61.72
05/22/2024 2024 IPF World Age Division Bench Press Championships Chris Walter 1. R-M2 -105 98.9 195 200 205 205 94.41
05/22/2024 2024 IPF World Age Division Bench Press Championships Edward Ruland 4. R-M2 -93 92.5 172.5 180 187.5 187.5 89.19
05/22/2024 2024 IPF World Age Division Bench Press Championships Michael Kalter 5. M2 120+ 120.6 202.5 212.5 -225 212.5 62.40
05/22/2024 2024 IPF World Age Division Bench Press Championships Steve Petrencak 2. R-M2 -66 63.8 -112.5 112.5 115 115 66.45
05/22/2024 2024 IPF World Age Division Bench Press Championships Robert Keller 3. M3 -120 119.9 155 -160 160 160 47.09
05/22/2024 2024 IPF World Age Division Bench Press Championships Merdan Nursahatov 2. R-M1 -74 73.9 162.5 167.5 -180 167.5 89.42
05/22/2024 2024 IPF World Age Division Bench Press Championships Jorge Castaneda 1. R-M2 -120 113.9 212.5 -217.5 220 220 94.95
05/22/2024 2024 IPF World Age Division Bench Press Championships David Doan 1. M3 120+ 129.6 225 232.5 245 245 70.33
05/22/2024 2024 IPF World Age Division Bench Press Championships Kenneth Bennett 5. M3 -105 103.8 145 152.5 -177.5 152.5 47.62
05/22/2024 2024 IPF World Age Division Bench Press Championships Llalando Austin 3. R-M1 -83 81.2 182.5 192.5 -202.5 192.5 97.79
05/22/2024 2024 IPF World Age Division Bench Press Championships Michael McQueen 4. R-M2 -105 102.7 175 182.5 187.5 187.5 84.83
05/22/2024 2024 IPF World Age Division Bench Press Championships Kevin Farley 4. M2 -105 99.9 -195 200 -210 200 63.64
05/22/2024 2024 IPF World Age Division Bench Press Championships Thomas Cencich 1. M3 -93 91 192.5 -197.5 -197.5 192.5 64.50
05/22/2024 2024 IPF World Age Division Bench Press Championships Umar Abdullah 1. R-M1 120+ 186 240 250 -270 250 89.99
05/22/2024 2024 IPF World Age Division Bench Press Championships Michelle Carlascio 4. M2 -63 58.8 50 -55 55 55 34.74
05/22/2024 2024 IPF World Age Division Bench Press Championships Lindsay Rubel 2. R-M1 -69 67.9 85 -90 90 90 72.31
05/22/2024 2024 IPF World Age Division Bench Press Championships Michael Hara 1. R-M3 -74 73.4 135 147.5 150 150 80.34
05/22/2024 2024 IPF World Age Division Bench Press Championships Sarah Wages 3. M1 84+ 133.2 140 -150 150 150 69.87
05/22/2024 2024 IPF World Age Division Bench Press Championships Courtney Costrino 3. R-M1 -76 75.5 -87.5 90 -95 90 69.30
05/22/2024 2024 IPF World Age Division Bench Press Championships Maura Shuttleworth 4. O -52 52 -107.5 107.5 110 110 76.29
05/22/2024 2024 IPF World Age Division Bench Press Championships Joe Dibert 1. R-M2 120+ 139.9 210 -212.5 217.5 217.5 86.22
05/22/2024 2024 IPF World Age Division Bench Press Championships Marvin Huber 1. R-M4 -66 65 92.5 97.5 100 100 57.22
05/22/2024 2024 IPF World Age Division Bench Press Championships Rosalind Sutch 3. R-M1 -84 82.7 85 90 -95 90 67.42
05/22/2024 2024 IPF World Age Division Bench Press Championships Faith Clough 2. M1 -63 61.3 72.5 80 85 85 52.20
05/22/2024 2024 IPF World Age Division Bench Press Championships Salena Smashum 4. R-M2 -76 74 52.5 57.5 -65 57.5 44.58
05/22/2024 2024 IPF World Age Division Bench Press Championships Nora Keller 3. M1 -84 78.4 92.5 100 -105 100 53.74
05/22/2024 2024 IPF World Age Division Bench Press Championships Robert Greer 4. R-M1 -120 119.4 187.5 197.5 -207.5 197.5 83.50
05/22/2024 2024 IPF World Age Division Bench Press Championships Ken Levine 3. R-M4 -83 81.6 112.5 117.5 122.5 122.5 62.07
05/22/2024 2024 IPF World Age Division Bench Press Championships Jennie Hollier 3. R-M1 -57 56 75 80 -85 80 72.12
05/22/2024 2024 IPF World Age Division Bench Press Championships Melissa Schulte 4. R-M1 -63 61.9 72.5 77.5 -87.5 77.5 65.33
05/22/2024 2024 IPF World Age Division Bench Press Championships Amber Gomez 3. M1 -76 73.4 100 102.5 107.5 107.5 59.56
05/22/2024 2024 IPF World Age Division Bench Press Championships Farod-James Kee 1. R-O 120+ 142.1 257.5 267.5 285 285 112.31
05/22/2024 2024 IPF World Age Division Bench Press Championships Michal Harris 3. M2 84+ 88.8 67.5 -75 -75 67.5 34.52
05/22/2024 2024 IPF World Age Division Bench Press Championships Kevin Hutchinson 2. R-M4 -105 97.9 140 -150 -152.5 140 64.80
05/22/2024 2024 IPF World Age Division Bench Press Championships Sarah Wages 3. R-M1 84+ 131.3 107.5 112.5 122.5 122.5 86.57
05/22/2024 2024 IPF World Age Division Bench Press Championships Melissa Copeland 1. R-M1 84+ 121.1 125 130 137.5 137.5 97.55
05/22/2024 2024 IPF World Age Division Bench Press Championships Sara Rodock 5. O -84 83.1 157.5 -162.5 -162.5 157.5 82.58
05/22/2024 2024 IPF World Age Division Bench Press Championships Derek Logrande 6. R-O -74 73.5 172.5 182.5 -190 182.5 97.71
05/22/2024 2024 IPF World Age Division Bench Press Championships Joe Dibert 1. M2 120+ 140.6 -297.5 297.5 -323 297.5 83.56
05/22/2024 2024 IPF World Age Division Bench Press Championships Amelia Gercken 5. R-JR -76 76 65 70 75 75 57.62
