Lifting Database




Competition Lifter Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points
07/20/2024 495 Open Kiersten Madoo 1. R-JR -84 82.8 110 117.5 -125 80 -87.5 -87.5 135 142.5 150 347.5 66.00
07/20/2024 495 Open Cherie Bennett 1. R-O -63 60.3 107.5 115 117.5 57.5 62.5 65 120 130 140 322.5 72.65
07/20/2024 495 Open Matthew Castillo 1. R-JR -93 92.7 142.5 -150 152.5 100 107.5 112.5 200 215 227.5 492.5 64.53
07/20/2024 495 Open Brian Poore 1. R-M1 120+ 134 190 205 -215 135 145 150 202.5 230 -245 585 64.91
07/20/2024 495 Open Martim Cruz 1. R-SJ -74 71.7 -122.5 127.5 137.5 82.5 -87.5 87.5 145 155 167.5 392.5 58.57
07/20/2024 495 Open Andre Beltran 1. R-SJ -83 79.3 165 -175 185 120 125 130 187.5 205 215 530 75.09
07/20/2024 495 Open Jaidyn Mattis 1. R-SJ 120+ 140.2 -125 130 140 140 -150 155 160 167.5 180 475 51.75
07/20/2024 495 Open Levi Hughes 1. R-SJ -120 114.3 90 100 115 80 85 -90 145 152.5 155 355 42.16
07/20/2024 Summer Classic II Emma Newman 1. R-JR -84 76.8 95 102.5 110 110 84.21
07/20/2024 Summer Classic II Amanda Sansone 1. R-JR -52 47.8 60 70 -80 67.5 70 75 87.5 97.5 107.5 252.5 68.92
07/20/2024 Summer Classic II Anne Augustin 1. R-JR -69 68.7 127.5 137.5 145 55 60 -62.5 125 132.5 140 345 71.68
07/20/2024 Summer Classic II Payton Stitt 1. R-SJ -76 74.5 112.5 115 120 55 -60 -67.5 132.5 140 -142.5 315 62.70
07/20/2024 Summer Classic II Alexis Giordano 1. R-JR -84 79.1 107.5 115 122.5 65 72.5 77.5 132.5 147.5 157.5 357.5 69.23
07/20/2024 Summer Classic II Breanna Trinci 1. R-O -69 68.5 77.5 85 -90 42.5 45 -50 85 92.5 100 230 47.84
07/20/2024 Summer Classic II Becky Dadey 1. R-O -76 75.1 110 115 -125 60 65 -72.5 115 125 137.5 317.5 62.95
07/20/2024 Summer Classic II Payton Stitt 1. R-SJ -76 74.5 112.5 115 120 55 -60 -67.5 132.5 140 -142.5 315 62.70
07/20/2024 Summer Classic II Jordan Alonso 1. R-JR -66 65.1 175 185 190 105 110 117.5 195 205 212.5 520 81.65
07/20/2024 Summer Classic II Shawn Sanford 1. R-JR -83 79.9 142.5 152.5 160 -102.5 102.5 110 -160 160 175 445 62.80
07/20/2024 Summer Classic II Ryan Adymy 1. R-JR -93 90.3 197.5 212.5 -227.5 115 122.5 125 200 212.5 220 557.5 74.01
07/20/2024 Summer Classic II Timothy Sigler 2. R-JR -93 89.2 157.5 172.5 -180 -97.5 -107.5 117.5 -197.5 217.5 -232.5 507.5 67.79
07/20/2024 Summer Classic II Aidan Trimper 1. R-JR -120 111.2 212.5 222.5 232.5 117.5 125 130 235 247.5 257.5 620 74.57
07/20/2024 Summer Classic II David Kulbacki 1. R-M1 120+ 168.6 235 255 170 182.5 190 245 267.5 292.5 737.5 75.05
07/20/2024 Summer Classic II Charles Privitera 1. R-M2 -93 91.3 180 195 202.5 110 117.5 122.5 190 202.5 212.5 537.5 70.97
07/20/2024 Summer Classic II Dave Schneider 1. R-M3 -105 103.2 142.5 160 175 95 102.5 107.5 187.5 207.5 -220 490 60.99
07/20/2024 Summer Classic II Rory McCoy 2. R-M3 -105 105 75 100 120 115 125 130 182.5 205 215 465 57.42
07/20/2024 Summer Classic II Phillip Rosenstern 1. R-M4 -93 92.6 132.5 152.5 165 82.5 92.5 95 195 215 227.5 487.5 63.93
07/20/2024 Summer Classic II Bryan Sokolowski 1. R-O -83 82.5 215 225 -230 142.5 150 -155 217.5 227.5 237.5 612.5 85.07
07/20/2024 Summer Classic II Christopher Sadsad 1. R-O -93 91.8 230 245 255 142.5 152.5 160 275 290 302.5 717.5 94.49
07/20/2024 Summer Classic II Jeffrey Sigler 2. R-O -93 91.7 165 180 185 105 115 120 185 187.5 190 495 65.20
07/20/2024 Summer Classic II David Kulbacki 1. R-O 120+ 168.6 235 255 170 182.5 190 245 267.5 292.5 737.5 75.05
07/20/2024 Summer Classic II Hunter McMahon 1. R-SJ -66 64.2 145 157.5 -162.5 80 87.5 -92.5 190 205 -220 450 71.21
07/20/2024 Summer Classic II Ashmeet Chawla 1. R-SJ -105 95.9 180 192.5 -205 107.5 112.5 117.5 187.5 197.5 205 515 66.39
07/14/2024 Cooperative New England State Championships Alexis Armstrong 2. R-O 84+ 123.2 132.5 142.5 145 65 70 -72.5 132.5 -142.5 142.5 357.5 61.02
07/14/2024 Cooperative New England State Championships Alexis Towner 3. R-O 84+ 94.1 117.5 125 132.5 70 75 -77.5 117.5 127.5 135 342.5 62.17
07/14/2024 Cooperative New England State Championships Ashley Gray 1. R-M1 -76 72.6 90 97.5 102.5 65 72.5 -77.5 107.5 117.5 125 300 60.49
07/14/2024 Cooperative New England State Championships Ashley Gray 2. R-O -76 72.6 90 97.5 102.5 65 72.5 -77.5 107.5 117.5 125 300 60.49
07/14/2024 Cooperative New England State Championships Austin Bernard 1. R-O -66 64.9 97.5 107.5 115 82.5 92.5 97.5 120 145 160 372.5 58.59
07/14/2024 Cooperative New England State Championships Ava Lacasse 1. R-SJ -69 64.2 130 135 -140 57.5 60 62.5 127.5 135 -140 332.5 71.88
07/14/2024 Cooperative New England State Championships Ava Lacasse 1. R-O -69 64.2 130 135 -140 57.5 60 62.5 127.5 135 -140 332.5 71.88
07/14/2024 Cooperative New England State Championships Casey Thoel 2. R-O -63 61.4 115 120 125 55 60 -62.5 130 142.5 147.5 332.5 73.99
07/14/2024 Cooperative New England State Championships Casluh Chamberlain 1. R-O -84 81.5 -132.5 135 142.5 85 -90 -90 137.5 147.5 -155 375 71.68
07/14/2024 Cooperative New England State Championships Cathal Davis 1. R-JR -93 91 200 215 232.5 -115 122.5 127.5 230 250 260 620 81.98
07/14/2024 Cooperative New England State Championships Cathal Davis 3. R-O -93 91 200 215 232.5 -115 122.5 127.5 230 250 260 620 81.98
07/14/2024 Cooperative New England State Championships Derek Worden 2. R-O 120+ 149.5 182.5 192.5 205 160 167.5 172.5 275 287.5 305 682.5 72.53
07/14/2024 Cooperative New England State Championships Destiny Polynice 1. R-JR -76 75 85 90 102.5 40 -42.5 45 137.5 147.5 157.5 305 60.51
07/14/2024 Cooperative New England State Championships Destiny Polynice 1. R-O -76 75 85 90 102.5 40 -42.5 45 137.5 147.5 157.5 305 60.51
07/14/2024 Cooperative New England State Championships Devin Brown 1. R-SJ -63 61.6 50 57.5 -65 35 40 -45 60 67.5 80 177.5 39.41
07/14/2024 Cooperative New England State Championships Devin Brown 3. R-O -63 61.6 50 57.5 -65 35 40 -45 60 67.5 80 177.5 39.41
07/14/2024 Cooperative New England State Championships Don Mannion 1. R-O -83 82.4 105 115 117.5 117.5 16.32
07/14/2024 Cooperative New England State Championships Don Mannion 1. R-M2 -83 82.4 105 115 117.5 117.5 16.32
07/14/2024 Cooperative New England State Championships Eric Wall 1. R-O -74 72.9 105 110 -115 110 16.28
07/14/2024 Cooperative New England State Championships Francesco Carpeno 1. R-O -105 102.5 240 250 255 172.5 182.5 185 242.5 252.5 -260 692.5 86.47
07/14/2024 Cooperative New England State Championships Hannah mclachlin 2. R-O -69 67 110 115 -122.5 60 65 -67.5 115 120 125 305 64.26
07/14/2024 Cooperative New England State Championships Ian Gillis 2. R-SJ -105 94.8 185 197.5 205 97.5 105 -110 190 205 215 525 68.04
07/14/2024 Cooperative New England State Championships Ian Gillis 6. R-O -105 94.8 185 197.5 205 97.5 105 -110 190 205 215 525 68.04
07/14/2024 Cooperative New England State Championships James Clark 4. R-O -105 104.7 190 202.5 207.5 140 150 155 190 205 215 577.5 71.40
07/14/2024 Cooperative New England State Championships James villemaire 1. R-M1 -120 106.3 -160 160 170 110 120 130 192.5 215 222.5 522.5 64.14
07/14/2024 Cooperative New England State Championships James villemaire 1. R-O -120 106.3 -160 160 170 110 120 130 192.5 215 222.5 522.5 64.14
07/14/2024 Cooperative New England State Championships John Engebretson 3. R-SJ -105 97.3 187.5 200 205 112.5 -117.5 117.5 180 192.5 -197.5 515 65.92
07/14/2024 Cooperative New England State Championships John Engebretson 7. R-O -105 97.3 187.5 200 205 112.5 -117.5 117.5 180 192.5 -197.5 515 65.92
07/14/2024 Cooperative New England State Championships John Kimball 2. R-O -105 102.4 227.5 240 -245 142.5 -150 -157.5 260 267.5 -275 650 81.20
07/14/2024 Cooperative New England State Championships Joshua Guion 1. R-O -93 92.4 -240 240 -252.5 145 -152.5 -152.5 257.5 270 282.5 667.5 87.60
07/14/2024 Cooperative New England State Championships Kieran Davey 1. R-JR -83 81.7 185 195 -197.5 125 132.5 -140 200 210 222.5 550 76.75
07/14/2024 Cooperative New England State Championships Kieran Davey 2. R-O -83 81.7 185 195 -197.5 125 132.5 -140 200 210 222.5 550 76.75
07/14/2024 Cooperative New England State Championships Kendra Chevalier 3. R-O -69 68.5 87.5 95 100 45 50 -55 150 -162.5 -162.5 300 62.41
07/14/2024 Cooperative New England State Championships Landon Levesque 1. R-SJ -105 99 207.5 215 230 110 115 -122.5 232.5 250 -272.5 595 75.53
07/14/2024 Cooperative New England State Championships Landon Levesque 3. R-O -105 99 207.5 215 230 110 115 -122.5 232.5 250 -272.5 595 75.53
07/14/2024 Cooperative New England State Championships Lauren Carter 4. R-O 84+ 104.8 85 95 97.5 42.5 47.5 52.5 100 -115 115 265 46.70
07/14/2024 Cooperative New England State Championships Lena Guidice 1. R-Y 0 0 30 35 40 22.5 -27.5 27.5 45 50 57.5 125 0.00
07/14/2024 Cooperative New England State Championships Lindsay Clark 4. R-O -69 68.8 80 85 90 52.5 55 -60 85 95 102.5 247.5 51.36
07/14/2024 Cooperative New England State Championships McKenna Marquis 1. R-JR -63 62.7 107.5 115 120 60 65 -67.5 132.5 145 150 335 73.52
07/14/2024 Cooperative New England State Championships McKenna Marquis 1. R-O -63 62.7 107.5 115 120 60 65 -67.5 132.5 145 150 335 73.52
07/14/2024 Cooperative New England State Championships Michael Darcy 1. R-M2 -120 109.2 145 150 155 -147.5 147.5 -150 180 187.5 197.5 500 60.63
07/14/2024 Cooperative New England State Championships Michael Darcy 2. R-O -120 109.2 145 150 155 -147.5 147.5 -150 180 187.5 197.5 500 60.63
07/14/2024 Cooperative New England State Championships Nona hubbard 1. R-M3 -69 67.3 50 55 55 11.56
07/14/2024 Cooperative New England State Championships Peter hubbard 1. R-M4 -83 81.7 77.5 82.5 82.5 11.51
07/14/2024 Cooperative New England State Championships Richard Kamieneski 1. R-O -83 81.5 167.5 175 182.5 127.5 132.5 135 220 230 237.5 555 77.54
07/14/2024 Cooperative New England State Championships Samuel Maiewski 1. R-SJ -83 81.9 180 195 205 95 100 105 210 225 240 550 76.65
07/14/2024 Cooperative New England State Championships Samuel Maiewski 3. R-O -83 81.9 180 195 205 95 100 105 210 225 240 550 76.65
07/14/2024 Cooperative New England State Championships Siana Sewall 1. R-O 84+ 97.1 142.5 150 155 82.5 87.5 92.5 160 172.5 -177.5 420 75.52
07/14/2024 Cooperative New England State Championships Timothy Carr 5. R-O -105 99.8 207.5 215 222.5 122.5 132.5 -137.5 207.5 215 -220 570 72.08
07/14/2024 Cooperative New England State Championships Wu Li 2. R-O -93 92.2 215 227.5 235 155 162.5 167.5 225 240 245 647.5 85.06
07/14/2024 Cooperative New England State Championships Zachary Gorra 1. R-O 120+ 180.6 250 265 282.5 182.5 187.5 190 227.5 230 -235 702.5 69.87
07/13/2024 713 LiftOff Guy Harper 1. R-M2 -120 118.4 -142.5 -185 195 195 82.74
07/13/2024 713 LiftOff Melissa Barajas 1. R-O -63 59 70 77.5 85 45 47.5 -50 107.5 120 -125 252.5 57.75
07/13/2024 713 LiftOff Tabitha Anderson 1. R-M2 84+ 90.5 137.5 -145 150 75 80 -85 170 182.5 -185 412.5 75.83
07/13/2024 713 LiftOff Quynh-Anh Nguyen 1. R-O -57 54.9 135 145 152.5 65 70 -72.5 147.5 162.5 172.5 395 95.37
07/13/2024 713 LiftOff Kimberly Martinez 1. R-O -76 75.3 117.5 125 -130 70 72.5 75 122.5 130 137.5 337.5 66.83
07/13/2024 713 LiftOff Hannah Burke 1. R-O -84 80.2 120 127.5 132.5 -77.5 77.5 80 120 127.5 137.5 350 67.38
07/13/2024 713 LiftOff Aaron Villarreal 1. R-JR -74 72.8 160 165 175 90 -97.5 -100 192.5 200 -205 465 68.85
07/13/2024 713 LiftOff Charlie Keane 1. R-JR -93 92.7 222.5 235 165 175 182.5 280 305 -307.5 722.5 94.69
07/13/2024 713 LiftOff Steven Singleton 2. R-JR -93 92.7 227.5 245 252.5 140 150 152.5 250 272.5 -290 677.5 88.79
07/13/2024 713 LiftOff Kaden Edwards 1. R-JR -120 117.6 -287.5 300 -305 147.5 155 162.5 277.5 290 305 767.5 90.01
07/13/2024 713 LiftOff Dustin Cruz 1. R-JR 120+ 143 225 240 247.5 135 147.5 155 245 255 270 672.5 72.71
07/13/2024 713 LiftOff Alejandro Barajas 1. R-M1 -83 80.5 160 170 182.5 -105 110 207.5 215 -227.5 507.5 71.35
07/13/2024 713 LiftOff Craig Briggs 1. R-M1 -105 104.6 225 237.5 155 -162.5 -162.5 225 235 240 632.5 78.23
07/13/2024 713 LiftOff Benjamin Bannon 1. R-M1 120+ 206 232.5 240 170 175 -182.5 240 -257.5 -272.5 655 62.63
07/13/2024 713 LiftOff Sawyer Yandell 1. R-O -74 72.5 247.5 260 -272.5 132.5 -140 -140 265 277.5 285 677.5 100.53
07/13/2024 713 LiftOff Charles Hammonds jr 1. R-O -83 82.4 225 237.5 252.5 145 155 162.5 325 342.5 360 775 107.71
07/13/2024 713 LiftOff Charlie Keane 1. R-O -93 92.7 222.5 235 165 175 182.5 280 305 -307.5 722.5 94.69
07/13/2024 713 LiftOff Jeffery Oji 2. R-O -93 92.8 240 252.5 262.5 150 155 160 277.5 300 -317.5 722.5 94.62
07/13/2024 713 LiftOff Fabion Moffett 1. R-O -120 114.1 292.5 310 320 180 190 -195 317.5 337.5 -362.5 847.5 100.74
07/13/2024 713 LiftOff Brandon garcia 1. R-O 120+ 128.7 185 190 227.5 125 145 150 185 205 -227.5 582.5 65.72
07/13/2024 713 LiftOff Blake Egeland 1. R-SJ -83 79.3 170 177.5 185 105 112.5 117.5 202.5 215 227.5 530 75.11
07/13/2024 713 LiftOff Bowman Wargo 1. R-SJ -93 92 205 217.5 227.5 120 127.5 -132.5 217.5 230 245 600 78.93
07/13/2024 713 LiftOff Carlos Olivares 1. R-SJ 120+ 164 225 235 245 137.5 147.5 155 225 245 260 660 67.81
07/13/2024 713 LiftOff Brian Minaya 1. R-O -93 87.1 102.5 110 -112.5 227.5 237.5 245 355 47.97
07/06/2024 Woodlawn Open Austin Holmbeck 1. R-PS -53 38.5 30 32.5 -35 -20 20 -22.5 37.5 42.5 47.5 100 20.81
07/06/2024 Woodlawn Open Tiberius Hooper 1. R-PS -66 64.2 85 95 105 47.5 55 60 -92.5 97.5 112.5 277.5 43.90
07/06/2024 Woodlawn Open Brandon Duong 1. R-SJ -53 50.6 87.5 100 110 50 57.5 -62.5 120 135 -145 302.5 54.36
07/06/2024 Woodlawn Open Collin Cefalu 1. R-SJ -66 60.6 102.5 -110 110 57.5 60 -67.5 -117.5 120 127.5 297.5 48.53
07/06/2024 Woodlawn Open Grayson Toney 1. R-SJ -74 71.5 125 137.5 -145 75 80 -82.5 167.5 182.5 192.5 410 61.28
07/06/2024 Woodlawn Open Hunter Keating 2. R-SJ -74 74 -120 120 -125 87.5 92.5 -100 155 165 -175 377.5 55.42
07/06/2024 Woodlawn Open Bailey Carroll 0. R-SJ -74 73.7 155 -162.5 162.5 -90 -95 -95 160 -167.5 -167.5 0 0.00
07/06/2024 Woodlawn Open Quinton Kinds 1. R-SJ -93 91.7 105 117.5 122.5 70 77.5 82.5 150 162.5 170 375 49.40
07/06/2024 Woodlawn Open Peyton Scott 1. R-SJ -105 99.5 187.5 -200 -200 107.5 115 120 -177.5 187.5 195 502.5 63.63
07/06/2024 Woodlawn Open Billy Perry 1. R-JR -83 79.9 205 -220 220 127.5 -137.5 140 220 230 240 600 84.68
07/06/2024 Woodlawn Open Sang Tran 1. R-JR -93 92.9 227.5 245 -255 137.5 145 152.5 265 285 300 697.5 91.30
07/06/2024 Woodlawn Open Travers Benoit 2. R-JR -93 93 217.5 227.5 -237.5 125 137.5 142.5 227.5 235 245 615 80.45
07/06/2024 Woodlawn Open Blake Gisclair 1. R-JR -120 117.9 -175 175 185 102.5 107.5 -120 202.5 207.5 210 502.5 58.87
07/06/2024 Woodlawn Open Philip Richard III 1. R-O -83 82.2 112.5 130 142.5 102.5 120 -127.5 210 225 245 507.5 70.60
07/06/2024 Woodlawn Open Brad Armentor 1. R-O -93 92.6 252.5 265 272.5 147.5 155 -157.5 235 250 262.5 690 90.46
07/06/2024 Woodlawn Open Peyton Scott 1. R-O -105 99.5 187.5 -200 -200 107.5 115 120 -177.5 187.5 195 502.5 63.63
07/06/2024 Woodlawn Open Kasen StPe 1. SJ -74 68.7 -155 160 170 90 100 -105 152.5 -167.5 -172.5 422.5 55.02
07/06/2024 Woodlawn Open Andrew Mariakis 0. SJ -120 116.5 -242.5 -242.5 -255 162.5 165 182.5 205 -220 220 0 0.00
07/06/2024 Woodlawn Open Dustin Taylor 1. O -93 91.1 200 210 220 152.5 160 165 240 250 260 645 70.71
07/06/2024 Woodlawn Open Jayde Clapper 1. R-SJ -47 46.7 32.5 37.5 45 27.5 32.5 -35 65 72.5 80 157.5 43.94
07/06/2024 Woodlawn Open Jasmine Nguyen 1. R-SJ -57 56 85 -90 -90 35 37.5 40 112.5 117.5 122.5 247.5 58.84
07/06/2024 Woodlawn Open Milain Marcel 1. R-JR -76 75.5 127.5 137.5 -145 52.5 57.5 -62.5 122.5 137.5 -142.5 332.5 65.76
07/06/2024 Woodlawn Open Kennedi Kullman 1. SJ -47 45.4 95 110 -117.5 42.5 50 55 102.5 115 120 285 64.14
07/06/2024 Woodlawn Open Isabel Jones 1. SJ -52 51.1 80 -87.5 -87.5 35 -40 42.5 77.5 97.5 -107.5 220 45.35
07/06/2024 Woodlawn Open Amy Kirk 1. SJ -76 73.7 132.5 -147.5 -147.5 67.5 75 80 145 160 167.5 380 63.24
07/06/2024 Woodlawn Open Candace Cutrer 1. SJ -84 79.4 125 130 -142.5 80 85 -90 105 115 -127.5 330 53.11
07/06/2024 Woodlawn Open Aerion Lange 1. SJ 84+ 103 160 175 182.5 60 65 70 142.5 157.5 -165 410 60.18
07/06/2024 Woodlawn Open Alyssa Travis 2. SJ 84+ 98.8 -115 115 -125 47.5 57.5 -60 102.5 110 120 292.5 43.46
07/06/2024 Woodlawn Open Chris Thomas 1. R-M1 -120 116.1 142.5 150 160 160 68.47
07/06/2024 33rd Annual Florida State Championships Stefanie Wisselman 1. R-M2 84+ 126.5 35 37.5 40 40 28.31
07/06/2024 33rd Annual Florida State Championships Stefanie Wisselman 0. R-O 84+ 126.5 35 37.5 40 40 28.31
07/06/2024 33rd Annual Florida State Championships Hennis Washington IV 1. R-JR -74 68.4 127.5 137.5 -140 137.5 76.48
07/06/2024 33rd Annual Florida State Championships Dante Capobianco 1. R-JR -93 88.7 95 100 -110 100 48.58
07/06/2024 33rd Annual Florida State Championships Jason Pearson 1. R-M2 -105 104.9 120 125 -130 125 56.00
07/06/2024 33rd Annual Florida State Championships Joe Hummel 1. R-M3 -83 79.4 75 80 82.5 82.5 42.39
07/06/2024 33rd Annual Florida State Championships Daniel Henson 1. R-M3 -93 87 162.5 -170 -170 162.5 79.72
07/06/2024 33rd Annual Florida State Championships Zachary Marlen 1. R-O -105 99.8 122.5 127.5 -132.5 127.5 58.46
07/06/2024 33rd Annual Florida State Championships Ian Stewart 2. R-O -105 102.3 92.5 97.5 102.5 102.5 46.46
07/06/2024 33rd Annual Florida State Championships Robert Dixson 1. R-O 120+ 141.9 200 210 217.5 217.5 85.74
07/06/2024 33rd Annual Florida State Championships Hennis Washington III 1. M2 -66 60.9 205 215 220 220 31.25
07/06/2024 33rd Annual Florida State Championships Jason Pearson 1. R-M2 -105 104.9 227.5 237.5 -240 237.5 29.34
07/06/2024 33rd Annual Florida State Championships Lawrence Milford Sr. 1. R-M4 -83 77.9 115 120 122.5 122.5 17.52
07/06/2024 33rd Annual Florida State Championships Anna Dias 1. R-JR -57 52.4 -77.5 77.5 80 52.5 57.5 -62.5 95 100 107.5 245 61.48
07/06/2024 33rd Annual Florida State Championships Faith Clough 1. R-M1 -63 63 102.5 107.5 -120 62.5 -67.5 67.5 102.5 107.5 112.5 287.5 62.93
07/06/2024 33rd Annual Florida State Championships Yael Hatfield 1. R-M1 84+ 100.3 65 72.5 77.5 42.5 47.5 50 87.5 95 100 227.5 40.54
07/06/2024 33rd Annual Florida State Championships Mariya Yermak 1. R-O -57 56.5 145 150 152.5 65 70 -72.5 135 142.5 145 367.5 86.77
07/06/2024 33rd Annual Florida State Championships Anna Dias 2. R-O -57 52.4 -77.5 77.5 80 52.5 57.5 -62.5 95 100 107.5 245 61.48
07/06/2024 33rd Annual Florida State Championships Lauren Coleman 1. R-O -63 62.1 87.5 92.5 100 45 50 -55 107.5 115 120 270 59.63
07/06/2024 33rd Annual Florida State Championships Melissa Preka 1. R-O -69 68.8 140 147.5 155 80 85 87.5 132.5 140 -145 382.5 79.35
07/06/2024 33rd Annual Florida State Championships Alexa Acevedo 0. R-O -69 65.9 -110 -110 -110 62.5 65 -67.5 147.5 157.5 -165 0 0.00
07/06/2024 33rd Annual Florida State Championships Brittney Fields 1. R-O -84 80 130 137.5 145 62.5 70 72.5 140 157.5 165 382.5 73.69
07/06/2024 33rd Annual Florida State Championships Kaylin Bond 2. R-O -84 78.1 92.5 97.5 102.5 50 52.5 -57.5 110 120 130 285 55.49
07/06/2024 33rd Annual Florida State Championships Sara Shelton 1. R-O 84+ 93.9 140 150 155 72.5 77.5 -80 140 150 160 392.5 71.28
07/06/2024 33rd Annual Florida State Championships Emmaline Johnson 2. R-O 84+ 92 110 125 135 -60 60 67.5 125 135 142.5 345 63.07
07/06/2024 33rd Annual Florida State Championships Lauren Coleman 1. R-SJ -63 62.1 87.5 92.5 100 45 50 -55 107.5 115 120 270 59.63
07/06/2024 33rd Annual Florida State Championships George Kern 1. M3 -74 69.7 105 115 120 87.5 92.5 97.5 165 175 180 397.5 51.25
07/06/2024 33rd Annual Florida State Championships Luke Seibert 1. R-JR -66 65.8 190 200 205 102.5 107.5 -110 205 220 -227.5 532.5 83.16
07/06/2024 33rd Annual Florida State Championships Adir Matute 1. R-SJ 120+ 133.9 222.5 237.5 250 137.5 150 160 197.5 207.5 -252.5 617.5 68.53
07/06/2024 33rd Annual Florida State Championships Carlos Soto 4. R-O -93 91.8 -175 -185 185 140 147.5 -155 225 235 245 577.5 76.03
07/06/2024 33rd Annual Florida State Championships Jason Maysonet 1. R-M2 -93 90.7 175 185 190 105 112.5 117.5 192.5 200 -207.5 507.5 67.22
07/06/2024 33rd Annual Florida State Championships Jason Pearson 1. R-M2 -105 104.9 170 182.5 187.5 120 125 -130 227.5 237.5 -240 550 67.94
07/06/2024 33rd Annual Florida State Championships Jyahvonte Thompson 1. R-O -83 80.8 197.5 210 -220 127.5 132.5 135 242.5 252.5 262.5 607.5 85.24
07/06/2024 33rd Annual Florida State Championships Miguel Cedillo-Martinez 1. R-O -93 92.2 245 250 260 145 152.5 157.5 272.5 287.5 305 722.5 94.91
07/06/2024 33rd Annual Florida State Championships Keith Harrington 2. R-O -93 90.3 227.5 240 -250 147.5 -155 -160 275 -290 -290 662.5 87.91
07/06/2024 33rd Annual Florida State Championships Eric Valentin Sr. 3. R-O -93 92.2 185 200 150 160 165 225 245 255 620 81.46
07/06/2024 33rd Annual Florida State Championships Gabriel Jose Arismendi Marchan 1. R-O -105 98.1 240 -245 140 150 -160 240 250 260 650 82.89
07/06/2024 33rd Annual Florida State Championships Eugene Watkins 2. R-O -105 101 180 -192.5 200 142.5 152.5 -162.5 182.5 207.5 225 577.5 72.63
07/06/2024 33rd Annual Florida State Championships Bradley Flancher 3. R-O -105 93.4 190 205 -210 125 132.5 140 200 212.5 -220 557.5 72.77
07/06/2024 33rd Annual Florida State Championships Seth Dixon 1. R-O -120 109.3 170 182.5 192.5 110 115 -125 195 207.5 220 527.5 63.92
07/06/2024 33rd Annual Florida State Championships Toris Young 0. R-O -120 111.2 237.5 247.5 -257.5 192.5 202.5 207.5 -292.5 -292.5 -295 0 0.00
07/06/2024 33rd Annual Florida State Championships Andree Moscoso 0. R-O -120 117.1 110 120 140 -105 -105 -125 -125 0 0.00
07/06/2024 33rd Annual Florida State Championships Zach Coates 1. R-O 120+ 125.8 215 230 240 160 165 -170 250 272.5 280 685 78.03
07/06/2024 33rd Annual Florida State Championships Jose Huertas 2. R-O 120+ 124.4 190 200 215 137.5 150 160 177.5 197.5 205 580 66.39
07/06/2024 33rd Annual Florida State Championships Faith Clough 1. R-M1 -63 63 62.5 -67.5 67.5 102.5 107.5 112.5 180 39.40
07/06/2024 33rd Annual Florida State Championships Lauren Coleman 1. R-O -63 62.1 45 50 -55 107.5 115 120 170 37.54
07/06/2024 33rd Annual Florida State Championships Brittney Fields 1. R-O -84 80 62.5 70 72.5 140 157.5 165 237.5 45.76
07/06/2024 33rd Annual Florida State Championships Jason Pearson 1. R-M2 -105 104.9 120 125 -130 227.5 237.5 -240 362.5 44.78
07/06/2024 33rd Annual Florida State Championships Lawrence Milford Sr. 1. R-M4 -83 77.9 55 57.5 60 115 120 122.5 182.5 26.10
06/29/2024 Columbus Classic Patricia McCallinhart 1. R-M1 84+ 88.8 -67.5 70 -77.5 70 51.57
06/29/2024 Columbus Classic Austin Waterwall 1. O -105 104.6 185 190 -195 190 59.10
06/29/2024 Columbus Classic Keathun Cunningham 1. R-O -83 82.3 135 142.5 -150 142.5 71.89
06/29/2024 Columbus Classic Sabina Bahodirova 1. R-O -52 51.9 87.5 92.5 97.5 37.5 45 -50 102.5 107.5 115 257.5 65.13
06/29/2024 Columbus Classic Evelynn Moberg 1. R-JR -57 54.2 55 57.5 62.5 25 27.5 -30 62.5 67.5 72.5 162.5 39.64
06/29/2024 Columbus Classic Loryn Wright 1. R-JR -76 71.6 150 162.5 170 80 82.5 85 160 170 182.5 437.5 88.88
06/29/2024 Columbus Classic Mariah Chapman 1. R-O -47 46.5 62.5 67.5 -72.5 47.5 -52.5 -52.5 92.5 100 -115 215 60.24
06/29/2024 Columbus Classic Courtney New 1. R-O -76 72.9 -87.5 92.5 100 42.5 47.5 -52.5 100 110 125 272.5 54.83
06/29/2024 Columbus Classic Ashley Sabalka 2. R-O -76 75 95 100 105 57.5 60 -65 97.5 102.5 107.5 272.5 54.08
06/29/2024 Columbus Classic Morgan Denman 1. R-O 84+ 102.6 122.5 132.5 142.5 62.5 67.5 70 140 150 157.5 370 65.55
06/29/2024 Columbus Classic Laura Albert 2. R-O 84+ 95.6 112.5 120 127.5 55 60 65 132.5 142.5 155 347.5 62.78
06/29/2024 Columbus Classic Taylor Selman 1. O -93 92.3 260 -272.5 272.5 152.5 157.5 162.5 230 -242.5 -242.5 665 72.40
06/29/2024 Columbus Classic Cardyl Trionfante 1. O -105 104.8 260 275 290 190 205 215 260 280 295 800 81.84
06/29/2024 Columbus Classic Zachary Valle 1. R-JR -83 82.9 172.5 180 -187.5 115 -120 -125 177.5 185 190 485 67.20
06/29/2024 Columbus Classic Jansen Craft 2. R-JR -83 74.4 105 115 130 85 -90 90 125 142.5 155 375 54.90
06/29/2024 Columbus Classic Elijah Horstman 1. R-JR -93 83.8 190 200 215 130 137.5 142.5 -190 192.5 -202.5 550 75.77
06/29/2024 Columbus Classic Nicholas Cardella 1. R-JR -120 119.7 -207.5 -207.5 207.5 155 162.5 -165 205 215 230 600 69.84
06/29/2024 Columbus Classic Keith McCubbin 1. R-M1 -120 115 205 227.5 -235 145 152.5 160 230 -252.5 -252.5 617.5 73.16
06/29/2024 Columbus Classic Mitchel Strain 1. R-M3 -83 79.9 132.5 -147.5 150 92.5 105 112.5 180 195 -210 457.5 64.57
06/29/2024 Columbus Classic John Nguyen 1. R-O -93 87.9 207.5 215 227.5 132.5 -142.5 -142.5 257.5 262.5 -275 622.5 83.75
06/29/2024 Columbus Classic Brad Hubbard 2. R-O -93 88.4 170 180 190 120 127.5 135 172.5 182.5 190 515 69.09
06/29/2024 Columbus Classic timothy edwards 1. R-O -105 100.6 270 280 292.5 165 175 -180 290 -310 -310 757.5 95.42
06/29/2024 Columbus Classic Isaiah Terrell 2. R-O -105 94.5 217.5 247.5 250 162.5 -177.5 -177.5 260 -295 -295 672.5 87.30
06/29/2024 Columbus Classic Matthew Erba 3. R-O -105 99 220 235 242.5 120 125 130 260 280 -287.5 652.5 82.84
06/29/2024 Columbus Classic Matthew Burkhart 4. R-O -105 96.4 175 187.5 195 137.5 145 -150 220 240 250 590 75.85
06/29/2024 Columbus Classic Tyler Martin 5. R-O -105 102.2 160 175 182.5 90 -97.5 -97.5 190 200 205 477.5 59.70
06/29/2024 Columbus Classic Andrew Kingzett 1. R-O -120 108.2 265 277.5 285 180 190 -195 282.5 297.5 772.5 94.08
06/29/2024 Columbus Classic Jake Harmon 2. R-O -120 111.4 -255 255 -272.5 175 185 -192.5 255 272.5 -287.5 712.5 85.61
06/29/2024 Columbus Classic Corben Miller 3. R-O -120 116 -250 270 130 140 -145 275 290 -300 700 82.60
06/29/2024 Columbus Classic Alex Padgett 4. R-O -120 116.2 220 235 242.5 147.5 157.5 165 245 260 272.5 680 80.17
06/29/2024 Columbus Classic Peter Barilovich 5. R-O -120 117 192.5 205 212.5 130 140 -145 237.5 -272.5 272.5 625 73.48
06/29/2024 Columbus Classic Alan-Michael Alvarez 1. R-O 120+ 167.5 305 315 325 190 200 212.5 322.5 347.5 360 897.5 91.53
06/29/2024 Columbus Classic Aaron Letinski 2. R-O 120+ 126.4 272.5 295 317.5 215 242.5 265 -285 -302.5 825 93.80
06/29/2024 Columbus Classic Aiden Turk 1. R-SJ -66 62.7 135 140 -145 92.5 100 -107.5 172.5 185 -187.5 425 68.11
06/29/2024 Columbus Classic Owen Rogonjic 1. R-JR -66 65.6 110 120 -127.5 85 -90 -90 152.5 160 167.5 372.5 58.28
06/29/2024 Columbus Classic Ethan Stanley 1. R-SJ -74 69.7 125 137.5 -140 70 77.5 -80 142.5 165 177.5 392.5 59.45
06/29/2024 Columbus Classic Jaden decker 1. R-SJ -83 81.4 112.5 130 135 75 85 -95 170 185 190 410 57.32
06/23/2024 Barbell Brawl Jordan Kummer 1. O -105 103.6 -170 172.5 185 185 57.82
06/23/2024 Barbell Brawl Laryn Myrick 1. R-O -63 62 107.5 115 120 65 67.5 72.5 -135 135 -137.5 327.5 72.40
06/23/2024 Barbell Brawl James Chastain 1. R-M1 -74 72.6 -100 105 120 90 95 -97.5 130 145 165 380 56.36
06/23/2024 Barbell Brawl Nate Crowder 1. R-M1 -93 84.7 167.5 175 182.5 122.5 127.5 -132.5 225 235 245 555 76.07
06/23/2024 Barbell Brawl Justin Noller 1. R-O -66 64.1 175 182.5 187.5 90 95 100 182.5 -200 207.5 495 78.37
06/23/2024 Barbell Brawl Henry Kushner 1. R-O -93 87.2 200 212.5 217.5 135 142.5 145 245 260 267.5 630 85.10
06/23/2024 Barbell Brawl Dominic Zayas 1. R-Y 0 0 41 45 47 27 29 30 65 70 72 149 0.00
06/23/2024 Barbell Brawl Liam Townsend 3. R-Y 0 0 27 30 -31 18 20 21 40 43 44 95 0.00
06/23/2024 Barbell Brawl Charles Butler 1. R-SJ -59 57.2 112.5 120 122.5 65 70 72.5 120 130 140 335 56.39
06/23/2024 Barbell Brawl Kyle Agre 1. R-SJ -74 72 187.5 197.5 -205 95 102.5 107.5 210 227.5 232.5 537.5 80.04
06/23/2024 Barbell Brawl Joshua Connell 2. R-Y 0 0 25 30 31 25 27 28 45 50 52 111 0.00
06/23/2024 Barbell Brawl Cooper Willis 1. R-SJ -83 82.4 122.5 132.5 145 82.5 -92.5 92.5 152.5 165 172.5 410 56.98
06/23/2024 Barbell Brawl Parker Moore 2. R-SJ -83 78.2 90 100 112.5 55 62.5 67.5 120 132.5 140 320 45.68
06/23/2024 Barbell Brawl Michael Russell 1. R-SJ -105 94.5 140 150 155 85 90 92.5 160 170 175 422.5 54.86
06/22/2024 Illinois State Championship Grace Ashby 1. R-JR -57 56.4 127.5 132.5 -137.5 80 85 90 140 147.5 -150 370 87.49
06/22/2024 Illinois State Championship Nely Flores 1. R-JR -69 66.8 135 142.5 150 75 80 82.5 157.5 167.5 -175 400 84.42
06/22/2024 Illinois State Championship Julie Klis 2. R-JR -69 63.5 115 120 125 62.5 65 67.5 137.5 145 -150 337.5 73.47
06/22/2024 Illinois State Championship Debbie Bookman 1. R-M3 -76 75 75 80 85 50 55 -60 107.5 115 120 260 51.59
06/22/2024 Illinois State Championship LaTosha Noakes 1. R-M2 84+ 111.1 100 110 115 62.5 65 70 142.5 -152.5 -152.5 327.5 56.96
06/22/2024 Illinois State Championship Grace Ashby 1. R-O -57 56.4 127.5 132.5 -137.5 80 85 90 140 147.5 -150 370 87.49
06/22/2024 Illinois State Championship Lucia Ruiz 1. R-O -63 61.8 112.5 117.5 125 62.5 67.5 75 122.5 135 145 345 76.44
06/22/2024 Illinois State Championship Nely Flores 1. R-O -69 66.8 135 142.5 150 75 80 82.5 157.5 167.5 -175 400 84.42
06/22/2024 Illinois State Championship Miriam Hoffman 1. R-O -76 70.2 125 135 142.5 77.5 82.5 85 140 152.5 160 387.5 79.52
06/22/2024 Illinois State Championship Emily Manzo 1. R-O 84+ 98 157.5 -165 -177.5 55 60 -65 170 177.5 -185 395 70.84
06/22/2024 Illinois State Championship Michelle Sandhoff 2. R-O 84+ 107.5 -125 -125 125 65 67.5 -70 142.5 150 -170 342.5 60.00
06/22/2024 Illinois State Championship Sean Ambrocio 1. R-G -66 65.9 202.5 222.5 -230 120 132.5 137.5 255 272.5 282.5 642.5 100.24
06/22/2024 Illinois State Championship Jason Neukom 1. R-G -105 98 197.5 215 227.5 147.5 157.5 162.5 237.5 252.5 265 655 83.55
06/22/2024 Illinois State Championship Alec Steffgen 1. R-G -74 67.9 182.5 197.5 -205 90 100 -107.5 215 225 -232.5 522.5 80.24
06/22/2024 Illinois State Championship Robert Baranski 1. R-G -93 87.7 150 157.5 162.5 90 95 100 207.5 217.5 222.5 485 65.31
06/22/2024 Illinois State Championship Ricardo Morales 1. R-G 120+ 127.8 170 182.5 190 -110 125 132.5 182.5 200 212.5 535 60.54
06/22/2024 Illinois State Championship Phillip Rotar 1. R-G -66 66 132.5 142.5 -147.5 142.5 80.83
06/22/2024 Illinois State Championship Nathan Biskup 1. R-JR -66 65.7 200 215 230 120 -127.5 127.5 250 -260 -260 607.5 94.93
06/22/2024 Illinois State Championship Samuel Wheeler 1. R-JR -74 74 210 220 -225 130 135 -137.5 250 260 -265 615 90.29
06/22/2024 Illinois State Championship Elrin Esporlas 1. R-JR -83 77.6 237.5 250 260 165 175 177.5 247.5 265 -272.5 702.5 100.64
06/22/2024 Illinois State Championship Kyle Johnson 1. R-JR -93 92.2 217.5 232.5 242.5 147.5 157.5 160 240 255 -265 657.5 86.38
06/22/2024 Illinois State Championship Chris Peura 1. R-JR -105 98.4 265 280 295 140 150 -155 260 275 290 735 93.57
06/22/2024 Illinois State Championship Jeffrey Conner 2. R-JR -105 101.7 200 210 220 132.5 137.5 145 230 242.5 252.5 617.5 77.39
06/22/2024 Illinois State Championship Peter Eckblad 1. R-JR -120 115.6 225 240 252.5 122.5 130 135 250 265 280 667.5 78.88
06/22/2024 Illinois State Championship Stuart Bookman 1. R-M3 -83 80.7 92.5 97.5 100 75 80 -85 132.5 140 -145 320 44.93
06/22/2024 Illinois State Championship Harland White 1. R-M1 -93 89.7 190 200 -205 135 142.5 -145 -220 225 235 577.5 76.90
06/22/2024 Illinois State Championship Joseph Falck 1. R-M1 -105 103.2 145 -162.5 -162.5 110 -115 -115 190 -200 -200 445 55.39
06/22/2024 Illinois State Championship Tyler Brackemyer 1. R-O -59 58.1 110 115 -117.5 77.5 80 -82.5 150 157.5 160 355 59.23
06/22/2024 Illinois State Championship Noah Pili 1. R-O -66 64.6 195 205 -215 115 120 125 235 240 247.5 577.5 91.05
06/22/2024 Illinois State Championship Michael Coladipietro 1. R-O -74 73.7 235 247.5 260 142.5 150 -155 265 282.5 -292.5 692.5 101.88
06/22/2024 Illinois State Championship Samuel Wheeler 2. R-O -74 74 210 220 -225 130 135 -137.5 250 260 -265 615 90.29
06/22/2024 Illinois State Championship julian hernandez 2. R-O -83 82.1 -160 170 182.5 122.5 130 137.5 210 225 237.5 557.5 77.60
06/22/2024 Illinois State Championship Elrin Esporlas 1. R-O -83 77.6 237.5 250 260 165 175 177.5 247.5 265 -272.5 702.5 100.64
06/22/2024 Illinois State Championship Ronteo Chua 1. R-O -93 90.2 227.5 237.5 -245 -135 137.5 -152.5 262.5 272.5 287.5 662.5 87.98
06/22/2024 Illinois State Championship Erick Salgado 2. R-O -93 91.8 252.5 272.5 -275 140 150 -152.5 230 240 -242.5 662.5 87.22
06/22/2024 Illinois State Championship Ethan Jarnutowski 3. R-O -93 89 190 205 220 95 107.5 -115 240 255 265 592.5 79.20
06/22/2024 Illinois State Championship Harland White 4. R-O -93 89.7 190 200 -205 135 142.5 -145 -220 225 235 577.5 76.90
06/22/2024 Illinois State Championship Ryan Torrance 1. R-O -105 100 282.5 302.5 315 165 172.5 177.5 310 325 -332.5 817.5 103.27
06/22/2024 Illinois State Championship Romar Paul Harayo 1. R-O -120 113.1 300 330 350 180 190 197.5 300 330 -352.5 877.5 104.72
06/22/2024 Illinois State Championship Ethan White 0. R-SJ -74 73 -175 187.5 -195 -105 -110 -110 192.5 -205 -205 0 0.00
06/22/2024 Illinois State Championship Keiland Vasvery 0. R-SJ -105 103.2 -230 -237.5 -245 -132.5 132.5 -137.5 230 -237.5 -237.5 0 0.00
06/15/2024 Cascade Classic Emma Hagen 1. R-JR 84+ 89.9 115 122.5 130 52.5 57.5 -62.5 147.5 157.5 167.5 355 65.40
06/15/2024 Cascade Classic Joy Suppes 1. R-M2 -84 76.1 80 85 90 45 50 52.5 80 85 100 242.5 47.78
06/15/2024 Cascade Classic Katrina Francis 1. R-O -76 71.6 110 117.5 125 55 -60 -60 -137.5 145 150 330 67.02
06/15/2024 Cascade Classic Jennifer Volbeda 1. R-O 84+ 86.7 -112.5 115 -125 52.5 -57.5 57.5 140 -145 -145 312.5 58.31
06/15/2024 Cascade Classic Keagan Ferris 1. R-JR -74 68.5 152.5 160 -172.5 102.5 -110 -110 182.5 -195 -195 445 68.02
06/15/2024 Cascade Classic Clayton Shadof 1. R-JR -83 80.9 167.5 177.5 187.5 97.5 105 110 185 205 215 512.5 71.87
06/15/2024 Cascade Classic Jonah Tebbe 1. R-SJ -105 100.2 -215 220 230 127.5 137.5 142.5 260 272.5 280 652.5 82.35
06/15/2024 Cascade Classic Jesus Fragoso 1. R-M2 -83 79.7 175 195 -205 135 145 -150 250 -272.5 -272.5 590 83.37
06/15/2024 Cascade Classic Erik Madsen 1. R-M4 -120 109.4 157.5 167.5 -175 -110 117.5 122.5 175 187.5 195 485 58.76
06/15/2024 Cascade Classic Drew Coffey 1. R-O -59 57.9 165 175 -180 97.5 -102.5 -102.5 185 200 -207.5 472.5 78.98
06/15/2024 Cascade Classic Griffin McCalla 3. R-O -83 82.5 150 160 167.5 105 112.5 -117.5 155 167.5 180 460 63.87
06/15/2024 Cascade Classic Daniel Griego 4. R-O -83 80.8 112.5 120 125 67.5 70 72.5 125 132.5 140 337.5 47.36
06/15/2024 Cascade Classic Jesus Fragoso 1. R-O -83 79.7 175 195 -205 135 145 -150 250 -272.5 -272.5 590 83.37
06/15/2024 Cascade Classic Clayton Shadof 2. R-O -83 80.9 167.5 177.5 187.5 97.5 105 110 185 205 215 512.5 71.87
06/15/2024 Cascade Classic Dayton Wong 1. R-O -93 87.9 202.5 207.5 220 117.5 122.5 130 187.5 200 215 565 76.00
06/15/2024 Cascade Classic Kevin Schock 2. R-O -93 91.8 160 167.5 170 97.5 100 -102.5 185 200 215 485 63.85
06/15/2024 Cascade Classic Byron Gregg 3. R-O -93 89.1 165 -175 -175 90 -97.5 97.5 170 180 -190 442.5 59.12
06/15/2024 Cascade Classic Alexander Richichi 1. R-O -105 97.8 150 160 170 125 132.5 137.5 182.5 192.5 205 512.5 65.43
06/15/2024 Cascade Classic Timothy Thorsen 2. R-O -105 99.2 140 150 155 122.5 130 -135 185 195 197.5 482.5 61.19
06/15/2024 Cascade Classic Tony Dovidio 1. R-O -120 106.6 150 160 167.5 97.5 105 110 167.5 187.5 200 477.5 58.54
06/08/2024 45th Annual Florida Sports Foundation Sunshine State Games Powerlifting Championships Jon Kennedy 1. M2 120+ 162.1 147.5 160 167.5 167.5 45.74
06/08/2024 45th Annual Florida Sports Foundation Sunshine State Games Powerlifting Championships Del Dennis 1. R-M1 -83 77.4 150 152.5 155 155 80.75
06/08/2024 45th Annual Florida Sports Foundation Sunshine State Games Powerlifting Championships Darian Bryant 1. R-M2 -83 78.7 160 162.5 165 165 85.17
06/08/2024 45th Annual Florida Sports Foundation Sunshine State Games Powerlifting Championships Jerry Plescia 1. R-M3 -66 64.1 -50 50 -77.5 50 28.82
06/08/2024 45th Annual Florida Sports Foundation Sunshine State Games Powerlifting Championships Alan Gerling 1. R-M3 -83 74.8 115 120 125 125 66.27
06/08/2024 45th Annual Florida Sports Foundation Sunshine State Games Powerlifting Championships Stephen Rodoquino 0. R-M3 -93 92.6 -125 -125 -125 0 0.00
06/08/2024 45th Annual Florida Sports Foundation Sunshine State Games Powerlifting Championships Nassah Mohammed 1. R-O -83 81.2 112.5 125 137.5 137.5 69.85
06/08/2024 45th Annual Florida Sports Foundation Sunshine State Games Powerlifting Championships Alan Gerling 2. R-O -83 74.8 115 120 125 125 66.27
06/08/2024 45th Annual Florida Sports Foundation Sunshine State Games Powerlifting Championships Nimisha Mitha 1. R-M1 -63 59.8 65 70 87.5 45 52.5 55 97.5 102.5 107.5 250 56.65
06/08/2024 45th Annual Florida Sports Foundation Sunshine State Games Powerlifting Championships Shandease Burch 1. R-M2 84+ 95.7 -122.5 122.5 127.5 -62.5 67.5 80 142.5 152.5 162.5 370 66.82
06/08/2024 45th Annual Florida Sports Foundation Sunshine State Games Powerlifting Championships Lori Sousa 2. R-M2 84+ 92.3 102.5 105 107.5 62.5 70 75 102.5 107.5 110 292.5 53.42
06/08/2024 45th Annual Florida Sports Foundation Sunshine State Games Powerlifting Championships Cindy Vanh 1. R-O -52 50.2 -97.5 102.5 107.5 55 60 62.5 112.5 120 125 295 76.79
06/08/2024 45th Annual Florida Sports Foundation Sunshine State Games Powerlifting Championships Jaeden Burrell 1. R-O -69 63.8 80 90 100 47.5 52.5 60 102.5 115 120 280 60.79
06/08/2024 45th Annual Florida Sports Foundation Sunshine State Games Powerlifting Championships Shandease Burch 1. R-O 84+ 95.7 -122.5 122.5 127.5 -62.5 67.5 80 142.5 152.5 162.5 370 66.82
06/08/2024 45th Annual Florida Sports Foundation Sunshine State Games Powerlifting Championships Lori Sousa 2. R-O 84+ 92.3 102.5 105 107.5 62.5 70 75 102.5 107.5 110 292.5 53.42
06/08/2024 45th Annual Florida Sports Foundation Sunshine State Games Powerlifting Championships Jaeden Burrell 1. R-SJ -69 63.8 80 90 100 47.5 52.5 60 102.5 115 120 280 60.79
06/08/2024 45th Annual Florida Sports Foundation Sunshine State Games Powerlifting Championships Haley Mitchell 2. R-SJ -69 65.8 75 85 -90 45 50 -55 85 -92.5 -92.5 220 46.86
06/08/2024 45th Annual Florida Sports Foundation Sunshine State Games Powerlifting Championships Robert Peters 1. R-M1 -83 82.2 172.5 185 192.5 110 115 -122.5 180 187.5 197.5 505 70.27
06/08/2024 45th Annual Florida Sports Foundation Sunshine State Games Powerlifting Championships Gabriel Murrieta 1. R-M1 -93 92 147.5 165 177.5 125 130 -137.5 215 222.5 -227.5 530 69.72
06/08/2024 45th Annual Florida Sports Foundation Sunshine State Games Powerlifting Championships Mosbeh Elkanany 1. R-M2 -83 82.9 225 235 240 145 155 -165 180 200 210 605 83.81
06/08/2024 45th Annual Florida Sports Foundation Sunshine State Games Powerlifting Championships Andrew Paige 1. R-M2 -105 95 137.5 160 -182.5 127.5 135 -140 217.5 232.5 235 530 68.62
06/08/2024 45th Annual Florida Sports Foundation Sunshine State Games Powerlifting Championships Michael Ricker 1. R-M2 120+ 122.3 125 145 155 157.5 210 227.5 -237.5 510 58.81
06/08/2024 45th Annual Florida Sports Foundation Sunshine State Games Powerlifting Championships Andrew Zeblisky 1. R-O -74 72.6 142.5 147.5 152.5 105 110 117.5 175 185 187.5 457.5 67.82
06/08/2024 45th Annual Florida Sports Foundation Sunshine State Games Powerlifting Championships Joshua Rickey 1. R-O -83 82.4 182.5 205 212.5 127.5 137.5 142.5 225 237.5 250 605 84.08
06/08/2024 45th Annual Florida Sports Foundation Sunshine State Games Powerlifting Championships Clarence Colin 2. R-O -83 74.7 145 155 157.5 105 112.5 120 165 -172.5 442.5 64.64
06/08/2024 45th Annual Florida Sports Foundation Sunshine State Games Powerlifting Championships Andrew Paige Jr. 1. R-O -93 89.4 160 170 -187.5 112.5 125 137.5 200 217.5 227.5 535 71.36
06/08/2024 45th Annual Florida Sports Foundation Sunshine State Games Powerlifting Championships Jonathan Desrosiers 2. R-O -93 92.1 160 172.5 187.5 100 110 120 192.5 205 227.5 535 70.33
06/08/2024 45th Annual Florida Sports Foundation Sunshine State Games Powerlifting Championships Gabriel Murrieta 3. R-O -93 92 147.5 165 177.5 125 130 -137.5 215 222.5 -227.5 530 69.72
06/08/2024 45th Annual Florida Sports Foundation Sunshine State Games Powerlifting Championships Michael Mendoza 4. R-O -93 86.8 -165 165 90 97.5 182.5 190 -192.5 452.5 61.25
06/08/2024 45th Annual Florida Sports Foundation Sunshine State Games Powerlifting Championships Andre Paige 1. R-O -120 117.7 157.5 -192.5 192.5 125 137.5 -145 227.5 240 -270 570 66.82
06/08/2024 45th Annual Florida Sports Foundation Sunshine State Games Powerlifting Championships Jose Huertas 1. R-O 120+ 124.6 182.5 192.5 200 137.5 150 155 165 182.5 197.5 552.5 63.20
06/08/2024 45th Annual Florida Sports Foundation Sunshine State Games Powerlifting Championships Tyson Tran 1. R-SJ -74 73.4 155 170 -185 87.5 92.5 95 190 210 -220 475 70.03
06/01/2024 ‘Til Death Cathryn Cavazos 1. R-JR -57 54.8 115 125 -132.5 65 -72.5 -72.5 130 140 150 340 82.21
06/01/2024 ‘Til Death Dejaline Xiong 1. R-JR 84+ 105.4 135 142.5 147.5 57.5 60 -62.5 132.5 -137.5 137.5 345 60.71
06/01/2024 ‘Til Death Jasmine Aguilera 1. R-O -63 61.9 130 140 147.5 -55 55 60 125 135 140 347.5 76.91
06/01/2024 ‘Til Death Melissa Castellanos 1. R-O -76 74 75 77.5 80 40 42.5 47.5 110 120 125 252.5 50.43
06/01/2024 ‘Til Death Kim Jackson 1. R-O 84+ 102.7 120 127.5 132.5 55 60 -65 120 130 137.5 330 58.45
06/01/2024 ‘Til Death Isaak Perez 1. R-JR -74 72.1 180 192.5 -205 102.5 110 112.5 182.5 195 205 510 75.92
06/01/2024 ‘Til Death Cameron Workman 1. R-SJ -74 69.5 125 135 140 87.5 97.5 -102.5 160 175 185 422.5 64.12
06/01/2024 ‘Til Death Alfredo Orozco 1. R-JR -83 81.8 200 215 227.5 130 140 147.5 220 235 250 625 87.16
06/01/2024 ‘Til Death Ethan Frias 2. R-JR -83 79.5 172.5 182.5 -192.5 137.5 140 142.5 220 230 -240 555 78.55
06/01/2024 ‘Til Death Daniel Hernandez 3. R-JR -83 74.6 167.5 180 -187.5 117.5 125 -132.5 215 232.5 -245 537.5 78.58
06/01/2024 ‘Til Death Randy Villalobos 4. R-JR -83 77.9 110 120 130 100 112.5 -117.5 110 120 132.5 375 53.61
06/01/2024 ‘Til Death Luke Rybarczyk 1. R-JR -105 104.8 265 280 290 190 200 -205 290 310 327.5 817.5 101.04
06/01/2024 ‘Til Death Ankit Kuchhangi 1. R-O -74 73 190 200 207.5 100 107.5 -115 215 227.5 235 550 81.35
06/01/2024 ‘Til Death William Aguilera 2. R-O -74 71.2 160 172.5 -185 115 125 130 190 200 210 512.5 76.77
06/01/2024 ‘Til Death Jesus Robles 1. R-O -83 82.6 212.5 217.5 -220 135 142.5 -145 237.5 242.5 -260 602.5 83.61
06/01/2024 ‘Til Death Alejandro Padilla 2. R-O -83 82.6 165 170 177.5 110 115 -120 210 215 222.5 515 71.49
06/01/2024 ‘Til Death Brandon Avila 1. R-O -93 90.2 225 235 242.5 135 142.5 147.5 237.5 252.5 265 655 86.98
06/01/2024 ‘Til Death Jonathan Cruz 2. R-O -93 92.9 190 197.5 207.5 135 142.5 147.5 210 225 237.5 592.5 77.55
06/01/2024 ‘Til Death Daniel Madruga 3. R-O -93 88.4 172.5 185 190 120 130 -150 205 212.5 532.5 71.44
06/01/2024 ‘Til Death Hamza Ahmed 1. R-O -105 104.5 262.5 282.5 292.5 175 185 190 -292.5 292.5 -310 775 95.90
06/01/2024 ‘Til Death James Wiley 2. R-O -105 103.5 242.5 257.5 -265 137.5 -142.5 145 240 255 -262.5 657.5 81.72
06/01/2024 ‘Til Death Antonio Berber 3. R-O -105 100.4 187.5 197.5 207.5 130 140 147.5 202.5 215 225 580 73.13
06/01/2024 ‘Til Death Julian Trevino 4. R-O -105 101.3 -200 205 -210 122.5 127.5 -130 240 245 -247.5 577.5 72.51
06/01/2024 ‘Til Death Gerardo Villalobos 1. R-O -120 117.6 290 295 302.5 175 185 -192.5 305 317.5 325 812.5 95.29
06/01/2024 ‘Til Death James Renteria 1. R-O 120+ 127 205 225 -240 135 145 -155 195 215 -232.5 585 66.37
06/01/2024 ‘Til Death Jayden Broaddus 1. R-SJ -59 57 80 90 100 52.5 60 130 140 300 50.57
06/01/2024 ‘Til Death Diego Mora 1. R-SJ -105 101.8 207.5 212.5 220 155 160 -162.5 245 257.5 262.5 642.5 80.48
06/01/2024 ‘Til Death Julian Trevino 2. R-SJ -105 101.3 -200 205 -210 122.5 127.5 -130 240 245 -247.5 577.5 72.51
06/01/2024 ‘Til Death Brayden Hopkins 1. R-SJ 120+ 123.7 -215 227.5 242.5 145 155 -165 220 235 -255 632.5 72.57
06/01/2024 ‘Til Death Diego Mendoza 2. R-SJ 120+ 121.9 220 235 242.5 122.5 137.5 145 220 227.5 -250 615 71.02
05/19/2024 Equipped National Championships Thaovy Tran 1. JR -43 42.2 95 107.5 112.5 -42.5 42.5 50 102.5 115 125 287.5 68.70
05/19/2024 Equipped National Championships Jasmine Barlow 2. JR -43 41.8 77.5 82.5 87.5 47.5 50 55 75 80 82.5 225 54.20
05/19/2024 Equipped National Championships Yasmin Talamantez 1. JR -52 51.6 95 -100 -100 62.5 67.5 72.5 102.5 107.5 115 282.5 57.88
05/19/2024 Equipped National Championships Lola Cheramie 1. JR -57 55.2 157.5 165 175 80 87.5 -92.5 160 167.5 -175 430 84.18
05/19/2024 Equipped National Championships Aeryn Anderson 3. JR -69 63.8 130 135 145 -82.5 82.5 -90 130 137.5 147.5 375 67.22
05/19/2024 Equipped National Championships Celine Orozco 1. JR -69 67.9 200 207.5 -212.5 110 112.5 115 175 -185 185 507.5 88.00
05/19/2024 Equipped National Championships Savannah York 2. JR -69 68.3 190 195 202.5 85 120.5 123 160 170 -182.5 495.5 85.62
05/19/2024 Equipped National Championships Katherine Cargill 1. JR -76 74.6 182.5 -192.5 195 112.5 117.5 122.5 147.5 155 160 477.5 79.02
05/19/2024 Equipped National Championships Mena Reeves 1. JR -84 82 185 -197.5 -197.5 120 -122.5 122.5 160 167.5 177.5 485 77.02
05/19/2024 Equipped National Championships Haileigh Lupo 2. JR -84 83.6 -85 -85 85 57.5 65 -72.5 95 102.5 115 265 41.76
05/19/2024 Equipped National Championships Abigail Lee 1. JR 84+ 135.2 -242.5 -255 260 120 127.5 132.5 175 187.5 195 587.5 81.22
05/19/2024 Equipped National Championships Amber Gomez 1. M1 -76 72.2 132.5 137.5 150 92.5 100 105 155 165 172.5 427.5 71.85
05/19/2024 Equipped National Championships Lindsey Keay 2. M1 -76 72.2 105 115 135 65 70 -75 110 125 137.5 342.5 57.58
05/19/2024 Equipped National Championships Sara Rodock 1. M1 -84 83.1 202.5 -210 -210 -152.5 -152.5 152.5 142.5 155 -160 510 80.57
05/19/2024 Equipped National Championships Ellay Merana 2. M1 -84 80 130 -140 142.5 95 100 102.5 125 135 140 385 61.78
05/19/2024 Equipped National Championships Kamilah Todd 1. M1 84+ 113.7 -240 240 -252.5 -145 145 150 175 185 195 585 83.68
05/19/2024 Equipped National Championships Kim Wilson 1. M2 -57 56.4 132.5 -143 -143 65 70 72.5 155 160.5 168 373 72.02
05/19/2024 Equipped National Championships Heather Connor 1. O -47 47 130 135 140 65 67.5 70 175 185 195 405 88.81
05/19/2024 Equipped National Championships Madeline Fitch 1. O -52 51.6 150 157.5 165 87.5 90 92.5 155 162.5 167.5 425 87.08
05/19/2024 Equipped National Championships Anna Gonzalez 2. O -52 51.2 -125 125 132.5 -75 75 -80 132.5 142.5 -155 350 72.05
05/19/2024 Equipped National Championships Kimberly Johnson 1. O -57 56.9 190 200 210 130 140 150.5 180 190 -201 550.5 105.64
05/19/2024 Equipped National Championships Patricia Southerland 1. O -63 62.8 182.5 -192.5 -192.5 137.5 142.5 145 175 -182.5 182.5 510 92.24
05/19/2024 Equipped National Championships Katelyn Gmernicki 2. O -63 62.8 175 185 187.5 125 127.5 130 170 177.5 185 502.5 90.92
05/19/2024 Equipped National Championships Shelby Gaspard 3. O -63 59.6 117.5 127.5 137.5 77.5 82.5 90 115 125 135 362.5 67.63
05/19/2024 Equipped National Championships Kelsey McCarthy 1. O -69 68.1 215 230 240 165 172.5 178.5 205 -215.5 215.5 634 109.72
05/19/2024 Equipped National Championships Heather Smith 2. O -69 68.6 110 120 -127.5 60 67.5 70 107.5 120 127.5 317.5 54.76
05/19/2024 Equipped National Championships Marissa Weidner 0. O -69 68.1 122.5 130 135 -150 -150 -150 -167.5 175 190 0 0.00
05/19/2024 Equipped National Championships Kloie (Doublin) Nutt 1. O -76 75.7 215 225 230 145 155 -165 207.5 220 230 615 101.12
05/19/2024 Equipped National Championships Emily Badeaux 2. O -84 83 150 160 -170 -122.5 127.5 135 140 155 165 460 72.71
05/19/2024 Equipped National Championships Mary Jane Krebs 1. O 84+ 90.4 215 227.5 235 160 167.5 172.5 200 210 217.5 625 95.63
05/19/2024 Equipped National Championships J'Lynn Fernandez 1. SJ -47 47 -110 110 -120 42.5 47.5 -52.5 117.5 125 -135 282.5 61.90
05/19/2024 Equipped National Championships Gabriella Garza 1. SJ -52 51.5 -125 125 130 52.5 -55 55 115 122.5 -125 307.5 63.09
05/19/2024 Equipped National Championships Khandi C. Shuford 1. SJ -57 55.7 127.5 137.5 147.5 80 85 90 132.5 145 155 392.5 76.35
05/19/2024 Equipped National Championships Lydia Shields 1. JR -63 61.2 140 152.5 160 85 92.5 100 132.5 147.5 -155 407.5 74.81
05/19/2024 Equipped National Championships Celeste Godinez 0. SJ -69 68.8 -182.5 -182.5 -182.5 -102.5 -137.5 0 0.00
05/19/2024 Equipped National Championships Sara Vasquez 1. SJ -76 74.9 -165.5 165.5 180 60 65 72.5 125 135 150 402.5 66.50
05/19/2024 Equipped National Championships Tayler Guidry 2. JR 84+ 100.6 -172.5 182.5 195 120 -130 130 130 145 155 480 70.94
05/19/2024 Equipped National Championships Brylee Batiste 1. SJ -84 82.7 197.5 207.5 220 92.5 97.5 -102.5 180 202.5 -220 520 82.31
05/19/2024 Equipped National Championships Madilyn Cantu 2. SJ -84 81.3 122.5 130 142.5 60 67.5 75 127.5 132.5 135 352.5 56.19
05/19/2024 Equipped National Championships Nicolas Calidonia 1. JR -59 58 197.5 202.5 210 -125 125 132.5 190 200 -210 542.5 80.10
05/19/2024 Equipped National Championships Landon Diepenbrock 1. JR -66 65.1 210 -220 222.5 142.5 150 155 210 222.5 -235 600 81.21
05/19/2024 Equipped National Championships Liam Zuffoletti 1. JR -74 73.3 222.5 227.5 -247.5 150 157.5 162.5 222.5 230 235 625 77.97
05/19/2024 Equipped National Championships Mathew Sanchez 1. JR -83 82.3 255 270 282.5 -165 172.5 177.5 235 250 260 720 83.56
05/19/2024 Equipped National Championships Zeb Zepponi 2. JR -83 81.2 -230 -235 235 142.5 147.5 152.5 220 230 237.5 625 73.14
05/19/2024 Equipped National Championships Chase Lawton 1. JR -93 93 305 317.5 320 195 205 -212.5 285 297.5 302.5 827.5 89.74
05/19/2024 Equipped National Championships Sergio Lerma 2. JR -93 92 -322.5 -335 335 175 185 -192.5 -290 302.5 -307.5 822.5 89.70
05/19/2024 Equipped National Championships Gavin Dennis 3. JR -93 92.2 -260 260 275 -140 140 147.5 242.5 250 257.5 680 74.08
05/19/2024 Equipped National Championships Noah Johnson 1. O -93 91.9 355 362.5 -370 220 230 -235 320 330 340 932.5 101.76
05/19/2024 Equipped National Championships Terrin Howard 1. JR -105 102 267.5 272.5 -297.5 182.5 -185 185 245 250 255 712.5 73.83
05/19/2024 Equipped National Championships Daniel Medina 1. JR -120 113.7 242.5 260 -272.5 152.5 162.5 170 197.5 207.5 -215 637.5 62.95
05/19/2024 Equipped National Championships Matt Rodock 1. M1 -93 93 327.5 337.5 347.5 192.5 197.5 -205 292.5 302.5 -310 847.5 91.94
05/19/2024 Equipped National Championships Dale McLaren 1. M1 -105 104.4 325 335 340 272.5 -280 -280 287.5 300 -310 912.5 93.51
05/19/2024 Equipped National Championships Jonathan Jurewicz 2. M1 -120 111.7 142.5 150 -152.5 85 -92.5 -92.5 165 -170 170 405 40.29
05/19/2024 Equipped National Championships Ryan Donnelly 1. M1 -120 113.3 280 300 317.5 212.5 225 240 255 275 292.5 850 84.05
05/19/2024 Equipped National Championships Michael Jean Sr. 1. M1 120+ 165.9 245 250 255 160 167.5 175 245 260 270 700 61.33
05/19/2024 Equipped National Championships Eric Kupperstein 1. M2 -59 58.1 175 -195 205 45 50 55 175 195 215 475 70.04
05/19/2024 Equipped National Championships Eric Verbel 1. M2 -66 65.4 125 130 140 -80 80 90 160 180 -200 410 55.28
05/19/2024 Equipped National Championships Travis Pardue 1. M2 -74 73.3 165 182.5 -200 117.5 127.5 -137.5 205 227.5 -250 537.5 67.02
05/19/2024 Equipped National Championships Jason Johnson 1. M2 -105 104.5 75 -125 -150 -235 235 243 75 125 207.5 525.5 53.83
05/19/2024 Equipped National Championships Darrell Gaspard 2. M2 -105 97.4 170 185 200 110 120 -127.5 175 192.5 205 525 55.63
05/19/2024 Equipped National Championships Michael Kalter 1. M2 -120 116.4 280 295 302.5 195 205 210 280 295 -302.5 807.5 78.99
05/19/2024 Equipped National Championships Travis Koehn 2. M2 -120 118.6 280 295 305 210 -217.5 217.5 257.5 270 280 802.5 77.91
05/19/2024 Equipped National Championships Wilson Martinez 3. M2 -120 114.9 265 -285 -285 190 197.5 207.5 267.5 290 -300 762.5 74.98
05/19/2024 Equipped National Championships Daniel Wade 4. M2 -120 108.5 -235 -235 235 175 -180 -180 -245 245 -255 655 65.99
05/19/2024 Equipped National Championships Michael Rodriguez 1. M3 -74 73.2 205 220 235 155 170 -175 195 225 238 643 80.25
05/19/2024 Equipped National Championships Chris Boillot 1. M3 -83 81.7 210 220 230 140 152.5 157.5 200 212.5 220 607.5 70.81
05/19/2024 Equipped National Championships Jeff Gradney 2. M3 -83 77.5 207.5 -220 -220 127.5 -137.5 -137.5 195 530 63.78
05/19/2024 Equipped National Championships Carlos Lewis 3. M3 -83 77.3 -200 200 -215 130 137.5 -142.5 185 -210 -210 522.5 63.01
05/19/2024 Equipped National Championships Thomas Cencich 1. M3 -93 92.2 175 185 195 185 195 202.5 185 195 205 602.5 65.64
05/19/2024 Equipped National Championships Gerard Dally 2. M3 -93 88.8 175 187.5 200 102.5 107.5 112.5 185 200 -210 512.5 56.97
05/19/2024 Equipped National Championships Richard Johnson 1. M3 -105 97.2 -215 215 225 117.5 120 122.5 215 230 240 587.5 62.31
05/19/2024 Equipped National Championships Keith Taylor 2. M3 -105 95.8 160 170 180 152.5 -160 160 180 195 -205 535 57.14
05/19/2024 Equipped National Championships James Brookshire 3. M3 -105 99.5 165 -175 175 125 135 140 175 185 195 510 53.46
05/19/2024 Equipped National Championships Ron Falcone Jr 4. M3 -105 93.3 -175 175 185 70 110 115 177.5 185 200 500 54.13
05/19/2024 Equipped National Championships Brad Salter 1. M4 -120 109.8 -140 140 155 90 100 105 140 165 180 440 44.10
05/19/2024 Equipped National Championships William Clayton 1. M4 -83 81.4 130 137.5 -155 90 100 -112.5 150 387.5 45.26
05/19/2024 Equipped National Championships Dalton Lacoe 1. O -59 56.5 215 -225 232.5 125 130 137.5 245 260 272.5 642.5 96.86
05/19/2024 Equipped National Championships Chris Tran 2. O -59 58.8 -212.5 -212.5 212.5 137.5 142.5 145 215 227.5 -240 585 85.40
05/19/2024 Equipped National Championships Mario Leos 1. O -66 65.4 247.5 260 -272.5 177.5 182.5 187.5 230 242.5 252.5 700 94.43
05/19/2024 Equipped National Championships Alexis Maher 1. O -74 73.6 -295 300 310 170 177.5 182.5 345 -360 -360 837.5 104.15
05/19/2024 Equipped National Championships Nathan Landry 2. O -74 73.6 -275 275 282.5 190 197.5 202.5 265 272.5 277.5 762.5 94.83
05/19/2024 Equipped National Championships Nicholas Farison 3. O -74 73.7 247.5 262.5 272.5 -175 180 185 247.5 262.5 272.5 730 90.71
05/19/2024 Equipped National Championships Matthew Arnold 4. O -74 73.3 232.5 245 252.5 167.5 172.5 -177.5 210 222.5 -227.5 647.5 80.74
05/19/2024 Equipped National Championships Knute Douglas 1. O -83 83 325 340 347.5 217.5 222.5 227.5 305 317.5 -325.5 892.5 103.06
05/19/2024 Equipped National Championships Michael Vargas 2. O -83 83 300 315 322.5 205 212.5 217.5 267.5 280 290 830 95.85
05/19/2024 Equipped National Championships Ben Veler 3. O -83 82.6 240 250 260 150 -160 -160 -260 260 272.5 682.5 79.04
05/19/2024 Equipped National Championships Jacob De La Paz 1. M2 -83 82.5 -205 205 240 140 150 -160 225 245 250 640 74.19
05/19/2024 Equipped National Championships Noel Ybarra 4. O -83 82.5 -260 -260 260 155 162.5 -172.5 215 -222.5 -227.5 637.5 73.90
05/19/2024 Equipped National Championships Gregory Johnson 3. O -93 92.2 320 -330 -390 175 -177.5 -177.5 340 345 -352.5 840 91.53
05/19/2024 Equipped National Championships Dustin Taylor 4. O -93 87 -200 200 215 152.5 -160 -160 240 -255 -255 607.5 68.32
05/19/2024 Equipped National Championships Nelson Martinez 2. O -105 104.5 330 350 -365 -260 260 280 270 282.5 -287.5 912.5 93.47
05/19/2024 Equipped National Championships Michael Tuchscherer 1. O -120 119.4 365 385 397.5 265 270 -275 335 355 367.5 1035 100.24
05/19/2024 Equipped National Championships Jessie Badeaux 2. O -120 113.8 345 365 380 260 272.5 285 265 292.5 -310 957.5 94.51
05/19/2024 Equipped National Championships Charles Richards 3. O -120 107.4 287.5 302.5 315 180 187.5 197.5 270 287.5 300 812.5 82.23
05/19/2024 Equipped National Championships Jared Martin 1. O 120+ 131 405 425 440 290 295 300 330 340 -350 1080 101.13
05/19/2024 Equipped National Championships Carter Wheat 2. O 120+ 174.1 395 410 420 292.5 300 305 315 335 -347.5 1060 91.90
05/19/2024 Equipped National Championships Zen Mccollum 3. O 120+ 171.5 -410 -410 410 300 315 -325 305 322.5 -335 1047.5 91.10
05/19/2024 Equipped National Championships Kristopher Lewis 4. O 120+ 125.6 270 280 -287.5 165 172.5 177.5 195 212.5 220 677.5 64.37
05/19/2024 Equipped National Championships George Cunningham 1. SJ -59 59 120 127.5 132.5 77.5 85 90 142.5 155 162.5 385 56.09
05/19/2024 Equipped National Championships Rayshone Manuel 2. JR -66 65 210 220 -227.5 -115 115 -120 210 217.5 227.5 562.5 76.17
05/19/2024 Equipped National Championships Bryand Mao 1. SJ -66 63 170 187.5 195 -110 110 117.5 175 190 -197.5 502.5 69.62
05/19/2024 Equipped National Championships Gabriel Garza 2. SJ -74 67.5 -210 210 -220 -120 120 -137.5 210 -227.5 -227.5 540 71.19
05/19/2024 Equipped National Championships Eric Arbour 1. SJ -74 72.2 235 250 257.5 110 125 -127.5 240 260 -265 642.5 80.95
05/19/2024 Equipped National Championships Aiden Brown 1. SJ -83 82.6 212.5 227.5 240 -140 140 150 200 225 -240 615 71.22
05/19/2024 Equipped National Championships Demitri Ayala 1. SJ -105 94.2 282.5 302.5 320 -192.5 -192.5 192.5 275 290 -320 802.5 86.45
05/19/2024 Equipped National Championships Cole Schirg 2. SJ -105 103.8 265 280 290 185 195 202.5 240 252.5 257.5 750 77.06
05/19/2024 Equipped National Championships Cael McDaniel 1. SJ -120 113.6 275 -282.5 287.5 190 202.5 215 250 265 270 772.5 76.31
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Aliki Ameer 2. R-JR -57 56.7 120 130 135 87.5 92.5 -95 132.5 145 152.5 380 89.55
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Nataleigh Hunter 1. R-JR -63 61.8 175 185.5 190.5 90 95 100 187.5 200 -207.5 490.5 108.73
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Angelina Martinez 2. R-JR -63 62.4 155 165 167.5 92.5 97.5 -100 195 210 215 480 105.67
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Daisy Arreola Garcia 3. R-JR -63 62 -160 160 -167.5 92.5 97.5 100 170 180 -190 440 97.33
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Hannah Smith 4. R-JR -63 61.6 130 -140 140 72.5 80 -87.5 125 137.5 147.5 367.5 81.60
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Darlene Navarro 5. R-JR -63 61.8 120 130 -137.5 60 65 67.5 142.5 150 -152.5 347.5 77.03
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Elizabeth Pizarro 6. R-JR -63 59.9 -115 115 122.5 62.5 67.5 70 112.5 117.5 -130 310 70.15
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Samantha Occhionero 7. R-JR -63 59.1 112.5 117.5 -125 60 -62.5 62.5 110 115 -117.5 295 67.43
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Taylor Boyle 8. R-JR -63 58.7 87.5 92.5 100 52.5 57.5 -60 115 122.5 -127.5 280 64.32
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Carolyn Connor 1. R-JR -69 68.6 175 182.5 187.5 -92.5 97.5 103 203 213 -218 503.5 104.69
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Haley Hunter 2. R-JR -69 68.1 182.5 -190 -190 95 -100 -100 180 187.5 -190 465 97.09
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Emma Newman 1. R-JR -76 75.7 152.5 -160 160 97.5 102.5 107.5 165 175 182.5 450 88.89
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Heaven Conner 4. R-JR -76 76 117.5 -125 125 70 -75 75 130 137.5 -147.5 337.5 66.56
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Layla Soto 1. R-JR -84 83 202.5 213 227 115 122.5 129 190 200 -210 556 105.50
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Alexa-Briana Batchateu 2. R-JR -84 81.2 -182.5 187.5 192.5 75 80 85 205 -220 225 502.5 96.23
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Antara Jackson 3. R-JR -84 83 165 172.5 175 107.5 115 117.5 195 205 -210 497.5 94.40
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Natalie Smith 4. R-JR -84 84 130 147.5 155 77.5 82.5 85 155 165 170 410 77.43
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Haley Beardin 5. R-JR -84 80.7 125 135 142.5 82.5 87.5 -90 157.5 172.5 -182.5 402.5 77.28
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Mikayla Vonlangen 7. R-JR -84 81.8 -100 105 115 67.5 72.5 77.5 100 110 115 307.5 58.71
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Asha Hopkins 0. R-JR -84 83.8 -197.5 -202.5 -202.5 112.5 120 125 192.5 210 220 0 0.00
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Amaya Wade 0. R-JR 84+ 107 152.5 160 -167.5 -100 -100 -100 182.5 -195 -195 0 0.00
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Cynthia Smith 1. R-M1 -47 46.7 -70 72.5 75 32.5 37.5 -45 70 75 80 192.5 53.76
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Noelle Brigden 1. R-M1 -52 47.1 100 107.5 -112.5 67.5 72.5 75 130 137.5 -145 320 88.61
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Erin Riddle 1. R-M1 -57 55.3 130 138 143 62.5 67.5 70 142.5 152.5 157.5 370.5 88.95
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Astrid Girolamo 2. R-M1 -57 56.9 120 127.5 -130 70 75 77.5 145 155 -167.5 360 84.61
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Kelly Tonini 3. R-M1 -57 55.9 107.5 117.5 -125 60 65 70 130 135 -140 322.5 76.78
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Lindsay Shabansky 4. R-M1 -57 56.7 95 102.5 105 55 60 65 112.5 120 125 295 69.52
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Jennifer Sauter 1. R-M1 -63 62.8 -145 145 150 72.5 77.5 80 162.5 172.5 177.5 407.5 89.34
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Amy Mason 2. R-M1 -63 62.6 135 -142.5 142.5 72.5 75 77.5 162.5 -172.5 -182.5 382.5 84.07
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Eleanor Gease 3. R-M1 -63 61.8 105 112.5 120 62.5 67.5 -72.5 120 -130 -132.5 307.5 68.16
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Joyce Kuwae 4. R-M1 -63 59.6 85 90 95 47.5 50 52.5 105 112.5 120 267.5 60.78
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Alexa Sperske 1. R-M1 -69 67.7 145 -152.5 152.5 72.5 75 77.5 180 190 -200 420 87.99
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Pamela Riley 2. R-M1 -69 66.9 110 117.5 122.5 65 70 -72.5 137.5 150 155 347.5 73.31
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Joan Hon 3. R-M1 -69 67.2 110 117.5 125 65 70 72.5 137.5 145 150 347.5 73.08
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Annette Morgan 5. R-M1 -69 66.5 92.5 -100 102.5 62.5 65 -70 132.5 140 145 312.5 66.13
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Clair Crawford 6. R-M1 -69 68.4 102.5 110 -115 52.5 -55 55 115 -125 -125 280 58.29
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Cherie Tan 7. R-M1 -69 68.1 70 80 82.5 30 35 37.5 75 85 90 210 43.85
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Linette Bogdan 2. R-M1 -76 75.8 140 150 157.5 87.5 92.5 -95 177.5 187.5 195 445 87.87
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Chereny Woodard 1. R-M1 -84 80.5 -137.5 137.5 150 85 92.5 97.5 175 185 195 442.5 85.05
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Elis Bradshaw 2. R-M1 -84 78.8 150 157.5 162.5 80 85 -90 165 175 180 427.5 82.91
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Amy Hutchison 3. R-M1 -84 83.8 142.5 150 157.5 80 85 87.5 162.5 172.5 182.5 427.5 80.83
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Rachael Dugan 4. R-M1 -84 77.8 92.5 97.5 102.5 65 70 -72.5 122.5 130 137.5 310 60.46
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Melissa Copeland 1. R-M1 84+ 120.3 197.5 207.5 213.5 115 120 125 195 -205 205 543.5 93.13
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Michelle Harrell 2. R-M1 84+ 107.2 150 152.5 -155 95 97.5 -100 167.5 175 177.5 427.5 74.94
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Rebecca Rutkoski 3. R-M1 84+ 100.3 155 162.5 167.5 77.5 80 -82.5 155 -165 -167.5 402.5 71.74
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Diane Arthur 4. R-M1 84+ 96.6 117.5 125 132.5 80 85 90 157.5 167.5 -180 390 70.24
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Nefertiti Borders 5. R-M1 84+ 88 132.5 137.5 142.5 67.5 72.5 -77.5 142.5 157.5 170 385 71.47
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Erin Hall 6. R-M1 84+ 112.8 112.5 120 122.5 60 65 -72.5 142.5 152.5 -162.5 340 58.95
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Michelle Kane 2. R-M2 -84 83 135 145 152.5 97.5 105.5 108.5 155 165 172.5 433.5 82.27
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Lisa Weiss 1. R-M2 -52 51.5 80 85 -87.5 52.5 57.5 -60 122.5 132.5 137.5 280 71.29
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Suzanne Hartwig-Gary 1. R-M2 -57 55.8 127.5 135 -140 62.5 67.5 72.5 137.5 147.5 150 357.5 85.29
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Donna Garofalo 2. R-M2 -57 56.2 75 80 90 47.5 52.5 55 110 120 130 275 65.24
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Leah Cruciani 1. R-M2 -63 62.3 107.5 112.5 120 62.5 -67.5 -70 140 150 -157.5 332.5 73.28
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Cathy Avery 1. R-G -69 63.3 125 -132.5 -132.5 77.5 83 -84 140 150 -155 358 78.13
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Roberta Carlson 1. R-M2 -69 67.4 127.5 135 140 65 70 72.5 167.5 177.5 182.5 395 82.97
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Karen Kleyle 2. R-M2 -69 66.2 102.5 110 112.5 47.5 -52.5 -52.5 -127.5 132.5 140 300 63.68
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Joah Iannotta 1. R-M2 -76 75.3 140 147.5 155 102.5 110 -115 180 190 197.5 462.5 91.59
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Jackie Barone 1. R-M3 -76 70.7 60 65 70 40 45 -47.5 87.5 95 100 215 43.96
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Siri Hoogen 1. R-M2 -84 83.2 145 155 160 87.5 92.5 95 -170 175 180 435 82.48
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Stephanie Linder 3. R-M2 -84 82 137.5 147.5 -155.5 77.5 85 90 167.5 177.5 190 427.5 81.51
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Lakhvir Sodhi Gosal 4. R-M2 -84 83.9 145 150 155 70 77.5 -80 180 190 -205 422.5 79.84
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Shari Langrall 5. R-M2 -84 83.6 115 122.5 130 72.5 77.5 -80 155 165 -175 372.5 70.48
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Michal Harris 6. R-M2 -84 83.5 95 110 -115 47.5 55 57.5 130 142.5 -147.5 310 58.68