05/22/2024 2024 IPF World Age Division Bench Press Championships Aaron Pomerantz 4. O -83 81.7 -275 275 -305 275 99.05
05/22/2024 2024 IPF World Age Division Bench Press Championships Gary Reale 3. R-M4 -74 73.3 90 95 -102.5 95 50.92
05/22/2024 2024 IPF World Age Division Bench Press Championships Kamil Iwasiow 4. O -66 65.7 175 -185 -185 175 76.29
05/22/2024 2024 IPF World Age Division Bench Press Championships Kate Hall 3. R-SJ -69 68.2 57.5 62.5 67.5 67.5 54.11
05/22/2024 2024 IPF World Age Division Bench Press Championships Megan Hurlburt 1. R-O -57 56.3 97.5 102.5 107.5 107.5 96.53
05/22/2024 2024 IPF World Age Division Bench Press Championships Marcus Meaux 3. M1 120+ 158.2 -275 275 292.5 292.5 80.21
05/22/2024 2024 IPF World Age Division Bench Press Championships Mel Tatsumi 3. R-M4 -59 54.9 50 60 -62.5 60 37.70
05/22/2024 2024 IPF World Age Division Bench Press Championships Elizabeth Parker 4. R-O -47 44.1 -60 60 -70 60 68.65
05/22/2024 2024 IPF World Age Division Bench Press Championships Jeremy Fischer 7. O 120+ 176.9 205 -220 -225 205 55.31
05/22/2024 2024 IPF World Age Division Bench Press Championships Andy Furnas 2. M3 -83 80.3 157.5 165 -180 165 60.19
05/22/2024 2024 IPF World Age Division Bench Press Championships Claude Welcome 2. R-M4 -93 91.4 130 135 -140 135 64.60
05/22/2024 2024 IPF World Age Division Bench Press Championships Tashell Kerr 6. R-O 84+ 95.2 107.5 117.5 -122.5 117.5 85.48
05/22/2024 2024 IPF World Age Division Bench Press Championships Mark Leebrick 10. O -120 111.2 212.5 225 230 230 69.65
05/22/2024 2024 IPF World Age Division Bench Press Championships Luke Hanifen 1. M1 -83 82.9 220 230 235 235 83.75
05/22/2024 2024 IPF World Age Division Bench Press Championships Austin Perkins 5. R-O -74 73.4 190 -202.5 -202.5 190 101.80
05/22/2024 2024 IPF World Age Division Bench Press Championships Ryan Gill 2. M1 -120 119.1 232.5 240 247.5 247.5 73.01
05/22/2024 2024 IPF World Age Division Bench Press Championships Michael Dudley 1. R-O -105 103.8 -230 230 242.5 242.5 109.16
05/22/2024 2024 IPF World Age Division Bench Press Championships Jeremy Auerbach 5. R-O 120+ 147.7 235 242.5 250 250 97.09
05/22/2024 2024 IPF World Age Division Bench Press Championships James Townsend 6. R-M1 -105 104.8 172.5 177.5 -187.5 177.5 79.55
05/22/2024 2024 IPF World Age Division Bench Press Championships Adam Mamola 0. O -93 91.8 -325 -330 -332.5 0 0.00
05/22/2024 2024 IPF World Age Division Bench Press Championships William Thacker 3. M2 -120 108.1 245 255 -270 255 78.17
05/22/2024 2024 IPF World Age Division Bench Press Championships Ryan Baylark 7. R-O -93 92.5 190 202.5 -210 202.5 96.33
05/22/2024 2024 IPF World Age Division Bench Press Championships Frederick Quarles 6. R-M1 -120 118.5 182.5 187.5 -207.5 187.5 79.55
05/22/2024 2024 IPF World Age Division Bench Press Championships Mike Ciupinski 3. M1 -83 81.8 -227.5 227.5 -232.5 227.5 81.83
05/22/2024 2024 IPF World Age Division Bench Press Championships Marcus Warren 1. M2 -105 103.7 230 242.5 -257.5 242.5 75.74
05/22/2024 2024 IPF World Age Division Bench Press Championships Kaden Hush 1. R-O -120 118 240 247.5 255 255 108.38
05/22/2024 2024 IPF World Age Division Bench Press Championships Jonathan Losa 2. R-M1 -83 82.3 192.5 202.5 -207.5 202.5 102.16
05/22/2024 2024 IPF World Age Division Bench Press Championships Andrew Cargill 2. M1 120+ 154.1 -290 290 292.5 292.5 80.58
05/22/2024 2024 IPF World Age Division Bench Press Championships Dale McLaren 1. M1 -105 104.4 272.5 280 -290 280 87.19
02/10/2024 Sheffield 2024 Delaney Wallace 3. R-O -83 82.8 282.5 297.5 305 192.5 202.5 207.5 310 330 -335 842.5 116.80
02/10/2024 Sheffield 2024 Gavin Adin 4. R-O -93 92.9 305 331.5 337 192.5 205 -212.5 295 320 345 887 116.09
02/10/2024 Sheffield 2024 Natalie Richards 9. R-O -57 56.4 172.5 180 186.5 100 107.5 110 205 220 -230 516.5 122.19
02/10/2024 Sheffield 2024 Jesus Olivares 11. R-O 120+ 186.7 425 455 478 255 -275 -275 -380 380 -429 1113 109.54
02/10/2024 Sheffield 2024 Amanda Lawrence 11. R-O -84 83.5 235 249.5 -253 122.5 130 135 242.5 262.5 -269 647 122.47
02/10/2024 Sheffield 2024 Jonathan Cayco 2. R-O -93 92.7 285 -297.5 300 235 243.5 245.5 320 340 347.5 893 117.04
11/13/2023 IPF World Equipped Open Powerlifting Championships Natalie Hanson 3. O -76 75.7 230 -240 240 170 175 -177.5 165 170 -175 585 96.19
11/13/2023 IPF World Equipped Open Powerlifting Championships Kelsey McCarthy 1. O -69 68.1 235 -245 245 170 -175 -175 200 207.5 212.5 627.5 108.64
11/13/2023 IPF World Equipped Open Powerlifting Championships Katelyn Gmernicki 9. O -63 62.4 170 177.5 182.5 120 125 -127.5 165 172.5 175 482.5 87.62
11/13/2023 IPF World Equipped Open Powerlifting Championships Kamilah Todd 6. O 84+ 112.1 235 -250 255 147.5 155 -157.5 175 187.5 -192.5 597.5 85.77
11/13/2023 IPF World Equipped Open Powerlifting Championships Joseph Cappellino 1. O 120+ 163.1 410 427.5 -440 325 -332.5 -332.5 310 330 335 1087.5 95.64
11/13/2023 IPF World Equipped Open Powerlifting Championships Taylor Lachapelle 1. O -63 61.5 -232.5 232.5 237.5 150 155 157.5 227.5 232.5 235 630 115.32
11/13/2023 IPF World Equipped Open Powerlifting Championships Alexandra Chavez 7. O 84+ 93.7 190 -202.5 210 -127.5 130 -135 150 165 175 515 77.83
11/13/2023 IPF World Equipped Open Powerlifting Championships Gregory Johnson 0. O -93 92.1 -345 345 -357.5 -200 -200 -200 350 357.5 -362.5 0 0.00
11/13/2023 IPF World Equipped Open Powerlifting Championships Katherine Cargill 12. O -69 68.5 -185 185 190 107.5 110 112.5 150 155 157.5 460 79.40
11/13/2023 IPF World Equipped Open Powerlifting Championships Ian Bell 1. O -105 104.1 372.5 392.5 -397.5 255 262.5 265 357.5 370 388.5 1046 107.34
11/13/2023 IPF World Equipped Open Powerlifting Championships Eric Kupperstein 8. O -59 58.4 -195 195 -215 45 50 -55 -185 185 200 445 65.31
11/13/2023 IPF World Equipped Open Powerlifting Championships Kimberly Johnson 1. O -57 56.8 200 205 -210 140 147.5 150 190 195 200 555 106.68
11/13/2023 IPF World Equipped Open Powerlifting Championships Nathan Landry 5. O -74 73.6 270 280 -285 190 192.5 195 260 270 275 750 93.27
11/13/2023 IPF World Equipped Open Powerlifting Championships Noah Johnson 4. O -93 92 -375 375 -385 -225 225 230 330 -335 -335 935 101.97
11/13/2023 IPF World Equipped Open Powerlifting Championships Zen McCollum 0. O 120+ 166.2 395 410 -420 -305 -307.5 -307.5 295 312.5 325 0 0.00
10/24/2023 8th World University Powerlifting Cup Cameron Lunsford 5. R-O -93 92.5 260 275 282.5 165 175 180 250 265 -275 727.5 95.42
10/24/2023 8th World University Powerlifting Cup Sam Sikora 13. R-O -105 100.7 235 247.5 255 150 155 157.5 250 262.5 275 687.5 86.56
10/24/2023 8th World University Powerlifting Cup Ryan Bui 10. R-O -66 63.9 107.5 115 -125 65 72.5 80 140 152.5 162.5 357.5 56.69
10/24/2023 8th World University Powerlifting Cup Ryan Carter 8. R-O -105 102.5 -240 247.5 250 150 157.5 165 280 292.5 -302.5 707.5 88.35
10/24/2023 8th World University Powerlifting Cup Robert Hill 9. R-O -120 113.6 242.5 255 260 177.5 -187.5 -190 267.5 282.5 -287.5 720 85.76
10/22/2023 2023 FFForce Girl Power Heather Connor 1. R-O -47 46.7 132.5 -137.5 137.5 70 72.5 75 187.5 197.5 -206 410 114.38
10/08/2023 World Classic & Equipped Masters Powerlifting Championships Jonathan Losa 1. R-M1 -83 82.4 227.5 240 252.5 182.5 -192.5 -192.5 235 247.5 255 690 95.89
10/08/2023 World Classic & Equipped Masters Powerlifting Championships Chris Boillot 1. M3 -83 80 -205 205 227.5 137.5 147.5 152.5 197.5 212.5 -227.5 592.5 69.96
10/08/2023 World Classic & Equipped Masters Powerlifting Championships Wilson Martinez 1. M2 -120 116.6 265 285 295 195 200 -207.5 265 285 -300 780 76.25
10/08/2023 World Classic & Equipped Masters Powerlifting Championships William Clayton 1. M4 -83 78.9 -137.5 142.5 -150 90 97.5 105 160 177.5 -182.5 425 50.61
10/08/2023 World Classic & Equipped Masters Powerlifting Championships Hal Malone 1. M2 -83 82.4 127.5 145 160 87.5 92.5 -95 147.5 160 172.5 425 49.30
10/08/2023 World Classic & Equipped Masters Powerlifting Championships Brad Salter 1. M3 -120 112 145 162.5 -170 80 95 -102.5 145 175 185 442.5 43.97
10/08/2023 World Classic & Equipped Masters Powerlifting Championships steve davenport 0. M2 120+ 129.7 275 285 -292.5 -240 -240 -240 275 285 -292.5 0 0.00
10/08/2023 World Classic & Equipped Masters Powerlifting Championships Thomas Cencich 1. M3 -93 91.5 175 190 195 -200.5 200.5 -203 175 195 200 595.5 65.13
10/08/2023 World Classic & Equipped Masters Powerlifting Championships Lauren Cohen 0. R-M1 -83 82.4 -235 -250 -250 0 0.00
10/08/2023 World Classic & Equipped Masters Powerlifting Championships Jamaal Grimes 1. R-M1 -74 72.9 190 202.5 215 122.5 130 132.5 280 297.5 308 655.5 96.99
10/08/2023 World Classic & Equipped Masters Powerlifting Championships Manuel Rodriguez 1. R-M4 -66 64.8 140 145 155 85 -92.5 -92.5 185 197.5 -201 437.5 68.87
10/08/2023 World Classic & Equipped Masters Powerlifting Championships Willie Wong 0. R-M3 -83 82.7 -200 -210 -210 107.5 -110 220 230 235 0 0.00
10/08/2023 World Classic & Equipped Masters Powerlifting Championships John LaFlamme 1. R-M4 -83 81.8 172.5 180 185 92.5 97.5 100 205 217.5 227.5 512.5 71.47
10/08/2023 World Classic & Equipped Masters Powerlifting Championships John Demchak 2. R-M2 -74 73.7 -165 165 175 85 -90 -90 207.5 215 -227.5 475 69.88
10/08/2023 World Classic & Equipped Masters Powerlifting Championships Steven Carpenter 1. R-M3 -93 89.1 150 -162.5 -162.5 127.5 130 -132.5 150 155 160 440 58.80
10/08/2023 World Classic & Equipped Masters Powerlifting Championships Chris Engebretson 1. R-M2 -120 113 230 -242.5 242.5 152.5 160 -162.5 232.5 250 -265 652.5 77.90
10/08/2023 World Classic & Equipped Masters Powerlifting Championships Larry Nash 1. R-M3 -83 80.5 175 185 190 127.5 132.5 135 200 207.5 212.5 537.5 75.59