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Patricia Johnson 1. R-M2 84+ 101.6 160 172.5 182.5 115 120 -122.5 205 217.5 227.5 530 94.14
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Lilyan Jackson 2. R-M2 84+ 168.1 142.5 150 160 115 122.5 127.5 165 175 187.5 475 78.63
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Heidi Meeley 3. R-M2 84+ 101.9 120 130 137.5 62.5 -67.5 70 130 142.5 152.5 360 63.89
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Dora Justice 1. R-M3 -57 55.5 70 75 77.5 62.5 65 67.5 97.5 105 110 255 61.09
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Lynne Homan 1. R-M3 -63 57.9 70 75 77.5 55 57.5 60 107.5 112.5 117.5 255 59.16
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Loraine Efron 2. R-M3 -63 58.5 82.5 -87.5 -87.5 45 47.5 -50 95 100 -105 230 52.93
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Jessica Marshall 1. R-M3 -69 65.6 110 118 123 52.5 57.5 62.5 150 160 167.5 353 75.31
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Tina Weber 2. R-M3 -69 67.8 102.5 107.5 112.5 62.5 -65 -65 117.5 125 130 305 63.84
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Susan Gibson 3. R-M3 -69 66.8 80 87.5 97.5 57.5 62.5 -65 120 130 -137.5 290 61.20
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Alma Kimura 1. R-M4 -69 67.5 105.5 110.5 113 47.5 52.5 -55 132.5 140.5 -148 306 64.22
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Vicki Brackett 1. R-M3 84+ 126.7 110 120 -130 75 -80.5 -80.5 155 162.5 -167.5 357.5 60.76
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Barbara Beaudin 2. R-M3 84+ 89.4 97.5 105 115 57.5 60 62.5 137.5 147.5 152.5 330 60.92
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Denise Johnson 1. R-M4 -52 50.3 32.5 35 37.5 27.5 30 32.5 70 75 77.5 147.5 38.35
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Nancy Sassaman 1. R-M4 -57 55 35 45 57.5 25 32.5 -35 75 90 97.5 187.5 45.21
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Gale Williams 2. R-M4 -69 67.5 82.5 90 92.5 55 60 62.5 117.5 127.5 130 285 59.81
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Linda Gorham 1. R-M4 84+ 99.3 100 105 112.5 62.5 67.5 70 120 127.5 -140 310 55.40
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Katie Achille 4. R-M1 -69 67.7 115 122.5 -127.5 67.5 72.5 75 130 140 147.5 345 72.28
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Esther Scott 1. R-M1 -76 75.7 165 175 -180 90 95 97.5 177.5 -187.5 187.5 460 90.86
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Lauren Jansen 1. R-SJ -52 52 115 120 -127.5 60 62.5 -65 125 135 -140 317.5 80.17
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Katelyn Plourde 2. R-SJ -52 52 90 97.5 102.5 65 -70 70 120 127.5 -130 300 75.81
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Trinity Klingler 3. R-SJ -52 51.4 85 90 97.5 47.5 -52.5 -52.5 100 -105 105 250 63.82
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Octavia Hill 1. R-JR -57 55.4 125 132.5 137.5 72.5 -75 160 170 -177.5 380 91.16
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Eleni Guerrera 1. R-SJ -57 55.7 -140 140 147.5 -77.5 77.5 82.5 173 183 -188 413 98.66
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Lily Nguyen 2. R-SJ -57 55.6 127.5 137.5 142.5 65 72.5 -77.5 150 160 -175 375 89.65
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Isabella Gregory 3. R-SJ -57 54.7 105 -110 -110 70 75 -77.5 120 127.5 -135 307.5 74.46
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Jaden Corpuz 4. R-SJ -57 55.4 110 -115 -120 45 47.5 52.5 120 127.5 -132.5 290 69.57
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Laynie Buli 5. R-SJ -57 56.1 77.5 -82.5 85 47.5 50 55 112.5 117.5 122.5 262.5 62.36
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Barbara Lopez 1. R-SJ -63 61.7 -152.5 -157.5 157.5 70 72.5 -75 147.5 157.5 -165 387.5 85.99
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Stella Tintari 1. R-SJ -69 68.6 150 -160.5 163 80 85 90 140 150 155 408 84.84
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Jae Anna Spears 2. R-SJ -69 67.7 85 92.5 97.5 45 -50 -50 105 -110 -110 247.5 51.83
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Lily Rubenstein 2. R-JR -76 74.4 145 150 152.5 90 95 100 160 167.5 -175 420 83.68
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Sarah Rogers 3. R-JR -76 75 125 132.5 135 57.5 62.5 65 132.5 140 -145 340 67.46
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Esperanza Delgado 1. R-SJ -76 75.4 182.5 192.5 195 92.5 100 105 177.5 187.5 192.5 492.5 97.47
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Kaelyn Mccann 2. R-SJ -76 73.9 140 150 155 82.5 90 95 177.5 -187.5 -187.5 427.5 85.43
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Rachel Olshansky 6. R-JR -84 83.9 130 -137.5 137.5 67.5 70 72.5 147.5 155 157.5 367.5 69.45
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Chealsea Enemor 1. R-JR 84+ 113.7 182.5 192.5 202.5 -112.5 112.5 170 485 83.97
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Shanti Khalsa 1. R-SJ 84+ 93 150 160 167.5 65 70 -75 142.5 152.5 -165 390 71.05
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Saige Back 2. R-SJ 84+ 102.2 90 100 107.5 60 65 67.5 102.5 110 115 290 51.43
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Justin Chapa 1. R-JR -53 52.2 160 175 -180.5 -120 122.5 -130 207.5 -227.5 227.5 525 92.83
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Travis Browning 2. R-JR -53 52.7 135 140 147.5 105 -112.5 112.5 165 175 185 445 78.28
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Bodie Lacoe 1. R-JR -59 58.2 182.5 190 197.5 105 110 112.5 250 267.5 275 585 97.56
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Peter Vong 2. R-JR -59 58.4 172.5 190 200 97.5 105 110 210 230 245 555 92.34
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Scott Silva 3. R-JR -59 58.2 182.5 -187.5 -187.5 117.5 -125 125 192.5 205 215 522.5 87.13
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Tylor Reed Fuenger 4. R-JR -59 59 175 185 -192.5 115 -122.5 122.5 185 -200 -202.5 492.5 81.53
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Justin Noller 5. R-JR -59 59 165 175 -182.5 85 90 92.5 190 -200 -200 457.5 75.70
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Khalil Johnson 6. R-JR -59 57.8 165 172.5 -177.5 90 92.5 97.5 167.5 177.5 185 455 76.16
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Austin Nikolai 1. R-JR -66 65.3 237.5 250 258 132.5 140 142.5 275 290 -305 690.5 108.25
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Miguel Jimenez 2. R-JR -66 65.4 205 -217.5 225 142.5 152.5 -155 -227.5 237.5 250 627.5 98.33
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Asante Gordon 3. R-JR -66 66 -195 207.5 -217.5 125 132.5 -137.5 252.5 267.5 -290 607.5 94.74
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Isaac Estrada 4. R-JR -66 65.8 195 207.5 210 140 145 147.5 240 -247.5 -257.5 597.5 93.29
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Collin Murillo 5. R-JR -66 65.7 200 210 -220 110 115 -117.5 245 260 -272.5 585 91.41
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Samuel Zipp 8. R-JR -66 62.8 -157.5 -165 165 110 -117.5 -117.5 -187.5 195 -205 470 75.22
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Tony Nguyen 1. R-JR -74 73.7 235 250 255 155 162.5 167.5 280 297.5 305.5 728 107.14
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Matt Foddrill 2. R-JR -74 73.9 227.5 -242.5 250 162.5 -170 175 267.5 287.5 -300 712.5 104.68
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Kane Madison 3. R-JR -74 72.2 215 227.5 235 157.5 162.5 170 277.5 287.5 -300 692.5 102.98
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Michael Sysavan 4. R-JR -74 73.7 235 250 -260 152.5 162.5 167.5 252.5 270 -287.5 687.5 101.18
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Noah Robinson 5. R-JR -74 73.7 225 237.5 -250 152.5 157.5 -160 260 275 -282.5 670 98.61
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Jacob Dayan 6. R-JR -74 70.9 217.5 232.5 240 130 140 -145 242.5 260 -270 640 96.08
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Jacob Park 7. R-JR -74 73.9 190 205 -210 132.5 140 -142.5 262.5 -275 275 620 91.12
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Nabeel Rifai 8. R-JR -74 72.8 185 197.5 205 125 130 132.5 -262.5 262.5 -265 600 88.84
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Adan Barajas 10. R-JR -74 73.7 190 205 215 137.5 145 150 200 220 -235 585 86.10
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Sam Rosenberg 11. R-JR -74 72.8 182.5 195 -202.5 100 107.5 112.5 222.5 237.5 252.5 560 82.92
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships David Rivera 12. R-JR -74 70.2 180 187.5 -192.5 -107.5 -112.5 112.5 195 210 227.5 527.5 79.60
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Jared Wacker 13. R-JR -74 73.1 170 185 192.5 110 120 -125 200 -215 -215 512.5 75.72
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Cristopher Caceres 14. R-JR -74 73.1 175 190 -197.5 105 115 -120 180 -197.5 197.5 502.5 74.24
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Kelson Long 15. R-JR -74 73.3 185 -190 190 102.5 -107.5 -107.5 202.5 207.5 -217.5 500 73.79
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Cameron Quesea 16. R-JR -74 73.3 160 170 -175 92.5 97.5 102.5 182.5 190 195 467.5 68.97
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Gabriel Dimonde 17. R-JR -74 72.5 25 -27.5 -27.5 115 122.5 -127.5 75 -77.5 -77.5 222.5 33.03
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Tony Hinson 1. R-JR -83 81.1 250 265 275 140 147.5 155 285 305 316 746 104.48
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Alex Sydor 2. R-JR -83 82.8 255 267.5 -275 152.5 160 162.5 285 300 -310 730 101.21
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Nicolas Gaines 4. R-JR -83 80.1 227.5 237.5 245 140 147.5 -152.5 260 275 287.5 680 95.84
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Kindley Dill 5. R-JR -83 82.1 255 265 275 142.5 -150 150 230 240 255 680 94.68
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Pranav Sathiyajith 6. R-JR -83 82.8 232.5 247.5 -255 150 160 170 250 260 -267.5 677.5 93.90
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Dean Ippolito 7. R-JR -83 82.8 205 217.5 230 125 140 150 265 290 -305 670 92.89
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Krsna-Chaitanya Vigliotti 8. R-JR -83 82.2 227.5 245 -250 147.5 155 160 225 245 -260 650 90.42
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Greg Jones 9. R-JR -83 81.8 215 222.5 -232.5 125 -130 130 215 227.5 -232.5 580 80.91
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Joseph Borenstein 11. R-JR -83 82.2 267.5 -285 -295 192.5 203 -210.5 65 535.5 74.49
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Ian Macena 1. R-G -93 89.4 287.5 -290 177.5 187.5 -195 290 312.5 325 800 106.74
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Brandon Jones 1. R-JR -93 92.5 285 302.5 307.5 192.5 200 205 282.5 305 320 832.5 109.20
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Aidan Roeder 2. R-JR -93 92.5 275 -295 315 160 170 175 300 325 -345 815 106.90
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Dylan Turner 3. R-JR -93 92.2 285 297.5 306 170 182.5 190 285 295 -305 791 103.94
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Ethan Marshall 4. R-JR -93 91.6 260 280 285 200 211 216.5 260 280 -290 781.5 103.00
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Xavier Wiemken 5. R-JR -93 92.5 257.5 277.5 -290 167.5 180 -185 275 295 -320 752.5 98.70
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Max Heller 6. R-JR -93 91 260 275 280 160 170 175 265 282.5 -295 737.5 97.54
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Cameron Klaudt 7. R-JR -93 92.9 255 270 280 137.5 142.5 147.5 275 290 -300 717.5 93.91
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Erick Severino 8. R-JR -93 92.7 -250 250 -262.5 140 150 -157.5 265 280 -290 680 89.10
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Nahuel Peralta 9. R-JR -93 92.1 220 235 247.5 130 140 -142.5 245 270 -295 657.5 86.45
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Anders Kalvenes 10. R-JR -93 88 235 -245 245 -112.5 112.5 125 240 260 275 645 86.73
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Cole Ivarson 12. R-JR -93 92.5 207.5 220 225 130 137.5 142.5 222.5 235 242.5 610 80.01
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Reese Conners 14. R-JR -93 92.1 205 217.5 225 120 127.5 132.5 227.5 240 -245 597.5 78.56
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Riley Sumrall 15. R-JR -93 86.4 207.5 217.5 227.5 125 135 137.5 175 540 73.26
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Luis Trujillo 16. R-JR -93 92.8 260 277.5 147.5 167.5 175 70 522.5 68.43
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Grant Ivarson 1. R-JR -105 103.5 -270 275 282.5 195 202.5 -205 290 307.5 315 800 99.46
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Connor Parks 2. R-JR -105 104.5 270 -300 305 170 187.5 -197.5 275 300 -325 792.5 98.06
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Josiah Richardson 3. R-JR -105 100.9 252.5 267.5 272.5 -172.5 177.5 182.5 310 327.5 -337.5 782.5 98.46
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Malachi Beltran 4. R-JR -105 104.9 302.5 320 327.5 147.5 155 160 285 -292.5 -297.5 772.5 95.44
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Cassius Ramirez 5. R-JR -105 101.6 245 262.5 275 165 172.5 -180 282.5 302.5 -325 750 94.06
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Evan Gonsorcik 6. R-JR -105 93.1 232.5 247.5 -260 155 162.5 170 295 312.5 -327.5 730 95.47
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Gilberto Villarreal Mu'oz 7. R-JR -105 104.7 252.5 262.5 265 162.5 165 -167.5 260 270 275 705 87.16
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Don Kline 8. R-JR -105 101.9 255 267.5 -275 125 -135 140 267.5 285 -295 692.5 86.72
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Adam Overby 9. R-JR -105 104 240 257.5 262.5 152.5 160 165 237.5 255 262.5 690 85.59
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Koleade Awoyele 10. R-JR -105 104.8 227.5 -240 245 140 150 -157.5 267.5 282.5 292.5 687.5 84.96
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships E.J. Chikando 11. R-JR -105 96 215 235 -245 150 157.5 162.5 255 272.5 -277.5 670 86.33
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Alex Lynch 12. R-JR -105 98.3 195 205 210 115 130 -135 210 220 225 565 71.98
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Kane Kolar 13. R-JR -105 100.8 187.5 -197.5 200 140 150 -157.5 200 210 -227.5 560 70.48
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Caleb Jones 0. R-JR -105 103.7 310 320 -322.5 180 187.5 -195 -320 -320 -320 0 0.00
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Jayden Edwards 1. R-JR -120 116.2 300 325 345 177.5 190 200 310 340 365 910 107.31
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Dante Deleon 2. R-JR -120 120 340 360 370.5 215 225.5 233 275 290 295 898.5 104.45
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Sean Mills 3. R-JR -120 118 307.5 330 342.5 192.5 200 -202.5 310 340 -368 882.5 103.36
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Timothy Whang 4. R-JR -120 119 295 307.5 -317.5 205 215.5 -220 290 305 320 843 98.35
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Jacob Breckinridge 5. R-JR -120 118.9 300 320 330 -150 155 -162.5 295 315 322.5 807.5 94.26
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Raquan Lowery 6. R-JR -120 117.1 275 282.5 -290 182.5 192.5 -197.5 275 282.5 -290 757.5 89.02
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Atticus Campbell 7. R-JR -120 114.9 237.5 257.5 272.5 140 150 155 -260 275 297.5 725 85.93
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Raynard Raeburn 8. R-JR -120 106.9 202.5 220 242.5 177.5 182.5 205 235 260 -290 707.5 86.65
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Bailey Mckenzie 9. R-JR -120 106.5 252.5 267.5 272.5 127.5 -137.5 -142.5 250 262.5 272.5 672.5 82.48
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Vince Reodica 10. R-JR -120 114.3 225 -240 -240 125 135 -142.5 200 560 66.53
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Trey Forrest 1. R-JR 120+ 169 332.5 350 365 -172.5 180 187.5 255 265 282.5 835 84.90
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Drew Carrithers 2. R-JR 120+ 165.3 270 287.5 300 195 205 -212.5 255 272.5 282.5 787.5 80.68
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Anthony Bryarly 3. R-JR 120+ 130.3 265 280 290 170 180 -187.5 272.5 -290 -302.5 742.5 83.34
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Ryan Newton-White 4. R-JR 120+ 140.6 252.5 265 282.5 160 172.5 -185 250 260 -272.5 715 77.81
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Gabriel Herschman 5. R-JR 120+ 130.4 227.5 242.5 257.5 157.5 162.5 167.5 227.5 242.5 -267.5 667.5 74.91
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Tuan Nguyen 1. R-M1 -66 65.5 177.5 187.5 195 110 115 117.5 207.5 217.5 227.5 540 84.55
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Huaiyu Tan 2. R-M1 -66 65.7 160 170 -172.5 100 105 -107.5 210 222.5 225 500 78.13
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Ron Brinker 3. R-M1 -66 64.7 167.5 177.5 182.5 100 107.5 110 190 205 -210 497.5 78.37
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Michael Haran 1. R-M1 -74 73.4 -235 235 -250 140 147.5 150 230 245 -255 630 92.88
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Ross Leppala 1. R-M1 -83 82.8 250 266.5 -271.5 172.5 182.5 187.5 265 280 293 747 103.56
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Todd Straub 2. R-M1 -83 82.8 220 232.5 240 -170 170 177.5 267.5 -282.5 296.5 714 98.99
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Jonathan Losa 3. R-M1 -83 82.4 230 242.5 252.5 182.5 192.5 201 230 245 260 713.5 99.16
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Anthony Perkins 5. R-M1 -83 80.3 225 240 -245 140 142.5 -145 240 260 -267.5 642.5 90.47
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Ben Chu 6. R-M1 -83 80.7 190 205 207.5 112.5 122.5 130 220 237.5 -245 575 80.74
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Jonathan Hebreo 7. R-M1 -83 82.6 180 190 192.5 137.5 142.5 147.5 220 230 -232.5 570 79.10
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Layne Norton 1. R-M1 -93 92.5 270 285 292.5 155 165 170 295 312.5 325.5 788 103.39
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Michael Reed 2. R-M1 -93 91.4 245 -255 -255 157.5 160 162.5 250 257.5 262.5 670 88.40
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Jeremiah Cruz 3. R-M1 -93 89.4 175 182.5 192.5 100 107.5 110 182.5 192.5 -202.5 495 66.04
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Da Sul Kim 4. R-M1 -93 89.4 132.5 145 -150 107.5 115 120 162.5 170 175 440 58.70
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Carlos Santoliquido 1. R-M1 -105 104.4 292.5 -300 307.5 170 177.5 182.5 302.5 327.5 335 825 102.13
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Michael Garozzo 2. R-M1 -105 104.5 -290 290 305 162.5 170 172.5 300 325 -340.5 802.5 99.30
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Eric Taylor 3. R-M1 -105 98.7 187.5 202.5 212.5 145 152.5 160 255 267.5 280 652.5 82.95
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Nathan Gorham 1. R-M1 -120 118.7 300 320 -335 195 207.5 -227.5 275 -300 -300 802.5 93.73
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Timothy Mercer 2. R-M1 -120 113.2 240 250 262.5 170 177.5 182.5 255 280 290 735 87.69
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Ryan Donnelly 3. R-M1 -120 113.4 200 225 245 177.5 190 200 245 267.5 -292.5 712.5 84.93
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Rob Ward 1. R-M1 120+ 149.9 305 325 338 172.5 182.5 190 280 -300 300 828 87.91
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships James Farrior 2. R-M1 120+ 155.3 282.5 292.5 -300 205 215 222.5 282.5 295 302.5 817.5 85.66
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Michael Jean Sr. 3. R-M1 120+ 165 250 265 280 175 187.5 195 270 285 297.5 772.5 79.20
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Michael Andrieu 4. R-M1 120+ 146 270 285 -292.5 157.5 167.5 175 277.5 295 -312.5 755 80.97
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Tim Brockett 5. R-M1 120+ 132.6 205 225 -240 155 -165 -170 240 255 265 645 71.87
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Alex Crooks 6. R-M1 120+ 135.9 175 -185 -185 100 105 -110 190 205 -220 485 53.50
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Charles Van Valkenburgh 1. R-M2 -120 118.3 242.5 262.5 272.5 175 -185 -185 255 275 282.5 730 85.39
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Eric Kupperstein 1. R-M2 -59 58.5 -115 115 40 45 50 145 310 51.55
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Rick Brink 1. R-M2 -66 65.7 177.5 182.5 188 102.5 -107.5 -107.5 205 217.5 228 518.5 81.02
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Robert Lane 1. R-M2 -74 73.6 187.5 200 205 127.5 135 137.5 247.5 260 -267.5 602.5 88.70
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Thomas Ashbrook 2. R-M3 -74 73.9 162.5 170 175 110 115 117.5 180 192.5 -197.5 485 71.28
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Thaddeus Say 1. R-M2 -83 81.6 175 185 192.5 122.5 127.5 -132.5 220 232.5 240 560 78.19
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships John Demchak 2. R-M2 -83 82.4 175 185 192.5 87.5 95 100 225 235 -242.5 527.5 73.31
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Jensen Monterrey 3. R-M2 -83 82.9 100 135 -150 67.5 80 -105 135 150 -200 365 50.56
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Edward Ruland 1. R-M2 -93 92.6 182.5 200 205 162.5 172.5 180 225 247.5 260 645 84.56
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Marcos Sanchez 2. R-M2 -93 91.2 230 240 245 127.5 135 140 240 250 257.5 642.5 84.86
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Michael Slocumb 3. R-M2 -93 92 117.5 125 130 95 100 105 165 175 180 415 54.58
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Michael McQueen 1. R-M2 -105 101.3 240 250 260 170 180.5 185 262.5 272.5 -282.5 717.5 90.11
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships David Koch 2. R-M2 -105 103.6 237.5 247.5 255 160 170 -175 260 275 -282.5 700 86.99
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Jason Pearson 3. R-M2 -105 104.4 170 182.5 190 120 130 -132.5 207.5 227.5 237.5 557.5 69.03
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Esteban Rubens 2. R-M2 -120 113.2 225 235 245 155 165 172.5 240 252.5 262.5 680 81.12
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Nathan Burrell 3. R-M2 -120 113.8 227.5 240 250 137.5 -147.5 150 262.5 275 -282.5 675 80.33
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Gregory Rawls 4. R-M2 -120 116.3 232.5 -242.5 242.5 150 160 165 250 265 -267.5 672.5 79.26
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Chris Engebretson 5. R-M2 -120 115.8 225 240 245 157.5 165 167.5 242.5 257.5 -270 670 79.12
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Leonard Brooks 6. R-M2 -120 118.9 200 212.5 217.5 152.5 160 162.5 225 237.5 247.5 627.5 73.25
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Richard Acosta 7. R-M2 -120 118.9 210 220 230 130 137.5 140 235 247.5 255 625 72.95
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Devin St. Germain 8. R-M2 -120 114.8 157.5 170 -180 92.5 102.5 112.5 162.5 177.5 187.5 470 55.73
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Carlos Lewis 1. R-M3 -74 73.5 177.5 192.5 -207.5 115 127.5 -132.5 180 205 215 535 78.82
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Richard Carni 3. R-M3 -74 73.2 132.5 142.5 -147.5 97.5 100 102.5 145 160 -182.5 405 59.79
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Larry Nash 1. R-M3 -83 79.8 185 195 200 130 135 -140.5 210 220 227.5 562.5 79.43
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Willie Wong 2. R-M3 -83 83 200 210 -218 107.5 112.5 115 215 227.5 -240 552.5 76.50
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Steven Carpenter 1. R-M3 -93 90.9 -167.5 167.5 172.5 -127.5 127.5 132.5 167.5 180 185 490 64.82
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Todd Peterson 2. R-M3 -93 89.6 150 165 175 97.5 105 110 165 180 -205 465 61.95
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Jim Kathios 1. R-M3 -105 102.7 200 210 215 -142.5 142.5 150 220 240 -255 605 75.47
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Kenneth Bennett 2. R-M3 -105 102.3 172.5 182.5 192.5 130 140 145 215 227.5 237.5 575 71.88
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Jeffrey Tryon 1. R-M3 -120 118.2 155 170 175 115 127.5 132.5 160 175 180 487.5 57.05
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Manuel Rodriguez 1. R-M4 -66 64.2 142.5 150 152.5 85 90 -92.5 185 195 197.5 440 69.60
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Dale Garlitz 1. R-M4 -74 72 155 162.5 170 95 102.5 105 175 182.5 -187.5 457.5 68.15
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships John Laflamme 2. R-M4 -74 73.9 155 162.5 168 62.5 67.5 72.5 185 193 200.5 441 64.81
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Louis Caruana 3. R-M4 -74 68.6 70 -75 80 55 60 62.5 110 117.5 125 267.5 40.86
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Robert Moore 1. R-M4 -93 90.6 165 183 -185 117.5 127.5 130 145 160 -175 473 62.69
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Gary Edwards 1. R-M4 -105 97.6 -140 -152.5 152.5 100 105 110 182.5 192.5 202.5 465 59.44
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships David Berube 1. R-SA -59 54.9 75 80 90 57.5 62.5 -65 105 115 120 272.5 46.87
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Joey Songco 1. R-SA -66 63.6 82.5 90 100 82.5 87.5 97.5 140 152.5 165 362.5 57.63
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Chad Schroeder 4. R-M1 -83 79.9 227.5 240 -247.5 137.5 142.5 145 267.5 280 287.5 672.5 94.94
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Bart Kwan 8. R-M1 -83 82.9 172.5 182.5 192.5 140 145 147.5 185 200 215 555 76.90
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Leonardo Alcantar 3. R-JR -53 52 117.5 130 137.5 70 75 80 -145 150 155 372.5 66.00
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Derrick Le 1. R-G -59 53.3 120 130 -140 85 92.5 95 145 157.5 165 390 68.19
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Angel Voigt 1. R-SJ -59 57.6 155 165 170 90 95 97.5 195 205 222.5 490 82.17
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Noah Ossi 2. R-SJ -59 58.6 170 177.5 -182.5 85 90 -92.5 190 210 -230.5 477.5 79.30
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Nick Lowery 3. R-SJ -59 58.5 172.5 -177.5 -182.5 -90 95 -100 182.5 195 -202.5 462.5 76.88
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Aidan Roche 4. R-SJ -59 58.2 135 150 160 100 105 107.5 155 170 180 447.5 74.59
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Charles Dupuis 5. R-SJ -59 57.6 147.5 155 -160 75 -82.5 82.5 182.5 190 195 432.5 72.49
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Masato Gentle 6. R-SJ -59 58 130 135 145 82.5 87.5 92.5 155 -167.5 -185 392.5 65.55
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Max Gleason 6. R-JR -66 65.8 175 185 190 110 120 127.5 205 217.5 225 542.5 84.70
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Mason Eardley 7. R-JR -66 65.4 170 182.5 -190 100 105 110 200 217.5 -227.5 510 79.89
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Tyler Dehoff 1. R-SJ -66 64.4 160 170 177.5 115 117.5 120 212.5 220 225 522.5 82.52
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Carter Sanchez 2. R-SJ -66 65.3 162.5 170 -175 100 105 -107.5 -185 190 -202.5 465 72.93
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Dan Iacob 3. R-SJ -66 65.2 142.5 152.5 -160 90 97.5 105 177.5 190 -197.5 447.5 70.24
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Colin Fahey 4. R-SJ -66 60.5 115 122.5 -135 80 85 -90 165 177.5 -180 385 62.86
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Jonathan Twaddell 9. R-JR -74 71.7 202.5 212.5 220 102.5 110 117.5 245 260 -272.5 597.5 89.21
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Arzad Afzaal 1. R-SJ -74 72.9 195 212.5 225 100 105 107.5 210 227.5 235 567.5 84.00
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Noah Raulston 2. R-SJ -74 73.1 205 -217.5 -217.5 117.5 122.5 127.5 210 220 232.5 565 83.51
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Marcus Canova 3. R-SJ -74 73.1 185 195 -200 122.5 127.5 135 200 215 -237.5 545 80.55
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships David Gutierrez Ii 4. R-SJ -74 73.9 175 185 190 95 102.5 -110 235 -250 250 542.5 79.73
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Weston Lisemby 5. R-SJ -74 70 195 217.5 -222.5 102.5 115 -120 192.5 -210 -210 525 79.34
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Adam Olsen 6. R-SJ -74 73.1 170 177.5 180 -120 120 127.5 210 217.5 -222.5 525 77.57
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships J. Banks Hawkins 7. R-SJ -74 72.7 160 172.5 182.5 92.5 100 102.5 205 217.5 227.5 512.5 75.94
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Oliver Pulman 8. R-SJ -74 69.2 182.5 195 -202.5 100 110 115 -200 200 -210 510 77.54
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Tristan Stolp 9. R-SJ -74 73.4 142.5 155 160 87.5 95 97.5 177.5 190 -197.5 447.5 65.98
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Kyler Ramsey 10. R-SJ -74 71.9 150 157.5 165 80 87.5 -92.5 165 175 180 432.5 64.45
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Warren Lee 0. R-SJ -74 70 -142.5 -147.5 -147.5 60 67.5 -70 -152.5 -152.5 -152.5 0 0.00
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Wyatt Douda 3. R-JR -83 82.6 240 255 265 172.5 180 -182.5 255 270 -280 715 99.22
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Adam Leahigh 10. R-JR -83 81.1 180 195 205 105 112.5 -122.5 215 227.5 237.5 555 77.76
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Jack Reynolds 1. R-SJ -83 81.4 252.5 268 275.5 168 175 180.5 -275 275 285 741 103.59
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Dillon Johnson 2. R-SJ -83 82.8 262.5 275 -285 170 -175 175 265 -275 -282.5 715 99.10
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Daniel Russo 3. R-SJ -83 81.9 217.5 230 -235 157.5 167.5 -172.5 230 255 262.5 660 91.98
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships John Gabriel 4. R-SJ -83 79.4 175 -185 185 97.5 105 110 187.5 197.5 207.5 502.5 71.17
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Micah Crone 5. R-SJ -83 81.3 152.5 160 -170 100 110 -112.5 185 192.5 -200 462.5 64.72
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Joshua Miranda 0. R-SJ -83 79.1 205 220 235 100 -112.5 112.5 -250 -257.5 -257.5 0 0.00
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Rocky Dufort 11. R-JR -93 92 202.5 222.5 232.5 145 160 167.5 205 227.5 -237.5 627.5 82.53
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Milo Mcquade 13. R-JR -93 88.6 202.5 217.5 -227.5 135 145 152.5 195 212.5 227.5 597.5 80.07
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships William Ball 1. R-SJ -93 90.8 265 282.5 295.5 175 183 188 280 300 310.5 794 105.13
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships David Syrotchen 2. R-SJ -93 89.6 232.5 -242.5 245 140 147.5 -150 232.5 245 260 652.5 86.96
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Jacob Mayne 3. R-SJ -93 90 207.5 -215 -217.5 125 130 -135 275 290 -302.5 627.5 83.42
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Colyn Baldwin 4. R-SJ -93 92.2 220 -225 -225 120 -122.5 -122.5 250 -260 -260 590 77.53
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Mason Ross 1. R-SJ -105 103.2 232.5 247.5 252.5 150 157.5 160 245 262.5 270 682.5 84.97
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Stephen Newman 2. R-SJ -105 102 212.5 225 232.5 145 155 162.5 245 262.5 280 675 84.48
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Angelo Carpino 3. R-SJ -105 103.5 225 237.5 -242.5 137.5 150 160 207.5 222.5 232.5 630 78.31
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Rowland Hoskins Iii 4. R-SJ -105 104 190 200 207.5 112.5 117.5 122.5 220 242.5 247.5 577.5 71.64
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Adam Bregman 5. R-SJ -105 104.2 215 225 232.5 115 -122.5 -127.5 215 230 -235 577.5 71.57
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Uriel Perez 0. R-JR 120+ 129.3 -240 240 -270 170 -180 -180 0 0.00
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Trevor Klein 1. R-SJ -120 119 267.5 285 295 212.5 223 -228.5 240 255 262.5 780.5 91.06
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Ryan Musto 2. R-SJ -120 118 280 -287.5 287.5 175 182.5 185 295 307.5 -310 780 91.36
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships John Engebretson 3. R-SJ -120 106.4 180 192.5 197.5 107.5 112.5 115 177.5 187.5 195 507.5 62.27
05/17/2024 Classic Age Division National Championships Atreyu Vest 1. R-SJ 120+ 133.3 225 235 242.5 135 145 150 222.5 232.5 237.5 630 70.05
05/04/2024 No Frills Pinnacle Qualifier Mary Jane Krebs 1. O 84+ 91.5 75 70 75 220 33.52
05/04/2024 No Frills Pinnacle Qualifier Jared Martin 1. O 120+ 132.2 85 85 85 255 23.80
05/04/2024 7th Annual Florida High School State Championships Leah Corvetti 1. R-PS -47 45.7 37.5 42.5 47.5 25 30 -37.5 47.5 60 67.5 145 41.40
05/04/2024 7th Annual Florida High School State Championships Anna Middleton 1. R-SJ -57 54.7 57.5 65 -72.5 37.5 40 42.5 62.5 65 75 182.5 44.21
05/04/2024 7th Annual Florida High School State Championships Zoe Mazer 2. R-SJ -57 53.5 47.5 52.5 -60 25 -30 30 55 62.5 70 152.5 37.58
05/04/2024 7th Annual Florida High School State Championships Kara Aiello 1. R-SJ -69 65.4 85 92.5 95 57.5 65 -70 105 115 120 280 59.85
05/04/2024 7th Annual Florida High School State Championships Laci Gibson 1. R-SJ -76 71.2 97.5 105 115 50 55 62.5 102.5 115 122.5 300 61.11
05/04/2024 7th Annual Florida High School State Championships Joclyn Kosbab 2. R-SJ -76 75.8 77.5 85 95 42.5 -45 45 95 100 110 250 49.35
05/04/2024 7th Annual Florida High School State Championships Solomon Bristow 1. R-SJ -74 72.9 145 155 162.5 -92.5 92.5 95 165 175 185 442.5 65.46
05/04/2024 7th Annual Florida High School State Championships Nate White 1. R-JR -83 79.9 182.5 197.5 -205 92.5 102.5 110 205 227.5 232.5 540 76.21
05/04/2024 7th Annual Florida High School State Championships Dylan Bogun 1. R-SJ -83 74.1 145 157.5 167.5 105 112.5 115 145 157.5 440 64.55
05/04/2024 7th Annual Florida High School State Championships Jackson Hollis 1. R-SJ -105 97.7 205 220 -232.5 115 130 -137.5 210 230 240 590 75.36
05/04/2024 Upstate Classic Tommie Norton 1. R-M2 -84 83.7 70 75 -80 40 47.5 -50 90 100 105 227.5 43.03
05/04/2024 Upstate Classic Deja Wilson 1. R-O -52 51.8 102.5 -107.5 107.5 37.5 40 45 110 117.5 120 272.5 69.04
05/04/2024 Upstate Classic Sarah Ulrich 1. R-O -76 73.8 135 147.5 -152.5 90 -95 -95 157.5 170 -182.5 407.5 81.52
05/04/2024 Upstate Classic Taylor Walters 2. R-O -76 73.1 105 112.5 115 60 62.5 65 120 127.5 132.5 312.5 62.79
05/04/2024 Upstate Classic Sarah Harris 1. R-O 84+ 85 -60 60 -115 30 45 -60 65 115 -122.5 220 41.37
05/04/2024 Upstate Classic Deja Wilson 1. R-JR -52 51.8 102.5 -107.5 107.5 37.5 40 45 110 117.5 120 272.5 69.04
05/04/2024 Upstate Classic Bharat Yadav 1. R-O -59 53.5 -135 145 152.5 92.5 97.5 -102.5 150 160 170 420 73.29
05/04/2024 Upstate Classic Seth Hughes 1. R-JR -74 72.7 172.5 187.5 -190 115 -125 -125 200 230 -247.5 532.5 78.90
05/04/2024 Upstate Classic Aedan Mendoza 2. R-JR -74 72.5 -172.5 180 182.5 110 115 -122.5 177.5 190 200 497.5 73.85
05/04/2024 Upstate Classic Nolan Brunette 1. R-JR -83 82.7 177.5 190 200 125 140 150 210 242.5 -272.5 592.5 82.19
05/04/2024 Upstate Classic John West 1. R-JR -93 88.3 205 215 -227.5 135 140 -147.5 232.5 -240 240 595 79.87
05/04/2024 Upstate Classic Hunter Burdette 1. R-JR -105 99.5 200 215 222.5 127.5 132.5 142.5 200 220 237.5 602.5 76.30
05/04/2024 Upstate Classic Brian Cochran 2. R-M1 120+ 123.2 210 220 230 160 165 170 200 215 235 635 72.98
05/04/2024 Upstate Classic Khourey Royal 1. R-M1 120+ 195.2 275 290 292.5 152.5 165 167.5 260 277.5 285 745 72.34
05/04/2024 Upstate Classic Luis Daniel Hernandez Adonis 2. R-O -74 68.3 132.5 147.5 155 87.5 97.5 102.5 147.5 165 -190 422.5 64.68
05/04/2024 Upstate Classic Seth Hughes 1. R-O -74 72.7 172.5 187.5 -190 115 -125 -125 200 230 -247.5 532.5 78.90
05/04/2024 Upstate Classic Jaylen Brown 1. R-O -83 82.1 230 240 -250 145 152.5 157.5 235 247.5 260 657.5 91.55
05/04/2024 Upstate Classic Gabriel Mendes 2. R-O -83 79.1 210 220 227.5 147.5 157.5 165 215 230 -240 622.5 88.33
05/04/2024 Upstate Classic Matthew Arnold 3. R-O -83 76.2 75 -77.5 -77.5 75 -77.5 -77.5 75 -77.5 77.5 227.5 32.91
05/04/2024 Upstate Classic Cameron Krueger 2. R-O -93 87.7 217.5 230 245 -170 180 187.5 245 260 272.5 705 94.96
05/04/2024 Upstate Classic Devin Gordon 3. R-O -93 85.1 220 235 -245 235 32.12
05/04/2024 Upstate Classic Jalen Allamby 1. R-O -93 92.7 230 250 -265 150 160 162.5 285 -305 315 727.5 95.35
05/04/2024 Upstate Classic Darryl Webster 1. R-O -105 93.4 275 -290 -290 202.5 205 -210 255 277.5 -280 757.5 98.92
05/04/2024 Upstate Classic Foster White 2. R-O -105 102.7 215 227.5 240 137.5 147.5 157.5 237.5 250 -262.5 647.5 80.79
05/04/2024 Upstate Classic Justin Allamby 1. R-O 120+ 128.9 275 292.5 307.5 157.5 170 -177.5 305 332.5 -352.5 810 91.32
05/04/2024 Upstate Classic Jackson Norton 2. R-O 120+ 144 265 275 -285 157.5 170 175 235 245 -255 695 74.93
05/04/2024 Upstate Classic Eric Trager 1. R-O -120 109.6 192.5 207.5 220 127.5 135 140 220 240 -255 600 72.64
05/04/2024 Upstate Classic Kristopher Lewis 3. R-O 120+ 126.1 75 125 -127.5 75 105 107.5 75 125 -127.5 357.5 40.68
05/04/2024 Thats No Moon Cynthia Browning 1. R-M2 -76 74.9 120 -130 130 90 95 97.5 160 172.5 182.5 410 81.40
05/04/2024 Thats No Moon Jessica Rivera-montejo 1. R-M1 84+ 128.7 162.5 170 177.5 85 90 -92.5 187.5 -197.5 -197.5 455 77.17
05/04/2024 Thats No Moon Erin Terada 2. R-M1 84+ 96.4 90 -100 -115 47.5 -50 50 97.5 100 102.5 242.5 43.70
05/04/2024 Thats No Moon Laura Rathjen 1. R-O -63 61.2 -90 92.5 95 47.5 50 55 120 125 130 280 62.44
05/04/2024 Thats No Moon Jessica Rivera-montejo 1. R-O 84+ 128.7 162.5 170 177.5 85 90 -92.5 187.5 -197.5 -197.5 455 77.17
05/04/2024 Thats No Moon Erin Menako 1. R-SJ -52 49.3 45 47.5 55 25 -30 -30 52.5 62.5 -70 142.5 37.73
05/04/2024 Thats No Moon Lily Votava 1. R-JR -63 59.8 45 50 52.5 30 35 -42.5 60 70 77.5 165 37.38
05/04/2024 Thats No Moon Raelyn Alvarez 0. R-SJ -63 62.5 -117.5 -125 -125 57.5 -62.5 -62.5 132.5 140 145 0 0.00
05/04/2024 Thats No Moon Ashley Diprospero 1. R-SJ -76 73.6 62.5 67.5 75 32.5 42.5 -47.5 80 100 -112.5 217.5 43.55
05/04/2024 Thats No Moon Sammy Aylward 2. R-SJ -76 69.8 45 50 -52.5 45 50 -52.5 70 75 85 185 38.08
05/04/2024 Thats No Moon Jayonna Allen 1. R-JR 84+ 103.4 72.5 112.5 137.5 -55 65 -80 142.5 165 -182.5 367.5 64.98
05/04/2024 Thats No Moon Tony Nguyen 1. R-JR -83 76.3 220 235 245 150 157.5 162.5 262.5 282.5 -292.5 690 99.71
05/04/2024 Thats No Moon Nikko Karones 2. R-JR -83 80.9 195 207.5 215 120 127.5 135 255 270 -287.5 620 86.95
05/04/2024 Thats No Moon Matt Foddrill 4. R-JR -83 76.2 75 75 125 140 75 290 41.93
05/04/2024 Thats No Moon Jeffrey Conner 1. R-JR -105 101.2 197.5 205 212.5 130 137.5 142.5 220 237.5 247.5 602.5 75.68
05/04/2024 Thats No Moon Gustavo Montano 1. R-SJ -105 97.5 170 185 195 -100 -107.5 115 190 210 -225 520 66.49
05/04/2024 Thats No Moon Will DeBold 0. R-JR -105 98.1 -225 -225 -225 150 155 -157.5 222.5 227.5 235 0 0.00
05/04/2024 Thats No Moon Connor Parks 1. R-JR -120 110.4 275 302.5 180 195 275 302.5 800 96.52
05/04/2024 Thats No Moon Willie White 1. R-M2 -93 86.9 115 122.5 137.5 125 127.5 132.5 142.5 150 420 56.81
05/04/2024 Thats No Moon Travis Koehn 1. R-M2 -120 118.5 220 -225 125 217.5 242.5 -252.5 587.5 68.67
05/04/2024 Thats No Moon Jerry Bozenda 1. R-M1 -120 110 185 200 215 110 120 132.5 185 200 210 557.5 67.37
05/04/2024 Thats No Moon Dylan Limit 1. R-O -83 81.3 175 -185 185 145 152.5 -157.5 195 207.5 220 557.5 77.99
05/04/2024 Thats No Moon Stephaun Mosley 1. R-O -93 90.8 185 192.5 205 145 152.5 155 257.5 272.5 275 635 84.05
05/04/2024 Thats No Moon James Pericles 2. R-O -93 92.6 152.5 157.5 162.5 117.5 127.5 -130 180 195 -205 485 63.58
05/04/2024 Thats No Moon John VanDyke 3. R-O -93 91.4 167.5 180 185 92.5 -97.5 -97.5 182.5 195 202.5 480 63.33
05/04/2024 Thats No Moon Ryan Kelley 1. R-O -105 103.3 222.5 237.5 245 150 165 -182.5 222.5 237.5 240 650 80.87
05/04/2024 Thats No Moon Derek Page 1. R-O 120+ 125.2 262.5 282.5 285 175 182.5 192.5 270 282.5 -287.5 760 86.75
05/04/2024 Thats No Moon Toqir Mir 1. R-SJ -59 58.1 87.5 97.5 -115 60 70 -85 135 152.5 -160 320 53.39
05/04/2024 Thats No Moon Javier Ruiz 1. R-JR -74 71.2 135 142.5 150 70 80 87.5 190 197.5 -210 435 65.16
05/04/2024 Thats No Moon Liam Blaesner 3. R-JR -83 81 180 187.5 192.5 107.5 115 120 235 -247.5 -247.5 547.5 76.73
05/04/2024 Thats No Moon Ethan White 1. R-SJ -83 76 155 170 185 95 100 110 200 215 -222.5 510 73.85
05/04/2024 Thats No Moon Brendan McPherson 2. R-SJ -83 81.3 82.5 97.5 112.5 75 -80 -80 120 142.5 165 352.5 49.31
05/04/2024 Thats No Moon Victor Herrera 1. R-JR -93 92.2 232.5 247.5 255 120 132.5 -137.5 230 240 247.5 635 83.42
05/04/2024 Thats No Moon Rene Martinez 0. R-JR -93 90.7 180 192.5 -205 -100 -110 -110 230 -242.5 -242.5 0 0.00
05/04/2024 Thats No Moon Ijaaz Hasan 2. R-SJ -105 97.5 152.5 167.5 187.5 82.5 92.5 -97.5 185 207.5 -227.5 487.5 62.33
05/04/2024 Super States Michelle Borzok 1. R-M2 -69 65.7 95 -102.5 -102.5 95 77.52
05/04/2024 Super States Ryan Mahovich 0. O 120+ 177.7 -215 -230 -230 0 0.00
05/04/2024 Super States James Hunsicker 1. R-O -93 91.1 142.5 150 -155 150 71.89
05/04/2024 Super States Anthony Aungst 1. R-SJ -53 48.5 90 95 97.5 97.5 17.93
05/04/2024 Super States Grace Hall 1. O 84+ 118.1 115 125 -142.5 72.5 -85 -85 120 132.5 145 342.5 48.58
05/04/2024 Super States Abbey Jones 1. R-M1 -63 62.8 67.5 -70 -72.5 62.5 65 -67.5 87.5 95 100 232.5 51.00
05/04/2024 Super States Brandi Hurst 1. R-M1 84+ 92.9 132.5 140 -145 70 -75 75 135 147.5 152.5 367.5 66.97
05/04/2024 Super States Leah Cruciani 1. R-M2 -69 66.2 105 110 112.5 62.5 65 -70 120 135 147.5 325 68.96
05/04/2024 Super States Nancy Krempasky 1. R-M3 84+ 97.1 107.5 -112.5 115 60 65 70 120 125 137.5 322.5 57.99
05/04/2024 Super States Mackenzie Thumser 1. R-O -57 56.7 100 107.5 112.5 57.5 62.5 65 117.5 125 130 307.5 72.46
05/04/2024 Super States Whitney Hawkins 1. R-O -84 78.1 100 105 110 50 55 57.5 117.5 -130 137.5 305 59.38
05/04/2024 Super States Tina Tielman 1. R-O 84+ 112.4 35 -40 40 40 45 52.5 80 92.5 -102.5 185 32.10
05/04/2024 Super States Kendall galbreath 1. R-SJ -76 73.3 77.5 82.5 85 45 47.5 50 102.5 110 115 250 50.18
05/04/2024 Super States Ryan Donnelly 1. M1 -120 113.3 277.5 297.5 307.5 207.5 217.5 227.5 260 280 295 830 82.08
05/04/2024 Super States Jordan blincoe 1. R-G 120+ 162.8 225 230 237.5 185 195 200 232.5 237.5 -242.5 675 69.53
05/04/2024 Super States Zach Taylor 1. R-G -66 65.5 220 230 -237.5 137.5 142.5 145 255 272.5 285 660 103.30
05/04/2024 Super States Christian Barrios 2. R-G -66 65 142.5 150 155 95 100 -102.5 165 175 185 440 69.15
05/04/2024 Super States Elias Piascik 1. R-JR -66 65.2 115 125 135 92.5 100 -105 152.5 160 -165 395 61.97
05/04/2024 Super States Justin Fronheiser 1. R-JR -74 74 142.5 152.5 -165 100 110 115 225 240 -250 507.5 74.51
05/04/2024 Super States Pasquale DeSavino 1. R-O -83 82.5 220 -230 230 122.5 132.5 -140 265 280 287.5 650 90.25
05/04/2024 Super States McCabe Kreider 1. R-JR -83 77.8 220 227.5 -235 120 127.5 -132.5 -237.5 245 252.5 607.5 86.91
05/04/2024 Super States Broc Nye 1. R-JR -93 90.7 225 237.5 -250 137.5 145 -152.5 215 225 -230 607.5 80.45
05/04/2024 Super States Travis Roberts 2. R-JR -93 86.5 165 175 -182.5 -102.5 102.5 -105 210 220 -232.5 497.5 67.45
05/04/2024 Super States Piero Torrico 2. R-JR -105 103 -172.5 180 187.5 115 120 127.5 177.5 187.5 195 510 63.54
05/04/2024 Super States Nathaniel Powell 1. R-JR -105 104.3 220 230 -237.5 155 160 -165 265 275 -285 665 82.36
05/04/2024 Super States Alexander Watt 1. R-JR -120 113.8 230 240 245 142.5 150 157.5 270 280 -285 682.5 81.22
05/04/2024 Super States Brian Poore 1. R-M1 120+ 134 187.5 202.5 -210 132.5 137.5 145 202.5 227.5 242.5 590 65.46
05/04/2024 Super States Eric Verbel 1. R-M2 -74 68 115 125 132.5 75 85 90 155 170 180 402.5 61.76
05/04/2024 Super States Robert Johnson 1. R-M3 -120 120 75 100 125 100 105 110 185 190 200 435 50.57
05/04/2024 Super States Joe Nguyen 1. R-O -66 65.4 132.5 140 145 85 90 92.5 170 177.5 190 427.5 66.96
05/04/2024 Super States Eugene Kim 2. R-O -83 82.3 145 152.5 165 110 115 120 165 175 182.5 467.5 64.99
05/04/2024 Super States Shaun Eisenhauer 0. R-O -83 82.4 -147.5 -155 -162.5 102.5 110 115 177.5 -187.5 0 0.00
05/04/2024 Super States Jeffrey Wyckoff 2. R-O -93 91.8 210 225 232.5 125 130 132.5 235 250 260 625 82.28
05/04/2024 Super States Nicholas Monticello 3. R-O -93 89.7 185 192.5 195 115 120 122.5 195 210 212.5 530 70.58
05/04/2024 Super States Michael Pasquariello 1. R-O -93 87.8 192.5 202.5 210 132.5 137.5 140 270 285 300 650 87.48
05/04/2024 Super States Kevin Sullivan 1. R-O -105 102.5 192.5 -210 -210 112.5 117.5 127.5 237.5 250 -265 570 71.17
05/04/2024 Super States Gary Reinhard 2. R-O -105 97 175 185 -192.5 132.5 137.5 140 210 220 -227.5 545 69.86
05/04/2024 Super States Rob Parisi 1. R-O 120+ 140.5 335 355 370 175 182.5 187.5 270 290 300 857.5 93.34
05/04/2024 Super States George Schoedel 1. R-O -120 119.3 265 277.5 290 172.5 180 185 282.5 297.5 310 785 91.49
05/04/2024 Super States Josh berenguer 1. R-SJ -66 64.1 115 -122.5 122.5 65 70 72.5 125 130 137.5 332.5 52.64
05/04/2024 Super States Jacob Malitzki 2. R-JR -74 69.8 145 150 152.5 -97.5 102.5 -105 200 205 210 465 70.38
05/04/2024 Super States Angelo Murazzi 1. R-SJ -83 82.2 140 155 162.5 75 87.5 -95 152.5 165 185 435 60.51
05/04/2024 Super States Brady Evans 2. R-SJ -83 77.8 112.5 120 127.5 80 87.5 -90 125 135 142.5 357.5 51.15
05/04/2024 Super States Arth Babbar 1. R-SJ -93 91.9 160 162.5 167.5 100 105 112.5 175 185 200 480 63.16
05/04/2024 Super States Leonel Torrico 1. R-SJ -105 97.9 -90 95 100 65 72.5 77.5 135 142.5 155 332.5 42.43
05/04/2024 Super States Carter Galbreath 1. R-SJ -120 114.7 205 215 227.5 120 127.5 -132.5 210 230 -235 585 69.37
05/04/2024 Super States Austin galbreath 1. R-SJ 120+ 135.1 215 225 232.5 122.5 130 -135 210 -230 -230 572.5 63.31
05/04/2024 Super States Emily Temple 1. R-O 84+ 119.8 60 65 70 112.5 125 137.5 207.5 35.58
04/27/2024 2024 PA Emerald Cup David Litchfield 1. R-O -93 92.7 165 -172.5 -172.5 165 78.41
04/27/2024 2024 PA Emerald Cup Arissa Garcia 1. R-JR -63 61.4 112.5 122.5 130 72.5 77.5 80 135 145 -152.5 355 79.03
04/27/2024 2024 PA Emerald Cup Sophia Tam 1. R-JR -69 67 107.5 115 -120 57.5 62.5 65 120 127.5 -135 307.5 64.78
04/27/2024 2024 PA Emerald Cup Scarlet Francis 1. R-M3 -52 49 62.5 67.5 70 42.5 47.5 50 90 100 105 225 59.92
04/27/2024 2024 PA Emerald Cup Katie Dominguez 1. R-O -69 67.6 115 122.5 127.5 70 75 -77.5 142.5 155 -162.5 357.5 74.93
04/27/2024 2024 PA Emerald Cup Marissa Weidner 1. R-O -76 70 120 125 132.5 112.5 115 117.5 160 170 180 430 88.38
04/27/2024 2024 PA Emerald Cup Sergio Lerma 1. JR -93 92.6 -185 185 240 110 135 145 225 260 280 665 72.30
04/27/2024 2024 PA Emerald Cup Daniel Hernandez 1. R-JR -83 74.9 162.5 172.5 180 112.5 120 125 205 225 240 545 79.54
04/27/2024 2024 PA Emerald Cup James Morris 1. R-M2 120+ 141.2 142.5 -152.5 152.5 -92.5 102.5 -110 152.5 160 167.5 422.5 45.90
04/27/2024 2024 PA Emerald Cup Adolfo Zarate 1. R-O -66 65.4 157.5 165 172.5 92.5 97.5 102.5 177.5 190 202.5 477.5 74.80
04/27/2024 2024 PA Emerald Cup Danny Martinez 1. R-O -105 100.5 235 247.5 260 142.5 150 -160 227.5 237.5 -250 647.5 81.61
04/27/2024 2024 PA Emerald Cup Charles LaRocco 1. R-O -120 119.2 177.5 192.5 205 112.5 117.5 -125 220 237.5 250 572.5 66.75
04/27/2024 2024 PA Emerald Cup Logan Manley 1. R-O 120+ 122.4 227.5 235 -250 142.5 155 -162.5 237.5 260 277.5 667.5 76.94
04/27/2024 2024 PA Emerald Cup Jomie Schuchart 1. R-SJ -74 71.9 -160 170 175 85 -95 95 170 182.5 -187.5 452.5 67.46
04/27/2024 2024 PA Emerald Cup Demitri Ayala 1. R-SJ -93 91.9 225 255 125 140 -145 250 275 285 680 89.48
04/27/2024 2024 PA Emerald Cup Caleb Sundeen 1. R-SJ -105 95.7 165 -175 182.5 95 102.5 -107.5 172.5 -182.5 182.5 467.5 60.33
04/27/2024 6th Annual Southern States Open Championships Nora Keller 1. M1 -84 80 87.5 90 92.5 92.5 49.27
04/27/2024 6th Annual Southern States Open Championships Shannell Traylor 1. R-M1 -63 62.5 62.5 67.5 -70 67.5 56.56
04/27/2024 6th Annual Southern States Open Championships Daniel Henson 1. R-M3 -83 82 157.5 -165 -165 157.5 79.62
04/27/2024 6th Annual Southern States Open Championships Ryan Carter 1. R-SJ -66 62.1 75 82.5 90 90 14.49
04/27/2024 6th Annual Southern States Open Championships Katie Sullivan 1. R-M1 -52 50.5 60 65 -67.5 45 47.5 -50 75 80 85 197.5 51.18
04/27/2024 6th Annual Southern States Open Championships Steph Chastain 1. R-M1 -76 74.8 -92.5 92.5 97.5 52.5 57.5 -62.5 122.5 130 -135 285 56.63
04/27/2024 6th Annual Southern States Open Championships Tracy Williams 2. R-M1 -76 75.9 72.5 77.5 -82.5 52.5 55 -60 82.5 92.5 95 227.5 44.89
04/27/2024 6th Annual Southern States Open Championships Vanessa Reed 1. R-M2 -57 56.9 85 95 97.5 50 55 57.5 115 125 137.5 292.5 68.67
04/27/2024 6th Annual Southern States Open Championships Karen Hunnicutt 1. R-M3 -63 59.6 60 -62.5 65 35 37.5 -40 75 80 87.5 190 43.14
04/27/2024 6th Annual Southern States Open Championships Diana Hagen 1. R-O -76 73.4 100 105 110 45 47.5 50 120 127.5 132.5 292.5 58.66
04/27/2024 6th Annual Southern States Open Championships Jenna Wagner 1. R-O 84+ 103 90 97.5 105 60 65 67.5 95 107.5 120 292.5 51.77
04/27/2024 6th Annual Southern States Open Championships Charlee Davis 1. R-Y 0 0 30 32.5 35 12.5 15 20 42.5 50 55 110 0.00
04/27/2024 6th Annual Southern States Open Championships Skylar Blair Walters 1. R-Y 0 0 12.5 15 17.5 10 -12.5 -12.5 17.5 20 30 57.5 0.00
04/27/2024 6th Annual Southern States Open Championships Isabella Martinez 1. R-SJ -57 53.8 92.5 107.5 120 32.5 40 47.5 102.5 115 127.5 295 72.42
04/27/2024 6th Annual Southern States Open Championships Noah Kallivayalil 1. R-JR -74 72.8 165 180 -190 95 105 -112.5 210 -230 -235 495 73.28
04/27/2024 6th Annual Southern States Open Championships Peter Davila 1. R-JR -83 80.7 185 190 195 102.5 115 -127.5 215 -217.5 -217.5 525 73.74
04/27/2024 6th Annual Southern States Open Championships Israel Alanis 1. R-O -93 89.4 135 -142.5 152.5 95 100 -105 175 182.5 187.5 440 58.70
04/27/2024 6th Annual Southern States Open Championships Ian Macena 1. R-JR -105 96.3 75 75 75 225 28.94
04/27/2024 6th Annual Southern States Open Championships Dante Deleon 1. R-JR -120 119.9 250 275 305 165 195 212.5 250 275 -285 792.5 92.16
04/27/2024 6th Annual Southern States Open Championships Jose Bellon 2. R-JR -120 113.8 230 245 250 150 155 160 250 270 275 685 81.53
04/27/2024 6th Annual Southern States Open Championships Seth Ruff 1. R-JR 120+ 123.9 250 275 305 145 155 167.5 265 275 287.5 760 87.12
04/27/2024 6th Annual Southern States Open Championships Phil Madsen 1. R-M4 -74 73.2 97.5 102.5 105 72.5 75 77.5 142.5 147.5 150 332.5 49.10
04/27/2024 6th Annual Southern States Open Championships Andy Nguyen 1. R-O -74 71.7 170 180 187.5 125 135 -142.5 185 197.5 207.5 530 79.10
04/27/2024 6th Annual Southern States Open Championships Logan Dwyer 2. R-O -74 73.3 157.5 165 172.5 82.5 87.5 92.5 170 180 -190 445 65.66
04/27/2024 6th Annual Southern States Open Championships Peter Davila 1. R-O -83 80.7 185 190 195 102.5 115 -127.5 215 -217.5 -217.5 525 73.74
04/27/2024 6th Annual Southern States Open Championships Israel Alanis 1. R-O -93 89.4 135 -142.5 152.5 95 100 -105 175 182.5 187.5 440 58.70
04/27/2024 6th Annual Southern States Open Championships Dylan Turner 2. R-O -93 92.2 75 75 225 275 285 435 57.14
04/27/2024 6th Annual Southern States Open Championships Nathaniel Pennington 1. R-O -105 100.2 160 165 170 120 125 130 200 210 220 520 65.63
04/27/2024 DNA Legacy Showcase Jackson Call 1. R-JR -74 73.8 120 -127.5 -127.5 120 64.09
04/27/2024 DNA Legacy Showcase Savannah York 1. JR -69 67.5 75 105 65 75 87.5 125 130 135 327.5 56.94
04/27/2024 DNA Legacy Showcase Connie Tran 1. R-JR -57 56.6 135 140 -145 60 65 -67.5 140 150 152.5 357.5 84.30
04/27/2024 DNA Legacy Showcase Veronica Perez 1. R-JR -76 73.7 115 122.5 130 82.5 87.5 -92.5 112.5 120 127.5 345 69.04
04/27/2024 DNA Legacy Showcase Cynthia Smith 1. R-M1 -47 46.5 55 60 65 32.5 35 37.5 65 70 75 177.5 49.79
04/27/2024 DNA Legacy Showcase Connie Tran 1. R-O -57 56.6 135 140 -145 60 65 -67.5 140 150 152.5 357.5 84.30
04/27/2024 DNA Legacy Showcase Carrie Yap 1. R-O -69 66.7 130 137.5 -142.5 55 60 65 120 132.5 140 342.5 72.38
04/27/2024 DNA Legacy Showcase Jennifer Nguyen 2. R-O -69 64.9 103 105 112.5 42.5 47.5 -50 102.5 110 115 275 59.08
04/27/2024 DNA Legacy Showcase Chantelle Russell 1. R-O -84 83.5 90 97.5 102.5 70 -75 75 122.5 130 -132.5 307.5 58.21
04/27/2024 DNA Legacy Showcase TaJoycelyn Roberson 1. R-O 84+ 121 125 142.5 157.5 57.5 65 67.5 175 200 212.5 437.5 74.89
04/27/2024 DNA Legacy Showcase Krystal Ramos 2. R-O 84+ 131.5 -110 125 137.5 100 107.5 112.5 100 110 120 370 62.57
04/27/2024 DNA Legacy Showcase Katherine Burnett 3. R-O 84+ 111.4 100 110 122.5 37.5 -45 -45 115 125 130 290 50.41
04/27/2024 DNA Legacy Showcase James Greene 1. R-JR -66 65.2 162.5 167.5 170 95 100 -105 175 185 190 460 72.20
04/27/2024 DNA Legacy Showcase David Nguyen 1. R-JR -74 70.6 155 165 177.5 117.5 125 -130 200 215 -227.5 517.5 77.85
04/27/2024 DNA Legacy Showcase Kevin Nguyen 2. R-JR -74 71.8 157.5 167.5 177.5 95 102.5 107.5 190 202.5 215 500 74.57
04/27/2024 DNA Legacy Showcase James Nguyen 3. R-JR -74 66.6 127.5 135 140 80 85 90 135 142.5 150 380 58.95
04/27/2024 DNA Legacy Showcase Luis Suarez 1. R-JR -83 82.3 215 227.5 237.5 125 -135 -135 220 230 -237.5 592.5 82.39
04/27/2024 DNA Legacy Showcase Jack Johnson 2. R-JR -83 81.2 190 202.5 210 110 117.5 120 217.5 232.5 -245 562.5 78.73
04/27/2024 DNA Legacy Showcase Nahuel Peralta 1. R-JR -93 92.1 220 230 245 130 137.5 -145 245 265 285 667.5 87.74
04/27/2024 DNA Legacy Showcase Kushagra Chadha 2. R-JR -93 86.2 137.5 147.5 152.5 100 105 112.5 165 180 -192.5 445 60.44
04/27/2024 DNA Legacy Showcase Khalen Wimes 1. R-JR -105 100.4 190 192.5 215 142.5 -147.5 155 225 240 -260 610 76.91
04/27/2024 DNA Legacy Showcase Steven Phan 2. R-JR -105 98.6 205 220 227.5 135 142.5 -145 205 220 230 600 76.30
04/27/2024 DNA Legacy Showcase Ben Chu 1. R-M1 -83 80 192.5 207.5 210 125 130 -132.5 225 235 242.5 582.5 82.15
04/27/2024 DNA Legacy Showcase Da Sul Kim 1. R-M1 -93 88 122.5 135 142.5 -107.5 112.5 -120 155 167.5 175 430 57.82
04/27/2024 DNA Legacy Showcase David Benavides 1. R-O -74 73.4 200 215 227.5 117.5 125 130 265 -285 -285 622.5 91.81
04/27/2024 DNA Legacy Showcase Bryan Calderon 2. R-O -74 73.1 185 190 197.5 115 120 -122.5 205 225 230 547.5 80.92
04/27/2024 DNA Legacy Showcase Sean Jin 1. R-O -83 82.9 275 292.5 305 175 185 195 300 317.5 330 830 115.00
04/27/2024 DNA Legacy Showcase Jerald Scott 2. R-O -83 82.9 277.5 292.5 297.5 172.5 182.5 -187.5 300 322.5 -340 802.5 111.19
04/27/2024 DNA Legacy Showcase Tony Hinson 3. R-O -83 82.8 175 205 230 105 115 130 75 225 275 635 88.04
04/27/2024 DNA Legacy Showcase Ben Chu 4. R-O -83 80 192.5 207.5 210 125 130 -132.5 225 235 242.5 582.5 82.15
04/27/2024 DNA Legacy Showcase Philip Truong 1. R-O -93 92.1 257.5 277.5 290 175 187.5 192.5 280 300 -317.5 782.5 102.88
04/27/2024 DNA Legacy Showcase Henry Kushner 2. R-O -93 87.4 195 210 215 137.5 145 -152.5 240 252.5 -260 612.5 82.62
04/27/2024 DNA Legacy Showcase Victor martinez 3. R-O -93 92.3 182.5 192.5 202.5 125 132.5 140 210 222.5 235 577.5 75.83
04/27/2024 DNA Legacy Showcase Johnie Franklin III 4. R-O -93 92.3 177.5 192.5 200 95 102.5 110 200 215 227.5 537.5 70.58
04/27/2024 DNA Legacy Showcase Zacheriah Burden 5. R-O -93 93 147.5 160 167.5 87.5 95 -100 170 182.5 187.5 450 58.87
04/27/2024 DNA Legacy Showcase Louis Arnold 1. R-O -105 95.2 265 280 -290 155 160 162.5 272.5 287.5 305 747.5 96.68
04/27/2024 DNA Legacy Showcase Jordan Bulger 1. R-O -120 110.4 -200 202.5 212.5 140 145 -155 220 230 245 602.5 72.69
04/27/2024 DNA Legacy Showcase Sebastian carcione 1. R-O 120+ 139.6 250 260 270 155 160 -165 265 280 290 720 78.58
04/27/2024 DNA Legacy Showcase Bryan Calderon 1. R-SJ -74 73.1 185 190 197.5 115 120 -122.5 205 225 230 547.5 80.92
04/27/2024 DNA Legacy Showcase Ansh Shah 2. R-SJ -74 73.3 182.5 195 -202.5 105 110 112.5 187.5 202.5 210 517.5 76.38
04/27/2024 DNA Legacy Showcase Mateo Ramos 1. R-SJ -83 78.1 170 182.5 190 105 112.5 117.5 190 202.5 -207.5 510 72.84
04/27/2024 DNA Legacy Showcase Abbott Plank Miller 1. R-SJ -93 87 200 212.5 -217.5 122.5 132.5 137.5 225 235 -240 585 79.09
04/27/2024 DNA Legacy Showcase Michael Russell 2. R-SJ -93 92 -137.5 142.5 147.5 80 -87.5 90 155 167.5 170 407.5 53.59
04/27/2024 DNA Legacy Showcase Atreyu Vest 1. R-SJ 120+ 129.6 222.5 235 245 142.5 -152.5 -152.5 220 232.5 235 622.5 70.02
04/27/2024 DNA Legacy Showcase Henry Kushner 1. R-O -93 87.4 137.5 145 -152.5 240 252.5 -260 397.5 53.62
04/26/2024 Lion’s Den Qualifier Jaden Corpuz 1. R-SJ -57 56.9 75 40 75 190 44.63
04/20/2024 New York State Championship Kelsey Scannevin 1. R-O -57 56.5 130 137.5 140 75 77.5 -80 157.5 165 170 387.5 91.50
04/20/2024 New York State Championship Amber Kozik 1. R-JR -76 73.6 95 102.5 107.5 50 55 57.5 112.5 120 127.5 292.5 58.57
04/20/2024 New York State Championship Emily Bombardier 1. R-JR 84+ 122.2 157.5 170 -182.5 72.5 77.5 80 147.5 157.5 165 415 70.93
04/20/2024 New York State Championship Kayla Pietrkiewicz 2. R-JR 84+ 119.7 87.5 95 102.5 40 45 50 82.5 95 100 252.5 43.30
04/20/2024 New York State Championship Saige Back 1. R-SJ 84+ 101 82.5 87.5 -92.5 55 60 62.5 97.5 105 110 260 46.25
04/20/2024 New York State Championship Travis Browning 1. R-JR -53 52.6 105 115 130 110 -115 145 160 175 415 73.04
04/20/2024 New York State Championship Jordan Alonso 1. R-JR -66 65.3 177.5 187.5 -195 100 105 107.5 182.5 192.5 205 500 78.38
04/20/2024 New York State Championship Rion Dugan 1. R-JR -83 82.2 200 215 220 130 137.5 -142.5 225 240 250 607.5 84.53
04/20/2024 New York State Championship Blake Rossi 3. R-JR -83 82.2 155 165 -175 112.5 -120 125 195 205 220 510 70.97
04/20/2024 New York State Championship Nicholas Mcloughlin 4. R-JR -83 76.4 160 165 167.5 95 97.5 100 172.5 177.5 182.5 450 64.98
04/20/2024 New York State Championship Basie Bagnini Nagel 2. R-JR -83 77.2 195 205 210 120 125 -130 210 227.5 -235 562.5 80.82
04/20/2024 New York State Championship Valentin Mollov 1. R-JR -93 86.8 197.5 205 215 130 135 140 220 235 -250 590 79.88
04/20/2024 New York State Championship Daniel Boush 2. R-JR -93 88.9 200 212.5 225 110 120 127.5 205 220 -242.5 572.5 76.57
04/20/2024 New York State Championship Sajid Mahmood 1. R-M1 -74 72.3 175 180 182.5 110 -115 115 225 235 -245 532.5 79.13
04/20/2024 New York State Championship Rion Dugan 1. R-O -83 82.2 200 215 220 130 137.5 -142.5 225 240 250 607.5 84.53
04/20/2024 New York State Championship Justin Heredia 1. R-O -93 86.9 195 210 235 165 185 190 215 237.5 -257.5 662.5 89.62
04/20/2024 New York State Championship Michael Gallo 1. R-O -105 102.9 110 130 145 90 100 -105 140 160 180 425 52.98
04/20/2024 New York State Championship Victor Rodriguez 1. R-O -120 118 275 300 320 165 187.5 -210 320 345 365 872.5 102.17
04/20/2024 New York State Championship Jerome Nacey 2. R-O -120 108.6 270 285 320 165 182.5 -190 295 325 -350 827.5 100.61
04/20/2024 New York State Championship Brandon Zeh 3. R-O -120 110.8 202.5 220 230 137.5 145 -150 232.5 255 262.5 637.5 76.79
04/20/2024 New York State Championship Brendan Chick 1. R-O 120+ 128.6 215 227.5 240 125 130 -137.5 262.5 277.5 -292.5 647.5 73.09
04/20/2024 New York State Championship Basie Bagnini Nagel 2. R-JR -83 77.2 195 205 210 120 125 -130 210 227.5 -235 562.5 80.82
04/20/2024 2024 Powerlifting America First Inaugural Strength Through Cinema Classic Open Closed Invitational Qualifier – Presented by Palmetto State Barbell in Association with Mellon Powerlifting LLC Michael Gagnier 1. R-O -83 83 -25 25 25 77.5 127.5 17.65
04/20/2024 2024 Powerlifting America First Inaugural Strength Through Cinema Classic Open Closed Invitational Qualifier – Presented by Palmetto State Barbell in Association with Mellon Powerlifting LLC Tanon Berger 1. R-O -74 69.4 25 25 77.5 127.5 19.36
04/14/2024 Iron Cup Adriana Toth 1. R-JR -63 60.7 72.5 -80 -82.5 35 42.5 -45 85 92.5 105 220 49.33
04/14/2024 Iron Cup Kirsten Iverson 1. R-JR -76 74.6 130 137.5 -140 -85 85 -87.5 142.5 157.5 -165 380 75.61
04/14/2024 Iron Cup Tendra O’Mealy 2. R-JR -76 70.5 100 105 110 45 52.5 -57.5 120 130 -135 292.5 59.91
04/14/2024 Iron Cup Izabelle Steinbrecher 3. R-JR -76 71.8 70 75 85 45 52.5 -57.5 105 115 125 262.5 53.25
04/14/2024 Iron Cup Kenia Zelaya 1. R-JR 84+ 90.3 82.5 -87.5 90 42.5 52.5 60 102.5 115 142.5 292.5 53.80
04/14/2024 Iron Cup Myrella Ramos 2. R-JR 84+ 85.8 -52.5 -52.5 52.5 25 30 -40 87.5 95 112.5 195 36.54
04/14/2024 Iron Cup Alexa Lichty 1. R-O -69 68.3 90 97.5 -102.5 47.5 50 52.5 107.5 112.5 -117.5 262.5 54.72
04/14/2024 Iron Cup Taten Driver 1. R-O -93 89.4 192.5 202.5 207.5 160 165 170 225 235 -240 612.5 81.72
04/14/2024 Iron Cup Parker Heflin 2. R-O -93 85.2 200 212.5 227.5 120 127.5 137.5 187.5 200 215 580 79.24
04/14/2024 Iron Cup Garrett Von Gunten 3. R-O -93 90.7 70 85 -87.5 97.5 -102.5 102.5 -152.5 -152.5 152.5 340 45.03
04/14/2024 Iron Cup Cale Pete 1. R-O 120+ 166.1 240 255 265 165 170 -177.5 242.5 255 260 695 71.09
04/14/2024 Iron Cup Tony Frazier 2. R-O 120+ 170.2 180 190 205 115 122.5 147.5 182.5 227.5 260 612.5 62.12
04/14/2024 Cajun Prep Qualifier Thaovy Tran 1. R-O -47 44 25 25 75 125 37.10
04/14/2024 Cajun Prep Qualifier Khandi C. Shuford 1. R-O -63 57.7 25 25 75 125 29.07
04/14/2024 Cajun Prep Qualifier Lydia Shields 3. R-O -63 61.9 25 25 75 125 27.66
04/14/2024 Cajun Prep Qualifier Shelby Gaspard 2. R-O -63 60.6 25 25 75 125 28.07
04/14/2024 Cajun Prep Qualifier Heather Smith 1. R-O -76 73.4 25 25 75 125 25.07
04/14/2024 Cajun Prep Qualifier Brylee Batiste 1. R-O 84+ 86.9 25 25 75 125 23.30
04/14/2024 Cajun Prep Qualifier Emily Badeaux 2. R-O 84+ 88.2 25 25 75 125 23.18
04/14/2024 Cajun Prep Qualifier Tayler Guidry 3. R-O 84+ 101.2 25 25 75 125 22.23
04/14/2024 Cajun Prep Qualifier Bryand Mao 1. R-O -66 61.5 25 25 75 125 20.23
04/14/2024 Cajun Prep Qualifier Karan Patel 2. R-O -66 62 25 25 75 125 20.15
04/14/2024 Cajun Prep Qualifier Gabriel Dimonde 1. R-O -83 76.7 25 25 75 125 18.01
04/14/2024 Cajun Prep Qualifier Danerian Actlis 2. R-O -83 77.9 25 25 75 125 17.87
04/14/2024 Cajun Prep Qualifier Cristopher Caceres 3. R-O -83 78.7 25 25 75 125 17.78
04/14/2024 Cajun Prep Qualifier Aiden Brown 4. R-O -83 80.9 25 25 75 125 17.53
04/14/2024 Cajun Prep Qualifier Milo Mcquade 1. R-O -93 89.3 25 25 75 125 16.69
04/14/2024 Cajun Prep Qualifier Rocky Dufort 2. R-O -93 90.1 25 25 75 125 16.61
04/14/2024 Cajun Prep Qualifier Darrell Gaspard 1. R-O -105 99.3 25 25 75 125 15.84
04/14/2024 Cajun Prep Qualifier Devin St. Germain 2. R-O -105 99.8 25 25 75 125 15.81
04/14/2024 Cajun Prep Qualifier Jessie Badeaux 1. R-O -120 113.7 25 25 75 125 14.88
04/14/2024 Cajun Prep Qualifier Atticus Campbell 2. R-O -120 115.4 25 25 75 125 14.78
04/13/2024 JDI NYC Uptown Open Nataleigh Hunter 1. R-JR -63 62.1 75 -77.5 -77.5 75 -77.5 -77.5 75 225 49.69
04/13/2024 JDI NYC Uptown Open Lauren Kinne 1. R-JR -69 66 100 110 -117.5 52.5 55 -57.5 107.5 117.5 120 285 60.58
04/13/2024 JDI NYC Uptown Open Angelina Martinez 2. R-JR -69 67.2 75 -125 -125 75 77.5 80 75 -125 230 48.37
04/13/2024 JDI NYC Uptown Open Jennifer Sauter 1. R-M1 -63 62.8 130 137.5 145 65 70 72.5 145 157.5 162.5 380 83.31
04/13/2024 JDI NYC Uptown Open Blaire Bjerke 1. R-M1 -69 67.6 90 -95 -95 57.5 60 -62.5 107.5 112.5 -117.5 262.5 55.02
04/13/2024 JDI NYC Uptown Open Rebecca Tucker 1. R-M1 84+ 115 120 -130 135 70 75 82.5 130 140 152.5 370 63.91
04/13/2024 JDI NYC Uptown Open Tacora Beasley 2. R-M1 84+ 101.7 95 105 115 70 -75 -75 110 120 135 320 56.82
04/13/2024 JDI NYC Uptown Open Sarrah Bottari 1. R-O -63 61.3 127.5 135 -142.5 62.5 -67.5 -67.5 147.5 155 -162.5 352.5 78.52
04/13/2024 JDI NYC Uptown Open Emily Gorbaty 2. R-O -63 62.6 125 130 -137.5 60 62.5 -65 130 140 145 337.5 74.14
04/13/2024 JDI NYC Uptown Open Alicia Walker 3. R-O -63 59.3 102.5 107.5 -110 40 42.5 -45 102.5 107.5 110 260 59.26
04/13/2024 JDI NYC Uptown Open Tawny Tidwell 4. R-O -63 62.4 80 85 -90 45 47.5 50 90 97.5 105 240 52.83
04/13/2024 JDI NYC Uptown Open Sherie Alexis 1. R-O -69 68.5 105 -110 -112.5 -50 50 52.5 145 152.5 -155 310 64.49
04/13/2024 JDI NYC Uptown Open Clelia Vasilenko 1. R-O -84 76.7 135 142.5 150 67.5 70 75 167.5 175 -182.5 400 78.53
04/13/2024 JDI NYC Uptown Open Megan Patterson 2. R-O -84 82.5 130 135 140 55 57.5 60 155 162.5 170 370 70.38
04/13/2024 JDI NYC Uptown Open Nadine Mompremier 1. R-O 84+ 106.7 112.5 117.5 -122.5 70 75 77.5 117.5 122.5 127.5 322.5 56.59
04/13/2024 JDI NYC Uptown Open Max Heller 1. R-JR -93 91 250 265 275 155 162.5 170 260 275 295 740 97.84
04/13/2024 JDI NYC Uptown Open Luming Zhang 2. R-JR -93 91.8 240 255 -260 165 -172.5 250 260 270 690 90.84
04/13/2024 JDI NYC Uptown Open Manuel Calle 3. R-JR -93 89.5 185 192.5 202.5 127.5 -142.5 -142.5 175 185 197.5 527.5 70.32
04/13/2024 JDI NYC Uptown Open Neil Tayao 4. R-JR -93 89.1 160 175 182.5 85 95 105 180 190 200 487.5 65.13
04/13/2024 JDI NYC Uptown Open Daniel Bueno 1. R-JR -105 97.1 192.5 202.5 210 107.5 112.5 115 175 187.5 202.5 527.5 67.58
04/13/2024 JDI NYC Uptown Open Deyby Rodriguez 2. R-JR -105 101.3 155 162.5 170 90 92.5 -95 200 215 -225 477.5 59.95
04/13/2024 JDI NYC Uptown Open K LaMar Wilcher 1. R-M1 120+ 131.7 250 272.5 287.5 185 200 -207.5 300 320 332.5 820 91.63
04/13/2024 JDI NYC Uptown Open Rob Ward 2. R-M1 120+ 143.8 255 275 302.5 167.5 -177.5 177.5 240 275 300 780 84.14
04/13/2024 JDI NYC Uptown Open Andrew Nwuba 1. R-O -83 75.1 155 160 170 90 95 102.5 197.5 205 220 492.5 71.75