10/08/2023 World Classic & Equipped Masters Powerlifting Championships Rick Brink 1. R-M2 -66 65.7 175 185 187.5 107.5 -112.5 -112.5 210 217.5 -227.5 512.5 80.08
10/08/2023 World Classic & Equipped Masters Powerlifting Championships Jim Kathios 1. R-M3 -105 102 202.5 -210 210 142.5 -150 -150 225 237.5 -252.5 590 73.84
10/08/2023 World Classic & Equipped Masters Powerlifting Championships Michael Kalter 2. M2 -120 112.5 275 -305 -305 -170 170 185 250 265 285 745 73.89
10/08/2023 World Classic & Equipped Masters Powerlifting Championships Stephanie Linder 1. R-M2 -84 78.9 132.5 140 145 85 90 -95 165 177.5 182.5 417.5 80.92
10/08/2023 World Classic & Equipped Masters Powerlifting Championships Jonathan Jurewicz 1. M1 -105 104.3 140 145 152.5 85 -90 90 175 190 -192.5 432.5 44.35
10/08/2023 World Classic & Equipped Masters Powerlifting Championships Amy Mason 1. R-M1 -63 62.5 120 125 135 70 -75 75 162.5 170 -177.5 380 83.61
10/08/2023 World Classic & Equipped Masters Powerlifting Championships Suzanne Hartwig-Gary 1. R-M2 -57 54.5 125 132.5 136.5 62.5 67.5 72.5 132.5 142.5 150 359 87.19
10/08/2023 World Classic & Equipped Masters Powerlifting Championships Annette Morgan 2. R-M1 -69 66.8 95 100 105 62.5 65 67.5 132.5 140 -147.5 312.5 65.98
10/08/2023 World Classic & Equipped Masters Powerlifting Championships Cathy Avery 1. R-M2 -63 62.7 -127.5 -127.5 127.5 77.5 -82.5 -82.5 137.5 145 -150 350 76.85
10/08/2023 World Classic & Equipped Masters Powerlifting Championships Patricia Johnson 1. R-M2 84+ 101.6 177.5 190 200 112.5 117.5 120 231 245 255 575 102.12
10/08/2023 World Classic & Equipped Masters Powerlifting Championships steve davenport 1. R-M2 120+ 128.8 -242.5 -242.5 242.5 185 -190 190 272.5 285 295 727.5 82.06
10/08/2023 World Classic & Equipped Masters Powerlifting Championships Carlos Santoliquido 1. R-M1 -120 110.1 275 290 302.5 150 165 182.5 295 320 335 820 99.07
10/08/2023 World Classic & Equipped Masters Powerlifting Championships Ls McClain 1. R-M1 -105 104.3 270 280 295 200 210 220 285 300 -312.5 815 100.94
10/08/2023 World Classic & Equipped Masters Powerlifting Championships Travis Pardue 1. R-M2 -74 73.6 167.5 -177.5 177.5 107.5 115 120 222.5 242.5 -252.5 540 79.50
10/08/2023 World Classic & Equipped Masters Powerlifting Championships Michael Jean Sr. 1. R-M1 120+ 178.3 262.5 267.5 272.5 177.5 187.5 192.5 265 -285 285 750 74.90
10/08/2023 World Classic & Equipped Masters Powerlifting Championships Jesus Fragoso 1. R-M2 -83 79.5 -75 75 137.5 145 -147.5 75 -200 -215 295 41.75
10/08/2023 World Classic & Equipped Masters Powerlifting Championships Huaiyu Tan 1. R-M1 -66 65.4 155 165 -175 97.5 105 107.5 205 -215 215 487.5 76.36
10/08/2023 World Classic & Equipped Masters Powerlifting Championships Lindsay Rubel 1. R-M1 -69 68.2 142.5 -152.5 -152.5 -80 80 -85 137.5 -142.5 -142.5 360 75.07
10/08/2023 World Classic & Equipped Masters Powerlifting Championships Claudia Nagata 1. M2 -69 64.3 105 115 -122.5 75 80 -85 100 110 115 310 55.35
10/08/2023 World Classic & Equipped Masters Powerlifting Championships Michal Harris 1. M2 84+ 86.7 85 100 -110 47.5 65 72.5 130 142.5 -150 315 48.94
10/08/2023 World Classic & Equipped Masters Powerlifting Championships Chereny Woodard 1. R-M1 -84 83.2 -145 145 147.5 85 90 95 190 200 207.5 450 85.32
10/08/2023 World Classic & Equipped Masters Powerlifting Championships Amy Hutchison 1. R-M1 -76 75.7 -137.5 137.5 145 75 80 82.5 162.5 172.5 -177.5 400 79.01
10/08/2023 World Classic & Equipped Masters Powerlifting Championships Jackie Mercer 2. R-M1 -84 82.7 115 122.5 127.5 65 67.5 -70 160 170 175 370 70.31
10/08/2023 World Classic & Equipped Masters Powerlifting Championships Noelle Brigden 1. R-M1 -52 49.6 105 -110 112.5 67.5 70 72.5 132.5 140 -147.5 325 85.58
08/24/2023 2023 World Juniors and Sub-Juniors Championships (USA) Katherine Cargill 1. SJ -69 68.5 180 -187.5 -187.5 107.5 112.5 115 150 157.5 -160 452.5 78.06
08/24/2023 2023 World Juniors and Sub-Juniors Championships (USA) Mackenzie Wells 1. SJ -84 79.5 -172.5 -172.5 172.5 -87.5 87.5 92.5 157.5 167.5 175 440 70.76
08/24/2023 2023 World Juniors and Sub-Juniors Championships (USA) Vanessa Chavira 2. SJ -76 74.2 162.5 -172.5 175 82.5 -87.5 -87.5 137.5 145 -150 402.5 66.76
08/24/2023 2023 World Juniors and Sub-Juniors Championships (USA) Eva Polini 3. SJ -63 61.8 155 170 182.5 80 92.5 -102.5 140 150 -157.5 425 77.55
08/24/2023 2023 World Juniors and Sub-Juniors Championships (USA) Jayla Johnson 3. SJ -47 46.9 -120 120 -130 57.5 -62.5 -62.5 115 130 -145 307.5 67.53
08/24/2023 2023 World Juniors and Sub-Juniors Championships (USA) Jessica Kinney 4. R-JR -76 73.9 172.5 182.5 185 107.5 112.5 115 202.5 212.5 -225 512.5 102.43
08/24/2023 2023 World Juniors and Sub-Juniors Championships (USA) Mikayla Forsythe 3. SJ 84+ 102.1 167.5 182.5 195 110 122.5 132.5 -160 165 -175 492.5 72.47
08/24/2023 2023 World Juniors and Sub-Juniors Championships (USA) Kelsey Scannevin 14. R-JR -57 55.9 -127.5 -127.5 127.5 67.5 72.5 75 147.5 155 160 362.5 86.32
08/24/2023 2023 World Juniors and Sub-Juniors Championships (USA) Daige Love 1. SJ 84+ 119.4 205 220 -235 110 125 132.5 150 162.5 170 522.5 73.92
08/24/2023 2023 World Juniors and Sub-Juniors Championships (USA) Kellen Meyers 3. SJ 120+ 143.2 282.5 297.5 307.5 -180 180 -200 200 215 -232.5 702.5 63.94
08/24/2023 2023 World Juniors and Sub-Juniors Championships (USA) Jacob Pennington 7. JR -74 72.7 220 232.5 -242.5 145 155 -167.5 200 215 227.5 615 77.13
08/24/2023 2023 World Juniors and Sub-Juniors Championships (USA) Chandler Loescher 6. JR -120 118.2 282.5 295 -307.5 230 240 250 247.5 257.5 267.5 812.5 79.00
08/24/2023 2023 World Juniors and Sub-Juniors Championships (USA) Jonathan Becerril 1. SJ -53 51.7 160 170 -180 -97.5 97.5 102.5 180 192.5 -195 465 75.44
08/24/2023 2023 World Juniors and Sub-Juniors Championships (USA) Ariyo Sanyaolu 0. SJ -105 102.7 285 -295 -295 -157.5 -157.5 -157.5 275 -280 -280 0 0.00
08/24/2023 2023 World Juniors and Sub-Juniors Championships (USA) John Sylvera 4. SJ -59 58.3 170 185 197.5 82.5 90 100 195 207.5 -212.5 505 74.23
08/24/2023 2023 World Juniors and Sub-Juniors Championships (USA) Levi Cowart 4. SJ -93 84.9 220 232.5 -242.5 150 160 170 220 237.5 -247.5 640 72.97
08/24/2023 2023 World Juniors and Sub-Juniors Championships (USA) Lawson Lillo 3. SJ -74 72.9 220 227.5 235 -172.5 172.5 -180 202.5 217.5 -240 625 78.21
08/24/2023 2023 World Juniors and Sub-Juniors Championships (USA) Nicolas Calidonia 2. SJ -59 58.3 192.5 202.5 210 112.5 122.5 -127.5 182.5 197.5 -207.5 530 77.86
08/24/2023 2023 World Juniors and Sub-Juniors Championships (USA) Chase Lawton 3. JR -105 100.4 297.5 310 -317.5 197.5 207.5 212.5 -270 270 -312.5 792.5 82.72
08/24/2023 2023 World Juniors and Sub-Juniors Championships (USA) Gavin Maag 6. R-SJ -53 52.8 130 132.5 -137.5 60 65 70 142.5 147.5 152.5 355 62.35
08/24/2023 2023 World Juniors and Sub-Juniors Championships (USA) Daisy Arreola Garcia 7. R-JR -63 61.9 155 165 172.5 87.5 -92.5 92.5 170 182.5 -192.5 447.5 99.02
08/24/2023 2023 World Juniors and Sub-Juniors Championships (USA) Luella Bowden 1. R-SJ 84+ 134.5 -245 -245 245 107.5 117.5 121 190 210 212.5 578.5 97.56
08/24/2023 2023 World Juniors and Sub-Juniors Championships (USA) Mikayla VonLangen 4. R-SJ -84 81.1 140 147.5 -155 57.5 60 65 157.5 167.5 172.5 385 73.75
08/24/2023 2023 World Juniors and Sub-Juniors Championships (USA) Antara Jackson 3. R-JR -84 83.2 160 170 -175 107.5 115 117.5 197.5 205 -210 492.5 93.36
08/24/2023 2023 World Juniors and Sub-Juniors Championships (USA) Rachel Olshansky 6. R-SJ -84 82.5 115 125 -132.5 65 70 72.5 142.5 157.5 -165 355 67.52
08/24/2023 2023 World Juniors and Sub-Juniors Championships (USA) Carolyn Connor 4. R-JR -69 68.5 170 180 182.5 85 90 92.5 185 197.5 202.5 477.5 99.30
08/24/2023 2023 World Juniors and Sub-Juniors Championships (USA) Chealsea Enemor 2. R-SJ 84+ 112 -207.5 207.5 217.5 115 -120.5 -120.5 205 217.5 227.5 560 97.23
08/24/2023 2023 World Juniors and Sub-Juniors Championships (USA) Joy Rindfleisch 9. R-JR -63 63 145 -152.5 -152.5 102.5 110 117.5 160 170 -182.5 432.5 94.66
08/24/2023 2023 World Juniors and Sub-Juniors Championships (USA) Jessica Haggerty 1. R-SJ -52 51.1 -125 -125 130 75 80 82.5 125 135 140 352.5 90.37
08/24/2023 2023 World Juniors and Sub-Juniors Championships (USA) Peyton Johnson 6. R-JR -93 91.5 275 282.5 -287.5 165 167.5 -170 327.5 340 -352.5 790 104.17
08/24/2023 2023 World Juniors and Sub-Juniors Championships (USA) Cael McDaniel 2. SJ -120 109.3 255 272.5 287.5 180 190 -200 240 -250 -250 717.5 72.04
08/24/2023 2023 World Juniors and Sub-Juniors Championships (USA) Connor Heim 5. R-JR -83 82.5 240 250 260 165 172.5 175 297.5 -315 -330 732.5 101.74
08/24/2023 2023 World Juniors and Sub-Juniors Championships (USA) Kyle Nowak 1. R-JR -66 65.5 205 217.5 227.5 132.5 137.5 -140 -185 302.5 -308 667.5 104.44
08/24/2023 2023 World Juniors and Sub-Juniors Championships (USA) Alex Sydor 9. R-JR -83 83 255 270 282.5 150 157.5 -162.5 287.5 -302.5 -305 727.5 100.71
08/24/2023 2023 World Juniors and Sub-Juniors Championships (USA) Romar Paul Harayo 5. R-JR -120 115.4 295 320 340 185 195 -205 300 330 -350 865 102.28
08/24/2023 2023 World Juniors and Sub-Juniors Championships (USA) Bodie LaCoe 3. R-JR -59 57.5 172.5 182.5 187.5 105 107.5 -110 250 -265 -265 545 91.44
08/24/2023 2023 World Juniors and Sub-Juniors Championships (USA) Shane Nutt 9. R-JR -93 92 275 290 -300 165 170 -175 305 -325 -345 765 100.60
08/24/2023 2023 World Juniors and Sub-Juniors Championships (USA) Lola Cheramie 3. JR -52 49.9 130 -140 142.5 67.5 -75 75 140 150 152.5 370 77.59
08/24/2023 2023 World Juniors and Sub-Juniors Championships (USA) Aeryn Anderson 8. JR -69 64.7 127.5 -140 140 77.5 85 -90 125 137.5 -142.5 362.5 64.47