04/13/2024 JDI NYC Uptown Open Hyun Soo Lee 2. R-O -83 75.3 117.5 125 -132.5 80 87.5 -92.5 132.5 140 145 357.5 52.01
04/13/2024 JDI NYC Uptown Open Paul Adams 1. R-O -93 87.6 212.5 227.5 -232.5 140 147.5 150 237.5 257.5 265 642.5 86.57
04/13/2024 JDI NYC Uptown Open Wayne Gavioli 2. R-O -93 89.4 130 157.5 -160 100 -110 -110 170 190 200 457.5 61.02
04/13/2024 JDI NYC Uptown Open Rasheed Mortimer 1. R-O -105 103.3 -225 -235 235 142.5 152.5 -162.5 252.5 272.5 -285 660 82.11
04/13/2024 JDI NYC Uptown Open Deyby Rodriguez 2. R-O -105 101.3 155 162.5 170 90 92.5 -95 200 215 -225 477.5 59.95
04/13/2024 JDI NYC Uptown Open John Alvarino 1. R-O -120 115.9 162.5 170 180 112.5 117.5 -125 192.5 207.5 217.5 515 60.79
04/13/2024 JDI NYC Uptown Open Thomas Berzok 2. R-O -120 109.9 165 180 -192.5 120 -135 -135 170 190 210 510 61.66
04/13/2024 JDI NYC Uptown Open K LaMar Wilcher 1. R-O 120+ 131.7 250 272.5 287.5 185 200 -207.5 300 320 332.5 820 91.63
04/13/2024 JDI NYC Uptown Open Maxwell Hagan 1. R-SJ -66 65.1 177.5 187.5 195 115 -120 -122.5 215 -225 -225 525 82.44
04/13/2024 King Of The Jungle Angelli Robles 1. R-JR -69 65.5 90 92.5 95 -45 50 -52.5 90 95 100 245 52.31
04/13/2024 King Of The Jungle Allyssa Valtierra 1. R-O 84+ 113.2 100 112.5 117.5 55 62.5 -70 125 135 140 320 55.45
04/13/2024 King Of The Jungle Evelyn Givens 2. R-O 84+ 108 57.5 62.5 67.5 -55 -57.5 57.5 -112.5 117.5 127.5 252.5 44.19
04/13/2024 King Of The Jungle Stella Tintari 1. R-SJ -69 68.6 75 55 65 -75 75 215 44.69
04/13/2024 King Of The Jungle Cameron Buescher 1. R-JR -83 80.4 197.5 210 222.5 122.5 132.5 142.5 210 225 240 605 85.11
04/13/2024 King Of The Jungle Michael Sysavan 2. R-JR -83 78.9 70 -75 150 160 167.5 70 200 437.5 62.14
04/13/2024 King Of The Jungle Avery Carson 0. R-SJ -83 82.8 -140 -150 -150 97.5 100 -105 192.5 -215 -215 0 0.00
04/13/2024 King Of The Jungle Luciano Miceli 1. R-JR -93 91.3 220 235 240 130 137.5 142.5 255 265 -267.5 647.5 85.47
04/13/2024 King Of The Jungle Mario Rodriguez 1. R-JR -105 104.5 -192.5 -202.5 212.5 107.5 115 122.5 237.5 250 262.5 597.5 73.93
04/13/2024 King Of The Jungle Connor Parks 1. R-JR -120 111.9 75 125 -127.5 182.5 175 432.5 51.86
04/13/2024 King Of The Jungle Steven Lindblom 2. R-O -83 80.4 150 162.5 165 105 110 -117.5 160 165 167.5 442.5 62.25
04/13/2024 King Of The Jungle John Valpatic 1. R-M -83 81.3 130 140 147.5 55 60 -67.5 162.5 172.5 -182.5 380 53.16
04/13/2024 King Of The Jungle Anthony Tintari 1. R-M -105 104.6 120 130 140 117.5 -127.5 127.5 155 165 172.5 440 54.42
04/13/2024 King Of The Jungle Asante Gordon 1. R-O -74 70.1 75 175 195 115 120 127.5 125 175 225 547.5 82.68
04/13/2024 King Of The Jungle Sadman Mishel 1. R-O -83 75.7 192.5 205 215 115 125 127.5 -222.5 237.5 247.5 590 85.61
04/13/2024 King Of The Jungle Dominic Cannizzaro 0. R-O -93 89.7 192.5 202.5 210 -127.5 -132.5 -132.5 227.5 237.5 247.5 0 0.00
04/13/2024 King Of The Jungle Luke Deuser 1. R-O -105 95.2 282.5 -295 302.5 180 187.5 192.5 282.5 295 -302.5 790 102.18
04/13/2024 King Of The Jungle Josue Cardenas 2. R-O -105 99.5 192.5 207.5 217.5 125 132.5 137.5 227.5 245 255 610 77.24
04/13/2024 King Of The Jungle Scott Voyles 3. R-O -105 95.8 180 187.5 195 122.5 127.5 -132.5 207.5 215 -227.5 537.5 69.31
04/13/2024 King Of The Jungle Ryan Lei 1. R-O -120 107.9 245 260 -272.5 165 172.5 -177.5 245 260 267.5 700 85.34
04/13/2024 King Of The Jungle Jeffrey Glines 1. R-O 120+ 130.1 185 195 202.5 115 120 -125 202.5 -215 -217.5 525 58.96
04/13/2024 King Of The Jungle Nathan Bunzell 1. R-SJ -74 72.5 147.5 172.5 175 80 87.5 97.5 142.5 170 185 457.5 67.88
04/13/2024 King Of The Jungle Oliver Dolbert 2. R-SJ -74 71.5 -130 137.5 145 90 97.5 -102.5 170 185 -195 427.5 63.89
04/13/2024 King Of The Jungle Eli Miller 3. R-SJ -74 71.5 135 140 -145 90 95 97.5 170 175 -182.5 412.5 61.65
04/06/2024 Get a Total Noah Robinson 1. R-O -83 78.1 25 25 75 125 17.85
04/06/2024 Get a Total Ben Veler 2. R-O -83 82.5 25 25 75 125 17.36
04/06/2024 Strong Spring Classic Shelley Brown 1. R-O -57 56.4 75 77.5 80 80 71.69
04/06/2024 Strong Spring Classic Chuck Hurry 1. R-M3 120+ 125.3 125 130 135 135 55.92
04/06/2024 Strong Spring Classic Emily Yaritz 1. R-O -76 75.2 85 -92.5 92.5 85 -92.5 92.5 115 122.5 127.5 312.5 61.92
04/06/2024 Strong Spring Classic Charleen Balcer Rowekamp 1. R-M1 -57 56.4 82.5 92.5 102.5 80 85 87.5 110 120 130 320 75.66
04/06/2024 Strong Spring Classic Kara Puterbaugh 1. R-M1 84+ 123.6 100 107.5 117.5 55 60 -70 125 137.5 152.5 330 56.30
04/06/2024 Strong Spring Classic Mark Cherry 1. R-M2 -74 72.4 145 150 155 90 -95 95 150 160 170 420 62.37
04/06/2024 Strong Spring Classic Arif Immamdeen 1. R-O -83 81.5 225 240 245 135 145 150 235 260 275 670 93.61
04/06/2024 Strong Spring Classic Nathan Hearn 1. R-O -93 91.6 130 -150 -160 -140 145 152.5 130 150 160 442.5 58.32
04/06/2024 Strong Spring Classic Alexander Selner 1. R-O -105 101.3 175 190 205 105 115 125 190 210 230 560 70.31
04/06/2024 Strong Spring Classic Anthony Salinas 2. R-O -105 102.3 167.5 177.5 -185 142.5 152.5 -155 195 210 -222.5 540 67.49
04/06/2024 Strong Spring Classic Alex Enns 1. R-O -120 107.5 245 262.5 282.5 160 170 185 290 307.5 325 792.5 96.78
04/06/2024 Strong Spring Classic John Elliott 1. R-O 120+ 132.3 285 290 300 192.5 200 -210 270 280 285 785 87.55
04/06/2024 Strong Spring Classic Neal Dooley 2. R-O 120+ 148 262.5 280 -290 142.5 150 -155 240 255 270 700 74.67
04/06/2024 Strong Spring Classic Ameen Elabed 3. R-O 120+ 141.8 195 215 232.5 135 142.5 150 205 222.5 235 617.5 66.97
04/06/2024 Strong Spring Classic Mason Pederson 1. R-SJ -83 82.1 150 155 -162.5 107.5 110 -115 155 157.5 167.5 432.5 60.20
04/06/2024 New Mexico State Championship Jessica Brennan 1. R-O 84+ 109.2 80 -87.5 -87.5 80 57.20
04/06/2024 New Mexico State Championship Randal Whitt 1. R-O -120 119.9 157.5 162.5 165 165 69.65
04/06/2024 New Mexico State Championship Corey Strickland 1. R-O 120+ 132.9 190 -197.5 -197.5 190 76.84
04/06/2024 New Mexico State Championship Precious Andrew 1. R-G -76 72 145 155 165 105 110 112.5 165 182.5 195 472.5 95.68
04/06/2024 New Mexico State Championship Natalya Gonzales 1. R-HS -76 73 -60 67.5 80 32.5 35 37.5 100 105 110 227.5 45.76
04/06/2024 New Mexico State Championship Destiney Martinez 1. R-O -63 62.4 -107.5 110 -117.5 50 52.5 -55 125 130 137.5 300 66.04
04/06/2024 New Mexico State Championship Krystal Montoya 2. R-O -63 60.1 70 82.5 92.5 30 35 37.5 85 100 -112.5 230 51.96
04/06/2024 New Mexico State Championship Kristian Rodriguez 1. R-O -76 74.3 125 130 135 60 -62.5 -62.5 145 152.5 -160 347.5 69.28
04/06/2024 New Mexico State Championship Sara Bustamante 1. R-O 84+ 117 -157.5 -157.5 167.5 85 -90 -90 -170 180 -190 432.5 74.47
04/06/2024 New Mexico State Championship Amanda Rodriguez 2. R-O 84+ 84.2 110 -115 -117.5 52.5 55 57.5 125 135 137.5 305 57.56
04/06/2024 New Mexico State Championship Evangelee Neithardt 3. R-O 84+ 97.6 97.5 102.5 110 42.5 50 55 97.5 105 112.5 277.5 49.83
04/06/2024 New Mexico State Championship Natalya Gonzales 1. R-SJ -76 73 -60 67.5 80 32.5 35 37.5 100 105 110 227.5 45.76
04/06/2024 New Mexico State Championship Tim Rickert 0. M3 -93 85.1 -125 -125 125 -90 0 0.00
04/06/2024 New Mexico State Championship Aven Begay 1. R-JR -105 102.3 210 225 235 112.5 115 122.5 215 230 250 607.5 75.92
04/06/2024 New Mexico State Championship Joseph Brey 2. R-JR -105 104 155 -162.5 162.5 115 125 -130 195 210 -222.5 497.5 61.71
04/06/2024 New Mexico State Championship Jose Chacon 0. R-JR -105 105 -142.5 -150 -150 87.5 90 -95 210 222.5 227.5 0 0.00
04/06/2024 New Mexico State Championship Daniel Phillips Jr 1. R-JR -120 111.4 200 205 207.5 120 125 -127.5 240 247.5 252.5 585 70.30
04/06/2024 New Mexico State Championship Richard Carni 1. R-M3 -74 73.9 135 142.5 -147.5 95 100 -102.5 137.5 157.5 -180 400 58.79
04/06/2024 New Mexico State Championship Jose Munoz 1. R-M1 -74 74 107.5 115 130 -70 75 -80 152.5 170 182.5 387.5 56.91
04/06/2024 New Mexico State Championship Brandon Huss 1. R-M1 -93 89.1 -160 160 167.5 102.5 -110 -110 185 192.5 200 470 62.81
04/06/2024 New Mexico State Championship Nate Burke 1. R-M1 -105 95.5 155 175 190 110 122.5 -130 195 210 227.5 540 69.74
04/06/2024 New Mexico State Championship Darlo Vander Wilt 1. R-M2 -120 114.9 192.5 205 -220 107.5 112.5 -122.5 192.5 212.5 -230 530 62.81
04/06/2024 New Mexico State Championship Cody Hanson 1. R-M1 120+ 125.3 102.5 102.5 102.5 307.5 35.09
04/06/2024 New Mexico State Championship Cody James Hanson 1. R-HS -59 55.4 -60 60 -70 45 52.5 -55 92.5 95 100 212.5 36.37
04/06/2024 New Mexico State Championship Rion Hanson 1. R-HS -53 53 52.5 62.5 -65 -37.5 37.5 45 62.5 67.5 72.5 180 31.55
04/06/2024 New Mexico State Championship Nick Lowery 1. R-HS -66 61.7 130 150 162.5 77.5 87.5 95 145 165 175 432.5 69.88
04/06/2024 New Mexico State Championship Weston Lisemby 1. R-HS -74 69.1 -195 195 -215 95 107.5 115 190 212.5 -220 522.5 79.50
04/06/2024 New Mexico State Championship Ethan Weeks 2. R-HS -74 71.9 135 150 165 75 90 95 160 177.5 190 450 67.09
04/06/2024 New Mexico State Championship Alexander Lucero 0. R-HS -74 73.1 162.5 172.5 182.5 -115 -115 -122.5 200 212.5 227.5 0 0.00
04/06/2024 New Mexico State Championship Athanasios Bertin 1. R-HS -83 82.2 92.5 100 120 85 100 -112.5 137.5 147.5 -172.5 367.5 51.12
04/06/2024 New Mexico State Championship Damien Anderson 2. R-HS -83 81.2 110 125 132.5 50 55 -60 110 120 132.5 320 44.81
04/06/2024 New Mexico State Championship Richard Carni 0. R-O -74 73.9 135 142.5 -147.5 95 100 -102.5 137.5 157.5 -180 400 58.79
04/06/2024 New Mexico State Championship Jose Munoz 1. R-O -74 74 107.5 115 130 -70 75 -80 152.5 170 182.5 387.5 56.91
04/06/2024 New Mexico State Championship Aaron Underwood 1. R-O -83 82.1 180 195 210 125 132.5 137.5 202.5 222.5 237.5 585 81.45
04/06/2024 New Mexico State Championship Nestor Ramirez 2. R-O -83 81.5 137.5 -142.5 -145 102.5 -107.5 -107.5 165 175 185 425 59.38
04/06/2024 New Mexico State Championship Nikhil Pailoor 3. R-O -83 80.9 122.5 132.5 140 75 85 -95 145 157.5 167.5 392.5 55.04
04/06/2024 New Mexico State Championship Francisco Trigueros 1. R-O -93 92.8 197.5 210 -225 110 117.5 125 235 250 -270 585 76.61
04/06/2024 New Mexico State Championship Dennis Aragon 2. R-O -93 89.9 190 200 207.5 122.5 127.5 130 225 240 -275 577.5 76.82
04/06/2024 New Mexico State Championship Daunte Roberts 3. R-O -93 86.5 145 155 162.5 142.5 152.5 -155 195 210 220 535 72.56
04/06/2024 New Mexico State Championship Brandon Huss 4. R-O -93 89.1 -160 160 167.5 102.5 -110 -110 185 192.5 200 470 62.81
04/06/2024 New Mexico State Championship David Bennett 1. R-O -105 103.1 232.5 245 -250 155 -165 -165 260 275 287.5 687.5 85.63
04/06/2024 New Mexico State Championship Aven Begay 2. R-O -105 102.3 210 225 235 112.5 115 122.5 215 230 250 607.5 75.92
04/06/2024 New Mexico State Championship Robert Maestas 3. R-O -105 100.1 197.5 202.5 207.5 -120 127.5 -137.5 217.5 222.5 227.5 562.5 71.04
04/06/2024 New Mexico State Championship Akhil Alasandagutti 4. R-O -105 101.6 180 192.5 -200 130 142.5 145 200 212.5 222.5 560 70.23
04/06/2024 New Mexico State Championship Nate Burke 5. R-O -105 95.5 155 175 190 110 122.5 -130 195 210 227.5 540 69.74
04/06/2024 New Mexico State Championship Joseph Brey 6. R-O -105 104 155 -162.5 162.5 115 125 -130 195 210 -222.5 497.5 61.71
04/06/2024 New Mexico State Championship Jose Chacon 0. R-O -105 105 -142.5 -150 -150 87.5 90 -95 210 222.5 227.5 0 0.00
04/06/2024 New Mexico State Championship John Santillanes 1. R-O -120 119.7 202.5 215 -220 120 130 -137.5 225 240 250 595 69.25
04/06/2024 New Mexico State Championship Daniel Phillips Jr 2. R-O -120 111.4 200 205 207.5 120 125 -127.5 240 247.5 252.5 585 70.30
04/06/2024 New Mexico State Championship Darlo Vander Wilt 3. R-O -120 114.9 192.5 205 -220 107.5 112.5 -122.5 192.5 212.5 -230 530 62.81
04/06/2024 New Mexico State Championship Cody Hanson 1. R-O 120+ 125.3 102.5 102.5 102.5 307.5 35.09
04/06/2024 New Mexico State Championship Rion Hanson 1. R-SJ -53 53 52.5 62.5 -65 -37.5 37.5 45 62.5 67.5 72.5 180 31.55
04/06/2024 New Mexico State Championship Cody James Hanson 1. R-SJ -59 55.4 -60 60 -70 45 52.5 -55 92.5 95 100 212.5 36.37
04/06/2024 New Mexico State Championship Nick Lowery 1. R-SJ -66 61.7 130 150 162.5 77.5 87.5 95 145 165 175 432.5 69.88
04/06/2024 New Mexico State Championship Weston Lisemby 1. R-SJ -74 69.1 -195 195 -215 95 107.5 115 190 212.5 -220 522.5 79.50
04/06/2024 New Mexico State Championship Ethan Weeks 2. R-SJ -74 71.9 135 150 165 75 90 95 160 177.5 190 450 67.09
04/06/2024 New Mexico State Championship Alexander Lucero 0. R-SJ -74 73.1 162.5 172.5 182.5 -115 -115 -122.5 200 212.5 227.5 0 0.00
04/06/2024 New Mexico State Championship Athanasios Bertin 1. R-SJ -83 82.2 92.5 100 120 85 100 -112.5 137.5 147.5 -172.5 367.5 51.12
04/06/2024 New Mexico State Championship Damien Anderson 2. R-SJ -83 81.2 110 125 132.5 50 55 -60 110 120 132.5 320 44.81
04/06/2024 New Mexico State Championship Thomas Cencich 1. M3 -93 93 140 -210 210 175 200 207.5 417.5 45.29
03/30/2024 2024 Wisconsin High School Qualifier Janica Walker 1. SJ -57 54.6 -92.5 92.5 -100 42.5 47.5 50 87.5 95 102.5 245 48.31
03/30/2024 2024 Wisconsin High School Qualifier Abbygale Kuhlenbeck 1. SJ -63 60.1 85 95 97.5 50 -55 -55 102.5 -112.5 -112.5 250 46.39
03/30/2024 2024 Wisconsin High School Qualifier Lucas Halvorson 1. SJ -74 71.8 125 137.5 -147.5 75 80 -85 125 137.5 150 367.5 46.48
03/30/2024 2024 Wisconsin High School Qualifier Andrew Grambow 1. SJ -105 102 200 -202.5 -202.5 75 -77.5 -77.5 200 217.5 230 505 52.32
03/30/2024 2024 Wisconsin High School Qualifier Sawyer Shekels 1. R-PS -74 68.2 115 -125 -125 50 55 60 142.5 -150 -150 317.5 48.66
03/23/2024 Arizona State Championship Andy Furnas 1. M3 -83 80 160 170 -182.5 170 62.16
03/23/2024 Arizona State Championship John Durso 1. M3 -93 89.6 -110 110 115 115 38.90
03/23/2024 Arizona State Championship Trevor Yee 1. R-JR -74 70.5 145 152.5 160 107.5 112.5 -117.5 160 167.5 172.5 445 67.00
03/23/2024 Arizona State Championship Cayson Vines 1. R-JR -83 81.5 200 -210 -210 112.5 117.5 122.5 245 -250 -250 567.5 79.29
03/23/2024 Arizona State Championship Nolan Rich 2. R-JR -83 77 145 155 165 -110 110 115 190 200 -215 480 69.06
03/23/2024 Arizona State Championship Gabriel Applegate 0. R-JR -83 80.5 -165 -175 -175 -92.5 -95 -95 192.5 205 215 0 0.00
03/23/2024 Arizona State Championship Gavin Anderson 1. R-JR -93 90.3 170 187.5 200 -120 127.5 -135 185 -205 210 537.5 71.36
03/23/2024 Arizona State Championship Thomas Ashbrook 1. R-M3 -83 75.8 125 145 155 100 110 -115 155 175 185 450 65.27
03/23/2024 Arizona State Championship Gregory Vitel 1. R-M3 -105 99.8 -155 155 162.5 122.5 125 -130 190 -202.5 -202.5 477.5 60.39
03/23/2024 Arizona State Championship Philip Lee 1. R-O -74 74 170 177.5 -182.5 115 -122.5 -130 210 222.5 -227.5 515 75.61
03/23/2024 Arizona State Championship Ethan Leiner 2. R-O -74 73.6 150 165 -172.5 100 107.5 110 -170 185 -200 460 67.72
03/23/2024 Arizona State Championship Ovietobore Dafe-Akpedeye 1. R-O -83 78.3 210 220 230 135 142.5 150 225 237.5 250 630 89.83
03/23/2024 Arizona State Championship Cayson Vines 2. R-O -83 81.5 200 -210 -210 112.5 117.5 122.5 245 -250 -250 567.5 79.29
03/23/2024 Arizona State Championship Loreto LoBosco 3. R-O -83 81.2 145 155 165 105 110 115 170 182.5 190 470 65.79
03/23/2024 Arizona State Championship Luke Barba 4. R-O -83 82.4 152.5 162.5 -172.5 87.5 -92.5 92.5 177.5 187.5 195 450 62.52
03/23/2024 Arizona State Championship MacIntyre McCarty 1. R-O -93 93 225 235 -242.5 145 150 -155 237.5 250 260 645 84.40
03/23/2024 Arizona State Championship Shawn Murphy 2. R-O -93 85.6 202.5 212.5 222.5 120 127.5 132.5 -227.5 235 -260 590 80.44
03/23/2024 Arizona State Championship Elek Miller 3. R-O -93 90.3 200 -215 -215 117.5 125 -127.5 227.5 240 -247.5 565 75.01
03/23/2024 Arizona State Championship Luke Graham 1. R-O -105 99.7 260 275 -287.5 165 180 185 305 325 -340 785 99.33
03/23/2024 Arizona State Championship Brandon Jordan 2. R-O -105 102.9 247.5 255 -272.5 155 165 -182.5 250 -257.5 -257.5 670 83.52
03/23/2024 Arizona State Championship Vincent Pieters 3. R-O -105 101.4 207.5 220 230 127.5 140 -147.5 242.5 260 270 640 80.34
03/23/2024 Arizona State Championship Kyante Wilson 1. R-O -120 111.2 260 275 287.5 165 175 182.5 290 305 317.5 787.5 94.70
03/23/2024 Arizona State Championship Nick Mason 2. R-O -120 115.6 182.5 202.5 207.5 102.5 127.5 -137.5 265 292.5 -300 627.5 74.15
03/23/2024 Arizona State Championship Christian Upshaw 3. R-O -120 119.9 170 175 177.5 160 -165 -165 242.5 247.5 250 587.5 68.32
03/23/2024 Arizona State Championship Cory Benoit 4. R-O -120 116.2 192.5 205 -215 140 145 -155 215 225 -237.5 575 67.79
03/23/2024 Arizona State Championship Calvin Duong 1. R-O 120+ 128.6 250 262.5 277.5 152.5 160 165 -245 255 -272.5 697.5 78.73
03/23/2024 Arizona State Championship Susan Leard 1. R-M3 -63 60.9 52.5 57.5 62.5 62.5 53.20
03/23/2024 Arizona State Championship Susan Leard 0. R-O -63 60.9 52.5 57.5 62.5 62.5 53.20
03/23/2024 Arizona State Championship Ariel Belcher 1. O 84+ 86.4 102.5 105 107.5 57.5 60 -65 117.5 120 -122.5 287.5 44.73
03/23/2024 Arizona State Championship Vivian Taylor 1. R-JR -84 79.6 145 152.5 -160 -62.5 62.5 -67.5 147.5 152.5 -155 367.5 70.96
03/23/2024 Arizona State Championship Lindsay Shabansky 1. R-M1 -57 57 85 90 95 50 55 -60 102.5 112.5 115 265 62.16
03/23/2024 Arizona State Championship Carly Thomas 1. R-M1 -69 67.1 140 145 150 80 85 87.5 155 162.5 165 402.5 84.72
03/23/2024 Arizona State Championship Angela Saliani 1. R-M2 -63 62.2 122.5 130 132.5 62.5 65 67.5 140 147.5 150 350 77.25
03/23/2024 Arizona State Championship Angela Saliani 0. R-O -63 62.2 122.5 130 132.5 62.5 65 67.5 140 147.5 150 350 77.25
03/23/2024 Arizona State Championship Carly Thomas 1. R-O -69 67.1 140 145 150 80 85 87.5 155 162.5 165 402.5 84.72
03/23/2024 Arizona State Championship Laia Larsen 2. R-O -69 67.3 125 127.5 130 80 85 87.5 157.5 160 165 382.5 80.41
03/23/2024 Arizona State Championship Jo Cheng 3. R-O -69 64.9 77.5 85 92.5 35 45 -52.5 87.5 107.5 120 257.5 55.29
03/23/2024 Arizona State Championship Diana Guerrero 1. R-O -76 73.6 -110 115 -127.5 45 -50 52.5 130 137.5 142.5 310 62.10
03/23/2024 Arizona State Championship Vivian Taylor 1. R-O -84 79.6 145 152.5 -160 -62.5 62.5 -67.5 147.5 152.5 -155 367.5 70.96
03/23/2024 Arizona State Championship Shelby Teal 2. R-O -84 76.8 115 -125 130 47.5 -52.5 -55 117.5 127.5 -140 305 59.86
03/23/2024 Arizona State Championship Kylie Smith 1. R-SJ -57 55.3 92.5 97.5 100 65 70 -75 105 112.5 -117.5 282.5 67.87
03/23/2024 Arizona State Championship Trinity Klingler 2. R-SJ -57 52.4 75 80 -85 40 42.5 45 90 95 100 225 56.44
03/23/2024 Arizona State Championship Emma Trampp 1. R-SJ 84+ 112.7 90 100 -105 37.5 40 42.5 95 100 105 247.5 42.93
03/23/2024 Arizona State Championship Gavin Anderson 1. R-JR -93 90.3 170 187.5 200 -120 127.5 -135 185 -205 210 537.5 71.36
03/23/2024 Arizona State Championship Ethan Leiner 0. R-O -74 73.6 150 165 -172.5 100 107.5 110 -170 185 -200 460 67.72
03/23/2024 Arizona State Championship Carter Sanchez 1. R-SJ -66 65.6 147.5 -155 155 100 102.5 105 160 -175 -175 420 65.68
03/23/2024 Arizona State Championship Colin Fahey 2. R-SJ -66 59.9 117.5 122.5 -125 75 82.5 -90 150 160 -172.5 365 59.94
03/23/2024 Arizona State Championship Alexis Lopez 3. R-SJ -66 64.8 -85 -97.5 100 52.5 60 -62.5 130 135 -145 295 46.45
03/23/2024 Arizona State Championship Ethan Leiner 1. R-SJ -74 73.6 150 165 -172.5 100 107.5 110 -170 185 -200 460 67.72
03/23/2024 Arizona State Championship Jay Young 1. R-SJ -93 92.2 -182.5 182.5 -205 117.5 -130 -130 232.5 250 -257.5 550 72.28
03/23/2024 Arizona State Championship Jacob German 2. R-SJ -93 89.3 185 197.5 -207.5 110 -120 -120 200 220 230 537.5 71.73
03/23/2024 Arizona State Championship Isaac Muffley 1. R-SJ -105 102.7 -212.5 222.5 227.5 -127.5 -132.5 132.5 212.5 225 230 590 73.60
03/23/2024 Arizona State Championship Colyn Baldwin 2. R-SJ -105 96.6 210 -220 -220 112.5 -117.5 117.5 230 240 -250 567.5 72.89
03/23/2024 Arizona State Championship Jared Craig 3. R-SJ -105 104.6 222.5 -232.5 -232.5 112.5 -117.5 117.5 225 -232.5 -240 565 69.88
03/23/2024 Arizona State Championship Logan Christian 4. R-SJ -105 94.2 142.5 -155 165 102.5 107.5 -117.5 192.5 215 -235 487.5 63.38
03/23/2024 Arizona State Championship Gavin Dahle 5. R-SJ -105 103.3 125 -135 135 65 70 75 130 140 150 360 44.80
03/23/2024 Arizona State Championship Marvin Mendez 1. R-SJ -120 109.3 -255 267.5 -277.5 122.5 135 142.5 260 277.5 290 700 84.86
03/23/2024 Arizona State Championship Alfred Arredondo 1. R-SJ 120+ 120.1 -210 210 -220 135 142.5 -150 210 220 235 587.5 68.28
03/23/2024 Arizona State Championship Abel Estrada 1. R-SJ -74 69.2 145 162.5 -167.5 105 110 -115 165 170 -175 442.5 67.28
03/23/2024 Arizona State Championship Edwin Escobar 2. R-SJ -74 72.3 147.5 -162.5 162.5 90 95 -102.5 167.5 172.5 -175 430 63.92
03/23/2024 Arizona State Championship Jaahziel Madueno 1. R-SJ -93 91.2 127.5 140 150 92.5 107.5 -110 -172.5 -185 202.5 460 60.77
03/23/2024 Arizona State Championship Mathew Sanchez 1. JR -93 84.6 240 260 -265 160 170 235 -250 250 680 77.65
03/23/2024 4th Annual TFX Training Facility Open Championships Cris Coniglio 1. R-M2 84+ 96.5 57.5 62.5 70 70 50.81
03/23/2024 4th Annual TFX Training Facility Open Championships Mark Gettings 1. R-M1 -105 97.8 152.5 -157.5 -157.5 152.5 70.62
03/23/2024 4th Annual TFX Training Facility Open Championships Jason Leavitt 1. R-M3 -66 63.9 85 92.5 102.5 102.5 59.16
03/23/2024 4th Annual TFX Training Facility Open Championships Chuck Hurry 1. R-M3 120+ 125.4 125 -130 130 130 53.83
03/23/2024 4th Annual TFX Training Facility Open Championships Cris Coniglio 1. R-M2 84+ 96.5 100 110 120 120 21.62
03/23/2024 4th Annual TFX Training Facility Open Championships Hennis Washington III 1. M2 -66 63.7 210 -220 210 28.84
03/23/2024 4th Annual TFX Training Facility Open Championships Lawrence Milford Sr. 1. R-M4 -83 80 110 115 117.5 117.5 16.57
03/23/2024 4th Annual TFX Training Facility Open Championships Elizabeth Pizarro 1. R-JR -63 59.9 105 115 122.5 57.5 62.5 65 107.5 117.5 125 312.5 70.70
03/23/2024 4th Annual TFX Training Facility Open Championships Cris Coniglio 1. R-M2 84+ 96.5 100 105 112.5 57.5 62.5 70 100 110 120 302.5 54.50
03/23/2024 4th Annual TFX Training Facility Open Championships Mary Pregler 1. R-M4 -52 49.3 25 30 35 20 -25 25 65 75 85 145 38.41
03/23/2024 4th Annual TFX Training Facility Open Championships Colleen Walker 1. R-O -57 56.6 110 115 120 57.5 62.5 65 127.5 137.5 140 325 76.63
03/23/2024 4th Annual TFX Training Facility Open Championships Alexa Acevedo 1. R-O -69 67.3 102.5 -125 -125 62.5 65 147.5 -157.5 -157.5 315 66.17
03/23/2024 4th Annual TFX Training Facility Open Championships Katie Coughlin 1. R-O 84+ 99 62.5 70 75 30 35 37.5 80 95 110 222.5 39.79
03/23/2024 4th Annual TFX Training Facility Open Championships Esperanza Delgado 1. R-SJ -76 73.6 182.5 192.5 -197.5 90 97.5 -102.5 175 185 187.5 477.5 95.63
03/23/2024 4th Annual TFX Training Facility Open Championships Nelson Martinez 1. O -120 105.7 330 350 250 -260 260 270 280 890 90.69
03/23/2024 4th Annual TFX Training Facility Open Championships Tyrus Wilkins 1. R-JR -83 82.9 165 180 -190 107.5 115 125 190 207.5 220 525 72.74
03/23/2024 4th Annual TFX Training Facility Open Championships Jacob Park 2. R-JR -83 75 75 75 75 225 32.81
03/23/2024 4th Annual TFX Training Facility Open Championships Tan Bui 1. R-JR -93 83.9 185 195 207.5 115 120 127.5 205 220 240 575 79.16
03/23/2024 4th Annual TFX Training Facility Open Championships Deion Burns 1. R-JR -120 118.7 245 260 272.5 140 147.5 152.5 302.5 317.5 330 755 88.17
03/23/2024 4th Annual TFX Training Facility Open Championships Sean Mills 2. R-JR -120 116.3 25 25 75 125 14.74
03/23/2024 4th Annual TFX Training Facility Open Championships Mark Gettings 1. R-M1 -105 97.8 205 215 222.5 152.5 -157.5 -157.5 190 200 207.5 582.5 74.39
03/23/2024 4th Annual TFX Training Facility Open Championships Lloyd Savage 1. R-M2 -105 103.9 170 -180 -190 115 120 -125 205 215 -225 505 62.65
03/23/2024 4th Annual TFX Training Facility Open Championships Anthony Lowe 1. R-O -74 71.3 200 215 227.5 120 130 137.5 220 230 250 615 92.05
03/23/2024 4th Annual TFX Training Facility Open Championships Russell Santos 1. R-O -83 82.6 205 -217.5 -220 112.5 -117.5 -117.5 235 240 242.5 560 77.72
03/23/2024 4th Annual TFX Training Facility Open Championships Joseph Borenstein 2. R-O -83 81.1 75 75 75 225 31.51
03/23/2024 4th Annual TFX Training Facility Open Championships Nelson Suarez 1. R-O -105 99.3 192.5 205 -215 120 125 130 232.5 255 -265 590 74.77
03/23/2024 4th Annual TFX Training Facility Open Championships Eric Samai-Bousignac 1. R-O 120+ 125.6 212.5 230 247.5 147.5 160 170 197.5 212.5 222.5 640 72.95
03/23/2024 4th Annual TFX Training Facility Open Championships Cris Coniglio 1. R-M2 84+ 96.5 57.5 62.5 70 100 110 120 190 34.23
03/23/2024 4th Annual TFX Training Facility Open Championships Hennis Washington IV 1. R-JR -74 68.5 115 130 132.5 170 182.5 192.5 325 49.66
03/14/2024 Classic (Raw) Open Nationals Jiaqi Chen 1. R-G -63 58.9 115 -125 -132.5 50 55 -57.5 160 167.5 -170 337.5 77.34
03/14/2024 Classic (Raw) Open Nationals Kathleen Casper 2. R-G -63 61.3 60 -67.5 67.5 32.5 37.5 -40 105 110 -115 215 47.92
03/14/2024 Classic (Raw) Open Nationals Jessica Espinal 1. R-O -47 45.9 130 137.5 143.5 87.5 92.5 96 167.5 177.5 182.5 422 119.81
03/14/2024 Classic (Raw) Open Nationals Megan Hurlburt 1. R-O -52 52 160 170.5 -175.5 95 100 -105 160 175 182.5 453 114.39
03/14/2024 Classic (Raw) Open Nationals Vanessa Pineda 2. R-O -52 51.2 143 150 -155 72.5 77.5 80 170 177.5 182.5 412.5 105.57
03/14/2024 Classic (Raw) Open Nationals Jamie Fisher 3. R-O -52 51.5 125 130 -132.5 -105 105 -108 157.5 162.5 165 400 101.94
03/14/2024 Classic (Raw) Open Nationals Leah Goldring 4. R-O -52 51.6 -130 130 -137.5 82.5 -87.5 -87.5 170 180 -188 392.5 99.86
03/14/2024 Classic (Raw) Open Nationals Kaye Johnson 1. R-O -57 56.5 133 140 -142.5 80 85 -87.5 140 150 -155 375 88.61
03/14/2024 Classic (Raw) Open Nationals Meghan Scanlon 1. R-O -63 62 182.5 190 195.5 127.5 132.5 135 195 205 212.5 543 120.04
03/14/2024 Classic (Raw) Open Nationals Celine Crum 2. R-O -63 62.6 182.5 192.5 -198.5 107.5 115 120 197.5 212.5 -217.5 525 115.34
03/14/2024 Classic (Raw) Open Nationals Brittany Suplicki 3. R-O -63 62.4 157.5 165 172.5 105 110 112.5 165 175 185 470 103.52
03/14/2024 Classic (Raw) Open Nationals Michelle Liu 4. R-O -63 62.6 125 132.5 137.5 80 85 90 170 177.5 182.5 410 90.07
03/14/2024 Classic (Raw) Open Nationals Ashley Hodge 5. R-O -63 62.2 122.5 127.5 132.5 82.5 90 -92.5 170 177.5 182.5 405 89.35
03/14/2024 Classic (Raw) Open Nationals Amy Mason 6. R-O -63 62.8 135 -142.5 142.5 72.5 -75 -75 157.5 167.5 -175 382.5 83.86
03/14/2024 Classic (Raw) Open Nationals Sina Gartner 7. R-O -63 61.6 132.5 137.5 -142.5 -92.5 92.5 -95 135 142.5 150 380 84.42
03/14/2024 Classic (Raw) Open Nationals Dina Al Bayati 8. R-O -63 61.8 120 125 -130 67.5 70 -72.5 130 137.5 142.5 337.5 74.77
03/14/2024 Classic (Raw) Open Nationals Gabby Martinez 1. R-O -69 68 180 191.5 200.5 110 117.5 120 207.5 220 232.5 553 115.56
03/14/2024 Classic (Raw) Open Nationals Chelsea Savit 2. R-O -69 68.9 177.5 188 193 122.5 127.5 130 207.5 215 -220 538 111.55
03/14/2024 Classic (Raw) Open Nationals Jacqueline Malayter 3. R-O -69 68.8 180 192 196.5 117.5 122.5 127.5 195 210 -220 534 110.85
03/14/2024 Classic (Raw) Open Nationals Haley Sheehan 4. R-O -69 64.7 175 180 -185 85 87.5 -90 182.5 195 205 472.5 101.65
03/14/2024 Classic (Raw) Open Nationals Hannah Filipiak 5. R-O -69 67 -147.5 -155 155 75 80 87.5 145 150 155 397.5 83.74
03/14/2024 Classic (Raw) Open Nationals Shelby Paradowski 6. R-O -69 68.2 120 125 127.5 65 -70 70 155 165 170 367.5 76.67
03/14/2024 Classic (Raw) Open Nationals Amanda Ellis 7. R-O -69 68.6 127.5 135 -140 87.5 92.5 95 130 137.5 -142.5 367.5 76.42
03/14/2024 Classic (Raw) Open Nationals Cranon Worford 1. R-O -76 75.3 197.5 -212.5 212.5 97.5 105 110 217.5 230 237.5 560 110.93
03/14/2024 Classic (Raw) Open Nationals Kloie (Doublin) Nutt 2. R-O -76 75.9 180 195 203 110 117.5 125.5 197.5 210 220 548.5 108.24
03/14/2024 Classic (Raw) Open Nationals Jessica Kinney 3. R-O -76 74.6 175 185 190 112.5 117.5 -120 200 220 227.5 535 106.46
03/14/2024 Classic (Raw) Open Nationals Dayna Mcneal 4. R-O -76 75 187.5 195 -210 92.5 97.5 -105 225 242.5 -257.5 535 106.18
03/14/2024 Classic (Raw) Open Nationals Claire Zai 5. R-O -76 75.2 175 185 -190 110 117.5 -122.5 -202.5 212.5 -220 515 102.08
03/14/2024 Classic (Raw) Open Nationals Joah Iannotta 6. R-O -76 75.4 145 152.5 -160 105 112.5 -115 175 185 195 460 91.03
03/14/2024 Classic (Raw) Open Nationals Anamaria Moncada 7. R-O -76 75.6 160 170 175 80 85 -90 147.5 165 175 435 85.98
03/14/2024 Classic (Raw) Open Nationals Haley Anderson 8. R-O -76 76 -155 155 160 70 75 -77.5 167.5 175 -185 410 80.86
03/14/2024 Classic (Raw) Open Nationals Leticia Magalhaes 9. R-O -76 75.6 132.5 137.5 140 67.5 72.5 75 165 175 182.5 397.5 78.59
03/14/2024 Classic (Raw) Open Nationals Elena Pikounis 10. R-O -76 74.4 130 137.5 145 72.5 77.5 -82.5 147.5 160 -165 382.5 76.19
03/14/2024 Classic (Raw) Open Nationals Laura Liu 11. R-O -76 75.3 -147.5 152.5 157.5 62.5 65 -67.5 147.5 -155 -155 370 73.27
03/14/2024 Classic (Raw) Open Nationals Brenda Arnold 12. R-O -76 74.6 77.5 85 87.5 55 60 65 125 140 152.5 305 60.69
03/14/2024 Classic (Raw) Open Nationals Michelle Robbins 0. R-O -76 75.7 175 -190 -190 115 -215 0 0.00
03/14/2024 Classic (Raw) Open Nationals Tiffany Savage 1. R-O -84 82.5 180 190 195 127.5 132.5 137.5 210 222.5 227.5 560 106.54
03/14/2024 Classic (Raw) Open Nationals Aliza Tessler 2. R-O -84 82.2 155 -167.5 170 100 110 -115 182.5 195 205 485 92.41
03/14/2024 Classic (Raw) Open Nationals Marisa Ruland 3. R-O -84 82.8 185 197.5 205 85 90 92.5 167.5 182.5 187.5 485 92.14
03/14/2024 Classic (Raw) Open Nationals Julia Pandolfi 4. R-O -84 81.4 175 185 -192.5 87.5 95 97.5 165 167.5 172.5 455 87.02
03/14/2024 Classic (Raw) Open Nationals Molly Chaney 5. R-O -84 83.3 170 180 -185 67.5 72.5 -75 170 180 -185 432.5 81.95
03/14/2024 Classic (Raw) Open Nationals Lakhvir Sodhi Gosal 6. R-O -84 82.7 130 140 150 72.5 77.5 -80 182.5 195 -205 422.5 80.30
03/14/2024 Classic (Raw) Open Nationals Grace Feliciano 7. R-O -84 82.5 147.5 -160 -160 67.5 72.5 -77.5 177.5 192.5 -200 412.5 78.46
03/14/2024 Classic (Raw) Open Nationals Megan Taylor Carey 8. R-O -84 79.8 -147.5 147.5 -152.5 80 87.5 90 142.5 150 387.5 74.76
03/14/2024 Classic (Raw) Open Nationals Stephanie Armenta 9. R-O -84 82.7 130 132.5 135 65 70 -72.5 140 142.5 145 350 66.52
03/14/2024 Classic (Raw) Open Nationals Alexis Jones 1. R-O 84+ 133.9 227.5 247.5 260 152.5 160 166 232.5 247.5 272.5 698.5 117.86
03/14/2024 Classic (Raw) Open Nationals Bonica Brown 2. R-O 84+ 149.7 265 272.5 -280 135 145 150 220 230 237.5 660 110.11
03/14/2024 Classic (Raw) Open Nationals Melissa Copeland 3. R-O 84+ 118.8 197.5 207.5 212.5 127.5 132.5 -135 200 210 -212.5 555 95.30
03/14/2024 Classic (Raw) Open Nationals Patricia Johnson 4. R-O 84+ 100.3 180 190 -195 115 120 125 220 232.5 -240 547.5 97.57
03/14/2024 Classic (Raw) Open Nationals Theresa Spencer 5. R-O 84+ 99.5 -187.5 187.5 190 92.5 97.5 102.5 172.5 180 187.5 480 85.72
03/14/2024 Classic (Raw) Open Nationals Hope Showers 6. R-O 84+ 101.9 140 150 155 75 80 85 145 157.5 165 405 71.87
03/14/2024 Classic (Raw) Open Nationals Shanti Khalsa 7. R-O 84+ 93.7 150 160 165 62.5 67.5 75 140 150 160 400 72.70
03/14/2024 Classic (Raw) Open Nationals Sara Shelton 8. R-O 84+ 93.3 137.5 145 -150 70 75 77.5 137.5 147.5 157.5 380 69.17
03/14/2024 Classic (Raw) Open Nationals Dejaline Xiong 9. R-O 84+ 105.5 130 135 140 52.5 55 57.5 127.5 132.5 135 332.5 58.50
03/14/2024 Classic (Raw) Open Nationals Gavin Adin 1. R-G -105 95.4 305 330 -340 197.5 210 215 295 322.5 350 895 115.64
03/14/2024 Classic (Raw) Open Nationals Kevin Carey 1. R-G -93 88 100 107.5 115 72.5 -77.5 77.5 142.5 150 160 352.5 47.40
03/14/2024 Classic (Raw) Open Nationals Wascar Carpio 1. R-O -59 58.9 202.5 215 222.5 137.5 145 148 245 260 267.5 638 105.67
03/14/2024 Classic (Raw) Open Nationals Alex Thielemier 2. R-O -59 58.7 155 165 172.5 105 115 -122.5 200 210 -217.5 497.5 82.55
03/14/2024 Classic (Raw) Open Nationals Drew Coffey 3. R-O -59 58.5 172.5 182.5 -190 100 105 107.5 190 197.5 205 495 82.28
03/14/2024 Classic (Raw) Open Nationals Jacob Yankloski 4. R-O -59 58.6 147.5 -162.5 -167.5 75 87.5 92.5 152.5 165 172.5 412.5 68.51
03/14/2024 Classic (Raw) Open Nationals Nicholas Oppis 5. R-O -59 55.3 125 132.5 135 77.5 -82.5 82.5 155 167.5 -172.5 385 65.99
03/14/2024 Classic (Raw) Open Nationals Jonathan Garcia 1. R-O -66 65.8 250 265 278 160 167.5 172.5 250 260 265 715.5 111.76
03/14/2024 Classic (Raw) Open Nationals Charlie Yeng 2. R-O -66 66 227.5 242.5 250 145 152.5 160 277.5 295 -307.5 705 109.94
03/14/2024 Classic (Raw) Open Nationals Austin Nikolai 3. R-O -66 65.4 235 250 257.5 137.5 142.5 -147.5 275 290 292.5 692.5 108.52
03/14/2024 Classic (Raw) Open Nationals Morgan Aquino Garcia 4. R-O -66 65.9 230 237.5 -242.5 157.5 162.5 262.5 272.5 -287.5 672.5 104.92
03/14/2024 Classic (Raw) Open Nationals Rodrigo Manzo 5. R-O -66 66 215 225 230 155 160 -165 -280 280 -305 670 104.48
03/14/2024 Classic (Raw) Open Nationals Joey Correia 6. R-O -66 65.6 217.5 227.5 -235 -135 135 -137.5 257.5 272.5 285 647.5 101.26
03/14/2024 Classic (Raw) Open Nationals Joshua Landingin 7. R-O -66 65.8 185 195 197.5 105 -107.5 107.5 235 -247.5 247.5 552.5 86.26
03/14/2024 Classic (Raw) Open Nationals Austin Perkins 1. R-O -74 73.3 292.5 308 318 185 195 307.5 326 839 123.83
03/14/2024 Classic (Raw) Open Nationals Derek Logrande 2. R-O -74 73.3 217.5 227.5 232.5 175 182.5 187.5 235 247.5 -252.5 667.5 98.52
03/14/2024 Classic (Raw) Open Nationals Juan Delgado-Lopez 3. R-O -74 72 205 220 225 145 157.5 -162.5 220 232.5 240 622.5 92.74
03/14/2024 Classic (Raw) Open Nationals Quentin Dooley 4. R-O -74 74 165 175 182.5 125 132.5 137.5 192.5 205 215 535 78.54
03/14/2024 Classic (Raw) Open Nationals Alex Donadio 5. R-O -74 67.9 150 157.5 167.5 127.5 -130 -130 185 192.5 -202.5 487.5 74.86
03/14/2024 Classic (Raw) Open Nationals Logan Dwyer 6. R-O -74 72.6 155 162.5 170 85 90 -95 175 185 -195 445 65.98
03/14/2024 Classic (Raw) Open Nationals Andrew Elliott 7. R-O -74 70.2 137.5 145 -150 95 -100 -100 180 -195 -195 420 63.38
03/14/2024 Classic (Raw) Open Nationals Russel Orhii 1. R-O -83 82.9 310 325 330 180 185 190 312.5 330 340 860 119.12
03/14/2024 Classic (Raw) Open Nationals Christopher Perez 2. R-O -83 82.8 265 280 295 190 200 202.5 300 320 330 827.5 114.69
03/14/2024 Classic (Raw) Open Nationals Angelo Fortino 3. R-O -83 82.3 282.5 295 302.5 155 162.5 167.5 327.5 348 -357.5 818 113.75
03/14/2024 Classic (Raw) Open Nationals Connor Heim 4. R-O -83 82.7 250 -262.5 -267.5 165 170 172.5 305 -317.5 -317.5 727.5 100.89
03/14/2024 Classic (Raw) Open Nationals Charles Williams 5. R-O -83 80.3 245 257.5 262.5 135 140 142.5 267.5 275 287.5 692.5 97.48
03/14/2024 Classic (Raw) Open Nationals Dafydd Herico 6. R-O -83 82.4 227.5 245 -260 152.5 -160 -160 245 262.5 280 677.5 94.16
03/14/2024 Classic (Raw) Open Nationals John Tong 7. R-O -83 81.8 245 257.5 -267.5 145 152.5 -160 235 250 260 670 93.46
03/14/2024 Classic (Raw) Open Nationals Luke Janosky 8. R-O -83 82 205 215 227.5 125 135 137.5 205 217.5 237.5 602.5 83.92
03/14/2024 Classic (Raw) Open Nationals Andrew Sardis 9. R-O -83 82.4 220 230 235 -137.5 137.5 140 190 205 215 590 81.97
03/14/2024 Classic (Raw) Open Nationals Alexander Lo 10. R-O -83 81.9 140 155 170 132.5 140 145 170 185 195 510 71.10
03/14/2024 Classic (Raw) Open Nationals Jared Pawlik 11. R-O -83 81.9 170 175 182.5 115 -120 -120 -185 185 192.5 490 68.31
03/14/2024 Classic (Raw) Open Nationals Nathaniel Gutierrez 0. R-O -83 82.8 205 215 -220 115 -117.5 117.5 -207.5 -207.5 -207.5 0 0.00
03/14/2024 Classic (Raw) Open Nationals Brandon Pitre 1. R-O -93 92.5 290 310 315 195 207.5 212.5 340 367.5 895 117.39
03/14/2024 Classic (Raw) Open Nationals Peyton Johnson 2. R-O -93 91.6 285 295 -302.5 162.5 167.5 -170 330 345 350 812.5 107.08
03/14/2024 Classic (Raw) Open Nationals Alec Buob 3. R-O -93 91.2 300 320 -338 170 175 177.5 280 295 310 807.5 106.65
03/14/2024 Classic (Raw) Open Nationals Kendrick Trinidad 4. R-O -93 90 222.5 235 242.5 145 152.5 165 220 235 250 657.5 87.41
03/14/2024 Classic (Raw) Open Nationals Arthur Hammer 5. R-O -93 89.5 210 227.5 -240 130 140 -142.5 240 -250 607.5 80.98
03/14/2024 Classic (Raw) Open Nationals Brandon Sealey 6. R-O -93 90 190 197.5 205 130 137.5 -142.5 235 245 255 597.5 79.43
03/14/2024 Classic (Raw) Open Nationals Steve Phillips 7. R-O -93 91.1 200 210 -220 142.5 147.5 -150 220 227.5 -235 585 77.31
03/14/2024 Classic (Raw) Open Nationals Hunter Stramel 8. R-O -93 89.7 -170 175 185 107.5 -117.5 117.5 195 207.5 220 522.5 69.58
03/14/2024 Classic (Raw) Open Nationals Jack Brazil 9. R-O -93 91 172.5 177.5 185 112.5 117.5 120 175 185 195 500 66.11
03/14/2024 Classic (Raw) Open Nationals Ashton Rouska 1. R-O -105 102.6 325 363 200 205 210 325 368 -375.5 941 117.44
03/14/2024 Classic (Raw) Open Nationals Michael Davis 2. R-O -105 104.7 302.5 317.5 -325 212.5 225 230 340 360 -367.5 907.5 112.22
03/14/2024 Classic (Raw) Open Nationals Dwardly Edouard 3. R-O -105 99.8 305 -325 -335 200 212.5 217.5 327.5 352.5 -362.5 875 110.64
03/14/2024 Classic (Raw) Open Nationals Carlos Santoliquido 4. R-O -105 104 285 302.5 310 175 182.5 -187.5 310 325 340 832.5 103.23
03/14/2024 Classic (Raw) Open Nationals Josiah Richardson 5. R-O -105 102 240 255 265 172.5 180 185 305 325 330 780 97.62
03/14/2024 Classic (Raw) Open Nationals James Flanigan 6. R-O -105 103.4 275 287.5 295 180 187.5 192.5 290 -305 -305 777.5 96.68
03/14/2024 Classic (Raw) Open Nationals Malachi Beltran 7. R-O -105 102.2 292.5 307.5 -320 142.5 150 155 287.5 300 310 772.5 96.59
03/14/2024 Classic (Raw) Open Nationals Judah Jones 8. R-O -105 104.4 282.5 -295 -295 170 -177.5 -177.5 287.5 305 -320 757.5 93.77
03/14/2024 Classic (Raw) Open Nationals Alex Olarte 9. R-O -105 97.2 262.5 275 285 185 192.5 197.5 270 -285 -285 752.5 96.36
03/14/2024 Classic (Raw) Open Nationals Les Hunt 10. R-O -105 102.9 242.5 -252.5 257.5 167.5 172.5 175 270 280 292.5 725 90.36
03/14/2024 Classic (Raw) Open Nationals Andrew Cargill 11. R-O -105 102.3 237.5 250 257.5 170 -180 -180 260 275 -285 702.5 87.82
03/14/2024 Classic (Raw) Open Nationals Francesco Carpeno 12. R-O -105 102.5 232.5 242.5 250 170 -180 180 235 252.5 -260 682.5 85.22
03/14/2024 Classic (Raw) Open Nationals Eric Chang 13. R-O -105 104.6 -247.5 -247.5 247.5 150 157.5 160 250 262.5 -272.5 670 82.89
03/14/2024 Classic (Raw) Open Nationals Jerry Quintos 14. R-O -105 94.2 220 230 245 127.5 140 150 237.5 255 -272.5 650 84.53
03/14/2024 Classic (Raw) Open Nationals Victor Eichenwald 0. R-O -105 100.5 230 242.5 252.5 -167.5 -175 -175 325 342.5 -366 0 0.00
03/14/2024 Classic (Raw) Open Nationals Landon Jones 0. R-O -105 103.9 225 232.5 240 -175 -180 -180 0 0.00
03/14/2024 Classic (Raw) Open Nationals Nathan Dunn 0. R-O -105 103.9 255 265 -272.5 -170 -170 -170 235 -250 -250 0 0.00
03/14/2024 Classic (Raw) Open Nationals Bobb Matthews 1. R-O -120 106.3 325 347.5 360 220 240 -245 345 378.5 -390.5 978.5 120.15
03/14/2024 Classic (Raw) Open Nationals Devin Williams 2. R-O -120 118.9 305 325 335 240 254.5 260.5 340 360 -375 955.5 111.52
03/14/2024 Classic (Raw) Open Nationals Ragan Henderson 3. R-O -120 112.6 290 307.5 320 195 202.5 -207.5 332.5 350 377.5 900 107.62
03/14/2024 Classic (Raw) Open Nationals Michael Tuchscherer 4. R-O -120 119.2 300 317.5 327.5 200 207.5 -210 345 360 365 900 104.93
03/14/2024 Classic (Raw) Open Nationals William Rounds 5. R-O -120 120 -267.5 267.5 280 185 192.5 -200 300 312.5 325 797.5 92.71
03/14/2024 Classic (Raw) Open Nationals Stephen Colbertson 6. R-O -120 114.7 247.5 260 -270 165 170 175 265 277.5 282.5 717.5 85.10
03/14/2024 Classic (Raw) Open Nationals Michael St. Clair 1. R-SA -120 113.3 165 167.5 120 127.5 -130 -220 225 -230 520 62.02
03/14/2024 Classic (Raw) Open Nationals Ray Williams 1. R-O 120+ 199.8 420 445 460 217.5 227.5 -237.5 315 335 350 1037.5 100.06
03/14/2024 Classic (Raw) Open Nationals Pablo Olivares 2. R-O 120+ 200.8 -370 390 405 215 -227.5 -227.5 310 330 -350 950 91.49
03/14/2024 Classic (Raw) Open Nationals Tristan Nazelrod 3. R-O 120+ 137.5 337.5 352.5 365 200 207.5 215 322.5 342.5 352.5 932.5 102.40
03/14/2024 Classic (Raw) Open Nationals Enrique Lugo 4. R-O 120+ 130.5 325 335 345 220 230 240 325 335 -345 920 103.19
03/14/2024 Classic (Raw) Open Nationals Jonathan Avril 5. R-O 120+ 138.8 307.5 325 -337.5 212.5 220 230 315 337.5 -352.5 892.5 97.64
03/14/2024 Classic (Raw) Open Nationals Robert Lazarin 6. R-O 120+ 171.6 315 340 -365 175 190 200 310 327.5 342.5 882.5 89.26
03/14/2024 Classic (Raw) Open Nationals William O'Neil-White 7. R-O 120+ 129.3 305 325 -345 207.5 220 -225 317.5 330 -340 875 98.54
03/14/2024 Classic (Raw) Open Nationals Tony Tillman 8. R-O 120+ 163.1 257.5 -267.5 267.5 185 192.5 200 230 240 252.5 720 74.11
03/14/2024 Classic (Raw) Open Nationals Matthew Buchbinder 9. R-O 120+ 153.7 237.5 252.5 265 155 165 170 250 -262.5 270 705 74.15
03/14/2024 Classic (Raw) Open Nationals Kevin Dinh 10. R-O 120+ 126.1 257.5 -267.5 -267.5 -137.5 -137.5 137.5 255 262.5 -265 657.5 74.82
03/14/2024 Classic (Raw) Open Nationals Jordan blincoe 11. R-O 120+ 164.3 215 222.5 227.5 -182.5 182.5 192.5 225 232.5 -240 652.5 66.99
03/11/2024 American Iron Qualifier Andrew Elliott 2. R-O -74 71.4 25 25 25 75 11.22
03/11/2024 American Iron Qualifier Oliver Pulman 1. R-O -74 68.6 25 25 25 75 11.46
03/09/2024 Test Your Luck Aliki Ameer 1. R-JR -63 60.1 75 70 77.5 82.5 75 232.5 52.49
03/09/2024 Test Your Luck Leonardo Alcantar 1. R-JR -53 53 115 122.5 72.5 75 80 145 152.5 355 62.23
03/09/2024 Test Your Luck Max Gleason 1. R-JR -66 64.6 170 180 185 117.5 122.5 -125 205 215 -220 522.5 82.38
03/09/2024 Test Your Luck Kane Madison 1. R-JR -74 72.8 200 215 150 155 -162.5 220 265 635 94.02
03/09/2024 Test Your Luck Andrew Allen 1. R-JR -83 80.3 175 185 195 122.5 -130 -130 205 217.5 225 542.5 76.37
03/09/2024 Test Your Luck Riley Burton 1. R-JR -93 92.5 185 200 210 125 132.5 140 187.5 210 222.5 572.5 75.09
03/09/2024 Test Your Luck Riley Fleming 1. R-JR -105 101.8 140 155 175 100 -120 -130 185 210 -227.5 485 60.75
03/09/2024 Test Your Luck Collin Crews 1. R-JR -120 113.2 140 145 157.5 -107.5 122.5 132.5 180 195 -205 485 57.85
03/09/2024 Test Your Luck Juan Albin 1. R-O -83 82.5 242.5 257.5 -270 152.5 160 165 270 290 -300 712.5 98.93
03/09/2024 Test Your Luck Rafee Akand 2. R-O -83 82.9 205 212.5 220 125 -132.5 -132.5 240 255 -265 600 83.11
03/09/2024 Test Your Luck David Pham 3. R-O -83 80.2 110 -125 130 70 77.5 -85 135 147.5 160 367.5 51.77
03/09/2024 Test Your Luck Marco Duran 1. R-O -93 92 242.5 255 145 150 155 245 260 267.5 677.5 89.10
03/09/2024 Test Your Luck Joshua Domingo 2. R-O -93 91.5 -170 190 -205 125 132.5 137.5 220 230 240 567.5 74.83
03/09/2024 Test Your Luck Ricky Guerrero 3. R-O -93 86.6 185 190 200 112.5 115 122.5 220 235 -250 557.5 75.55
03/09/2024 Test Your Luck Kenai Rhodes 4. R-O -93 92.4 -175 185 -205 155 165 170 185 197.5 -215 552.5 72.51
03/09/2024 Test Your Luck Grant Messner 5. R-O -93 91.8 152.5 162.5 -172.5 117.5 125 -132.5 237.5 250 -265 537.5 70.76
03/09/2024 Test Your Luck Matt Safiejko 6. R-O -93 92 180 190 200 110 115 120 190 200 210 530 69.70
03/09/2024 Test Your Luck Aidan Roche 1. R-SJ -59 57.7 70 75 80 70 75 80 70 75 80 240 40.19
03/09/2024 Test Your Luck Arzad Afzaal 1. R-SJ -74 71.7 187.5 202.5 210 95 100 105 220 235 550 82.08
03/09/2024 Test Your Luck Kade Gunderson 1. R-SJ -83 80.3 160 165 -172.5 95 -107.5 -107.5 185 195 202.5 462.5 65.11
03/09/2024 Test Your Luck Avery Carson 2. R-SJ -83 82.2 122.5 -142.5 150 95 -102.5 -102.5 -192.5 215 -227.5 460 63.99
03/09/2024 Gameday Shamrock Showdown Taylor Lewis 1. R-JR -63 62 132.5 140 145 75 80 82.5 167.5 177.5 -187.5 405 89.54
03/09/2024 Gameday Shamrock Showdown Layla Soto 1. R-JR 84+ 86 185 200 212.5 100 105 110 125 155 175 497.5 93.11
03/09/2024 Gameday Shamrock Showdown Giovanna Ortega 1. R-O -63 62.6 107.5 115 120 77.5 82.5 -87.5 115 122.5 130 332.5 73.05
03/09/2024 Gameday Shamrock Showdown Keonna Richardson 1. R-O -69 67.4 135 145 -150 92.5 97.5 -105 157.5 170 -180 412.5 86.60
03/09/2024 Gameday Shamrock Showdown Bridgette Miller 2. R-O -69 65.1 120 127.5 -135 60 62.5 -65 140 155 162.5 352.5 75.55
03/09/2024 Gameday Shamrock Showdown Piper-Lynn Miller 3. R-O -69 68.8 98 110 115 47.5 52.5 -55 102.5 107.5 112.5 280 58.10
03/09/2024 Gameday Shamrock Showdown Delia Midamba 1. R-O -76 73.5 80 85 92.5 55 57.5 60 120 130 137.5 290 58.11
03/09/2024 Gameday Shamrock Showdown Sandra Sebastian 1. R-O -84 82.9 140 147.5 152.5 82.5 87.5 92.5 170 182.5 192.5 437.5 83.05
03/09/2024 Gameday Shamrock Showdown Jeff Gradney 1. M3 -83 80.3 185 207.5 -210 -125 125 137.5 185 530 62.41
03/09/2024 Gameday Shamrock Showdown Justin Chapa 1. R-JR -53 52.2 150 160 172.5 120 125 130 200 207.5 220 522.5 92.39
03/09/2024 Gameday Shamrock Showdown Johnkyle Buckley 1. R-JR -74 73.7 225 -235 -235 -125 125 -130 235 245 -257.5 595 87.54
03/09/2024 Gameday Shamrock Showdown Angel Sanchez 2. R-JR -74 68.5 170 -180 180 125 127.5 -130 205 220 -227.5 527.5 80.66
03/09/2024 Gameday Shamrock Showdown Jared Wacker 3. R-JR -74 73.1 160 165 175 95 102.5 110 185 470 69.44
03/09/2024 Gameday Shamrock Showdown Roberto Casas 0. R-JR -74 73.5 182.5 192.5 197.5 -92.5 -97.5 -97.5 225 232.5 245 0 0.00
03/09/2024 Gameday Shamrock Showdown Pranav Sathiyajith 1. R-JR -83 81.1 175 220 -240 120 155 167.5 175 227.5 -260 615 86.16
03/09/2024 Gameday Shamrock Showdown Luis Trujillo 1. R-JR -93 92.6 240 257.5 -270 145 250 262.5 275 677.5 88.82
03/09/2024 Gameday Shamrock Showdown Oscar Olsson 2. R-JR -93 91.3 200 212.5 -217.5 75 85 90 230 242.5 -250 545 71.94
03/09/2024 Gameday Shamrock Showdown Gavin Heckel 3. R-JR -93 90.1 -175 182.5 -187.5 130 -137.5 -137.5 202.5 215 227.5 540 71.75
03/09/2024 Gameday Shamrock Showdown Michael Bevers 1. R-JR -105 101.3 207.5 222.5 227.5 112.5 120 127.5 260 275 -287.5 630 79.12
03/09/2024 Gameday Shamrock Showdown Matthew Bascom 2. R-JR -105 104.5 -137.5 137.5 147.5 105 115 120 170 185 -200 452.5 56.00
03/09/2024 Gameday Shamrock Showdown Adderley Ledesma 1. R-O -74 72.9 140 155 157.5 110 -112.5 -112.5 185 195 205 472.5 69.93
03/09/2024 Gameday Shamrock Showdown Noel Ybarra 1. R-O -83 81.8 195 202.5 207.5 110 120 125 197.5 207.5 -215 540 75.33
03/09/2024 Gameday Shamrock Showdown Andre Smith 2. R-O -83 83 -125 135 137.5 125 -140 140 180 195 222.5 500 69.21
03/09/2024 Gameday Shamrock Showdown Luis Arguello 3. R-O -83 80.4 132.5 137.5 150 -80 85 -87.5 155 162.5 172.5 407.5 57.35
03/09/2024 Gameday Shamrock Showdown Angelo Fortino 1. R-O -93 86.4 25 -140 -140 25 -80 -80 75 275 -277.5 325 44.10
03/09/2024 Gameday Shamrock Showdown Henry Perry 1. R-O -105 104.5 242.5 260 265 165 180 -182.5 280 300 -305 745 92.19
03/09/2024 Gameday Shamrock Showdown Nikolas Davis 1. R-SJ -66 60.8 105 115 -130 52.5 57.5 62.5 135 140 160 337.5 54.96
03/09/2024 Gameday Shamrock Showdown J. Banks Hawkins 1. R-SJ -74 72.5 160 172.5 -182.5 92.5 100 102.5 205 222.5 227.5 502.5 74.59
03/09/2024 Gameday Shamrock Showdown Corbin Curtis 1. R-SJ -93 87.5 25 -140 -140 25 155 185 207.5 257.5 34.72
03/09/2024 Gameday Shamrock Showdown Brian Nguyen 1. R-SJ -105 93.2 165 175 185 102.5 107.5 112.5 205 217.5 227.5 525 68.61
03/09/2024 2nd Annual Brick City Open Jason Leavitt 1. R-M3 -66 63.8 85 92.5 100 100 57.81
03/09/2024 2nd Annual Brick City Open Helen Claudio 1. R-M1 -76 74.9 67.5 75 77.5 40 45 -47.5 95 105 115 237.5 47.17
03/09/2024 2nd Annual Brick City Open Michelle Carlascio 1. R-M2 -63 59.7 70 75 80 47.5 52.5 57.5 97.5 105 107.5 245 55.61
03/09/2024 2nd Annual Brick City Open Michele Ward 1. R-M2 -76 74.9 120 -130 130 -75 82.5 -87.5 152.5 167.5 182.5 395 78.42
03/09/2024 2nd Annual Brick City Open Salena Smashum 2. R-M2 -76 71.6 80 87.5 95 47.5 52.5 -60 85 97.5 110 257.5 52.29
03/09/2024 2nd Annual Brick City Open Shari Langrall 1. R-M2 -84 83.5 113 117.5 122.5 70 75 -77.5 145 152.5 160 357.5 67.67
03/09/2024 2nd Annual Brick City Open Regina Boyd 1. R-O -76 73.9 -135 135 142.5 -65 65 77.5 155 170 185 405 80.94
03/09/2024 2nd Annual Brick City Open Jacob Dayan 1. R-JR -74 71.5 75 75 75 225 33.63
03/09/2024 2nd Annual Brick City Open Chris Lamprecht 2. R-O -83 81 187.5 200 215 150 -157.5 -157.5 232.5 247.5 260 625 87.59
03/09/2024 2nd Annual Brick City Open Jeffrey Marcano 1. R-O -74 71.2 145 155 160 100 105 107.5 130 150 190 457.5 68.53
03/09/2024 2nd Annual Brick City Open Darius Leon 1. R-O -83 82 217.5 -237.5 -240 155 167.5 172.5 220 245 265 655 91.23
03/09/2024 2nd Annual Brick City Open Ramil Tarectecan 3. R-O -83 82.2 170 180 190 122.5 -127.5 127.5 225 -240 240 557.5 77.55
03/09/2024 2nd Annual Brick City Open Timothy Nickerson 1. R-O -93 88.6 142.5 152.5 170 110 117.5 -122.5 175 187.5 -210 475 63.66
03/09/2024 2nd Annual Brick City Open Owen Ward 1. R-O -105 100.3 260 275 -285 170 180 -190 295 315 -330 770 97.16
03/09/2024 2nd Annual Brick City Open Sam Pinto-Pannella 2. R-O -105 94.7 190 195 -200 125 -135 -135 230 240 -250 560 72.64
03/09/2024 2nd Annual Brick City Open Eugene Watkins 3. R-O -105 93.4 147.5 157.5 182.5 -112.5 125 142.5 165 182.5 200 525 68.54
03/09/2024 2nd Annual Brick City Open Bryan Williams 1. R-O -120 109.3 225 255 265 180 197.5 -205 265 287.5 295 757.5 91.81
03/09/2024 2nd Annual Brick City Open Austin Nichols 1. R-O 120+ 120.4 210 215 227.5 142.5 147.5 152.5 192.5 202.5 217.5 597.5 69.36
03/09/2024 2nd Annual Brick City Open Aidan Folino 1. R-PS -66 61 70 77.5 85 45 -50 -50 85 95 105 235 38.22
03/09/2024 2nd Annual Brick City Open John Gabriel 1. R-SJ -83 75.6 75 75 75 225 32.67
03/09/2024 2nd Annual Brick City Open Brian Liebknecht 1. R-SJ -120 113.5 172.5 177.5 185 -100 100 -102.5 180 187.5 -192.5 472.5 56.31
03/09/2024 South Louisiana Qualifier Kailey Ryan 1. O -52 51.3 74.8 86.2 38.6 43.1 86.2 215.5 44.30
03/09/2024 South Louisiana Qualifier Emma Wheeler 1. O -57 55.6 99.8 108.9 36.3 45.4 99.8 106.6 260.9 50.81
03/09/2024 South Louisiana Qualifier Erin Lopez 2. O -57 56.2 61.2 22.7 68 151.9 29.38
03/09/2024 South Louisiana Qualifier Gabriella Jackson 2. O -63 59.8 90.7 97.5 -102.1 61.2 -65.8 102.1 260.8 48.54
03/09/2024 South Louisiana Qualifier Valencia Miller 1. O -63 60.8 100 108.9 34 56.7 81.6 95.3 260.9 48.08
03/09/2024 South Louisiana Qualifier Delilah Daigle 3. O -63 62.4 91 31.8 90.7 213.5 38.75
03/09/2024 South Louisiana Qualifier Katelynn Mai 1. O -76 74.8 113 61.2 106.6 117.9 292.1 48.28
03/09/2024 South Louisiana Qualifier Gabriella Esquivel 1. O -84 79.9 127 61.2 127 315.2 50.60
03/09/2024 South Louisiana Qualifier Jade Chabaud 2. O -84 79.1 111.1 120.2 127 52.2 59 127 313 50.46
03/09/2024 South Louisiana Qualifier Emma Davis 3. O -84 81.9 74.8 38.6 74.8 188.2 29.90
03/09/2024 South Louisiana Qualifier Madeline Schieble 1. R-O -63 59 77.1 45.4 77.1 199.6 45.65
03/09/2024 South Louisiana Qualifier Macy Charrier 1. R-O -84 82.8 81.6 45.4 81.6 208.6 39.62
03/09/2024 South Louisiana Qualifier Collin Cefalu 1. O -59 58.6 95.3 -45.4 45.4 99.8 240.5 35.20
03/09/2024 South Louisiana Qualifier Kymani Howard 1. O -83 79.2 165.6 93 165.6 424.2 50.37
03/09/2024 South Louisiana Qualifier Hunter Keating 1. R-O -74 73.5 68 68 90.7 226.7 33.40
03/02/2024 Valhalla Awaits Ellay Merana 1. M1 -84 80.1 127.5 137.5 -142.5 90 97.5 102.5 120 132.5 135 375 60.13
03/02/2024 Valhalla Awaits Ellay Merana 0. O -84 80.1 127.5 137.5 -142.5 90 97.5 102.5 120 132.5 135 375 60.13
03/02/2024 Valhalla Awaits Andrea Pettyjohn 1. O 84+ 125 185 190 200 142.5 150 155 165 172.5 182.5 537.5 75.34
03/02/2024 Valhalla Awaits Laryn Myrick 1. R-O -63 61.8 105 112.5 117.5 65 67.5 70 132.5 140 -142.5 327.5 72.56
03/02/2024 Valhalla Awaits Virginia Skinner 1. R-O 84+ 119.1 120 130 145 97.5 102.5 107.5 142.5 160 170 422.5 72.52
03/02/2024 Valhalla Awaits George Cunningham 1. SJ -59 58.7 110 120 127.5 65 72.5 77.5 117.5 127.5 137.5 342.5 50.10
03/02/2024 Valhalla Awaits Dominic Zayas 1. R-Y 0 0 38 42 44 22 24 25 61 65 68 137 0.00
03/02/2024 Valhalla Awaits Liam Townsend 2. R-Y 0 0 23 25 -27 14 16 17 35 40 42 84 0.00
03/02/2024 Valhalla Awaits Zacheriah Burden 2. R-JR -93 91.1 140 152.5 160 80 87.5 92.5 150 165 177.5 430 56.84
03/02/2024 Valhalla Awaits Ethan Marshall 1. R-JR -93 91.2 245 265 275 200 215 -220 255 282.5 -295 772.5 102.03
03/02/2024 Valhalla Awaits Ross Leppala 1. R-M1 -83 83 232.5 247.5 260 165 175 185 242.5 260 272.5 717.5 99.32
03/02/2024 Valhalla Awaits Ross Leppala 0. R-O -83 83 232.5 247.5 260 165 175 185 242.5 260 272.5 717.5 99.32
03/02/2024 Valhalla Awaits Branden Kummer 1. R-O -83 82.4 130 140 142.5 100 107.5 112.5 192.5 207.5 215 470 65.32
03/02/2024 Valhalla Awaits Tri Ho 2. R-O -83 82.2 105 117.5 122.5 65 72.5 75 140 152.5 -157.5 350 48.69
03/02/2024 Valhalla Awaits Ethan Marshall 1. R-O -93 91.2 245 265 275 200 215 -220 255 282.5 -295 772.5 102.03
03/02/2024 Valhalla Awaits James Clark 1. R-O -105 104.6 185 192.5 200 140 147.5 150 190 205 -212.5 555 68.66
03/02/2024 Valhalla Awaits Adi Rao 2. R-O -105 104.2 105 120 125 92.5 97.5 -100 135 150 157.5 380 47.09
03/02/2024 Valhalla Awaits Charles Butler 1. R-SJ -59 56.7 107.5 117.5 -120 57.5 62.5 65 117.5 130 137.5 320 54.09
03/02/2024 Valhalla Awaits Abbott Plank Miller 1. R-SJ -93 87.2 190 205 -212.5 115 125 130 212.5 227.5 237.5 572.5 77.33
03/02/2024 Valhalla Awaits Michael Russell 2. R-SJ -93 91.2 127.5 137.5 145 77.5 82.5 85 145 157.5 165 395 52.17
03/02/2024 Valhalla Awaits Atreyu Vest 1. R-SJ 120+ 131.3 212.5 225 232.5 132.5 142.5 150 212.5 225 230 612.5 68.54
02/24/2024 Cayco Classic John Guzman 1. R-O 120+ 120.6 160 170 -192.5 170 71.57
02/24/2024 Cayco Classic Dejaline Xiong 1. R-JR 84+ 102.5 127.5 130 135 50 55 -57.5 122.5 127.5 130 320 56.70
02/24/2024 Cayco Classic Irene Gutierrez 1. R-M1 84+ 106 52.5 62.5 75 32.5 42.5 -55 52.5 62.5 75 192.5 33.83
02/24/2024 Cayco Classic Rosanna Orosco 1. R-O -84 79.6 132.5 142.5 147.5 82.5 87.5 90 150 160 170 407.5 78.68
02/24/2024 Cayco Classic Stephanie Armenta 2. R-O -84 82.3 125 127.5 132.5 67.5 70 -72.5 135 140 142.5 345 65.69
02/24/2024 Cayco Classic Jennifer Granados 3. R-O -84 83 75 82.5 87.5 45 47.5 50 75 85 90 227.5 43.18
02/24/2024 Cayco Classic Molly Chaney 1. R-O 84+ 84.4 155 165 177.5 -67.5 67.5 -72.5 157.5 167.5 177.5 422.5 79.64
02/24/2024 Cayco Classic Irene Gutierrez 2. R-O 84+ 106 53 62.5 75 32.5 42.5 -55 52.5 62.5 75 192.5 33.83
02/24/2024 Cayco Classic Leticia Magalhaes 1. R-JR -76 74.9 112.5 120 125 60 65 67.5 145 155 160 352.5 69.98
02/24/2024 Cayco Classic Jacob hernandez 1. R-JR -74 68.9 195 207.5 215 130 135 -137.5 -265 265 -295 615 93.72
02/24/2024 Cayco Classic Angel Quesada 1. R-JR -83 82.3 185 195 200 140 -142.5 142.5 240 250 -260 592.5 82.37
02/24/2024 Cayco Classic Tristen Sifuentes 2. R-JR -83 80.8 182.5 197.5 205 127.5 140 -145 202.5 215 227.5 572.5 80.35
02/24/2024 Cayco Classic Nickolas Nosenzo 3. R-JR -83 76.7 145 147.5 152.5 -110 -110 110 197.5 205 210 472.5 68.09
02/24/2024 Cayco Classic Timothy Whang 1. R-JR -120 118.3 220 240 255 170 177.5 185 260 275 290 730 85.39
02/24/2024 Cayco Classic Bart Kwan 1. R-M1 -83 83 195 205 210 135 140 145 212.5 227.5 235 590 81.67
02/24/2024 Cayco Classic Michael Slocumb 1. R-M2 -93 89.3 115 122.5 125 95 100 102.5 162.5 170 177.5 405 54.05
02/24/2024 Cayco Classic Jayden Broaddus 1. R-SJ -59 56.3 80 87.5 97.5 45 50 55 120 137.5 142.5 295 50.06
02/24/2024 Cayco Classic Michael Mckenney 1. R-O -66 65.3 190 197.5 -207.5 105 110 112.5 225 232.5 240 550 86.24
02/24/2024 Cayco Classic Joshua Landingin 1. R-O -74 69.7 70 70 70 210 31.81
02/24/2024 Cayco Classic Noel Campos 1. R-O -83 81.2 220 230 242.5 137.5 145 152.5 230 242.5 -252.5 637.5 89.23
02/24/2024 Cayco Classic Jesus Robles 2. R-O -83 81.4 182.5 210 -222.5 127.5 135 -142.5 210 235 260 605 84.59
02/24/2024 Cayco Classic Conrad de Claro 3. R-O -83 79.8 165 175 185 92.5 107.5 117.5 210 222.5 -225 525 74.15
02/24/2024 Cayco Classic Harold Puyaoan 4. R-O -83 81.1 155 170 -180 92.5 100 105 220 -232.5 -232.5 495 69.33
02/24/2024 Cayco Classic Thi Nguyen 5. R-O -83 80.8 167.5 177.5 185 77.5 82.5 85 185 192.5 -200 462.5 64.90
02/24/2024 Cayco Classic Vincent Bualoy 1. R-O -93 92 245 260 272.5 170 175 182.5 285 302.5 -317.5 757.5 99.62
02/24/2024 Cayco Classic Jordan Glenn 2. R-O -93 92.6 225 -265 265 175 187.5 275 290 302.5 755 98.98
02/24/2024 Cayco Classic Kendrick Trinidad 3. R-O -93 90.1 200 215 225 135 145 150 205 225 235 610 81.05
02/24/2024 Cayco Classic Nathan Jew 4. R-O -93 83.9 175 180 185 127.5 -132.5 132.5 217.5 227.5 235 552.5 76.07
02/24/2024 Cayco Classic Miguel Montoya 1. R-O -105 102.1 195 207.5 220 185 190 195 210 225 240 655 81.94
02/24/2024 Cayco Classic Sameer Kapoor 2. R-O -105 99.8 180 192.5 -205 145 152.5 -160 215 230 245 590 74.60
02/24/2024 Cayco Classic Michael Greilich 1. R-O -120 117.7 195 200 -205 -127.5 127.5 -132.5 250 -260 260 587.5 68.88
02/24/2024 Cayco Classic Cale Pete 1. R-O 120+ 165.4 170 200 220 165 175 200 227.5 -265 622.5 63.76
02/24/2024 Cayco Classic Jayden Broaddus 0. R-SJ -59 56.3 80 87.5 97.5 45 50 55 120 137.5 142.5 295 50.06
02/24/2024 Cayco Classic Dan Iacob 1. R-SJ -66 64.7 127.5 137.5 145 85 95 100 165 177.5 -182.5 422.5 66.56
02/24/2024 Cayco Classic Angel Voigt 2. R-SJ -66 60.8 25 90 185 200 212.5 327.5 53.33
02/24/2024 Cayco Classic dominic salazar 1. R-SJ -74 72.8 160 170 177.5 105 -112.5 112.5 180 190 -200 480 71.10
02/24/2024 Cayco Classic Diego Mora 1. R-SJ -105 100.3 212.5 -215 215 150 157.5 -160 240 252.5 -260 625 78.84
02/24/2024 Cayco Classic Brayden Hopkins 1. R-SJ 120+ 123.3 200 215 227.5 130 140 152.5 210 225 237.5 617.5 70.94
02/18/2024 Nor'East Winter Challenge Nefertiti Borders 1. R-O 84+ 87.7 117.5 120 127.5 60 65 -72.5 140 152.5 162.5 355 65.97
02/18/2024 Nor'East Winter Challenge Jessica Brown 1. R-O -69 68.2 100 107.5 112.5 50 57.5 -62.5 100 112.5 120 290 60.48
02/18/2024 Nor'East Winter Challenge Shannon Walen 2. R-O -76 74.3 95 105 115 45 52.5 -57.5 115 122.5 130 297.5 59.30
02/18/2024 Nor'East Winter Challenge Rebecca Merrill 2. R-O 84+ 123.7 -125 135 -142.5 60 67.5 -72.5 140 147.5 152.5 355 60.56
02/18/2024 Nor'East Winter Challenge Alexis Armstrong 3. R-O 84+ 124.1 125 132.5 137.5 60 65 -70 122.5 130 -137.5 332.5 56.69
02/18/2024 Nor'East Winter Challenge Cheryl ventola 1. R-O -76 74.3 100 107.5 112.5 52.5 55 -57.5 122.5 130 137.5 305 60.79
02/18/2024 Nor'East Winter Challenge Carol Levasseur 2. R-O -69 68.6 75 82.5 90 60 -65 65 95 102.5 110 265 55.08
02/18/2024 Nor'East Winter Challenge Katelyn Plourde 1. R-SJ -52 51.3 90 95 100 60 62.5 -65 112.5 120 125 287.5 73.45
02/18/2024 Nor'East Winter Challenge Ava Lacasse 1. R-SJ -69 67.2 122.5 132.5 137.5 57.5 60 -62.5 120 130 137.5 335 70.45
02/18/2024 Nor'East Winter Challenge Jessica Brown 1. R-M1 -69 68.2 100 107.5 112.5 50 57.5 -62.5 100 112.5 120 290 60.48
02/18/2024 Nor'East Winter Challenge Carol Levasseur 1. R-M3 -69 68.6 75 82.5 90 60 -65 65 95 102.5 110 265 55.08
02/18/2024 Nor'East Winter Challenge Cheryl ventola 1. R-M3 -76 74.3 100 107.5 112.5 52.5 55 -57.5 122.5 130 137.5 305 60.79
02/18/2024 Nor'East Winter Challenge Shannon Walen 1. R-JR -76 74.3 95 105 115 45 52.5 -57.5 115 122.5 130 297.5 59.30
02/18/2024 Nor'East Winter Challenge Nefertiti Borders 1. R-M1 84+ 87.7 117.5 120 127.5 60 65 -72.5 140 152.5 162.5 355 65.97
02/18/2024 Nor'East Winter Challenge Lauren Cohen 1. R-O -93 85.2 235 247.5 255 150 157.5 162.5 235 -247.5 255 672.5 91.87
02/18/2024 Nor'East Winter Challenge Chris Engebretson 1. R-O -120 112 225 -235 -235 147.5 155 160 230 245 252.5 637.5 76.41
02/18/2024 Nor'East Winter Challenge Zachary Aham 2. R-O -93 91.2 182.5 207.5 210 125 130 137.5 182.5 207.5 217.5 565 74.62
02/18/2024 Nor'East Winter Challenge Keith Stlaurent 1. R-O -105 103.8 215 225 232.5 105 -115 115 240 250 -257.5 597.5 74.17
02/18/2024 Nor'East Winter Challenge John Karwacki 3. R-O -93 84.5 185 192.5 200 100 107.5 -112.5 190 210 -227.5 517.5 70.99
02/18/2024 Nor'East Winter Challenge Kevin Figueroa Lopez 1. R-O -83 82.8 147.5 157.5 165 102.5 110 -115 212.5 225 235 510 70.68
02/18/2024 Nor'East Winter Challenge Joel Levandowski 4. R-O -93 86 -170 175 182.5 97.5 105 112.5 200 212.5 222.5 517.5 70.37
02/18/2024 Nor'East Winter Challenge Alex Lynch 2. R-O -105 96.6 180 190 195 105 117.5 125 205 217.5 227.5 547.5 70.32
02/18/2024 Nor'East Winter Challenge Juan Garces 2. R-O -120 106.9 187.5 195 205 145 150 -155 200 215 -227.5 570 69.79
02/18/2024 Nor'East Winter Challenge John Welch 5. R-O -93 90.7 185 192.5 200 92.5 97.5 -102.5 205 212.5 220 517.5 68.54
02/18/2024 Nor'East Winter Challenge William Jussaume 3. R-O -105 104.3 157.5 167.5 182.5 97.5 110 115 170 185 -187.5 482.5 59.76
02/18/2024 Nor'East Winter Challenge Lauren Cohen 1. R-M1 -93 85.2 235 247.5 255 150 157.5 162.5 235 -247.5 255 672.5 91.87
02/18/2024 Nor'East Winter Challenge Chris Engebretson 1. R-M2 -120 112 225 -235 -235 147.5 155 160 230 245 252.5 637.5 76.41
02/18/2024 Nor'East Winter Challenge Juan Garces 2. R-M2 -120 106.9 187.5 195 205 145 150 -155 200 215 -227.5 570 69.79
02/18/2024 Nor'East Winter Challenge Samuel Maiewski 2. R-SJ -83 79.5 150 165 -177.5 85 95 -105 175 190 -200 450 63.67
02/18/2024 Nor'East Winter Challenge Zachary Aham 1. R-JR -93 91.2 182.5 207.5 210 125 130 137.5 182.5 207.5 217.5 565 74.62
02/18/2024 Nor'East Winter Challenge John Welch 2. R-JR -93 90.7 185 192.5 200 92.5 97.5 -102.5 205 212.5 220 517.5 68.54
02/18/2024 Nor'East Winter Challenge Jacob Cote 1. R-SJ -83 80.7 157.5 175 182.5 87.5 92.5 -95 175 197.5 207.5 482.5 67.75
02/18/2024 Nor'East Winter Challenge Alex Lynch 1. R-JR -105 96.6 180 190 195 105 117.5 125 205 217.5 227.5 547.5 70.32
02/18/2024 Nor'East Winter Challenge John Engebretson 1. R-SJ -105 98.3 170 182.5 190 102.5 107.5 -112.5 165 177.5 185 482.5 61.45
02/18/2024 Nor'East Winter Challenge William Jussaume 2. R-JR -105 104.3 157.5 167.5 182.5 97.5 110 115 170 185 -187.5 482.5 59.76
02/18/2024 Nor'East Winter Challenge Ian Gillis 1. R-SJ -93 92.6 95 102.5 -105 102.5 48.73
02/17/2024 Lake Pleasant Classic Kirsten Iverson 1. R-JR -76 74.5 120 127.5 -135 80 -85 -85 130 135 142.5 350 69.67
02/17/2024 Lake Pleasant Classic Michelle Harrell 1. R-M1 84+ 104.9 140 145 150 87.5 92.5 95 157.5 165 175 420 74.00
02/17/2024 Lake Pleasant Classic Nancy Sassaman 1. R-M4 -57 56 40 50 60 25 32.5 35 80 92.5 102.5 197.5 46.95
02/17/2024 Lake Pleasant Classic Chuying Su 1. R-O -52 51.6 92.5 107.5 117.5 45 52.5 57.5 115 132.5 140 315 80.14
02/17/2024 Lake Pleasant Classic Hillary Kyte 1. R-O -69 69 92.5 97.5 100 57.5 -62.5 -62.5 95 102.5 -107.5 260 53.87
02/17/2024 Lake Pleasant Classic Alexis Varner 1. R-O -76 74.1 115 122.5 -125 70 -75 -75 132.5 -135 135 327.5 65.38
02/17/2024 Lake Pleasant Classic Michelle Harrell 1. R-O 84+ 104.9 140 145 150 87.5 92.5 95 157.5 165 175 420 74.00
02/17/2024 Lake Pleasant Classic Megan Alford 2. R-O 84+ 101.1 -105 112.5 117.5 67.5 70 75 150 155 157.5 350 62.24
02/17/2024 Lake Pleasant Classic Kylie Smith 1. R-SJ -57 55.3 85 90 97.5 62.5 67.5 70 97.5 100 107.5 275 66.02
02/17/2024 Lake Pleasant Classic Nicholas Farison 1. O -74 73.8 245 257.5 262.5 170 175 182.5 225 245 262.5 707.5 87.83
02/17/2024 Lake Pleasant Classic David Navar 1. R-JR -66 65.7 -145 147.5 160 87.5 95 -100 167.5 185 195 450 70.32
02/17/2024 Lake Pleasant Classic Isaac Sanchez 1. R-JR -74 70.1 145 155 160 102.5 105 -107.5 180 190 -192.5 455 68.71
02/17/2024 Lake Pleasant Classic Trevor Yee 2. R-JR -74 70.8 -135 135 145 100 107.5 -112.5 135 145 162.5 415 62.37
02/17/2024 Lake Pleasant Classic Tate Nelson 1. R-JR -105 104.1 200 215 -227.5 115 120 -125 220 230 240 575 71.29
02/17/2024 Lake Pleasant Classic Jesus Ellin Jr. 1. R-JR 120+ 128.7 75 -155 -155 55 -120 -125 75 -175 -180 205 23.13
02/17/2024 Lake Pleasant Classic Mike Deutsch 1. R-M2 -83 77.9 -130 130 137.5 115 122.5 -130 150 167.5 170 430 61.48
02/17/2024 Lake Pleasant Classic Chris Boillot 1. R-M3 -83 81.3 -190 -190 190 122.5 -130 -130 190 205 -215 517.5 72.41
02/17/2024 Lake Pleasant Classic Brendan Cassidy 2. R-M3 -83 82.7 -127.5 -132.5 132.5 107.5 -115 -115 167.5 175 -182.5 415 57.55
02/17/2024 Lake Pleasant Classic Preston Perrotti 1. R-O -66 64.6 177.5 192.5 -205 85 92.5 -105 187.5 205 -220 490 77.26
02/17/2024 Lake Pleasant Classic Nicholas Olson 1. R-O -74 73.7 -155 160 -165 -125 127.5 -137.5 170 175 182.5 470 69.15
02/17/2024 Lake Pleasant Classic Mark Eddington 2. R-O -74 73.3 125 127.5 132.5 107.5 -110 -110 152.5 157.5 165 405 59.77
02/17/2024 Lake Pleasant Classic Brian Jones 1. R-O -83 81 167.5 175 182.5 125 -132.5 -132.5 202.5 215 -222.5 522.5 73.23
02/17/2024 Lake Pleasant Classic Brendan Cassidy 2. R-O -83 82.7 -127.5 -132.5 132.5 107.5 -115 -115 167.5 175 -182.5 415 57.55
02/17/2024 Lake Pleasant Classic Mason Nguyen 1. R-O -93 90.9 225 237.5 -247.5 150 155 -160 272.5 282.5 -285 675 89.30
02/17/2024 Lake Pleasant Classic Dylan Yeager 1. R-O -120 116.7 -227.5 -227.5 227.5 -147.5 157.5 -165 272.5 285 -290 670 78.84
02/17/2024 Lake Pleasant Classic Calvin Duong 2. R-O -120 120 245 -265 -265 155 162.5 -165 242.5 -260 -260 650 75.56
02/17/2024 Lake Pleasant Classic Christian Upshaw 3. R-O -120 119.3 165 170 172.5 160 -170 -170 242.5 247.5 252.5 585 68.19
02/17/2024 Lake Pleasant Classic Christopher Smith 1. R-O 120+ 147.5 155 162.5 -172.5 172.5 182.5 -187.5 220 230 -232.5 575 61.42
02/17/2024 Lake Pleasant Classic Carter Sanchez 1. R-SJ -66 65.3 147.5 155 -162.5 90 100 -105 -185 -195 200 455 71.33
02/17/2024 Lake Pleasant Classic Issac Sandoval 2. R-SJ -66 64.9 125 -142.5 147.5 85 87.5 -92.5 205 215 -222.5 450 70.80
02/17/2024 Lake Pleasant Classic Wyatt Twohey 1. R-SJ -74 71.1 142.5 -157.5 157.5 92.5 -100 100 197.5 -210 -210 455 68.23
02/17/2024 Lake Pleasant Classic Ryan Emerson 2. R-SJ -74 73.7 175 180 -187.5 -85 90 95 -172.5 180 -182.5 455 66.94
02/17/2024 Lake Pleasant Classic Jay Young 1. R-SJ -93 91.6 175 190 -200 120 -132.5 -132.5 240 -260 -260 550 72.51
02/17/2024 Lake Pleasant Classic Logan Macfarlane 2. R-SJ -93 90.5 170 182.5 190 107.5 115 120 165 182.5 197.5 507.5 67.28
02/17/2024 Lake Pleasant Classic Jared Craig 0. R-SJ -105 104.4 -220 -227.5 -227.5 105 110 -120 -220 227.5 -232.5 0 0.00
02/17/2024 Queen City Classic II Atalie Brown 1. R-O -76 69.8 55 -62.5 -62.5 55 43.64
02/17/2024 Queen City Classic II Jeremy Auerbach 1. O 120+ 146.8 310 322.5 335 335 93.18
02/17/2024 Queen City Classic II Florian Griffon 1. R-JR -93 90.1 140 147.5 -152.5 147.5 71.08
02/17/2024 Queen City Classic II Byron Foster 1. R-M3 -105 97.8 102.5 -122.5 137.5 137.5 63.68
02/17/2024 Queen City Classic II Lauren Massaro 1. JR -52 51.8 92.5 -97.5 97.5 55 60 -62.5 87.5 92.5 97.5 255 52.11
02/17/2024 Queen City Classic II Mary-Kate Armstrong 1. R-JR -69 65.6 102.5 110 -115 60 65 -67.5 102.5 110 117.5 292.5 62.40
02/17/2024 Queen City Classic II Brandie Mcclinton 0. R-M1 -63 61.5 -100 -100 -100 62.5 67.5 70 140 142.5 155 0 0.00
02/17/2024 Queen City Classic II Erika Crawford 1. R-M1 -69 67.7 25 25 75 125 26.19
02/17/2024 Queen City Classic II Michelle Kane 1. R-M2 -84 83.3 127.5 140 150 95 102.5 107.5 155 165 175 432.5 81.97
02/17/2024 Queen City Classic II Donna Garofalo 1. R-M2 -57 55.4 25 25 -75 75 125 29.99
02/17/2024 Queen City Classic II Michelle Kane 1. R-M2 -84 83.3 127.5 140 150 95 102.5 107.5 155 165 175 432.5 81.97
02/17/2024 Queen City Classic II Emma Benz 1. R-O -63 61.2 107.5 -110 -110 70 -75 -75 130 135 -145 312.5 69.69
02/17/2024 Queen City Classic II Brandie Mcclinton 0. R-O -63 61.5 -100 -100 -100 62.5 67.5 70 140 142.5 155 0 0.00
02/17/2024 Queen City Classic II Christina Hassink 1. R-O -84 82.9 112.5 130 132.5 80 87.5 92.5 117.5 130 140 365 69.29
02/17/2024 Queen City Classic II Emily Earley 1. R-O 84+ 95.9 107.5 115 117.5 62.5 67.5 -70 120 130 135 320 57.75
02/17/2024 Queen City Classic II Olivia Jackson 1. R-SJ -57 52.2 75 80 85 62.5 65 67.5 90 95 102.5 255 64.23
02/17/2024 Queen City Classic II Cardyl Trionfante 1. O -105 103.8 255 -272.5 272.5 185 200 207.5 265 -285 285 765 78.62
02/17/2024 Queen City Classic II Ethan Snider 1. R-JR -74 73.4 217.5 230 237.5 130 137.5 145 260 272.5 285 667.5 98.41
02/17/2024 Queen City Classic II Ethan Taylor 2. R-JR -74 73.9 145 155 160 85 87.5 95 140 150 -155 405 59.50
02/17/2024 Queen City Classic II Garrison Yates 2. R-JR -83 80.9 180 192.5 -202.5 112.5 -117.5 117.5 205 220 232.5 542.5 76.08
02/17/2024 Queen City Classic II Luke Toweson 3. R-JR -83 80.4 150 165 170 115 -130 -130 182.5 190 195 480 67.53
02/17/2024 Queen City Classic II Cameron Quesea 5. R-JR -83 74.2 155 165 170 90 95 -100 175 185 192.5 457.5 67.10
02/17/2024 Queen City Classic II Aric Harp 4. R-JR -83 80.4 167.5 170 -200 132.5 -142.5 -142.5 -165 172.5 -180 475 66.82
02/17/2024 Queen City Classic II Xavier Wiemken 1. R-JR -93 92.4 240 262.5 275 160 172.5 182.5 260 290 297.5 755 99.11
02/17/2024 Queen City Classic II Krsna-Chaitanya Vigliotti 2. R-JR -93 85.8 210 227.5 235 140 145 150 227.5 237.5 250 635 86.47
02/17/2024 Queen City Classic II Taylor Selman 1. R-O -93 91.9 215 227.5 232.5 125 -130 -130 225 237.5 -245 595 78.30
02/17/2024 Queen City Classic II Joseph Hite 3. R-JR -93 90.3 172.5 182.5 192.5 115 122.5 130 237.5 250 -260 572.5 75.98
02/17/2024 Queen City Classic II Patrick O'Neil 4. R-JR -93 92.8 -200 215 227.5 100 112.5 -125 200 -217.5 230 570 74.67
02/17/2024 Queen City Classic II Noah Bauer 5. R-JR -93 89.8 170 177.5 182.5 92.5 97.5 -102.5 180 185 190 470 62.55
02/17/2024 Queen City Classic II Kendry Santos 1. R-JR -105 102.1 230 237.5 250 122.5 127.5 137.5 -285 297.5 305 692.5 86.63
02/17/2024 Queen City Classic II Tyler Erba 2. R-JR -105 103 170 182.5 187.5 107.5 117.5 122.5 217.5 232.5 240 550 68.53
02/17/2024 Queen City Classic II Jayden Edwards 1. R-JR -120 114.8 255 275 310 175 182.5 192.5 305 337.5 -365 840 99.57
02/17/2024 Queen City Classic II Nicholas Cardella 2. R-JR -120 117.5 200 -210 212.5 152.5 162.5 -165 205 220 230 605 70.98
02/17/2024 Queen City Classic II Ron Brinker 1. R-M1 -74 70.8 175 185 190 97.5 105 110 190 202.5 210 510 76.62
02/17/2024 Queen City Classic II Joe Stanley 1. R-M1 -93 91 142.5 152.5 155 122.5 -130 -130 187.5 197.5 -202.5 475 62.81
02/17/2024 Queen City Classic II Michael Reed 1. R-M1 -105 94.3 250 257.5 262.5 157.5 162.5 165 260 272.5 285 712.5 92.58
02/17/2024 Queen City Classic II Jason Peck 2. R-M1 -105 98.3 175 -180 -185 127.5 132.5 -135 190 207.5 -210 515 65.61
02/17/2024 Queen City Classic II Garrin Clark 1. R-M2 -83 82.3 75 75 75 225 31.29
02/17/2024 Queen City Classic II Ron Brinker 1. R-O -74 70.8 175 185 190 97.5 105 110 190 202.5 210 510 76.62
02/17/2024 Queen City Classic II William Wallace 1. R-O -83 82.9 235 242.5 -250 145 155 -160 240 250 -252.5 647.5 89.69
02/17/2024 Queen City Classic II Sam Mamad 3. R-O -83 81.7 -135 142.5 155 90 -97.5 102.5 165 180 192.5 450 62.81
02/17/2024 Queen City Classic II Devin Jackson 2. R-O -83 81.8 217.5 240 250 115 125 -145 195 215 230 605 84.39
02/17/2024 Queen City Classic II David Hodges 2. R-O -93 90.9 200 -215 215 140 -155 -155 -230 230 -242.5 585 77.41
02/17/2024 Queen City Classic II Joseph Hite 3. R-O -93 90.3 172.5 182.5 192.5 115 122.5 130 237.5 250 -260 572.5 75.98
02/17/2024 Queen City Classic II Matthew Erba 3. R-O -105 100.5 212.5 225 -232.5 120 127.5 -130 255 270 282.5 635 80.03
02/17/2024 Queen City Classic II Tyler Martin 4. R-O -105 98.3 145 155 165 77.5 85 90 175 185 195 450 57.33
02/17/2024 Queen City Classic II Michael Reed 1. R-O -105 94.3 250 257.5 262.5 157.5 162.5 165 260 272.5 285 712.5 92.58
02/17/2024 Queen City Classic II Kendry Santos 2. R-O -105 102.1 230 237.5 250 122.5 127.5 137.5 -285 297.5 305 692.5 86.63
02/17/2024 Queen City Classic II Devin Williams 1. R-O 120+ 120.3 275 300 225 245 325 345 -370 890 103.35
02/17/2024 Queen City Classic II Alex Padgett 1. R-O -120 114.6 207.5 220 232.5 135 142.5 150 225 240 257.5 640 75.94
02/17/2024 Queen City Classic II Matt Landy 2. R-O 120+ 121.5 -215 215 230 125 140 145 225 247.5 255 630 72.84
02/17/2024 Queen City Classic II Ben Christner 1. R-SJ -74 71.6 142.5 155 165 87.5 92.5 97.5 175 182.5 -187.5 445 66.46
02/17/2024 Queen City Classic II Ethan Stanley 2. R-SJ -74 67.9 115 122.5 -130 70 -77.5 -77.5 137.5 142.5 155 347.5 53.36
02/17/2024 Queen City Classic II Dakota Ratliff 1. R-SJ -83 76 217.5 -230 -230 127.5 132.5 137.5 227.5 242.5 -250 597.5 86.55
02/17/2024 Queen City Classic II Devin Jackson 1. R-JR -83 81.8 217.5 240 250 115 125 -145 195 215 230 605 84.39
02/17/2024 Queen City Classic II Anthony Tortorici 2. R-SJ -83 80 170 185 190 107.5 112.5 -120 227.5 245 260 562.5 79.36
02/17/2024 Queen City Classic II Shayyan Khan 1. R-SJ -105 101.1 -150 157.5 -165 -120 125 130 170 182.5 190 477.5 60.02
02/17/2024 Queen City Classic II Phillip Bauer 3. R-JR -105 97.4 130 142.5 162.5 85 92.5 -97.5 175 185 187.5 442.5 56.62
02/17/2024 8th Annual Southwest Florida Open Powerlifting Championships Brett Greenwald 1. R-M2 -66 65.5 105 110 120 120 68.33
02/17/2024 8th Annual Southwest Florida Open Powerlifting Championships Jeff Szymanski 1. R-M3 -74 70.3 115 120 -127.5 120 65.77
02/17/2024 8th Annual Southwest Florida Open Powerlifting Championships Seamus O'Dunn 1. R-O 120+ 170.9 117.5 -122.5 125 125 46.17
02/17/2024 8th Annual Southwest Florida Open Powerlifting Championships Lawrence Milford Sr. 1. R-M4 -83 78.2 95 100 105 105 14.98
02/17/2024 8th Annual Southwest Florida Open Powerlifting Championships Maddix Briggs 1. R-SJ -66 63.2 142.5 152.5 170 170 27.11
02/17/2024 8th Annual Southwest Florida Open Powerlifting Championships Jennifer Senffner 1. R-M2 84+ 103.3 133 137.5 -140 52.5 57.5 -60 127.5 132.5 137.5 332.5 58.81
02/17/2024 8th Annual Southwest Florida Open Powerlifting Championships Cassandra Zimmerman 1. R-O -63 60.9 105 -110 110 -75 75 -77.5 125 130 132.5 317.5 71.06
02/17/2024 8th Annual Southwest Florida Open Powerlifting Championships Alexandra Albizu-Jacob 1. R-O -84 83.5 80 85 -90 45 -50 50 100 105 110 245 46.37
02/17/2024 8th Annual Southwest Florida Open Powerlifting Championships Amna Chaudhary 1. R-O 84+ 96.6 187.5 197.5 205 105 107.5 110 185 197.5 205 520 93.64
02/17/2024 8th Annual Southwest Florida Open Powerlifting Championships Amna Chaudhary 1. R-JR 84+ 96.6 187.5 197.5 205 105 107.5 110 185 197.5 205 520 93.64
02/17/2024 8th Annual Southwest Florida Open Powerlifting Championships Stephanie Baril 2. R-O 84+ 87.5 107.5 117.5 130 72.5 80 -85 117.5 130 137.5 347.5 64.63
02/17/2024 8th Annual Southwest Florida Open Powerlifting Championships Shelby Bass 3. R-O 84+ 103.5 87.5 95 100 47.5 52.5 55 110 120 125 280 49.49
02/17/2024 8th Annual Southwest Florida Open Powerlifting Championships Kaelyn Mccann 1. R-SJ -76 72.8 130 137.5 145 77.5 85 90 170 180 190 425 85.56
02/17/2024 8th Annual Southwest Florida Open Powerlifting Championships Ryan Dalton 1. R-JR -93 91.2 -177.5 177.5 185 132.5 137.5 142.5 187.5 195 205 532.5 70.32
02/17/2024 8th Annual Southwest Florida Open Powerlifting Championships Ethan Belcher 2. R-JR -93 86.2 170 -182.5 -185 100 110 115 200 215 -227.5 500 67.93
02/17/2024 8th Annual Southwest Florida Open Powerlifting Championships Leo Galvano 1. R-JR -120 111.5 140 150 157.5 95 102.5 -107.5 172.5 180 190 450 54.04
02/17/2024 8th Annual Southwest Florida Open Powerlifting Championships Brian Kidder 1. R-M1 -83 80.4 137.5 142.5 145 102.5 -107.5 -107.5 160 167.5 172.5 420 59.10
02/17/2024 8th Annual Southwest Florida Open Powerlifting Championships Darren Nemow 1. R-M2 -93 92.2 192.5 212.5 230 120 127.5 132.5 205 227.5 230 592.5 77.83
02/17/2024 8th Annual Southwest Florida Open Powerlifting Championships David Jenkins 2. R-M2 -93 88.6 140 155 170 92.5 102.5 112.5 180 200 -217.5 482.5 64.66
02/17/2024 8th Annual Southwest Florida Open Powerlifting Championships Jon Wilson 1. R-M2 -120 113.8 192.5 205 215 92.5 100 105 227.5 247.5 265 585 69.61
02/17/2024 8th Annual Southwest Florida Open Powerlifting Championships Nathan Burrell 2. R-M2 -120 107.8 75 75 75 225 27.44
02/17/2024 8th Annual Southwest Florida Open Powerlifting Championships Roger Shaw 1. R-M4 -74 73.8 140 -150 155 77.5 82.5 87.5 172.5 182.5 187.5 430 63.21
02/17/2024 8th Annual Southwest Florida Open Powerlifting Championships Seamus Finn Hagen 1. R-PS -53 47.9 85 87.5 92.5 52.5 57.5 60 115 117.5 120 272.5 50.46
02/17/2024 8th Annual Southwest Florida Open Powerlifting Championships Michael Calogero 1. R-O -83 76.2 -142.5 142.5 157.5 102.5 107.5 112.5 187.5 200 470 67.99
02/17/2024 8th Annual Southwest Florida Open Powerlifting Championships Cameron Tanguay 1. R-O -93 90.3 227.5 240 250 162.5 172.5 -177.5 270 285 295 717.5 95.24
02/17/2024 8th Annual Southwest Florida Open Powerlifting Championships Christopher Perez 2. R-O -93 85.4 75 75 75 225 30.71
02/17/2024 8th Annual Southwest Florida Open Powerlifting Championships Derek Parent 0. R-O -93 91.6 -160 -160 -160 -142.5 -142.5 142.5 152.5 160 -182.5 0 0.00
02/17/2024 8th Annual Southwest Florida Open Powerlifting Championships Jordan Daniels 1. R-O -105 97.3 222.5 227.5 -230 155 160 -165 247.5 -255 255 642.5 82.23
02/17/2024 8th Annual Southwest Florida Open Powerlifting Championships Prince Horsted 2. R-O -105 98.7 -175 175 195 125 145 -152.5 225 247.5 265 605 76.90
02/17/2024 8th Annual Southwest Florida Open Powerlifting Championships Vincenzo Pusateri 1. R-SJ -74 71.7 -155 155 162.5 115 127.5 142.5 -207.5 207.5 237.5 542.5 80.95
02/17/2024 8th Annual Southwest Florida Open Powerlifting Championships Landon Hiatte 2. R-SJ -74 70.3 122.5 132.5 140 105 107.5 110 130 140 147.5 397.5 59.95
02/17/2024 8th Annual Southwest Florida Open Powerlifting Championships John Rudolph 1. R-SJ -93 90.2 197.5 207.5 225 105 110 120 210 227.5 245 590 78.35
02/17/2024 8th Annual Southwest Florida Open Powerlifting Championships Steven Howard 1. R-O -105 103.1 147.5 157.5 165 220 240 252.5 417.5 51.98
02/17/2024 8th Annual Southwest Florida Open Powerlifting Championships Jordan Daniels 2. R-O -105 97.3 155 160 -165 247.5 -255 255 415 53.11
02/10/2024 Power Of Love Miriam Hoffman 1. R-O -69 68.3 120 130 135 72.5 77.5 -82.5 137.5 147.5 155 367.5 76.57
02/10/2024 Power Of Love Kristina Benoit 1. R-O 84+ 87.5 -135 140 -145 70 -75 -75 147.5 157.5 -162.5 367.5 68.35
02/10/2024 Power Of Love Lily Nguyen 1. R-SJ -57 55.9 115 125 132.5 -65 70 75 155 167.5 -175 375 89.28
02/10/2024 Power Of Love Nathaniel Segarra 1. R-JR -74 72 170 182.5 187.5 92.5 102.5 -110 182.5 195 210 500 74.46
02/10/2024 Power Of Love julian hernandez 1. R-JR -83 81 155 167.5 177.5 127.5 -135 -135 210 222.5 232.5 537.5 75.33
02/10/2024 Power Of Love Luke Mallard 1. R-JR -93 91.5 120 132.5 145 85 87.5 -90 170 190 205 437.5 57.69
02/10/2024 Power Of Love Cassius Ramirez 1. R-JR -105 103.1 170 225 245 -120 142.5 145 220 255 272.5 662.5 82.50
02/10/2024 Power Of Love JJ Sleeper 1. R-JR 120+ 127.9 260 270 280 -157.5 170 -180 252.5 265 280 730 82.57
02/10/2024 Power Of Love John Valpatic 1. R-M4 -83 80.8 -125 125 -137.5 70 72.5 -77.5 170 -182.5 -182.5 367.5 51.57
02/10/2024 Power Of Love Jerry Bozenda 1. R-M1 -120 108.4 177.5 197.5 210 102.5 115 -127.5 175 195 205 530 64.48
02/10/2024 Power Of Love Kyle Lam 1. R-O -93 83.8 197.5 212.5 227.5 120 130 -137.5 200 220 237.5 595 81.97
02/10/2024 Power Of Love Jason Neukom 1. R-O -105 93.3 175 182.5 192.5 130 142.5 -155 205 227.5 240 575 75.10
02/10/2024 Power Of Love Tyler Brackemyer 1. R-SJ -59 58.5 105 110 115 77.5 80 -82.5 -152.5 152.5 157.5 352.5 58.60
02/10/2024 Power Of Love Keiland Vasvery 1. R-SJ -105 101.5 195 207.5 215 115 120 125 200 210 -220 550 68.99
02/03/2024 DMV Championships Matthew Chapman 1. R-O -74 70.7 110 -112.5 112.5 112.5 61.47
02/03/2024 DMV Championships Molly Ludwick 1. R-JR -76 71.8 -90 90 -105 40 45 50 107.5 117.5 125 265 53.74
02/03/2024 DMV Championships Cokie Parker 1. R-JR -84 83.5 100 120 -125 52.5 60 -67.5 125 135 142.5 322.5 61.05
02/03/2024 DMV Championships Rachael Dugan 1. R-M1 -84 81.8 92.5 97.5 102.5 60 65 -70 125 130 132.5 300 57.26
02/03/2024 DMV Championships Karen Kleyle 1. R-M2 -69 64.7 95 102.5 107.5 45 50 -52.5 125 132.5 137.5 295 63.44
02/03/2024 DMV Championships Deborah Fox 1. R-M3 -57 55.4 55 60 -67.5 25 27.5 -35 75 87.5 -95 175 41.95
02/03/2024 DMV Championships Jessica Marshall 1. R-M3 -69 63.4 102.5 110 117.5 52.5 57.5 60 137.5 145 152.5 330 71.91
02/03/2024 DMV Championships Deborah Fox 1. R-O -57 55.4 55 60 -67.5 25 27.5 -35 75 87.5 -95 175 41.95
02/03/2024 DMV Championships Cherie Bennett 1. R-O -63 60.5 92.5 102.5 -105 -52.5 55 60 -115 122.5 137.5 300 67.43
02/03/2024 DMV Championships Jessica Marshall 1. R-O -69 63.4 102.5 110 117.5 52.5 57.5 60 137.5 145 152.5 330 71.91
02/03/2024 DMV Championships Karen Kleyle 2. R-O -69 64.7 95 102.5 107.5 45 50 -52.5 125 132.5 137.5 295 63.44
02/03/2024 DMV Championships Molly Ludwick 1. R-O -76 71.8 -90 90 -105 40 45 50 107.5 117.5 125 265 53.74
02/03/2024 DMV Championships Cokie Parker 1. R-O -84 83.5 100 120 -125 52.5 60 -67.5 125 135 142.5 322.5 61.05
02/03/2024 DMV Championships Rachael Dugan 2. R-O -84 81.8 92.5 97.5 102.5 60 65 -70 125 130 132.5 300 57.26
02/03/2024 DMV Championships Collin Murillo 1. R-JR -74 68.7 75 -77.5 -77.5 100 -102.5 -105 190 -192.5 -192.5 365 55.71
02/03/2024 DMV Championships Bryan Zhou 1. R-JR -83 77.9 185 200 215 115 125 132.5 200 225 245 592.5 84.69
02/03/2024 DMV Championships Kevin Javier 1. R-JR -93 92.8 217.5 227.5 237.5 167.5 177.5 -185 247.5 275 287.5 702.5 91.98
02/03/2024 DMV Championships Benjamin Altman 1. R-JR -105 100.1 150 -160 165 65 -70 -70 160 172.5 -180 402.5 50.83
02/03/2024 DMV Championships Matthew Chapman 1. R-M2 -74 70.7 120 130 135 110 -112.5 112.5 137.5 147.5 152.5 400 60.13
02/03/2024 DMV Championships Roy Andrew 1. R-M2 -120 110.3 75 -77.5 -77.5 75 -77.5 -77.5 75 -77.5 -77.5 225 27.15
02/03/2024 DMV Championships Robert Johnson 0. R-M3 -120 108.7 -100 -105 -105 90 100 -110 190 200 -202.5 0 0.00
02/03/2024 DMV Championships Richard Landry 1. R-M4 -105 100.3 132.5 140 -145 90 95 -97.5 -165 167.5 170 405 51.09
02/03/2024 DMV Championships Matthew Chapman 1. R-O -74 70.7 120 130 135 110 -112.5 112.5 137.5 147.5 152.5 400 60.13
02/03/2024 DMV Championships Collin Murillo 2. R-O -74 68.7 75 -77.5 -77.5 100 -102.5 -105 190 -192.5 -192.5 365 55.71
02/03/2024 DMV Championships Daniel Clements 3. R-O -74 69 75 -77.5 -77.5 75 -77.5 -77.5 75 -77.5 -77.5 225 34.26
02/03/2024 DMV Championships Bryan Zhou 1. R-O -83 77.9 185 200 215 115 125 132.5 200 225 245 592.5 84.69
02/03/2024 DMV Championships Kevin Javier 1. R-O -93 92.8 217.5 227.5 237.5 167.5 177.5 -185 247.5 275 287.5 702.5 91.98
02/03/2024 DMV Championships Richard Landry 2. R-O -105 100.3 132.5 140 -145 90 95 -97.5 -165 167.5 170 405 51.09
02/03/2024 DMV Championships Noah Kim 1. R-O -105 102.5 255 267.5 272.5 -172.5 -172.5 172.5 245 265 275 720 89.90
02/03/2024 DMV Championships Benjamin Altman 3. R-O -105 100.1 150 -160 165 65 -70 -70 160 172.5 -180 402.5 50.83
02/03/2024 DMV Championships William Hickman 0. R-O -105 103.8 232.5 242.5 -247.5 -142.5 -150 -150 -245 262.5 -287.5 0 0.00
02/03/2024 DMV Championships Jonathan Marsh 1. R-O -120 118.6 245 255 -257.5 -162.5 162.5 -165 295 312.5 327.5 745 87.07
02/03/2024 DMV Championships Jarod Lowe 2. R-O -120 107.5 205 215 -225 160 167.5 -170 215 227.5 -232.5 610 74.50
02/03/2024 DMV Championships Roy Andrew 3. R-O -120 110.3 75 -77.5 -77.5 75 -77.5 -77.5 75 -77.5 -77.5 225 27.15
02/03/2024 DMV Championships Robert Johnson 0. R-O -120 108.7 -100 -105 -105 90 100 -110 190 200 -202.5 0 0.00
02/03/2024 Arizona University Cup Breyda Navarro Vargas 1. R-JR 84+ 106.6 67.5 75 77.5 77.5 55.55
02/03/2024 Arizona University Cup Hayden White 1. R-JR -83 80.4 157.5 -165 -165 157.5 80.44
02/03/2024 Arizona University Cup Adrian Nisihura 1. R-O 120+ 165.3 192.5 200 -205 200 74.68
02/03/2024 Arizona University Cup Lyqualah Kinsey 1. R-JR -57 56.2 92.5 100 110 52.5 57.5 70 110 120 130 310 73.55
02/03/2024 Arizona University Cup Malajha Adkisson 1. R-JR -69 68.2 73 82.5 92.5 42.5 47.5 -60 102.5 112.5 120 260 54.22
02/03/2024 Arizona University Cup Kianna Arthur 1. R-JR -76 69.8 93 100 107.5 47.5 52.5 -60 -130 135 145 305 62.79
02/03/2024 Arizona University Cup Tianna Forbes 1. R-JR -84 82.9 93 -95 -95 47.5 -50 -50 112.5 120 127.5 268 50.88
02/03/2024 Arizona University Cup Rakelle Stewart 2. R-JR -84 84 83 87.5 90 52.5 -55 -55 97.5 105 112.5 255 48.16
02/03/2024 Arizona University Cup Jordan Mitchell 3. R-JR -84 78.3 70 -80 80 42.5 47.5 -52.5 102.5 107.5 -112.5 235 45.70
02/03/2024 Arizona University Cup Emma Hagen 1. R-JR 84+ 87.2 112.5 117.5 125 50 55 -57.5 145 155 165 345 64.26
02/03/2024 Arizona University Cup Jade Cuellar 2. R-JR 84+ 100.3 102.5 110 120 57.5 65 -82.5 132.5 140 -152.5 325 57.92
02/03/2024 Arizona University Cup Jessica Medrano 3. R-JR 84+ 122.8 60 70 72.5 57.5 67.5 -75 132.5 142.5 155 295 50.38
02/03/2024 Arizona University Cup Antonia Zizzi 1. R-O -76 72.4 -45 47.5 52.5 30 35 -37.5 75 80 85 172.5 34.83
02/03/2024 Arizona University Cup Abby Gentala 2. R-JR -76 74.7 105 107.5 115 47.5 52.5 -57.5 117.5 122.5 127.5 295 58.64
02/03/2024 Arizona University Cup Sam Rosenberg 1. R-JR -74 72.6 182.5 192.5 202.5 100 107.5 -117.5 212.5 227.5 242.5 552.5 81.95
02/03/2024 Arizona University Cup Richard Pham 2. R-JR -74 73.3 180 185 -192.5 100 -107.5 -110 182.5 -192.5 192.5 477.5 70.45
02/03/2024 Arizona University Cup Robert Walker 3. R-JR -74 72.6 152.5 162.5 172.5 85 92.5 97.5 170 185 200 470 69.69
02/03/2024 Arizona University Cup Marcelo Chanaba 4. R-JR -74 70.1 142.5 152.5 160 102.5 110 115 167.5 -177.5 -182.5 442.5 66.82
02/03/2024 Arizona University Cup Chris Carpenter 5. R-JR -74 73.3 137.5 145 160 82.5 90 97.5 157.5 167.5 182.5 440 64.94
02/03/2024 Arizona University Cup Mario Montes 6. R-JR -74 74 132.5 140 -150 87.5 95 -97.5 172.5 -182.5 182.5 417.5 61.31
02/03/2024 Arizona University Cup Andrew Ysteboe 1. R-JR -83 82.6 215 230 -245 110 117.5 120 220 235 245 595 82.59
02/03/2024 Arizona University Cup Matthew Zerga 2. R-JR -83 81.4 175 182.5 190 97.5 -105 107.5 207.5 212.5 220 517.5 72.35
02/03/2024 Arizona University Cup Fernando Cortes 3. R-JR -83 77 137.5 145 -155 85 90 92.5 170 180 190 427.5 61.49
02/03/2024 Arizona University Cup Joshua Ellington 4. R-JR -93 91 130 140 150 87.5 92.5 -100 180 192.5 -200 435 57.53
02/03/2024 Arizona University Cup Jacob Bernal 1. R-JR -93 90.6 -182.5 182.5 192.5 150 155 -160 192.5 202.5 215 562.5 74.54
02/03/2024 Arizona University Cup Cade Driskell 2. R-JR -93 85.6 167.5 177.5 187.5 120 127.5 -135 182.5 195 207.5 522.5 71.21
02/03/2024 Arizona University Cup Teddy Cundiff 3. R-JR -93 89.8 152.5 157.5 162.5 92.5 97.5 105 170 182.5 -192.5 450 59.91
02/03/2024 Arizona University Cup Cameron Klaudt 5. R-JR -93 91 75 -140 -150 75 -92.5 -100 75 -182.5 -192.5 225 29.75
02/03/2024 Arizona University Cup Scott Ramboyon 1. R-JR -105 96.5 190 -200 200 102.5 107.5 -115 205 215 -227.5 522.5 67.14
01/27/2024 2024 Pro Duel Jacqueline Malayter 1. R-O -69 69 175 182.5 190 115 120 125 190 202.5 215 530 109.80
01/27/2024 2024 Pro Duel Jessica Kinney 1. R-O -84 78.4 162.5 175 182.5 110 115 200 210 220 517.5 100.59
01/27/2024 2024 Pro Duel Sterling Walker 1. R-O -74 67.7 202.5 212.5 220 125 -130 130 240 255 -262.5 605 93.05
01/27/2024 2024 Pro Duel Jeffrey Thompson 1. R-O -83 77.3 230 240 -245 172.5 180 -185 220 232.5 240 660 94.74
01/27/2024 2024 Pro Duel Alec Buob 1. R-O -93 91.9 290 300 320 -172.5 175 -180 275 285 292.5 787.5 103.62
01/27/2024 2024 Pro Duel Ryan Torrance 3. R-O -105 101.1 275 297.5 307.5 165 170 -175 310 -325 -327.5 787.5 98.97
01/27/2024 2024 Pro Duel Robert Witzlib 4. R-O -105 100.8 190 205 225 135 142.5 -147.5 255 265 275 642.5 80.86
01/27/2024 2024 Pro Duel Richard Andre 1. R-O 120+ 123.6 325 -340 342.5 195 202.5 -207.5 345 362.5 -372.5 907.5 104.15
01/27/2024 2024 Pro Duel Noah Pili 1. R-SJ -66 63 185 190 195 110 117.5 -125 227.5 237.5 240 552.5 88.28
01/27/2024 Lifting In A Winter Wonderland Shelby Paradowski 1. R-JR -69 68.8 110 117.5 122.5 62.5 67.5 70 150 160 165 357.5 74.18
01/27/2024 Lifting In A Winter Wonderland Margaret Perez 0. R-JR -69 63.2 75 85 -90 -60 -60 -60 102.5 107.5 110 0 0.00
01/27/2024 Lifting In A Winter Wonderland Erin Riddle 1. R-O -57 56.3 127.5 135 140 62.5 67.5 -70 145 152.5 -157.5 360 85.24
01/27/2024 Lifting In A Winter Wonderland Anna Messmore 1. R-O 84+ 131.8 145 152.5 160 -67.5 70 80 145 157.5 165 405 68.47
01/27/2024 Lifting In A Winter Wonderland Michelle Sandhoff 2. R-O 84+ 108.6 -102.5 102.5 115 62.5 65 -70 135 140 145 325 56.80
01/27/2024 Lifting In A Winter Wonderland Evelyn Givens 3. R-O 84+ 112.5 92.5 -97.5 -97.5 55 57.5 62.5 105 110 117.5 272.5 47.27
01/27/2024 Lifting In A Winter Wonderland David Rivera 1. R-JR -74 72.6 180 192.5 -202.5 105 110 115 190 205 220 527.5 78.22
01/27/2024 Lifting In A Winter Wonderland Matthew Schraith 1. R-JR -105 102.7 240 255 265 145 155 160 270 280 290 715 89.20
01/27/2024 Lifting In A Winter Wonderland Ojhani Garcia-Chang 2. R-JR -105 102.5 185 195 202.5 115 120 127.5 185 200 210 540 67.43
01/27/2024 Lifting In A Winter Wonderland Noah Jefferson 3. R-JR -105 104.9 175 185 195 125 132.5 140 195 -210 -210 530 65.47
01/27/2024 Lifting In A Winter Wonderland Nevin Bolin 1. R-JR -120 105.5 212.5 220 230 117.5 122.5 -127.5 230 237.5 250 602.5 74.22
01/27/2024 Lifting In A Winter Wonderland David Jun 1. R-JR 120+ 125 227.5 245 257.5 165 175 182.5 230 245 260 700 79.95
01/27/2024 Lifting In A Winter Wonderland Phillip Adams 1. R-O -83 75.2 145 150 157.5 85 90 95 180 190 200 452.5 65.88
01/27/2024 Lifting In A Winter Wonderland Les Hunt 1. R-O -105 103.9 242.5 250 257.5 167.5 175 -180 270 280 290 722.5 89.64
01/27/2024 Lifting In A Winter Wonderland Andrew Ceasario 1. R-SJ -74 74 147.5 155 165 85 -90 -90 175 185 192.5 442.5 64.96
01/27/2024 Lifting In A Winter Wonderland Austin Baloun 1. R-SJ -83 81.2 145 157.5 -170 97.5 105 -110 190 205 215 477.5 66.84
01/27/2024 Lifting In A Winter Wonderland Ricardo Morales 1. R-SJ -120 114.1 140 150 165 100 107.5 -115 155 175 -187.5 447.5 53.19
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Katherine Cargill 1. JR -76 72.5 112.5 117.5 120 120 66.90
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Faith Clough 1. M1 -63 62.4 55 62.5 70 70 42.50
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Amber Gomez 1. M1 -76 72.9 97.5 -102.5 -102.5 97.5 54.20
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Nora Keller 1. M1 -84 79.4 45 62.5 67.5 67.5 36.06
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Sarah Wages 1. M1 84+ 132.9 120 127.5 137.5 137.5 64.07
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Kim Wilson 1. M2 -57 55.5 62.5 67.5 70 70 46.10
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Isabelle Iliev 1. M2 -63 61.8 115 -120 120 120 73.31
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Claudia Nagata 1. M2 -69 64 50 -75 50 29.88
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Michal Harris 1. M2 -84 83.4 62.5 67.5 -72.5 67.5 35.34
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Dora Justice 1. M3 -57 56 82.5 85 87.5 87.5 57.24
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Lynne Homan 1. M3 -63 58.1 77.5 -80 80 80 50.93
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Donna Marts 1. M3 -69 68 65 70 70 40.36
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Marie Brenden 1. M3 -84 82.5 112.5 117.5 122.5 122.5 64.40
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Vicki Brackett 1. M3 84+ 127.5 107.5 112.5 115.5 115.5 54.13
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Maura Shuttleworth 1. O -52 51.6 95 100 -112.5 100 69.74
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Anna Gonzalez 2. O -52 51.8 70 -77.5 80 80 55.61
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Casey Hill 1. O -57 56.4 117.5 122.5 -125 122.5 79.70
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Bella Vargas 2. O -57 57 112.5 -120 -125 112.5 72.64
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Patricia Southerland 1. O -63 62.8 132.5 -137.5 142.5 142.5 86.19
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Katelyn Gmernicki 2. O -63 62.4 127.5 -132.5 -132.5 127.5 77.43
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Kelsey McCarthy 1. O -69 68.5 165 172.5 -178.5 172.5 99.07
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Natalie Hanson 1. O -76 75.8 100 170 182 182 99.30
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Sara Rodock 1. O -84 83.2 145 155 -162.5 155 81.25
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Rebecca Salter 1. O 84+ 107.2 100 105 110 110 53.27
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Sara Shelton 2. O 84+ 95.5 92.5 100 107.5 107.5 53.70
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Sagan Marks 0. SJ -76 71.1 62.5 67.5 -72.5 67.5 38.01
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Dina Al Bayati 1. R-G -69 63.3 67.5 -72.5 72.5 72.5 60.36
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Joy Rindfleisch 1. R-JR -69 68.5 110 117.5 125 125 100.00
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Christina Peters 1. R-JR -76 74.4 77.5 87.5 92.5 92.5 71.57
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Amelia Gercken 2. R-JR -76 76 62.5 67.5 72.5 72.5 55.69
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Kiersten Madoo 1. R-JR -84 83.8 72.5 80 82.5 82.5 61.60
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Astrid Girolamo 1. R-M1 -57 56.9 70 72.5 -75 72.5 64.52
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Melissa Schulte 1. R-M1 -63 61.2 72.5 75 77.5 77.5 65.76
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Jennie Hollier 2. R-M1 -63 61.6 67.5 70 72.5 72.5 61.29
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Shannell Traylor 3. R-M1 -63 62.3 62.5 67.5 -70 67.5 56.71
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Faith Clough 4. R-M1 -63 61.7 -65 65 -70 65 54.91
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Nimisha Mitha 5. R-M1 -63 59.3 45 52.5 -57.5 52.5 45.44
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Lindsay Rubel 1. R-M1 -69 68.9 75 85 -90 85 67.82
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Rosalind Sutch 1. R-M1 -84 84 82.5 87.5 92.5 92.5 69.02
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Courtney Costrino 2. R-M1 -84 82.2 85 87.5 90 90 67.52
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Stephanie Tracy 3. R-M1 -84 82.6 75 77.5 80 80 59.94
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Rachael Diehl 4. R-M1 -84 83.5 70 72.5 -75 72.5 54.18
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Melissa Copeland 1. R-M1 84+ 120.2 130 132.5 135 135 95.82
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Sarah Wages 2. R-M1 84+ 131.8 102.5 107.5 115 115 81.26
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Megan Walter 3. R-M1 84+ 102.5 80 -85 -85 80 57.59
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Michelle Carlascio 1. R-M2 -57 56.6 45 50 55 55 49.14
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Isabelle Iliev 1. R-M2 -63 62.2 70 75 -77.5 75 63.02
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Stacie Taylor 2. R-M2 -63 62.2 57.5 62.5 -65 62.5 52.56
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Joah Iannotta 1. R-M2 -76 75.9 90 95 105 105 80.70
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Salena Smashum 2. R-M2 -76 74.9 45 50 52.5 52.5 40.53
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Lilyan Jackson 1. R-M2 84+ 170.9 95 100 105 105 73.81
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Kathryn Cordeiro 1. R-M3 -47 46.4 55 57.5 -60 57.5 61.92
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Dora Justice 1. R-M3 -57 55.9 70 75 -80 75 67.62
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Suzanne Laforge 1. R-M3 -63 61.2 57.5 62.5 -65 62.5 53.03
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Lynne Homan 2. R-M3 -63 57.8 55 57.5 -62.5 57.5 50.65
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Nona hubbard 1. R-M3 -69 67.3 65 68.5 -71 68.5 55.24
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Marie Brenden 1. R-M3 -84 82.7 82.5 87.5 92.5 92.5 69.30
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Gale Williams 1. R-M4 -69 66.7 55 60 -63.5 60 48.60
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Linda Gorham 1. R-M4 84+ 96.8 57.5 62.5 67.5 67.5 48.98
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Elizabeth Parker 1. R-O -47 39.7 60 65 -70 65 87.17
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Jamie Fisher 1. R-O -52 51.3 90 95 100 100 96.89
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Megan Hurlburt 1. R-O -57 55.1 95 100 105 105 95.76
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Heather Heywood 1. R-O -63 62.8 30 35 -40 35 29.27
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Stephanie Birkhimer 1. R-O -69 68.1 92.5 97.5 100 100 80.21
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Chelsea Savit 1. R-O -76 72.2 122.5 130 -133 130 101.73
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Aliza Tessler 1. R-O -84 83.8 100 107.5 112.5 112.5 83.99
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Sara Roden 2. R-O -84 82.8 67.5 72.5 77.5 77.5 58.04
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Tashell Kerr 1. R-O 84+ 94.9 105 115 120 120 87.34
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Sara Shelton 2. R-O 84+ 96.5 75 80 -85 80 58.07
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Giselle Altamirano 1. R-SJ -63 60.9 57.5 60 65 65 55.33
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Ryli Greer 2. R-SJ -63 58.1 42.5 50 -57.5 50 43.85
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Kate Hall 1. R-SJ -69 66.9 62.5 65 -67.5 65 52.56
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Sagan Marks 0. R-SJ -76 72.2 -67.5 -70 -70 0 0.00
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Mario Leos 1. G -74 66.2 177.5 -185 -185 177.5 76.78
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Kevin Hutchinson 1. G -105 102.6 100 -172.5 -177.5 100 31.40
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Michael Joyce 1. G -59 57.7 -55 55 60 60 30.41
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Nicolas Calidonia 1. JR -59 56.7 75 110 -125 110 57.06
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Mike Ciupinski 1. M1 -83 82.5 62.5 -65 227.5 227.5 81.34
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Luke Hanifen 1. M1 -93 84.3 220 225 230 230 80.95
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Jonathan Losa 2. M1 -93 86.2 177.5 195 207.5 207.5 71.95
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Matt Rodock 3. M1 -93 92.7 185 192.5 -197.5 192.5 63.78
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Thomas Tombler 4. M1 -93 85.8 180 185 -195 185 64.35
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Dale McLaren 1. M1 -105 104.5 272.5 277.5 -280 277.5 86.38
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals William Mccarthy 1. M1 -120 119.7 170 180 -205 180 53.00
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Ryan Gill 2. M1 -120 118.3 142.5 -255 -255 142.5 42.13
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Andrew Cargill 1. M1 120+ 151.7 275 -282.5 -282.5 275 75.98
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Marcus Meaux 2. M1 120+ 156.2 250 -275 -285 250 68.70
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Steve Petrencak 1. M2 -74 66.5 100 110 120 120 51.65
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Michael McQueen 1. M2 -93 91.6 150 155 155 51.73
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Marcus Warren 1. M2 -105 103.5 -237.5 245 260 260 81.26
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Kevin Farley 2. M2 -105 98.8 180 -195 -200 180 57.58
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals William Thacker 0. M2 -105 103.7 -242.5 -242.5 -247.5 0 0.00
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Michael Kalter 1. M2 -120 113.2 120 190 200 200 60.13
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Joe Dibert 1. M2 120+ 136.9 185 -310 -325 185 52.31
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Michael Rodriguez 1. M3 -74 72.6 155 162.5 165 165 65.30
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Daniel Sides 2. M3 -74 73.3 125 -130 147.5 147.5 57.93
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Carlos Lewis 3. M3 -74 73.7 -120 125 -145 125 48.83
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Andy Furnas 1. M3 -83 80.7 125 160 -170 160 58.13
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Thomas Cencich 1. M3 -93 91.3 170 182.5 192.5 192.5 64.39
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Ron Falcone Jr 2. M3 -93 91.5 135 140 -145 140 46.75
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Kenneth Bennett 1. M3 -105 101.8 125 137.5 150 150 47.26
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals David Doan 1. M3 -120 118.7 220 230 245.5 245.5 72.50
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Robert Keller 2. M3 -120 119.7 155 162.5 162.5 47.84
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals James Ray 1. M3 120+ 154.8 202.5 220 -232.5 220 60.56
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Steve Johnson 2. M3 120+ 130.8 -140 140 -145 140 40.08
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Bill Helmich 1. M4 -93 84.4 25 25 8.80
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Kamil Iwasiow 1. O -66 65.6 172.5 -177.5 -177.5 172.5 75.32
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Nathan Landry 1. O -74 73.9 190 195 200 200 77.94
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Aaron Pomerantz 1. O -83 81.5 250 -272.5 -272.5 250 90.14
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Arian Khamesi 2. O -83 82 102.5 110 -115 110 39.51
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Easton Schuster 1. O -93 92.4 320 325 -352.5 325 107.88
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Adam Mamola 2. O -93 92.6 305 -322.5 -335 305 101.17
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Luis Jaimes 1. O -105 104.7 -275 275 -280 275 85.50
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Jordan Kummer 2. O -105 101.7 170 177.5 182.5 182.5 57.54
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Greg Powell 0. O -105 102.8 -300 -300 -300 0 0.00
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Austin Brown 1. O -120 108.7 310 -320 -320 310 94.79
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Martin Agoes 2. O -120 119.4 250 -257.5 -257.5 250 73.67
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Shawn Martinez 3. O -120 117.5 180 -192.5 -192.5 180 53.36
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Jeremy Fischer 1. O 120+ 184.1 -220 227.5 -235 227.5 61.10
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Mark Leebrick 2. O 120+ 120.2 212.5 225 -232.5 225 66.15
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Cael McDaniel 1. SJ -120 111.8 190 -200 200 200 60.42
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Brannigan Coleman 1. R-G -66 65.3 125 132.5 -140 132.5 75.63
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Danny Hashempour 1. R-G -93 89.4 132.5 140 -145 140 67.73
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Kevin Ramirez 1. R-G -105 104.9 -185 195 -202.5 195 87.37
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Kevin Hutchinson 2. R-G -105 101.2 125 -137.5 -137.5 125 56.96
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Enrique Lugo 1. R-G 120+ 132.1 225 -232.5 -237.5 225 91.23
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Shane Newark 2. R-G 120+ 122.6 180 -185 -185 180 75.26
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Joey Songco 2. R-G -66 62.9 77.5 82.5 85 85 49.52
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals William Holloway 1. R-JR -83 81.6 130 140 147.5 147.5 74.76
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Brady Graceffa 2. R-JR -83 79 127.5 137.5 145 145 74.73
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Nathan Terry 3. R-JR -83 79.7 102.5 107.5 -115 107.5 55.13
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals John Tyler 1. R-JR -105 97.1 180 187.5 192.5 192.5 89.45
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals James Kellerman 2. R-JR -105 103.1 170 177.5 182.5 182.5 82.41
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Terrin Howard 3. R-JR -105 99.8 147.5 150 160 160 73.36
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Henrik Chan 1. R-JR -120 116.7 -157.5 165 170 170 72.59
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Drew Carrithers 1. R-JR 120+ 168.9 185 195 205 205 76.01
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Eddie Webber 1. R-M1 -66 65.2 -165 165 167.5 167.5 95.64
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Huaiyu Tan 2. R-M1 -66 65.7 97.5 105 -110 105 59.70
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Merdan Nursahatov 1. R-M1 -74 73.1 155 162.5 -167.5 162.5 87.25
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Maillard Howell 2. R-M1 -74 73.9 130 135 137.5 137.5 73.37
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Rickey Nelsen 3. R-M1 -74 69.6 120 132.5 -135 132.5 73.01
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Llalando Austin 1. R-M1 -83 81.8 182.5 190 197.5 197.5 99.95
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Jonathan Losa 1. R-M1 -93 85.6 180 187.5 195 195 96.42
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Thomas Tombler 2. R-M1 -93 87 155 -162.5 162.5 162.5 79.69
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Shane Heywood 3. R-M1 -93 90.2 152.5 157.5 -165 157.5 75.86
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Jeremiah Cruz 4. R-M1 -93 90 95 100 105 105 50.63
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Phillip Wilkins 1. R-M1 -105 103.2 225 -230 -230 225 101.56
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals James Townsend 2. R-M1 -105 104.3 170 180 182.5 182.5 81.97
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Frederick Quarles 1. R-M1 -120 119 185 -200 -200 185 78.34
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Ryan Gill 2. R-M1 -120 119 167.5 182.5 -187.5 182.5 77.27
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Kenneth Cameron 3. R-M1 -120 120 160 165 -172.5 165 69.61
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Umar Abdullah 1. R-M1 120+ 185 245 260 -272.5 260 93.73
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Robert Greer 2. R-M1 120+ 130.4 195 200 -205 200 81.52
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Steve Petrencak 1. R-M2 -66 64.3 102.5 112.5 -125 112.5 64.73
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Damian Fronzaglia 1. R-M2 -74 72.7 150 157.5 165 165 88.84
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Sean Williams 2. R-M2 -74 72.5 -140 140 145 145 78.18
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Pat Keenan 3. R-M2 -74 73 122.5 130 -132.5 130 69.85
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Todd Solomon 4. R-M2 -74 67 110 117.5 -130 117.5 66.10
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Joseph McAuliffe 1. R-M2 -83 82.8 160 167.5 -170 167.5 84.24
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Jason Ross 2. R-M2 -83 83 150 -160 -160 150 75.34
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Edward Ruland 1. R-M2 -93 93 165 175 182.5 182.5 86.61
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Michael McQueen 2. R-M2 -93 91.8 167.5 -175 -175 167.5 80.00
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Chris Walter 1. R-M2 -105 101.2 202.5 212.5 215 215 97.96
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Jorge Castaneda 1. R-M2 -120 112.9 210 -222.5 -222.5 210 91.00
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Esteban Rubens 2. R-M2 -120 111.7 147.5 157.5 165 165 71.84
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Keith Carlascio 3. R-M2 -120 112 112.5 117.5 120 120 52.17
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Joe Dibert 1. R-M2 120+ 135.5 200 210 -215 210 84.27
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Mario Espindola 2. R-M2 120+ 121 177.5 182.5 -190 182.5 76.71
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Steven Edwards 1. R-M3 -66 63.8 90 100 102.5 102.5 59.23
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals George Kern 2. R-M3 -66 66 85 90 -92.5 90 51.07
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Michael Hara 1. R-M3 -74 73.7 125 135 145 145 77.47
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Michael Rodriguez 2. R-M3 -74 72 127.5 135 142.5 142.5 77.10
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Daniel Sides 3. R-M3 -74 73.5 120 -130 137.5 137.5 73.60
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Carlos Lewis 4. R-M3 -74 73.1 130 -135 -135 130 69.77
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Howard Sturman 1. R-M3 -83 82.8 152.5 157.5 160.5 160.5 80.74
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Dennis Alba 2. R-M3 -83 80.7 150 155 -160 155 78.99
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Andy Furnas 3. R-M3 -83 81.2 120 125 -130 125 63.50
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Ken (Reggie) Snodgrass 4. R-M3 -83 78.7 100 105 -110 105 54.23
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Thomas Cencich 1. R-M3 -93 92.1 125 130 135 135 64.37
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Ron Falcone Jr 2. R-M3 -93 91.7 100 105 110 110 52.55
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Jim Kathios 1. R-M3 -105 101.5 140 142.5 147.5 147.5 67.10
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Kenneth Bennett 2. R-M3 -105 100.9 130 137.5 142.5 142.5 65.00
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals John Mccord 3. R-M3 -105 95.2 115 122.5 -130 122.5 57.45
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals David Doan 1. R-M3 -120 118.8 170 182.5 202.5 202.5 85.79
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Chris Felix 2. R-M3 -120 118.5 145 -150 -150 145 61.52
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals James Ray 1. R-M3 120+ 155.2 182.5 190 -200 190 72.49
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Mel Tatsumi 1. R-M4 -59 55.8 25 25 15.56
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Marvin Huber 1. R-M4 -66 64.2 92.5 95 100 100 57.60
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Bob Antonacci 2. R-M4 -66 63.7 75 -80 82.5 82.5 47.73
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Gary Reale 1. R-M4 -74 73.5 92.5 95 -100 95 50.84
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Ken Levine 1. R-M4 -83 81.1 112.5 -117.5 -117.5 112.5 57.19
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Claude Welcome 1. R-M4 -93 92 125 132.5 -137.5 132.5 63.20
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Mack Hodges 1. R-M4 -120 115.4 132.5 140 147.5 147.5 63.29
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Jack Solomon 1. R-O -66 63.9 117.5 132.5 140 140 80.86
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Austin Perkins 1. R-O -74 73.7 185 195 200 200 106.91
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Evan Judice 2. R-O -74 73.9 135 145 150 150 80.08
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Eric Wall 3. R-O -74 72.2 105 107.5 -110 107.5 58.07
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Derek Logrande 1. R-O -83 77.2 180 187.5 195 195 101.70
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Cameron Krueger 2. R-O -83 82.1 165 175 182.5 182.5 92.18
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Mitchell Glover 3. R-O -83 82.8 162.5 170 177.5 177.5 89.27
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Seth Howard 4. R-O -83 78.6 155 162.5 165 165 85.25
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Andrew Sardis 5. R-O -83 82.4 137.5 145 -150 145 73.13
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Colton Patrick 6. R-O -83 83 140 145 -152.5 145 72.83
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Ryan Baylark 1. R-O -93 93 197.5 202.5 205 205 97.26
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Carson Porter 0. R-O -93 92.7 162.5 170 -177.5 0 0.00
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Michael Dudley 1. R-O -105 105 235 242.5 245 245 109.73
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Allan Morelos 2. R-O -105 101.4 170 -177.5 177.5 177.5 80.78
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Eddie Mends 3. R-O -105 104.8 162.5 175 -182.5 175 78.45
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Kaden Hush 1. R-O -120 118.2 225 235 -250 235 99.81
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Matthew Cronin 2. R-O -120 119.9 220 227.5 -230 227.5 96.03
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Martin Agoes 3. R-O -120 119.8 210 -220 -220 210 88.66
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals John Tarasik 4. R-O -120 111 185 205 -220 205 89.50
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Eric Andrews 5. R-O -120 117 172.5 180 -187.5 180 76.77
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Farod-James Kee 1. R-O 120+ 141.2 260 275 280 280 110.59
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Jeremy Auerbach 2. R-O 120+ 147.9 235 250 -257.5 250 97.06
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Valente Innniss-Thompson 3. R-O 120+ 142.2 220 230 -235 230 90.61
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Alexander Bebermeyer 0. R-SJ -59 56.3 -85 -90 0 0.00
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Andyn Grubb 1. R-SJ -66 65.4 110 120 122.5 122.5 69.82
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Rito Flores 1. R-SJ -74 73.4 127.5 137.5 142.5 142.5 76.31
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Jack Reynolds 1. R-SJ -83 80.7 165.5 175 -181.5 175 89.19
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Matthew Deans 2. R-SJ -83 78.7 77.5 85 92.5 92.5 47.75
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Sean Duthie 1. R-SJ -93 83.1 125 132.5 -135 132.5 66.51
01/27/2024 Bench Press Nationals Daniel Haroon 1. R-SJ -120 107.1 100 115 125 125 55.46
01/20/2024 Capital City Clash Emmarie Pavlik 1. R-SJ -76 69.9 55 57.5 60 60 47.58
01/20/2024 Capital City Clash Lola Cheramie 1. JR -52 51.6 142.5 -152.5 152.5 80 -82.5 -82.5 150 160 -167.5 392.5 80.36
01/20/2024 Capital City Clash Yasmin Talamantez 2. JR -52 50.6 -92.5 92.5 95 -45 45 50 92.5 97.5 102.5 247.5 51.38
01/20/2024 Capital City Clash Kasee Sketoe 1. JR -63 62 165 175 -182.5 105 -110 -110 165 175 -180 455 82.90
01/20/2024 Capital City Clash Celine Orozco 1. JR -69 68.8 -197.5 -197.5 205 -60 60 -110 170 177.5 185 450 77.47
01/20/2024 Capital City Clash Mena Reeves 1. JR -76 75 160 -165 165 95 -100 -100 142.5 150 -152.5 410 67.68
01/20/2024 Capital City Clash Caity Mcmahon 1. JR 84+ 96.7 125 130 137.5 60 62.5 -67.5 130 137.5 145 345 51.61
01/20/2024 Capital City Clash Sydney Kumm 1. SJ -47 46.7 47.5 52.5 57.5 27.5 32.5 -35 62.5 67.5 72.5 162.5 35.78
01/20/2024 Capital City Clash RaeLynne Nelson 1. SJ 84+ 88.9 -60 -82.5 82.5 37.5 40 42.5 102.5 107.5 112.5 237.5 36.56
01/20/2024 Capital City Clash Olivia Hofer 1. R-JR -63 62.7 117.5 125 132.5 70 75 80 135 142.5 -152.5 355 77.91
01/20/2024 Capital City Clash Heidi Hollmann 1. R-JR -69 64.6 37.5 -42.5 42.5 30 32.5 35 -82.5 82.5 -85 160 34.46
01/20/2024 Capital City Clash Jamie Scott 1. R-JR -76 71.5 130 137.5 145 72.5 80 82.5 155 165 182.5 410 83.32
01/20/2024 Capital City Clash Joslyn Nelson 1. R-O 84+ 132.8 -115 -115 115 85 92.5 97.5 142.5 155 162.5 375 63.34
01/20/2024 Capital City Clash Alexis Jones 2. R-O 84+ 138.2 75 75 75 225 37.83
01/20/2024 Capital City Clash Christine Mechaley 0. R-SJ -43 42.8 45 -50 -50 25 -27.5 -27.5 -65 -65 -65 0 0.00
01/20/2024 Capital City Clash Melody Bonham 1. R-SJ -52 50.7 65 70 -72.5 35 37.5 40 87.5 90 -92.5 200 51.63
01/20/2024 Capital City Clash Billie Pritchett 1. R-SJ -57 55.2 55 57.5 -60 -37.5 -37.5 37.5 95 -100 -100 190 45.68
01/20/2024 Capital City Clash Miranda Stohlmann 1. R-SJ -76 71.5 70 75 77.5 42.5 45 -47.5 100 102.5 105 227.5 46.23
01/20/2024 Capital City Clash Taylor Pavlik 1. R-SJ -84 79 75 80 90 55 57.5 -60 127.5 132.5 135 282.5 54.72
01/20/2024 Capital City Clash Aliyah Yunker 0. R-SJ -84 80.3 -82.5 -82.5 -82.5 42.5 45 47.5 130 132.5 135 0 0.00
01/20/2024 Capital City Clash Raquel Morales-Montalvo 1. R-SJ 84+ 101.9 132.5 137.5 140 55 57.5 60 147.5 155 -162.5 355 63.00
01/20/2024 Capital City Clash Nicolas Calidonia 0. JR -59 57.7 -200 -200 0 0.00
01/20/2024 Capital City Clash Wyatt Shabram 1. SJ -66 65.6 -100 100 105 60 65 -67.5 122.5 127.5 132.5 302.5 40.69
01/20/2024 Capital City Clash Beckett Wessendorf 1. R-PS -74 74 92.5 97.5 -102.5 57.5 60 -62.5 122.5 130 -137.5 287.5 42.21
01/20/2024 Capital City Clash Cooper Rochel 1. R-PS -105 95.4 -105 105 120 52.5 57.5 62.5 125 132.5 137.5 320 41.35
01/20/2024 Capital City Clash Liam Zuffoletti 1. R-JR -74 72.7 192.5 205 217.5 125 132.5 135 217.5 227.5 232.5 585 86.68
01/20/2024 Capital City Clash Kyle Wallenberg 1. R-JR -83 79.2 -210 210 215 122.5 127.5 130 215 227.5 -237.5 572.5 81.16
01/20/2024 Capital City Clash Tyler Barrett 2. R-JR -83 82.4 182.5 190 195 122.5 127.5 130 225 237.5 -250 562.5 78.15
01/20/2024 Capital City Clash Zeb Zepponi 3. R-JR -83 80.2 212.5 217.5 220 120 125 130 192.5 202.5 205 555 78.18
01/20/2024 Capital City Clash Gavin Dennis 1. R-JR -93 91.4 202.5 210 217.5 127.5 135 140 225 240 250 607.5 80.15
01/20/2024 Capital City Clash Riley Sumrall 2. R-JR -93 88 217.5 230 237.5 122.5 130 135 217.5 232.5 -242.5 605 81.33
01/20/2024 Capital City Clash Andrew Tauber 3. R-JR -93 88.4 197.5 202.5 207.5 105 112.5 -120 285 -295 -295 605 81.15
01/20/2024 Capital City Clash Martin Estrada 0. R-JR -93 89.9 -190 190 200 -137.5 -137.5 -137.5 235 245 -255 0 0.00
01/20/2024 Capital City Clash Adam Overby 1. R-JR -105 104 240 250 265 152.5 162.5 -167.5 237.5 252.5 260 687.5 85.26
01/20/2024 Capital City Clash Terrin Howard 2. R-JR -105 99.6 -227.5 227.5 -237.5 142.5 150 155 242.5 252.5 260 642.5 81.32
01/20/2024 Capital City Clash Shane Copeland 1. R-M1 -93 91.4 135 142.5 152.5 122.5 130 135 162.5 175 190 477.5 63.00
01/20/2024 Capital City Clash Troy Nunley 1. R-M2 -66 64.9 -137.5 137.5 150 100 105 110 165 175 -182.5 435 68.42
01/20/2024 Capital City Clash Daniel Hower 1. R-M2 -105 103.1 162.5 172.5 180 140 147.5 -152.5 200 215 227.5 555 69.11
01/20/2024 Capital City Clash Wilfred Kooser 1. R-M3 -120 110.8 125 135 -142.5 95 102.5 105 165 182.5 -185 422.5 50.89
01/20/2024 Capital City Clash Ryan Hasenkamp 1. R-O -83 82.8 142.5 162.5 182.5 100 115 -125 222.5 250 267.5 565 78.31
01/20/2024 Capital City Clash Jared Weers 1. R-O -105 104.3 177.5 185 190 102.5 107.5 -110 205 215 220 517.5 64.09
01/20/2024 Capital City Clash Alex Motacek 1. R-SJ -59 54.9 105 110 115 50 55 -57.5 117.5 125 132.5 302.5 52.03
01/20/2024 Capital City Clash Tristan Stolp 1. R-SJ -74 73 135 145 155 85 95 -97.5 170 180 190 440 65.05
01/20/2024 Capital City Clash Sam Sullivan 2. R-SJ -74 71.2 125 137.5 -150 82.5 90 100 147.5 162.5 170 407.5 61.04
01/20/2024 Capital City Clash Bryson Pitts 3. R-SJ -74 67.4 100 112.5 125 -97.5 97.5 -105 125 142.5 -157.5 365 56.27
01/20/2024 Capital City Clash Preston Pitts 1. R-SJ -83 81.5 -162.5 167.5 -175 85 87.5 90 157.5 165 170 427.5 59.73
01/20/2024 Capital City Clash Arlan Lammers 2. R-SJ -83 77.5 -117.5 117.5 120 75 80 -85 157.5 -162.5 -162.5 357.5 51.25
01/20/2024 Capital City Clash Izaak Vakoc 3. R-SJ -83 77.6 -92.5 92.5 -95 60 62.5 67.5 122.5 -127.5 282.5 40.47
01/20/2024 Capital City Clash Angelo Carpino 1. R-SJ -105 100.3 217.5 227.5 235 135 140 145 220 -227.5 227.5 607.5 76.64
01/20/2024 Capital City Clash Isaac Pavlik 2. R-SJ -105 103.6 165 170 -177.5 100 102.5 -105 187.5 -192.5 -192.5 460 57.15
01/20/2024 Capital City Clash Lorenzo Denny 1. R-SJ 120+ 139.7 130 135 145 82.5 -87.5 87.5 170 175 182.5 415 45.28
01/20/2024 7th Annual Jacksonville (FL) Open Championships Cherie Tan 1. R-M1 -69 68 65 72.5 80 30 35 -37.5 70 80 87.5 202.5 42.31
01/20/2024 7th Annual Jacksonville (FL) Open Championships Tracy Williams 1. R-M1 -76 74.1 -72.5 72.5 -80 50 52.5 55 80 90 95 222.5 44.42
01/20/2024 7th Annual Jacksonville (FL) Open Championships Janell Thomas 1. R-M2 -63 59.2 40 42.5 47.5 37.5 -40 -40 75 80 87.5 172.5 39.38
01/20/2024 7th Annual Jacksonville (FL) Open Championships Lindsey Head 1. R-O -63 58.1 80 87.5 92.5 37.5 40 -50 80 85 92.5 225 52.06
01/20/2024 7th Annual Jacksonville (FL) Open Championships Cherie Tan 1. R-O -69 68 65 72.5 80 30 35 -37.5 70 80 87.5 202.5 42.31
01/20/2024 7th Annual Jacksonville (FL) Open Championships Rebecca Simmons 1. R-O -76 74 62.5 65 67.5 37.5 40 -42.5 80 87.5 92.5 200 39.94
01/20/2024 7th Annual Jacksonville (FL) Open Championships Jessica Nelson 1. R-O -84 82.2 55 57.5 65 32.5 35 40 75 80 82.5 187.5 35.72
01/20/2024 7th Annual Jacksonville (FL) Open Championships Clair Hennebach 1. R-O 84+ 86.9 65 67.5 72.5 40 42.5 -45 90 102.5 110 225 41.95
01/20/2024 7th Annual Jacksonville (FL) Open Championships Katarzyna Danch 2. R-O 84+ 98.1 65 70 75 40 45 50 80 85 90 215 38.54
01/20/2024 7th Annual Jacksonville (FL) Open Championships Charlee Davis 1. R-Y 0 0 25 30 32.5 15 17.5 20 37.5 42.5 50 102.5 0.00
01/20/2024 7th Annual Jacksonville (FL) Open Championships Tonnie Alliance 1. R-M4 -76 69.1 -30 30 32.5 75 85 92.5 125 25.87
01/20/2024 7th Annual Jacksonville (FL) Open Championships Erick Severino 1. R-JR -93 92.8 260 -270 -270 135 -140 140 260 272.5 -280 672.5 88.08
01/20/2024 7th Annual Jacksonville (FL) Open Championships Jacob Gipson 1. R-JR -105 98.2 195 205 152.5 165 -172.5 195 200 -205 570 72.64
01/20/2024 7th Annual Jacksonville (FL) Open Championships Jon Gipson 1. R-M1 -105 104.2 175 197.5 200 112.5 122.5 127.5 192.5 202.5 210 537.5 66.60
01/20/2024 7th Annual Jacksonville (FL) Open Championships Tim Andrews 1. R-M2 -93 85.6 -180 195 202.5 102.5 107.5 -112.5 207.5 220 227.5 537.5 73.26
01/20/2024 7th Annual Jacksonville (FL) Open Championships Lloyd Savage 1. R-M2 -105 104.4 160 170 180 115 -125 -125 190 200 215 510 63.13
01/20/2024 7th Annual Jacksonville (FL) Open Championships Michael Davis 1. R-M3 -105 101.3 70 80 90 60 -70 -70 90 115 -137.5 265 33.28
01/20/2024 7th Annual Jacksonville (FL) Open Championships Bert Rowell 1. R-M4 -93 90.8 -122.5 122.5 127.5 -77.5 -80 82.5 147.5 150 152.5 362.5 47.98
01/20/2024 7th Annual Jacksonville (FL) Open Championships Brannigan Coleman 1. R-O -74 67.5 175 125 132.5 -142.5 -200 200 507.5 78.18
01/20/2024 7th Annual Jacksonville (FL) Open Championships Sid Ngeth 1. R-O -93 89.9 207.5 -230 -230 130 140 -147.5 215 -230 -230 562.5 74.82
01/20/2024 7th Annual Jacksonville (FL) Open Championships Cameron Krueger 2. R-O -93 86.5 75 75 225 260 410 55.59
01/20/2024 7th Annual Jacksonville (FL) Open Championships Noah Battle 1. R-O 120+ 120.4 -215 215 227.5 200 -207.5 215 237.5 267.5 -275 710 82.42
01/20/2024 7th Annual Jacksonville (FL) Open Championships Logan Tan 1. R-Y 0 0 42.5 50 57.5 20 25 27.5 60 67.5 72.5 157.5 0.00
01/20/2024 7th Annual Jacksonville (FL) Open Championships Ezekiel Malphurs 1. R-SJ -83 80.8 177.5 185 192.5 137.5 142.5 217.5 -225 225 560 78.61
01/20/2024 7th Annual Jacksonville (FL) Open Championships William Ball 1. R-SJ -93 85.7 75 75 75 125 175 325 44.27
01/20/2024 7th Annual Jacksonville (FL) Open Championships Daniel Henson 1. R-M3 -83 82.7 147.5 157.5 -160 157.5 79.27
01/20/2024 7th Annual Jacksonville (FL) Open Championships Ezekiel Malphurs 1. R-SJ -83 80.8 137.5 142.5 142.5 72.60
01/20/2024 7th Annual Jacksonville (FL) Open Championships Ezekiel Malphurs 1. R-SJ -83 80.8 137.5 142.5 217.5 -225 225 367.5 51.59
01/20/2024 Winter Classic II Joy Rindfleisch 1. R-JR -69 68.4 150 155 165 110 115 120 165 172.5 182.5 467.5 97.33
01/20/2024 Winter Classic II Coralie Shockley 2. R-JR -69 68.1 115 122.5 127.5 75 -80 80 140 150 160 367.5 76.73
01/20/2024 Winter Classic II Angela Giorgione 3. R-JR -69 63.2 105 -110 -112.5 72.5 75 -77.5 112.5 120 125 305 66.63
01/20/2024 Winter Classic II Emily Moshier 1. R-JR 84+ 94.2 125 130 137.5 72.5 77.5 -80 130 137.5 145 360 65.33
01/20/2024 Winter Classic II Joy Rindfleisch 1. R-O -69 68.4 150 155 165 110 115 120 165 172.5 182.5 467.5 97.33
01/20/2024 Winter Classic II Alice Liu 2. R-O -69 63.5 110 117.5 127.5 50 -57.5 -57.5 145 150 155 332.5 72.41
01/20/2024 Winter Classic II Stephanie Feathers 1. R-O -84 82.9 177.5 190 195 97.5 105 110 180 197.5 205 510 96.82
01/20/2024 Winter Classic II Miya Valecko 1. R-SJ -63 62.3 122.5 130 -135 55 -60 -62.5 147.5 155 162.5 347.5 76.58
01/20/2024 Winter Classic II Payton Stitt 1. R-SJ -76 70.1 110 115 -117.5 52.5 57.5 -62.5 112.5 122.5 132.5 305 62.64
01/20/2024 Winter Classic II Scott Silva 1. R-JR -59 58.8 175 182.5 190 112.5 115 -120 187.5 202.5 -215 507.5 84.13
01/20/2024 Winter Classic II Miguel Jimenez 1. R-JR -74 72.1 202.5 212.5 222.5 137.5 147.5 155 225 240 255 632.5 94.16
01/20/2024 Winter Classic II Eduardo Malca 0. R-JR -83 80.3 -175 -185 -185 -115 115 -127.5 -192.5 0 0.00
01/20/2024 Winter Classic II Bryan Randolph 0. R-JR -83 82.7 165 175 185 130 137.5 142.5 -210 -222.5 -222.5 0 0.00
01/20/2024 Winter Classic II Dean Ippolito 1. R-JR -93 86.4 175 195 215 125 132.5 142.5 225 265 280 637.5 86.49
01/20/2024 Winter Classic II Anders Kalvenes 2. R-JR -93 83.4 205 212.5 215 110 -115 -115 240 255 257.5 582.5 80.44
01/20/2024 Winter Classic II Jyothinkrishna Jyothsna Bavin 3. R-JR -93 88.3 207.5 217.5 222.5 115 -120 -125 225 235 -240 572.5 76.83
01/20/2024 Winter Classic II Jake Carroll 4. R-JR -93 87.7 185 195 197.5 125 -130 -130 225 235 240 562.5 75.74
01/20/2024 Winter Classic II Daniel Ruano 5. R-JR -93 92.9 185 -195 195 -112.5 -112.5 112.5 220 235 -240 542.5 71.03
01/20/2024 Winter Classic II Tyler Fuller 6. R-JR -93 90 185 -195 -197.5 95 100 -105 235 245 -250 530 70.46
01/20/2024 Winter Classic II Ivan Leal 7. R-JR -93 92.7 177.5 190 200 105 112.5 -120 182.5 200 -225 512.5 67.15
01/20/2024 Winter Classic II Kaleb Dombrowski 1. R-JR -105 94.3 170 182.5 187.5 107.5 -117.5 -117.5 180 195 -205 490 63.67
01/20/2024 Winter Classic II Malachi Charleston 0. R-JR -105 100.1 227.5 240 -250 -125 -137.5 -137.5 227.5 252.5 -272.5 0 0.00
01/20/2024 Winter Classic II Raquan Lowery 1. R-JR -120 116.4 -265 272.5 -280 172.5 182.5 -185 250 265 272.5 727.5 85.73
01/20/2024 Winter Classic II Raynard Raeburn 2. R-JR -120 107.2 200 217.5 232.5 170 182.5 195 232.5 257.5 282.5 710 86.82
01/20/2024 Winter Classic II James Farrior 1. R-M1 120+ 155.8 260 275 285 200 210 220 260 280 290 795 83.20
01/20/2024 Winter Classic II Derek Demmans 1. R-O -93 85.1 227.5 237.5 245 145 150 -155 245 255 -272.5 650 88.88
01/20/2024 Winter Classic II Justin Heredia 2. R-O -93 84.7 -170 190 200 150 170 185 190 210 237.5 622.5 85.30
01/20/2024 Winter Classic II Tyler Fuller 3. R-O -93 90 185 -195 -197.5 95 100 -105 235 245 -250 530 70.46
01/20/2024 Winter Classic II Andrew Lamb 4. R-O -93 92.8 175 185 -190 -105 105 112.5 215 227.5 525 68.75
01/20/2024 Winter Classic II Vincent Mangione 1. R-O -105 96.3 182.5 195 205 125 130 -140 225 255 275 610 78.48
01/20/2024 Winter Classic II Victor Rodriguez 1. R-O -120 116.9 222.5 245 275 150 170 187.5 280 320 350 812.5 95.54
01/20/2024 Winter Classic II Deion Zachery 2. R-O -120 119.1 232.5 242.5 257.5 140 150 -152.5 280 300 -317.5 707.5 82.52
01/20/2024 Winter Classic II Isaiah Goins 3. R-O -120 111.7 227.5 237.5 242.5 -162.5 -167.5 167.5 250 267.5 282.5 692.5 83.12
01/20/2024 Winter Classic II Adam Sagun 4. R-O -120 109.5 195 202.5 -210 145 150 -152.5 260 272.5 280 632.5 76.61
01/20/2024 Winter Classic II Jason Weatherby 5. R-O -120 114.2 195 207.5 215 140 145 -147.5 240 250 265 625 74.28
01/20/2024 Winter Classic II Karl Smiley 1. R-O 120+ 134.7 -215 220 -230 155 -165 -165 205 215 227.5 602.5 66.71
01/20/2024 Winter Classic II Elliott Sykes 1. R-SJ -74 71.7 247.5 262.5 275 147.5 157.5 -165 262.5 -280 -280 695 103.72
01/14/2024 Zoo Culture Qualifier Haley Hunter 1. R-JR -76 69.2 25 25 75 125 25.86
01/14/2024 Zoo Culture Qualifier Cranon Worford 1. R-O -76 74.8 25 25 75 125 24.83
01/14/2024 Zoo Culture Qualifier Tiffany Savage 1. R-O -84 81.4 25 25 75 125 23.91
01/14/2024 Zoo Culture Qualifier Wyatt Douda 1. R-JR -83 82.2 25 25 75 125 17.39
01/14/2024 Zoo Culture Qualifier Gilberto Villarreal Mu'oz 1. M -120 106 25 25 75 125 12.72
01/14/2024 Zoo Culture Qualifier Jonathan Hebreo 1. R-M1 -93 83.8 25 25 75 125 17.22
01/14/2024 Zoo Culture Qualifier Russel Orhii 1. R-O -93 89.6 25 25 75 125 16.65
01/14/2024 Zoo Culture Qualifier Matthew Guadron 2. R-O -93 90.6 25 25 75 125 16.56
01/14/2024 Zoo Culture Qualifier Ronald Siu 2. R-O -105 100 25 25 75 125 15.79
01/14/2024 Zoo Culture Qualifier Kane Madison 3. R-O -105 101.4 25 25 75 125 15.69
01/14/2024 Zoo Culture Qualifier Andrew-Ted Fernandez 1. R-O -120 110.6 25 25 75 125 15.07
01/07/2024 TOPSHELF INVITATIONAL Michael Andrieu 1. R-M1 120+ 149.7 175 177.5 180 125 135 145 175 205 225 550 58.42
01/07/2024 TOPSHELF INVITATIONAL Ron Falcone Jr 1. R-M3 -93 92.2 -142.5 142.5 160 105 112.5 -120 160 170 -182.5 442.5 58.13
01/07/2024 TOPSHELF INVITATIONAL Gerard Dally 2. R-M3 -93 89.3 130 142.5 152.5 85 -92.5 95 147.5 160 182.5 430 57.40
01/06/2024 2024 Winter Warfare Megan Richard 1. R-JR -76 74.7 147.5 157.5 165 85 90 92.5 142.5 155 -157.5 412.5 82.03
01/06/2024 2024 Winter Warfare Amy Tunis 1. R-M1 -84 80.6 -112.5 117.5 125 67.5 -70 -70 157.5 162.5 -167.5 355 68.20
01/06/2024 2024 Winter Warfare Kristy Medina 1. R-M1 84+ 92.8 100 105 110 52.5 57.5 62.5 120 127.5 137.5 310 56.51
01/06/2024 2024 Winter Warfare Nancy Vanacore 1. R-M2 -69 63.4 80 87.5 95 50 -57.5 57.5 100 107.5 -117.5 260 56.65
01/06/2024 2024 Winter Warfare Madison Nottingham 1. R-O -57 55.5 115 120 -125 45 50 52.5 105 110 -112.5 282.5 67.63
01/06/2024 2024 Winter Warfare Michelle Liu 1. R-O -63 63 115 125 130 80 -87.5 -90 165 175 182.5 392.5 85.92
01/06/2024 2024 Winter Warfare Abby Whitman 2. R-O -63 62.1 105 110 115 55 60 -62.5 130 132.5 140 315 69.57
01/06/2024 2024 Winter Warfare Erika Avila 3. R-O -63 59.6 95 -100 -105 40 45 -47.5 120 127.5 137.5 277.5 63.02
01/06/2024 2024 Winter Warfare Taylor Payne 1. R-O -76 73 112.5 115 120 60 67.5 70 120 125 135 325 65.37
01/06/2024 2024 Winter Warfare Alexis Varner 2. R-O -76 74.2 112.5 115 117.5 67.5 70 72.5 125 130 135 325 64.84
01/06/2024 2024 Winter Warfare Megan Alford 1. R-O 84+ 102 110 112.5 120 67.5 -70 70 147.5 155 -157.5 345 61.21
01/06/2024 2024 Winter Warfare Analisha Kirk 2. R-O 84+ 113.8 70 75 -80 45 50 52.5 97.5 105 110 237.5 41.11
01/06/2024 2024 Winter Warfare Jase Cobalt 1. R-JR -66 64.8 120 127.5 132.5 82.5 87.5 90 140 150 157.5 380 59.81
01/06/2024 2024 Winter Warfare Dawson Aaron 1. R-JR -83 80.5 217.5 227.5 232.5 150 160 -162.5 237.5 245 255 647.5 91.06
01/06/2024 2024 Winter Warfare Izak Cotney 2. R-JR -83 81.8 175 185 190 102.5 117.5 125 -200 225 -240 540 75.33
01/06/2024 2024 Winter Warfare Dan Gradows 1. R-M1 -105 101.3 120 142.5 160 110 120 -130 -200 220 -230 500 62.79
01/06/2024 2024 Winter Warfare Sean Williams 1. R-M2 -74 73.9 25 25 75 125 18.37
01/06/2024 2024 Winter Warfare Lee Anderson 1. R-M3 120+ 145.2 -117.5 117.5 122.5 95 100 102.5 122.5 130 140 365 39.23
01/06/2024 2024 Winter Warfare Nikolai Rodriguez 0. R-O -66 65 115 -125 -125 -115 -115 -115 142.5 -155 -165 0 0.00
01/06/2024 2024 Winter Warfare Daniel Morales 1. R-O -93 85.2 215 222.5 232.5 155 162.5 167.5 205 215 -222.5 615 84.02
01/06/2024 2024 Winter Warfare Wyatt Rogers 2. R-O -93 91 185 -192.5 -192.5 112.5 117.5 -122.5 205 212.5 217.5 520 68.77
01/06/2024 2024 Winter Warfare Jose Franco 3. R-O -93 89.4 145 150 160 105 110 -112.5 175 185 190 460 61.36
01/06/2024 2024 Winter Warfare Eric Chang 1. R-O -105 104.9 235 245 152.5 160 -165 235 247.5 260 665 82.14
01/06/2024 2024 Winter Warfare Sean Clarke 1. R-O 120+ 141.9 252.5 260 -272.5 125 137.5 140 232.5 255 -270 655 71.03
01/06/2024 2024 Winter Warfare Issac Sandoval 1. R-SJ -66 65.3 125 132.5 -140 -85 87.5 -92.5 192.5 205 215 435 68.19
01/06/2024 2024 Winter Warfare Prescott Garcia 2. R-SJ -66 63.7 105 115 127.5 -65 75 80 -120 132.5 145 352.5 55.99
01/06/2024 2024 Winter Warfare Logan Christian 1. R-SJ -93 90.9 137.5 147.5 -160 97.5 102.5 112.5 185 200 -232.5 460 60.87
12/16/2023 Panther City Winter Chill 2023 Jazmin Vedia 1. SJ 84+ 86.7 -150 162.5 175 100 105 110 130 140 150 435 67.58