08/24/2023 2023 World Juniors and Sub-Juniors Championships (USA) Bella Vargas 1. JR -57 56.3 165 -175 175 -105 105 112.5 -182.5 -182.5 182.5 470 90.84
08/24/2023 2023 World Juniors and Sub-Juniors Championships (USA) Jasmine Barlow 4. JR -43 40.9 77.5 -82.5 -82.5 45 50 52.5 77.5 -80 -80 207.5 50.88
08/24/2023 2023 World Juniors and Sub-Juniors Championships (USA) Karen Nguyen 4. JR -57 56.4 -130 130 -137.5 -75 -75 75 125 132.5 -137.5 337.5 65.16
08/24/2023 2023 World Juniors and Sub-Juniors Championships (USA) Gracie Cassidy 2. SJ -57 56.4 132.5 140 145 -82.5 82.5 87.5 130 140 -157.5 372.5 71.88
08/24/2023 2023 World Juniors and Sub-Juniors Championships (USA) Haileigh Lupo 4. JR -76 75.7 150 -165 -165 110 -115 -115 130 -140 -140 390 64.11
08/24/2023 2023 World Juniors and Sub-Juniors Championships (USA) Amelia Gercken 10. R-SJ -76 74.9 130 137.5 -142.5 65 70 -72.5 120 125 130 337.5 67.00
08/24/2023 2023 World Juniors and Sub-Juniors Championships (USA) Luke Mellon 6. JR 120+ 188.9 275 295 312.5 200 212.5 222.5 175 710 60.61
08/24/2023 2023 World Juniors and Sub-Juniors Championships (USA) Bailey Mckenzie 4. JR -105 102.2 265 -270 270 120 -130 -130 247.5 -257.5 -257.5 637.5 65.97
08/24/2023 2023 World Juniors and Sub-Juniors Championships (USA) Eleni Guerrera 2. R-SJ -57 55 130 135 -137.5 67.5 72.5 -75 163.5 -171.5 172.5 380 91.67
08/24/2023 2023 World Juniors and Sub-Juniors Championships (USA) Landon Diepenbrock 0. JR -66 65.5 -210 -210 -210 127.5 142.5 -150 192.5 -210 210 0 0.00
08/24/2023 2023 World Juniors and Sub-Juniors Championships (USA) Eva Polini 5. R-SJ -63 61.6 -130 132.5 140 60 67.5 -70 125 130 -132.5 337.5 74.97
08/24/2023 2023 World Juniors and Sub-Juniors Championships (USA) Trinity Klingler 8. R-SJ -47 47 67.5 72.5 77.5 40 -42.5 -42.5 80 -85 90 207.5 57.52
08/24/2023 2023 World Juniors and Sub-Juniors Championships (USA) Derrick Le 7. R-SJ -53 52.8 115 -125 -125 80 85 87.5 145 -152.5 -152.5 347.5 61.04
08/24/2023 2023 World Juniors and Sub-Juniors Championships (USA) Joseph Tyler 2. R-SJ -83 82.7 232.5 237.5 242.5 135 140 145 265 275 287.5 675 93.60
08/24/2023 2023 World Juniors and Sub-Juniors Championships (USA) Daniel Harris 1. R-SJ -66 65.2 217.5 225 230.5 130 137.5 140 225 235 -240 605.5 95.03
08/24/2023 2023 World Juniors and Sub-Juniors Championships (USA) Jacob Breckinridge 4. R-SJ -120 117 250 275 290 140 145 150 255 275 -285 715 84.04
08/24/2023 2023 World Juniors and Sub-Juniors Championships (USA) Jack Reynolds 3. R-SJ -74 72.3 205 215 220 150 155 160 -245 -245 245 625 92.90
08/24/2023 2023 World Juniors and Sub-Juniors Championships (USA) James Kellerman 3. R-SJ -105 102.8 -252.5 252.5 260 167.5 172.5 175 235 247.5 -252.5 682.5 85.11
08/24/2023 2023 World Juniors and Sub-Juniors Championships (USA) Trevor Klein 5. R-SJ -120 115.3 260 -267.5 -267.5 192.5 -200 200 227.5 242.5 250 710 84.00
08/24/2023 2023 World Juniors and Sub-Juniors Championships (USA) Nicolas Gaines 1. R-SJ -74 73.6 217.5 230 240.5 130 137.5 142.5 265 -273 273 656 96.55
08/07/2023 20th Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Evan Gonsorcik 6. R-JR -83 79.3 190 197.5 -205 127.5 132.5 135 247.5 265 275 607.5 86.07
08/07/2023 20th Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Keegan Bucci 1. R-SJ -83 78.2 205 220 -225 127.5 132.5 138 255.5 273 -290.5 631 90.04
08/07/2023 20th Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Sara Roden 1. R-JR -76 75.4 -127.5 127.5 130 57.5 62.5 -65 125 132.5 142.5 335 66.30
08/07/2023 20th Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Jonathan Losa 2. R-M1 -83 82.7 222.5 235 247.5 185 195 -200.5 235 245 -252.5 687.5 95.34
08/07/2023 20th Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Jessica Phares 2. R-JR -76 75.1 110 115 122.5 60 -65 -65 127.5 135 -152.5 317.5 62.95
08/07/2023 20th Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Todd Straub 3. R-M1 -83 82.9 212.5 227.5 232.5 167.5 -177.5 -177.5 260 280 -288.5 680 94.19
08/07/2023 20th Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Ava Lacasse 1. R-SJ -69 63.6 107.5 110 115 50 55 60 117.5 -125 125 300 65.24
08/07/2023 20th Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships John LaFlamme 1. R-M4 -83 82.2 175 185 193.5 90 97.5 102.5 200 220 231 527 73.31
08/07/2023 20th Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Dafydd Herico 4. R-JR -83 82.3 217.5 232.5 240 145 152.5 -160 255 270 280 672.5 93.49
08/07/2023 20th Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Layne Norton 2. R-M1 -93 92.3 255 270 280 155 165 167.5 288 308 320.5 768 100.84
08/07/2023 20th Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Michal Harris 1. M2 -84 83.7 85 -97.5 105 47.5 60 67.5 130 140 145 317.5 50.00
08/07/2023 20th Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Edward Ruland 1. R-M2 -93 92.7 195 -215 215 157.5 162.5 170 227.5 252.5 260 645 84.51
08/07/2023 20th Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Juanita Najera 2. O -52 52 115 130 137.5 75 80 -85 155 165 -175 382.5 77.90
08/07/2023 20th Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Broc Nye 1. R-SJ -93 90.6 220 230 240.5 135 140 147.5 -210 210 225 613 81.23
08/07/2023 20th Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Philip Truong 1. R-JR -93 91.9 252.5 267.5 275 170 182.5 190.5 275 295 300 765.5 100.73
08/07/2023 20th Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Cameron Lunsford 0. R-JR -93 92 -280 -280 -280 160 165 170 255 -257.5 -257.5 0 0.00
08/07/2023 20th Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships David Syrotchen 2. R-SJ -93 90.7 210 220 230.5 122.5 -127.5 -127.5 225 230 247.5 600.5 79.53
08/07/2023 20th Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Michael Garozzo 1. R-M1 -93 92.8 260 275 282.5 152.5 160 165 290.5 308.5 321 768.5 100.64
08/07/2023 20th Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Claudia Nagata 1. M2 -69 64.7 100 110 -120 70 77.5 -82.5 90 105 110 297.5 52.92
08/07/2023 20th Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships James Castillo 2. R-SJ -59 58.7 155 162.5 170 102.5 107.5 110 -185 185 -195 465 77.19
08/07/2023 20th Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Jonathan Avril 3. R-O 120+ 140.7 295 -320 320 210 -220 -220 315 327.5 -350 857.5 93.29
08/07/2023 20th Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Brayden Coy 2. R-SJ -105 104.1 215 230 240 125 135 137.5 257.5 267.5 -280.5 645 79.95
08/07/2023 20th Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Pete Nees 1. O -105 104.9 282.5 300 -315 192.5 207.5 215 250 270 277.5 792.5 81.04
08/07/2023 20th Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Dalton Lacoe 1. R-O -59 55.5 177.5 185 190 115 120 122.5 250 265 -275.5 577.5 98.75
08/07/2023 20th Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Mack Hodges 1. R-M4 -120 113 155 162.5 -165 120 130 137.5 165 -177.5 -177.5 465 55.51
08/07/2023 20th Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Cole Schirg 1. R-SJ -105 102.7 225 242.5 257.5 142.5 150 -155 225 240 250 657.5 82.02
08/07/2023 20th Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Nelson Martinez 0. O -105 104.7 315 330 -348 -245 -245 -245 255 265 275 0 0.00
08/07/2023 20th Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Tristan Nazelrod 1. R-O -120 119.7 327.5 342.5 355.5 205 212.5 217.5 320 340 -352.5 913 106.25
08/07/2023 20th Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Tylor Reed Fuenger 3. R-SJ -59 58.3 -162.5 162.5 -170 87.5 97.5 -105 170 187.5 195 455 75.77
08/07/2023 20th Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Kiel Oalmann 1. JR -105 104 200 -217.5 217.5 117.5 -130 -130 165 182.5 -207.5 517.5 53.13
08/07/2023 20th Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Jonathan Garcia 1. R-O -66 65.9 255 268 275.5 160 170 -178 235 247.5 257.5 703 109.72
08/07/2023 20th Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Richard Acosta 2. R-M2 -120 119.3 202.5 212.5 222.5 132.5 140 142.5 230 242.5 252.5 617.5 71.97
08/07/2023 20th Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Mark Leebrick 1. O -120 117 305 325 340 210 222.5 -230 230 245 255 817.5 79.79
08/07/2023 20th Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Michael Tuchscherer 2. R-O -120 119.6 -300 300 317.5 192.5 202.5 -207.5 347.5 367.5 -386.5 887.5 103.32
08/07/2023 20th Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Nabeel Rifai 1. R-SJ -74 73.5 180 193 205 120 125 130 245 260 -273 595 87.66
08/07/2023 20th Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Steve Mann 1. M1 120+ 122.5 200 -337.5 100 227.5 260 302.5 602.5 57.78
08/07/2023 20th Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Keith Carlascio 3. R-M2 -120 113.5 165 172.5 182.5 115 120 125 195 205 212.5 520 61.96
08/07/2023 20th Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Mario Leos 3. R-O -66 66 175 185 195 85 90 212.5 222.5 -230 507.5 79.14
08/07/2023 20th Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Sam Felts 1. R-M4 -59 58.4 85 90 100 87.5 -97.5 -97.5 115 125 135 322.5 53.66
08/07/2023 20th Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Eddie Mends 2. O -120 106 180 195 205 172.5 182.5 187.5 230 240 250 642.5 65.39
08/07/2023 20th Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Ray Williams 1. R-O 120+ 197.5 415 440 -455 215 225 235 320 -330 -330 995 96.28
08/07/2023 20th Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Thomas Cencich 1. M3 -93 91.8 125 -205.5 -207.5 198 199 -200 150 200 210 534 58.31
08/07/2023 20th Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Michael Dollard 1. R-M4 -105 96.9 65 -175 -220 85 90 -142.5 150 175 -215 330 42.32
08/07/2023 20th Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Nicholas Farison 3. R-O -74 73.5 232.5 242.5 -252.5 150 157.5 162.5 230 245 257.5 662.5 97.64