12/16/2023 Panther City Winter Chill 2023 Han Ly 1. R-JR -47 46.2 67.5 75 85 32.5 37.5 40 87.5 95 105 230 64.86
12/16/2023 Panther City Winter Chill 2023 Asha Hopkins 1. R-JR 84+ 89.3 185 -187.5 -187.5 102.5 107.5 112.5 197.5 220 -227.5 517.5 95.55
12/16/2023 Panther City Winter Chill 2023 Shawna Moore 1. R-O -76 73.9 52.5 60 67.5 -52.5 57.5 60 85 92.5 100 227.5 45.46
12/16/2023 Panther City Winter Chill 2023 Britney Baker 1. R-O 84+ 137.3 70 102.5 142.5 60 82.5 102.5 70 102.5 145 390 65.61
12/16/2023 Panther City Winter Chill 2023 Keith Taylor 1. M3 -105 94.3 -155 165 180 142.5 152.5 157.5 155 167.5 182.5 520 55.99
12/16/2023 Panther City Winter Chill 2023 Dustin Taylor 1. O -93 87.7 182.5 -195 195 140 147.5 -152.5 215 227.5 -240 570 63.79
12/16/2023 Panther City Winter Chill 2023 Duy Lam 1. R-JR -83 82.6 150 165 -175 102.5 105 -107.5 180 185 -187.5 455 63.14
12/16/2023 Panther City Winter Chill 2023 Drew Carrithers 1. R-JR 120+ 164 75 105 125 160 172.5 182.5 75 125 175 482.5 49.57
12/16/2023 Panther City Winter Chill 2023 Eric Taylor 1. R-M1 -105 97.1 185 195 205 140 147.5 155 255 265 275 635 81.35
12/16/2023 Panther City Winter Chill 2023 Morgan Aquino Garcia 1. R-O -66 65.6 225 235 242.5 157.5 167.5 175 260 275 282.5 700 109.47
12/16/2023 Panther City Winter Chill 2023 Joey Correia 1. R-O -74 66.3 197.5 207.5 217.5 122.5 127.5 132.5 245 255 265 615 95.64
12/16/2023 Panther City Winter Chill 2023 Brandon Pitre 1. R-O -105 97.2 120 122.5 185 120 -122.5 -122.5 120 270 -272.5 575 73.63
12/16/2023 Panther City Winter Chill 2023 Andyn Grubb 1. R-SJ -66 64.8 160 -175 180 105 112.5 117.5 210 227.5 -235 525 82.64
12/16/2023 Panther City Winter Chill 2023 Nicolas Gaines 1. R-SJ -74 73.5 217.5 -230 240 135 140 -145 260 -275 277.5 657.5 96.87
12/16/2023 Panther City Winter Chill 2023 Jonas Johnson 2. R-SJ -74 68.1 192.5 207.5 -215 -100 105 -115 230 247.5 255 567.5 87.01
12/16/2023 Panther City Winter Chill 2023 Mark Spillane 3. R-SJ -74 68.6 72.5 -80 85 -72.5 77.5 -85 100 105 112.5 275 42.00
12/16/2023 Panther City Winter Chill 2023 Joshua Miranda 1. R-SJ -83 79.1 192.5 207.5 220 100 105 -110 230 -250 -262.5 555 78.73
12/16/2023 Panther City Winter Chill 2023 Nathan Terry 2. R-SJ -83 80.8 145 155 162.5 100 110 115 160 175 185 462.5 64.90
12/16/2023 Panther City Winter Chill 2023 William Holloway 1. R-JR -83 82.8 75 100 100 50.29
12/10/2023 CRCL classic Michael McQueen 1. R-M2 -105 101.8 170 180 -185 180 81.79
12/10/2023 CRCL classic Jorge Castaneda 1. R-M2 -120 113.8 200 210 220 220 95.00
12/10/2023 CRCL classic Dennis Alba 1. R-M3 -83 79.5 142.5 145 147.5 147.5 75.75
12/10/2023 CRCL classic Carson Porter 1. R-O -93 92.7 -160 160 -182.5 160 76.05
12/10/2023 CRCL classic Janet Trevino 1. M1 -84 77 110 125 130 77.5 82.5 -85 150 170 180 392.5 64.04
12/10/2023 CRCL classic Blair Dunn 1. R-JR -57 56.3 100 105 110 67.5 72.5 -75 122.5 130 132.5 315 74.63
12/10/2023 CRCL classic Amber Gomez 1. R-M1 -76 75.3 120 130 -140 60 65 70 145 155 165 365 72.28
12/10/2023 CRCL classic Loraine Efron 1. R-M3 -57 56.6 77.5 82.5 -87.5 42.5 47.5 92.5 97.5 -102.5 227.5 53.68
12/10/2023 CRCL classic Allison Noble 1. R-SJ -84 78.7 97.5 105 112.5 57.5 62.5 -65 120 130 135 310 60.17
12/10/2023 CRCL classic Michael McQueen 1. R-M2 -105 101.8 235 247.5 255 170 180 -185 265 277.5 712.5 89.27
12/10/2023 CRCL classic David Berube 1. O -59 56.2 85 -102.5 -102.5 60 65 -70 110 117.5 125 275 41.64
12/10/2023 CRCL classic Michael Joyce 2. O -59 57.4 -67.5 67.5 80 57.5 62.5 65 107.5 -112.5 112.5 257.5 38.33
12/10/2023 CRCL classic William Bissmeyer 0. O -66 61.1 55 -62.5 -62.5 92.5 100 -110 0 0.00
12/10/2023 CRCL classic Marcus Meaux 1. O 120+ 156.8 75 -80 75 250 -272.5 75 400 35.52
12/10/2023 CRCL classic Isaac Estrada 1. R-JR -66 65.8 202.5 217.5 -227.5 137.5 145 -150 205 217.5 225 587.5 91.77
12/10/2023 CRCL classic Koleade Awoyele 1. R-JR -105 104.3 220 -232.5 -232.5 125 135 -140 257.5 267.5 272.5 627.5 77.72
12/10/2023 CRCL classic Kane Kolar 2. R-JR -105 100.9 187.5 195 -202.5 142.5 150 -157.5 192.5 202.5 212.5 557.5 70.13
12/10/2023 CRCL classic Vince Reodica 1. R-JR -120 113.1 205 212.5 222.5 120 135 140 200 215 227.5 590 70.42
12/10/2023 CRCL classic Daniel Medina 2. R-JR -120 115.6 102.5 132.5 142.5 110 112.5 125 100 110 120 387.5 45.79
12/10/2023 CRCL classic Joey Songco 1. R-O -66 62.6 82.5 95 102.5 82.5 95 -97.5 147.5 -175 -175 345 55.31
12/10/2023 CRCL classic Jacob De La Paz 1. R-O -83 82.3 142.5 162.5 182.5 95 105 115 190 205 227.5 525 73.01
12/10/2023 CRCL classic Michael Vargas 2. R-O -83 83 75 75 75 225 31.15
12/10/2023 CRCL classic Austin Perkins 3. R-O -83 75 25 25 75 125 18.22
12/10/2023 CRCL classic Joshua Moultrie 1. R-O -105 97.4 170 -180 182.5 120 130 137.5 220 230 235 555 71.02
12/10/2023 CRCL classic Samuel Zipp 1. R-SJ -59 59 140 150 -155 100 107.5 -112.5 165 172.5 -182.5 430 71.15
12/10/2023 CRCL classic Noah Raulston 1. R-SJ -74 72.2 192.5 200 212.5 107.5 115 -125 205 215 227.5 555 82.56
12/10/2023 CRCL classic Kyler Ramsey 2. R-SJ -74 72.4 145 147.5 152.5 77.5 80 82.5 155 162.5 170 405 60.14
12/10/2023 CRCL classic Warren Lee 3. R-SJ -74 73.5 140 142.5 147.5 67.5 -72.5 -72.5 150 155 -162.5 370 54.53
12/10/2023 CRCL classic Bowman Wargo 1. R-SJ -83 82.3 190 200 210 107.5 112.5 115 215 227.5 -230 552.5 76.81
12/10/2023 7th Greater Tampa Classic Open Championships Gwendolyn Anderson 1. R-JR -84 76.8 47.5 52.5 57.5 57.5 44.01
12/10/2023 7th Greater Tampa Classic Open Championships Faith Clough 1. R-M1 -63 62.3 65 67.5 70 70 58.77
12/10/2023 7th Greater Tampa Classic Open Championships Amanda Lopez 1. R-M1 84+ 110.3 65 70 72.5 72.5 51.79
12/10/2023 7th Greater Tampa Classic Open Championships Stefanie Wisselman 1. R-M2 84+ 125.9 35 40 -45 40 28.32
12/10/2023 7th Greater Tampa Classic Open Championships Llalando Austin 1. R-M1 -83 82.2 182.5 190 195 195 98.41
12/10/2023 7th Greater Tampa Classic Open Championships Farit Gataullin 1. R-M1 -105 96.1 80 85 92.5 92.5 43.20
12/10/2023 7th Greater Tampa Classic Open Championships Alejandro Navarro 1. R-O -105 102.3 147.5 152.5 155 155 70.25
12/10/2023 7th Greater Tampa Classic Open Championships Anthony Gonzalez 2. R-O -105 99 125 130 137.5 137.5 63.28
12/10/2023 7th Greater Tampa Classic Open Championships Dawson Proffitt 1. R-SJ -83 82.3 92.5 97.5 -100 97.5 49.19
12/10/2023 7th Greater Tampa Classic Open Championships Keniyah Jenkins 1. R-JR -63 62.6 87.5 95 97.5 97.5 21.42
12/10/2023 7th Greater Tampa Classic Open Championships Kaitlyn Proffitt 1. R-O -69 64.7 85 90 92.5 92.5 19.90
12/10/2023 7th Greater Tampa Classic Open Championships Faith Clough 1. R-M1 -63 62.3 105 110 115 115 25.34
12/10/2023 7th Greater Tampa Classic Open Championships Stefanie Wisselman 1. R-M2 84+ 125.9 75 85 92.5 92.5 15.74
12/10/2023 7th Greater Tampa Classic Open Championships Anthony Gonzalez 1. R-O -105 99 195 202.5 210 210 26.65
12/10/2023 7th Greater Tampa Classic Open Championships Kenji Kraftchak 1. R-O 120+ 140 195 205 212.5 212.5 23.16
12/10/2023 7th Greater Tampa Classic Open Championships Julianna Romano 1. R-JR -57 52.7 85 92.5 97.5 40 -50 -57.5 92.5 102.5 112.5 250 62.46
12/10/2023 7th Greater Tampa Classic Open Championships Audrianna Rubio 1. R-JR -63 60.3 60 60 65 -72.5 117.5 125 -130 250 56.30
12/10/2023 7th Greater Tampa Classic Open Championships Haley Beardin 1. R-JR -84 82.5 130 142.5 -150 77.5 85 90 170 182.5 -195 415 78.95
12/10/2023 7th Greater Tampa Classic Open Championships Faith Clough 1. R-M1 -63 62.3 100 107.5 110 65 67.5 70 105 110 115 295 64.99
12/10/2023 7th Greater Tampa Classic Open Championships Sara Couture 2. R-M1 -63 63 57.5 65 70 45 50 -55 102.5 112.5 122.5 242.5 53.07
12/10/2023 7th Greater Tampa Classic Open Championships Tatiana Gondelman 1. R-M1 -69 66.3 75 77.5 82.5 45 47.5 50 90 95 100 232.5 49.30
12/10/2023 7th Greater Tampa Classic Open Championships Yael Hatfield 1. R-M1 84+ 94.5 57.5 62.5 70 40 45 -47.5 85 90 95 210 38.06
12/10/2023 7th Greater Tampa Classic Open Championships Mary Anthony 2. R-M1 84+ 110.7 -42.5 42.5 47.5 40 -42.5 -42.5 65 70 75 162.5 28.28
12/10/2023 7th Greater Tampa Classic Open Championships Lily Rubenstein 1. R-O -69 68.2 -142.5 -147.5 147.5 82.5 -85 -85 150 160 -167.5 390 81.32
12/10/2023 7th Greater Tampa Classic Open Championships Brittney Fields 1. R-O -84 76.4 -122.5 122.5 137.5 62.5 65 70 130 142.5 155 362.5 71.28
12/10/2023 7th Greater Tampa Classic Open Championships Alexandra Albizu-Jacob 2. R-O -84 78.7 -55 55 62.5 45 -50 -52.5 85 92.5 100 207.5 40.26
12/10/2023 7th Greater Tampa Classic Open Championships Izabela Fields 1. R-SJ -57 55.8 52.5 55 62.5 32.5 35 -40 65 70 75 172.5 41.12
12/10/2023 7th Greater Tampa Classic Open Championships Alexis McInerney 1. R-SJ -63 60.5 95 97.5 100 42.5 47.5 -52.5 105 107.5 -112.5 255 57.31
12/10/2023 7th Greater Tampa Classic Open Championships Lauren Coleman 2. R-SJ -63 61.2 75 77.5 82.5 40 45 -50 105 110 112.5 240 53.50
12/10/2023 7th Greater Tampa Classic Open Championships Avigayil Gondelman 1. R-Y 0 0 30 32.5 35 22.5 -25 25 60 65 70 130 0.00
12/10/2023 7th Greater Tampa Classic Open Championships Lily Rubenstein 1. R-SJ -69 68.2 -142.5 -147.5 147.5 82.5 -85 -85 150 160 -167.5 390 81.32
12/10/2023 7th Greater Tampa Classic Open Championships Kamil Iwasiow 1. O -66 66 227.5 245 170 -182.5 -182.5 210 225 232.5 647.5 86.78
12/10/2023 7th Greater Tampa Classic Open Championships David Vadala 1. R-JR -83 82.7 175 212.5 -227.5 125 -145 -145 200 220 -235 557.5 77.31
12/10/2023 7th Greater Tampa Classic Open Championships Caleb King 1. R-JR -105 99.3 -170 182.5 187.5 -130 145 152.5 172.5 197.5 -200 537.5 68.13
12/10/2023 7th Greater Tampa Classic Open Championships Christopher Harvey 1. R-JR -120 117.4 205 222.5 237.5 125 135 142.5 205 217.5 227.5 607.5 71.30
12/10/2023 7th Greater Tampa Classic Open Championships Noah Ossi 1. R-O -66 62.6 145 157.5 170 70 75 80 160 175 200 450 72.18
12/10/2023 7th Greater Tampa Classic Open Championships Jacob Mcconnell 1. R-O -74 70.6 140 145 -162.5 117.5 125 130 165 175 187.5 462.5 69.61
12/10/2023 7th Greater Tampa Classic Open Championships Eric Schindler 1. R-O -83 81.3 170 180 187.5 130 132.5 137.5 187.5 195 207.5 532.5 74.51
12/10/2023 7th Greater Tampa Classic Open Championships Timothy Huskey 2. R-O -83 78.3 135 142.5 155 117.5 125 132.5 165 172.5 185 472.5 67.38
12/10/2023 7th Greater Tampa Classic Open Championships Keith Harrington 1. R-O -93 87.9 225 235 240 150 155 -162.5 255 275 280 675 90.82
12/10/2023 7th Greater Tampa Classic Open Championships Carlos Soto 2. R-O -93 93 172.5 185 -190 145 150 157.5 225 -232.5 235 577.5 75.55
12/10/2023 7th Greater Tampa Classic Open Championships Robert Girardot 3. R-O -93 84.4 180 195 205 120 -127.5 -127.5 220 235 245 570 78.26
12/10/2023 7th Greater Tampa Classic Open Championships Gabriel Jose Arismendi Marchan 1. R-O -105 97.2 200 215 235 135 142.5 150 220 240 -250 625 80.05
12/10/2023 7th Greater Tampa Classic Open Championships Ashton Smith 2. R-O -105 93.4 -210 -217.5 217.5 137.5 142.5 -152.5 220 227.5 242.5 602.5 78.66
12/10/2023 7th Greater Tampa Classic Open Championships Frankie Preza 3. R-O -105 102.3 155 160 170 107.5 112.5 117.5 192.5 200 207.5 495 61.85
12/10/2023 7th Greater Tampa Classic Open Championships David Hernandez 0. R-O -105 100.7 175 180 187.5 -120 -120 -120 180 197.5 -215 0 0.00
12/10/2023 7th Greater Tampa Classic Open Championships Noah Ossi 1. R-SJ -66 62.6 145 157.5 170 70 75 80 160 175 200 450 72.18
12/10/2023 7th Greater Tampa Classic Open Championships Art Culloty 1. R-SJ -74 71.4 165 172.5 180 122.5 -130 -132.5 167.5 175 185 487.5 72.91
12/10/2023 7th Greater Tampa Classic Open Championships Chase Mcinerney 1. R-SJ -105 103.5 220 227.5 237.5 95 102.5 -107.5 237.5 250 252.5 592.5 73.64
12/10/2023 7th Greater Tampa Classic Open Championships Matthew Arvelo 1. R-SJ 120+ 130 215 227.5 -237.5 122.5 130 -135 240 250 -265 607.5 68.25
12/10/2023 7th Greater Tampa Classic Open Championships Audrianna Rubio 1. R-JR -63 60.3 60 65 -72.5 117.5 125 -130 190 42.79
12/10/2023 7th Greater Tampa Classic Open Championships Emilee Berning 0. R-JR -84 81.6 47.5 52.5 -55 -102.5 -102.5 -102.5 0 0.00
12/10/2023 7th Greater Tampa Classic Open Championships Faith Clough 1. R-M1 -63 62.3 65 67.5 70 105 110 115 185 40.76
12/10/2023 7th Greater Tampa Classic Open Championships Stefanie Wisselman 1. R-M2 84+ 125.9 35 40 -45 75 85 92.5 132.5 22.54
12/10/2023 7th Greater Tampa Classic Open Championships Yessenia Colin 1. R-O -76 70.2 45 50 52.5 85 92.5 100 152.5 31.30
12/10/2023 7th Greater Tampa Classic Open Championships Mecia St. Clair 1. R-O 84+ 129.6 60 65 -70 115 125 135 200 33.89
12/10/2023 7th Greater Tampa Classic Open Championships Jaeden Burrell 1. R-SJ -63 59.8 42.5 47.5 50 90 100 110 160 36.24
12/10/2023 7th Greater Tampa Classic Open Championships Carl Collins 1. R-O -74 73.2 110 115 -117.5 165 170 175 290 42.83
12/10/2023 7th Greater Tampa Classic Open Championships Clarence Colin 2. R-O -74 74 107.5 110 -117.5 162.5 172.5 177.5 287.5 42.21
12/10/2023 7th Greater Tampa Classic Open Championships Jonathan Desrosiers 1. R-O -83 82.9 -95 102.5 107.5 180 187.5 195 302.5 41.89
12/10/2023 7th Greater Tampa Classic Open Championships Ezekiel Burrell 2. R-O -83 81 87.5 92.5 -100 170 177.5 187.5 280 39.25
12/10/2023 7th Greater Tampa Classic Open Championships Anthony Gonzalez 1. R-O -105 99 125 130 137.5 195 202.5 210 347.5 44.10
12/10/2023 7th Greater Tampa Classic Open Championships Robert Dixson 1. R-O 120+ 138.3 170 182.5 190 200 212.5 227.5 417.5 45.74
12/10/2023 7th Greater Tampa Classic Open Championships Artem Gataullin 1. R-Y 0 0 25 27.5 -28.5 65 70 -77.5 97.5 0.00
12/10/2023 7th Greater Tampa Classic Open Championships Joshua Hanna 1. R-SJ -74 66.6 57.5 65 67.5 125 132.5 137.5 205 31.81
12/10/2023 7th Greater Tampa Classic Open Championships Ezekiel Burrell 1. R-SJ -83 81 87.5 92.5 -100 170 177.5 187.5 280 39.25
12/10/2023 20th Annual Florida Collegiate State Championships David Vadala 1. R-JR -83 82.7 175 212.5 -227.5 125 -145 -145 200 220 -235 557.5 77.31
12/10/2023 20th Annual Florida Collegiate State Championships Lily Rubenstein 1. R-SJ -69 68.2 -142.5 -147.5 147.5 82.5 -85 -85 150 160 -167.5 390 81.32
12/09/2023 GCU Invitational Samantha Montgomery 1. R-JR -63 62.5 105 112.5 117.5 45 50 -55 102.5 117.5 -130 285 62.68
12/09/2023 GCU Invitational Jordan Mitchell 1. R-JR -84 79.5 62.5 70 80 40 45 50 102.5 112.5 -117.5 242.5 46.85
12/09/2023 GCU Invitational Emma Hagen 1. R-JR 84+ 89.7 110 117.5 122.5 -47.5 52.5 60 142.5 152.5 162.5 345 63.60
12/09/2023 GCU Invitational Samantha Ewart 2. R-JR 84+ 113.9 110 120 125 55 -57.5 -57.5 122.5 -130 -130 302.5 52.35
12/09/2023 GCU Invitational Emily Kaselonis 1. R-SJ -52 49.8 70 -77.5 80 37.5 42.5 47.5 102.5 117.5 130 257.5 67.56
12/09/2023 GCU Invitational Faith Anderson 1. R-SJ -69 66.3 -107.5 -107.5 112.5 52.5 57.5 60 122.5 132.5 137.5 310 65.71
12/09/2023 GCU Invitational Abby Gentala 1. R-SJ -76 73.2 92.5 100 105 42.5 50 52.5 102.5 117.5 -127.5 275 55.22
12/09/2023 GCU Invitational Faith Abercrombie 2. R-SJ -76 73.6 75 80 85 35 40 -47.5 105 115 122.5 247.5 49.56
12/09/2023 GCU Invitational Tianna Forbes 1. R-SJ -84 81.6 -87.5 90 -92.5 42.5 47.5 -50 102.5 117.5 -130 255 48.73
12/09/2023 GCU Invitational Luke Hoyle 1. R-JR -66 64.6 165 170 -182.5 115 120 127.5 170 180 190 487.5 76.86
12/09/2023 GCU Invitational Austin Ayers 1. R-JR -74 73.6 142.5 147.5 -155 82.5 90 -95 190 -210 210 447.5 65.88
12/09/2023 GCU Invitational Shane Wickham 2. R-JR -74 70.3 -137.5 -137.5 142.5 115 120 -125 165 170 177.5 440 66.35
12/09/2023 GCU Invitational Blake Wickham 3. R-JR -74 71.4 -130 140 -142.5 -115 117.5 -122.5 170 175 182.5 440 65.83
12/09/2023 GCU Invitational Dawson Aaron 1. R-JR -83 77.8 217.5 225 230 150 -160 -160 235 245 -252.5 625 89.42
12/09/2023 GCU Invitational Tyler Lewis 2. R-JR -83 79.3 165 175 185 87.5 -95 -95 205 215 225 497.5 70.48
12/09/2023 GCU Invitational Brandon Parker 3. R-JR -83 82.1 152.5 165 -170 132.5 140 -142.5 180 190 -195 495 68.92
12/09/2023 GCU Invitational Chris Carpenter 4. R-JR -83 76.2 137.5 142.5 152.5 82.5 90 -102.5 155 167.5 180 422.5 61.12
12/09/2023 GCU Invitational Fernando Cortes 5. R-JR -83 77.5 125 135 147.5 85 90 -95 162.5 170 180 417.5 59.87
12/09/2023 GCU Invitational Jacob Senior 1. R-JR -93 88.1 150 -160 -170 102.5 112.5 -120 160 175 190 452.5 60.81
12/09/2023 GCU Invitational Michael Kawagoe 1. R-JR -105 101.5 220 -230 135 145 -150 275 280 290 655 82.16
12/09/2023 GCU Invitational Jeffrey Conner 2. R-JR -105 99.9 182.5 190 195 130 -140 -140 220 235 242.5 567.5 71.74
12/09/2023 GCU Invitational Scott Ramboyon 3. R-JR -105 101.5 165 177.5 185 100 110 120 205 215 -227.5 520 65.23
12/09/2023 GCU Invitational Zach Davis 1. R-O 120+ 124.4 235 245 250 137.5 142.5 150 275 282.5 287.5 687.5 78.69
12/09/2023 GCU Invitational Matthew Twist 1. R-SJ -74 73.6 175 192.5 195 112.5 125 -132.5 205 215 227.5 547.5 80.63
12/09/2023 GCU Invitational Marcelo Chanaba 2. R-SJ -74 72.3 105 -115 127.5 95 -102.5 110 140 155 172.5 410 60.92
12/09/2023 GCU Invitational Kyle Cayabyab 1. R-SJ -83 79.7 -200 205 212.5 125 -135 -140 -237.5 250 260 597.5 84.43
12/09/2023 GCU Invitational Teddy Cundiff 1. R-SJ -93 88.8 -157.5 -162.5 162.5 102.5 107.5 112.5 170 -185 -187.5 445 59.57
12/09/2023 GCU Invitational Jonathan Quiroz 1. R-SJ -105 95.9 190 195 202.5 -92.5 102.5 -107.5 205 220 237.5 542.5 69.94
12/09/2023 GCU Invitational Quinn Brownlee 2. R-SJ -105 98.7 152.5 160 170 97.5 102.5 110 207.5 212.5 235 515 65.48
12/09/2023 Overload Winter Classic II Maura Shuttleworth 1. O -57 57 115 120 -125 120 77.52
12/09/2023 Overload Winter Classic II Diane Arthur 1. R-M1 84+ 101.8 112.5 127.5 137.5 70 82.5 92.5 145 162.5 175 405 71.90
12/09/2023 Overload Winter Classic II Deborah Laufersweiler-Dwyer 1. R-M3 -76 73.1 42.5 47.5 52.5 25 30 35 55 65 75 162.5 32.65
12/09/2023 Overload Winter Classic II Sadie Soto 0. R-O -69 68.3 -102.5 -102.5 -102.5 -52.5 -52.5 -52.5 100 107.5 112.5 0 0.00
12/09/2023 Overload Winter Classic II Itzel Rivera 1. R-O -69 67.8 60 65 70 -25 25 32.5 72.5 80 -90 182.5 38.20
12/09/2023 Overload Winter Classic II Kloie (Doublin) Nutt 1. R-O -76 76 75 75 75 225 44.36
12/09/2023 Overload Winter Classic II Jessica Brennan 1. R-O 84+ 114 105 117.5 125 75 82.5 87.5 127.5 142.5 155 367.5 63.59
12/09/2023 Overload Winter Classic II Emma Wade 1. R-SJ -52 51.4 57.5 70 -80 35 40 -42.5 62.5 72.5 80 190 48.46
12/09/2023 Overload Winter Classic II Tim Rickert 1. M3 -83 83 -115 115 125 92.5 -97.5 -97.5 145 155 165 382.5 44.17
12/09/2023 Overload Winter Classic II Thomas Cencich 0. M3 -93 92.6 195 205 210 -200 -200 -200 185 200 -212.5 0 0.00
12/09/2023 Overload Winter Classic II James Brookshire 1. M3 -105 101.4 175 -185 185 135 -142.5 -142.5 -175 175 190 510 52.99
12/09/2023 Overload Winter Classic II Nathan Clarke 1. R-JR -93 90.3 230 255 260 130 -132.5 -132.5 255 275 285 675 89.59
12/09/2023 Overload Winter Classic II Daniel Phillips Jr 1. R-JR -120 107.9 180 185 190 115 -122.5 -122.5 227.5 -237.5 242.5 547.5 66.75
12/09/2023 Overload Winter Classic II Dham Khalsa 1. R-M1 -93 90.9 152.5 162.5 177.5 110 120 130 175 195 210 517.5 68.48
12/09/2023 Overload Winter Classic II Joseph Brey 1. R-O -120 114.5 155 167.5 180 125 -140 -140 190 210 230 535 63.49
12/09/2023 Overload Winter Classic II Alex Galant 1. R-M4 -74 68 90 100 107.5 40 45 47.5 102.5 115 125 280 42.97
12/09/2023 Overload Winter Classic II Russ Marr 1. R-M4 -83 80.1 137.5 145 150 95 100 -102.5 207.5 220 227.5 477.5 67.32
12/09/2023 Overload Winter Classic II Logan Dwyer 1. R-O -74 74 145 152.5 160 82.5 87.5 92.5 165 175 185 437.5 64.23
12/09/2023 Overload Winter Classic II Aaron Underwood 1. R-O -83 81.3 190 195 105 115 120 200 215 530 74.14
12/09/2023 Overload Winter Classic II Arturo Gutierrez 2. R-O -83 78 165 175 182.5 105 110 -112.5 197.5 205 210 502.5 71.82
12/09/2023 Overload Winter Classic II Nikhil Pailoor 3. R-O -83 80.6 122.5 132.5 140 77.5 85 87.5 140 152.5 165 392.5 55.15
12/09/2023 Overload Winter Classic II Andrew Salazar 1. R-O -93 91.7 -175 182.5 187.5 115 120 -122.5 215 220 227.5 535 70.49
12/09/2023 Overload Winter Classic II Dham Khalsa 2. R-O -93 90.9 152.5 162.5 177.5 110 120 130 175 195 210 517.5 68.48
12/09/2023 Overload Winter Classic II Cristian Zamora 3. R-O -93 92.6 150 172.5 -200 -102.5 107.5 -125 185 227.5 232.5 512.5 67.20
12/09/2023 Overload Winter Classic II Michael Tynes 4. R-O -93 88.2 125 147.5 165 60 70 82.5 140 165 182.5 430 57.76
12/09/2023 Overload Winter Classic II Zac Dodge 1. R-O -105 102.3 195 207.5 220 115 122.5 -132.5 210 227.5 -242.5 570 71.25
12/09/2023 Overload Winter Classic II Arjuna Delph 2. R-O -105 104.4 -175 175 -190 100 105 -107.5 -195 195 -210 475 58.80
12/09/2023 Overload Winter Classic II Robert Lazarin 1. R-O 120+ 169.4 280 305 330 165 182.5 195 275 305 320 845 85.85
12/09/2023 Overload Winter Classic II Donald Vigil 2. R-O 120+ 123.4 182.5 202.5 -215 125 -137.5 145 205 222.5 227.5 575 66.04
12/09/2023 Overload Winter Classic II Ethan Weeks 1. R-SJ -66 66 115 130 137.5 70 77.5 -82.5 130 142.5 155 370 57.70
12/09/2023 Overload Winter Classic II Ryan Roth 0. R-SJ -83 81.7 152.5 160 -167.5 -100 -105 -105 170 175 182.5 0 0.00
12/09/2023 Overload Winter Classic II Damien Anderson 1. R-SJ -93 92.3 -110 122.5 -137.5 50 -55 60 112.5 125 140 322.5 42.35
12/09/2023 Overload Winter Classic II Arjuna Delph 1. R-SJ -105 104.4 -175 175 -190 100 105 -107.5 -195 195 -210 475 58.80
12/09/2023 Overload Winter Classic II Noah Wade 2. R-SJ -105 99.1 155 172.5 182.5 75 87.5 97.5 155 175 187.5 467.5 59.31
12/09/2023 Overload Winter Classic II CJ Van Pelt 1. R-M4 -69 68 35 37.5 40 75 80 85 125 26.11
12/09/2023 Overload Winter Classic II James Brookshire 1. M3 -105 101.4 135 -142.5 -142.5 -175 175 190 325 33.77
12/09/2023 The Power Express Grace Ashby 1. R-JR -63 58.5 115 122.5 -130 70 75 77.5 130 140 147.5 347.5 79.97
12/09/2023 The Power Express Hannah Smith 1. R-JR -69 66.3 125 135 -145 -75 82.5 -85 137.5 150 -162.5 367.5 77.90
12/09/2023 The Power Express Hanna Moenkemier 1. R-JR -84 80.2 -70 77.5 -87.5 42.5 50 -57.5 95 102.5 110 237.5 45.71
12/09/2023 The Power Express Wendy Shoemaker 1. R-M3 84+ 104.3 110 115 120 70 -75 -75 125 130 140 330 58.22
12/09/2023 The Power Express Barbara Crews 2. R-M3 84+ 91.6 70 -75 75 47.5 52.5 -55 80 87.5 -92.5 215 39.36
12/09/2023 The Power Express Sarah Hillman 1. R-O -63 63 -77.5 77.5 82.5 -65 65 70 105 112.5 117.5 270 59.07
12/09/2023 The Power Express Hannah Smith 1. R-O -69 66.3 125 135 -145 -75 82.5 -85 137.5 150 -162.5 367.5 77.90
12/09/2023 The Power Express Katelyn Bunch 1. R-O 84+ 105.8 -180 180 -185 90 100 -102.5 150 160 -170 440 77.36
12/09/2023 The Power Express Emily Manzo 2. R-O 84+ 97.6 -147.5 155 170 55 60 -65 165 175 182.5 412.5 74.06
12/09/2023 The Power Express Angelica Pena 3. R-O 84+ 133.4 -125 -140 150 60 67.5 -75 127.5 142.5 162.5 380 64.15
12/09/2023 The Power Express Hattie shoemaker 4. R-O 84+ 92.7 130 137.5 142.5 -80 80 82.5 140 150 -155 375 68.39
12/09/2023 The Power Express Jasmin Adams 5. R-O 84+ 87.6 115 -120 120 60 65 70 150 155 160 350 65.07
12/09/2023 The Power Express Sara West 6. R-O 84+ 96.6 125 130 135 60 65 -70 130 137.5 140 340 61.23
12/09/2023 The Power Express John Mccord 1. R-M3 -105 98.8 125 137.5 150 117.5 125 130 175 190 202.5 482.5 61.31
12/09/2023 The Power Express Joseph Falck 0. R-M1 -120 107.4 -165 -165 165 -107.5 -107.5 -107.5 165 175 -180 0 0.00
12/09/2023 The Power Express Juan Delgado-Lopez 1. R-O -74 71.4 190 202.5 215 142.5 150 -155 210 225 232.5 597.5 89.37
12/09/2023 The Power Express Phillip Adams 2. R-O -74 73.8 145 150 155 85 87.5 -92.5 175 185 192.5 435 63.95
12/09/2023 The Power Express Erasto Ferrer Jr 1. R-O -93 91.5 215 -225 -225 140 142.5 145 240 250 272.5 632.5 83.41
12/09/2023 The Power Express Steven Travis 2. R-O -93 91.1 147.5 165 172.5 117.5 122.5 127.5 185 202.5 207.5 507.5 67.07
12/09/2023 The Power Express Wesley Martinez Castro 1. R-O -105 98 -187.5 187.5 202.5 -135 135 142.5 225 -240 240 585 74.62
12/09/2023 The Power Express Jake Malinowski 2. R-O -105 100.2 -190 190 200 132.5 -140 -140 197.5 212.5 227.5 560 70.68
12/09/2023 The Power Express Adis Sator 3. R-O -105 100.1 185 197.5 -210 120 -130 -130 180 192.5 205 522.5 65.98
12/09/2023 The Power Express Ricardo Jimenez 1. R-O 120+ 157.2 165 185 205 105 -120 127.5 185 207.5 230 562.5 58.67
12/09/2023 The Power Express Justin Donato 1. R-G -105 95.1 210 222.5 227.5 110 115 120 230 245 255 602.5 77.97
12/09/2023 The Power Express Cooper Davis 1. R-JR -66 65.2 132.5 142.5 150 97.5 107.5 -112.5 162.5 170 -175 427.5 67.07
12/09/2023 The Power Express Dennis Meas 1. R-JR -74 70.6 140 145 152.5 72.5 82.5 87.5 170 180 -190 420 63.19
12/09/2023 The Power Express Kyle Johnson 1. R-JR -93 91 212.5 -220 225 140 150 -155 215 230 -235 605 79.99
12/09/2023 The Power Express Wyatt Sluder 2. R-JR -93 90.9 160 170 -180 102.5 110 115 175 185 195 480 63.50
12/09/2023 The Power Express Angel Cortes 1. R-JR -120 115.9 230 -235 -240 -160 170 -175 250 -265 -265 650 76.73
12/09/2023 The Power Express Ethan Donato 2. R-JR -120 113.7 210 225 235 97.5 105 -110 240 252.5 267.5 607.5 72.32
12/09/2023 The Power Express Esteban Mallory 1. R-SJ -59 58.2 152.5 155 -157.5 95 100 102.5 200 207.5 -212.5 465 77.51
12/09/2023 The Power Express Matthew Muller 2. R-SJ -59 57.3 85 100 110 67.5 72.5 75 110 125 142.5 327.5 55.05
12/09/2023 The Power Express Christian Hoffman 1. R-SJ -74 72.2 172.5 182.5 -190 90 97.5 102.5 190 200 210 495 73.61
12/09/2023 The Power Express Joshua Boggess 2. R-SJ -74 71.5 137.5 145 -160 105 110 115 170 177.5 -187.5 437.5 65.39
12/09/2023 The Power Express Logan Bates 3. R-SJ -74 68.3 147.5 152.5 -160 90 97.5 -100 155 160 167.5 417.5 63.92
12/09/2023 The Power Express Jacob Reimers 1. R-SJ -83 80.5 120 -130 -152.5 67.5 75 -82.5 120 135 -150 330 46.39
12/09/2023 The Power Express Victor Herrera 1. R-SJ -93 88.5 220 237.5 -250 125 132.5 -142.5 215 237.5 -242.5 607.5 81.44
12/09/2023 The Power Express Ethan Jarnutowski 2. R-SJ -93 92 182.5 190 200 90 100 -107.5 215 230 237.5 537.5 70.69
12/09/2023 The Power Express Dylan McDowell 1. R-SJ -105 104.9 235 245 252.5 155 157.5 -160 237.5 247.5 -260 657.5 81.21
12/09/2023 The Power Express Brayden Coy 2. R-SJ -105 98.9 182.5 200 220 130 137.5 -142.5 182.5 200 -220 557.5 70.80
12/09/2023 The Power Express Anthony Bruce 3. R-SJ -105 97.4 185 200 207.5 100 110 -115 175 185 190 507.5 64.92
12/09/2023 The Power Express Nicholas Adams 4. R-SJ -105 95.2 145 -150 152.5 110 115 130 165 175 -190 457.5 59.17
12/09/2023 The Power Express Jake Bruce 5. R-SJ -105 98.4 110 115 120 75 -85 -85 115 125 142.5 337.5 42.97
12/09/2023 Maryland Holiday Classic Eleanor Gease 1. R-M1 -63 61.9 100 107.5 115 60 65 70 120 130 132.5 317.5 70.27
12/09/2023 Maryland Holiday Classic Lacee Mullen 1. R-M1 -69 68.3 122.5 -132.5 140 60 65 70 140 150 -157.5 360 75.01
12/09/2023 Maryland Holiday Classic Rosalind Sutch 1. R-M1 84+ 87 150 155 160 82.5 85 -87.5 140 150 160 405 75.48
12/09/2023 Maryland Holiday Classic Linda Gorham 1. R-M4 84+ 94.9 92.5 97.5 107.5 55 60 67.5 120 -127.5 127.5 302.5 54.76
12/09/2023 Maryland Holiday Classic Courtney Dixon 1. R-O -57 53.7 82.5 87.5 92.5 50 52.5 55 117.5 122.5 127.5 275 67.59
12/09/2023 Maryland Holiday Classic Elena Pikounis 1. R-O -76 74.1 117.5 125 132.5 67.5 72.5 75 145 152.5 160 367.5 73.34
12/09/2023 Maryland Holiday Classic Alexandria Memphis 2. R-O -76 75.1 70 75 82.5 47.5 52.5 57.5 92.5 102.5 115 255 50.56
12/09/2023 Maryland Holiday Classic Esther Scott 1. R-O -84 79.6 160 165 170 92.5 97.5 -100 172.5 185 192.5 460 88.82
12/09/2023 Maryland Holiday Classic Whitney DeGraaf 2. R-O -84 83.7 145 155 -160 87.5 90 92.5 160 170 175 422.5 79.90
12/09/2023 Maryland Holiday Classic Juliana Apfel 3. R-O -84 82.5 90 100 110 60 65 -70 115 125 137.5 312.5 59.44
12/09/2023 Maryland Holiday Classic Katherine Aizpuru 4. R-O -84 82.8 75 80 87.5 60 -62.5 62.5 115 122.5 130 280 53.18
12/09/2023 Maryland Holiday Classic Michelle Hendrickson 5. R-O -84 79.6 82.5 90 95 55 60 62.5 107.5 112.5 120 277.5 53.58
12/09/2023 Maryland Holiday Classic Rosalind Sutch 1. R-O 84+ 87 150 155 160 82.5 85 -87.5 140 150 160 405 75.48
12/09/2023 Maryland Holiday Classic Leah Wissow 2. R-O 84+ 98.4 132.5 137.5 142.5 87.5 92.5 -97.5 135 142.5 150 385 68.97
12/09/2023 Maryland Holiday Classic Hannah Platt 3. R-O 84+ 103.6 125 135 142.5 75 80 -82.5 132.5 142.5 155 377.5 66.71
12/09/2023 Maryland Holiday Classic Alexandra Neal 4. R-O 84+ 95.2 90 97.5 102.5 -45 -52.5 52.5 102.5 112.5 117.5 272.5 49.29
12/09/2023 Maryland Holiday Classic Gabriela Maslowski 1. R-SJ -69 65.9 80 85 -92.5 57.5 60 62.5 115 122.5 127.5 275 58.51
12/09/2023 Maryland Holiday Classic Kiersten Madoo 1. R-JR 84+ 91.4 -82.5 85 90 90 65.93
12/09/2023 Maryland Holiday Classic Maurice Huggins 1. R-JR -66 65.8 185 197.5 -205 130 137.5 -140 200 215 220 555 86.65
12/09/2023 Maryland Holiday Classic Billy Zetino-Medrano 1. R-JR -74 73.6 185 200 -205 -125 125 -127.5 205 220 227.5 552.5 81.36
12/09/2023 Maryland Holiday Classic Zachary Pearson 2. R-JR -74 70.9 -155 170 -185 120 135 -142.5 210 225 -240 530 79.56
12/09/2023 Maryland Holiday Classic Piero Torrico 1. R-JR -105 102.3 160 172.5 180 110 120 127.5 175 190 200 507.5 63.43
12/09/2023 Maryland Holiday Classic Dominik Maslowski 1. R-JR 120+ 133.6 182.5 192.5 -207.5 110 115 120 200 -212.5 -212.5 512.5 56.93
12/09/2023 Maryland Holiday Classic Michael Haran 1. R-M1 -74 73.6 230 240 250 140 147.5 -150 225 240 -250 637.5 93.86
12/09/2023 Maryland Holiday Classic Sam Young 1. R-M1 -105 97.6 210 220 225 132.5 140 147.5 227.5 240 250 622.5 79.57
12/09/2023 Maryland Holiday Classic Vadim Snitkovsky 2. R-M1 -105 100.7 190 205 215 120 130 135 222.5 240 255 605 76.18
12/09/2023 Maryland Holiday Classic Nathan Gorham 1. R-M1 -120 119.8 175 200 275 190 -200 215 250 275 -290 765 88.98
12/09/2023 Maryland Holiday Classic Brian Poore 1. R-M1 120+ 128.4 -185 190 200 130 135 137.5 185 197.5 200 537.5 60.70
12/09/2023 Maryland Holiday Classic Thaddeus Say 1. R-M2 -93 85.3 145 155 165 105 115 120 210 220 230 515 70.32
12/09/2023 Maryland Holiday Classic David Nicastro 1. R-M3 -74 73 95 85 175 355 52.50
12/09/2023 Maryland Holiday Classic Shaun Eisenhauer 1. R-M3 -83 82.5 145 152.5 160 100 107.5 112.5 175 185 195 467.5 64.92
12/09/2023 Maryland Holiday Classic Robert Moore 1. R-M4 -93 90.9 165 172.5 175 125 130 -132.5 165 175 -180 480 63.50
12/09/2023 Maryland Holiday Classic Michael Haran 1. R-O -74 73.6 230 240 250 140 147.5 -150 225 240 -250 637.5 93.86
12/09/2023 Maryland Holiday Classic Martin Hsieh 2. R-O -74 73.5 -207.5 207.5 217.5 -125 125 -132.5 247.5 262.5 -267.5 605 89.13
12/09/2023 Maryland Holiday Classic Derek Logrande 1. R-O -83 78 192.5 205 217.5 152.5 162.5 172.5 210 220 230 620 88.59
12/09/2023 Maryland Holiday Classic Alexander Lo 2. R-O -83 79.5 130 140 150 130 137.5 142.5 145 160 175 467.5 66.15
12/09/2023 Maryland Holiday Classic Erick Claure-Orellana 1. R-O -93 86.8 200 220 235 160 -175 180 205 225 242.5 657.5 89.01
12/09/2023 Maryland Holiday Classic Daniel Santana 2. R-O -93 86 210 220 230 125 130 -132.5 240 250 -262.5 610 82.95
12/09/2023 Maryland Holiday Classic Adam Kotschwar 3. R-O -93 89.9 -185 185 205 117.5 122.5 -127.5 227.5 -250 250 577.5 76.82
12/09/2023 Maryland Holiday Classic Robert Moore 4. R-O -93 90.9 165 172.5 175 125 130 -132.5 165 175 -180 480 63.50
12/09/2023 Maryland Holiday Classic Gideon Epstein 5. R-O -93 89 125 -135 140 87.5 92.5 97.5 182.5 195 210 447.5 59.82
12/09/2023 Maryland Holiday Classic David Brennan 1. R-O -105 104 237.5 257.5 270 175 -180 180 242.5 257.5 270 720 89.29
12/09/2023 Maryland Holiday Classic Vadim Snitkovsky 2. R-O -105 100.7 190 205 215 120 130 135 222.5 240 255 605 76.18
12/09/2023 Maryland Holiday Classic Alan Kominowski 3. R-O -105 97.7 200 -207.5 212.5 120 127.5 132.5 210 225 232.5 577.5 73.77
12/09/2023 Maryland Holiday Classic Francisco Ortiz 1. R-SJ -83 79.8 200 215 225 117.5 125 -132.5 230 250 260 610 86.14
12/09/2023 Maryland Holiday Classic Haris Fazlic 0. R-SJ -83 81.1 -160 -160 -160 -95 -95 170 180 -185 0 0.00
12/09/2023 Maryland Holiday Classic Ronan Cammisa 1. R-SJ -93 84 -135 -145 145 90 100 -110 165 180 190 435 59.85
12/09/2023 Maryland Holiday Classic Erick Gonsalez 1. R-SJ -120 108 155 160 170 105 112.5 117.5 205 220 -235 507.5 61.86
12/09/2023 Maryland Holiday Classic Billy Zetino-Medrano 1. R-JR -74 73.6 -125 125 -127.5 125 66.87
12/09/2023 Maryland Holiday Classic Konstantin Popov 1. R-M1 -93 90.4 115 -125 125 125 60.13
12/09/2023 Maryland Holiday Classic Chris Felix 1. R-M2 120+ 120.5 135 145 -155 145 61.07
12/09/2023 Maryland Holiday Classic Howard Sturman 1. R-M3 -83 82.4 155 -162.5 -167.5 155 78.14
12/09/2023 Maryland Holiday Classic Ken (Reggie) Snodgrass 2. R-M3 -83 76.4 80 102.5 -107.5 102.5 53.76
12/09/2023 Maryland Holiday Classic Michael Dudley 1. R-O -120 107.1 227.5 230 232.5 232.5 103.16
12/09/2023 Carolina Qualifier Mayra Vahldick 1. R-JR -69 67.9 92.5 102.5 -112.5 50 55 -57.5 105 115 130 287.5 60.13
12/09/2023 Carolina Qualifier Amy Mason 1. R-M1 -63 63 130 135 140 70 72.5 75 157.5 162.5 172.5 387.5 84.82
12/09/2023 Carolina Qualifier Amy Mason 0. R-O -63 63 130 135 140 70 72.5 75 157.5 162.5 172.5 387.5 84.82
12/09/2023 Carolina Qualifier Stephanie Hayden 1. R-O -69 64.9 -120 120 125 55 57.5 60 127.5 137.5 142.5 327.5 70.36
12/09/2023 Carolina Qualifier Ekaterina Arnold 1. R-O -76 72.4 115 120 130 65 72.5 75 120 130 135 340 68.68
12/09/2023 Carolina Qualifier Patricio Ortiz 1. R-JR -74 71.8 167.5 177.5 -182.5 92.5 100 107.5 195 205 210 495 73.82
12/09/2023 Carolina Qualifier Brandon Jones 1. R-JR -93 92.8 75 125 175 75 125 175 75 125 175 525 68.77
12/09/2023 Carolina Qualifier Andrew Cargill 1. R-JR -105 100.5 225 237.5 242.5 165 175 177.5 255 267.5 -280 687.5 86.67
12/09/2023 Carolina Qualifier Kindley Dill 1. R-O -93 90.1 175 200 -225 140 145 -150 175 225 240 585 77.75
12/09/2023 Carolina Qualifier Justin Noller 1. R-SJ -66 61.8 152.5 160 167.5 82.5 -87.5 87.5 172.5 -182.5 185 440 71.06
12/09/2023 Carolina Qualifier Hayden Pittman 1. R-SJ -74 72.8 180 -190 190 110 117.5 -130 200 207.5 -217.5 515 76.28
12/09/2023 32nd Annual Florida Senior (Masters Age 50+) Games Championships Cris Coniglio 1. R-M2 84+ 93.3 95 100 107.5 55 62.5 67.5 100 110 112.5 287.5 52.33
12/09/2023 32nd Annual Florida Senior (Masters Age 50+) Games Championships Kimberly Hopkins 1. R-M2 -84 80.5 60 70 82.5 40 47.5 -50 70 85 100 230 44.19
12/09/2023 32nd Annual Florida Senior (Masters Age 50+) Games Championships Crystal DelGuidice 2. R-M3 -69 63.7 55 60 65 52.5 -55 55 65 77.5 85 205 44.53
12/09/2023 32nd Annual Florida Senior (Masters Age 50+) Games Championships Alice Warner 3. R-M3 -69 65.1 40 50 55 32.5 35 -40 70 77.5 82.5 172.5 36.97
12/09/2023 32nd Annual Florida Senior (Masters Age 50+) Games Championships Tina Weber 1. R-M3 -69 68.3 90 105 107.5 62.5 65 67.5 110 115 120 295 61.49
12/09/2023 32nd Annual Florida Senior (Masters Age 50+) Games Championships Debbie Bookman 1. R-M3 -76 72.7 72.5 77.5 80 47.5 52.5 -55 102.5 112.5 117.5 250 50.37
12/09/2023 32nd Annual Florida Senior (Masters Age 50+) Games Championships Sue Judd 1. R-M3 -84 83.1 65 67.5 75 37.5 42.5 45 80 85 92.5 212.5 40.30
12/09/2023 32nd Annual Florida Senior (Masters Age 50+) Games Championships Linda Rousseau 1. R-M4 -84 79.5 85 95 102.5 30 35 40 85 95 105 247.5 47.83
12/09/2023 32nd Annual Florida Senior (Masters Age 50+) Games Championships Cris Coniglio 1. R-M2 84+ 93.3 55 62.5 67.5 67.5 49.27
12/09/2023 32nd Annual Florida Senior (Masters Age 50+) Games Championships Kimberly Hopkins 1. R-M2 -84 80.5 40 47.5 -50 47.5 35.84
12/09/2023 32nd Annual Florida Senior (Masters Age 50+) Games Championships Crystal DelGuidice 2. R-M3 -69 63.7 52.5 -55 55 55 45.61
12/09/2023 32nd Annual Florida Senior (Masters Age 50+) Games Championships Alice Warner 3. R-M3 -69 65.1 32.5 35 -40 35 28.69
12/09/2023 32nd Annual Florida Senior (Masters Age 50+) Games Championships Tina Weber 1. R-M3 -69 68.3 62.5 65 67.5 67.5 54.09
12/09/2023 32nd Annual Florida Senior (Masters Age 50+) Games Championships Debbie Bookman 1. R-M3 -76 72.7 47.5 52.5 -55 52.5 40.97
12/09/2023 32nd Annual Florida Senior (Masters Age 50+) Games Championships Sue Judd 1. R-M3 -84 83.1 37.5 42.5 45 45 33.66
12/09/2023 32nd Annual Florida Senior (Masters Age 50+) Games Championships Linda Rousseau 1. R-M4 -84 79.5 30 35 40 40 30.30
12/09/2023 32nd Annual Florida Senior (Masters Age 50+) Games Championships Cris Coniglio 1. R-M2 84+ 93.3 55 62.5 67.5 100 110 112.5 180 32.76
12/09/2023 32nd Annual Florida Senior (Masters Age 50+) Games Championships Kimberly Hopkins 1. R-M2 -84 80.5 40 47.5 -50 70 85 100 147.5 28.34
12/09/2023 32nd Annual Florida Senior (Masters Age 50+) Games Championships Crystal DelGuidice 1. R-M3 -69 63.7 52.5 -55 55 65 77.5 85 140 30.41
12/09/2023 32nd Annual Florida Senior (Masters Age 50+) Games Championships Alice Warner 2. R-M3 -69 65.1 32.5 35 -40 70 77.5 82.5 117.5 25.18
12/09/2023 32nd Annual Florida Senior (Masters Age 50+) Games Championships Debbie Bookman 1. R-M3 -76 72.7 47.5 52.5 -55 102.5 112.5 117.5 170 34.25
12/09/2023 32nd Annual Florida Senior (Masters Age 50+) Games Championships Sue Judd 1. R-M3 -84 83.1 37.5 42.5 45 80 85 92.5 137.5 26.07
12/09/2023 32nd Annual Florida Senior (Masters Age 50+) Games Championships Linda Rousseau 1. R-M4 -84 79.5 30 35 40 85 95 105 145 28.02
12/09/2023 32nd Annual Florida Senior (Masters Age 50+) Games Championships Cris Coniglio 1. R-M2 84+ 93.3 100 110 112.5 112.5 20.48
12/09/2023 32nd Annual Florida Senior (Masters Age 50+) Games Championships Kimberly Hopkins 1. R-M2 -84 80.5 70 85 100 100 19.21
12/09/2023 32nd Annual Florida Senior (Masters Age 50+) Games Championships Crystal DelGuidice 1. R-M3 -69 63.7 65 77.5 85 85 18.46
12/09/2023 32nd Annual Florida Senior (Masters Age 50+) Games Championships Alice Warner 2. R-M3 -69 65.1 70 77.5 82.5 82.5 17.68
12/09/2023 32nd Annual Florida Senior (Masters Age 50+) Games Championships Debbie Bookman 1. R-M3 -76 72.7 102.5 112.5 117.5 117.5 23.67
12/09/2023 32nd Annual Florida Senior (Masters Age 50+) Games Championships Sue Judd 1. R-M3 -84 83.1 80 85 92.5 92.5 17.54
12/09/2023 32nd Annual Florida Senior (Masters Age 50+) Games Championships Gregory Rawls 1. R-M2 -120 114.2 232.5 247.5 -250 137.5 152.5 160 250 -265 -265 657.5 78.13
12/09/2023 32nd Annual Florida Senior (Masters Age 50+) Games Championships Darren Nemow 1. R-M2 -105 95.1 192.5 205 215 120 127.5 132.5 200 225 237.5 585 75.70
12/09/2023 32nd Annual Florida Senior (Masters Age 50+) Games Championships Anthony Moffett 1. R-M2 -93 86.3 115 122.5 147.5 120 137.5 -142.5 160 202.5 225 510 69.22
12/09/2023 32nd Annual Florida Senior (Masters Age 50+) Games Championships Jason Pearson 2. R-M2 -120 113 187.5 -195 125 127.5 130 237.5 -250 555 66.25
12/09/2023 32nd Annual Florida Senior (Masters Age 50+) Games Championships Paul Hampton 1. R-M2 -83 80.6 135 145 147.5 117.5 122.5 125 157.5 162.5 165 437.5 61.47
12/09/2023 32nd Annual Florida Senior (Masters Age 50+) Games Championships Keith Carlascio 3. R-M2 -120 113 157.5 172.5 185 110 120 125 187.5 -200 497.5 59.41
12/09/2023 32nd Annual Florida Senior (Masters Age 50+) Games Championships Glenn Oxford 1. R-M2 120+ 139.6 142.5 145 150 125 -137.5 142.5 165 185 205 497.5 54.30
12/09/2023 32nd Annual Florida Senior (Masters Age 50+) Games Championships Stephen Hopkins 2. R-M2 -93 91.8 135 145 155 100 107.5 -115 190 210 225 487.5 64.17
12/09/2023 32nd Annual Florida Senior (Masters Age 50+) Games Championships Michael Paterno 1. R-M3 -120 119.7 125 137.5 150 110 122.5 130 165 182.5 200 480 55.86
12/09/2023 32nd Annual Florida Senior (Masters Age 50+) Games Championships Leland Frataccia 1. R-M3 -66 60.9 100 105 -110 77.5 82.5 -85 130 135 140 327.5 53.29
12/09/2023 32nd Annual Florida Senior (Masters Age 50+) Games Championships Eric Erskine 1. R-M3 -83 82 -130 -130 130 85 87.5 90 175 182.5 -185 402.5 56.05
12/09/2023 32nd Annual Florida Senior (Masters Age 50+) Games Championships Richard Dafonte 1. R-M3 -93 89.7 70 -115 115 105 -110 -110 185 200 -202.5 420 55.93
12/09/2023 32nd Annual Florida Senior (Masters Age 50+) Games Championships Michael Macmillan 1. R-M4 -83 81.4 92.5 97.5 100 75 77.5 -80 120 125 132.5 310 43.33
12/09/2023 32nd Annual Florida Senior (Masters Age 50+) Games Championships Gary Edwards 1. R-M4 -105 98.3 145 -155 155 90 100 105 182.5 195 200 460 58.60
12/09/2023 32nd Annual Florida Senior (Masters Age 50+) Games Championships George Geots 1. R-M4 -59 57.4 -70 70 72.5 47.5 50 52.5 132.5 140 142.5 267.5 44.94
12/09/2023 32nd Annual Florida Senior (Masters Age 50+) Games Championships Michael Dollard 2. R-M4 -105 96.2 110 120 125 25 160 175 182.5 332.5 42.79
12/09/2023 32nd Annual Florida Senior (Masters Age 50+) Games Championships Randy Judd 2. R-M4 -93 92 -90 90 -95 65 72.5 -75 115 120 125 287.5 37.82
12/09/2023 32nd Annual Florida Senior (Masters Age 50+) Games Championships John Carraro 3. R-M4 -105 99 -80 -80 80 62.5 70 -80 82.5 92.5 102.5 252.5 32.05
12/09/2023 32nd Annual Florida Senior (Masters Age 50+) Games Championships John M Alderman 1. R-M4 -93 85.5 90 100 100 107.5 -110 115 130 140 347.5 47.39
12/09/2023 32nd Annual Florida Senior (Masters Age 50+) Games Championships Anthony Dicandia 1. R-M5 -105 103.4 -62.5 -62.5 62.5 102.5 107.5 -110 115 120 122.5 292.5 36.37
12/09/2023 32nd Annual Florida Senior (Masters Age 50+) Games Championships David Parsons 1. R-M5 -83 80.7 45 62.5 65 -67.5 -67.5 80 65 80 102.5 247.5 34.75
12/09/2023 32nd Annual Florida Senior (Masters Age 50+) Games Championships Duncan Beck 0. R-M5 -66 64 30 -32.5 -32.5 -30 62.5 70 77.5 0 0.00
12/09/2023 32nd Annual Florida Senior (Masters Age 50+) Games Championships Anthony Moffett 1. R-M2 -93 86.3 120 137.5 -142.5 137.5 67.71
12/09/2023 32nd Annual Florida Senior (Masters Age 50+) Games Championships Jason Pearson 1. R-M2 -120 113 125 127.5 130 130 56.29
12/09/2023 32nd Annual Florida Senior (Masters Age 50+) Games Championships Stephen Hopkins 2. R-M2 -93 91.8 100 107.5 -115 107.5 51.32
12/09/2023 32nd Annual Florida Senior (Masters Age 50+) Games Championships Paul Hampton 1. R-M2 -83 80.6 117.5 122.5 125 125 63.74
12/09/2023 32nd Annual Florida Senior (Masters Age 50+) Games Championships Beau Moore 1. R-M2 120+ 166.9 200 210 -215 210 78.17
12/09/2023 32nd Annual Florida Senior (Masters Age 50+) Games Championships Michael Rothman 2. R-M3 -66 64 -70 70 75 75 43.27
12/09/2023 32nd Annual Florida Senior (Masters Age 50+) Games Championships Loyd Childree 1. R-M3 -120 114.1 170 180 -182.5 180 77.63
12/09/2023 32nd Annual Florida Senior (Masters Age 50+) Games Championships Patrick Delio 2. R-M3 -120 109.9 150 170 -175 170 74.55
12/09/2023 32nd Annual Florida Senior (Masters Age 50+) Games Championships Stephen Rodoquino 2. R-M3 -93 91.8 102.5 -110 120 120 57.29
12/09/2023 32nd Annual Florida Senior (Masters Age 50+) Games Championships Leland Frataccia 1. R-M3 -66 60.9 77.5 82.5 -85 82.5 48.92
12/09/2023 32nd Annual Florida Senior (Masters Age 50+) Games Championships Douglas Pleas 2. R-M3 120+ 131.3 92.5 110 -125 110 44.70
12/09/2023 32nd Annual Florida Senior (Masters Age 50+) Games Championships Gregory Vorce 1. R-M3 -83 81.1 80 87.5 -92.5 87.5 44.49
12/09/2023 32nd Annual Florida Senior (Masters Age 50+) Games Championships Michael Bombino 1. R-M3 -74 70 -65 70 -77.5 70 38.47
12/09/2023 32nd Annual Florida Senior (Masters Age 50+) Games Championships Scott Hane 0. R-M3 -120 110.1 -152.5 -152.5 -152.5 0 0.00
12/09/2023 32nd Annual Florida Senior (Masters Age 50+) Games Championships Brian Hart 1. R-M3 -93 90.1 -150 -150 150 150 72.29
12/09/2023 32nd Annual Florida Senior (Masters Age 50+) Games Championships Richard Jung 1. R-M3 120+ 134 102.5 -112.5 112.5 112.5 45.35
12/09/2023 32nd Annual Florida Senior (Masters Age 50+) Games Championships Lawrence Biondi 1. R-M3 -105 104.5 85 95 -102.5 95 42.63
12/09/2023 32nd Annual Florida Senior (Masters Age 50+) Games Championships Randy Judd 1. R-M4 -93 92 65 72.5 -75 72.5 34.59
12/09/2023 32nd Annual Florida Senior (Masters Age 50+) Games Championships Dan Furnare 1. R-M4 -83 81.3 -65 67.5 -80 67.5 34.26
12/09/2023 32nd Annual Florida Senior (Masters Age 50+) Games Championships John Carraro 2. R-M4 -105 99 62.5 70 -80 70 32.22
12/09/2023 32nd Annual Florida Senior (Masters Age 50+) Games Championships Michael Dollard 3. R-M4 -105 96.2 25 25 11.67
12/09/2023 32nd Annual Florida Senior (Masters Age 50+) Games Championships Harry Hansen Ii 1. R-M4 -74 72.4 92.5 100 105 105 56.64
12/09/2023 32nd Annual Florida Senior (Masters Age 50+) Games Championships Nelson Lugo Jr 1. R-M4 120+ 121.6 -105 105 -120 105 44.05
12/09/2023 32nd Annual Florida Senior (Masters Age 50+) Games Championships Dennis Glick 1. R-M4 -105 99.1 -67.5 67.5 75 75 34.51
12/09/2023 32nd Annual Florida Senior (Masters Age 50+) Games Championships Bill Sander 1. R-M5 -83 81.3 90 95 97.5 97.5 49.48
12/09/2023 32nd Annual Florida Senior (Masters Age 50+) Games Championships David Parsons 2. R-M5 -83 80.7 -67.5 -67.5 80 80 40.76
12/09/2023 32nd Annual Florida Senior (Masters Age 50+) Games Championships Kenneth Kirschner 1. R-M5 -66 64.2 47.5 50 -52.5 50 28.79
12/09/2023 32nd Annual Florida Senior (Masters Age 50+) Games Championships Robert Cseh 1. R-M5 -74 71.1 67.5 70 72.5 72.5 39.50
12/09/2023 32nd Annual Florida Senior (Masters Age 50+) Games Championships Gregory Rawls 1. R-M2 -120 114.2 137.5 152.5 160 250 -265 -265 410 48.72
12/09/2023 32nd Annual Florida Senior (Masters Age 50+) Games Championships Anthony Moffett 1. R-M2 -93 86.3 120 137.5 -142.5 160 202.5 225 362.5 49.20
12/09/2023 32nd Annual Florida Senior (Masters Age 50+) Games Championships Jason Pearson 2. R-M2 -120 113 125 127.5 130 237.5 -250 367.5 43.87
12/09/2023 32nd Annual Florida Senior (Masters Age 50+) Games Championships Paul Hampton 1. R-M2 -83 80.6 117.5 122.5 125 157.5 162.5 165 290 40.74
12/09/2023 32nd Annual Florida Senior (Masters Age 50+) Games Championships Stephen Hopkins 2. R-M2 -93 91.8 100 107.5 -115 190 210 225 332.5 43.77
12/09/2023 32nd Annual Florida Senior (Masters Age 50+) Games Championships Leland Frataccia 1. R-M3 -66 60.9 77.5 82.5 -85 130 135 140 222.5 36.21
12/09/2023 32nd Annual Florida Senior (Masters Age 50+) Games Championships Douglas Pleas 1. R-M3 120+ 131.3 92.5 110 -125 102.5 115 165 275 30.77
12/09/2023 32nd Annual Florida Senior (Masters Age 50+) Games Championships Scott Hane 0. R-M3 -120 110.1 -152.5 -152.5 -152.5 205 212.5 -217.5 0 0.00
12/09/2023 32nd Annual Florida Senior (Masters Age 50+) Games Championships Timothy Quinn 1. R-M3 -83 75.6 100 -105 -105 177.5 182.5 185 285 41.39
12/09/2023 32nd Annual Florida Senior (Masters Age 50+) Games Championships Richard Dafonte 1. R-M3 -93 89.7 105 -110 -110 185 200 -202.5 305 40.62
12/09/2023 32nd Annual Florida Senior (Masters Age 50+) Games Championships Richard Jung 2. R-M3 120+ 134 102.5 -112.5 112.5 112.5 132.5 137.5 250 27.74
12/09/2023 32nd Annual Florida Senior (Masters Age 50+) Games Championships John Presta 1. R-M4 -93 88.9 -100 -100 100 155 175 185 285 38.13
12/09/2023 32nd Annual Florida Senior (Masters Age 50+) Games Championships Dan Furnare 1. R-M4 -83 81.3 -65 67.5 -80 115 125 -132.5 192.5 26.92
12/09/2023 32nd Annual Florida Senior (Masters Age 50+) Games Championships Michael Dollard 1. R-M4 -105 96.2 25 160 175 182.5 207.5 26.71
12/09/2023 32nd Annual Florida Senior (Masters Age 50+) Games Championships Randy Judd 2. R-M4 -93 92 65 72.5 -75 115 120 125 197.5 25.98
12/09/2023 32nd Annual Florida Senior (Masters Age 50+) Games Championships John Carraro 2. R-M4 -105 99 62.5 70 -80 82.5 92.5 102.5 172.5 21.90
12/09/2023 32nd Annual Florida Senior (Masters Age 50+) Games Championships Nelson Lugo Jr 1. R-M4 120+ 121.6 -105 105 -120 110 -120 120 225 26.00
12/09/2023 32nd Annual Florida Senior (Masters Age 50+) Games Championships David Parsons 1. R-M5 -83 80.7 -67.5 -67.5 80 65 80 102.5 182.5 25.62
12/09/2023 32nd Annual Florida Senior (Masters Age 50+) Games Championships Anthony Moffett 1. R-M2 -93 86.3 160 202.5 225 225 30.54
12/09/2023 32nd Annual Florida Senior (Masters Age 50+) Games Championships Gregory Rawls 1. R-M2 -120 114.2 250 -265 -265 250 29.71
12/09/2023 32nd Annual Florida Senior (Masters Age 50+) Games Championships Jason Pearson 2. R-M2 -120 113 237.5 -250 237.5 28.35
12/09/2023 32nd Annual Florida Senior (Masters Age 50+) Games Championships Paul Hampton 1. R-M2 -83 80.6 157.5 162.5 165 165 23.18
12/09/2023 32nd Annual Florida Senior (Masters Age 50+) Games Championships Stephen Hopkins 2. R-M2 -93 91.8 190 210 225 225 29.62
12/09/2023 32nd Annual Florida Senior (Masters Age 50+) Games Championships David Pelan 2. R-M2 -83 79.5 140 150 160 160 22.63
12/09/2023 32nd Annual Florida Senior (Masters Age 50+) Games Championships Scott Hane 1. R-M3 -120 110.1 205 212.5 -217.5 212.5 25.67
12/09/2023 32nd Annual Florida Senior (Masters Age 50+) Games Championships Leland Frataccia 1. R-M3 -66 60.9 130 135 140 140 22.78
12/09/2023 32nd Annual Florida Senior (Masters Age 50+) Games Championships Douglas Pleas 1. R-M3 120+ 131.3 102.5 115 165 165 18.46
12/09/2023 32nd Annual Florida Senior (Masters Age 50+) Games Championships Richard Dafonte 1. R-M3 -93 89.7 185 200 -202.5 200 26.64
12/09/2023 32nd Annual Florida Senior (Masters Age 50+) Games Championships Eric Erskine 1. R-M3 -83 82 175 182.5 -185 182.5 25.41
12/09/2023 32nd Annual Florida Senior (Masters Age 50+) Games Championships Richard Jung 2. R-M3 120+ 134 112.5 132.5 137.5 137.5 15.26
12/09/2023 32nd Annual Florida Senior (Masters Age 50+) Games Championships John Presta 1. R-M4 -93 88.9 155 175 185 185 24.75
12/09/2023 32nd Annual Florida Senior (Masters Age 50+) Games Championships Michael Dollard 1. R-M4 -105 96.2 160 175 182.5 182.5 23.49
12/09/2023 32nd Annual Florida Senior (Masters Age 50+) Games Championships Ricardo Battle 3. R-M4 -93 89.2 120 130 140 140 18.69
12/09/2023 32nd Annual Florida Senior (Masters Age 50+) Games Championships Dan Furnare 1. R-M4 -83 81.3 115 125 -132.5 125 17.48
12/09/2023 32nd Annual Florida Senior (Masters Age 50+) Games Championships Randy Judd 4. R-M4 -93 92 115 120 125 125 16.44
12/09/2023 32nd Annual Florida Senior (Masters Age 50+) Games Championships John Carraro 3. R-M4 -105 99 82.5 92.5 102.5 102.5 13.01
12/09/2023 32nd Annual Florida Senior (Masters Age 50+) Games Championships Jerome Mulay 2. R-M4 -93 92.8 135 145 160 160 20.96
12/09/2023 32nd Annual Florida Senior (Masters Age 50+) Games Championships Dennis Glick 2. R-M4 -105 99.1 145 160 -170 160 20.30
12/09/2023 32nd Annual Florida Senior (Masters Age 50+) Games Championships Nelson Lugo Jr 1. R-M4 120+ 121.6 110 -120 120 120 13.87
12/09/2023 32nd Annual Florida Senior (Masters Age 50+) Games Championships David Parsons 1. R-M5 -83 80.7 65 80 102.5 102.5 14.39
12/02/2023 Imua Iron Ho’oilo Meltdown Taysia Rocha 1. R-JR -69 67.4 120 130 142.5 65 -70 -75 110 125 -140 332.5 69.81
12/02/2023 Imua Iron Ho’oilo Meltdown Stephanie Birkhimer 1. R-O -69 68.8 125 130 135 92.5 97.5 100 140 155 165 400 83.00
12/02/2023 Imua Iron Ho’oilo Meltdown Ikaika Correa 1. O -93 89.4 145 -147.5 -147.5 225 235 240 385 42.64
12/02/2023 Imua Iron Ho’oilo Meltdown Nathaniel Greenwald 1. R-JR -66 63.1 100 125 -142.5 102.5 112.5 -115 120 142.5 162.5 400 63.86
12/02/2023 Imua Iron Ho’oilo Meltdown An Vu 1. R-JR -74 71 -187.5 200 207.5 135 145 150 230 -242.5 -247.5 587.5 88.13
12/02/2023 Imua Iron Ho’oilo Meltdown An Vu 0. R-O -74 71 -187.5 200 207.5 135 145 150 230 -242.5 -247.5 587.5 88.13
12/02/2023 Imua Iron Ho’oilo Meltdown Paul Rapoza 1. R-O -93 89.6 195 205 220 177.5 187.5 192.5 227.5 247.5 -252.5 660 87.94
12/02/2023 Imua Iron Ho’oilo Meltdown Sam Kanga 2. R-O -93 89.8 170 -182.5 182.5 120 130 132.5 185 192.5 205 520 69.21
12/02/2023 Imua Iron Ho’oilo Meltdown Makoa Chapa 1. R-O 120+ 157.8 300 320 -330 207.5 220 265 -282.5 -282.5 805 83.85
12/02/2023 Imua Iron Ho’oilo Meltdown Colin Fahey 1. R-SJ -66 61.6 105 115 120 75 82.5 -90 -170 170 372.5 60.23
12/02/2023 Imua Iron Ho’oilo Meltdown Ehukai Kepoo 1. R-SJ -83 81.8 175 177.5 -182.5 -102.5 117.5 -127.5 197.5 -220 220 515 71.82
12/02/2023 Imua Iron Ho’oilo Meltdown Alvin Mikaele 1. R-SJ -105 104.8 177.5 187.5 195 132.5 -145 -150 237.5 247.5 265 592.5 73.22
12/02/2023 Prime Power Summit J'Lynn Fernandez 1. M -52 47.3 90 95 107.5 -45 -45 45 100 110 115 267.5 58.33
12/02/2023 Prime Power Summit Gabriella Garza 1. SJ -52 51.3 115 120 -127.5 45 50 -55 112.5 115 122.5 292.5 60.13
12/02/2023 Prime Power Summit Sara Vasquez 1. SJ -76 75 160 162.5 167.5 60 -65 67.5 142.5 -145 -145 377.5 62.32
12/02/2023 Prime Power Summit Madilyn Cantu 1. SJ -84 80.2 102.5 107.5 112.5 55 60 65 115 -120 125 302.5 48.48
12/02/2023 Prime Power Summit Rebecca Salter 1. R-O 84+ 106.2 112.5 120 125 72.5 77.5 -82.5 137.5 145 150 352.5 61.93
12/02/2023 Prime Power Summit Gabriel Garza 1. SJ -74 71.6 210 212.5 -220 110 -117.5 117.5 190 202.5 -215 532.5 67.47
12/02/2023 Prime Power Summit Seth Billiot 1. R-O -93 91.3 -175 175 190 -137.5 137.5 145 -180 180 -220 515 68.00
12/02/2023 Prime Power Summit Mark Ochoa 1. R-SJ -53 52.7 100 105 -122.5 65 70 75 142.5 147.5 -175 327.5 57.61
12/02/2023 Prime Power Summit Weston Bonneau 1. R-SJ -120 106.1 217.5 222.5 235 127.5 135 142.5 210 -220 220 597.5 73.43
12/02/2023 UNR Wolfpack Novice Cup Amanda Mastrosimone 1. R-O -63 62 110 115 120 52.5 60 65 120 127.5 137.5 322.5 71.34
12/02/2023 UNR Wolfpack Novice Cup Kevin Kerzhner 1. R-O -59 57.8 147.5 -155 -155 85 -90 -90 -167.5 -167.5 167.5 400 66.92
12/02/2023 UNR Wolfpack Novice Cup Miliano Trevizo-Huynh 1. R-O -74 70.1 142.5 150 160 85 92.5 97.5 182.5 190 197.5 455 68.71
12/02/2023 UNR Wolfpack Novice Cup Cade Beadell 2. R-O -74 69.6 137.5 145 -155 102.5 110 -115 150 157.5 165 420 63.69
12/02/2023 UNR Wolfpack Novice Cup Tayshawn Williams 1. R-O -83 81.8 150 157.5 -162.5 100 110 117.5 155 162.5 170 445 62.06
11/18/2023 Veterans Day Open Michael Hara 1. R-M3 -74 73.7 102.5 125 -142.5 125 66.81
11/18/2023 Veterans Day Open Cody Lawrenece 1. R-O -59 58.9 115 120 120 72.51
11/18/2023 Veterans Day Open Cathryn Cavazos 1. R-JR -57 55.8 107.5 115 120 -57.5 65 -67.5 125 -135 135 320 76.29
11/18/2023 Veterans Day Open Rita Galli 1. R-M1 -69 69 60 65 70 35 40 -45 95 100 -105 210 43.52
11/18/2023 Veterans Day Open Jacquie Ray 1. R-M2 -69 64 62.5 -67.5 72.5 45 -50 -50 97.5 102.5 107.5 225 48.74
11/18/2023 Veterans Day Open Vanessa Pineda 1. R-O -52 51.8 137.5 145 150 72.5 75 77.5 170 177.5 -182.5 405 102.61
11/18/2023 Veterans Day Open Ashley Hodge 1. R-O -63 60.9 120 127.5 132.5 72.5 77.5 80 165 175 182.5 395 88.38
11/18/2023 Veterans Day Open Kathy Wang 2. R-O -63 61.7 117.5 122.5 127.5 60 62.5 -65 145 152.5 160 350 77.67
11/18/2023 Veterans Day Open Angela Romine 1. R-O -69 68.9 -135 -135 135 62.5 70 -75 127.5 132.5 -140 337.5 69.98
11/18/2023 Veterans Day Open Rita Galli 2. R-O -69 69 60 65 70 35 40 -45 95 100 -105 210 43.52
11/18/2023 Veterans Day Open Kelcee Morris 3. R-O -69 68.6 62.5 -65 -35 35 37.5 100 -107.5 107.5 207.5 43.13
11/18/2023 Veterans Day Open Melissa Castellanos 1. R-O -76 73.3 70 75 82.5 40 47.5 -50 95 105 120 250 50.16
11/18/2023 Veterans Day Open Christina Saldana 2. R-O -76 71.8 75 82.5 90 50 55 57.5 82.5 87.5 95 242.5 49.19
11/18/2023 Veterans Day Open Yanett Calixto 3. R-O -76 74.5 -62.5 65 -72.5 -27.5 27.5 -35 75 85 95 187.5 37.33
11/18/2023 Veterans Day Open Megan Brooks-Smith 1. R-O -84 83 82.5 87.5 92.5 45 -50 -50 107.5 115 -120 252.5 47.92
11/18/2023 Veterans Day Open Rosanna Orosco 0. R-O -84 79.4 -142.5 -142.5 -142.5 82.5 -87.5 -87.5 152.5 162.5 -170 0 0.00
11/18/2023 Veterans Day Open Adrienne Loise Santos 1. R-O 84+ 96 172.5 182.5 190 52.5 57.5 62.5 177.5 -185 -185 430 77.59
11/18/2023 Veterans Day Open Carly Breceda 1. R-PS -76 72.6 75 82.5 87.5 32.5 37.5 40 85 92.5 97.5 225 45.38
11/18/2023 Veterans Day Open Adan Barajas 1. R-JR -74 72.8 182.5 195 202.5 145 152.5 -155 190 205 220 575 85.14
11/18/2023 Veterans Day Open Celestino Jacobo 0. R-JR -74 70.6 145 157.5 162.5 -115 -115 -115 -170 -170 0 0.00
11/18/2023 Veterans Day Open Ethan Frias 1. R-JR -83 77.9 165 175 180 137.5 145 -150 207.5 220 227.5 552.5 79.02
11/18/2023 Veterans Day Open Ramon Manzano 1. R-JR -93 91.8 207.5 220 -230 130 135 -142.5 202.5 215 222.5 577.5 76.03
11/18/2023 Veterans Day Open Ramon Kalaw 1. R-M1 -105 103 180 190 197.5 110 112.5 120 170 182.5 197.5 515 64.16
11/18/2023 Veterans Day Open Cody Lawrenece 1. R-O -59 58.9 175 185 -192.5 115 120 155 175 -190 480 79.54
11/18/2023 Veterans Day Open Andrew Saenz 2. R-O -59 52.8 100 110 115 60 65 -67.5 110 125 -137.5 305 53.57
11/18/2023 Veterans Day Open Jayden Broaddus 3. R-O -59 56.7 85 92.5 100 45 50 -57.5 110 125 140 290 49.02
11/18/2023 Veterans Day Open Rodrigo Manzo 1. R-O -66 65.8 210 220 150 155 -280 280 300 675 105.39
11/18/2023 Veterans Day Open Alejandro Padilla 1. R-O -83 82.1 155 165 172.5 105 -112.5 112.5 190 205 220 505 70.29
11/18/2023 Veterans Day Open Allan Bautista 0. R-O -83 82.4 240 250 255 152.5 157.5 -162.5 -267.5 -267.5 0 0.00
11/18/2023 Veterans Day Open Navid Fani 1. R-O -93 85.9 230 242.5 247.5 145 147.5 222.5 237.5 250 645 87.76
11/18/2023 Veterans Day Open Mason Ross 2. R-O -93 91.8 200 215 -227.5 132.5 140 -150 235 255 -272.5 610 80.31
11/18/2023 Veterans Day Open Ramon Manzano 3. R-O -93 91.8 207.5 220 -230 130 135 -142.5 202.5 215 222.5 577.5 76.03
11/18/2023 Veterans Day Open Joshua Williams 4. R-O -93 92.2 195 205 -210 135 -142.5 142.5 200 210 222.5 570 74.88
11/18/2023 Veterans Day Open Antonio Berber 5. R-O -93 92.3 180 190 200 130 137.5 -145 200 207.5 -217.5 545 71.56
11/18/2023 Veterans Day Open Judah Jones 1. R-O -105 104.8 272.5 285 290 165 175 -177.5 300 765 94.53
11/18/2023 Veterans Day Open Zachary Scott 2. R-O -105 104.3 245 260 265 155 162.5 167.5 255 270 -285 702.5 87.00
11/18/2023 Veterans Day Open Daniel Dan Arce 3. R-O -105 104.3 170 182.5 -192.5 -85 -90 100 220 232.5 242.5 525 65.04
11/18/2023 Veterans Day Open Javier Garcia 1. R-O -120 108.7 200 205 212.5 -95 -102.5 102.5 210 225 230 545 66.22
11/18/2023 Veterans Day Open Andrew Saenz 1. R-SJ -53 52.8 100 110 115 60 65 -67.5 110 125 -137.5 305 53.57
11/18/2023 Veterans Day Open Jayden Broaddus 1. R-SJ -59 56.7 85 92.5 100 45 50 -57.5 110 125 140 290 49.02
11/18/2023 Veterans Day Open Aaron Torres 1. R-SJ -74 74 175 182.5 -187.5 105 110 -115 197.5 207.5 -210 500 73.41
11/18/2023 Veterans Day Open Boston Bradford 2. R-SJ -74 73.2 150 160 167.5 -87.5 95 97.5 185 200 220 485 71.61
11/18/2023 Veterans Day Open Abdulrazzaq mirjan 3. R-SJ -74 69.8 105 112.5 120 50 57.5 62.5 125 137.5 142.5 325 49.19
11/18/2023 Veterans Day Open Mason Ross 1. R-SJ -93 91.8 200 215 -227.5 132.5 140 -150 235 255 -272.5 610 80.31
11/18/2023 Veterans Day Open Diego Mora 1. R-SJ -120 107.6 215 220 222.5 155 160 240 250 255 637.5 77.82
11/18/2023 “The Gobbler” Robin Mcintosh 1. R-M2 -76 74.4 -55 57.5 67.5 42.5 47.5 -55 85 97.5 107.5 222.5 44.32
11/18/2023 “The Gobbler” Evelyn Givens 0. R-O 84+ 144.4 -87.5 -87.5 -87.5 -50 -50 50 100 102.5 105 0 0.00
11/18/2023 “The Gobbler” Jordan Hecker 1. R-SJ -43 38.8 50 -55 60 35 40 -42.5 82.5 90 92.5 192.5 66.41
11/18/2023 “The Gobbler” Eleanor Lake 1. R-SJ -63 59.9 107.5 112.5 -117.5 62.5 67.5 -70 125 130 137.5 317.5 71.85
11/18/2023 “The Gobbler” Kevin Farley 1. M2 -105 99 185 -190 -190 185 19.44
11/18/2023 “The Gobbler” Jeremy Fischer 1. O 120+ 184.5 100 210 -227.5 210 18.00
11/18/2023 “The Gobbler” Khalil Johnson 1. R-JR -59 58.5 157.5 167.5 172.5 85 90 92.5 162.5 172.5 180 445 73.97
11/18/2023 “The Gobbler” Phillip Adams 1. R-JR -74 71.4 142.5 145 150 85 87.5 92.5 165 170 182.5 425 63.57
11/18/2023 “The Gobbler” Josiah Richardson 1. R-JR -105 101.6 225 235 170 177.5 182.5 305 317.5 -330 735 92.16
11/18/2023 “The Gobbler” Trent Stafford 1. R-JR -120 116 182.5 190 -200 125 132.5 -142.5 220 237.5 250 572.5 67.55
11/18/2023 “The Gobbler” Brian Jerszynski 1. R-M1 -93 92.3 192.5 202.5 210 135 145 150 225 235 -245 595 78.13
11/18/2023 “The Gobbler” Brandon Cosby 2. R-M1 -93 90 170 182.5 -187.5 122.5 127.5 132.5 215 227.5 232.5 547.5 72.79
11/18/2023 “The Gobbler” Austin Nikolai 1. R-O -74 69.4 220 240 255 120 130 135 225 250 272.5 662.5 100.58
11/18/2023 “The Gobbler” Brian Jerszynski 1. R-O -93 92.3 192.5 202.5 210 135 145 150 225 235 -245 595 78.13
11/18/2023 “The Gobbler” Brandon Cosby 2. R-O -93 90 170 182.5 -187.5 122.5 127.5 132.5 215 227.5 232.5 547.5 72.79
11/18/2023 “The Gobbler” James Pericles 1. R-O -105 93.9 -137.5 152.5 162.5 110 115 122.5 162.5 182.5 197.5 482.5 62.83
11/18/2023 “The Gobbler” Shawn O’Donnell 0. R-O 120+ 140.5 -205 -205 -205 -137.5 0 0.00
11/18/2023 “The Gobbler” Connor Kehoe 1. R-SJ -66 63.2 152.5 160 -167.5 80 87.5 -92.5 182.5 192.5 202.5 450 71.78
11/18/2023 “The Gobbler” Andrew Ceasario 1. R-SJ -74 73.4 142.5 -152.5 152.5 82.5 -87.5 -87.5 172.5 180 187.5 422.5 62.29
11/18/2023 “The Gobbler” Eli Miller 2. R-SJ -74 69.1 122.5 130 -137.5 82.5 90 95 142.5 150 162.5 387.5 58.96
11/18/2023 “The Gobbler” Adam Kassab 1. R-SJ -83 82 177.5 187.5 200 127.5 -132.5 227.5 235 245 572.5 79.74
11/18/2023 “The Gobbler” Grayson Williams 1. R-SJ -93 90.9 182.5 197.5 205 117.5 125 130 200 215 230 565 74.75
11/18/2023 “The Gobbler” Gage Simmons 2. R-SJ -93 86.3 165 172.5 -180 110 115 120 225 -235 235 527.5 71.60
11/12/2023 Texas Fall Championship 2023 Aaron Pomerantz 1. O -83 82.7 105 120 137.5 137.5 49.07
11/12/2023 Texas Fall Championship 2023 Arian Khamesi 2. O -83 82.1 75 75 26.90
11/12/2023 Texas Fall Championship 2023 Greg Powell 1. O -105 102.8 142.5 185 227.5 227.5 71.35
11/12/2023 Texas Fall Championship 2023 Jessica Espinal 1. R-JR -47 46.9 132.5 140 145 90 95 -97.5 167.5 -175 177.5 417.5 116.10
11/12/2023 Texas Fall Championship 2023 Emily Manire 1. R-JR -57 56.7 107.5 112.5 117.5 60 62.5 65 132.5 140 150 332.5 78.36
11/12/2023 Texas Fall Championship 2023 Heather McConnell 1. R-M1 -63 62.9 120 130 137.5 62.5 67.5 70 140 150 157.5 365 79.94
11/12/2023 Texas Fall Championship 2023 Pamela Riley 1. R-M1 -69 68 115 -120 120 62.5 -67.5 -67.5 145 152.5 -160 335 69.98
11/12/2023 Texas Fall Championship 2023 Jessica Espinal 1. R-O -47 46.9 132.5 140 145 90 95 -97.5 167.5 -175 177.5 417.5 116.10
11/12/2023 Texas Fall Championship 2023 Megan Hurlburt 1. R-O -57 54.4 157.5 165 172.5 97.5 102.5 -105 160 172.5 -180 447.5 108.92
11/12/2023 Texas Fall Championship 2023 Emily Manire 2. R-O -57 56.7 107.5 112.5 117.5 60 62.5 65 132.5 140 150 332.5 78.36
11/12/2023 Texas Fall Championship 2023 Meghan Scanlon 1. R-O -63 63 185 192.5 -200 125 130 135 195 205 215 542.5 118.69
11/12/2023 Texas Fall Championship 2023 Heather McConnell 2. R-O -63 62.9 120 130 137.5 62.5 67.5 70 140 150 157.5 365 79.94
11/12/2023 Texas Fall Championship 2023 Gabby Martinez 1. R-O -76 69.8 175 187.5 197.5 107.5 115 117.5 205 215 225 540 111.21
11/12/2023 Texas Fall Championship 2023 Bonica Brown 1. R-O 84+ 146.7 260 270 280 130 137.5 145 220 230 242.5 667.5 111.56
11/12/2023 Texas Fall Championship 2023 Jessica Buettner 0. R-G -84 80.5 202.5 210 215 102.5 107.5 -110 -230 -230 -237.5 0 0.00
11/12/2023 Texas Fall Championship 2023 Thalia Gonzalez 1. R-JR -84 83.1 142.5 147.5 152.5 52.5 57.5 -62.5 145 150 170 380 72.07
11/12/2023 Texas Fall Championship 2023 Malachi Beltran 1. R-JR -105 104.6 275 297.5 310 140 147.5 152.5 275 -295 -295 737.5 91.22
11/12/2023 Texas Fall Championship 2023 Matthew Bascom 2. R-JR -105 95 115 125 135 -105 105 -112.5 170 180 -185 420 54.38
11/12/2023 Texas Fall Championship 2023 Jaisyn Mike 1. R-M1 120+ 137 200 180 227.5 237.5 180 272.5 710 78.07
11/12/2023 Texas Fall Championship 2023 Joseph Jordan 1. R-O -66 65.6 227.5 240 247.5 147.5 155 160 262.5 277.5 290 697.5 109.08
11/12/2023 Texas Fall Championship 2023 Charlie Yeng 1. R-O -74 67.6 205 215 222.5 135 142.5 150 240 270 297.5 670 103.13
11/12/2023 Texas Fall Championship 2023 Evan Judice 1. R-O -83 74.8 230 242.5 252.5 170 180 185 265 280 287.5 725 105.85
11/12/2023 Texas Fall Championship 2023 Ovietobore Dafe-Akpedeye 2. R-O -83 80.4 210 215 227.5 135 140 145 210 222.5 237.5 610 85.81
11/12/2023 Texas Fall Championship 2023 Marshall Powell 1. R-O -93 86.3 185 200 210 150 160 170 222.5 242.5 260 640 86.87
11/12/2023 Texas Fall Championship 2023 Daniel Restrepo 2. R-O -93 87.1 175 185 -187.5 102.5 107.5 -110 222.5 232.5 -242.5 525 70.94
11/12/2023 Texas Fall Championship 2023 Ashton Rouska 1. R-O -105 103.2 325 345 190 200 325 362.5 907.5 112.95
11/12/2023 Texas Fall Championship 2023 Malachi Beltran 2. R-O -105 104.6 275 297.5 310 140 147.5 152.5 275 -295 -295 737.5 91.22
11/12/2023 Texas Fall Championship 2023 Pedram Taghikhani 3. R-O -105 103.8 220 232.5 242.5 140 147.5 155 -232.5 232.5 287.5 685 85.03
11/12/2023 Texas Fall Championship 2023 Billy Ahern 4. R-O -105 98.9 215 227.5 237.5 127.5 132.5 135 240 260 275 647.5 82.23
11/12/2023 Texas Fall Championship 2023 Travis Moody 5. R-O -105 103.9 215 225 232.5 150 157.5 160 225 237.5 -240 630 78.17
11/12/2023 Texas Fall Championship 2023 Bobb Matthews 1. R-O -120 107.2 295 317.5 340 170 205 227.5 317.5 350 385 952.5 116.48
11/12/2023 Texas Fall Championship 2023 Ragan Henderson 2. R-O -120 117.1 280 295 312.5 190 200 207.5 325 340 365 885 103.99
11/12/2023 Texas Fall Championship 2023 Enrique Lugo 1. R-O 120+ 127.2 307.5 327.5 340 215 227.5 235 307.5 332.5 -347.5 907.5 102.89
11/12/2023 Texas Fall Championship 2023 Carter Wheat 2. R-O 120+ 174.6 320 332.5 342.5 220 227.5 -232.5 305 325 337.5 907.5 91.26
11/12/2023 Texas Fall Championship 2023 Matthew Cronin 3. R-O -120 119.2 297.5 310 320 217.5 225 -227.5 272.5 285 295 840 97.93
11/12/2023 Texas Fall Championship 2023 Shawn Martinez 4. R-O -120 115.5 -275 275 285 127.5 140 -145 237.5 247.5 -255 672.5 79.50
11/12/2023 Texas Fall Championship 2023 Peter Spence 5. R-O -120 120 220 230 -240 125 -132.5 135 255 270 277.5 642.5 74.69
11/12/2023 Texas Fall Championship 2023 Andres Soto 3. R-O 120+ 138.2 305 320 -322.5 162.5 -167.5 -167.5 260 272.5 -275 755 82.73
11/12/2023 Texas Fall Championship 2023 Jaisyn Mike 4. R-O 120+ 137 200 180 227.5 237.5 180 272.5 710 78.07
11/12/2023 Texas Fall Championship 2023 J. Banks Hawkins 1. R-SJ -74 72.4 140 155 160 82.5 92.5 95 182.5 200 207.5 462.5 68.68