08/07/2023 20th Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Dale Garlitz 1. R-M4 -74 72.1 152.5 162.5 165 97.5 102.5 105 172.5 180 185 455 67.73
08/07/2023 20th Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Bryce Toups 1. SJ -66 63.9 165 177.5 185 117.5 -127.5 -133 150 -170 -170 452.5 62.04
08/07/2023 20th Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Melissa Copeland 1. R-M1 84+ 117.8 195 205 213 128.5 135.5 -138 205 -217.5 -217.5 553.5 95.19
08/07/2023 20th Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Lilyan Jackson 1. R-M2 84+ 172.3 147.5 -155 155 117.5 122.5 127.5 175 187.5 -197.5 470 77.71
08/07/2023 20th Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Vicki Brackett 0. R-M3 84+ 127.6 -127.5 -127.5 -127.5 70 75 80 142.5 147.5 150 0 0.00
08/07/2023 20th Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Rebecca Rutkoski 3. R-M1 84+ 97.8 147.5 155 160 72.5 75 -77.5 150 157.5 -165 392.5 70.43
08/07/2023 20th Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Claire Zai 2. R-O -76 75 175 185 193 110 118 -121 -202.5 217.5 -223 528.5 104.86
08/07/2023 20th Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Joah Iannotta 2. R-M2 -76 75.7 143 150 157.5 108 113 118 172.5 183.5 191 466.5 92.15
08/07/2023 20th Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Clair Crawford 4. R-M1 -76 73.1 -102.5 102.5 107.5 55 57.5 -60 122.5 130 -135 295 59.27
08/07/2023 20th Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Cynthia Line 3. R-M2 -76 74.9 120 125 132.5 70 75 77.5 152.5 162.5 -170 372.5 73.95
08/07/2023 20th Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Rachael Diehl 3. R-M1 -84 83.8 112.5 -117.5 117.5 67.5 -72.5 -72.5 135 145 155 340 64.27
08/07/2023 20th Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Jenna Austin 1. O -84 83.9 155 -162.5 -162.5 -60 60 -75 115 130 -137.5 345 54.28
08/07/2023 20th Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Kelly Tonini 2. R-M1 -57 56.4 -105 112.5 117.5 62.5 67.5 -72.5 127.5 132.5 145 330 78.03
08/07/2023 20th Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Brooklyn Mazzuca 2. SJ -57 54.4 125 -132.5 132.5 65 72.5 77.5 125 137.5 -145 347.5 68.65
08/07/2023 20th Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Isabel Olivarez 1. SJ -63 62.9 132.5 142.5 146.5 90 97.5 -102.5 137.5 145 -147.5 389 70.29
08/07/2023 20th Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Caroline Lagarde 1. SJ -52 49.5 122.5 -130 -130 60 65 67.5 127.5 132.5 135 325 68.53
08/07/2023 20th Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Melissa Forbis 1. R-M2 -52 51.6 95 100.5 -103 -50 50 -52.5 107.5 115 120 270.5 68.76
08/07/2023 20th Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Lily Falcone 1. R-JR -47 46.3 107.5 110 113 45 47.5 50 117.5 127.5 132.5 295.5 83.24
08/07/2023 20th Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Camille Crutcher 2. SJ -52 48.2 100 105 115 -50 50 55 95 102.5 110 280 60.20
08/07/2023 20th Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Suzanne Hartwig-Gary 1. R-M2 -57 53.5 125 131.5 136 62.5 67.5 72.5 135 145.5 -150 354 87.34
08/07/2023 20th Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Anna Gonzalez 3. O -52 51.5 115 120 127.5 67.5 -72.5 72.5 130 140 -147.5 340 69.71
08/07/2023 20th Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Ayana Rivera 2. R-JR -47 46.1 -87.5 87.5 90 45 47.5 50 90 -95 -95 230 65.01
08/07/2023 20th Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Lila Cooper 1. SJ -57 56.6 130 140 147.5 65 -72.5 -75 125 137.5 -145 350 67.39
08/07/2023 20th Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Casey Hill 1. O -57 56.3 137.5 145 152.5 102.5 112.5 117.5 137.5 147.5 160 430 83.07
08/07/2023 20th Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Blair Dunn 1. R-JR -57 56.3 112.5 117.5 120 62.5 67.5 -70 132.5 140 -150 327.5 77.54
08/07/2023 20th Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Julia Williams 1. R-O -63 62.2 150 155 160 87.5 92.5 95 170 180 -185 435 95.96
08/07/2023 20th Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Nimisha Mitha 2. R-M1 -63 60.9 70 80 85 45 50 52.5 97.5 107.5 112.5 250 55.94
08/07/2023 20th Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Beau Perrilloux 1. SJ -74 71.6 -215 215 -232.5 112.5 -122.5 -122.5 192.5 205 -215 532.5 67.44
08/07/2023 20th Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Alexa Sperske 1. R-M1 -69 68.9 -145 145 153 75 77.5 -80 180 190.5 195.5 426 88.33
08/07/2023 20th Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Kenedee Rowen 2. R-SJ -63 61.6 127.5 132.5 137.5 67.5 -70 -70 130 135 -150 340 75.49
08/07/2023 20th Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Dana Manning 4. R-M1 -69 67.6 100 107.5 112.5 45 50 -57.5 125 135 -142.5 297.5 62.35
08/07/2023 20th Annual NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships Michelle Carlascio 2. R-M2 -63 59.8 70 -72.5 72.5 45