11/12/2023 Texas Fall Championship 2023 Eli Fitzhugh 1. R-SJ -83 77.8 130 140 -155 115 122.5 -127.5 160 170 -185 432.5 61.88
11/11/2023 Stars and Stripes Championships Taylor Boyle 1. R-JR -63 60.5 82.5 87.5 92.5 47.5 52.5 57.5 107.5 117.5 125 275 61.81
11/11/2023 Stars and Stripes Championships Maria Parenti 1. R-JR -69 67.5 132.5 142.5 152.5 70 75 -80 130 137.5 -147.5 365 76.57
11/11/2023 Stars and Stripes Championships Abbey Jones 1. R-M1 -63 62.1 55 65 -75 55 62.5 -65 95 -97.5 -97.5 222.5 49.16
11/11/2023 Stars and Stripes Championships Rebecca Rutkoski 1. R-M1 84+ 99.6 145 155 165 72.5 75 -80 150 160 165 405 72.32
11/11/2023 Stars and Stripes Championships Brandi Hurst 2. R-M1 84+ 94.4 127.5 137.5 142.5 65 70 75 130 140 150 367.5 66.65
11/11/2023 Stars and Stripes Championships Leah Cruciani 1. R-M2 -63 61.8 -110 -115 115 57.5 62.5 -70 140 142.5 -160 320 70.90
11/11/2023 Stars and Stripes Championships Rebecca Straka 1. R-O -57 56.3 70 80 -90 -40 45 -47.5 80 90 -95 215 50.91
11/11/2023 Stars and Stripes Championships Jennifer Wrede 1. R-O -63 62 112.5 -122.5 -122.5 77.5 -85 -85 132.5 -142.5 145 335 74.06
11/11/2023 Stars and Stripes Championships Katrina Chuah 2. R-O -63 59.8 110 120 127.5 62.5 67.5 -72.5 125 137.5 -142.5 332.5 75.33
11/11/2023 Stars and Stripes Championships Leah Cruciani 3. R-O -63 61.8 -110 -115 115 57.5 62.5 -70 140 142.5 -160 320 70.90
11/11/2023 Stars and Stripes Championships Abbey Jones 4. R-O -63 62.1 55 65 -75 55 62.5 -65 95 -97.5 -97.5 222.5 49.16
11/11/2023 Stars and Stripes Championships Maria Parenti 1. R-O -69 67.5 132.5 142.5 152.5 70 75 -80 130 137.5 -147.5 365 76.57
11/11/2023 Stars and Stripes Championships Shannon McVicar 2. R-O -69 66.7 125 132.5 -137.5 67.5 70 75 127.5 135 142.5 350 73.96
11/11/2023 Stars and Stripes Championships Katie Achille 3. R-O -69 68.2 112.5 115 120 65 70 72.5 125 135 145 337.5 70.38
11/11/2023 Stars and Stripes Championships Hope Showers 1. R-O 84+ 106 135 140 150 70 75 -82.5 140 150 162.5 387.5 68.10
11/11/2023 Stars and Stripes Championships Aliah Roseman 2. R-O 84+ 84.5 120 130 -137.5 70 72.5 -75 120 132.5 -140 335 63.12
11/11/2023 Stars and Stripes Championships Courtney Ciuccio 3. R-O 84+ 101.2 105 112.5 120 60 65 67.5 122.5 132.5 137.5 325 57.78
11/11/2023 Stars and Stripes Championships Addison Mack 1. R-SJ -76 75.5 -90 90 105 45 52.5 -57.5 105 122.5 -137.5 280 55.38
11/11/2023 Stars and Stripes Championships Ryan Gill 1. M1 -120 119.7 300 -310 -310 100 -235 -235 255 272.5 -277.5 672.5 65.06
11/11/2023 Stars and Stripes Championships Nicholas Denig 2. R-JR -66 65.1 -135 135 -150 90 -100 -100 -165 165 182.5 407.5 63.99
11/11/2023 Stars and Stripes Championships Deiby Rodriguez 1. R-JR -74 73.1 200 -220 220 110 120 -127.5 230 242.5 247.5 587.5 86.80
11/11/2023 Stars and Stripes Championships Jace Figueroa 2. R-JR -74 74 172.5 182.5 192.5 112.5 117.5 122.5 215 227.5 245 560 82.21
11/11/2023 Stars and Stripes Championships William Walsh 3. R-JR -74 69.2 160 170 -185 115 120 122.5 170 185 -192.5 477.5 72.60
11/11/2023 Stars and Stripes Championships Joey Weinman 4. R-SJ -74 71.8 120 135 147.5 87.5 -102.5 -102.5 165 177.5 185 420 62.64
11/11/2023 Stars and Stripes Championships Devon Townsend 5. R-JR -74 67.8 125 -132.5 -140 70 75 -80 -165 177.5 187.5 387.5 59.55
11/11/2023 Stars and Stripes Championships Logan Hegedty 5. R-JR -93 91.4 177.5 200 205 115 125 -127.5 195 220 227.5 557.5 73.55
11/11/2023 Stars and Stripes Championships Nicholas Monticello 8. R-JR -93 87.8 170 180 185 112.5 117.5 122.5 180 190 200 507.5 68.30
11/11/2023 Stars and Stripes Championships Travis Roberts 9. R-JR -93 87.9 160 170 -182.5 97.5 102.5 107.5 205 220 230 507.5 68.26
11/11/2023 Stars and Stripes Championships Robert Richardson 2. R-JR -105 102.4 220 225 230 117.5 125 130 220 235 237.5 597.5 74.64
11/11/2023 Stars and Stripes Championships Henry Kopp 1. R-JR -120 115.5 255 270 280 125 137.5 -145 232.5 250 265 682.5 80.69
11/11/2023 Stars and Stripes Championships Daniel Gendimenico 3. R-JR -120 114.8 170 187.5 200 122.5 130 -137.5 205 222.5 235 565 66.98
11/11/2023 Stars and Stripes Championships Mateo manko 5. R-JR -120 112.4 75 160 180 185 75 335 40.09
11/11/2023 Stars and Stripes Championships Ryan Donnelly 1. R-M1 -120 109.7 245 265 187.5 -197.5 197.5 262.5 277.5 290 752.5 91.05
11/11/2023 Stars and Stripes Championships Russell McDonnell 1. R-M2 -105 104.5 167.5 185 195 130 137.5 142.5 185 200 210 547.5 67.75
11/11/2023 Stars and Stripes Championships Nicholas Oppis 1. R-O -59 55 120 127.5 130 75 80 82.5 150 160 165 377.5 64.86
11/11/2023 Stars and Stripes Championships Gerardo Pacheco 1. R-O -74 72.5 147.5 150 172.5 100 105 -112.5 185 197.5 -205 475 70.48
11/11/2023 Stars and Stripes Championships Michael Koenig 1. R-O -93 89.6 227.5 237.5 -247.5 147.5 155 162.5 255 267.5 -277.5 667.5 88.93
11/11/2023 Stars and Stripes Championships Ken Burns 2. R-O -93 92.6 212.5 230 235 150 157.5 162.5 227.5 237.5 245 642.5 84.23
11/11/2023 Stars and Stripes Championships Michael Pasquariello 3. R-O -93 88.2 185 195 202.5 130 -137.5 260 272.5 282.5 615 82.58
11/11/2023 Stars and Stripes Championships Jacob Mayne 4. R-O -93 88.3 185 192.5 -197.5 130 -135 -137.5 272.5 -285 595 79.85
11/11/2023 Stars and Stripes Championships Kevin Johnson 5. R-O -93 88.7 -175 175 197.5 112.5 -125 -125 227.5 237.5 250 560 74.99
11/11/2023 Stars and Stripes Championships James Hunsicker 6. R-O -93 85.6 175 187.5 197.5 137.5 147.5 150 192.5 210 -220 557.5 75.99
11/11/2023 Stars and Stripes Championships Jason Ciesielski 1. R-O -105 102.5 240 255 -265 142.5 147.5 150 265 282.5 -290 687.5 85.84
11/11/2023 Stars and Stripes Championships Rick Rehfeldt 2. R-O -105 101.5 210 227.5 240 167.5 -177.5 -177.5 247.5 257.5 270 677.5 84.99
11/11/2023 Stars and Stripes Championships Jonathan Perez 3. R-O -105 97.8 230 240 247.5 147.5 152.5 157.5 250 262.5 -275 667.5 85.22
11/11/2023 Stars and Stripes Championships Christian Thoren 4. R-O -105 100.8 185 192.5 200 132.5 140 145 240 250 260 605 76.14
11/11/2023 Stars and Stripes Championships Kevin Sullivan 5. R-O -105 101.9 192.5 210 -220 117.5 130 -137.5 230 250 265 605 75.75
11/11/2023 Stars and Stripes Championships Robert Richardson 6. R-O -105 102.4 220 225 230 117.5 125 130 220 235 237.5 597.5 74.64
11/11/2023 Stars and Stripes Championships Jacob Karboski 7. R-O -105 104 210 225 237.5 152.5 160 165 75 77.5 157.5 560 69.45
11/11/2023 Stars and Stripes Championships Anthony DeVito 8. R-O -105 101.9 197.5 205 212.5 137.5 142.5 147.5 195 -207.5 -207.5 555 69.49
11/11/2023 Stars and Stripes Championships James Flanigan 9. R-O -105 103.4 75 75 75 225 27.98
11/11/2023 Stars and Stripes Championships Robert katorkas 1. R-O -120 117.4 182.5 195 205 150 160 167.5 170 185 205 577.5 67.78
11/11/2023 Stars and Stripes Championships Patrick Kliebert 1. R-O 120+ 165.5 210 220 227.5 137.5 145 -155 205 215 227.5 600 61.45
11/11/2023 Stars and Stripes Championships Brandon Carter 1. R-SJ -53 50.1 55 62.5 -70 -47.5 47.5 52.5 90 107.5 120 235 42.46
11/11/2023 Stars and Stripes Championships Anthony Hu 1. R-SJ -59 56.7 87.5 92.5 -95 37.5 45 -47.5 130 137.5 -145 275 46.49
11/11/2023 Stars and Stripes Championships Troy Fratarcangeli 4. R-SJ -66 64.3 110 117.5 122.5 65 72.5 -77.5 165 -172.5 -172.5 360 56.90
11/11/2023 Stars and Stripes Championships Frank Garcia 5. R-SJ -66 66 120 -125 125 -85 85 -87.5 130 137.5 142.5 352.5 54.95
11/11/2023 Stars and Stripes Championships Chase Sciandra 8. R-SJ -66 62.4 105 -110 -110 60 -62.5 -65 117.5 125 -137.5 290 46.57
11/11/2023 Stars and Stripes Championships Roman Argiro 1. R-SJ -74 68.6 147.5 165 167.5 112.5 120 -125 165 175 -192.5 462.5 70.64
11/11/2023 Stars and Stripes Championships Jacob Malitzki 2. R-SJ -74 70.2 142.5 150 -157.5 90 97.5 -105 190 202.5 -210 450 67.91
11/11/2023 Stars and Stripes Championships Edison Hu 3. R-SJ -74 73.5 137.5 142.5 -147.5 87.5 92.5 -95 175 185 197.5 432.5 63.72
11/11/2023 Stars and Stripes Championships Nathan Zielinski 5. R-SJ -74 69.9 105 112.5 120 72.5 75 77.5 162.5 175 182.5 380 57.47
11/11/2023 Stars and Stripes Championships Josiah Lyons 6. R-SJ -74 70.3 -102.5 107.5 112.5 70 80 82.5 135 145 150 345 52.02
11/11/2023 Stars and Stripes Championships Jude Ferentino 7. R-SJ -74 69.2 -102.5 105 107.5 65 67.5 72.5 110 115 120 300 45.61
11/11/2023 Stars and Stripes Championships Keegan Bucci 1. R-SJ -83 79.4 222.5 -237.5 237.5 137.5 142.5 145 272.5 292.5 -300 675 95.57
11/11/2023 Stars and Stripes Championships Joshua Rodriguez 3. R-SJ -83 81.9 147.5 165 -167.5 87.5 -97.5 -97.5 175 185 192.5 445 62.02
11/11/2023 Stars and Stripes Championships Jacob Mayne 1. R-SJ -93 88.3 185 192.5 -197.5 130 -135 -137.5 272.5 -285 595 79.85
11/11/2023 Stars and Stripes Championships Benjamin Zielinski 7. R-SJ -93 87.2 110 112.5 117.5 60 65 70 165 172.5 185 372.5 50.30
11/11/2023 Stars and Stripes Championships Elijah Lyons 2. R-SJ -105 100.6 135 -145 145 70 75 82.5 -147.5 147.5 155 382.5 48.18
11/11/2023 Stars and Stripes Championships Uma Abakarova 1. SJ -63 61.9 135 142.5 -147.5 55 62.5 -65 100 107.5 112.5 317.5 57.90
11/11/2023 Stars and Stripes Championships Tammie Fitzpatrick 1. R-G 84+ 90 100 105 110 60 -65 -65 135 145 -152.5 315 58.01
11/11/2023 Stars and Stripes Championships Whitney Hawkins 1. R-G -76 74.8 92.5 97.5 -100 50 52.5 -55 110 115 122.5 272.5 54.14
11/11/2023 Stars and Stripes Championships Phoebe Huang 1. R-JR -57 56.5 90 97.5 102.5 52.5 57.5 -60 107.5 112.5 122.5 282.5 66.71
11/11/2023 Stars and Stripes Championships Katherine Costanzo 1. R-SJ -57 56.3 -85 85 92.5 45 52.5 -55 115 127.5 -137.5 272.5 64.56
11/11/2023 Stars and Stripes Championships Mariah Ngo 2. R-JR -57 53.7 75 82.5 -87.5 47.5 -52.5 52.5 92.5 102.5 107.5 242.5 59.60
11/11/2023 Stars and Stripes Championships Guinevere Buono 2. R-JR -69 66.4 127.5 132.5 135 67.5 72.5 -75 125 132.5 137.5 345 73.10
11/11/2023 Stars and Stripes Championships Hallie Yates 3. R-JR -69 68.6 77.5 85 95 55 57.5 60 105 117.5 120 275 57.16
11/11/2023 Stars and Stripes Championships Charlotte Bourgeois 1. R-JR -76 72.3 105 110 112.5 65 67.5 -72.5 130 135 145 325 65.69
11/11/2023 Stars and Stripes Championships Tenney Shaughnessy 2. R-JR -76 70 87.5 92.5 95 62.5 65 67.5 137.5 142.5 150 312.5 64.23
11/11/2023 Stars and Stripes Championships Hannah Ograbisz 3. R-JR -76 70.5 77.5 85 92.5 65 -70 -70 92.5 100 107.5 265 54.28
11/11/2023 Stars and Stripes Championships Julia Dolan 1. R-JR -84 83.2 -100 105 115 55 62.5 65 120 -130 130 310 58.78
11/11/2023 Stars and Stripes Championships Emma Klime 1. R-SJ -52 48.5 90 95 -97.5 35 40 42.5 100 107.5 112.5 250 67.22
11/11/2023 Stars and Stripes Championships Abigail Kovac 2. R-SJ -52 52 -75 75 -80 35 37.5 -40 82.5 107.5 112.5 225 56.81
11/11/2023 Stars and Stripes Championships Ryley Liller 2. R-SJ -57 56.2 72.5 77.5 -85 42.5 47.5 52.5 82.5 95 100 230 54.57
11/11/2023 Stars and Stripes Championships Laynie Buli 3. R-SJ -57 54.4 67.5 75 -82.5 45 47.5 -52.5 85 92.5 100 222.5 54.16
11/11/2023 Stars and Stripes Championships Clare Mailey 1. R-SJ -63 59.4 -92.5 97.5 102.5 55 -60 60 125 132.5 137.5 300 68.29
11/11/2023 Stars and Stripes Championships Alexa Vargo 1. R-SJ -69 67.2 -60 -60 60 35 40 42.5 85 92.5 97.5 200 42.06
11/11/2023 Stars and Stripes Championships Ron Falcone Jr 1. G -93 91.5 100 115 140 105 110 115 125 145 160 415 45.39
11/11/2023 Stars and Stripes Championships Blayne Butler 1. JR -105 99.3 250 265 272.5 175 182.5 187.5 250 -267.5 267.5 727.5 76.34
11/11/2023 Stars and Stripes Championships Lue Yang 1. R-JR -66 65.7 147.5 157.5 162.5 107.5 115 -122.5 182.5 195 -207.5 472.5 73.83
11/11/2023 Stars and Stripes Championships Ahan Bhattacharyya 2. R-SJ -66 60.8 132.5 140 147.5 -72.5 75 -85 160 170 180 402.5 65.54
11/11/2023 Stars and Stripes Championships Matthew Marino 4. R-JR -74 71.4 117.5 135 145 65 75 -80 147.5 160 172.5 392.5 58.71
11/11/2023 Stars and Stripes Championships William Hinson 1. R-JR -83 78 185 197.5 207.5 110 115 120 205 220 227.5 555 79.30
11/11/2023 Stars and Stripes Championships Elijah Vega 2. R-JR -83 81.4 -187.5 187.5 -202.5 115 125 -127.5 215 225 -235 537.5 75.14
11/11/2023 Stars and Stripes Championships Darwin Hale 4. R-SJ -83 74.6 -125 127.5 135 127.5 -135 135 157.5 165 172.5 442.5 64.69
11/11/2023 Stars and Stripes Championships Jacob Cho 1. R-JR -93 89.3 -235 237.5 250 135 -140 140 255 270 285 675 90.08
11/11/2023 Stars and Stripes Championships Michael Fragale Jr 2. R-JR -93 90.1 210 225 235 -140 147.5 152.5 240 250 272.5 660 87.69
11/11/2023 Stars and Stripes Championships Wes Kim 3. R-JR -93 90.3 197.5 207.5 -217.5 142.5 152.5 155 235 247.5 -260 610 80.96
11/11/2023 Stars and Stripes Championships Joe Valdez 4. R-JR -93 92.8 177.5 187.5 195 117.5 122.5 132.5 220 232.5 247.5 575 75.30
11/11/2023 Stars and Stripes Championships Benjamin Edelman 2. R-SJ -93 90.9 190 210 -227.5 105 115 117.5 230 245 -255 572.5 75.74
11/11/2023 Stars and Stripes Championships Enzo Ross 6. R-JR -93 90.5 165 177.5 185 115 -122.5 122.5 227.5 237.5 242.5 550 72.92
11/11/2023 Stars and Stripes Championships Abdulaziz Alothman 3. R-SJ -93 91.7 170 177.5 185 110 117.5 122.5 225 -240 240 547.5 72.12
11/11/2023 Stars and Stripes Championships Mark Villalba 7. R-JR -93 85.5 142.5 175 185 115 122.5 -127.5 185 192.5 207.5 515 70.23
11/11/2023 Stars and Stripes Championships Jaewon Lee 10. R-JR -93 92 147.5 157.5 165 102.5 -105 105 175 185 192.5 462.5 60.83
11/11/2023 Stars and Stripes Championships Don Kline 1. R-SJ -105 103.2 250 267.5 -285 117.5 127.5 135 257.5 275 292.5 695 86.50
11/11/2023 Stars and Stripes Championships Nathaniel Powell 1. R-JR -105 102.8 215 225 232.5 145 155 -160 257.5 270 277.5 665 82.92
11/11/2023 Stars and Stripes Championships Thomas Tereschuk 3. R-JR -105 97.8 185 195 207.5 122.5 132.5 -137.5 232.5 255 -262.5 595 75.97
11/11/2023 Stars and Stripes Championships Daniel In 4. R-JR -105 99.3 200 210 217.5 110 117.5 -127.5 230 245 255 590 74.78
11/11/2023 Stars and Stripes Championships Christopher Khoury 5. R-JR -105 93.6 -180 180 185 -135 140 145 160 170 182.5 512.5 66.84
11/11/2023 Stars and Stripes Championships Harlan Dean 2. R-JR -120 113.3 192.5 202.5 212.5 117.5 125 132.5 240 255 272.5 617.5 73.63
11/11/2023 Stars and Stripes Championships Alexander Watt 4. R-JR -120 110.6 230 235 237.5 140 145 150 170 557.5 67.21
11/11/2023 Stars and Stripes Championships Zander Kerekes 2. R-SJ -59 57.8 80 87.5 -92.5 50 55 57.5 85 95 102.5 247.5 41.41
11/11/2023 Stars and Stripes Championships Eldridge Peabody 1. R-SJ -66 65.1 150 160 167.5 95 102.5 -105 192.5 205 217.5 487.5 76.55
11/11/2023 Stars and Stripes Championships Connor Mcauliffe 3. R-SJ -66 65.4 105 115 125 82.5 92.5 95 150 165 385 60.31
11/11/2023 Stars and Stripes Championships Daniel Costanzo 6. R-SJ -66 60.8 85 95 102.5 52.5 60 65 117.5 130 137.5 305 49.67
11/11/2023 Stars and Stripes Championships Brady Skelly 7. R-SJ -66 63.1 92.5 110 120 60 70 -80 92.5 110 -122.5 300 47.89
11/11/2023 Stars and Stripes Championships Bryce Hearst 9. R-SJ -66 61.6 72.5 75 -80 55 60 62.5 122.5 -142.5 -142.5 260 42.04
11/11/2023 Stars and Stripes Championships Daniel Russo 2. R-SJ -83 79.3 170 185 200 125 137.5 145 220 235 -250 580 82.17
11/11/2023 Stars and Stripes Championships Akshay Shah 5. R-SJ -83 81.9 137.5 147.5 -160 87.5 -97.5 -97.5 170 185 192.5 427.5 59.58
11/11/2023 Stars and Stripes Championships Angelo Murazzi 6. R-SJ -83 82.2 -137.5 145 152.5 65 75 85 145 162.5 182.5 420 58.42
11/11/2023 Stars and Stripes Championships Ian Dobbins 4. R-SJ -93 85.9 165 175 182.5 105 115 -120 200 217.5 -227.5 515 70.07
11/11/2023 Stars and Stripes Championships Rowan Kratz 5. R-SJ -93 90.8 182.5 192.5 200 115 122.5 127.5 -185 185 -190 512.5 67.84
11/11/2023 Stars and Stripes Championships Bayan Anderson 6. R-SJ -93 92.4 137.5 147.5 150 100 110 -115 165 -175 177.5 437.5 57.42
11/11/2023 Stars and Stripes Championships Carter Galbreath 1. R-SJ -120 113.5 185 195 205 100 105 110 195 205 -215 520 61.96
11/11/2023 Stars and Stripes Championships Austin galbreath 1. R-SJ 120+ 133.1 192.5 205 210 110 115 120 195 205 215 545 60.63
11/11/2023 Stars and Stripes Championships Kayden Walker 3. R-SJ -105 100 60 60 60 180 22.74
11/04/2023 WSS Powerfest Abigail King 3. R-O 84+ 91.2 115 117.5 120 65 70 -72.5 147.5 152.5 157.5 347.5 63.72
11/04/2023 WSS Powerfest Alexis Varner 1. R-O -76 73.7 -112.5 112.5 115 67.5 70 -72.5 122.5 127.5 130 315 63.04
11/04/2023 WSS Powerfest Andy Furnas 1. R-M2 -83 80.5 122.5 -132.5 122.5 62.53
11/04/2023 WSS Powerfest Bader AlShatti 1. R-JR -93 88.6 177.5 190 202.5 127.5 135 -142.5 200 210 215 552.5 74.02
11/04/2023 WSS Powerfest Bentley Ohrtman 1. R-O 120+ 140.6 220 230 250 -165 170 -175 265 272.5 692.5 75.36
11/04/2023 WSS Powerfest Blake Buche 2. R-JR -83 82.3 180 187.5 195 115 122.5 -127.5 190 195 -197.5 512.5 71.27
11/04/2023 WSS Powerfest Braeden Haught 4. R-JR -74 73.3 110 120 -125 80 85 -92.5 150 160 172.5 377.5 55.69
11/04/2023 WSS Powerfest Brendan Cassidy 1. R-M3 -83 82.9 117.5 -127.5 -135 105 -117.5 -117.5 162.5 172.5 -182.5 395 54.71
11/04/2023 WSS Powerfest Brendan Cassidy 1. R-O -83 82.9 117.5 -127.5 -135 105 -117.5 -117.5 162.5 172.5 -182.5 395 54.71
11/04/2023 WSS Powerfest Breyda Navarro Vargas 1. R-SJ 84+ 104 65 -70 75 75 53.90
11/04/2023 WSS Powerfest Carlos Lewis 1. M3 -83 79.3 175 190 200 -125 125 -132.5 175 200 210 535 63.51
11/04/2023 WSS Powerfest Carly Thomas 1. R-M1 -69 67.9 137.5 142.5 147.5 85 -87.5 -87.5 152.5 160 162.5 395 82.61
11/04/2023 WSS Powerfest Carly Thomas 1. R-O -69 67.9 137.5 142.5 147.5 85 -87.5 -87.5 152.5 160 162.5 395 82.61
11/04/2023 WSS Powerfest Carolina Gil 2. R-O -57 56.3 107.5 115 -120 -52.5 52.5 -60 112.5 120 130 297.5 70.49
11/04/2023 WSS Powerfest Christian Upshaw 4. R-O -120 118.2 145 152.5 160 160 -167.5 -167.5 227.5 235 242.5 562.5 65.82
11/04/2023 WSS Powerfest Christopher Smith 1. R-O 120+ 145.1 167.5 175 182.5 220 230 -232.5 412.5 44.35
11/04/2023 WSS Powerfest Cory Benoit 3. R-O -120 116.8 192.5 205 215 140 150 155 205 220 230 600 70.58
11/04/2023 WSS Powerfest Daniel Richard 1. R-O -105 104.8 215 230 -237.5 142.5 -155 155 245 265 -272.5 650 80.32
11/04/2023 WSS Powerfest Dylan Yeager 1. R-O -120 118 207.5 227.5 250 -125 142.5 -162.5 227.5 265 -305 657.5 77.01
11/04/2023 WSS Powerfest E.J. Chikando 1. R-JR -105 94.1 205 217.5 230 140 147.5 155 225 240 -257.5 625 81.32
11/04/2023 WSS Powerfest E.J. Chikando 3. R-O -105 94.1 205 217.5 230 140 147.5 155 225 240 -257.5 625 81.32
11/04/2023 WSS Powerfest Edward Marik 1. R-M1 -83 80.1 87.5 100 105 82.5 92.5 -97.5 122.5 132.5 140 337.5 47.57
11/04/2023 WSS Powerfest Edward Marik 2. R-O -83 80.1 87.5 100 105 82.5 92.5 -97.5 122.5 132.5 140 337.5 47.57
11/04/2023 WSS Powerfest Erin Hall 5. R-O 84+ 106.1 112.5 117.5 -120 60 -67.5 -67.5 142.5 152.5 -157.5 330 57.99
11/04/2023 WSS Powerfest Gabriel Pino 1. R-M1 -93 87.5 -167.5 172.5 -180 117.5 120 -122.5 207.5 212.5 -215 505 68.10
11/04/2023 WSS Powerfest Gianna Walker 2. R-O 84+ 101 -122.5 122.5 127.5 62.5 67.5 72.5 162.5 170 -177.5 370 65.82
11/04/2023 WSS Powerfest Gilbert Bernal 5. R-O -105 104.5 150 160 -167.5 112.5 -117.5 122.5 195 205 -207.5 487.5 60.32
11/04/2023 WSS Powerfest Hillary Kyte 3. R-O -76 72.7 95 -107.5 -107.5 52.5 57.5 -65 87.5 97.5 -107.5 250 50.37
11/04/2023 WSS Powerfest Issac Sandoval 1. R-SJ -66 64.5 185 195 -210 195 30.77
11/04/2023 WSS Powerfest Jacob Bernal 2. R-JR -93 90 185 -195 -195 152.5 -160 -160 190 200 -212.5 537.5 71.48
11/04/2023 WSS Powerfest Jade Cuellar 1. R-JR 84+ 101.1 112.5 120 130 72.5 80 -85 -135 135 -147.5 345 61.35
11/04/2023 WSS Powerfest Jaemin Ko 1. R-O -66 65.5 -170 -177.5 177.5 117.5 -125 -125 -212.5 220 -227.5 515 80.60
11/04/2023 WSS Powerfest Jessica Medrano 2. R-JR 84+ 123.7 80 85 92.5 60 65 70 130 140 152.5 315 53.73
11/04/2023 WSS Powerfest Jocelyn Caza 1. R-SJ -69 68.7 60 65 75 -35 40 -45 95 102.5 107.5 222.5 46.21
11/04/2023 WSS Powerfest Justin Green 0. R-JR -74 73.7 -142.5 -142.5 145 -97.5 -100 -100 187.5 192.5 200 0 0.00
11/04/2023 WSS Powerfest Katy Whitlock 1. R-M1 -52 51.3 87.5 97.5 102.5 45 50 -52.5 110 122.5 130 282.5 72.24
11/04/2023 WSS Powerfest Katy Whitlock 1. R-O -52 51.3 87.5 97.5 102.5 45 50 -52.5 110 122.5 130 282.5 72.24
11/04/2023 WSS Powerfest Kianna Arthur 1. R-JR -69 68 102.5 -107.5 -107.5 50 52.5 -57.5 125 135 142.5 297.5 62.17
11/04/2023 WSS Powerfest Kristoff Firedancing 2. R-O 120+ 135.5 75 -130 -140 75 -85 -95 75 -165 -175 225 24.85
11/04/2023 WSS Powerfest Kylie Smith 1. R-PS -57 54.4 75 80 82.5 60 67.5 -70 95 100 -107.5 250 60.81
11/04/2023 WSS Powerfest Laia Larsen 2. R-O -69 64.6 117.5 120 122.5 72.5 75 80 145 -147.5 147.5 350 75.41
11/04/2023 WSS Powerfest Logan Christian 2. R-SJ -93 91.3 132.5 142.5 155 92.5 97.5 -110 175 187.5 -227.5 440 58.08
11/04/2023 WSS Powerfest Malajha Adkisson 2. R-JR -63 62.9 65 75 85 37.5 45 52.5 95 105 115 252.5 55.30
11/04/2023 WSS Powerfest Mario Montes 3. R-JR -74 73.8 130 135 140 90 97.5 -100 155 165 180 417.5 61.40
11/04/2023 WSS Powerfest Megan Alford 4. R-O 84+ 100.4 105 107.5 112.5 70 -75 -75 152.5 155 -160 337.5 60.13
11/04/2023 WSS Powerfest Michelle Harrell 1. R-M1 84+ 102.5 -142.5 142.5 -150 85 90 -95 155 160 165 397.5 70.44
11/04/2023 WSS Powerfest Michelle Harrell 1. R-O 84+ 102.5 -142.5 142.5 -150 85 90 -95 155 160 165 397.5 70.44
11/04/2023 WSS Powerfest Miranda Palmer 6. R-O 84+ 98.2 95 107.5 115 62.5 67.5 -72.5 122.5 132.5 137.5 320 57.36
11/04/2023 WSS Powerfest Naser Alkhalfan 1. R-JR -59 55.1 100 112.5 115 70 80 -90 150 -155 155 350 60.08
11/04/2023 WSS Powerfest Nathan Beckett 2. R-O -93 91.7 160 175 -185 115 122.5 130 190 202.5 215 520 68.50
11/04/2023 WSS Powerfest Nolan Coglianese 1. R-JR -74 73 -187.5 192.5 -202.5 110 112.5 117.5 215 227.5 235 545 80.58
11/04/2023 WSS Powerfest Octavia Hill 1. R-O -57 55.4 120 125 130 67.5 72.5 75 165 177.5 185 390 93.50
11/04/2023 WSS Powerfest Octavia Hill 1. R-SJ -57 55.4 120 125 130 67.5 72.5 75 165 177.5 185 390 93.50
11/04/2023 WSS Powerfest Omar Alloghani 1. R-SJ -83 82.4 -180 180 -190 110 -117.5 -117.5 230 -245 245 535 74.33
11/04/2023 WSS Powerfest Paul Benson 1. R-JR -83 77.6 180 187.5 -197.5 105 107.5 112.5 220 227.5 -240 527.5 75.57
11/04/2023 WSS Powerfest Richard Pham 1. R-SJ -74 72.3 -170 180 187.5 102.5 107.5 -112.5 167.5 -180 187.5 482.5 71.70
11/04/2023 WSS Powerfest Robert Hernandez 2. R-O -120 115.9 190 200 207.5 130 140 -150 237.5 257.5 267.5 615 72.59
11/04/2023 WSS Powerfest Robert Walker 2. R-JR -74 73.3 135 142.5 150 85 90 92.5 160 172.5 185 427.5 63.07
11/04/2023 WSS Powerfest Rodney Herbison 1. R-M3 -120 113.2 112.5 130 140 75 85 -95 142.5 165 -175 390 46.52
11/04/2023 WSS Powerfest Salah Aleissa 2. R-JR -105 99.2 180 190 -200 90 100 107.5 180 190 200 497.5 63.10
11/04/2023 WSS Powerfest Sean Herbison 2. R-O -105 102.5 205 215 217.5 145 -152.5 -152.5 250 270 -292.5 632.5 78.98
11/04/2023 WSS Powerfest Sherveen Ahmadian 1. R-JR -66 65.5 142.5 150 -160 75 92.5 -102.5 185 197.5 207.5 450 70.46
11/04/2023 WSS Powerfest Sina Gartner 1. R-O -63 61.6 115 122.5 130 90 92.5 -95 135 142.5 147.5 370 82.20
11/04/2023 WSS Powerfest Sophie Hubby 1. R-JR -63 62.7 100 105 112.5 47.5 -55 55 117.5 127.5 137.5 305 66.97
11/04/2023 WSS Powerfest Tanner Mirolla 2. R-SJ -74 73.7 110 122.5 135 77.5 85 -90 150 167.5 -182.5 387.5 57.01
11/04/2023 WSS Powerfest Tiffany Marik 2. R-M1 84+ 105 85 95 100 65 70 72.5 122.5 127.5 132.5 305 53.72
11/04/2023 WSS Powerfest Tiffany Marik 7. R-O 84+ 105 85 95 100 65 70 72.5 122.5 127.5 132.5 305 53.72
11/04/2023 WSS Powerfest Tyler Mirolla 1. R-O -93 90.5 215 230 247.5 120 130 -137.5 235 255 275 652.5 86.51
11/04/2023 WSS Powerfest Tyler Mirolla 1. R-SJ -93 90.5 215 230 247.5 120 130 -137.5 235 255 275 652.5 86.51
11/04/2023 WSS Powerfest Vincent Pieters 4. R-O -105 102.4 195 210 220 130 140 145 245 255 -267.5 620 77.47
11/04/2023 Big Iron Challenge Frankie Arp 1. R-M2 -69 67.4 125 130 135 62.5 65 67.5 152.5 157.5 160 362.5 76.11
11/04/2023 Big Iron Challenge Virginia Skinner 1. R-O 84+ 123.6 115 120 130 87.5 -95 -95 137.5 160 -170 377.5 64.40
11/04/2023 Big Iron Challenge Charles Van Valkenburgh 1. R-M1 -120 119.7 242.5 -262.5 275 -177.5 177.5 187.5 255 280 -290 742.5 86.41
11/04/2023 Big Iron Challenge Jo House 1. R-M4 -93 91.5 125 132.5 137.5 97.5 102.5 105 182.5 192.5 205 447.5 59.01
11/04/2023 Big Iron Challenge Caleb Smith 1. R-O -74 71.3 147.5 160 -170 110 -115 -117.5 -192.5 205 215 485 72.59
11/04/2023 Big Iron Challenge Caleb Day 1. R-O -120 113.3 175 185 195 115 -125 -125 242.5 255 -270 565 67.37
11/04/2023 Big Iron Challenge Kyle Agre 1. R-SJ -74 70.7 172.5 185 -197.5 85 92.5 -100 180 190 202.5 480 72.16
11/04/2023 Big Iron Challenge Jacob Jennings 1. R-SJ -83 80.6 135 137.5 142.5 87.5 90 95 145 147.5 160 397.5 55.85
10/29/2023 Scary Strong 2 Joel Richards 1. R-M2 -74 73.7 -87.5 95 -102.5 95 50.77
10/29/2023 Scary Strong 2 Astrid Girolamo 1. R-M1 -63 57.3 112.5 120 125 67.5 72.5 -77.5 127.5 135 145 342.5 80.08
10/29/2023 Scary Strong 2 Cheryl ventola 1. R-M3 -76 74 100 107.5 -115 52.5 55 -57.5 122.5 132.5 137.5 300 59.93
10/29/2023 Scary Strong 2 Kristi Polizzano 1. R-O -52 51.3 110 115 -120 65 70 -72.5 115 122.5 132.5 317.5 81.19
10/29/2023 Scary Strong 2 Leslie Shing 1. R-O -69 68.4 115 122.5 130 65 70 72.5 165 175 -185 377.5 78.59
10/29/2023 Scary Strong 2 Casluh Chamberlain 1. R-O -76 76 -135 140 -145 82.5 87.5 -90 145 -150 150 377.5 74.43
10/29/2023 Scary Strong 2 Reneigh Chick 2. R-O -76 74.6 102.5 110 117.5 50 55 60 115 122.5 130 307.5 61.17
10/29/2023 Scary Strong 2 Theresa Spencer 1. R-O 84+ 102.9 -185 185 200 97.5 102.5 107.5 165 177.5 185 492.5 87.18
10/29/2023 Scary Strong 2 Jessie Marie Joyce 2. R-O 84+ 93.4 132.5 137.5 140 70 75 77.5 150 155 162.5 380 69.13
10/29/2023 Scary Strong 2 Michelle Flesaker 3. R-O 84+ 91.4 102.5 115 120 60 65 70 130 140 152.5 342.5 62.75
10/29/2023 Scary Strong 2 Alexis Towner 4. R-O 84+ 86.3 110 120 122.5 60 67.5 -72.5 120 127.5 -137.5 317.5 59.35
10/29/2023 Scary Strong 2 Christopher Tufts 1. R-M1 -83 82.5 147.5 155 162.5 102.5 110 115 185 195 202.5 480 66.67
10/29/2023 Scary Strong 2 Keith Jenkins 1. R-M1 -105 100.2 165 175 185 145 155 165 185 195 205 555 70.06
10/29/2023 Scary Strong 2 Scott Lynn 2. R-M1 -105 102.4 167.5 175 182.5 92.5 97.5 102.5 182.5 195 205 490 61.21
10/29/2023 Scary Strong 2 Quentin Dooley 1. R-O -74 73 147.5 157.5 165 115 122.5 127.5 185 197.5 207.5 500 73.95
10/29/2023 Scary Strong 2 Sean McClorey 1. R-O -83 76 185 195 205 125 132.5 -140 220 230 240 577.5 83.65
10/29/2023 Scary Strong 2 Hendrik Reinold 2. R-O -83 79.3 185 195 205 115 122.5 -125 220 235 -242.5 562.5 79.69
10/29/2023 Scary Strong 2 Joseph Burke 1. R-O -93 83.7 170 180 187.5 110 117.5 -122.5 202.5 215 227.5 532.5 73.40
10/29/2023 Scary Strong 2 Bryant Smith 1. R-O -105 103.5 162.5 177.5 187.5 117.5 -127.5 -127.5 185 195 210 515 64.03
10/29/2023 Scary Strong 2 Justin Nutt 1. R-O -120 116.7 245 260 277.5 125 137.5 142.5 285 302.5 -317.5 722.5 85.02
10/29/2023 Scary Strong 2 Charles Dupuis 1. R-SJ -59 57.2 125 -130 130 70 -75 -75 160 165 170 370 62.25
10/29/2023 Scary Strong 2 Kyle Orben 1. R-SJ -74 71.7 152.5 155 170 100 107.5 -110 175 180 187.5 465 69.42
10/29/2023 Scary Strong 2 Adam Olsen 2. R-SJ -74 66.4 150 155 162.5 102.5 -107.5 107.5 185 190 -197.5 460 71.48
10/29/2023 Scary Strong 2 Noah Wright 1. R-SJ -93 85.4 205 212.5 217.5 85 92.5 100 230 245 255 572.5 78.12
10/29/2023 Scary Strong 2 John Engebretson 1. R-SJ -105 98.9 152.5 162.5 167.5 87.5 92.5 95 152.5 165 172.5 435 55.24
10/29/2023 Scary Strong 2 Ryan Musto 1. R-SJ -120 119.1 260 -275 275 -170 175 -177.5 227.5 247.5 267.5 717.5 83.70
10/28/2023 Buckeye Brawl Atalie Brown 1. R-JR -76 69.3 -45 55 -60 55 43.79
10/28/2023 Buckeye Brawl Joe Dibert 1. M2 120+ 140.8 -340 340 -365 340 95.47
10/28/2023 Buckeye Brawl Tyler Erba 1. R-JR -105 102.3 110 120 -125 120 54.39
10/28/2023 Buckeye Brawl Marvin Huber 1. R-M4 -66 64.2 -85 85 90 90 51.85
10/28/2023 Buckeye Brawl Jeremy Auerbach 1. R-O 120+ 144.8 200 -215 227.5 227.5 89.02
10/28/2023 Buckeye Brawl Samantha Occhionero 1. R-JR -63 59.2 115 -125 125 55 57.5 60 117.5 127.5 132.5 317.5 72.45
10/28/2023 Buckeye Brawl Moe Brown 1. R-JR -69 68.4 -127.5 127.5 137.5 62.5 67.5 72.5 140 147.5 155 365 75.99
10/28/2023 Buckeye Brawl Layla Zinser 1. R-JR -76 74.7 135 -150 -150 62.5 65 -70 142.5 155 -165 355 70.59
10/28/2023 Buckeye Brawl Emma Benz 1. R-O -63 61.7 107.5 110 -115 65 -70 70 130 135 -137.5 315 69.86
10/28/2023 Buckeye Brawl Emily Earley 1. R-O 84+ 93.1 100 107.5 112.5 57.5 62.5 67.5 112.5 122.5 127.5 307.5 56.01
10/28/2023 Buckeye Brawl Olivia Jackson 1. R-SJ -57 52.9 60 65 70 55 60 62.5 85 90 95 227.5 56.62
10/28/2023 Buckeye Brawl Cameron Quesea 1. R-JR -74 73.4 142.5 152.5 162.5 90 95 -100 177.5 190 197.5 455 67.08
10/28/2023 Buckeye Brawl Andrew Salisbury 1. R-JR -83 78 145 155 165 112.5 125 127.5 175 190 205 497.5 71.08
10/28/2023 Buckeye Brawl Luke Toweson 2. R-JR -83 79.4 137.5 150 160 -102.5 115 125 175 187.5 -205 472.5 66.90
10/28/2023 Buckeye Brawl Nicholas Resca 1. R-JR -93 88 192.5 210 -220 105 -115 115 200 -205 -205 525 70.58
10/28/2023 Buckeye Brawl Noah Bauer 2. R-JR -93 88.2 165 172.5 180 85 92.5 -95 175 182.5 197.5 470 63.11
10/28/2023 Buckeye Brawl Nicholas Cardella 1. R-JR -120 119.8 187.5 202.5 210 152.5 -160 160 207.5 220 230 600 69.81
10/28/2023 Buckeye Brawl Joe Stanley 1. R-M1 -93 90.9 132.5 145 150 120 125 127.5 180 190 195 472.5 62.51
10/28/2023 Buckeye Brawl Jason Peck 1. R-M1 -105 98 -165 165 175 125 130 -132.5 187.5 200 -207.5 505 64.41
10/28/2023 Buckeye Brawl Justin West 1. R-O -83 82.7 265 277.5 287.5 160 165 172.5 307.5 320 327.5 787.5 109.21
10/28/2023 Buckeye Brawl William Wallace 2. R-O -83 82.6 225 235 240 140 147.5 150 227.5 240 -250 630 87.45
10/28/2023 Buckeye Brawl Benjamin Leo 3. R-O -83 81.5 165 175 182.5 107.5 112.5 117.5 210 -220 227.5 527.5 73.72
10/28/2023 Buckeye Brawl David Gittinger 4. R-O -83 80.9 155 165 175 120 125 132.5 180 190 202.5 510 71.52
10/28/2023 Buckeye Brawl Joe Stanley 1. R-O -93 90.9 132.5 145 150 120 125 127.5 180 190 195 472.5 62.51
10/28/2023 Buckeye Brawl Jason Peck 1. R-O -105 98 -165 165 175 125 130 -132.5 187.5 200 -207.5 505 64.41
10/28/2023 Buckeye Brawl Micah Crone 1. R-SJ -83 77 -135 142.5 147.5 -95 100 -105 175 -185 185 432.5 62.20
10/28/2023 Elite Season Classic II Kelsey Scannevin 1. R-JR -57 56 127.5 132.5 137.5 70 75 77.5 145 155 160 375 89.21
10/28/2023 Elite Season Classic II Amber Kozik 1. R-JR -76 71.4 80 85 92.5 42.5 47.5 -50 105 112.5 -117.5 252.5 51.37
10/28/2023 Elite Season Classic II Alexa-Briana Batchateu 1. R-JR -84 80.9 172.5 180 -195 72.5 77.5 -82.5 200 210 -227.5 467.5 89.64
10/28/2023 Elite Season Classic II Emily Bombardier 1. R-JR 84+ 114.5 117.5 122.5 132.5 65 70 -72.5 130 137.5 150 352.5 60.94
10/28/2023 Elite Season Classic II Jackie Barone 1. R-M2 -69 68.4 52.5 57.5 62.5 40 42.5 45 80 87.5 95 202.5 42.18
10/28/2023 Elite Season Classic II Kelsey Scannevin 1. R-O -57 56 127.5 132.5 137.5 70 75 77.5 145 155 160 375 89.21
10/28/2023 Elite Season Classic II Jackie Barone 1. R-O -69 68.4 52.5 57.5 62.5 40 42.5 45 80 87.5 95 202.5 42.18
10/28/2023 Elite Season Classic II Megan Taylor Carey 1. R-O -84 78.1 147.5 157.5 -165 82.5 87.5 -92.5 172.5 182.5 -187.5 427.5 83.26
10/28/2023 Elite Season Classic II Haley Anderson 2. R-O -84 77 152.5 160 162.5 70 -75 75 165 175 182.5 420 82.30
10/28/2023 Elite Season Classic II Eleni Guerrera 1. R-SJ -57 56.3 130 137.5 140 70 75 -77.5 160 167.5 175 390 92.40
10/28/2023 Elite Season Classic II Saige Back 1. R-SJ 84+ 88 -80 82.5 -90 50 55 57.5 90 97.5 105 245 45.48
10/28/2023 Elite Season Classic II Bodie Lacoe 1. R-JR -59 58.5 155 170 182.5 95 105 -112.5 225 250 267.5 555 92.30
10/28/2023 Elite Season Classic II Kyle Nowak 1. R-JR -74 69.5 215 227.5 237.5 132.5 140 145 290 307.5 322.5 705 106.95
10/28/2023 Elite Season Classic II Rion Dugan 2. R-JR -74 72.8 185 195 -205 127.5 -132.5 -132.5 205 215 -227.5 537.5 79.61
10/28/2023 Elite Season Classic II Jeffrey Garzon 1. R-JR -83 80.9 200 210 215 107.5 112.5 -117.5 200 220 235 562.5 78.88
10/28/2023 Elite Season Classic II Faisal Almethen 1. R-JR -93 88.1 190 -200 200 122.5 125 -130 240 -250 250 575 77.25
10/28/2023 Elite Season Classic II Reese Conners 2. R-JR -93 88 197.5 205 -215 112.5 120 125 217.5 230 240 570 76.62
10/28/2023 Elite Season Classic II Jeffrey Sigler 3. R-JR -93 89.9 165 182.5 192.5 95 105 112.5 200 220 237.5 542.5 72.16
10/28/2023 Elite Season Classic II Daniel Bueno 4. R-JR -93 91.2 170 187.5 202.5 102.5 107.5 -110 165 185 192.5 502.5 66.37
10/28/2023 Elite Season Classic II Ryan Newton-White 1. R-JR 120+ 141.3 227.5 240 255 137.5 147.5 -152.5 232.5 250 267.5 670 72.78
10/28/2023 Elite Season Classic II Richard Owczarzak 1. R-M1 -105 100.5 185 195 -205 105 115 120 190 207.5 215 530 66.81
10/28/2023 Elite Season Classic II Phillip Rosenstern 1. R-M3 -93 91.9 160 175 182.5 90 97.5 -100 220 235 -245 515 67.77
10/28/2023 Elite Season Classic II Paul Gallo 1. R-O -74 68.3 145 152.5 160 80 82.5 -85 190 200 -210 442.5 67.74
10/28/2023 Elite Season Classic II Michael Christopher 2. R-O -83 79.2 165 -175 180 95 105 -115 185 197.5 207.5 492.5 69.84
10/28/2023 Elite Season Classic II Jeffrey Garzon 1. R-O -83 80.9 200 210 215 107.5 112.5 -117.5 200 220 235 562.5 78.88
10/28/2023 Elite Season Classic II Christopher Sadsad 1. R-O -93 85.4 230 240 242.5 145 150 152.5 275 285 295 690 94.15
10/28/2023 Elite Season Classic II Brendan Chick 1. R-O 120+ 124.8 210 222.5 232.5 125 -135 -135 250 262.5 285 642.5 73.43
10/28/2023 Elite Season Classic II Jonathan Twaddell 1. R-SJ -66 66 165 180 192.5 85 92.5 -100 205 215 225 510 79.53
10/28/2023 Kilo Massacre Stacie Taylor 1. R-M1 -63 62.6 57.5 62.5 65 65 54.46
10/28/2023 Kilo Massacre Marie Brenden 1. R-M2 -84 81.6 75 80 -85 80 60.14
10/28/2023 Kilo Massacre Marie Brenden 0. R-O -84 81.6 75 80 -85 80 60.14
10/28/2023 Kilo Massacre Mario Espindola 1. R-M2 120+ 121.5 177.5 185 190 190 79.73
10/28/2023 Kilo Massacre Umar Abdullah 1. R-O 120+ 185.2 245 -267.5 -267.5 245 88.30
10/28/2023 Kilo Massacre Isabelle Iliev 1. R-M2 -63 61.9 120 125 130 72.5 77.5 -80 145 152.5 160 367.5 81.33
10/28/2023 Kilo Massacre Roberta Carlson 1. R-M2 -69 67.4 125 132.5 137.5 67.5 -72.5 -72.5 165 175 -182.5 380 79.78
10/28/2023 Kilo Massacre Heidi Meeley 1. R-M2 84+ 100.8 120 127.5 135 62.5 67.5 70 127.5 140 150 355 63.18
10/28/2023 Kilo Massacre Alma Kimura 1. R-M3 -69 67.7 92.5 100 105 47.5 52.5 55 125 132.5 137.5 297.5 62.33
10/28/2023 Kilo Massacre Denise Johnson 1. R-M4 -52 50.6 35 30 65 130 33.65
10/28/2023 Kilo Massacre Sophie Kaplan Mutch 1. R-O -63 62.2 140 150 155 60 67.5 72.5 175 190 200 427.5 94.31
10/28/2023 Kilo Massacre Victoria Price-Doucet 2. R-O -63 63 95 -100 100 55 57.5 60 122.5 132.5 137.5 297.5 65.09
10/28/2023 Kilo Massacre Katie Dominguez 1. R-O -69 68.2 107.5 112.5 117.5 67.5 72.5 -77.5 140 152.5 160 350 72.99
10/28/2023 Kilo Massacre Anamaria Moncada 1. R-O -76 75.6 160 172.5 -182.5 80 -85 85 142.5 160 167.5 425 84.03
10/28/2023 Kilo Massacre Aubrey Harding 2. R-O -76 70.9 -110 110 -112.5 67.5 70 -72.5 132.5 137.5 140 320 65.32
10/28/2023 Kilo Massacre Jessi Armstrong 3. R-O -76 70.5 107.5 112.5 117.5 57.5 60 -62.5 112.5 117.5 125 302.5 61.94
10/28/2023 Kilo Massacre Vivien Mildenberger 4. R-O -76 70.7 82.5 -92.5 -92.5 47.5 -52.5 -52.5 115 120 125 255 52.15
10/28/2023 Kilo Massacre Marissa Minato 0. R-O -76 74.5 -102.5 -102.5 -102.5 50 55 -57.5 120 130 -140 0 0.00
10/28/2023 Kilo Massacre Grace Feliciano 1. R-O -84 82.5 140 147.5 155 65 70 -72.5 165 177.5 190 415 78.94
10/28/2023 Kilo Massacre Janine Sy 2. R-O -84 80.1 137.5 -147.5 147.5 75 77.5 -80 150 167.5 -177.5 392.5 75.60
10/28/2023 Kilo Massacre Laura Liu 3. R-O -84 82.9 147.5 155 -157.5 57.5 60 62.5 142.5 150 160 377.5 71.68
10/28/2023 Kilo Massacre Olivia Simpson 1. R-O 84+ 116.2 110 122.5 -130 55 62.5 -70 140 -150 -150 325 56.03
10/28/2023 Kilo Massacre Morgan Rhodes 2. R-O 84+ 103.3 -90 95 -100 47.5 50 -52.5 120 -130 130 275 48.64
10/28/2023 Kilo Massacre Samantha Holzberger 3. R-O 84+ 101.7 92.5 97.5 -102.5 47.5 50 -52.5 102.5 110 120 267.5 47.50
10/28/2023 Kilo Massacre Armando Jr Armas 1. R-JR -105 102.1 200 215 -227.5 150 165 172.5 245 -260 -272.5 632.5 79.12
10/28/2023 Kilo Massacre Robert Lane 1. R-M2 -74 73.7 190 200 -207.5 127.5 135 -140 240 257.5 265 600 88.30
10/28/2023 Kilo Massacre Mikay Ye 1. R-O -74 68.4 180 200 215 120 127.5 132.5 250 272.5 290 637.5 97.56
10/28/2023 Kilo Massacre Adolfo Zarate 2. R-O -74 72.6 165 175 177.5 100 105 -107.5 180 195 -207.5 477.5 70.80
10/28/2023 Kilo Massacre Arthur Hammer 1. R-O -93 89.9 207.5 217.5 227.5 112.5 125 137.5 252.5 262.5 272.5 637.5 84.80
10/28/2023 Kilo Massacre Robert Baranski 2. R-O -93 87.2 120 -135 142.5 82.5 -92.5 92.5 172.5 182.5 192.5 427.5 57.75
10/28/2023 Kilo Massacre Zacariah Nye 1. R-O -105 101.1 137.5 145 160 90 -97.5 97.5 187.5 200 215 472.5 59.38
10/28/2023 Kilo Massacre Michael Tuchscherer 1. R-O -120 119.2 300 317.5 322.5 192.5 200 -202.5 325 367.5 -377.5 890 103.76
10/28/2023 Kilo Massacre Brady Cable 2. R-O -120 117.7 245 262.5 -275 165 175 180 305 325 -340 767.5 89.98
10/28/2023 Kilo Massacre Stephen Colbertson 3. R-O -120 107.8 220 235 245 152.5 162.5 -167.5 252.5 272.5 282.5 690 84.18
10/28/2023 Kilo Massacre Peter Vong 1. R-SJ -59 58.5 170 182.5 195 90 97.5 105 210 -225 -237.5 510 84.78
10/28/2023 Kilo Massacre Francisco Flores Marquez 1. R-SJ -105 103.8 105 112.5 117.5 72.5 80 82.5 127.5 137.5 145 345 42.83
10/28/2023 Kilo Massacre Siri Hoogen 1. R-M1 84+ 85.7 87.5 92.5 95 165 -172.5 175 270 50.61
10/28/2023 32nd Annual Florida State Open Championships Cassandra Zimmerman 1. R-JR -57 56.9 67.5 -72.5 -72.5 67.5 60.13
10/28/2023 32nd Annual Florida State Open Championships Brian Hart 1. R-M3 -93 89.9 142.5 147.5 150 150 72.36
10/28/2023 32nd Annual Florida State Open Championships Cassandra Zimmerman 1. R-JR -57 56.9 -102.5 102.5 -105 67.5 -72.5 -72.5 112.5 115 117.5 287.5 67.55
10/28/2023 32nd Annual Florida State Open Championships Jennifer Senffner 1. R-M1 84+ 106.1 -127.5 127.5 -130 52.5 -57.5 57.5 112.5 117.5 125 310 54.47
10/28/2023 32nd Annual Florida State Open Championships Maryann Badra 1. R-O -57 56.5 82.5 85 -87.5 47.5 50 -52.5 110 112.5 -115 247.5 58.47
10/28/2023 32nd Annual Florida State Open Championships Julia Pandolfi 1. R-O 84+ 89.2 160 172.5 182.5 80 87.5 95 150 160 165 442.5 81.73
10/28/2023 32nd Annual Florida State Open Championships Casidy Pinheiro 1. R-SJ -57 56.7 60 67.5 -72.5 50 55 -60 60 65 70 192.5 45.36
10/28/2023 32nd Annual Florida State Open Championships Estefany Martinez 1. R-SJ -76 70.9 -85 -85 85 52.5 -55 -55 90 97.5 102.5 240 48.98
10/28/2023 32nd Annual Florida State Open Championships Ethan Belcher 1. R-JR -83 82.8 -170 170 182.5 102.5 110 -115 190 205 215 507.5 70.35
10/28/2023 32nd Annual Florida State Open Championships Brady Vareha 1. R-JR -93 91.3 215 222.5 -227.5 152.5 -160 -160 217.5 222.5 230 605 79.89
10/28/2023 32nd Annual Florida State Open Championships Mark Gettings 1. R-M1 -105 96.2 190 197.5 202.5 147.5 155 162.5 177.5 187.5 200 565 72.71
10/28/2023 32nd Annual Florida State Open Championships Christopher Thompkins 1. R-M1 -120 118.2 172.5 182.5 187.5 187.5 79.63
10/28/2023 32nd Annual Florida State Open Championships Brandon Kissel 1. R-O -66 65.1 165 170 -175 92.5 -105 105 190 200 205 480 75.35
10/28/2023 32nd Annual Florida State Open Championships Russell Santos 1. R-O -83 81.2 -175 190 207.5 100 107.5 112.5 220 237.5 -245 557.5 78.06
10/28/2023 32nd Annual Florida State Open Championships Carlos Soto 0. R-O -93 91.8 -185 -187.5 -187.5 147.5 150 152.5 220 235 240 0 0.00
10/28/2023 32nd Annual Florida State Open Championships Jordan Daniels 1. R-O -105 96.7 210 220 225 145 150 155 235 242.5 252.5 632.5 81.22
10/28/2023 32nd Annual Florida State Open Championships Landon Hiatte 1. R-SJ -66 65.5 102.5 110 115 85 90 92.5 115 122.5 130 337.5 52.82
10/28/2023 32nd Annual Florida State Open Championships Nelson Lugo Jr 1. R-M4 -120 116.9 90 100 107.5 102.5 107.5 -120 215 25.28
10/28/2023 Boo Bash Robert Greer 1. R-M1 120+ 127.9 190 195 202.5 202.5 83.18
10/28/2023 Boo Bash John Tarasik 1. R-O -120 109.5 185 210 215 215 94.44
10/28/2023 Boo Bash Linh Huynh 1. R-JR -57 55.9 85 90 -97.5 50 55 -57.5 92.5 100 105 250 59.52
10/28/2023 Boo Bash Melissa Dam 1. R-O -57 55.3 -105 112.5 -117.5 47.5 50 52.5 140 150 160 325 78.02
10/28/2023 Boo Bash Diane McNulty 1. R-O -63 59.7 60 72.5 80 45 52.5 -60 100 107.5 110 242.5 55.01
10/28/2023 Boo Bash Brittany Koziol 1. R-O -76 75 90 95 100 65 67.5 72.5 127.5 135 145 317.5 62.99
10/28/2023 Boo Bash Ryli Greer 1. R-SJ -63 58.2 -67.5 67.5 72.5 42.5 -47.5 55 82.5 87.5 -100 215 49.66
10/28/2023 Boo Bash Julian Gonzalez 1. R-JR -74 72.3 135 145 152.5 102.5 -110 112.5 180 192.5 205 470 69.84
10/28/2023 Boo Bash Nikko Karones 1. R-JR -83 80.3 185 195 -197.5 120 127.5 -135 260 -272.5 -272.5 582.5 82.00
10/28/2023 Boo Bash Dominic Siragusa 2. R-JR -83 80.6 165 170 175 115 122.5 132.5 170 180 195 502.5 70.60
10/28/2023 Boo Bash Noah Pili 1. R-SJ -74 66.2 180 190 195 105 110 120 215 230 237.5 552.5 85.99
10/28/2023 Boo Bash Andrew Ceasario 2. R-SJ -74 72.8 142.5 155 -157.5 80 -85 85 170 177.5 182.5 422.5 62.56
10/28/2023 Boo Bash Adrian Morell 1. R-SJ -83 81.8 162.5 170 177.5 125 132.5 140 187.5 195 -205 512.5 71.47
10/28/2023 Boo Bash Daniel Cardoza 2. R-SJ -83 80 160 172.5 182.5 95 102.5 -107.5 185 200 210 495 69.81
10/28/2023 Boo Bash Maddox Taylo 1. R-SJ -93 86.6 137.5 150 160 -87.5 87.5 100 -175 175 195 455 61.66
10/28/2023 Boo Bash Sebastian Rojas 1. R-SJ -105 104.7 142.5 150 -157.5 85 90 -95 175 182.5 190 430 53.16
10/28/2023 2023 Georgia State Championshipseet Brian Albert 1. M2 -74 73.6 102.5 102.5 40.10
10/28/2023 2023 Georgia State Championshipseet Austin Brown 1. O -105 104.8 305 312.5 315 315 97.90
10/28/2023 2023 Georgia State Championshipseet Jeff Robison 1. R-M2 -120 114.9 -120 127.5 -137.5 127.5 54.82
10/28/2023 2023 Georgia State Championshipseet Vicki Brackett 1. M3 84+ 125.2 112.5 125 -132.5 100 107.5 -112.5 150 -155 157.5 390 54.66
10/28/2023 2023 Georgia State Championshipseet Vicki Brackett 0. O 84+ 125.2 112.5 125 -132.5 100 107.5 -112.5 150 -155 157.5 390 54.66
10/28/2023 2023 Georgia State Championshipseet Grace Skweres 0. R-G -59 0 40 42.5 52.5 -30 -35 -35 60 67.5 72.5 0 0.00
10/28/2023 2023 Georgia State Championshipseet Brielle Gilbert 1. R-PS -69 63.9 -32.5 -77.5 77.5 32.5 -40 -40 70 82.5 87.5 197.5 42.82
10/28/2023 2023 Georgia State Championshipseet Laryn Myrick 1. R-O -63 61.2 102.5 110 115 62.5 67.5 -70 130 137.5 140 322.5 71.96
10/28/2023 2023 Georgia State Championshipseet Virginia Morris 1. R-O -76 69.2 107.5 115 122.5 57.5 62.5 65 115 -125 -135 302.5 62.57
10/28/2023 2023 Georgia State Championshipseet Chantelle Russell 1. R-O -84 83.4 77.5 85 92.5 65 -72.5 72.5 107.5 117.5 125 290 54.93
10/28/2023 2023 Georgia State Championshipseet Jules Taylor 1. R-SJ -57 56.2 -52.5 52.5 57.5 30 -37.5 -37.5 60 65 82.5 170 40.33
10/28/2023 2023 Georgia State Championshipseet Emma Skweres 1. R-SJ -63 59.1 70 -77.5 -77.5 32.5 40 -47.5 65 80 85 195 44.55
10/28/2023 2023 Georgia State Championshipseet Rachel Wartmen 2. R-SJ -63 60.4 42.5 45 60 30 37.5 -40 60 77.5 82.5 180 40.50
10/28/2023 2023 Georgia State Championshipseet Mary Bennett Dixon 1. R-SJ -69 66.3 62.5 72.5 -80 32.5 37.5 -47.5 82.5 92.5 102.5 212.5 45.05
10/28/2023 2023 Georgia State Championshipseet Abagael Kostyu 2. R-SJ -69 65.2 -50 -50 50 -30 30 -40 45 57.5 80 160 34.26
10/28/2023 2023 Georgia State Championshipseet Maura Adams 0. R-SJ -76 73.9 42.5 -50 -50 -37.5 -37.5 -37.5 47.5 55 62.5 0 0.00
10/28/2023 2023 Georgia State Championshipseet Dale McLaren 1. M1 -105 104.1 -322.5 325 337.5 -270 275 -280 285 300 307.5 920 94.41
10/28/2023 2023 Georgia State Championshipseet Dale McLaren 0. O -105 104.1 -322.5 325 337.5 -270 275 -280 285 300 307.5 920 94.41
10/28/2023 2023 Georgia State Championshipseet Logan Barrett 1. O 120+ 140.8 345 360 -365 -255 255 262.5 290 307.5 315 937.5 85.77
10/28/2023 2023 Georgia State Championshipseet Dominic Zayas 1. R-Y 0 0 35 39 42 22 24 26 55 60 -65 128 0.00
10/28/2023 2023 Georgia State Championshipseet Gabe Gainey 1. R-G -59 0 40 45 -62.5 37.5 -42.5 -42.5 65 70 -85 152.5 0.00
10/28/2023 2023 Georgia State Championshipseet Alex Crooks 1. R-M1 120+ 131.8 162.5 172.5 -182.5 92.5 100 -105 180 182.5 185 457.5 51.11
10/28/2023 2023 Georgia State Championshipseet Brian Cochran 2. R-M1 120+ 123.9 75 -77.5 -77.5 155 165 -170 240 27.52
10/28/2023 2023 Georgia State Championshipseet Tri Ho 1. R-O -74 72.6 95 107.5 115 65 72.5 -75 130 140 150 337.5 50.04
10/28/2023 2023 Georgia State Championshipseet Joshua T Brewington 1. R-O -93 90.4 227.5 237.5 245 142.5 147.5 -155 265 277.5 -287.5 670 88.88
10/28/2023 2023 Georgia State Championshipseet Daniel Arango 1. R-O -105 102.9 160 172.5 182.5 -130 132.5 140 210 227.5 -235 550 68.57
10/28/2023 2023 Georgia State Championshipseet Brandon Rising 2. R-O -105 103.7 155 -167.5 170 -130 130 -140 -195 195 -220 495 61.47
10/28/2023 2023 Georgia State Championshipseet Jacob Niebergall 3. R-O -105 103.9 135 147.5 155 132.5 137.5 -142.5 150 165 175 467.5 58.02
10/28/2023 2023 Georgia State Championshipseet Adi Rao 4. R-O -105 103.8 105 117.5 130 90 97.5 -100 130 145 -152.5 372.5 46.25
10/28/2023 2023 Georgia State Championshipseet Zebulon Moore 1. R-O -120 120 297.5 315 330 187.5 200 -205 -290 290 320 850 98.83
10/28/2023 2023 Georgia State Championshipseet Charles Butler 1. R-SJ -53 53 90 97.5 102.5 52.5 57.5 60 115 125 132.5 295 51.71
10/28/2023 2023 Georgia State Championshipseet Ray Dixon 0. R-SJ -59 56.6 60 65 -77.5 -47.5 -47.5 -47.5 85 95 100 0 0.00
10/28/2023 2023 Georgia State Championshipseet Zorn Crosby 1. R-SJ -66 60.1 -62.5 62.5 67.5 52.5 57.5 60 92.5 100 107.5 235 38.51
10/28/2023 2023 Georgia State Championshipseet Austen Wartmen 1. R-SJ -74 69.9 92.5 97.5 102.5 55 62.5 65 92.5 107.5 125 292.5 44.24
10/28/2023 2023 Georgia State Championshipseet Matthew Noe 1. R-SJ -83 81.1 175 190 195 115 125 127.5 180 197.5 210 532.5 74.61
10/28/2023 2023 Georgia State Championshipseet Michael Russell 1. R-SJ -93 86.6 105 115 120 65 72.5 75 125 137.5 145 340 46.07
10/28/2023 2023 Georgia State Championshipseet Jackson Vining 1. R-SJ -120 114.5 102.5 127.5 -147.5 80 85 -100 120 150 157.5 370 43.91
10/28/2023 2023 Georgia State Championshipseet Atreyu Vest 1. R-SJ 120+ 127.5 185 197.5 205 117.5 127.5 132.5 185 195 200 537.5 60.88
10/22/2023 2023 Texas State Championships Anna Gonzalez 1. O -52 51.4 72.5 80 -82.5 80 56.02
10/22/2023 2023 Texas State Championships Myah Brown 1. R-SJ -63 60.6 57.5 62.5 -70 62.5 53.39
10/22/2023 2023 Texas State Championships Eddie Webber 1. R-M1 -66 65.4 150 165 167.5 167.5 95.48
10/22/2023 2023 Texas State Championships Jay Caballero 1. R-M2 -120 109.4 135 140 -145 140 61.52
10/22/2023 2023 Texas State Championships Valente Innniss-Thompson 1. R-O 120+ 141.1 205 215 227.5 227.5 89.89
10/22/2023 2023 Texas State Championships Cecilia Gutierrez 1. R-O 84+ 90.9 82.5 -87.5 87.5 52.5 60 65 80 97.5 105 257.5 47.26
10/22/2023 2023 Texas State Championships Gabriella Garza 1. R-SJ -52 51.3 100 107.5 112.5 40 -45 -45 100 107.5 -110 260 66.48
10/22/2023 2023 Texas State Championships Sara Vasquez 1. R-SJ -76 75.3 137.5 145 147.5 57.5 -60 -60 142.5 -145 -145 347.5 68.84
10/22/2023 2023 Texas State Championships Madilyn Cantu 1. R-SJ -84 80.5 102.5 110 112.5 50 57.5 -60 105 110 -115 280 53.82
10/22/2023 2023 Texas State Championships Blaize Whitaker 1. R-JR 120+ 138.7 220 237.5 255 -150 160 -177.5 242.5 265 -267.5 680 74.40
10/22/2023 2023 Texas State Championships David Koch 1. R-M2 -105 101.5 215 237.5 250 145 155 165 250 265 275 690 86.56
10/22/2023 2023 Texas State Championships Jay Caballero 1. R-M2 -120 109.4 155 167.5 180 135 140 -145 205 217.5 227.5 547.5 66.33
10/22/2023 2023 Texas State Championships David Berube 1. R-O -59 55.8 82.5 92.5 97.5 60 -67.5 67.5 105 112.5 117.5 282.5 48.17
10/22/2023 2023 Texas State Championships Andyn Grubb 1. R-O -66 65 152.5 162.5 170 102.5 112.5 -117.5 -202.5 212.5 222.5 505 79.36
10/22/2023 2023 Texas State Championships John Tong 1. R-O -83 81.9 242.5 257.5 262.5 145 150 157.5 242.5 255 260 680 94.77
10/22/2023 2023 Texas State Championships Luke Janosky 2. R-O -83 82.2 150 112.5 117.5 120 155 165 175 445 61.90
10/22/2023 2023 Texas State Championships Valente Innniss-Thompson 1. R-O 120+ 141.1 240 250 260 205 215 227.5 270 -295 -295 757.5 82.33
10/22/2023 2023 Texas State Championships Tayven Buentello 0. R-PS -53 26.2 22 27.5 -32.5 -12 -17 -17 30 32.5 37.5 0 0.00
10/22/2023 2023 Texas State Championships Gilbert Perez 0. R-SJ -59 58.9 -160 -160 -160 95 97.5 -100 195 200 -205 0 0.00
10/22/2023 2023 Texas State Championships Andyn Grubb 1. R-SJ -66 65 152.5 162.5 170 102.5 112.5 -117.5 -202.5 212.5 222.5 505 79.36
10/22/2023 2023 Texas State Championships Adam Leahigh 1. R-SJ -74 74 180 192.5 -200 97.5 107.5 -112.5 210 225 -232.5 525 77.10
10/22/2023 2023 Texas State Championships Gabriel Garza 2. R-SJ -74 72 172.5 180 -185 107.5 112.5 -117.5 185 190 195 487.5 72.62
10/22/2023 2023 Texas State Championships Rito Flores 1. R-SJ -83 76.9 175 195 205 125 137.5 -142.5 182.5 202.5 212.5 555 79.88
10/22/2023 2023 Texas State Championships Anthony Perkins 1. R-SJ -93 90.4 102.5 112.5 120 62.5 -75 -75 -137.5 137.5 -160 320 42.45
10/22/2023 2023 Texas State Championships Weston Bonneau 1. R-SJ -120 105.6 217.5 222.5 227.5 127.5 137.5 -147.5 210 215 -230 580 71.44
10/21/2023 Spooktacular Strength Showdown Madison Seaton 1. R-JR -69 67.5 135 142.5 -147.5 52.5 57.5 60 127.5 135 -140 337.5 70.80
10/21/2023 Spooktacular Strength Showdown Emily Yaritz 1. R-JR -76 73.4 77.5 85 92.5 77.5 -90 90 105 115 120 302.5 60.66
10/21/2023 Spooktacular Strength Showdown Lyla Galli 1. R-JR -84 81.6 137.5 140 145 70 75 85 142.5 147.5 155 385 73.56
10/21/2023 Spooktacular Strength Showdown Leah Foreman Keiser 1. R-M1 -69 65.9 107.5 115 117.5 70 75 77.5 115 120 125 320 68.08
10/21/2023 Spooktacular Strength Showdown Sandy Burch 1. R-M2 -76 75.5 110 117.5 130 62.5 70 -75 122.5 130 142.5 342.5 67.74
10/21/2023 Spooktacular Strength Showdown Kathleen Casper 1. R-M3 -69 64.6 55 60 -67.5 32.5 35 37.5 100 107.5 112.5 210 45.22
10/21/2023 Spooktacular Strength Showdown Hannah Filipiak 1. R-O -69 65.5 142.5 150 157.5 70 77.5 82.5 -137.5 137.5 150 390 83.28
10/21/2023 Spooktacular Strength Showdown Lyla Galli 1. R-O -84 81.6 137.5 140 145 70 75 85 142.5 147.5 155 385 73.56
10/21/2023 Spooktacular Strength Showdown Molly Erickson 1. R-O 84+ 89.7 135 142.5 150 65 72.5 75 132.5 142.5 147.5 372.5 68.67
10/21/2023 Spooktacular Strength Showdown Isabella Bilyeu 1. R-SJ -52 51 65 75 -85 45 50 -52.5 100 110 115 240 61.63
10/21/2023 Spooktacular Strength Showdown Xavier Holland 1. R-JR -105 96.7 190 200 215 132.5 -140 -140 237.5 250 265 612.5 78.63
10/21/2023 Spooktacular Strength Showdown Robert Masen 1. R-M1 -105 103.1 155 -165 165 -112.5 112.5 -117.5 175 185 195 472.5 58.84
10/21/2023 Spooktacular Strength Showdown Todd Hale 1. R-M1 120+ 126.3 200 225 240 170 185 195 250 285 300 735 83.58
10/21/2023 Spooktacular Strength Showdown Alex Donadio 1. R-O -74 67.7 135 145 152.5 115 120 125 180 190 200 477.5 73.44
10/21/2023 Spooktacular Strength Showdown Steve Phillips 1. R-O -93 91.1 195 205 210 135 140 145 205 215 220 575 75.99
10/21/2023 Spooktacular Strength Showdown Brian Shekels 1. R-O -105 104.1 200 210 220 165 172.5 -180 225 240 -245 632.5 78.41
10/21/2023 Spooktacular Strength Showdown Anthony Salinas 2. R-O -105 101 165 172.5 182.5 137.5 145 150 192.5 205 215 547.5 68.84
10/21/2023 Spooktacular Strength Showdown Christopher Parker 1. R-O -120 109.8 192.5 215 -230 150 160 170 215 222.5 227.5 612.5 74.08
10/21/2023 Spooktacular Strength Showdown Neal Dooley 1. R-O 120+ 158 275 290 300 142.5 150 160 242.5 260 275 735 76.52
10/21/2023 Spooktacular Strength Showdown Benjamin Seeger 2. R-O 120+ 133.6 205 225 245 130 142.5 -170 215 245 275 662.5 73.59
10/21/2023 Spooktacular Strength Showdown Bryson Pitts 1. R-SJ -66 65.6 110 -115 -120 90 95 -100 150 160 165 370 57.86
10/21/2023 Spooktacular Strength Showdown David Heitkamp 1. R-SJ -83 82.6 180 192.5 205 125 -127.5 -127.5 185 192.5 202.5 532.5 73.89
10/21/2023 Spooktacular Strength Showdown Ian Holland 2. R-SJ -83 77.7 102.5 112.5 -125 70 -75 -75 137.5 142.5 147.5 330 47.24
10/21/2023 Spooktacular Strength Showdown Marcus Davis 1. R-SJ -93 91.3 175 180 192.5 122.5 130 135 195 200 210 537.5 70.95
10/19/2023 17th Annual NAPF Bench Press Championships Dora Justice 1. R-M3 -57 55.7 70 -75 75 75 67.88
10/19/2023 17th Annual NAPF Bench Press Championships Faith Clough 1. R-M1 -63 61.9 62.5 67.5 -70 67.5 56.90
10/19/2023 17th Annual NAPF Bench Press Championships Rachael Diehl 1. R-M1 -84 83.6 67.5 72.5 75 75 56.02
10/19/2023 17th Annual NAPF Bench Press Championships Sara Shelton 3. R-O 84+ 93.4 72.5 77.5 82.5 82.5 60.21
10/19/2023 17th Annual NAPF Bench Press Championships Sarah Wages 1. R-M1 84+ 131.2 102.5 107.5 110 110 77.74
10/19/2023 17th Annual NAPF Bench Press Championships Steve Petrencak 1. R-M2 -66 64.6 130.5 136.5 140.5 140.5 80.63
10/19/2023 17th Annual NAPF Bench Press Championships Seth Howard 2. R-O -74 73.1 150 155 -162.5 155 83.21
10/19/2023 17th Annual NAPF Bench Press Championships Brady Graceffa 1. R-JR -74 73.2 125 137.5 -145.5 137.5 73.73
10/19/2023 17th Annual NAPF Bench Press Championships Daniel Sides 1. R-M3 -74 73.3 100 122.5 -136.5 122.5 65.66
10/19/2023 17th Annual NAPF Bench Press Championships Jason Ross 1. R-M2 -83 82.3 142.5 -152.5 -152.5 142.5 71.91
10/19/2023 17th Annual NAPF Bench Press Championships Jonathan Losa 1. R-M1 -93 85 170 180 192.5 192.5 95.51
10/19/2023 17th Annual NAPF Bench Press Championships Kenneth Cameron 1. R-M1 -120 119.6 167.5 172.5 -177.5 172.5 72.89
10/19/2023 17th Annual NAPF Bench Press Championships Chris Walter 1. R-M2 -120 105 195.5 203 211 211 94.47
10/19/2023 17th Annual NAPF Bench Press Championships Dora Justice 1. M3 -57 55.6 -80 80 85 85 55.86
10/19/2023 17th Annual NAPF Bench Press Championships Claudia Nagata 1. M2 -69 64.6 -78 78 81 81 48.12
10/19/2023 17th Annual NAPF Bench Press Championships Steve Petrencak 2. M2 -74 66.6 147.5 -150 -155 147.5 63.40
10/19/2023 17th Annual NAPF Bench Press Championships Daniel Sides 1. M3 -74 72.9 122.5 142.5 145 145 57.21
10/19/2023 17th Annual NAPF Bench Press Championships Jordan Kummer 2. O -93 92.3 155 165 -172.5 165 54.82
10/19/2023 17th Annual NAPF Bench Press Championships Dana Rosenzweig 1. M3 -93 92.2 122.5 132.5 137.5 137.5 45.71
10/19/2023 17th Annual NAPF Bench Press Championships William Thacker 1. M2 -105 104.2 237.5 250.5 251.5 251.5 78.36
10/19/2023 17th Annual NAPF Bench Press Championships Thomas Cencich 1. M3 -105 93.1 190 201 206 206 68.11
10/19/2023 17th Annual NAPF Bench Press Championships Robert Keller 1. M3 -120 119.1 120 -160 -165 120 35.39
10/08/2023 2023 MOC Super Total Weekend Leslie Blanco 1. R-O -57 55.5 97.5 105 112.5 60 65 67.5 125 -135 135 315 75.41
10/08/2023 2023 MOC Super Total Weekend Jacqueline Xu 2. R-O -57 55 80 85 -87.5 45 47.5 50 95 100 -105 235 56.66
10/08/2023 2023 MOC Super Total Weekend Tessia De Mattos 1. R-O -63 62.1 132.5 -140 -140 65 70 -72.5 145 152.5 157.5 360 79.50
10/08/2023 2023 MOC Super Total Weekend Rae Shih 2. R-O -63 62.9 105 110 112.5 55 60 65 120 127.5 132.5 310 67.89
10/08/2023 2023 MOC Super Total Weekend Robin Figelman 3. R-O -63 62.8 92.5 100 105 -70 70 72.5 102.5 110 115 292.5 64.13
10/08/2023 2023 MOC Super Total Weekend Joan Hon 1. R-O -69 67 122.5 -130 -132.5 62.5 67.5 70 135 142.5 150 342.5 72.16
10/08/2023 2023 MOC Super Total Weekend Danielle Hirschman 2. R-O -69 65.6 112.5 117.5 122.5 57.5 60 -65 145 152.5 -157.5 335 71.47
10/08/2023 2023 MOC Super Total Weekend Sandra Horn 3. R-O -69 64.8 115 -122.5 -122.5 57.5 60 -62.5 137.5 145 152.5 327.5 70.39
10/08/2023 2023 MOC Super Total Weekend Emma Hannan 4. R-O -69 67.7 120 -125 -125 65 70 -72.5 135 -140 -142.5 325 68.06
10/08/2023 2023 MOC Super Total Weekend Rebecca Miller 5. R-O -69 66.6 110 117.5 122.5 60 65 -70 110 117.5 125 312.5 66.07
10/08/2023 2023 MOC Super Total Weekend Sherie Alexis 6. R-O -69 68.6 92.5 97.5 102.5 47.5 50 52.5 142.5 150 155 310 64.43
10/08/2023 2023 MOC Super Total Weekend Bailee Henderson 7. R-O -69 65.9 100 -107.5 112.5 50 -57.5 57.5 107.5 115 120 290 61.70
10/08/2023 2023 MOC Super Total Weekend Laura Agosto 8. R-O -69 66.8 67.5 72.5 77.5 52.5 -55 -55 115 122.5 127.5 257.5 54.34
10/08/2023 2023 MOC Super Total Weekend Linette Bogdan 1. R-O -76 75.6 137.5 147.5 155 85 90 -95 172.5 185 -195 430 84.99
10/08/2023 2023 MOC Super Total Weekend Taneshia Brock 2. R-O -76 75.6 125 -132.5 -132.5 60 67.5 -70 125 135 145 337.5 66.71
10/08/2023 2023 MOC Super Total Weekend Karnkamol Intarasuwan 3. R-O -76 72.2 100 107.5 -117.5 52.5 57.5 -60 120 130 135 300 60.66
10/08/2023 2023 MOC Super Total Weekend Katy DiLorenzo 4. R-O -76 72.8 95 100 -105 57.5 62.5 -65 102.5 110 117.5 280 56.38
10/08/2023 2023 MOC Super Total Weekend Jennifer Chitiva 0. R-O -76 69.4 -165 182.5 -187.5 0 0.00
10/08/2023 2023 MOC Super Total Weekend Megan Patterson 1. R-O -84 82.9 120 125 130 55 60 -62.5 147.5 152.5 160 350 66.44
10/08/2023 2023 MOC Super Total Weekend Stephanie Tracy 2. R-O -84 83.5 97.5 105 110 72.5 77.5 -80 117.5 127.5 132.5 320 60.57
10/08/2023 2023 MOC Super Total Weekend Nora Anderson 3. R-O -84 80.7 90 95 100 57.5 62.5 -65 100 110 122.5 285 54.71
10/08/2023 2023 MOC Super Total Weekend Zara Hannaford 4. R-O -84 78.9 90 97.5 -105 50 55 -60 105 112.5 120 272.5 52.82
10/08/2023 2023 MOC Super Total Weekend Analecia Smith 5. R-O -84 77.8 95 -105 -112.5 50 55 -57.5 105 115 120 270 52.66
10/08/2023 2023 MOC Super Total Weekend Keri Harvey 1. R-O 84+ 165.9 -125 125 140 82.5 92.5 -97.5 142.5 150 160 392.5 65.02
10/08/2023 2023 MOC Super Total Weekend Ariyannah Mimms 2. R-O 84+ 105.4 120 127.5 132.5 57.5 62.5 -65 147.5 157.5 167.5 362.5 63.79
10/08/2023 2023 MOC Super Total Weekend Nadine Mompremier 3. R-O 84+ 106.2 112.5 117.5 -122.5 70 -75 -75 112.5 115 120 307.5 54.02
10/08/2023 2023 MOC Super Total Weekend Kendall Johnston-Legg 4. R-O 84+ 98 -97.5 105 107.5 50 55 -57.5 117.5 125 130 292.5 52.46
10/08/2023 2023 MOC Super Total Weekend Amanda Palin 5. R-O 84+ 110.3 52.5 57.5 62.5 20 25 30 95 105 112.5 205 35.71
10/08/2023 2023 MOC Super Total Weekend Oden Groth 1. R-O -66 65.6 95 102.5 110 65 70 -72.5 115 125 137.5 317.5 49.65
10/08/2023 2023 MOC Super Total Weekend Josh Budofsky 1. R-O -74 73.8 140 150 -160 75 -80 -80 180 -195 195 420 61.75
10/08/2023 2023 MOC Super Total Weekend John Flintermann 2. R-O -74 73.7 110 117.5 125 85 90 95 167.5 180 190 410 60.32
10/08/2023 2023 MOC Super Total Weekend Bryn Sumner 3. R-O -74 71.6 67.5 75 80 50 52.5 -55 102.5 110 117.5 250 37.34
10/08/2023 2023 MOC Super Total Weekend Douglas Bove 4. R-O -74 73.4 45 47.5 50 45 47.5 -50 92.5 97.5 102.5 200 29.49
10/08/2023 2023 MOC Super Total Weekend Marc Fernandez 1. R-O -83 78.7 197.5 202.5 207.5 122.5 130 132.5 237.5 245 252.5 592.5 84.27
10/08/2023 2023 MOC Super Total Weekend Tony Rincon 2. R-O -83 77.9 177.5 187.5 200 100 107.5 115 185 197.5 -215 512.5 73.27
10/08/2023 2023 MOC Super Total Weekend Maillard Howell 3. R-O -83 77.1 147.5 155 165 102.5 110 120 190 200 207.5 492.5 70.79
10/08/2023 2023 MOC Super Total Weekend Otto Lam 4. R-O -83 81.6 135 142.5 150 95 105 110 165 175 185 445 62.13
10/08/2023 2023 MOC Super Total Weekend Whelan Workmaster 5. R-O -83 74.2 130 -137.5 137.5 110 115 120 155 165 175 432.5 63.41
10/08/2023 2023 MOC Super Total Weekend Brandon Warner 0. R-O -83 75 -122.5 -122.5 -122.5 80 85 92.5 140 150 160 0 0.00
10/08/2023 2023 MOC Super Total Weekend Ronald Macauley 1. R-O -93 92.9 200 210 227.5 117.5 125 -137.5 255 275 -282.5 627.5 82.13
10/08/2023 2023 MOC Super Total Weekend Brett Vetterlein 2. R-O -93 88.9 135 140 145 90 95 -100 155 167.5 175 415 55.51
10/08/2023 2023 MOC Super Total Weekend Guy Martin 3. R-O -93 92.2 122.5 127.5 132.5 85 -90 90 147.5 155 160 382.5 50.25
10/08/2023 2023 MOC Super Total Weekend Michael Rodriguez 1. R-O -105 102.6 250 260 272.5 165 170 172.5 295 300 -305 745 92.98
10/08/2023 2023 MOC Super Total Weekend Emilio Azukwu 2. R-O -105 99.5 215 227.5 237.5 135 142.5 150 250 262.5 275 662.5 83.89
10/08/2023 2023 MOC Super Total Weekend Thomas Boatswain 3. R-O -105 95.9 210 -220 -220 140 147.5 -152.5 260 270 275 632.5 81.52
10/08/2023 2023 MOC Super Total Weekend William Hungerford 4. R-O -105 103.8 195 200 207.5 130 135 140 215 222.5 230 577.5 71.68
10/08/2023 2023 MOC Super Total Weekend Michael Buescher 5. R-O -105 99.8 135 -142.5 -142.5 75 -80 80 145 160 170 385 48.68
10/08/2023 2023 MOC Super Total Weekend Andrew Willis 6. R-O -105 98.5 -110 115 120 90 97.5 -102.5 135 142.5 150 367.5 46.76
10/08/2023 2023 MOC Super Total Weekend Sal DeLucia 1. R-O -120 111.2 135 140 147.5 82.5 85 90 150 160 175 412.5 49.60
10/08/2023 2023 MOC Super Total Weekend Daniel Haroon 2. R-O -120 108.5 20 105 115 120 20 160 19.46
10/08/2023 2023 MOC Super Total Weekend Jordan blincoe 1. R-O 120+ 156.4 207.5 215 -227.5 165 175 185 212.5 220 232.5 632.5 66.10
10/08/2023 2023 MOC Super Total Weekend Richard Sillien 2. R-O 120+ 121.4 175 -185 185 125 142.5 -165 180 187.5 -202.5 515 59.57
10/07/2023 6th Annual North Florida Open Championships William Campbell 1. M3 120+ 148.3 185 190 -195 190 52.74
10/07/2023 6th Annual North Florida Open Championships Phillip Wilkins 1. R-M1 -105 103.1 217.5 225 -230 225 101.61
10/07/2023 6th Annual North Florida Open Championships Michael Weber 1. R-M1 120+ 148.1 165 175 182.5 182.5 70.81
10/07/2023 6th Annual North Florida Open Championships Daniel Henson 1. R-M2 -83 82.3 135 150 152.5 152.5 76.93
10/07/2023 6th Annual North Florida Open Championships Phillip Wilkins 1. R-O -105 103.1 217.5 225 -230 225 101.61
10/07/2023 6th Annual North Florida Open Championships Abeba Aidahis 1. R-M2 -57 55.6 112.5 117.5 125 125 29.88
10/07/2023 6th Annual North Florida Open Championships Tracy Williams 1. R-M1 -84 76.6 60 67.5 77.5 40 45 52.5 77.5 82.5 92.5 222.5 43.70
10/07/2023 6th Annual North Florida Open Championships Twyla Carley 0. R-M1 -84 78.9 -90 -90 -90 42.5 45 47.5 102.5 107.5 112.5 0 0.00
10/07/2023 6th Annual North Florida Open Championships Heather Wood 1. R-M1 84+ 109.5 85 92.5 100 52.5 57.5 65 80 87.5 95 260 45.36
10/07/2023 6th Annual North Florida Open Championships Anthea Thomas 2. R-M1 84+ 93.2 -52.5 52.5 55 52.5 55 -57.5 102.5 107.5 112.5 222.5 40.51
10/07/2023 6th Annual North Florida Open Championships Shannell Traylor 1. R-O -63 62 85 90 95 62.5 67.5 -70 110 117.5 125 287.5 63.59
10/07/2023 6th Annual North Florida Open Championships Celine Crum 1. R-O -69 63.1 172.5 182.5 190 107.5 115 -117.5 190 205 217.5 522.5 114.19
10/07/2023 6th Annual North Florida Open Championships Alexa Acevedo 2. R-O -69 66.7 85 100 -105 57.5 62.5 -65 120 137.5 147.5 310 65.50
10/07/2023 6th Annual North Florida Open Championships Rebecca Simmons 1. R-O -76 73.4 -55 55 62.5 32.5 35 -37.5 57.5 60 67.5 165 33.09
10/07/2023 6th Annual North Florida Open Championships Nyja Carley 1. R-O -84 79.2 -107.5 107.5 112.5 50 52.5 -57.5 112.5 122.5 137.5 302.5 58.52
10/07/2023 6th Annual North Florida Open Championships Charlee Davis 1. R-Y 0 0 25 27.5 30 12.5 15 20 35 42.5 47.5 97.5 0.00
10/07/2023 6th Annual North Florida Open Championships Olivia King 1. R-Y 0 0 20 22.5 27.5 9 12.5 15 25 30 35 77.5 0.00
10/07/2023 6th Annual North Florida Open Championships Marcus Dialo 1. R-JR -74 72 225 245 -255 -135 135 -142.5 240 260 275 655 97.54
10/07/2023 6th Annual North Florida Open Championships Tyler Broadus 1. R-JR -83 82.3 175 185 195 127.5 137.5 -142.5 215 227.5 235 567.5 78.89
10/07/2023 6th Annual North Florida Open Championships Edward Moscona-Maalouf 1. R-JR -93 90.3 200 212.5 -220 127.5 142.5 -145 200 217.5 230 585 77.64
10/07/2023 6th Annual North Florida Open Championships Jon Gipson 1. R-M1 -105 103.3 160 185 187.5 107.5 115 120 160 177.5 182.5 490 60.96
10/07/2023 6th Annual North Florida Open Championships Tim Andrews 1. R-M2 -83 82.3 175 187.5 195 100 105 -107.5 197.5 207.5 220 520 72.29
10/07/2023 6th Annual North Florida Open Championships Michael Davis 1. R-M3 -105 101.6 60 70 80 55 65 70 110 120 130 280 35.11
10/07/2023 6th Annual North Florida Open Championships Bert Rowell 1. R-M4 -93 91.1 115 120 -122.5 -75 -75 75 137.5 145 -152.5 340 44.93
10/07/2023 6th Annual North Florida Open Championships Tyler Broadus 1. R-O -83 82.3 175 185 195 127.5 137.5 -142.5 215 227.5 235 567.5 78.89
10/07/2023 6th Annual North Florida Open Championships Michael Daniels 1. R-O -105 104 190 200 210 105 115 125 180 190 200 535 66.35
10/07/2023 6th Annual North Florida Open Championships Sylvester Price 2. R-O -105 102.6 170 190 -200 115 -120 -120 200 -215 -215 505 63.03
10/07/2023 6th Annual North Florida Open Championships Noah Battle 1. R-O -120 117.4 205 215 230 190 200 -210 205 225 267.5 697.5 81.86
10/07/2023 6th Annual North Florida Open Championships Izabela Fields 1. R-SJ -57 54.6 30 32.5 35 62.5 65 67.5 102.5 24.84
10/07/2023 Powerlifting America at the Legion Bob Antonacci 1. R-M3 -66 63.1 67.5 75 80 80 46.51
10/07/2023 Powerlifting America at the Legion Jordan Carr 1. R-JR -57 53 52.5 55 -60 30 32.5 -35 75 80 82.5 170 42.27
10/07/2023 Powerlifting America at the Legion Heaven Conner 1. R-JR -76 72.5 102.5 107.5 -117.5 57.5 60 -65 135 140 -147.5 307.5 62.07
10/07/2023 Powerlifting America at the Legion Irene Adame 2. R-JR -76 75.6 -90 90 97.5 37.5 42.5 47.5 97.5 105 -110 250 49.41
10/07/2023 Powerlifting America at the Legion Izabelle Steinbrecher 3. R-JR -76 71.7 60 70 -87.5 42.5 47.5 55 80 92.5 105 230 46.67
10/07/2023 Powerlifting America at the Legion Teresa Hurtado-Tyner 1. R-JR -84 79.7 -60 60 -85 -35 -40 40 82.5 102.5 -142.5 202.5 39.08
10/07/2023 Powerlifting America at the Legion Octavia Merritt 1. R-M1 -84 76.5 82.5 87.5 95 -55 60 70 -120 120 125 290 57.02
10/07/2023 Powerlifting America at the Legion Lori Wyatt 0. R-M2 -63 62.4 75 -80 80 -52.5 -52.5 -52.5 95 97.5 100 0 0.00
10/07/2023 Powerlifting America at the Legion Susan Gibson 1. R-M3 -69 65.1 70 75 82.5 55 60 -62.5 115 125 -132.5 267.5 57.33
10/07/2023 Powerlifting America at the Legion Isabella Gregory 1. R-O -57 56.1 100 102.5 -105 67.5 72.5 75 115 120 122.5 300 71.22
10/07/2023 Powerlifting America at the Legion MJ Sarkisian 1. R-O -84 78 100 -110 110 65 70 -75 140 147.5 160 340 66.26
10/07/2023 Powerlifting America at the Legion Lindsey Mc Elfish 2. R-O -84 84 -90 -90 90 52.5 -60 -60 110 125 -137.5 267.5 50.52
10/07/2023 Powerlifting America at the Legion Cherish Navarroza 0. R-O -84 81.3 -147.5 -150 150 -70 -70 -70 145 152.5 157.5 0 0.00
10/07/2023 Powerlifting America at the Legion Julia Noreen 1. R-O 84+ 117 170 -177.5 -177.5 85 -90 -90 190 200 -210 455 78.35
10/07/2023 Powerlifting America at the Legion Liliana Ruiz 2. R-O 84+ 88.9 -147.5 147.5 152.5 75 -77.5 -77.5 142.5 150 155 382.5 70.75
10/07/2023 Powerlifting America at the Legion Kaylee Ellington 3. R-O 84+ 132.8 -110 117.5 130 65 72.5 75 150 160 -170 365 61.65
10/07/2023 Powerlifting America at the Legion Lauren Morris 4. R-O 84+ 123.2 102.5 107.5 112.5 45 50 -52.5 112.5 120 127.5 290 49.50
10/07/2023 Powerlifting America at the Legion Isabella Gregory 1. R-SJ -57 56.1 100 102.5 -105 67.5 72.5 75 115 120 122.5 300 71.22
10/07/2023 Powerlifting America at the Legion Ruby Hutchinson 1. R-SJ -63 59.4 97.5 102.5 -110 45 50 52.5 102.5 115 125 280 63.74
10/07/2023 Powerlifting America at the Legion Garrett Von Gunten 1. O -93 87 -60 60 62.5 92.5 97.5 -102.5 152.5 -160 160 320 35.97
10/07/2023 Powerlifting America at the Legion Ryan santistevan 1. O -105 95.2 190 -205 217.5 -165 170 175 227.5 240 255 647.5 69.40
10/07/2023 Powerlifting America at the Legion Michael St. Clair 1. O -120 111.8 125 155 180 100 115 180 200 -245 495 49.22
10/07/2023 Powerlifting America at the Legion Isaiah Griffin 1. R-JR -66 62.9 -155 155 162.5 92.5 -97.5 -97.5 165 -172.5 -175 420 67.16
10/07/2023 Powerlifting America at the Legion Langdon Isaacson 2. R-JR -66 63.7 -120 120 -127.5 82.5 85 -87.5 157.5 -165 -165 362.5 57.58
10/07/2023 Powerlifting America at the Legion Kelson Long 1. R-JR -74 73.9 182.5 -192.5 -192.5 105 110 117.5 200 212.5 -230 512.5 75.29
10/07/2023 Powerlifting America at the Legion Paris Acosta 2. R-JR -74 72.8 152.5 170 -180 97.5 100 102.5 -192.5 192.5 217.5 490 72.55
10/07/2023 Powerlifting America at the Legion Jared Tungol 3. R-JR -74 72.9 160 172.5 -177.5 100 107.5 115 177.5 187.5 197.5 485 71.76
10/07/2023 Powerlifting America at the Legion Salvador Flores 4. R-JR -74 69.1 140 -147.5 147.5 -70 77.5 85 210 222.5 -232.5 455 69.23
10/07/2023 Powerlifting America at the Legion Kai Winston 5. R-JR -74 68.6 115 122.5 132.5 57.5 62.5 -67.5 152.5 165 -175 360 54.99
10/07/2023 Powerlifting America at the Legion Justin Wagner 0. R-JR -74 71.7 -155 -170 -170 -102.5 -102.5 -102.5 175 177.5 182.5 0 0.00
10/07/2023 Powerlifting America at the Legion Joseph Coogan 1. R-JR -83 82.1 195 215 -227.5 115 122.5 -135 250 265 -272.5 602.5 83.86
10/07/2023 Powerlifting America at the Legion Taten Driver 1. R-JR -93 90 182.5 192.5 197.5 150 160 -162.5 -217.5 225 -232.5 582.5 77.44
10/07/2023 Powerlifting America at the Legion Hugo Trujillo Guzman 1. R-JR -120 116.6 227.5 240 245 182.5 192.5 195 225 230 240 680 80.05
10/07/2023 Powerlifting America at the Legion Xzavier Lopez 0. R-JR -120 112 -210 -215 -220 120 125 -130 182.5 195 -200 0 0.00
10/07/2023 Powerlifting America at the Legion Anthony Goulet 1. R-M1 -93 85.7 102.5 107.5 112.5 60 65 70 142.5 150 157.5 340 46.31
10/07/2023 Powerlifting America at the Legion Mark Eardley 1. R-M2 -93 89.3 125 135 -145 130 142.5 -147.5 175 185 192.5 470 62.72
10/07/2023 Powerlifting America at the Legion Kevin Carey 2. R-M2 -93 83.6 87.5 95 105 70 75 -82.5 125 130 140 320 44.14
10/07/2023 Powerlifting America at the Legion Richard Schulze 1. R-M2 -105 100.1 -140 140 147.5 97.5 102.5 -107.5 165 172.5 182.5 432.5 54.61
10/07/2023 Powerlifting America at the Legion Angel Velez 0. R-M2 -105 103.5 -142.5 142.5 -147.5 -130 -130 -130 200 -227.5 0 0.00
10/07/2023 Powerlifting America at the Legion Brian McMahon 1. R-M3 -83 80.6 117.5 125 137.5 90 95 102.5 157.5 170 182.5 422.5 59.36
10/07/2023 Powerlifting America at the Legion Donald Artieri 0. R-M3 -83 81.3 -95 97.5 -100 -97.5 -100 -100 110 152.5 160 0 0.00
10/07/2023 Powerlifting America at the Legion Todd Peterson 1. R-M3 -93 91.7 150 -157.5 162.5 95 100 -107.5 160 177.5 190 452.5 59.61
10/07/2023 Powerlifting America at the Legion David Perry 2. R-M3 -93 86.6 -160 160 165 -105 105 -110 152.5 160 170 440 59.62
10/07/2023 Powerlifting America at the Legion Christian Barrios 1. R-O -66 64.2 120 127.5 135 80 87.5 92.5 150 165 180 407.5 64.49
10/07/2023 Powerlifting America at the Legion Riis Mendelsohn 1. R-O -74 71.3 140 150 155 105 112.5 120 145 157.5 167.5 442.5 66.26
10/07/2023 Powerlifting America at the Legion Logan Dwyer 2. R-O -74 71.8 142.5 150 157.5 80 85 90 162.5 172.5 182.5 430 64.15
10/07/2023 Powerlifting America at the Legion Raymond Dufour 3. R-O -74 73.2 -85 107.5 -125 -85 102.5 -117.5 115 147.5 167.5 377.5 55.75
10/07/2023 Powerlifting America at the Legion Joseph Coogan 1. R-O -83 82.1 195 215 -227.5 115 122.5 -135 250 265 -272.5 602.5 83.86
10/07/2023 Powerlifting America at the Legion Nathaniel Gutierrez 2. R-O -83 82.6 -197.5 197.5 202.5 112.5 115 -122.5 200 215 -222.5 532.5 73.91
10/07/2023 Powerlifting America at the Legion Kobe Maristela 3. R-O -83 80.3 157.5 165 185 85 95 105 157.5 172.5 185 475 66.89
10/07/2023 Powerlifting America at the Legion Hunter Stramel 4. R-O -83 82.7 -152.5 152.5 165 87.5 95 100 165 182.5 195 460 63.79
10/07/2023 Powerlifting America at the Legion Shaun Joseph 5. R-O -83 81.6 115 125 137.5 70 85 92.5 127.5 142.5 160 390 54.45
10/07/2023 Powerlifting America at the Legion Nikolaus Marsh 0. R-O -83 75.2 -180 -180 -180 120 -130 -130 175 -190 190 0 0.00
10/07/2023 Powerlifting America at the Legion Luqman Bin Abdul Aziz 1. R-O -93 91 175 182.5 187.5 -137.5 142.5 150 260 270 -297.5 607.5 80.32
10/07/2023 Powerlifting America at the Legion Barry Bow 2. R-O -93 86.2 170 180 -187.5 117.5 -125 -127.5 205 -217.5 220 517.5 70.29
10/07/2023 Powerlifting America at the Legion Jack Brazil 3. R-O -93 90.7 167.5 175 -182.5 112.5 117.5 120 170 177.5 185 480 63.57
10/07/2023 Powerlifting America at the Legion Andres Torres 4. R-O -93 90.1 140 160 180 92.5 105 -115 140 162.5 -172.5 447.5 59.46
10/07/2023 Powerlifting America at the Legion Michael Bartell 5. R-O -93 92 102.5 112.5 125 52.5 77.5 -97.5 102.5 125 135 337.5 44.39
10/07/2023 Powerlifting America at the Legion Jerry Quintos 1. R-O -105 97.3 217.5 230 240 125 137.5 145 227.5 235 252.5 637.5 81.61
10/07/2023 Powerlifting America at the Legion Houston Collette 2. R-O -105 97.9 187.5 200 -215 145 150 -152.5 215 230 -237.5 580 74.03
10/07/2023 Powerlifting America at the Legion Jon-Kyle Shutz 3. R-O -105 98.3 202.5 212.5 217.5 127.5 132.5 135 207.5 -217.5 -217.5 560 71.33
10/07/2023 Powerlifting America at the Legion Sergio Ruiz 1. R-O -120 108.3 175 185 -190 62.5 70 80 195 210 225 490 59.64
10/07/2023 Powerlifting America at the Legion Felipe Gutierrez 2. R-O -120 118.7 155 -165 -165 87.5 97.5 -105 177.5 192.5 202.5 455 53.14
10/07/2023 Powerlifting America at the Legion Jerod Grush 3. R-O -120 108.3 122.5 135 145 77.5 90 -100 122.5 135 147.5 382.5 46.55
10/07/2023 Powerlifting America at the Legion Matthew Buchbinder 1. R-O 120+ 148.9 -250 250 260 150 160 -165 240 260 272.5 692.5 73.71
10/07/2023 Powerlifting America at the Legion Michael Chavez 2. R-O 120+ 151.7 202.5 207.5 210 102.5 -105 -105 195 205 212.5 525 55.49
10/07/2023 Powerlifting America at the Legion Bronson Buxton 1. R-PS -53 51.4 70 -77.5 -77.5 37.5 42.5 45 75 87.5 92.5 207.5 36.98
10/07/2023 Powerlifting America at the Legion Masato Gentle 1. R-SJ -59 54.5 97.5 105 -117.5 62.5 -67.5 67.5 112.5 130 145 317.5 54.82
10/07/2023 Powerlifting America at the Legion Mason Eardley 1. R-SJ -66 64.6 -167.5 -167.5 167.5 -92.5 92.5 95 187.5 195 -205 457.5 72.13
10/07/2023 Powerlifting America at the Legion Owen Weyant 2. R-SJ -66 61.3 95 105 115 67.5 75 -82.5 172.5 190 -200 380 61.61
10/07/2023 Powerlifting America at the Legion Marcus Canova 1. R-SJ -74 71.2 155 167.5 177.5 102.5 107.5 112.5 177.5 190 200 490 73.40
10/07/2023 Powerlifting America at the Legion Daniel Segura 2. R-SJ -74 71.6 150 165 170 100 110 -122.5 182.5 190 197.5 477.5 71.32
10/07/2023 Powerlifting America at the Legion Grant Morton 3. R-SJ -74 68.5 132.5 152.5 160 72.5 80 -87.5 160 187.5 202.5 442.5 67.64
10/07/2023 Powerlifting America at the Legion Adam Dias 4. R-SJ -74 71 145 150 155 100 105 -112.5 157.5 167.5 180 440 66.00
10/07/2023 Powerlifting America at the Legion Alex Domingo 1. R-SJ -93 89.1 195 205 230 120 127.5 -137.5 205 220 247.5 605 80.83
10/07/2023 Powerlifting America at the Legion Anthony Zucco 2. R-SJ -93 91.4 155 -167.5 167.5 115 125 -130 155 160 162.5 455 60.03
10/07/2023 Powerlifting America at the Legion Cody Scott 0. R-SJ -93 91.1 -220 -220 -220 112.5 120 122.5 225 232.5 237.5 0 0.00
10/07/2023 Powerlifting America at the Legion Gabe Ernstine 1. R-SJ -105 101 147.5 152.5 -162.5 90 -97.5 -97.5 -187.5 192.5 -205 435 54.69
10/07/2023 2023 Ottawa Iron Wars Ivan Zwick 1. R-M4 -66 60.5 45 55 -60 55 32.73
10/07/2023 2023 Ottawa Iron Wars Kelli Johnson 1. JR -76 75.4 -167.5 167.5 170 -95 95 100 130 140 145 415 68.34
10/07/2023 2023 Ottawa Iron Wars Abigail Lee 1. JR 84+ 127.9 225 230 242.5 82.5 115 125 177.5 185 -192.5 552.5 77.11
10/07/2023 2023 Ottawa Iron Wars Yasmin Talamantez 1. R-JR -47 46.3 -72.5 -72.5 72.5 42.5 45 -47.5 72.5 77.5 82.5 200 56.28
10/07/2023 2023 Ottawa Iron Wars Lola Cheramie 1. R-JR -52 51.7 100 105 112.5 52.5 55 57.5 132.5 137.5 -142.5 307.5 78.03
10/07/2023 2023 Ottawa Iron Wars Kasee Sketoe 1. R-JR -63 61.7 130 137.5 140 67.5 72.5 -77.5 155 160 -165 372.5 82.62
10/07/2023 2023 Ottawa Iron Wars Celine Orozco 1. R-JR -69 68.4 147.5 155 160 75 -80 -80 157.5 162.5 170 405 84.32
10/07/2023 2023 Ottawa Iron Wars Jamie Scott 1. R-JR -76 72.9 132.5 140 147.5 77.5 82.5 87.5 165 172.5 177.5 412.5 83.00
10/07/2023 2023 Ottawa Iron Wars Mena Reeves 1. R-SJ -76 74.3 142.5 -150 -150 67.5 72.5 -75 147.5 -155 -155 362.5 72.25
10/07/2023 2023 Ottawa Iron Wars Amaya Wade 1. R-SJ 84+ 113.3 142.5 145 -160 95 100 -105 187.5 195 200 445 77.09
10/07/2023 2023 Ottawa Iron Wars Taryne Nolan 2. R-SJ 84+ 130.7 125 130 135 82.5 87.5 92.5 130 137.5 -145 365 61.77
10/07/2023 2023 Ottawa Iron Wars Wyatt Abbott 1. SJ -59 58.5 -172.5 -172.5 172.5 87.5 -90 -90 217.5 -227.5 227.5 487.5 71.45
10/07/2023 2023 Ottawa Iron Wars Tucker Abbott 0. SJ -66 64 -210 210 215 -122.5 -122.5 -122.5 257.5 270 -275 0 0.00
10/07/2023 2023 Ottawa Iron Wars Rayce Pennartz 0. JR -74 73.5 -217.5 -217.5 -217.5 92.5 -97.5 102.5 -215 -220 220 0 0.00
10/07/2023 2023 Ottawa Iron Wars Zachariah Smith 1. SJ -83 77.5 262.5 272.5 -285 130 135 -140 207.5 215 -222.5 622.5 74.92
10/07/2023 2023 Ottawa Iron Wars Kyle Wallenberg 1. JR -83 80.1 220 235 240 147.5 -155 155 220 -222.5 222.5 617.5 72.83
10/07/2023 2023 Ottawa Iron Wars Riley Ammerman 1. SJ -120 113.5 -295 295 310 167.5 170 -175 225 235 -240 715 70.65
10/07/2023 2023 Ottawa Iron Wars James Sands 1. SJ 120+ 134.6 265 275 285 -157.5 167.5 -172.5 185 195 205 657.5 61.01
10/07/2023 2023 Ottawa Iron Wars Liam Zuffoletti 1. R-JR -74 73.2 205 215 -222.5 125 130 132.5 215 220 225 572.5 84.52
10/07/2023 2023 Ottawa Iron Wars Tyler Barrett 1. R-JR -83 81.9 185 192.5 197.5 -120 -125 125 227.5 240 -245 562.5 78.39
10/07/2023 2023 Ottawa Iron Wars Wade shute 2. R-SJ -83 74.1 115 -120 120 75 -80 80 142.5 157.5 -165 357.5 52.45
10/07/2023 2023 Ottawa Iron Wars Brennan Vagher 2. R-JR -93 91.5 207.5 215 225 -142.5 145 147.5 160 192.5 217.5 590 77.80
10/07/2023 2023 Ottawa Iron Wars Nicholas Attina 1. R-JR -93 86.7 222.5 235 242.5 130 135 -140 225 235 -237.5 612.5 82.95
10/07/2023 2023 Ottawa Iron Wars Terrin Howard 1. R-SJ -105 99.8 220 230 240 145 150 -157.5 245 255 -265 645 81.56
10/07/2023 2023 Ottawa Iron Wars Patrick Donelan 1. R-O -120 106.1 215 227.5 235 145 150 -157.5 235 245 252.5 637.5 78.33
10/07/2023 2023 Ottawa Iron Wars Dillon Johnson 1. R-SJ -83 81.5 215 225 -127.5 127.5 137.5 217.5 230 592.5 82.78
10/07/2023 2023 Ottawa Iron Wars Landon Copeland 2. R-SJ -105 102.4 165 175 182.5 85 95 105 185 195 210 497.5 62.15
10/01/2023 Pink Ribbon Showdown Mitchell Glover 1. R-O -83 80.4 155 162.5 -167.5 162.5 82.97
10/01/2023 Pink Ribbon Showdown Kristopher Pipion-Williams 1. R-O -93 92.6 -127.5 137.5 -147.5 137.5 65.37
10/01/2023 Pink Ribbon Showdown Michelle Amano 1. M1 84+ 112.4 70 -72.5 -75 35 40 -47.5 100 105 110 220 31.56
10/01/2023 Pink Ribbon Showdown Rupa Dainer 1. R-G -69 68.9 95 100 105 62.5 65 -70 132.5 140 145 315 65.32
10/01/2023 Pink Ribbon Showdown Lacee Mullen 1. R-M1 -69 68.6 120 130 137.5 -60 -62.5 62.5 140 147.5 152.5 352.5 73.28
10/01/2023 Pink Ribbon Showdown Sagan Marks 1. R-SJ -69 68.9 95 105 107.5 65 -67.5 -67.5 105 115 122.5 295 61.16
10/01/2023 Pink Ribbon Showdown Gabriela Maslowski 2. R-SJ -69 68.6 80 85 90 57.5 62.5 -65 105 115 -122.5 267.5 55.61
10/01/2023 Pink Ribbon Showdown Kate Hall 3. R-SJ -69 66.3 85 87.5 95 60 62.5 65 92.5 95 102.5 262.5 55.63
10/01/2023 Pink Ribbon Showdown Dominik Maslowski 1. R-JR 120+ 129.9 195 205 -207.5 110 115 -117.5 190 195 -212.5 515 57.88
10/01/2023 Pink Ribbon Showdown Jeremiah Cruz 1. R-M1 -105 99.3 165 177.5 187.5 110 120 125 165 185 200 512.5 64.96
10/01/2023 Pink Ribbon Showdown Brian Poore 1. R-M1 120+ 134.6 -165 180 195 -125 135 -137.5 -175 175 195 525 58.14
10/01/2023 Pink Ribbon Showdown Alex Thielemier 1. R-O -66 64.6 170 -185 -185 110 120 -127.5 205 215 -227.5 505 79.62
10/01/2023 Pink Ribbon Showdown Jeremiah Cruz 1. R-O -105 99.3 165 177.5 187.5 110 120 125 165 185 200 512.5 64.96
10/01/2023 Pink Ribbon Showdown Nicholas Riker 1. R-SJ -74 67.9 125 -130 130 70 72.5 77.5 135 -137.5 342.5 52.60
10/01/2023 Pink Ribbon Showdown Matthew Mahony 1. R-SJ -83 76.8 160 175 185 100 107.5 -112.5 205 220 -232.5 512.5 73.81
10/01/2023 Pink Ribbon Showdown Zachary Farrington 2. R-SJ -83 79.4 157.5 175 -185 112.5 -117.5 122.5 170 -182.5 190 487.5 69.02
10/01/2023 Pink Ribbon Showdown Arth Babbar 1. R-SJ -93 90.9 137.5 142.5 147.5 90 97.5 102.5 162.5 172.5 185 435 57.55
10/01/2023 Pink Ribbon Showdown Leonel Torrico 1. R-SJ -105 95.8 75 -80 80 57.5 62.5 65 142.5 150 -155 295 38.04
09/30/2023 Mississippi Open Kaylee Nelson 1. R-SJ -47 46.4 70 75 -80 37.5 42.5 -45 85 92.5 102.5 220 61.77
09/30/2023 Mississippi Open Brooke O’Conner 1. R-SJ -52 51 60 65 70 30 35 -40 85 92.5 102.5 207.5 53.29
09/30/2023 Mississippi Open Taylor Perry 1. R-SJ -57 53.5 70 77.5 85 30 32.5 -35 85 92.5 100 217.5 53.62
09/30/2023 Mississippi Open Trinity Brantley 1. R-SJ -63 59.3 85 90 95 40 45 -50 100 112.5 117.5 257.5 58.69
09/30/2023 Mississippi Open Hannah Harris 1. R-SJ -69 63.4 102.5 -112.5 115 50 52.5 -55 125 135 -142.5 302.5 65.91
09/30/2023 Mississippi Open Jae Anna Spears 2. R-SJ -69 66.6 80 85 90 40 45 47.5 95 100 105 242.5 51.27
09/30/2023 Mississippi Open Sophia Viglietti 3. R-SJ -69 65.1 -70 75 -80 30 32.5 35 95 -102.5 -102.5 205 43.94
09/30/2023 Mississippi Open Dynasty Noel 1. R-SJ 84+ 89.1 115 120 125 52.5 57.5 -62.5 142.5 152.5 162.5 345 63.75
09/30/2023 Mississippi Open Tashell Kerr 1. R-O 84+ 95 170 180 185 105 112.5 -117.5 202.5 -215 -215 500 90.49
09/30/2023 Mississippi Open Dynasty Noel 2. R-O 84+ 89.1 115 120 125 52.5 57.5 -62.5 142.5 152.5 162.5 345 63.75
09/30/2023 Mississippi Open Lillian Perez 1. O 84+ 85.1 125 135 145 65 70 75 155 165 175 395 61.80
09/30/2023 Mississippi Open Logan Tan 1. R-Y 0 0 42.5 50 55 20 25 -27.5 60 65 70 150 0.00
09/30/2023 Mississippi Open Chris Tran 1. O -59 59 210 225 237.5 127.5 135 142.5 220 232.5 245 625 90.99
09/30/2023 Mississippi Open Brycen Hughes 1. R-JR -83 74.4 155 167.5 175 102.5 112.5 120 175 185 192.5 487.5 71.37
09/30/2023 Mississippi Open Jacob Wade 2. R-JR -83 80.7 -142.5 142.5 -145 90 95 100 142.5 155 170 412.5 57.92
09/30/2023 Mississippi Open Knute Douglas 1. O -83 82.5 305 -317.5 317.5 197.5 207.5 215 305 317.5 -320 850 98.50
09/30/2023 Mississippi Open Travers Benoit 1. R-JR -93 92.1 207.5 217.5 227.5 135 140 145 210 217.5 230 602.5 79.20
09/30/2023 Mississippi Open Jacob Porter 2. R-JR -93 91.2 175 190 200 -105 -120 120 -220 230 -240 550 72.64
09/30/2023 Mississippi Open Keith Taylor 1. M3 -93 92.8 145 155 160 142.5 147.5 152.5 145 155 165 477.5 51.84
09/30/2023 Mississippi Open Dustin Taylor 1. O -93 88 160 180 -190 127.5 135 142.5 185 -197.5 205 527.5 58.93
09/30/2023 Mississippi Open Andrew Huebert 1. R-O 120+ 142.3 205 215 230 127.5 135 140 242.5 260 272.5 642.5 69.59
09/30/2023 Mississippi Open Jennie Hollier 1. R-M1 -69 66.4 57.5 62.5 67.5 67.5 54.79
09/30/2023 Mississippi Open Josef Morrow 1. R-M1 -59 58.3 115 -122.5 122.5 122.5 74.41
09/30/2023 Mississippi Open James Townsend 1. R-M1 -105 101.3 160 170 177.5 177.5 80.82
09/30/2023 Mississippi Open Andrew Myers 1. R-SJ -74 71.2 65 72.5 -77.5 122.5 140 147.5 220 32.95
09/23/2023 5th Annual Ocala Open Iron Legion Championships Elizabeth Parker 1. R-O -47 40.8 57.5 62.5 -65 62.5 80.12
09/23/2023 5th Annual Ocala Open Iron Legion Championships Kamil Iwasiow 1. O -66 65.3 -165 165 175 175 76.74
09/23/2023 5th Annual Ocala Open Iron Legion Championships Ramez Ortiz 1. R-SJ -74 72.1 80 85 90 90 48.66
09/23/2023 5th Annual Ocala Open Iron Legion Championships Faith Clough 1. R-M1 -63 62.1 100 105 112.5 112.5 24.84
09/23/2023 5th Annual Ocala Open Iron Legion Championships Richard Dafonte 1. R-M3 -93 91.2 185 195 205 205 27.08
09/23/2023 5th Annual Ocala Open Iron Legion Championships Faith Clough 1. R-M1 -63 62.1 105 112.5 -120 65 70 -75 100 105 112.5 295 65.14
09/23/2023 5th Annual Ocala Open Iron Legion Championships Gracie Weiss 2. R-M1 -63 60 57.5 -60 60 37.5 -40 -40 82.5 87.5 -95 185 41.81
09/23/2023 5th Annual Ocala Open Iron Legion Championships Mary Anthony 1. R-M1 84+ 109.8 37.5 45 -47.5 40 -45 -45 60 70 80 165 28.77
09/23/2023 5th Annual Ocala Open Iron Legion Championships Natalia Maneiro 1. R-O -57 53.3 95 105 110 50 57.5 -60 145 157.5 -160 325 80.44
09/23/2023 5th Annual Ocala Open Iron Legion Championships Regina Boyd 1. R-O -69 68.7 117.5 125 132.5 60 65 -70 145 160 -165 357.5 74.26
09/23/2023 5th Annual Ocala Open Iron Legion Championships Leslie Abbott 1. R-O -76 75.9 112.5 -120 -125 65 70 -72.5 140 147.5 155 337.5 66.58
09/23/2023 5th Annual Ocala Open Iron Legion Championships Tayler LeMaster 1. R-O -84 80.7 107.5 -115 -122.5 52.5 57.5 62.5 112.5 120 125 295 56.62
09/23/2023 5th Annual Ocala Open Iron Legion Championships Emmaline Johnson 1. R-O 84+ 95.4 125 -130 -130 60 65 67.5 110 -117.5 117.5 310 56.03
09/23/2023 5th Annual Ocala Open Iron Legion Championships Estefany Martinez 0. R-SJ -76 73.2 -80 -87.5 -87.5 -45 50 -57.5 90 102.5 105 0 0.00
09/23/2023 5th Annual Ocala Open Iron Legion Championships Kamil Iwasiow 1. O -66 65.3 222.5 -225 240 -165 165 175 -207.5 207.5 -225 622.5 83.99
09/23/2023 5th Annual Ocala Open Iron Legion Championships Ryan Allen 1. O -93 83.4 -235 -235 235 105 -185 -185 215 230 -245 570 65.63
09/23/2023 5th Annual Ocala Open Iron Legion Championships Ethan Belcher 1. R-JR -83 82 -165 -165 175 100 105 110 -190 190 -205 475 66.14
09/23/2023 5th Annual Ocala Open Iron Legion Championships TJ Maloney 1. R-JR -105 95 147.5 157.5 165 -105 112.5 122.5 190 207.5 227.5 515 66.70
09/23/2023 5th Annual Ocala Open Iron Legion Championships Michael Denner 0. R-M2 -105 96.3 -100 -100 -100 60 62.5 67.5 135 140 147.5 0 0.00
09/23/2023 5th Annual Ocala Open Iron Legion Championships Richard Dafonte 0. R-M3 -93 91.2 -125 -125 -125 105 110 115 185 195 205 0 0.00
09/23/2023 5th Annual Ocala Open Iron Legion Championships Dale Isaacson 1. R-M4 -120 106.1 40 -50 -50 -37.5 37.5 42.5 110 125 140 222.5 27.34
09/23/2023 5th Annual Ocala Open Iron Legion Championships Michael Stewart 1. R-O -74 70.7 162.5 175 180 120 130 135 200 210 -212.5 525 78.92
09/23/2023 5th Annual Ocala Open Iron Legion Championships Jyahvonte Thompson 1. R-O -83 81.1 205 -215 -215 130 -137.5 -137.5 245 -255 -255 580 81.26
09/23/2023 5th Annual Ocala Open Iron Legion Championships Joel Summersill 1. R-O -93 85.6 140 150 160 112.5 117.5 -122.5 180 190 -195 467.5 63.72
09/23/2023 5th Annual Ocala Open Iron Legion Championships Cameron Pope 0. R-O -105 98.4 -135 -150 -150 -95 105 -115 140 152.5 -175 0 0.00
09/23/2023 5th Annual Ocala Open Iron Legion Championships Demetruis Davis 1. R-O 120+ 133 -240 -240 240 155 -172.5 -177.5 245 260 275 670 74.56
09/23/2023 5th Annual Ocala Open Iron Legion Championships Tim Brockett 2. R-O 120+ 138.2 227.5 232.5 240 155 -162.5 165 240 252.5 -272.5 657.5 72.04
09/23/2023 5th Annual Ocala Open Iron Legion Championships Aidan Folino 1. R-PS -59 53.9 55 65 72.5 30 37.5 42.5 75 85 90 205 35.62
09/23/2023 5th Annual Ocala Open Iron Legion Championships Faith Clough 1. R-M1 -63 62.1 65 70 -75 100 105 112.5 182.5 40.30
09/23/2023 5th Annual Ocala Open Iron Legion Championships Christopher Folino 1. R-M1 -83 81.8 130 137.5 142.5 -200 -200 200 342.5 47.76
09/23/2023 5th Annual Ocala Open Iron Legion Championships Richard Dafonte 1. R-M3 -93 91.2 105 110 115 185 195 205 320 42.27
09/23/2023 5th Annual Ocala Open Iron Legion Championships Tim Brockett 1. R-O 120+ 138.2 155 -162.5 165 240 252.5 -272.5 417.5 45.75
09/23/2023 5th Annual Ocala Open Iron Legion Championships Artem Gataullin 1. R-Y 0 0 20 22.5 25 60 67.5 75 100 0.00
09/16/2023 4th Annual New Mexico State Fair Bench Press Deadlift and Powerlifting Juanita Najera 1. R-O -57 57 57.5 62.5 67.5 67.5 60.07
09/16/2023 4th Annual New Mexico State Fair Bench Press Deadlift and Powerlifting Mackenzie Schwartz 1. R-O -84 76.9 45 47.5 50 50 38.26
09/16/2023 4th Annual New Mexico State Fair Bench Press Deadlift and Powerlifting Kyler Crow 1. R-O -59 54.4 55 57.5 62.5 62.5 39.47
09/16/2023 4th Annual New Mexico State Fair Bench Press Deadlift and Powerlifting Sequoia Crow 1. R-O -66 65.4 70 75 -77.5 75 42.75
09/16/2023 4th Annual New Mexico State Fair Bench Press Deadlift and Powerlifting Stephen Rael 1. R-O -74 67.9 42.5 -52.5 -52.5 42.5 23.74
09/16/2023 4th Annual New Mexico State Fair Bench Press Deadlift and Powerlifting Derrick Williams 1. R-O -120 109.2 142.5 162.5 162.5 71.48
09/16/2023 4th Annual New Mexico State Fair Bench Press Deadlift and Powerlifting Dakota Petago 2. R-O -120 117 145 157.5 162.5 162.5 69.31
09/16/2023 4th Annual New Mexico State Fair Bench Press Deadlift and Powerlifting Randal Whitt 3. R-O -120 116.5 145 -150 -150 145 61.96
09/16/2023 4th Annual New Mexico State Fair Bench Press Deadlift and Powerlifting Hooper Velarde 0. R-O -120 110.5 -57.5 -57.5 -57.5 0 0.00
09/16/2023 4th Annual New Mexico State Fair Bench Press Deadlift and Powerlifting Juanita Najera 1. R-O -57 57 115 125 145 145 34.03
09/16/2023 4th Annual New Mexico State Fair Bench Press Deadlift and Powerlifting Mackenzie Schwartz 1. R-O -84 76.9 105 -115 -115 105 20.59
09/16/2023 4th Annual New Mexico State Fair Bench Press Deadlift and Powerlifting Kyler Crow 1. R-O -59 54.4 125 142.5 -145 142.5 24.63
09/16/2023 4th Annual New Mexico State Fair Bench Press Deadlift and Powerlifting Sequoia Crow 1. R-O -66 65.4 142.5 160 167.5 167.5 26.24
09/16/2023 4th Annual New Mexico State Fair Bench Press Deadlift and Powerlifting Stephen Rael 1. R-O -74 67.9 97.5 102.5 -127.5 102.5 15.74
09/16/2023 4th Annual New Mexico State Fair Bench Press Deadlift and Powerlifting Derrick Williams 1. R-O -120 109.2 247.5 275 285 285 34.56
09/16/2023 4th Annual New Mexico State Fair Bench Press Deadlift and Powerlifting Dakota Petago 2. R-O -120 117 252.5 267.5 -272.5 267.5 31.44
09/16/2023 4th Annual New Mexico State Fair Bench Press Deadlift and Powerlifting Hooper Velarde 3. R-O -120 110.5 142.5 155 -162.5 155 18.70
09/16/2023 4th Annual New Mexico State Fair Bench Press Deadlift and Powerlifting Mackenzie Schwartz 1. R-O -84 76.9 77.5 87.5 -95 45 47.5 50 105 -115 -115 242.5 47.56
09/16/2023 4th Annual New Mexico State Fair Bench Press Deadlift and Powerlifting Kyler Crow 1. R-O -59 54.4 70 82.5 -95 55 57.5 62.5 125 142.5 -145 287.5 49.69
09/16/2023 4th Annual New Mexico State Fair Bench Press Deadlift and Powerlifting Sequoia Crow 1. R-O -66 65.4 90 -105 105 70 75 -77.5 142.5 160 167.5 347.5 54.43
09/16/2023 4th Annual New Mexico State Fair Bench Press Deadlift and Powerlifting Stephen Rael 1. R-O -74 67.9 -42.5 42.5 47.5 42.5 -52.5 -52.5 97.5 102.5 -127.5 192.5 29.56
09/16/2023 4th Annual New Mexico State Fair Bench Press Deadlift and Powerlifting Derrick Williams 1. R-O -120 109.2 247.5 265 275 142.5 162.5 247.5 275 285 722.5 87.62
09/16/2023 4th Annual New Mexico State Fair Bench Press Deadlift and Powerlifting Dakota Petago 2. R-O -120 117 210 222.5 240 145 157.5 162.5 252.5 267.5 -272.5 670 78.76
09/16/2023 4th Annual New Mexico State Fair Bench Press Deadlift and Powerlifting Hooper Velarde 0. R-O -120 110.5 -110 110 117.5 -57.5 -57.5 -57.5 142.5 155 -162.5 0 0.00
09/09/2023 Ultimate Barbell Bash Liesel Seller 1. R-SJ -57 56.3 85 92.5 105 105 24.88
09/09/2023 Ultimate Barbell Bash Isabella Reitz 1. R-JR -63 62.6 105 -115 115 60 67.5 72.5 122.5 132.5 137.5 325 71.40
09/09/2023 Ultimate Barbell Bash Brittany Suplicki 1. R-O -63 62.2 160 -170 172.5 100 105 -110 160 170 180 457.5 100.93
09/09/2023 Ultimate Barbell Bash Adriana Ruiz 0. R-O -69 68.8 92.5 -97.5 -97.5 -52.5 -52.5 -52.5 120 122.5 -127.5 0 0.00
09/09/2023 Ultimate Barbell Bash Alexis Varner 1. R-O -76 75.9 -117.5 117.5 -120 67.5 70 -72.5 122.5 125 -135 312.5 61.65
09/09/2023 Ultimate Barbell Bash Jammie Muniz 1. R-O 84+ 188.8 125 -135 135 87.5 92.5 95 170 -177.5 -182.5 400 65.90
09/09/2023 Ultimate Barbell Bash Sam Rosenberg 1. R-JR -74 69 172.5 185 192.5 90 95 100 195 215 227.5 520 79.18
09/09/2023 Ultimate Barbell Bash Charlie Baird 2. R-JR -74 72.1 -140 150 160 90 -95 -100 180 192.5 -205 442.5 65.85
09/09/2023 Ultimate Barbell Bash Isaac Dumeny 1. R-JR -83 74.6 210 220 -230 112.5 122.5 -127.5 255 -265 272.5 615 89.91
09/09/2023 Ultimate Barbell Bash Dawson Aaron 2. R-JR -83 78.4 202.5 210 215 152.5 160 -165 -225 225 237.5 612.5 87.31
09/09/2023 Ultimate Barbell Bash Cayson Vines 3. R-JR -83 80.1 182.5 197.5 202.5 107.5 112.5 117.5 227.5 240 245 565 79.64
09/09/2023 Ultimate Barbell Bash Luke Bishop 4. R-JR -83 81.8 -170 180 -185 100 105 112.5 190 200 -215 492.5 68.68
09/09/2023 Ultimate Barbell Bash Brandon Parker 5. R-JR -83 81.5 147.5 155 -162.5 122.5 127.5 132.5 175 185 -192.5 472.5 66.03
09/09/2023 Ultimate Barbell Bash Kyle Cohen 6. R-JR -83 77.8 147.5 157.5 170 95 105 -115 182.5 190 -200 465 66.52
09/09/2023 Ultimate Barbell Bash Michael Kawagoe 1. R-JR -105 102.4 212.5 227.5 135 140 147.5 270 277.5 -287.5 652.5 81.53
09/09/2023 Ultimate Barbell Bash Quinn Ramirez 2. R-JR -105 93.4 150 160 170 110 -120 -120 155 165 172.5 452.5 59.09
09/09/2023 Ultimate Barbell Bash Lee Rogers 1. R-M1 -74 71 142.5 150 155 117.5 122.5 125 185 197.5 202.5 482.5 72.38
09/09/2023 Ultimate Barbell Bash Mike Deutsch 2. R-M1 -74 73.4 115 122.5 125 117.5 -125 -125 135 160 162.5 405 59.73
09/09/2023 Ultimate Barbell Bash Thomas Tombler 1. R-M1 -93 86.8 -160 160 -167.5 152.5 160 162.5 185 197.5 202.5 525 71.08
09/09/2023 Ultimate Barbell Bash Kevin Deutsch 1. R-M1 -105 96.8 142.5 155 165 145 150 155 170 182.5 195 515 66.08
09/09/2023 Ultimate Barbell Bash Joseph Jarlego 1. R-M1 -120 116.8 207.5 215 220 107.5 115 120 220 230 235 575 67.65
09/09/2023 Ultimate Barbell Bash Lee Rogers 1. R-O -74 71 142.5 150 155 117.5 122.5 125 185 197.5 202.5 482.5 72.38
09/09/2023 Ultimate Barbell Bash Luis Chavez 2. R-O -74 71.6 102.5 125 142.5 -85 95 102.5 102.5 125 145 390 58.25
09/09/2023 Ultimate Barbell Bash Jaron Farr 0. R-O -74 71.5 -125 -125 125 -117.5 -117.5 -117.5 -182.5 182.5 -192.5 0 0.00
09/09/2023 Ultimate Barbell Bash Shawn Murphy 1. R-O -83 82.7 185 197.5 205 115 122.5 125 197.5 215 237.5 567.5 78.73
09/09/2023 Ultimate Barbell Bash Cayson Vines 2. R-O -83 80.1 182.5 197.5 202.5 107.5 112.5 117.5 227.5 240 245 565 79.64
09/09/2023 Ultimate Barbell Bash McCady Findley 3. R-O -83 75.3 155 167.5 180 102.5 112.5 117.5 190 200 217.5 515 74.95
09/09/2023 Ultimate Barbell Bash Nelson Barba 1. R-O -93 92.2 180 195 205 107.5 115 125 222.5 245 -252.5 575 75.54
09/09/2023 Ultimate Barbell Bash Scott Stratford 2. R-O -93 91.4 170 180 190 107.5 115 120 207.5 222.5 235 545 71.91
09/09/2023 Ultimate Barbell Bash Joseph Jarlego 1. R-O -120 116.8 207.5 215 220 107.5 115 120 220 230 235 575 67.65
09/09/2023 Ultimate Barbell Bash Abraham Acosta 0. R-O -120 117.3 187.5 195 -202.5 -150 -150 -150 -202.5 0 0.00
09/09/2023 Ultimate Barbell Bash Anthony Morales 1. R-O 120+ 160.4 205 227.5 -237.5 185 -195 210 230 -250 642.5 66.53
09/09/2023 Ultimate Barbell Bash Colin Fahey 1. R-SJ -66 62 122.5 127.5 132.5 75 80 85 175 185 192.5 410 66.10
09/09/2023 Ultimate Barbell Bash Nathan Culler 1. R-SJ -74 74 130 137.5 -142.5 67.5 72.5 75 137.5 145 150 362.5 53.22
09/09/2023 Ultimate Barbell Bash Alexander Claw 1. R-SJ -83 81 185 192.5 197.5 107.5 -115 117.5 220 -227.5 -227.5 535 74.98
09/09/2023 Ultimate Barbell Bash Hunter Hansen 1. R-SJ -93 87.3 215 230 -235 105 110 -117.5 240 -260 -260 580 78.28
09/09/2023 Ultimate Barbell Bash Colyn Baldwin 2. R-SJ -93 86.8 190 200 -205 110 -115 115 -230 230 -242.5 545 73.79
08/27/2023 Granite State Grand Prix VI Alex Lynch 2. R-O -93 90.2 172.5 180 185 102.5 107.5 115 185 192.5 -205 492.5 65.40
08/27/2023 Granite State Grand Prix VI Alex Lynch 1. R-JR -93 90.2 172.5 180 185 102.5 107.5 115 185 192.5 -205 492.5 65.40
08/27/2023 Granite State Grand Prix VI Amanda Klimowicz 2. R-O -69 66.2 77.5 85 92.5 50 55 -60 87.5 97.5 102.5 250 53.04
08/27/2023 Granite State Grand Prix VI Amanda Klimowicz 1. R-M1 -69 66.2 77.5 85 92.5 50 55 -60 87.5 97.5 102.5 250 53.04
08/27/2023 Granite State Grand Prix VI Brandon Brunell 1. R-O -93 90.5 -180 190 197.5 127.5 135 140 185 195 205 542.5 71.92
08/27/2023 Granite State Grand Prix VI Daniel Maccallum 2. R-O 120+ 123.2 115 -130 -130 115 47.98
08/27/2023 Granite State Grand Prix VI Derek Worden 1. R-O 120+ 146.8 155 165 -167.5 165 64.23
08/27/2023 Granite State Grand Prix VI George Grondin 2. R-O -83 82.9 -120 120 -125 -67.5 72.5 77.5 150 155 160 357.5 49.52
08/27/2023 Granite State Grand Prix VI Jennifer Wickboldt 1. R-O -69 68.1 82.5 -87.5 92.5 50 -55 55 110 117.5 122.5 270 56.35
08/27/2023 Granite State Grand Prix VI Joel Levandowski 1. R-O -83 82.9 157.5 162.5 172.5 92.5 100 105 195 205 212.5 490 67.87
08/27/2023 Granite State Grand Prix VI Kathryn Cordeiro 0. R-O -47 46.7 70 77.5 85 55 57.5 -60 77.5 92.5 100 242.5 67.65
08/27/2023 Granite State Grand Prix VI Kathryn Cordeiro 1. R-M3 -47 46.7 70 77.5 85 55 57.5 -60 77.5 92.5 100 242.5 67.65
08/27/2023 Granite State Grand Prix VI Rebecca Merrill 3. R-O 84+ 129.8 115 125 137.5 60 65 -72.5 132.5 140 147.5 350 59.29
08/27/2023 Granite State Grand Prix VI Sage Bedard 2. R-O 84+ 96.4 120 127.5 137.5 77.5 82.5 87.5 145 160 -167.5 385 69.37
08/27/2023 Granite State Grand Prix VI Siana Sewall 1. R-O 84+ 96.2 140 147.5 152.5 80 85 -92.5 155 165 170 407.5 73.47
08/19/2023 2023 Patriot Open Gloria Lopez 1. R-JR -69 66.2 25 27.5 35 35 28.45
08/19/2023 2023 Patriot Open Amelia Hakl 1. R-SJ 84+ 119.6 75 80 82.5 82.5 58.57
08/19/2023 2023 Patriot Open Megan Walter 1. R-M1 84+ 105.2 75 80 85 85 61.01
08/19/2023 2023 Patriot Open Heather Heywood 1. R-O -76 70.6 27.5 32.5 37.5 37.5 29.61
08/19/2023 2023 Patriot Open Haley Walter 1. R-O 84+ 100.4 45 52.5 60 60 43.31
08/19/2023 2023 Patriot Open Rickey Nelsen 1. R-M1 -74 68.4 82.5 102.5 115 115 63.97
08/19/2023 2023 Patriot Open Shane Heywood 1. R-M1 -93 89.1 142.5 150 155 155 75.11
08/19/2023 2023 Patriot Open Chris Walter 1. R-M2 -105 98.7 202.5 207.5 207.5 95.65
08/19/2023 2023 Patriot Open Colton Patrick 1. R-O -93 87 142.5 147.5 155 155 76.02
08/19/2023 2023 Patriot Open Chris Walter 1. R-O -105 98.7 202.5 207.5 207.5 95.65
08/19/2023 2023 Patriot Open Skyler Yoder 1. R-O 120+ 169.5 102.5 -115 137.5 137.5 50.92
08/19/2023 2023 Patriot Open Bryleigh Hinrichs 1. R-G -47 0 60 -75 75 37.5 42.5 45 90 100 110 230 0.00
08/19/2023 2023 Patriot Open Rayle Ostermeier 1. R-SJ -69 65.7 102.5 107.5 -112.5 52.5 -57.5 -57.5 115 122.5 130 290 61.81
08/19/2023 2023 Patriot Open Gloria Lopez 1. R-JR -69 66.2 62.5 67.5 85 25 27.5 35 42.5 75 85 205 43.50
08/19/2023 2023 Patriot Open Amelia Hakl 1. R-SJ 84+ 119.6 75 82.5 -97.5 75 80 82.5 85 100 102.5 267.5 45.88
08/19/2023 2023 Patriot Open Haley Walter 1. R-O 84+ 100.4 75 90 102.5 45 52.5 60 75 92.5 105 267.5 47.66
08/19/2023 2023 Patriot Open Adriana Faust 2. R-SJ -69 68.9 87.5 92.5 -97.5 55 57.5 -60 100 107.5 112.5 262.5 54.43
08/19/2023 2023 Patriot Open Brenner McCann-Coen 1. SJ -59 59 75 85 -97.5 40 47.5 -50 85 110 -122.5 242.5 35.31
08/19/2023 2023 Patriot Open Kyle Willamson 1. R-JR -105 102.1 -175 175 197.5 102.5 112.5 120 192.5 -205 -205 510 63.80
08/19/2023 2023 Patriot Open Ralsten Tersol 1. R-O -66 65.3 200 210 -215 110 117.5 -130 187.5 195 205 532.5 83.48
08/19/2023 2023 Patriot Open Colton Patrick 1. R-O -93 87 157.5 170 182.5 142.5 147.5 155 190 217.5 -237.5 555 75.03
08/19/2023 2023 Patriot Open Jarod Hamsa 2. R-O -93 92 145 155 170 110 117.5 -125 175 190 202.5 490 64.44
08/19/2023 2023 Patriot Open Erik Blekeberg 1. R-O -105 104.6 242.5 252.5 -262.5 162.5 170 175 275 290 302.5 730 90.29
08/19/2023 2023 Patriot Open Jacob Behnk 2. R-O -105 93.2 165 170 175 120 -125 -125 210 217.5 222.5 517.5 67.63
08/19/2023 2023 Patriot Open Justin Slusarski 1. R-PS -53 48.9 42.5 47.5 -55 47.5 52.5 -57.5 60 67.5 72.5 172.5 31.58
08/19/2023 2023 Patriot Open Alex Martin 1. R-SJ -93 88 137.5 147.5 -155 97.5 102.5 -105 165 -185 185 435 58.48
08/19/2023 2023 Patriot Open Hunter Christenson 1. R-SJ -120 119 227.5 237.5 247.5 125 132.5 140 232.5 242.5 255 642.5 74.96
08/19/2023 2023 Patriot Open Gloria Lopez 1. R-JR -69 66.2 25 27.5 35 42.5 75 85 120 25.46
08/19/2023 2023 Patriot Open Colton Patrick 1. R-O -93 87 142.5 147.5 155 190 217.5 -237.5 372.5 50.36
07/22/2023 Summer Classic Nazanin Sadeghi 1. R-JR -57 56 95 102.5 110 55 -60 -60 117.5 127.5 137.5 302.5 71.97
07/22/2023 Summer Classic Riley Decker 1. R-JR -63 62.6 80 85 92.5 45 47.5 50 112.5 120 125 267.5 58.77
07/22/2023 Summer Classic Emma Newman 1. R-JR -76 69.3 122.5 130 137.5 82.5 90 95 147.5 157.5 165 397.5 82.15
07/22/2023 Summer Classic Lisa Weiss 1. R-M2 -52 51.1 80 85 87.5 52.5 55 -57.5 125 130 132.5 275 70.56
07/22/2023 Summer Classic Margaret Cooper 2. R-O -52 48.8 125 130 -140 82.5 85 -92.5 165 170 177.5 392.5 105.03
07/22/2023 Summer Classic Leah Goldring 1. R-O -52 51.3 125 132.5 137.5 77.5 82.5 85 165 175 180 402.5 102.83
07/22/2023 Summer Classic Ellen Trainham 1. R-O -63 57.9 97.5 110 -117.5 47.5 52.5 -55 145 157.5 165 327.5 75.93
07/22/2023 Summer Classic Amanda Whittaker 2. R-O -63 57.7 65 72.5 -85 47.5 52.5 55 80 87.5 -95 215 50.01
07/22/2023 Summer Classic Haley Sheehan 1. R-O -69 67.2 157.5 165 177.5 82.5 90 -92.5 170 185 192.5 460 96.74
07/22/2023 Summer Classic Vanessa Komarek 2. R-O -69 63.2 -80 85 87.5 35 40 -42.5 95 100 105 232.5 50.76
07/22/2023 Summer Classic Megan Taylor Carey 1. R-O -76 73.5 140 150 -157.5 82.5 87.5 -90 167.5 177.5 185 422.5 84.69
07/22/2023 Summer Classic Gabriella Giordano 2. R-O -76 74.4 122.5 130 137.5 62.5 -65 -65 137.5 142.5 147.5 347.5 69.24
07/22/2023 Summer Classic Emilie Pryor 1. R-O 84+ 95.5 130 137.5 140 55 60 65 145 152.5 155 360 65.05
07/22/2023 Summer Classic Maxwell Palmer 1. R-JR -93 89.2 187.5 195 -205 100 105 110 187.5 200 -212.5 505 67.45
07/22/2023 Summer Classic Anthony Bryarly 1. R-JR 120+ 128.2 250 267.5 285 170 -182.5 -182.5 265 285 -300 740 83.62
07/22/2023 Summer Classic Sajid Mahmood 1. R-M1 -74 72.3 167.5 175 -185 105 -112.5 -112.5 212.5 225 227.5 507.5 75.44
07/22/2023 Summer Classic Michael Morales 1. R-M1 -120 118.2 220 230 235 172.5 185 -190 245 262.5 272.5 692.5 81.05
07/22/2023 Summer Classic Shane Newark 1. R-M1 120+ 133 137.5 155 170 167.5 177.5 187.5 150 175 187.5 545 60.65
07/22/2023 Summer Classic Pat Keenan 1. R-M2 -74 73.9 100 122.5 132.5 137.5 100 337.5 49.58
07/22/2023 Summer Classic Sajid Mahmood 1. R-O -74 72.3 167.5 175 -185 105 -112.5 -112.5 212.5 225 227.5 507.5 75.41
07/22/2023 Summer Classic Christopher Sadsad 1. R-O -83 81.1 230 240 -250 -145 145 -152.5 -275 275 280 665 93.14
07/22/2023 Summer Classic Abanoub Guerges 2. R-O -83 79.5 115 127.5 -137.5 67.5 72.5 -82.5 165 172.5 -185 372.5 52.70
07/22/2023 Summer Classic Shane Storey 1. R-O -105 94.3 235 245 252.5 155 160 -162.5 260 285 292.5 705 91.61
07/22/2023 Summer Classic Brandon Sales 2. R-O -105 99.9 230 245 255 160 -170 -170 260 275 -280 690 87.21
07/22/2023 Summer Classic Isaiah Goins 2. R-O -120 112 -217.5 222.5 230 165 -172.5 -172.5 235 245 260 655 78.51
07/22/2023 Summer Classic Cody Trainham 2. R-O 120+ 128.7 200 210 217.5 100 105 110 210 222.5 -230 550 62.05
07/22/2023 Summer Classic Michael Morales 1. R-O -120 118.2 220 230 235 172.5 185 -190 245 262.5 272.5 692.5 81.04
07/22/2023 Summer Classic Anthony Bryarly 1. R-O 120+ 128.2 250 267.5 285 170 -182.5 -182.5 265 285 -300 740 83.62
07/22/2023 Summer Classic Richard Paben 1. R-SJ -83 81.3 225 235 -245 107.5 117.5 125 220 -235 -240 580 81.13
07/22/2023 Freedom Fest Showdown Gwendolyn Kelly 1. R-JR 84+ 88.3 105 115 -127.5 65 70 -75 105 115 127.5 312.5 57.93
07/22/2023 Freedom Fest Showdown Elis Bradshaw 1. R-M1 -76 74.7 147.5 155 160 80 85 90 157.5 165 170 420 83.49
07/22/2023 Freedom Fest Showdown Brianne McVicker 2. R-M1 -76 75.1 115 120 122.5 67.5 72.5 -77.5 140 147.5 -155 342.5 67.91
07/22/2023 Freedom Fest Showdown Dorene Munoz 1. R-M1 -84 76.3 110 120 127.5 75 80 82.5 122.5 135 145 355 69.86
07/22/2023 Freedom Fest Showdown Kirsten Anderson 1. R-O -63 61.5 130 137.5 145 75 80 82.5 142.5 152.5 157.5 385 85.57
07/22/2023 Freedom Fest Showdown Daphne Nichole Sidor 2. R-O -63 59 97.5 -100 102.5 55 60 62.5 130 137.5 -145 302.5 69.19
07/22/2023 Freedom Fest Showdown Elis Bradshaw 1. R-O -76 74.7 147.5 155 160 80 85 90 157.5 165 170 420 83.49
07/22/2023 Freedom Fest Showdown Brianne McVicker 2. R-O -76 75.1 115 120 122.5 67.5 72.5 -77.5 140 147.5 -155 342.5 67.91
07/22/2023 Freedom Fest Showdown Katherine Wyman-Grothem 3. R-O -76 69.7 100 107.5 115 57.5 62.5 67.5 125 135 145 327.5 67.47
07/22/2023 Freedom Fest Showdown Colleena Carlisle 1. R-O -84 82.5 102.5 -112.5 127.5 70 80 -87.5 165 175 187.5 395 75.13
07/22/2023 Freedom Fest Showdown Gwendolyn Kelly 1. R-O 84+ 88.3 105 115 -127.5 65 70 -75 105 115 127.5 312.5 57.93
07/22/2023 Freedom Fest Showdown Melissa Larson 2. R-O 84+ 91.4 107.5 115 -117.5 45 50 52.5 115 122.5 130 297.5 54.50
07/22/2023 Freedom Fest Showdown Bonita Whiterabbit 3. R-O 84+ 89.5 97.5 102.5 -110 45 -50 -55 120 130 140 287.5 53.04
07/22/2023 Freedom Fest Showdown Mariah Geisenhof 4. R-O 84+ 115.4 70 75 82.5 47.5 50 -55 85 97.5 100 232.5 40.13
07/22/2023 Freedom Fest Showdown October Liliko’I 1. R-SJ -47 43.4 67.5 72.5 77.5 42.5 47.5 50 75 80 87.5 215 64.80
07/22/2023 Freedom Fest Showdown Ari Prohofsky 1. R-JR -83 81.7 195 205 215 120 130 -137.5 200 217.5 -230 562.5 78.49
07/22/2023 Freedom Fest Showdown Jacob Sjostrand 1. R-JR -93 85 137.5 147.5 155 105 110 -115 165 175 185 450 61.55
07/22/2023 Freedom Fest Showdown Robert Masen 1. R-M1 -105 102.2 162.5 -180 -180 95 105 115 165 172.5 190 467.5 58.45
07/22/2023 Freedom Fest Showdown Richard Gregg Dwyer 1. R-M3 -74 68.7 25 35 45 35 40 45 80 90 100 190 29.00
07/22/2023 Freedom Fest Showdown Joe Hays 1. R-M3 -83 81.7 165 175 190 105 110 -117.5 200 205 215 515 71.86
07/22/2023 Freedom Fest Showdown Peter Tressel 1. R-M3 -93 90.1 140 -147.5 147.5 117.5 125 -130 200 215 227.5 500 66.43
07/22/2023 Freedom Fest Showdown Logan Dwyer 1. R-O -74 73.2 137.5 145 152.5 77.5 -82.5 87.5 162.5 172.5 -182.5 412.5 60.90
07/22/2023 Freedom Fest Showdown Nicholas Gloege 1. R-O -83 81.2 167.5 182.5 -195 102.5 110 -115 207.5 225 -232.5 517.5 72.44
07/22/2023 Freedom Fest Showdown Joe Hays 2. R-O -83 81.7 165 175 190 105 110 -117.5 200 205 215 515 71.86
07/22/2023 Freedom Fest Showdown Steven Lindblom 3. R-O -83 80.4 145 160 -165 102.5 107.5 -110 165 -175 -175 432.5 60.84
07/22/2023 Freedom Fest Showdown Jonathon Heger 1. R-O -105 103 192.5 205 -217.5 115 120 132.5 225 240 -255 577.5 71.94
07/22/2023 Freedom Fest Showdown Calvin Beaudot 1. R-O -120 115.5 240 260 -275 155 167.5 175 275 300 320 755 89.26
07/22/2023 Freedom Fest Showdown John Odgers 2. R-O -120 115.8 225 237.5 245 142.5 155 165 270 -287.5 -287.5 680 80.30
07/22/2023 Freedom Fest Showdown Evan Jenson 1. R-SJ -74 73.4 117.5 -120 125 70 75 -80 142.5 150 155 355 52.34
07/22/2023 Freedom Fest Showdown David Doan 1. R-G 120+ 131.1 175 195 210 210 85.39
07/22/2023 Freedom Fest Showdown Steve Johnson 2. R-G 120+ 127.3 75 75 30.87
07/16/2023 495 Open Paul Stein 1. O -93 91.7 25 100 100 33.36
07/16/2023 495 Open Evan Pardue 1. R-SJ -74 69.7 90 100 107.5 57.5 60 62.5 115 125 137.5 307.5 46.58
07/15/2023 3rd Annual TFX Training Facility Open Championships Cris Coniglio 1. R-M2 84+ 90.1 55 60 65 65 47.75
07/15/2023 3rd Annual TFX Training Facility Open Championships Jason Pearson 1. R-M2 -120 114.9 120 130 -132.5 130 55.90
07/15/2023 3rd Annual TFX Training Facility Open Championships Steven Carpenter 1. R-M3 -93 89.9 127.5 -135 135 135 65.12
07/15/2023 3rd Annual TFX Training Facility Open Championships Cris Coniglio 1. R-M2 84+ 90.1 100 110 117.5 117.5 21.63
07/15/2023 3rd Annual TFX Training Facility Open Championships Jason Pearson 1. R-M2 -120 114.9 230 242.5 250 250 29.63
07/15/2023 3rd Annual TFX Training Facility Open Championships Steven Carpenter 1. R-M3 -93 89.9 157.5 170 177.5 177.5 23.61
07/15/2023 3rd Annual TFX Training Facility Open Championships Cris Coniglio 1. R-M2 84+ 90.1 85 92.5 100 55 60 65 100 110 117.5 282.5 52.00
07/15/2023 3rd Annual TFX Training Facility Open Championships Marianne Naniong 1. R-O -57 53.9 60 65 70 32.5 37.5 -40 107.5 115 122.5 230 56.34
07/15/2023 3rd Annual TFX Training Facility Open Championships Alexa Acevedo 0. R-O -63 62.5 -92.5 -92.5 -92.5 55 60 120 137.5 147.5 0 0.00
07/15/2023 3rd Annual TFX Training Facility Open Championships Cassandra Young 1. R-O -84 79 107.5 112.5 115 52.5 57.5 60 125 130 132.5 307.5 59.56
07/15/2023 3rd Annual TFX Training Facility Open Championships Leann McKenna 1. R-O 84+ 93.2 90 100 105 62.5 67.5 72.5 115 125 132.5 310 56.43
07/15/2023 3rd Annual TFX Training Facility Open Championships Jenna Wagner 2. R-O 84+ 112.3 90 97.5 102.5 55 60 62.5 97.5 107.5 117.5 282.5 49.03
07/15/2023 3rd Annual TFX Training Facility Open Championships Addison Kloetzke 1. R-SJ -63 60.4 62.5 -67.5 72.5 45 55 57.5 75 85 92.5 222.5 50.09
07/15/2023 3rd Annual TFX Training Facility Open Championships Zoribelle Valdez 2. R-SJ -63 58.5 75 85 -90 35 -40 -40 65 80 85 205 47.18
07/15/2023 3rd Annual TFX Training Facility Open Championships Maxx Batchellor 1. R-JR -83 80.9 170 177.5 182.5 102.5 110 115 200 215 -227.5 512.5 71.88
07/15/2023 3rd Annual TFX Training Facility Open Championships Edward Moscona-Maalouf 1. R-JR -93 90.1 182.5 190 202.5 135 142.5 -150 215 227.5 -240 572.5 76.05
07/15/2023 3rd Annual TFX Training Facility Open Championships Thomas Karastamatis 1. R-M1 -105 95.5 -157.5 157.5 167.5 120 130 135 162.5 172.5 177.5 480 62.01
07/15/2023 3rd Annual TFX Training Facility Open Championships Jason Pearson 1. R-M2 -120 114.9 165 175 182.5 120 130 -132.5 230 242.5 250 562.5 66.66
07/15/2023 3rd Annual TFX Training Facility Open Championships Steven Carpenter 1. R-M3 -93 89.9 152.5 162.5 165 127.5 -135 135 157.5 170 177.5 477.5 63.51
07/15/2023 3rd Annual TFX Training Facility Open Championships Kamil Iwasiow 1. R-O -66 65.9 165 172.5 -127.5 127.5 -132.5 190 -200 205 505 78.76
07/15/2023 3rd Annual TFX Training Facility Open Championships Brandon Tention 1. R-O -74 73 127.5 132.5 -142.5 112.5 -120 -125 167.5 177.5 185 430 63.59
07/15/2023 3rd Annual TFX Training Facility Open Championships Robert Girardot 2. R-O -83 80.8 177.5 185 190 120 125 -127.5 210 220 230 545 76.48
07/15/2023 3rd Annual TFX Training Facility Open Championships Benjamin Kahle 1. R-O -93 89.8 -197.5 197.5 -215 127.5 135 -142.5 215 225 235 567.5 75.53
07/15/2023 3rd Annual TFX Training Facility Open Championships Blake Atwell 1. R-O -105 103.7 240 250 260 152.5 167.5 172.5 240 255 267.5 700 86.93
07/15/2023 3rd Annual TFX Training Facility Open Championships Joshua Owen 2. R-O -105 100.4 145 150 155 137.5 142.5 145 170 182.5 192.5 492.5 62.10
07/15/2023 3rd Annual TFX Training Facility Open Championships Christopher Martin 0. R-O -105 102.8 220 250 -265 -125 -135 -142.5 212.5 225 240 0 0.00
07/15/2023 3rd Annual TFX Training Facility Open Championships Kyle Gresham 1. R-O -120 109 225 245 260 135 145 -157.5 225 245 -255 650 78.88
07/15/2023 3rd Annual TFX Training Facility Open Championships Yisrael Hendryx 2. R-O -120 118.3 -185 185 192.5 125 127.5 137.5 237.5 245 257.5 587.5 68.72
07/15/2023 3rd Annual TFX Training Facility Open Championships Zach Coates 1. R-O 120+ 130.2 200 222.5 235 155 160 167.5 250 270 -295 672.5 75.50
07/15/2023 3rd Annual TFX Training Facility Open Championships Hung Mai 0. R-SJ -74 70.3 142.5 -147.5 -147.5 -97.5 -97.5 -97.5 60 97.5 112.5 0 0.00
07/15/2023 3rd Annual TFX Training Facility Open Championships Cris Coniglio 1. R-M2 84+ 90.1 55 60 65 100 110 117.5 182.5 33.60
07/15/2023 3rd Annual TFX Training Facility Open Championships Clair Hennebach 1. R-O 84+ 86.1 40 42.5 -45 82.5 87.5 90 132.5 24.79
07/15/2023 3rd Annual TFX Training Facility Open Championships Jason Pearson 1. R-M2 -120 114.9 120 130 -132.5 230 242.5 250 380 45.03
07/15/2023 3rd Annual TFX Training Facility Open Championships Steven Carpenter 1. R-M3 -93 89.9 127.5 -135 135 157.5 170 177.5 312.5 41.57
07/15/2023 3rd Annual TFX Training Facility Open Championships Zachary Wattman 1. R-O -83 82.5 142.5 152.5 -162.5 235 250 -270 402.5 55.89
07/15/2023 Powerlifting America In The Pines Nika Brian 1. R-JR -52 51.3 65 70 -75 35 37.5 -42.5 77.5 85 90 197.5 50.46
07/15/2023 Powerlifting America In The Pines Tiffany Marik 1. R-M1 84+ 106.5 -92.5 97.5 -100 62.5 67.5 -70 110 120 125 290 50.91
07/15/2023 Powerlifting America In The Pines Tiffany Marik 2. R-O 84+ 106.5 -92.5 97.5 -100 62.5 67.5 -70 110 120 125 290 50.91
07/15/2023 Powerlifting America In The Pines Abigail King 1. R-O 84+ 88 -110 110 112.5 65 70 -72.5 -142.5 145 -147.5 327.5 60.78
07/15/2023 Powerlifting America In The Pines Analisha Kirk 3. R-O 84+ 112.5 -70 70 75 42.5 47.5 -52.5 82.5 87.5 92.5 215 37.30
07/15/2023 Powerlifting America In The Pines Emanuel Mulberg 1. R-JR -83 80.3 195 207.5 -217.5 107.5 115 -117.5 195 -207.5 -207.5 517.5 72.85
07/15/2023 Powerlifting America In The Pines Jay Swan 1. R-M1 -93 90.2 202.5 210 217.5 112.5 120 130 245 265 272.5 620 82.33
07/15/2023 Powerlifting America In The Pines McCady Findley 1. R-O -83 76.9 147.5 162.5 175 102.5 110 115 190 205 215 505 72.68
07/15/2023 Powerlifting America In The Pines Arturo Gutierrez 2. R-O -83 77 165 -172.5 -172.5 100 105 -110 192.5 202.5 210 480 69.04
07/15/2023 Powerlifting America In The Pines MacIntyre McCarty 1. R-O -93 92.4 227.5 237.5 -242.5 140 145 -150 235 247.5 -262.5 630 82.70
07/15/2023 Powerlifting America In The Pines Andrew Salazar 2. R-O -93 87 165 172.5 177.5 112.5 117.5 -120 212.5 215 -217.5 510 68.95
07/15/2023 Powerlifting America In The Pines Sam Bodnar 3. R-O -93 85.7 110 115 122.5 80 85 -90 140 147.5 152.5 360 49.05
07/15/2023 Powerlifting America In The Pines Alex Martinoz 1. R-O -105 104.1 217.5 232.5 247.5 155 162.5 -167.5 250 270 -287.5 680 84.29
07/15/2023 Powerlifting America In The Pines Conner Duyck 2. R-O -105 101.6 215 225 232.5 135 142.5 -147.5 250 265 272.5 647.5 81.20
07/15/2023 Powerlifting America In The Pines Nick Kniesteadt 3. R-O -105 103 170 -180 -180 130 135 -145 180 200 210 515 64.17
07/15/2023 Powerlifting America In The Pines Robert Hernandez 1. R-O -120 114.4 187.5 197.5 205 137.5 140 145 240 250 262.5 612.5 72.72
07/15/2023 Powerlifting America In The Pines Cory Benoit 2. R-O -120 115.4 182.5 195 205 125 137.5 145 197.5 210 220 570 67.42
07/15/2023 Powerlifting America In The Pines Matthew Twist 1. R-SJ -74 72.1 157.5 170 182.5 102.5 110 -120 185 202.5 -210 495 73.69
07/15/2023 Powerlifting America In The Pines Alexander Simmons 2. R-SJ -74 70.9 -110 -110 110 97.5 -102.5 102.5 170 175 -182.5 387.5 58.17
07/15/2023 Powerlifting America In The Pines Hayden Gage 3. R-SJ -74 68.3 112.5 -137.5 -137.5 80 100 -102.5 125 145 150 362.5 55.50
07/15/2023 Powerlifting America In The Pines Faisal Al Masoud 1. R-SJ -83 81.6 200 210 217.5 112.5 117.5 122.5 -215 220 -240 560 78.19
07/15/2023 Powerlifting America In The Pines Logan Christian 1. R-SJ -93 90.7 125 -132.5 142.5 87.5 92.5 102.5 165 182.5 207.5 452.5 59.93
07/15/2023 Powerlifting America In The Pines Alfred Arredondo 1. R-SJ -120 106.8 220 225 -227.5 132.5 -140 140 225 232.5 240 605 74.11
07/15/2023 Powerlifting America In The Pines Rebecca Blum 1. R-SJ -76 75.5 32.5 35 37.5 62.5 65 67.5 105 20.77
07/15/2023 2023 Space City Showdown Megan Hurlburt 1. R-O -57 54.6 150 160 167.5 95 100 107.5 162.5 172.5 -185 447.5 108.52
07/15/2023 2023 Space City Showdown Keonna Richardson 1. R-O -69 66.8 127.5 135 142.5 80 87.5 90 150 160 170 402.5 84.95
07/15/2023 2023 Space City Showdown Craig Johnson 1. JR -83 80.6 180 210 -212.5 102.5 107.5 112.5 -215 215 242.5 565 66.39
07/15/2023 2023 Space City Showdown Caleb Jones 1. R-JR -105 103.2 280 300 -305 170 180 -185 290 -310 -310 770 95.83
07/15/2023 2023 Space City Showdown Matthew Bascom 2. R-JR -105 102.2 115 125 -130 -105 115 -117.5 165 175 185 425 53.14
07/15/2023 2023 Space City Showdown Landon Jones 1. R-O -105 102.2 260 -272.5 -272.5 170 -177.5 -177.5 282.5 -292.5 -292.5 712.5 89.10
07/15/2023 2023 Space City Showdown Fabian Arispe 1. R-O -120 116.9 225 237.5 250 137.5 -145 150 207.5 222.5 -237.5 622.5 73.21
07/15/2023 2023 Space City Showdown Tyler Bigham 2. R-O -120 116.6 200 215 232.5 137.5 145 150 182.5 195 210 592.5 69.74
07/15/2023 2023 Space City Showdown Shawn Williams 1. R-O 120+ 142.4 215 222.5 -230 115 125 -127.5 190 200 215 562.5 60.92
07/15/2023 2023 Space City Showdown Jonas Johnson 1. R-SJ -74 66.3 165 182.5 -195 -97.5 -97.5 105 220 232.5 245 532.5 82.81
07/09/2023 New Hampshire State Championships Amanda Klimowicz 1. R-M1 -69 66.1 80 -82.5 82.5 -50 50 -52.5 80 82.5 87.5 220 46.72
07/09/2023 New Hampshire State Championships Taylor Gagnon 1. R-O -69 67.7 140 -147.5 147.5 85 92.5 97.5 150 160 405 84.81
07/09/2023 New Hampshire State Championships Tanya Vong 2. R-O -69 66.4 102.5 110 115 70 75 -80 107.5 115 122.5 312.5 66.19
07/09/2023 New Hampshire State Championships Nona hubbard 3. R-O -69 67 75 77.5 80 65 67.5 70 102.5 110 120 270 56.88
07/09/2023 New Hampshire State Championships Amanda Klimowicz 4. R-O -69 66.1 80 -82.5 82.5 -50 50 -52.5 80 82.5 87.5 220 46.72
07/09/2023 New Hampshire State Championships Ashley Gray 1. R-O -76 70.3 80 90 -100 62.5 67.5 -72.5 95 102.5 107.5 265 54.34
07/09/2023 New Hampshire State Championships Shannon Walen 1. R-JR -84 76.3 75 82.5 92.5 45 -50 50 125 -137.5 -137.5 267.5 52.64
07/09/2023 New Hampshire State Championships Myah Young 1. R-SJ -84 80.7 75 77.5 82.5 45 50 52.5 85 95 97.5 232.5 44.63
07/09/2023 New Hampshire State Championships Theresa Spencer 1. R-O 84+ 108.4 182.5 192.5 200 102.5 107.5 -112.5 165 175 -180 482.5 84.37
07/09/2023 New Hampshire State Championships Daniel Murphy 1. R-O -83 77.5 197.5 215 -227.5 125 135 -140 207.5 222.5 -230 572.5 82.07
07/09/2023 New Hampshire State Championships Andrew Thoel 1. R-O -93 89.5 207.5 215 220 107.5 117.5 125 227.5 235 -245 580 77.32
07/09/2023 New Hampshire State Championships John Karwacki 2. R-O -93 86.5 -187.5 187.5 192.5 102.5 107.5 -112.5 207.5 215 222.5 522.5 70.84
07/09/2023 New Hampshire State Championships Brandon Brunell 3. R-O -93 91.2 142.5 167.5 185 105 117.5 -137.5 165 182.5 187.5 490 64.72
07/09/2023 New Hampshire State Championships Francesco Carpeno 1. R-O -105 102.9 230 240 245 165 175 -180 235 245 255 675 84.13
07/09/2023 New Hampshire State Championships Tyler Bistany 1. R-JR -105 103.3 210 220 -235 130 -137.5 -137.5 247.5 265 -275 615 76.51
07/09/2023 New Hampshire State Championships Marckenzie Valmeus 2. R-O -105 104.9 190 202.5 210 145 152.5 -155 205 220 -227.5 582.5 71.95
07/09/2023 New Hampshire State Championships Jack Galligan 2. R-JR -105 103.4 205 215 227.5 105 112.5 117.5 195 205 212.5 557.5 69.33
07/09/2023 New Hampshire State Championships William Jussaume 3. R-JR -105 102.1 150 157.5 162.5 92.5 100 105 165 177.5 185 452.5 56.61
07/09/2023 New Hampshire State Championships Eric Andrews 1. R-O -120 115.6 232.5 242.5 250 170 177.5 182.5 235 242.5 250 682.5 80.65
07/09/2023 New Hampshire State Championships Esteban Rubens 2. R-O -120 111.2 217.5 225 235 145 155 162.5 225 237.5 250 647.5 77.86
07/09/2023 New Hampshire State Championships Timothy Carr 3. R-O -120 110.7 210 220 227.5 115 122.5 130 210 222.5 227.5 585 70.49
07/09/2023 New Hampshire State Championships William Small 1. R-JR -120 115.2 142.5 152.5 160 87.5 95 100 160 170 182.5 442.5 52.37
07/09/2023 New Hampshire State Championships Tulio Santana 4. R-O -120 107.6 127.5 137.5 147.5 95 102.5 110 145 152.5 -170 410 50.05
07/09/2023 New Hampshire State Championships Kevin McCarthy 1. R-O 120+ 142 145 152.5 162.5 110 115 122.5 175 182.5 190 475 51.49
07/09/2023 New Hampshire State Championships Eric Wall 1. R-O -74 73.5 102.5 107.5 -110 150 170 177.5 285 41.99
07/09/2023 New Hampshire State Championships Alexander Schwartz 1. R-O -93 86.5 160 165 170 240 250 257.5 427.5 57.96
07/08/2023 Woodlawn Open Michelle Vo 1. R-SJ -47 46.8 55 57.5 -60 32.5 35 -37.5 70 75 -82.5 167.5 46.63
07/08/2023 Woodlawn Open Valencia Miller 0. R-SJ -63 61.4 70 -75 -75 -40 -40 -40 85 87.5 92.5 0 0.00
07/08/2023 Woodlawn Open Amy Kirk 1. R-SJ -69 68.2 67.5 80 90 37.5 42.5 47.5 100 115 122.5 260 54.22
07/08/2023 Woodlawn Open Cali Cefalu 1. R-SJ -76 75.3 107.5 112.5 -120 60 65 -67.5 112.5 120 125 302.5 59.90
07/08/2023 Woodlawn Open Katelynn Mai 0. R-SJ -76 72.6 -95 -95 -95 40 42.5 -45 97.5 102.5 115 0 0.00
07/08/2023 Woodlawn Open Kate Anderson 1. R-SJ -84 83.6 135 140 145 60 62.5 -65 140 142.5 -145 350 66.22
07/08/2023 Woodlawn Open Jordyn Ladner 0. SJ -63 59.1 -85 -85 -85 45 47.5 -50 -85 95 -102.5 0 0.00
07/08/2023 Woodlawn Open Abigail Mayer 1. SJ -69 66.7 -105 105 110 55 60 65 90 100 107.5 282.5 49.43
07/08/2023 Woodlawn Open Camille Plaisance 2. SJ -69 67 90 95 102.5 -60 60 62.5 85 -95 100 265 46.26
07/08/2023 Woodlawn Open Emelia Dauterive 1. PS 84+ 92.4 120 -127.5 132.5 67.5 -72.5 72.5 -120 120 125 330 50.11
07/08/2023 Woodlawn Open Jillian Grimley 1. O -52 50.5 90 95 -100 37.5 -42.5 45 90 97.5 105 245 50.93
07/08/2023 Woodlawn Open Daniel Hale 0. R-SJ -53 52.3 -97.5 -97.5 -97.5 52.5 55 -60 122.5 135 140 0 0.00
07/08/2023 Woodlawn Open Dylan Tran 1. R-SJ -59 58.3 120 130 137.5 60 67.5 75 165 175 187.5 400 66.61
07/08/2023 Woodlawn Open Andrew Mariakis 1. R-SJ -105 103.9 -147.5 147.5 162.5 87.5 92.5 -97.5 175 185 197.5 452.5 56.14
07/08/2023 Woodlawn Open Joseph Alberts 1. R-JR -93 84.9 172.5 182.5 195 110 115 120 170 -177.5 180 495 67.74
07/08/2023 Woodlawn Open William Rounds 1. R-JR -120 118.3 245 252.5 262.5 182.5 190 -197.5 272.5 282.5 300 752.5 88.02
07/08/2023 Woodlawn Open Bailey Carroll 1. R-O -74 72.9 125 -135 -135 67.5 75 -80 -122.5 125 140 340 50.31
07/08/2023 Woodlawn Open Charles Williams 1. R-O -83 81.1 237.5 242.5 -247.5 135 -137.5 -137.5 237.5 250 -270 627.5 87.89
07/08/2023 Woodlawn Open Anthony Thomas 1. R-O -93 92.9 227.5 -237.5 237.5 175 -182.5 182.5 275 290 -300 710 92.93
07/08/2023 Woodlawn Open Tony Tillman 1. R-O 120+ 162.4 240 245 252.5 -190 190 -197.5 222.5 237.5 245 687.5 70.88
07/08/2023 Woodlawn Open Joshua Thompson 1. SJ -59 58.2 167.5 185 195 82.5 90 -95 175 185 -192.5 470 69.16
07/08/2023 Woodlawn Open Eric Arbour 1. SJ -66 65.3 210 215 -225 100 105 -110 210 -220 220 540 72.88
07/08/2023 Woodlawn Open Michael Plaisance 1. SJ -74 66.4 145 152.5 160 87.5 95 -100 160 170 175 430 57.35
07/08/2023 Woodlawn Open Chase Comardelle 1. SJ -83 81.4 172.5 182.5 190 107.5 115 122.5 172.5 185 190 502.5 58.70
07/08/2023 Woodlawn Open Xavier Smith 1. SJ -120 111.8 275 125 135 142.5 280 290 300 717.5 71.35
06/24/2023 44th Annual Sunshine State Games Championships Zavier Garcia 1. R-JR -83 81.4 85 102.5 -107.5 102.5 52.02
06/24/2023 44th Annual Sunshine State Games Championships Del Dennis 1. R-M1 -83 81.6 162.5 -165 -165 162.5 82.35
06/24/2023 44th Annual Sunshine State Games Championships Damian Fronzaglia 1. R-M2 -74 73.7 155 165 170 170 90.86
06/24/2023 44th Annual Sunshine State Games Championships Darian Bryant 1. R-M2 -93 89.4 172.5 177.5 -182.5 177.5 85.89
06/24/2023 44th Annual Sunshine State Games Championships Alan Gerling 1. R-M3 -83 76.7 110 115 122.5 122.5 64.11
06/24/2023 44th Annual Sunshine State Games Championships Alexander Wensjoe 1. R-O -83 81.3 110 -117.5 -122.5 110 55.84
06/24/2023 44th Annual Sunshine State Games Championships Gracie Weiss 1. R-M1 -63 59.7 60 -62.5 -62.5 37.5 -42.5 -42.5 82.5 85 90 187.5 42.55
06/24/2023 44th Annual Sunshine State Games Championships Cicely Burns 1. R-M1 -76 75.2 85 -90 -92.5 45 50 -52.5 95 102.5 -107.5 237.5 47.07
06/24/2023 44th Annual Sunshine State Games Championships Diane Fraser 1. R-M2 -63 60.9 70 77.5 82.5 45 50 -52.5 95 100 102.5 235 52.57
06/24/2023 44th Annual Sunshine State Games Championships Colleen Walker 1. R-O -57 56.9 102.5 110 115 47.5 55 57.5 127.5 130 135 307.5 72.27
06/24/2023 44th Annual Sunshine State Games Championships Thammara Clemente 1. R-O -69 67.2 102.5 110 -120 67.5 75 77.5 135 145 150 337.5 71.00
06/24/2023 44th Annual Sunshine State Games Championships Yessenia Colin 2. R-O -69 67.6 62.5 67.5 72.5 42.5 -47.5 -47.5 82.5 87.5 -95 202.5 42.43
06/24/2023 44th Annual Sunshine State Games Championships Alexis Peterson 1. R-O -84 80.7 125 -130 130 -72.5 75 77.5 125 137.5 150 357.5 68.63
06/24/2023 44th Annual Sunshine State Games Championships Alyssa Jackson 2. R-O -84 76.1 120 125 135 55 60 -65 -120 -120 120 315 62.06
06/24/2023 44th Annual Sunshine State Games Championships Sara Sosa-Garcia 1. R-O 84+ 89.4 145 157.5 170 72.5 85 -87.5 170 185 -195 440 81.20
06/24/2023 44th Annual Sunshine State Games Championships Jaeden Burrell 1. R-SJ -63 62.6 65 70 75 40 -45 47.5 85 92.5 100 222.5 48.89
06/24/2023 44th Annual Sunshine State Games Championships Markenson Seide 1. JR -83 82 165 172.5 180 105 -110 112.5 182.5 200 210 502.5 58.44
06/24/2023 44th Annual Sunshine State Games Championships Jonathan Desrosiers 1. O -83 81.8 145 150 152.5 95 105 -112.5 185 192.5 195 452.5 52.70
06/24/2023 44th Annual Sunshine State Games Championships Andell Bolivar 0. R-JR -74 73.7 150 160 -170 -115 -115 -115 200 210 -212.5 0 0.00
06/24/2023 44th Annual Sunshine State Games Championships Colton Moir 1. R-JR -120 113.7 -142.5 142.5 150 -80 80 82.5 182.5 190 -200 422.5 50.29
06/24/2023 44th Annual Sunshine State Games Championships Christian Zambrano 1. R-M2 -105 96.5 160 165 170 125 127.5 132.5 -205 210 215 517.5 66.49
06/24/2023 44th Annual Sunshine State Games Championships Gregory Rawls 1. R-M2 -120 113.3 232.5 240 245 137.5 150 -155 232.5 237.5 250 645 76.91
06/24/2023 44th Annual Sunshine State Games Championships Ken Levine 1. R-M4 -83 81.8 80 90 92.5 112.5 117.5 -122.5 130 140 150 360 50.20
06/24/2023 44th Annual Sunshine State Games Championships Carl Collins 1. R-O -74 73.7 157.5 165 170 102.5 107.5 112.5 152.5 165 172.5 455 66.94
06/24/2023 44th Annual Sunshine State Games Championships Clarence Colin 2. R-O -74 73.4 137.5 142.5 147.5 102.5 107.5 112.5 157.5 160 165 425 62.66
06/24/2023 44th Annual Sunshine State Games Championships Chad Schroeder 1. R-O -83 80.7 227.5 237.5 -242.5 137.5 142.5 145 262.5 -272.5 -272.5 645 90.57
06/24/2023 44th Annual Sunshine State Games Championships Gabriel Cabello 2. R-O -83 80 145 155 165 115 125 132.5 195 200 210 507.5 71.58
06/24/2023 44th Annual Sunshine State Games Championships Andrew Hayes 3. R-O -83 82.6 130 137.5 147.5 105 112.5 -115 192.5 205 -210 465 64.53
06/24/2023 44th Annual Sunshine State Games Championships Marcus Perez 1. R-O -93 92.8 222.5 237.5 -247.5 147.5 -155 -155 222.5 -237.5 -237.5 607.5 79.56
06/24/2023 44th Annual Sunshine State Games Championships Joshua Ramirez 2. R-O -93 90.5 162.5 175 -185 107.5 115 122.5 215 227.5 237.5 535 70.93
06/24/2023 44th Annual Sunshine State Games Championships Julio Montesino 3. R-O -93 92.3 130 140 145 105 110 -115 157.5 162.5 170 425 55.80
06/24/2023 44th Annual Sunshine State Games Championships Michael Szparaga 4. R-O -93 88.4 130 142.5 147.5 -82.5 87.5 90 137.5 147.5 -155 385 51.64
06/24/2023 44th Annual Sunshine State Games Championships Jordan Valiente 1. R-O -105 101.4 -165 175 207.5 115 127.5 -137.5 215 237.5 242.5 577.5 72.48
06/24/2023 44th Annual Sunshine State Games Championships Matthew Rhon 2. R-O -105 104 190 202.5 207.5 110 115 120 202.5 -212.5 212.5 540 66.97
06/24/2023 44th Annual Sunshine State Games Championships Jordan Fagan 1. R-O -120 107.1 250 262.5 -272.5 160 170 175 282.5 295 -305 732.5 89.61
06/24/2023 44th Annual Sunshine State Games Championships Trenton Rawls 2. R-O -120 109.3 -205 205 210 125 130 135 240 250 260 605 73.33
06/24/2023 44th Annual Sunshine State Games Championships Julian Patino 1. R-SJ -83 81.6 167.5 175 182.5 95 97.5 105 187.5 -200 -200 475 66.32
06/24/2023 44th Annual Sunshine State Games Championships Ezekiel Burrell 2. R-SJ -83 77.6 120 127.5 142.5 80 85 -100 140 152.5 167.5 395 56.58
06/24/2023 44th Annual Sunshine State Games Championships Mari Saydal 1. R-M2 84+ 89.5 62.5 67.5 70 -115 120 125 195 35.98
06/24/2023 44th Annual Sunshine State Games Championships Jon Kennedy 1. M2 120+ 148.6 142.5 160 -170 152.5 182.5 -200 342.5 30.85
06/24/2023 44th Annual Sunshine State Games Championships Alan Burnsed 1. R-O -93 92.5 132.5 -137.5 -140 225 227.5 240 372.5 48.86
06/24/2023 44th Annual Sunshine State Games Championships Matthew Faller 1. R-O -105 102.5 120 125 -130 205 220 225 350 43.70
06/04/2023 2023 Equipped Nationals Alexandra Chavez 1. G 84+ 89.8 -185 190 195 117.5 127.5 137.5 155 167.5 172.5 505 77.45
06/04/2023 2023 Equipped Nationals Carolina Alvarado 1. JR -43 42.4 85 95 -100 37.5 40 42.5 120 132.5 137.5 275 65.39
06/04/2023 2023 Equipped Nationals Jasmine Barlow 2. JR -43 41 80 85 -87.5 40 45 47.5 77.5 -80 80 212.5 51.98
06/04/2023 2023 Equipped Nationals Lauren Massaro 1. JR -52 49.8 25 -80 -85 25 -40 -40 25 -80 -80 75 15.75
06/04/2023 2023 Equipped Nationals Karen Nguyen 1. JR -57 55.9 130 -142.5 -142.5 80 -85 85 120 -135 -137.5 335 65.01
06/04/2023 2023 Equipped Nationals Seema Kawji 2. JR -57 56.3 102.5 115 120 42.5 45 47.5 120 132.5 -137.5 300 57.96
06/04/2023 2023 Equipped Nationals Aeryn Anderson 1. JR -63 62.3 125 130 135 72.5 77.5 -82.5 127.5 137.5 -142.5 350 63.59
06/04/2023 2023 Equipped Nationals Moe Brown 1. JR -69 67.3 147.5 155 162.5 60 70 75 145 155 162.5 400 69.65
06/04/2023 2023 Equipped Nationals Kasee Sketoe 0. JR -69 67.4 -167.5 -175 175 -110 -110 0 0.00
06/04/2023 2023 Equipped Nationals Haileigh Lupo 0. JR -76 75.7 150 162.5 -170 -107.5 -107.5 -107.5 132.5 145 -150 0 0.00
06/04/2023 2023 Equipped Nationals Janet Trevino 1. M1 -84 80.1 117.5 -132.5 137.5 60 -62.5 -82.5 157.5 -182.5 -182.5 355 56.92
06/04/2023 2023 Equipped Nationals Andrea Pettyjohn 0. M1 84+ 124.7 -187.5 -187.5 -192.5 -145 145 150 160 170 175 0 0.00
06/04/2023 2023 Equipped Nationals Claudia Nagata 1. M2 -69 66.4 25 25 30 80 14.03
06/04/2023 2023 Equipped Nationals Michal Harris 1. M2 -84 83 70 75 80 35 40 45 102.5 125 127.5 252.5 39.90
06/04/2023 2023 Equipped Nationals Donna Marts 1. M3 -69 68.4 135 145 150 90 97.5 100.5 160 173 180 430.5 74.33
06/04/2023 2023 Equipped Nationals Jasmine Barlow 1. O -47 41 80 85 -87.5 40 45 47.5 77.5 -80 80 212.5 51.98
06/04/2023 2023 Equipped Nationals Lindsay Seamans 1. O -52 51.2 -135 135 -137.5 72.5 -75 75 135 -140 140 350 72.05
06/04/2023 2023 Equipped Nationals Anna Gonzalez 2. O -52 51.4 115 -130 -130 72.5 -77.5 -77.5 132.5 145 -155 332.5 68.26
06/04/2023 2023 Equipped Nationals Juanita Najera 3. O -52 52 85 92.5 102.5 60 62.5 65 155 165 -185 332.5 67.72
06/04/2023 2023 Equipped Nationals Kimberly Johnson 1. O -57 56.5 -197.5 197.5 210 137.5 142.5 150 185 195 200 560 107.94
06/04/2023 2023 Equipped Nationals Madeline Fitch 2. O -57 55.9 -165 -170 170 80 85 -90 155 162.5 170 425 82.48
06/04/2023 2023 Equipped Nationals Casey Hill 3. O -57 56.8 120 132.5 -142.5 102.5 115 122.5 137.5 147.5 155 410 78.76
06/04/2023 2023 Equipped Nationals Taylor Lachapelle 1. O -63 62.4 232.5 240 -245 147.5 152.5 155 227.5 232.5 237.5 632.5 114.81
06/04/2023 2023 Equipped Nationals Patricia Southerland 2. O -63 62.5 180 -190 -190 127.5 135 137.5 177.5 187.5 -192.5 505 91.58
06/04/2023 2023 Equipped Nationals Katelyn Gmernicki 3. O -63 62.3 162.5 170 175 -115 115 120 162.5 170 -175 465 84.49
06/04/2023 2023 Equipped Nationals Kelsey McCarthy 1. O -69 68.3 225 235 245 165 170.5 178 200 211 215 638 110.25
06/04/2023 2023 Equipped Nationals Natalie Hanson 1. O -76 75.8 227.5 237.5 -242.5 160 165 170 172.5 177.5 -182.5 585 96.10
06/04/2023 2023 Equipped Nationals Kamilah Todd 1. O 84+ 113.4 240 -252.5 252.5 145 150 155 170 182.5 -192.5 590 84.45
06/04/2023 2023 Equipped Nationals Natalie Estrada 1. SJ -43 43 87.5 97.5 105 47.5 -52.5 -52.5 105 -112.5 112.5 265 62.29
06/04/2023 2023 Equipped Nationals Jayla Johnson 1. SJ -47 46.8 110 122.5 -132.5 52.5 57.5 60 105 120 130 312.5 68.70
06/04/2023 2023 Equipped Nationals Caroline Lagarde 1. SJ -52 50.8 -122.5 122.5 -130 60 62.5 65 127.5 135 137.5 325 67.28
06/04/2023 2023 Equipped Nationals Camille Crutcher 2. SJ -52 49.7 100 110 117.5 60 -65 -65 100 112.5 125 302.5 63.60
06/04/2023 2023 Equipped Nationals Gracie Cassidy 1. SJ -57 56.6 -130 130 -142.5 80 85 -90 130 137.5 -142.5 352.5 67.87
06/04/2023 2023 Equipped Nationals Katelyn Miley 0. SJ -57 57 130 -135 -135 -62.5 -62.5 -62.5 140 -145 -145 0 0.00
06/04/2023 2023 Equipped Nationals Isabel Olivarez 1. SJ -63 63 132.5 140 -152.5 92.5 -100 -100 137.5 147.5 -155 380 68.60
06/04/2023 2023 Equipped Nationals Katherine Cargill 1. SJ -69 69 175 182.5 185 102.5 107.5 110 150 157.5 -160 452.5 77.78
06/04/2023 2023 Equipped Nationals Lauren Enterkin 2. SJ -69 67.9 160 -177.5 -177.5 92.5 -102.5 -102.5 142.5 150 -157.5 402.5 69.77
06/04/2023 2023 Equipped Nationals Celeste Godinez 3. SJ -69 66.9 -140 140 145 -85 -85 85 117.5 122.5 137.5 367.5 64.20
06/04/2023 2023 Equipped Nationals Vittoria Notaroberto 4. SJ -69 66.9 125 -137.5 -137.5 62.5 65 67.5 117.5 125 130 322.5 56.34
06/04/2023 2023 Equipped Nationals Catherine Plaisance 5. SJ -69 67.7 110 115 117.5 -70 70 75 112.5 120 125 317.5 55.12
06/04/2023 2023 Equipped Nationals Vanessa Chavira 1. SJ -76 74.4 170 -177.5 177.5 80 85 87.5 135 145 -155 410 67.93
06/04/2023 2023 Equipped Nationals Malaya Mitchell 2. SJ -76 70 122.5 135 -150 75 82.5 87.5 125 145 150 372.5 63.57
06/04/2023 2023 Equipped Nationals Emily Mohs 3. SJ -76 70.3 135 142.5 150 62.5 67.5 -72.5 132.5 140 145 362.5 61.73
06/04/2023 2023 Equipped Nationals Hannah Williams 4. SJ -76 74.8 125 -137.5 137.5 70 -75 75 130 140 -152.5 352.5 58.26
06/04/2023 2023 Equipped Nationals Mackenzie Wells 1. SJ -84 77 165 172.5 177.5 80 82.5 87.5 155 162.5 170 435 70.96
06/04/2023 2023 Equipped Nationals Samantha Lofland 2. SJ -84 84 -172.5 172.5 -180 72.5 -80 80 132.5 140 -150 392.5 61.73
06/04/2023 2023 Equipped Nationals Taylor Durham 3. SJ -84 79.5 130 140 150 62.5 70 72.5 130 137.5 -140 360 57.91
06/04/2023 2023 Equipped Nationals Daige Love 1. SJ 84+ 120.3 192.5 210 227.5 100 112.5 122.5 145 160 -175 510 72.04
06/04/2023 2023 Equipped Nationals Zachary Montz 1. JR -59 58.5 192.5 200 -212.5 102.5 112.5 120 190 197.5 205 525 76.94
06/04/2023 2023 Equipped Nationals Landon Diepenbrock 1. JR -66 65.5 212.5 227.5 -232.5 127.5 -142.5 142.5 187.5 -205 -205 557.5 75.08
06/04/2023 2023 Equipped Nationals Jacob Pennington 1. JR -74 73.7 220 235 242.5 142.5 152.5 160 190 207.5 217.5 620 77.04
06/04/2023 2023 Equipped Nationals Mathew Sanchez 1. JR -83 82 230 245 255 145 155 -162.5 225 240 250 660 76.76
06/04/2023 2023 Equipped Nationals Bailey Mckenzie 1. JR -105 98.7 272.5 120 -150 -150 227.5 247.5 -265 640 67.35
06/04/2023 2023 Equipped Nationals Chandler Loescher 0. JR -120 116.6 272.5 297.5 305 -240 -240 -240 247.5 265 -275 0 0.00
06/04/2023 2023 Equipped Nationals Luke Mellon 1. JR 120+ 183.3 25 25 30 80 6.87
06/04/2023 2023 Equipped Nationals George Erwin 1. M1 -93 92.8 255 267.5 -277.5 -195 195 200 240 252.5 260 727.5 78.98
06/04/2023 2023 Equipped Nationals Dale McLaren 1. M1 -105 104.3 320 -330 330 267.5 275 -277.5 290 300 305 910 93.30
06/04/2023 2023 Equipped Nationals Marcus Warren 2. M1 -105 102.3 -255 255 -265 -230 230 240 240 255 270 765 79.14
06/04/2023 2023 Equipped Nationals Jonathan Jurewicz 3. M1 -105 104.6 125 140 150 75 85 -95 157.5 172.5 185 420 43.00
06/04/2023 2023 Equipped Nationals William Mccarthy 1. M1 -120 119.6 215 -225 225 150 160 165 220 240 245 635 61.45
06/04/2023 2023 Equipped Nationals Antony Dyer 2. M1 -120 106.5 25 167.5 175 182.5 167.5 190 200 407.5 41.39
06/04/2023 2023 Equipped Nationals Andrew Cargill 1. M1 120+ 147.3 -310 310 -322.5 262.5 272.5 277.5 290 302.5 307.5 895 80.81
06/04/2023 2023 Equipped Nationals Eric Kupperstein 1. M2 -59 58.4 195 -215 -225 60 70 75 195 215 -225 485 71.18
06/04/2023 2023 Equipped Nationals Travis Pardue 1. M2 -74 74 192.5 200 -212.5 122.5 130 -137.5 222.5 240 -260 570 70.64
06/04/2023 2023 Equipped Nationals Hal Malone 1. M2 -83 82 125 132.5 142.5 -90 90 92.5 135 147.5 160 395 45.94
06/04/2023 2023 Equipped Nationals James Brown 1. M2 -93 87.7 175 -177.5 -177.5 100 -102.5 -102.5 175 -177.5 -177.5 450 50.36
06/04/2023 2023 Equipped Nationals Jason Johnson 1. M2 -105 103.9 275 292.5 300 220 -230 230 270 282.5 292.5 822.5 84.48
06/04/2023 2023 Equipped Nationals Richard Schulze 2. M2 -105 99 132.5 142.5 -152.5 95 97.5 100 165 -177.5 -177.5 407.5 42.82
06/04/2023 2023 Equipped Nationals Michael Kalter 1. M2 -120 111.4 265 275 285 180 -190 190 250 270 282.5 757.5 75.44
06/04/2023 2023 Equipped Nationals Wilson Martinez 0. M2 -120 118.5 -270 -290 -290 -200 0 0.00
06/04/2023 2023 Equipped Nationals Steve Davenport 1. M2 120+ 133.4 202.5 217.5 227.5 142.5 160 185 75 487.5 45.37
06/04/2023 2023 Equipped Nationals Michael Rodriguez 1. M3 -74 72.9 180 200 -202.5 120 -150 150 210 -238 -240 560 70.08
06/04/2023 2023 Equipped Nationals Chris Boillot 1. M3 -83 80.4 212.5 227.5 -235 142.5 -152.5 -155 210 -215 -232.5 580 68.25
06/04/2023 2023 Equipped Nationals Richard Johnson 1. M3 -93 92.9 -215 215 230 117.5 -122.5 -122.5 215 -230 242.5 590 64.02
06/04/2023 2023 Equipped Nationals Thomas Cencich 2. M3 -93 91.5 125 175 185 125 200 -208 175 200 202.5 587.5 64.26
06/04/2023 2023 Equipped Nationals Rory McCoy 1. M3 -105 104.2 147.5 -170 170 -117.5 -117.5 117.5 210 227.5 515 52.82
06/04/2023 2023 Equipped Nationals Brad Salter 1. M3 -120 114.3 145 160 170 92.5 -100 100 165 180 190 460 45.32
06/04/2023 2023 Equipped Nationals Joseph Schofield 1. M4 -74 72.6 -80 80 97.5 55 60 -62.5 127.5 140 150 307.5 38.59
06/04/2023 2023 Equipped Nationals William Clayton 1. M4 -83 80.3 25 25 30 80 9.42
06/04/2023 2023 Equipped Nationals Alexis Maher 1. O -74 73.8 290 -310 315 167.5 172.5 177.5 337.5 355 -365 847.5 105.21
06/04/2023 2023 Equipped Nationals Nathan Landry 2. O -74 73.7 250 -265 265 185 190 -200 250 262.5 267.5 722.5 89.77
06/04/2023 2023 Equipped Nationals Jeremiah Parker 3. O -74 72.5 210 -220 -220 120 127.5 132.5 215 230 -240 572.5 71.90
06/04/2023 2023 Equipped Nationals Travis Pardue 4. O -74 74 192.5 200 -212.5 122.5 130 -137.5 222.5 240 -260 570 70.64
06/04/2023 2023 Equipped Nationals Michael Rodriguez 5. O -74 72.9 180 200 -202.5 120 -150 150 210 -238 -240 560 70.08
06/04/2023 2023 Equipped Nationals Anthony Grimaldi 1. O -83 78.5 205 217.5 -225 147.5 155 -160 220 232.5 242.5 615 73.43
06/04/2023 2023 Equipped Nationals Noah Johnson 1. O -93 91.9 365 385 -397.5 215 225 232.5 335 347.5 -355 965 105.31
06/04/2023 2023 Equipped Nationals Gregory Johnson 2. O -93 92.2 340 -352.5 360 192.5 -197.5 345 360 -372 912.5 99.41
06/04/2023 2023 Equipped Nationals Matt Rodock 3. O -93 92.7 320 330 342.5 192.5 197.5 200 285 305 320 862.5 93.69
06/04/2023 2023 Equipped Nationals Edward Baumgartner 4. O -93 90 215 -225 -227.5 127.5 132.5 -135 220 -222.5 242.5 590 65.11
06/04/2023 2023 Equipped Nationals Dale McLaren 1. O -105 104.3 320 -330 330 267.5 275 -277.5 290 300 305 910 93.30
06/04/2023 2023 Equipped Nationals Nelson Martinez 2. O -105 104.5 -340 -350 350 250 255 -260 275 -285 -285 880 90.14
06/04/2023 2023 Equipped Nationals Charles Richards 3. O -105 103.5 277.5 290 305 175 182.5 190 277.5 290 -305 785 80.77
06/04/2023 2023 Equipped Nationals Alexander Mcneal 4. O -105 101.9 280 292.5 300 -190 190 197.5 280 -300 -300 777.5 80.58
06/04/2023 2023 Equipped Nationals Eddie Mends 5. O -105 102.6 172.5 185 192.5 165 172.5 182.5 205 222.5 242.5 617.5 63.79
06/04/2023 2023 Equipped Nationals Jared Weers 6. O -105 101.6 225 232.5 235 135 142.5 145 215 225 230 610 63.31
06/04/2023 2023 Equipped Nationals Luis Jaimes 0. O -105 104.6 -342.5 -342.5 -342.5 0 0.00
06/04/2023 2023 Equipped Nationals Pete Nees 1. O -120 105.6 285 297.5 307.5 195 205 -217.5 255 265 290 802.5 81.81
06/04/2023 2023 Equipped Nationals Mark Leebrick 2. O -120 115.6 300 320 335 205 217.5 227.5 -227.5 227.5 240 802.5 78.71
06/04/2023 2023 Equipped Nationals Chandler Loescher 0. O -120 116.6 272.5 297.5 305 -240 -240 -240 247.5 265 -275 0 0.00
06/04/2023 2023 Equipped Nationals Wilson Martinez 0. O -120 118.5 -270 -290 -290 -200 0 0.00
06/04/2023 2023 Equipped Nationals Zen Mccollum 1. O 120+ 165.5 390 407.5 415 -290 290 300 300 317.5 322.5 1037.5 90.94
06/04/2023 2023 Equipped Nationals Jonathan Becerril 1. SJ -53 52.2 -170 -170 170 95 102.5 -110 175 182.5 192.5 465 74.77
06/04/2023 2023 Equipped Nationals Lawson Lillo 1. SJ -74 71.8 222.5 -230 -235 172.5 180 -188 190 205 217.5 620 78.37
06/04/2023 2023 Equipped Nationals Levi Cowart 1. SJ -83 81.4 -220 220 -227.5 147.5 -152.5 152.5 210 220 -225 592.5 69.21
06/04/2023 2023 Equipped Nationals Peyton Scott 2. SJ -83 82.5 195 210 217.5 122.5 130 137.5 192.5 207.5 212.5 567.5 65.77
06/04/2023 2023 Equipped Nationals Cael McDaniel 1. SJ -120 108.2 255 265 275 165 175 185 247.5 -257.5 257.5 717.5 72.36
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Sofia Ayala 1. R-G -69 63.6 140 150 160 62.5 67.5 -70 160 182.5 -195 410 89.16
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Anne Tyler 1. R-G -84 79.8 120 -130 130 52.5 60 -65 130 157.5 160 350 67.50
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Lily Falcone 1. R-JR -47 47 102.5 110 112.5 42.5 -50 -50 110 115 -120 270 74.84
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Kelsey Scannevin 1. R-JR -57 56.2 130 -137.5 137.5 67.5 72.5 -75 145 150 155 365 86.54
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Blair Dunn 2. R-JR -57 56 117.5 122.5 -127.5 65 -70 -70 135 142.5 150 337.5 80.24
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Karen Nguyen 3. R-JR -57 56.9 85 90 -100 52.5 57.5 -60 107.5 115 -120 262.5 61.65
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Daisy Arreola Garcia 1. R-JR -63 61.8 155 162.5 168 85 90 92.5 180 -190.5 -190.5 440.5 97.59
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Joy Rindfleisch 2. R-JR -63 63 140 145 152.5 102.5 108 111 157.5 170 -177.5 433.5 94.84
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Tiara George 3. R-JR -63 61.7 137.5 142.5 150 82.5 87.5 -92.5 165 177.5 -185 415 92.04
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Darlene Navarro 4. R-JR -63 61.1 120 130 -140 62.5 67.5 70 145 150 -157.5 350 78.14
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Carolyn Connor 1. R-JR -69 68 160 170 178 85 90 92.5 182.5 193 200 470.5 98.28
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Megan Richard 2. R-JR -69 67.9 140 150 157.5 80 -87.5 -87.5 140 147.5 152.5 390 81.53
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals August Reeves 3. R-JR -69 68.1 110 117.5 -122.5 52.5 57.5 -60 112.5 120 -125 295 61.57
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Jessica Kinney 1. R-JR -76 74.2 172.5 180 183 110 115 117.5 205 215 225 525.5 104.81
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Sara Roden 2. R-JR -76 75.1 -120 120 -135 60 62.5 -67.5 120 130 140 322.5 63.94
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Antara Jackson 1. R-JR -84 83.7 155 165 -167.5 115 -122.5 -122.5 200 -212.5 -212.5 480 90.77
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Alexa-Briana Batchateu 2. R-JR -84 82.4 157.5 170 175 -67.5 72.5 77.5 190 200 -210 452.5 86.11
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Summer Mcderrmott 3. R-JR -84 82.2 82.5 -90 92.5 60 65 -70 115 125 -135 282.5 53.81
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Kelly Tonini 1. R-M1 -57 56.3 107.5 117.5 -125 62.5 67.5 70 135 -145 -145 322.5 76.36
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Katy Whitlock 2. R-M1 -57 55 90 97.5 107.5 45 50 52.5 112.5 125 -130 285 68.72
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Amy Mason 1. R-M1 -63 62.9 135 140 142.5 70 72.5 75 157.5 165 172.5 390 85.41
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Eleanor Gease 2. R-M1 -63 62.2 100 105 110 60 65 67.5 105 115 125 302.5 66.73
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Joyce Kuwae 3. R-M1 -63 61.2 82.5 87.5 92.5 45 47.5 50 100 107.5 115 257.5 57.42
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Nimisha Mitha 4. R-M1 -63 60.3 70 75 80 42.5 47.5 50 95 100 105 235 52.94
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Annette Morgan 1. R-M1 -69 67.4 92.5 97.5 100 62.5 67.5 -70 130 137.5 145 312.5 65.61
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Dana Manning 2. R-M1 -69 68.2 90 100 107.5 47.5 52.5 -55 110 125 137.5 297.5 62.04
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Alexa Sperske 1. R-M1 -76 70.4 142.5 150 -155 75 77.5 -80 177.5 187.5 192.5 420 86.06
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Amy Hutchison 2. R-M1 -76 76 -142.5 142.5 -150 75 80 -82.5 160 167.5 180 402.5 79.36
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Lindsay Rubel 3. R-M1 -76 75.6 145 155 160 85 90 -95 140 147.5 150 400 79.06
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Courtney Costrino 4. R-M1 -76 76 115 120 122.5 80 87.5 -92.5 140 145 150 360 70.98
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Angela Stone 5. R-M1 -76 70.5 117.5 -122.5 -122.5 72.5 77.5 -80 147.5 157.5 162.5 357.5 73.20
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Clair Crawford 6. R-M1 -76 72.6 100 105 110 55 -57.5 -57.5 120 127.5 132.5 297.5 59.99
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Chereny Woodard 1. R-M1 -84 82.3 125 137.5 142.5 75 87.5 -90 175 187.5 202.5 432.5 82.35
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Siri Hoogen 2. R-M1 -84 83.1 140 152.5 160 85 92.5 -95 155 165 -170 417.5 79.18
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Jackie Mercer 3. R-M1 -84 82 115 122.5 127.5 65 -67.5 -67.5 160 167.5 177.5 370 70.55
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Sara Rodock 4. R-M1 -84 82.8 120 127.5 132.5 75 80 -85 125 137.5 -142.5 350 66.47
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Rachael Diehl 5. R-M1 -84 83.3 110 115 120 65 70 72.5 130 142.5 152.5 345 65.37
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Melissa Copeland 1. R-M1 84+ 115.2 190 200 208.5 125 131 136.5 200 215 -225 560 96.70
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Rebecca Rutkoski 2. R-M1 84+ 98.1 147.5 155 160 75 77.5 -80 145 155 160 397.5 71.27
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Sheri Jones 3. R-M1 84+ 119.9 152.5 162.5 167.5 77.5 82.5 -90 140 147.5 -155 397.5 68.15
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Erin Hall 4. R-M1 84+ 110.1 112.5 117.5 -122.5 60 65 -70 142.5 152.5 -157.5 335 58.38
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Melissa Forbis 1. R-M2 -52 51.9 95 100 -105 47.5 50 52.5 105 112.5 120 272.5 68.92
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Suzanne Hartwig-Gary 1. R-M2 -57 53.7 95 105 115 52.5 57.5 60 110 120 130 305 74.97
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Cathy Avery 1. R-M2 -63 62.9 127.5 135 -140 40 57.5 65 145 152.5 -155 352.5 77.20
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Michelle Carlascio 2. R-M2 -63 59.1 70 75 77.5 45 -50 50 97.5 105 110 237.5 54.26
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Missy Wheeler 1. R-M2 -69 68.1 92.5 100 -105 67.5 75 -77.5 130 137.5 142.5 317.5 66.26
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Joah Iannotta 1. R-M2 -76 75.8 130 137.5 145 107.5 112.5 117 162.5 172.5 182.5 444.5 87.75
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Cynthia Line 2. R-M2 -76 74 127.5 132.5 137.5 77.5 80 82.5 150 160 167.5 387.5 77.39
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Lakhvir Sodhi Gosal 1. R-M2 -84 82.2 135 140 145 75 77.5 -80 177.5 182.5 192.5 415 79.05
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Stephanie Linder 2. R-M2 -84 78.3 132.5 145 -152.5 77.5 85 87.5 157.5 170 -180 402.5 78.28
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Brenda Arnold 3. R-M2 -84 78 -95 -95 95 60 -67.5 -67.5 137.5 150 155 310 60.39
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Michal Harris 4. R-M2 -84 82.3 97.5 105 107.5 47.5 52.5 -55 130 140 142.5 302.5 57.59
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Patricia Johnson 1. R-M2 84+ 100.3 192.5 202.5 -207.5 110 115 -120.5 220 230 240 557.5 99.35
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Lilyan Jackson 2. R-M2 84+ 176.3 175 182.5 -190 -117.5 117.5 -122.5 175 182.5 -192.5 482.5 79.69
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Stacia Proefrock 3. R-M2 84+ 114.3 117.5 127.5 137.5 57.5 60 -62.5 140 147.5 152.5 350 60.53
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Candace Ovid 4. R-M2 84+ 113.7 92.5 97.5 102.5 65 70 -72.5 125 132.5 137.5 310 53.67
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Dora Justice 1. R-M3 -57 56.5 70 77.5 82.5 67.5 72.5 -78 97.5 107.5 112.5 267.5 63.17
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Lynne Homan 2. R-M3 -57 57 75 80 82.5 55 57.5 60 110 117.5 -127.5 260 60.99
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Loraine Efron 3. R-M3 -57 55.6 -85 85 -90 45 -47.5 -50 95 -100 100 230 54.98
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Suzanne Laforge 1. R-M3 -69 63.5 92.5 102.5 113 55 62.5 65 140 150 157.5 335.5 73.03
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Susan Gibson 2. R-M3 -69 66.9 85 90 95 60 62.5 -65 127.5 132.5 -137.5 290 61.15
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Barbara Beaudin 1. R-M3 -84 80 100 107.5 -115 35 40 -45 142.5 152.5 157.5 305 58.76
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Vicki Brackett 1. R-M3 84+ 126.1 -120 120 -130 72.5 77.5 78 155 -165 165 363 61.74
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Nancy Sassaman 1. R-M4 -57 55.9 40 -55 55 25 32.5 -37.5 80 100 -105 187.5 44.64
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Shelly Stettner 1. R-M4 -63 60.8 112.5 117.5 -122.5 65 67.5 -68.5 135 140 142.5 327.5 73.36
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Gale Williams 1. R-M4 -69 66.4 82.5 87.5 88.5 55 60 62.5 125 132.5 137 288 61.00
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Lenore Gelb 1. R-M4 -76 71.7 80 85 90 45 47.5 50 112.5 120 125.5 265.5 53.88
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Trinity Klingler 1. R-SJ -47 46.9 62.5 67.5 -72.5 32.5 35 -37.5 75 80 -85 182.5 50.70
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Emma Klime 1. R-SJ -52 49.5 85 92.5 97.5 37.5 40 -45 100 110 -117.5 247.5 65.29
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Barbara Lopez 1. R-SJ -63 62.5 145 -150 -152.5 60 65 -67.5 142.5 147.5 -152.5 357.5 78.62
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Myah Brown 2. R-SJ -63 59.8 120 130 -140 57.5 62.5 -65 135 150 160 352.5 79.86
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Kenedee Rowen 3. R-SJ -63 61.3 127.5 135 -137.5 70 -72.5 -72.5 132.5 142.5 -147.5 347.5 77.41
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Giselle Altamirano 4. R-SJ -63 61.1 107.5 115 120 -50 52.5 55 100 110 120 295 65.86
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Natalia Apodaka 5. R-SJ -63 59.8 85 92.5 -102.5 50 55 -60 95 105 112.5 260 58.91
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Ava Lacasse 1. R-SJ -69 63.5 -107.5 112.5 -117.5 47.5 52.5 55 115 122.5 130 297.5 64.76
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Sarah Rogers 1. R-SJ -76 71.7 105 117.5 -120 50 -52.5 -52.5 125 135 -145 302.5 61.39
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Mikayla Vonlangen 1. R-SJ -84 80.3 120 125 130 57.5 60 65 162.5 170 -177.5 365 70.21
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Rachel Olshansky 2. R-SJ -84 83.4 110 117.5 -122.5 65 70 -72.5 142.5 152.5 162.5 350 66.28
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Shanti Khalsa 3. R-SJ -84 83.6 125 137.5 -145 55 -62.5 62.5 130 145 150 350 66.22
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Chealsea Enemor 1. R-SJ 84+ 112 195 207.5 212.5 105 112.5 117.5 192.5 202.5 210 540 93.76
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Brendan Todd 1. R-G -120 113.9 307.5 -325 332.5 212.5 227.5 -235 307.5 325 -340 885 105.28
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Om Pednekar 1. R-G -59 57.5 125 137.5 -142.5 67.5 72.5 -75 155 -165 -165 365 61.24
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Jonathan Jurewicz 0. R-G -120 105.5 0 0.00
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Bodie Lacoe 1. R-JR -59 58.3 -177.5 180 185 100 107.5 -115 242.5 260 -272.5 552.5 92.01
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Patrick Le 2. R-JR -59 58.8 182.5 190 197.5 122.5 -127.5 127.5 215 -227.5 -230 540 89.52
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Jose Barbiere 3. R-JR -59 57.6 142.5 152.5 155 82.5 -85 -85 147.5 165 185 422.5 70.82
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Kyle Nowak 1. R-JR -66 65.5 195 210 220 130 140 -145 270 287.5 302.5 662.5 103.69
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Zach Taylor 0. R-JR -66 65.6 215 225 -232.5 132.5 140 -145 255 265 275 0 0.00
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Edgar Zampini 2. R-JR -66 65.6 210 212.5 215 132.5 -137.5 -140 250 -260 -260 597.5 93.44
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Ari Kefer 3. R-JR -66 64.1 120 127.5 135 70 75 -80 160 172.5 -180 382.5 60.56
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Ryan Bui 4. R-JR -66 64.5 120 -130 -130 72.5 75 -82.5 160 -165 -165 355 56.02
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Kai Winston 5. R-JR -66 63.8 100 105 -112.5 50 55 62.5 142.5 155 167.5 335 53.17
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Connor Heim 1. R-JR -83 82.8 240 250 260 160 165 167.5 290 307.5 315.5 743 102.98
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Alex Sydor 2. R-JR -83 82.2 252.5 265 272.5 145 152.5 -157.5 282.5 297.5 -310 722.5 100.50
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Dafydd Herico 3. R-JR -83 82.2 215 230 -240 145 150 -155 250 265 645 89.72
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Evan Gonsorcik 4. R-JR -83 80.8 190 200 -207.5 130 137.5 -140 252.5 267.5 -280 605 84.90
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Greg Jones 5. R-JR -83 81.6 207.5 220 227.5 125 130 -135 210 222.5 237.5 595 83.08
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Ryan Adymy 6. R-JR -83 81.3 187.5 197.5 207.5 107.5 112.5 -117.5 195 205 -210 525 73.44
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Ken Nguyen 0. R-JR -83 82.3 257.5 272.5 -285 -170 -175 -175 0 0.00
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Shane Nutt 1. R-JR -93 92 272.5 290 305 165 175 180 305 333 -365 818 107.58
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Peyton Johnson 2. R-JR -93 91.3 287.5 295 300 165 170 -172.5 332.5 342.5 -365 812.5 107.26
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Aidan Roeder 3. R-JR -93 91.8 252.5 270 285 155 165 -167.5 300 320 -342.5 770 101.37
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Brandon Combs 4. R-JR -93 92.5 275 282.5 -285 150 -155 -155 302.5 -312.5 -312.5 735 96.41
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Philip Truong 5. R-JR -93 91.9 -255 255 265 167.5 180 -187.5 272.5 282.5 287.5 732.5 96.39
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Cameron Lunsford 6. R-JR -93 92.1 270 -285 -285 165 172.5 -182.5 260 270 -280 712.5 93.65
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Andrew Cargill 7. R-JR -93 91.7 220 232.5 235 160 165 167.5 -250 250 -265 652.5 85.95
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Dylan Hoye 8. R-JR -93 92.2 200 215 222.5 127.5 -135 140 212.5 227.5 242.5 605 79.48
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Travers Benoit 9. R-JR -93 91.4 195 207.5 217.5 127.5 137.5 -145 217.5 225 -230 580 76.52
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Aidan Brown 10. R-JR -93 90.6 192 217.5 -227.5 110 117.5 120 205 222.5 230 567.5 75.20
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Logan Hegedty 11. R-JR -93 91.7 175 190 -197.5 110 115 117.5 182.5 195 205 512.5 67.51
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Anthony Mcnaughton 1. R-JR -105 104.8 305 322.5 -337.5 215 225 -232.5 305 320 327.5 875 108.13
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Nicholas Schzure 2. R-JR -105 103.1 -250 265 277.5 145 -155 155 255 275 -285 707.5 88.10
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Sam Sikora 3. R-JR -105 104.2 240 252.5 260 157.5 162.5 165 255 270 282.5 707.5 87.66
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Michael Bosquez 4. R-JR -105 96.9 -240 245 -260 -125 125 -137.5 240 252.5 260 630 80.79
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Ryan Carter 0. R-JR -105 97.5 -250 -250 -250 160 -162.5 162.5 -285 285 295 0 0.00
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Romar Paul Harayo 1. R-JR -120 115.6 292.5 310 330 180 190 195 295 320 -340 845 99.86
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Trey Forrest 1. R-JR 120+ 163.9 275 295 305 160 -165 -175 242.5 -265 265 730 75.01
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Ryan Scofield 0. R-JR 120+ 120.4 -250 -255 -255 150 157.5 160 235 250 265 0 0.00
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Sean Queller 1. R-M1 -66 65.7 180 190 192.5 80 82.5 -87.5 225 240 252.5 527.5 82.43
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Huaiyu Tan 2. R-M1 -66 65.7 155 165 170 97.5 -105 105 200 210 217.5 492.5 76.96
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Jamaal Grimes 1. R-M1 -74 72.9 205 220 -230 125 127.5 132.5 270 290 300 652.5 96.54
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Mike Deutsch 2. R-M1 -74 72.3 -112.5 112.5 115 -102.5 -102.5 102.5 135 145 157.5 375 55.72
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Jonathan Losa 1. R-M1 -83 82.3 222.5 237.5 245 182.5 192.5 200.5 235 250 -255 695.5 96.69
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Todd Straub 2. R-M1 -83 82.7 207.5 -220 220 162.5 170 -175 255 275 287.5 677.5 93.96
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Lauren Cohen 3. R-M1 -83 82.1 230 -255 255 150 -160 160 240 260 -282.5 675 93.95
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Anthony Perkins 4. R-M1 -83 81.6 210 222.5 -235 150 155 -157.5 235 250 257.5 635 88.66
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Layne Norton 1. R-M1 -93 92 -252.5 260 275 152.5 162.5 167.5 287.5 308 315 757.5 99.62
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Michael Garozzo 2. R-M1 -93 92.4 272.5 280 285 152.5 160 -165 292.5 310 -312.5 755 99.08
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Ray Padilla 3. R-M1 -93 90.3 245 257.5 267.5 105 117.5 120 272.5 -287.5 -287.5 660 87.60
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Marcos Sanchez 4. R-M1 -93 91.5 220 232.5 240 120 130 135 230 240 245 620 81.76
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Kevin Deutsch 5. R-M1 -93 92.3 135 145 150 132.5 142.5 145 170 185 192.5 487.5 64.01
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Timothy Mercer 1. R-M1 -105 104.3 237.5 252.5 265 167.5 177.5 182.5 262.5 282.5 -295 730 90.41
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Carlos Santoliquido 1. R-M1 -120 110.2 280 295 307.5 175 185 190 300 320 332.5 830 100.22
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Kenneth Cameron 2. R-M1 -120 119.5 -242.5 242.5 260 170 175 180 295 320 -322.5 760 88.51
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Jared Stone 3. R-M1 -120 111.6 252.5 262.5 275 157.5 165 172.5 220 227.5 237.5 685 82.24
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals James Farrior 1. R-M1 120+ 150 -242.5 242.5 260 -197.5 207.5 212.5 237.5 260 275 747.5 79.34
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Michael Jean Sr. 2. R-M1 120+ 177.8 -260 260 272.5 175 182.5 -185 255 272.5 -280 727.5 72.72
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals James Finn 3. R-M1 120+ 140 202.5 215 227.5 165 175 -182.5 210 222.5 -227.5 625 68.13
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Cody Hanson 4. R-M1 120+ 160.7 162.5 175 182.5 135 140 145 170 205 -240 532.5 55.10
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Rick Brink 1. R-M2 -66 65.9 155 165 175 100 -107.5 107.5 190 202.5 217.5 500 78.00
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Brian Mott 2. R-M2 -66 64.5 90 97.5 102.5 87.5 92.5 -95 127.5 137.5 145 340 53.65
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Travis Pardue 1. R-M2 -74 72.7 167.5 175 -182.5 97.5 100 102.5 215 227.5 -240 505 74.83
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals John Demchak 2. R-M2 -74 73.6 167.5 175 -180 85 -90 -90 205 215 220 480 70.67
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Lee Farmer 3. R-M2 -74 73.4 112.5 -120 120 -80 82.5 -87.5 135 150 -157.5 352.5 51.97
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Jesus Fragoso 1. R-M2 -83 81.1 187.5 202.5 -210 140 147.5 -155 240 257.5 265 615 86.14
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Marc Drobny 2. R-M2 -83 81.3 165 177.5 -190 112.5 117.5 -122.5 205 217.5 -227.5 512.5 71.69
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Jensen Monterrey 0. R-M2 -83 82.4 -142.5 -142.5 -170 -92.5 -92.5 -92.5 0 0.00
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Edward Ruland 1. R-M2 -93 92.6 165 182.5 205 155 165 -172.5 225 247.5 272.5 642.5 84.23
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Charles Privitera 2. R-M2 -93 89.7 175 187.5 192.5 102.5 110 115 182.5 192.5 200 507.5 67.58
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Chris Engebretson 1. R-M2 -105 104.2 215 225 232.5 137.5 145 -150 225 237.5 242.5 620 76.82
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Russell McDonnell 2. R-M2 -105 102.8 167.5 185 192.5 122.5 132.5 137.5 185 200 215 545 67.96
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Richard Acosta 1. R-M2 -120 117.5 167.5 177.5 -182.5 127.5 135 -137.5 185 200 210 522.5 61.30
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Keith Carlascio 2. R-M2 -120 112.1 155 162.5 172.5 110 115 120 190 200 210 502.5 60.21
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Steve Davenport 1. R-M2 120+ 131.7 220 230 235 160 170 182.5 220 245 250 667.5 74.59
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals George Kern 1. R-M3 -66 65.7 100 110 115 82.5 87.5 90 160 167.5 172.5 377.5 58.99
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Ronald Greenberg 2. R-M3 -66 63.6 110 -120 -120 95 102.5 -105 130 142.5 152.5 365 58.03
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Carlos Lewis 1. R-M3 -74 73.3 185 195 200.5 125 132.5 175 212.5 -215 545.5 80.48
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Michael Rodriguez 2. R-M3 -74 72.9 75 -100 -100 115 130 -140 125 -130 -130 330 48.83
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Larry Nash 1. R-M3 -83 81.9 -187.5 187.5 197.5 135 140 -142.5 207.5 217.5 230 567.5 79.09
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Willie Wong 2. R-M3 -83 82.6 -205 205 215.5 107.5 110 -112.5 220 230 -242.5 555.5 77.08
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Steven Carpenter 1. R-M3 -93 89.1 150 -157.5 160 127.5 132.5 -135 157.5 165 172.5 465 62.13
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Mario Alfano 0. R-M3 -93 91.1 -160 -160 -160 122.5 130 135 215 230 240 0 0.00
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Rodger Menezes 0. R-M3 -93 92.1 140 -147.5 -152.5 -100 -105 -105 167.5 172.5 180 0 0.00
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Jim Kathios 1. R-M3 -105 102.3 185 195 200 140 145.5 148 215 225 252.5 600.5 75.05
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Kenneth Bennett 2. R-M3 -105 101.5 165 175 182.5 127.5 135 142.5 202.5 215 225 550 68.99
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Robert Cross 3. R-M3 -105 103.1 -160 160 170 117.5 125 -130 180 190 195 490 61.02
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Randal Whitt 0. R-M3 -120 113 120 125 130 -140 -140 -140 -140 -140 0 0.00
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Sam Felts 1. R-M4 -59 58.6 -90 90 -105 87.5 97.5 -100 120 135 145 332.5 55.22
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Manuel Rodriguez 1. R-M4 -66 64.2 -142.5 142.5 147.5 85 -90 -90 187.5 192.5 197.5 430 68.02
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Dale Garlitz 1. R-M4 -74 71.8 145 155 160 97.5 102.5 105.5 172.5 182.5 -188 448 66.81
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals John Laflamme 1. R-M4 -83 82.6 172.5 182.5 190.5 97.5 102.5 105.5 207.5 220 230.5 526.5 73.06
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Russ Marr 2. R-M4 -83 78.7 130 142.5 -150 95 97.5 -102.5 208 220.5 -231 460.5 65.49
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Rick Degregorio 1. R-M4 -93 84.8 55 -57.5 -60 87.5 92.5 97.5 152.5 20.88
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Michael Dollard 1. R-M4 -105 96.9 -105 105 -117.5 90 -95 95 175 -182.5 -182.5 375 48.09
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Mack Hodges 1. R-M4 -120 112.5 135 145 155 125 130 -137.5 160 170 455 54.43
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Tylor Reed Fuenger 1. R-SJ -59 58.7 155 165 172.5 90 100 102.5 165 182.5 192.5 467.5 77.57
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Justin Noller 2. R-SJ -59 57.9 150 -157.5 157.5 75 77.5 -80 177.5 -185 185 420 70.20
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Derrick Le 3. R-SJ -59 53.4 117.5 125 -130 82.5 87.5 -90 150 -157.5 -157.5 362.5 63.28
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals German Gastelum 4. R-SJ -59 58.8 100 115 127.5 75 80 -82.5 120 135 142.5 350 58.02
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Cody James Hanson 0. R-SJ -59 57.8 65 75 -82.5 -55 -65 -65 97.5 102.5 107.5 0 0.00
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Daniel Harris 1. R-SJ -66 65.8 205 220 -227.5 132.5 -137.5 -143 220 -228 -232.5 572.5 89.39
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Mason Eardley 2. R-SJ -66 65.5 165 172.5 -180 87.5 -95 -95 182.5 187.5 -190 447.5 70.04
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Colin Fahey 3. R-SJ -66 63.3 125 132.5 140 75 82.5 -87.5 -172.5 182.5 190 412.5 65.74
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Jack Reynolds 1. R-SJ -74 72.5 202.5 207.5 215 145 150.5 155.5 227.5 -240.5 241.5 612 90.81
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Nicolas Gaines 2. R-SJ -74 73.2 195 210 220 107.5 125 132.5 230 241 259 611.5 90.28
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Nabeel Rifai 3. R-SJ -74 73.7 190 200 -202.5 -115 115 117.5 -235 235 -260 552.5 81.28
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Adam Leahigh 4. R-SJ -74 73.4 175 185 190 102.5 -105 -105 -205 215 -225 507.5 74.82
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Matthew Twist 5. R-SJ -74 73.3 157.5 167.5 177.5 -112.5 -112.5 112.5 192.5 202.5 207.5 497.5 73.40
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Izak Cotney 6. R-SJ -74 72.8 155 167.5 172.5 95 102.5 107.5 180 195 -205 475 70.33
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Wyatt Twohey 7. R-SJ -74 70.3 -140 -150 150 77.5 90 -97.5 182.5 197.5 -202.5 437.5 65.97
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Hayden Gage 8. R-SJ -74 68.5 137.5 -140 -140 95 97.5 -100 135 142.5 -147.5 377.5 57.70
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Carlos Hicks Jr 1. R-SJ -83 80.9 240 253 260.5 127.5 137.5 142.5 260 -275.5 275.5 678.5 95.15
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Joseph Tyler 2. R-SJ -83 82.8 225 232.5 237.5 -140 140 145 272.5 277.5 281 663.5 91.96
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Omario Salinas 3. R-SJ -83 82.5 212.5 227.5 235 135 -142.5 142.5 225 240 -250 617.5 85.74
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Marcus Mcfadden 1. R-SJ -93 84.2 -237.5 245 -260 127.5 130 -132.5 247.5 262.5 273 648 89.05
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Danny Hashempour 2. R-SJ -93 90.5 195 205 212.5 112.5 122.5 -132.5 220 235 245 580 76.90
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals David Syrotchen 3. R-SJ -93 88 217.5 230 -240 117.5 -122.5 -122.5 217.5 230 -240 577.5 77.63
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Benjamin Edelman 4. R-SJ -93 90.9 180 -195 195 95 105 112.5 230 245 -260 552.5 73.09
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Colyn Baldwin 5. R-SJ -93 89.2 180 190 197.5 110 115 -117.5 225 237.5 -245 550 73.44
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Sean Duthie 6. R-SJ -93 91.7 -190 192.5 202.5 117.5 130 132.5 165 -185 -197.5 500 65.86
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Logan Christian 7. R-SJ -93 87.7 120 -127.5 132.5 87.5 -95 -95 152.5 170 187.5 407.5 54.87
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals David Jackson 8. R-SJ -93 91.6 97.5 105 -110 -60 60 65 130 137.5 145 315 41.52
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Cole Schirg 1. R-SJ -105 102.1 220 240 -247.5 140 147.5 -150 225 240 247.5 635 79.43
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Brayden Coy 2. R-SJ -105 98.5 -227.5 232.5 -245 125 127.5 -132.5 255 -270 -275 615 78.25
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Rowland Hoskins Iii 3. R-SJ -105 97.6 182.5 195 205 110 120 125 205 227.5 -237.5 557.5 71.25
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Ravi Khalsa 4. R-SJ -105 96.2 135 145 157.5 77.5 87.5 95 130 147.5 165 417.5 53.73
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals John Engebretson 5. R-SJ -105 100.8 132.5 142.5 147.5 82.5 -87.5 87.5 132.5 145 155 390 49.08
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Jacob Breckinridge 1. R-SJ -120 114.8 237.5 260 275 127.5 132.5 -137.5 232.5 262.5 -285 670 79.42
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Uriel Perez 1. R-SJ 120+ 124.3 235 245 -265 -155 160 167.5 217.5 -225 225 637.5 72.99
06/02/2023 2023 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Master Nationals Xzavaih Milton 2. R-SJ 120+ 139.2 225 237.5 247.5 135 -142.5 142.5 -205 217.5 -227.5 607.5 66.37
06/01/2023 Nationals – Last Chance Qualifier Suzanne Hartwig-Gary 1. R-M2 -57 56.3 25 25 25 75 17.76
06/01/2023 Nationals – Last Chance Qualifier Ava Lacasse 1. R-SJ -69 63.1 25 25 25 75 16.39
06/01/2023 Nationals – Last Chance Qualifier James Brown 1. M2 -93 88.3 -25 25 25 25 75 8.37
06/01/2023 Nationals – Last Chance Qualifier William Clayton 1. M4 -83 79.5 25 25 25 75 8.89
06/01/2023 Nationals – Last Chance Qualifier Aidan Roeder 1. R-JR -93 92.8 25 25 25 75 9.82
06/01/2023 Nationals – Last Chance Qualifier Mike Deutsch 1. R-M1 -74 73.3 25 25 25 75 11.07
06/01/2023 Nationals – Last Chance Qualifier Kevin Deutsch 1. R-M1 -93 92.1 25 25 25 75 9.86
06/01/2023 Nationals – Last Chance Qualifier Rick Brink 1. R-M2 -74 66.5 25 25 25 75 11.64
06/01/2023 Nationals – Last Chance Qualifier Jesus Fragoso 1. R-M2 -93 85.7 25 25 25 75 10.22
06/01/2023 Nationals – Last Chance Qualifier Ronald Greenberg 1. R-M3 -66 64.6 25 25 25 75 11.83
06/01/2023 Nationals – Last Chance Qualifier Jim Kathios 1. R-M3 -105 103.5 -25 25 25 25 75 9.32
06/01/2023 Nationals – Last Chance Qualifier Adam Leahigh 1. R-SJ -74 73.7 25 25 25 75 11.03
06/01/2023 Nationals – Last Chance Qualifier Omario Salinas 1. R-SJ -93 87.5 25 25 25 75 10.11
06/01/2023 Nationals – Last Chance Qualifier Logan Christian 2. R-SJ -93 88.2 -25 25 25 25 75 10.07
05/21/2023 Duel in the Desert 2023 Kylie Smith 1. R-PS -57 52.2 57.5 62.5 67.5 50 52.5 57.5 70 75 80 205 51.59
05/21/2023 Duel in the Desert 2023 Alexis Guzman 1. R-JR -76 72.4 92.5 100 -107.5 47.5 50 -55 107.5 112.5 120 270 54.52
05/21/2023 Duel in the Desert 2023 Deanna Ordaz 1. R-JR 84+ 102 112.5 117.5 125 52.5 60 65 130 140 152.5 342.5 60.77
05/21/2023 Duel in the Desert 2023 Anahi Delgado 2. R-JR 84+ 92.3 75 80 85 32.5 37.5 42.5 97.5 107.5 117.5 245 44.74
05/21/2023 Duel in the Desert 2023 Destinee Guevara 3. R-JR 84+ 87.4 60 65 70 37.5 42.5 -45 87.5 95 -100 207.5 38.61
05/21/2023 Duel in the Desert 2023 Cindy López 1. R-M1 -76 70.5 115 120 -130 47.5 -50 -50 120 130 145 312.5 63.99
05/21/2023 Duel in the Desert 2023 Jacqueline Copolillo 1. R-M1 -84 81.3 47.5 55 65 35 40 -42.5 65 72.5 80 185 35.40
05/21/2023 Duel in the Desert 2023 Kristy Medina 1. R-M1 84+ 93.7 92.5 100 105 47.5 55 60 110 117.5 127.5 292.5 53.16
05/21/2023 Duel in the Desert 2023 Adriana Ruiz 1. R-M2 -69 69 90 92.5 97.5 50 -52.5 -52.5 110 112.5 122.5 270 55.94
05/21/2023 Duel in the Desert 2023 Erika Avila 1. R-O -63 59.3 95 102.5 105 40 45 -47.5 117.5 125 132.5 282.5 64.38
05/21/2023 Duel in the Desert 2023 Madison Nottingham 2. R-O -63 57.2 100 105 110 45 50 52.5 100 105 112.5 275 64.34
05/21/2023 Duel in the Desert 2023 Alexis Guzman 1. R-O -76 72.4 92.5 100 -107.5 47.5 50 -55 107.5 112.5 120 270 54.52
05/21/2023 Duel in the Desert 2023 Isabel Orozco 2. R-O -84 78.8 87.5 92.5 100 42.5 47.5 -52.5 110 117.5 127.5 275 53.33
05/21/2023 Duel in the Desert 2023 Deanna Ordaz 1. R-O 84+ 102 112.5 117.5 125 52.5 60 65 130 140 152.5 342.5 60.77
05/21/2023 Duel in the Desert 2023 Bryanna Villafana 2. R-O 84+ 108.2 75 80 85 40 45 47.5 100 110 117.5 250 43.73
05/21/2023 Duel in the Desert 2023 Anahi Delgado 3. R-O 84+ 92.3 75 80 85 32.5 37.5 42.5 97.5 107.5 117.5 245 44.74
05/21/2023 Duel in the Desert 2023 Destinee Guevara 4. R-O 84+ 87.4 60 65 70 37.5 42.5 -45 87.5 95 -100 207.5 38.61
05/21/2023 Duel in the Desert 2023 Eddie Mends 1. O -105 102.2 165 172.5 182.5 160 172.5 -182.5 182.5 220 -227.5 575 59.51
05/21/2023 Duel in the Desert 2023 Simon Doster 1. R-PS -66 61.2 105 110 115 60 67.5 72.5 107.5 120 127.5 315 51.11
05/21/2023 Duel in the Desert 2023 Kyle Cohen 1. R-JR -83 76.4 157.5 170 -177.5 100 107.5 112.5 177.5 182.5 465 67.15
05/21/2023 Duel in the Desert 2023 Frederick Quarles 1. R-M1 -120 119.7 192.5 -215 220 165 185 195 192.5 227.5 235 650 75.64
05/21/2023 Duel in the Desert 2023 Philip Lee 1. R-O -74 73.3 167.5 -182.5 -182.5 117.5 122.5 125 212.5 227.5 -232.5 520 76.72
05/21/2023 Duel in the Desert 2023 Shawn Murphy 1. R-O -83 81.2 170 180 190 105 115 -120 182.5 195 207.5 512.5 71.74
05/21/2023 Duel in the Desert 2023 Rodney Elm 1. R-O -93 89.1 182.5 195 202.5 147.5 155 160 200 215 227.5 590 78.83
05/21/2023 Duel in the Desert 2023 Andrew Aguilera 2. R-O -93 89.5 195 205 -212.5 125 132.5 137.5 200 215 225 567.5 75.65
05/21/2023 Duel in the Desert 2023 Nelson Barba 3. R-O -93 92.2 -180 185 200 115 -130 -130 -215 225 250 565 74.23
05/21/2023 Duel in the Desert 2023 Daniel Richard 1. R-O -105 103.2 200 212.5 220 140 145 147.5 220 245 260 627.5 78.10
05/21/2023 Duel in the Desert 2023 Chayce Hernandez 2. R-O -105 96.9 172.5 185 192.5 130 137.5 142.5 220 230 -247.5 565 72.46
05/21/2023 Duel in the Desert 2023 Jose Franco 3. R-O -105 93.2 140 145 152.5 102.5 110 112.5 170 177.5 185 450 58.81
05/21/2023 Duel in the Desert 2023 Braxton Wennberg 1. R-SJ -93 84.2 185 195 -210 117.5 127.5 -137.5 192.5 -210 -210 515 70.78
05/21/2023 Duel in the Desert 2023 Eddie Mends 1. O -105 102.2 160 172.5 -182.5 182.5 220 -227.5 392.5 40.62
05/21/2023 Duel in the Desert 2023 Christopher Smith 1. R-O 120+ 151.2 150 162.5 167.5 192.5 220 225 392.5 41.53
05/20/2023 Baystate Qualifier 2023 Anthony Grimaldi 1. R-O -83 82.9 75 75 75 225 31.17
05/20/2023 Baystate Qualifier 2023 Luis Jaimes 1. R-O -105 104.8 75 75 75 225 27.80
05/14/2023 2023 Nevada State Kelly Mitchell 1. R-M3 -57 54.2 42.5 47.5 50 30 35 -37.5 55 62.5 70 155 37.81
05/14/2023 2023 Nevada State Jolene Peterson 1. R-O -57 55.7 60 -67.5 -75 35 -37.5 -37.5 80 85 90 185 44.17
05/14/2023 2023 Nevada State Liliana Ruiz 2. R-O 84+ 89.6 132.5 137.5 142.5 65 67.5 72.5 132.5 140 147.5 362.5 66.86
05/14/2023 2023 Nevada State Megan Rankin 3. R-O 84+ 107.9 132.5 -140 -140 60 -62.5 62.5 130 140 145 340 59.51
05/14/2023 2023 Nevada State Lindsey Mc Elfish 4. R-O 84+ 90 92.5 -105 105 50 60 -65 112.5 125 135 300 55.25
05/14/2023 2023 Nevada State Tiffany Judd 5. R-O 84+ 90.9 30 40 -55 30 -45 -45 60 65 72.5 142.5 26.15
05/14/2023 2023 Nevada State Edward Baumgartner 1. O -93 90.5 215 -227.5 -232.5 132.5 -140 220 230 240 587.5 64.64
05/14/2023 2023 Nevada State Isaiah Griffin 1. R-JR -66 64.2 152.5 -160 160 90 -95 95 152.5 160 -165 415 65.65
05/14/2023 2023 Nevada State Langdon Isaacson 2. R-JR -66 65.1 117.5 122.5 -135 85 -87.5 -87.5 157.5 165 175 382.5 60.06
05/14/2023 2023 Nevada State Paris Acosta 0. R-JR -66 65.8 142.5 -152.5 -152.5 -87.5 -87.5 -87.5 165 175 195 0 0.00
05/14/2023 2023 Nevada State Josh Howard 1. R-JR -83 82.1 132.5 137.5 142.5 80 85 87.5 150 157.5 165 395 54.98
05/14/2023 2023 Nevada State Mark Eardley 1. R-M2 -93 84.4 122.5 -130 -130 125 -132.5 132.5 142.5 147.5 162.5 417.5 57.31
05/14/2023 2023 Nevada State Todd Peterson 1. R-M3 -93 92.5 155 165 175 100 107.5 -112.5 170 185 -195 467.5 61.32
05/14/2023 2023 Nevada State Richard Schulze 1. R-M2 -105 99.2 122.5 137.5 90 -97.5 97.5 165 -167.5 -167.5 400 50.73
05/14/2023 2023 Nevada State Donald Artieri 1. R-M3 -83 82.6 77.5 -80 82.5 85 -87.5 90 145 147.5 -155 320 44.40
05/14/2023 2023 Nevada State Nathaniel Gutierrez 1. R-O -83 82.8 175 185 192.5 105 112.5 120 192.5 197.5 202.5 515 71.38
05/14/2023 2023 Nevada State Wayne Hovey 2. R-O -83 80.6 150 160 167.5 115 122.5 -130 195 200 205 495 69.55
05/14/2023 2023 Nevada State Nikolaus Marsh 3. R-O -83 80.9 160 170 -175 120 -127.5 -127.5 175 195 200 490 68.72
05/14/2023 2023 Nevada State Andrew Peterson 1. R-O -93 92 195 205 -215 122.5 127.5 132.5 215 225 235 572.5 75.29
05/14/2023 2023 Nevada State Barry Bow 2. R-O -93 91 165 175 185 110 -122.5 122.5 195 207.5 220 527.5 69.75
05/14/2023 2023 Nevada State Jack Brazil 3. R-O -93 89.9 170 -175 -175 105 110 115 150 160 170 455 60.52
05/14/2023 2023 Nevada State Andres Torres 4. R-O -93 87.5 137.5 -155 -165 92.5 100 110 130 150 162.5 410 55.27
05/14/2023 2023 Nevada State Jaime Roque 5. R-O -93 92.8 95 105 115 67.5 72.5 -80 127.5 135 150 337.5 44.20
05/14/2023 2023 Nevada State Garrett Von Gunten 6. R-O -93 88.7 -95 95 97.5 145 -160 -160 242.5 32.47
05/14/2023 2023 Nevada State Brandon Sealey 1. R-O -105 98.5 180 190 200 135 145 -152.5 -252.5 265 275 620 78.89
05/14/2023 2023 Nevada State salvador serrano 2. R-O -105 102.8 170 185 200 145 157.5 170 205 225 240 610 76.06
05/14/2023 2023 Nevada State Jerry Quintos 4. R-O -105 97.2 195 210 -227.5 105 117.5 132.5 197.5 217.5 235 577.5 73.95
05/14/2023 2023 Nevada State David Bowman 1. R-O -120 106.1 182.5 195 200 125 130 -132.5 207.5 222.5 -230 552.5 67.88
05/14/2023 2023 Nevada State Sergio Ruiz 2. R-O -120 110.8 172.5 -180 182.5 -132.5 135 -137.5 172.5 187.5 202.5 520 62.63
05/14/2023 2023 Nevada State Angel Velez 3. R-O -120 105.3 145 155 160 -102.5 107.5 115 185 197.5 207.5 482.5 59.49
05/14/2023 2023 Nevada State Cale Pete 1. R-O 120+ 165.4 260 -272.5 157.5 -165 -170 240 260 -280 677.5 69.40
05/14/2023 2023 Nevada State Owen Weyant 1. R-SJ -66 60.6 102.5 110 120 67.5 -72.5 -72.5 155 170 -177.5 357.5 58.32
05/07/2023 Nagata’s Gym Invitational Tim Rickert 1. R-M3 -83 76.6 25 25 65 115 16.58
05/06/2023 Southeastern Open 2023 Charles Butler 1. R-SJ -53 52.7 82.5 90 95 45 50 -55 100 110 120 265 46.59
05/06/2023 Southeastern Open 2023 Laryn Myrick 1. R-O -63 62.5 97.5 102.5 105 60 62.5 -65 130 -135 -135 297.5 65.43
05/06/2023 Southeastern Open 2023 Nathan Bagosy 1. R-SJ -83 80.5 105 120 127.5 85 92.5 -100 125 140 147.5 367.5 51.67
05/06/2023 Southeastern Open 2023 Da Sul Kim 2. R-O -93 83.8 110 120 125 80 100 110 145 157.5 160 395 54.41
05/06/2023 Southeastern Open 2023 Andrew Cargill 1. R-O -93 92.4 190 210 215 145 152.5 155 235 240 247.5 617.5 81.04
05/06/2023 Southeastern Open 2023 Doug Currence 1. R-M3 -93 92.9 180 192.5 200 105 115 -117.5 200 217.5 225 540 70.68
05/06/2023 Southeastern Open 2023 George Erwin 1. M1 -105 95.8 250 265 272.5 -185 185 195 225 240 245 712.5 76.10
05/06/2023 Southeastern Open 2023 George Erwin 0. O -105 95.8 250 265 272.5 -185 185 195 225 240 245 712.5 76.10
05/06/2023 Southeastern Open 2023 Michael Denner 1. R-O -105 96.3 -102.5 -102.5 102.5 62.5 67.5 72.5 142.5 152.5 -165 327.5 42.13
05/06/2023 Southeastern Open 2023 Leonard Brooks 1. R-M1 -120 119.4 195 210 215 157.5 162.5 -167.5 227.5 237.5 247.5 625 72.81
05/06/2023 Southeastern Open 2023 Leonard Brooks 1. R-O -120 119.4 195 210 215 157.5 162.5 -167.5 227.5 237.5 247.5 625 72.81
05/06/2023 Southeastern Open 2023 Brian Cochran 1. R-M1 120+ 120.8 205 217.5 227.5 152.5 160 165 200 215 232.5 625 72.44
05/06/2023 Southeastern Open 2023 Vicki Brackett 1. M3 84+ 125.8 -150 -150 155 100 105 110 165 177.5 -180 442.5 61.95
05/06/2023 Southeastern Open 2023 Demetruis Davis 2. R-O 120+ 130.3 250 -267.5 -275 165 -185 -185 250 265 277.5 692.5 77.72
05/06/2023 Southeastern Open 2023 Logan Barrett 1. R-O 120+ 141 295 312.5 320 177.5 187.5 195 290 302.5 -307.5 817.5 88.86
05/06/2023 Georgia Junior Sub-Junior & Youth State Championships 2023 Abigail Frazier 1. R-SJ -57 53.2 35 42.5 -60 25 -30 -30 47.5 52.5 60 127.5 31.58
05/06/2023 Georgia Junior Sub-Junior & Youth State Championships 2023 Emma Skweres 1. R-SJ -63 57.7 52.5 62.5 -67.5 32.5 -35 35 62.5 65 87.5 185 43.00
05/06/2023 Georgia Junior Sub-Junior & Youth State Championships 2023 Mary Elizabeth Glas 1. R-SJ -69 66.2 -75 80 85 42.5 -47.5 47.5 85 92.5 97.5 230 48.80
05/06/2023 Georgia Junior Sub-Junior & Youth State Championships 2023 Mary Bennett Dixon 2. R-SJ -69 65.2 45 60 -70 30 35 -37.5 62.5 65 85 180 38.54
05/06/2023 Georgia Junior Sub-Junior & Youth State Championships 2023 Brielle Gilbert 1. R-PS -69 65 35 40 47.5 -30 37.5 -40 37.5 52.5 -85 137.5 29.50
05/06/2023 Georgia Junior Sub-Junior & Youth State Championships 2023 Sarah Rogers 1. R-SJ -76 74.1 100 105 110 47.5 50 -52.5 110 122.5 132.5 292.5 58.38
05/06/2023 Georgia Junior Sub-Junior & Youth State Championships 2023 Jackson Call 1. R-JR -83 79.5 180 190 195 115 120 125 195 207.5 -220 527.5 74.64
05/06/2023 Georgia Junior Sub-Junior & Youth State Championships 2023 John David Catlett 1. R-SJ -59 57.5 60 67.5 82.5 45 -57.5 -57.5 75 87.5 95 222.5 37.33
05/06/2023 Georgia Junior Sub-Junior & Youth State Championships 2023 Jack Harrison Glas 1. R-SJ -66 65.6 -100 120 125 75 80 -85 125 135 145 350 54.74
05/06/2023 Georgia Junior Sub-Junior & Youth State Championships 2023 Scott Buck 1. R-SJ -74 72.8 187.5 197.5 -202.5 117.5 -122.5 122.5 190 205 -207.5 525 77.73
05/06/2023 Georgia Junior Sub-Junior & Youth State Championships 2023 Trey Bennett 1. R-SJ -83 76.3 97.5 105 115 82.5 -87.5 87.5 132.5 152.5 170 372.5 53.83
05/06/2023 Georgia Junior Sub-Junior & Youth State Championships 2023 Nick Fojtik 2. R-SJ -83 80.4 80 85 92.5 60 65 72.5 102.5 107.5 115 280 39.39
05/06/2023 Georgia Junior Sub-Junior & Youth State Championships 2023 Atreyu Vest 1. R-PS -120 118.5 157.5 172.5 180 107.5 -117.5 117.5 167.5 180 182.5 480 56.11
04/29/2023 7th Annual Southwest Florida Open Championships Bruce Kyle 1. R-M2 -83 81.6 130 -135 -135 130 65.87
04/29/2023 7th Annual Southwest Florida Open Championships Brian Hart 1. R-M3 -93 90 137.5 147.5 -155 147.5 71.12
04/29/2023 7th Annual Southwest Florida Open Championships Phillip Portnoy 1. R-M4 -59 57.3 80 87.5 -92.5 87.5 53.67
04/29/2023 7th Annual Southwest Florida Open Championships Brett Tanguay 1. R-O -93 91.4 132.5 140 145 145 69.38
04/29/2023 7th Annual Southwest Florida Open Championships Lauren Enterkin 1. O -69 68.6 142.5 165 -180 80 92.5 -102.5 130 -152.5 152.5 410 70.69
04/29/2023 7th Annual Southwest Florida Open Championships Cassandra Zimmerman 1. R-JR -63 62.9 100 105 -107.5 -65 67.5 70 115 120 127.5 302.5 66.25
04/29/2023 7th Annual Southwest Florida Open Championships Monica Morgan 1. R-M1 -57 56 97.5 100 -105 60 65 67.5 105 110 115 282.5 67.16
04/29/2023 7th Annual Southwest Florida Open Championships Jennifer Senffner 1. R-M1 84+ 110.3 -130 130 -132.5 50 52.5 57.5 120 125 130 317.5 55.31
04/29/2023 7th Annual Southwest Florida Open Championships Diane Nelson 1. R-M2 84+ 108.7 100 107.5 115 75 -80 -80 142.5 -150 -157.5 332.5 58.10
04/29/2023 7th Annual Southwest Florida Open Championships Leslie Abbott 1. R-O -76 74 110 117.5 122.5 65 70 -75 140 147.5 155 347.5 69.40
04/29/2023 7th Annual Southwest Florida Open Championships Kendel Masson 1. R-JR -83 78.9 185 197.5 205 -155 155 165 -187.5 187.5 -200 557.5 79.19
04/29/2023 7th Annual Southwest Florida Open Championships Nathanael Sterling 1. R-O -83 75.2 -160 165 170 115 120 -125 -182.5 182.5 192.5 482.5 70.25
04/29/2023 7th Annual Southwest Florida Open Championships Josh Barbier 1. R-JR -93 92 -182.5 195 205 -142.5 152.5 -162.5 260 275 -280 632.5 83.18
04/29/2023 7th Annual Southwest Florida Open Championships James Embrey 6. R-O -93 91.8 160 -172.5 182.5 -90 102.5 -105 205 227.5 232.5 517.5 68.13
04/29/2023 7th Annual Southwest Florida Open Championships TJ Maloney 1. R-JR -105 94.6 145 150 157.5 102.5 107.5 110 195 205 -212.5 472.5 61.30
04/29/2023 7th Annual Southwest Florida Open Championships Jackson Peacock 2. R-JR -105 95.8 -152.5 157.5 -172.5 -92.5 -95 95 152.5 -160 162.5 415 53.52
04/29/2023 7th Annual Southwest Florida Open Championships Robert Peters 1. R-M1 -83 82.9 175 190 197.5 110 117.5 125 190 197.5 207.5 530 73.41
04/29/2023 7th Annual Southwest Florida Open Championships Brian Kidder 2. R-M1 -83 82.1 130 137.5 140 97.5 102.5 105 152.5 160 167.5 412.5 57.42
04/29/2023 7th Annual Southwest Florida Open Championships Darren Nemow 1. R-M2 -93 91.2 205 215 -230 115 122.5 127.5 205 230 -237.5 572.5 75.62
04/29/2023 7th Annual Southwest Florida Open Championships David Jenkins 2. R-M2 -93 91.4 142.5 155 167.5 100 105 110 187.5 205 -222.5 482.5 63.66
04/29/2023 7th Annual Southwest Florida Open Championships David Deetscreek 1. R-M3 -93 87.6 115 -120 125 97.5 105 107.5 167.5 177.5 185 417.5 56.25
04/29/2023 7th Annual Southwest Florida Open Championships Brandon Kissel 1. R-O -74 66.3 157.5 165 170 100 105 -107.5 192.5 200 -205 475 73.87
04/29/2023 7th Annual Southwest Florida Open Championships Cameron Tanguay 1. R-O -93 91.1 215 230 240 155 165 172.5 252.5 270 277.5 690 91.18
04/29/2023 7th Annual Southwest Florida Open Championships Brett Tanguay 2. R-O -93 91.4 202.5 215 222.5 132.5 140 145 202.5 217.5 227.5 595 78.50
04/29/2023 7th Annual Southwest Florida Open Championships Scott Stratford 3. R-O -93 91.2 162.5 172.5 182.5 102.5 110 117.5 205 220 232.5 532.5 70.33
04/29/2023 7th Annual Southwest Florida Open Championships Akeim Findlay 4. R-O -93 88.4 167.5 -177.5 180 112.5 122.5 -130 205 212.5 225 527.5 70.75
04/29/2023 7th Annual Southwest Florida Open Championships Emilio Santizo 5. R-O -93 91.7 190 -205 205 100 -117.5 -117.5 195 205 212.5 517.5 68.17
04/29/2023 7th Annual Southwest Florida Open Championships Andrew Miller 1. R-O -105 102 190 205 222.5 160 172.5 -182.5 290 300 -310 695 86.98
04/29/2023 7th Annual Southwest Florida Open Championships Jordan Daniels 2. R-O -105 97.8 212.5 222.5 -227.5 145 150 -152.5 -232.5 232.5 237.5 610 77.88
04/29/2023 7th Annual Southwest Florida Open Championships Allten Coma 1. R-O -120 111.2 215 222.5 227.5 145 152.5 162.5 210 217.5 227.5 617.5 74.26
04/29/2023 7th Annual Southwest Florida Open Championships Seamus Finn Hagen 1. R-PS -53 43.6 80 -82.5 82.5 45 47.5 48.5 105 110 112.5 243.5 47.41
04/29/2023 7th Annual Southwest Florida Open Championships Ethan Belcher 2. R-JR -93 86.5 160 172.5 -182.5 100 105 -110 190 -207.5 -217.5 467.5 63.39
04/29/2023 7th Annual Southwest Florida Open Championships Leslie Abbott 1. R-O -76 74 65 70 -75 140 147.5 155 225 44.93
04/29/2023 7th Annual Southwest Florida Open Championships David Deetscreek 1. R-M3 -93 87.6 97.5 105 107.5 167.5 177.5 185 292.5 39.41
04/29/2023 7th Annual Southwest Florida Open Championships Emilio Santizo 1. R-O -93 91.7 100 -117.5 -117.5 195 205 212.5 312.5 41.16
04/27/2023 South Louisiana Qualifier Jayla Johnson 1. R-SJ -47 46.6 61.2 29.5 61.2 151.9 42.45
04/27/2023 South Louisiana Qualifier Caroline Lagarde 1. R-SJ -52 50 61.2 43.1 61.2 165.6 43.25
04/27/2023 South Louisiana Qualifier Gracie Cassidy 1. R-SJ -57 56.7 61.2 29.5 61.2 151.9 35.78
04/27/2023 South Louisiana Qualifier Vittoria Notaroberto 1. R-SJ -69 66.7 61.2 29.5 61.2 151.9 32.10
04/27/2023 South Louisiana Qualifier Malaya Mitchell 1. R-SJ -76 74.6 61.2 43.1 61.2 165.6 32.94
04/27/2023 South Louisiana Qualifier Hannah Williams 2. R-SJ -76 75.2 61.2 -43.1 43.1 61.2 165.6 32.81
04/27/2023 South Louisiana Qualifier Taylor Durham 1. R-SJ -84 80.3 61.2 43.1 61.2 165.6 31.84
04/27/2023 South Louisiana Qualifier Daige Love 1. R-SJ 84+ 120.8 61.2 43.1 61.2 165.6 28.35
04/27/2023 South Louisiana Qualifier William Schroeder 1. R-JR -74 72.9 61.2 61.2 61.2 183.7 27.17
04/27/2023 South Louisiana Qualifier Kyle Foster 1. R-SJ -74 71.9 61.2 61.2 61.2 183.7 27.37
04/22/2023 2023 Midwest Open Megan Walter 1. R-M1 84+ 104.5 72.5 77.5 -80 77.5 55.66
04/22/2023 2023 Midwest Open Chris Walter 1. R-M2 -105 99.7 195 200 200 91.75
04/22/2023 2023 Midwest Open Natalie Estrada 1. R-SJ -52 48.2 60 67.5 72.5 32.5 37.5 -42.5 95 105 -110 215 58.15
04/22/2023 2023 Midwest Open Vanessa Chavira 1. R-SJ -76 76 100 107.5 115 52.5 57.5 62.5 112.5 120 125 302.5 59.64
04/22/2023 2023 Midwest Open Samantha Lofland 1. R-SJ 84+ 90 95 102.5 110 45 52.5 -57.5 102.5 110 117.5 280 51.56
04/22/2023 2023 Midwest Open Amelia Hakl 2. R-SJ 84+ 113.4 90 -95 95 72.5 80 82.5 92.5 97.5 102.5 280 48.50
04/22/2023 2023 Midwest Open Alexander Bebermeyer 1. SJ -66 59.7 127.5 130 135 90 97.5 102.5 167.5 180 185 422.5 60.95
04/22/2023 2023 Midwest Open Daniel Thurman 1. R-M2 -93 90 160 180 200 140 145 -160 180 190 200 545 72.45
04/22/2023 2023 Midwest Open Wyatt Goode 1. R-O -83 79.8 170 -185 -185 107.5 112.5 117.5 192.5 202.5 212.5 500 70.61
04/22/2023 2023 Midwest Open Anthony Brogan 2. R-O -83 81.5 147.5 155 167.5 107.5 112.5 -117.5 185 192.5 200 480 67.06
04/22/2023 2023 Midwest Open Hunter Watson 1. R-O -93 91.8 187.5 -195 195 125 130 -132.5 180 187.5 192.5 517.5 68.13
04/22/2023 Queen City Classic 2023 Robert Reed 1. R-M2 -105 97.9 172.5 180 182.5 182.5 84.46
04/22/2023 Queen City Classic 2023 Kevin Hutchinson 1. R-M3 -105 96.5 110 120 130 130 60.58
04/22/2023 Queen City Classic 2023 Lauren Massaro 1. JR -52 50.9 92.5 100 105 57.5 60 62.5 107.5 115 117.5 285 58.91
04/22/2023 Queen City Classic 2023 Moe Brown 1. JR -69 67.7 142.5 150 157.5 62.5 67.5 70 147.5 155 -160 382.5 66.40
04/22/2023 Queen City Classic 2023 Madison Byrd 1. R-JR -52 51.6 -75 -75 85 -32.5 35 -37.5 87.5 92.5 97.5 217.5 55.29
04/22/2023 Queen City Classic 2023 Samantha Occhionero 1. R-JR -63 58.4 105 107.5 110 47.5 50 52.5 110 115 117.5 280 64.52
04/22/2023 Queen City Classic 2023 Emily Vitlip 1. R-JR -69 66.5 130 137.5 145 57.5 62.5 65 150 157.5 162.5 372.5 78.82
04/22/2023 Queen City Classic 2023 Dana Bryant 2. R-JR -69 65.3 100 107.5 110 55 60 -62.5 120 127.5 132.5 302.5 64.71
04/22/2023 Queen City Classic 2023 Nadia Tawfik 1. R-JR -76 74.4 105 112.5 117.5 55 -57.5 60 120 130 135 312.5 62.24
04/22/2023 Queen City Classic 2023 Jordan Roth 1. JR -83 82.4 160 167.5 170 -90 95 102.5 182.5 192.5 205 477.5 55.38
04/22/2023 Queen City Classic 2023 Josh Curry 1. O -120 114.5 240 255 267.5 160 170 180 215 227.5 240 687.5 67.69
04/22/2023 Queen City Classic 2023 Luke Perez 1. R-JR -66 66 120 -130 130 -80 85 92.5 155 175 -180 397.5 61.96
04/22/2023 Queen City Classic 2023 Christopher Jones 1. R-JR -74 73.3 165 180 195 97.5 112.5 122.5 205 225 240 557.5 82.25
04/22/2023 Queen City Classic 2023 Alexander Hall 2. R-JR -74 71.6 -150 150 152.5 100 107.5 -115 165 175 182.5 442.5 66.09
04/22/2023 Queen City Classic 2023 Cameron Quesea 3. R-JR -74 72.5 102.5 110 130 70 85 92.5 152.5 162.5 170 392.5 58.24
04/22/2023 Queen City Classic 2023 Diego Pumarejo 1. R-JR -83 81.1 190 200 -210 125 132.5 137.5 225 235 -250 572.5 80.18
04/22/2023 Queen City Classic 2023 Nicholas Resca 1. R-JR -93 91.5 212.5 215 222.5 110 -115 205 -220 537.5 70.88
04/22/2023 Queen City Classic 2023 Nicholas Ochoa 2. R-JR -93 88 -165 172.5 -185 92.5 -102.5 -102.5 165 180 200 465 62.51
04/22/2023 Queen City Classic 2023 Tyler Erba 1. R-JR -105 102.3 165 175 -185 105 117.5 -122.5 215 230 235 527.5 65.93
04/22/2023 Queen City Classic 2023 Nicholas Cardella 1. R-JR -120 119.9 172.5 182.5 195 142.5 152.5 160 172.5 192.5 205 560 65.12
04/22/2023 Queen City Classic 2023 Duane Howison 1. R-M2 -83 82.9 140 147.5 155 25 175 185 190 370 51.25
04/22/2023 Queen City Classic 2023 Logan Mitchell 1. R-O -83 79.5 165 190 -200 125 -137.5 -137.5 180 200 212.5 527.5 74.64
04/22/2023 Queen City Classic 2023 Nicholas McRoberts 1. R-O -105 102.5 185 190 -192.5 100 110 -112.5 200 -210 -210 500 62.43
04/22/2023 Spring Classic Kaleigh Crowe 1. R-JR 84+ 96.5 120 125 132.5 -52.5 55 -62.5 115 -130 -142.5 302.5 54.49
04/22/2023 Spring Classic Natalie Smith 1. R-JR -84 83.5 132.5 140 147.5 65 67.5 70 142.5 150 -160 367.5 69.56
04/22/2023 Spring Classic Allie Feras 1. R-O -76 70.9 102.5 110 115 65 70 75 130 137.5 142.5 332.5 67.88
04/22/2023 Spring Classic Rebekah Hylton 2. R-O -76 73.4 85 90 95 62.5 65 67.5 115 122.5 130 292.5 58.65
04/22/2023 Spring Classic Leah Wissow 1. R-O 84+ 100.4 125 130 137.5 82.5 87.5 -90 122.5 127.5 -135 352.5 62.80
04/22/2023 Spring Classic Rachel Olshansky 1. R-SJ 84+ 88.9 65 70 75 45 50 52.5 65 70 80 207.5 38.37
04/22/2023 Spring Classic Ari Kefer 1. R-JR -66 64.6 115 120 125 70 75 -82.5 140 150 160 360 56.76
04/22/2023 Spring Classic Rion Dugan 1. R-JR -74 73.2 155 162.5 170 100 105 110 187.5 200 210 490 72.34
04/22/2023 Spring Classic Jyothinkrishna Jyothsna Bavin 1. R-JR -93 88.9 175 185 192.5 105 110 -115 200 215 220 522.5 69.89
04/22/2023 Spring Classic Jeffrey Sigler 3. R-JR -93 87.8 140 157.5 172.5 82.5 90 97.5 182.5 202.5 215 485 65.27
04/22/2023 Spring Classic Faisal Almethen 2. R-JR -93 85.9 165 170 180 100 105 -107.5 215 220 230 515 70.07
04/22/2023 Spring Classic Kristofor Kong 4. R-JR -93 88.9 120 135 152.5 92.5 105 -115 145 160 -175 417.5 55.84
04/22/2023 Spring Classic Raynard Raeburn 1. R-JR -105 103.7 187.5 202.5 225 152.5 165 180 227.5 237.5 272.5 677.5 84.13
04/22/2023 Spring Classic Gabriel Malone 1. R-M1 -83 81.4 227.5 237.5 245 142.5 150 -152.5 227.5 245 255 650 90.87
04/22/2023 Spring Classic Michael Lear 1. R-M1 -93 92.6 240 260 -272.5 130 -142.5 295 -320 685 89.80
04/22/2023 Spring Classic James Farrior 1. R-M1 120+ 151.3 242.5 260 -272.5 185 197.5 207.5 227.5 250 272.5 740 78.28
04/22/2023 Spring Classic Paul Knight 0. R-M4 -83 78 -25 -30 -30 25 30 32.5 -25 0 0.00
04/22/2023 Spring Classic Michael Lear 1. R-O -93 92.6 240 260 -272.5 130 -142.5 295 -320 685 89.80
04/22/2023 Spring Classic Daniel Ruano 1. R-O -105 98.5 177.5 182.5 185 107.5 110 -115 195 207.5 215 510 64.89
04/22/2023 Spring Classic William O'Neil-White 1. R-O 120+ 138.2 305 325 340 200 212.5 227.5 295 325 -340 892.5 97.79
04/22/2023 Spring Classic Faisal Al Masoud 1. R-SJ -83 80.3 180 190 200 112.5 120 -122.5 200 220 230 550 77.42
04/22/2023 Spring Classic Ethan Garay 1. R-SJ -105 96.2 225 235 250 120 -132.5 132.5 210 -217.5 217.5 600 77.22
04/16/2023 Great NW Border Battle 2023 Daisy Arreola Garcia 1. R-JR -63 62.7 -165 -165 165 85 92.5 175 185 -192.5 442.5 97.11
04/16/2023 Great NW Border Battle 2023 Darlene Navarro 2. R-JR -63 61.7 85 100 115 60 -67.5 67.5 145 150 157.5 340 75.41
04/16/2023 Great NW Border Battle 2023 Alexis Goldstein 1. R-M1 -84 83.3 145 155 165 92.5 100 -105 217.5 230 235 500 94.74
04/16/2023 Great NW Border Battle 2023 Victoria Price-Doucet 1. R-O -63 62.5 -92.5 92.5 97.5 55 57.5 -60 112.5 122.5 135 290 63.78
04/16/2023 Great NW Border Battle 2023 Kyndra Lathim 1. R-O -76 72.9 110 115 120 67.5 72.5 -75 112.5 120 -122.5 312.5 62.88
04/16/2023 Great NW Border Battle 2023 Janine Sy 1. R-O -84 82.7 132.5 140 145 72.5 77.5 80 147.5 155 162.5 387.5 73.63
04/16/2023 Great NW Border Battle 2023 Katie Grosskopf 1. R-O 84+ 131.8 170 182.5 192.5 65 70 75 165 177.5 -187.5 445 75.23
04/16/2023 Great NW Border Battle 2023 Christina Malone 0. R-O 84+ 201 -182.5 -182.5 -182.5 82.5 85 -92.5 145 147.5 150 0 0.00
04/16/2023 Great NW Border Battle 2023 Kimberly Suarez 1. M1 -76 75.5 62.5 65 70 127.5 132.5 137.5 207.5 34.15
04/16/2023 Great NW Border Battle 2023 Lucas Vincilione 1. R-Y 0 0 27.5 32.5 -35 15 17.5 20 35 42.5 -47.5 95 0.00
04/16/2023 Great NW Border Battle 2023 Gabriel Barajas 1. R-JR -105 97.9 207.5 215 -225 -165 -165 165 205 -225 -225 585 74.65
04/16/2023 Great NW Border Battle 2023 Jason Rauscher 1. R-JR 120+ 168.8 -135 135 -125 -125 125 137.5 397.5 40.43
04/16/2023 Great NW Border Battle 2023 Drew Coffey 1. R-O -59 56.5 145 155 165 87.5 95 97.5 165 180 187.5 450 76.21
04/16/2023 Great NW Border Battle 2023 Connor Heim 1. R-O -83 82.8 222.5 237.5 -242.5 -157.5 160 -167.5 272.5 295 317.5 715 99.10
04/16/2023 Great NW Border Battle 2023 Jacques Vincilione 1. R-O -93 93 142.5 155 160 90 102.5 -105 175 185 195 457.5 59.85
04/16/2023 Great NW Border Battle 2023 Ryan Gulstrom 1. R-O -105 94.5 185 200 210 140 152.5 -160 185 207.5 220 582.5 75.61
04/15/2023 Pennsylvania States Giselle Vigil 1. R-JR -57 56.1 110 115 -122.5 52.5 57.5 62.5 125 132.5 -140 310 73.60
04/15/2023 Pennsylvania States Laynie Buli 1. R-SJ -57 54 55 60 67.5 35 40 45 62.5 70 80 192.5 47.10
04/15/2023 Pennsylvania States Carlee Marquez 1. R-JR -69 64.9 -92.5 92.5 100 -50 -50 50 105 110 120 270 57.98
04/15/2023 Pennsylvania States Ragad Ahmad 1. R-JR -84 76.2 -85 87.5 95 45 -47.5 -47.5 102.5 110 120 260 51.20
04/15/2023 Pennsylvania States Hope Showers 1. R-JR 84+ 103 135 137.5 -142.5 70 72.5 -75 -140 140 145 355 62.83
04/15/2023 Pennsylvania States Jamison Terry 2. R-JR 84+ 95 -112.5 120 130 55 57.5 65 130 137.5 145 340 61.53
04/15/2023 Pennsylvania States Dana Manning 1. R-M1 -69 68.5 92.5 97.5 100 45 50 52.5 115 125 132.5 285 59.29
04/15/2023 Pennsylvania States Katherine Locke 1. R-M1 84+ 107.5 105 115 125 55 60 65 115 127.5 135 325 56.93
04/15/2023 Pennsylvania States Jennifer Dalton 2. R-M1 84+ 85.7 97.5 105 -110 60 65 -67.5 120 127.5 135 305 57.16
04/15/2023 Pennsylvania States Clare Suhanich 1. R-M3 -84 76.4 70 80 90 45 50 52.5 82.5 92.5 102.5 245 48.18
04/15/2023 Pennsylvania States Rebecca Straka 1. R-O -63 61.4 55 60 75 37.5 42.5 45 82.5 92.5 100 220 48.95
04/15/2023 Pennsylvania States Hope Showers 1. R-O 84+ 103 135 137.5 -142.5 70 72.5 -75 -140 140 145 355 62.83
04/15/2023 Pennsylvania States Aliah Roseman 2. R-O 84+ 91.3 102.5 112.5 125 60 -67.5 67.5 102.5 115 135 327.5 60.02
04/15/2023 Pennsylvania States Clare Mailey 1. R-SJ -63 60.5 75 -77.5 77.5 52.5 -57.5 57.5 120 127.5 132.5 267.5 60.12
04/15/2023 Pennsylvania States Aidan Brown 1. R-JR -93 90.3 182.5 202.5 212.5 107.5 115 122.5 192.5 210 227.5 562.5 74.66
04/15/2023 Pennsylvania States Logan Hegedty 2. R-JR -93 90.9 -170 -177.5 177.5 110 117.5 122.5 175 192.5 205 505 66.81
04/15/2023 Pennsylvania States Travis Roberts 3. R-JR -93 88.1 145 155 170 95 102.5 -105 190 200 -215 472.5 63.48
04/15/2023 Pennsylvania States Jake Vercellino 0. R-JR -93 89.6 182.5 190 -205 -125 -132.5 -132.5 215 -227.5 227.5 0 0.00
04/15/2023 Pennsylvania States Nicholas Schzure 1. R-JR -105 104.5 245 267.5 275 145 155 162.5 255 277.5 -290 715 88.47
04/15/2023 Pennsylvania States Brendan Todd 1. R-O -120 114.4 302.5 317.5 210 220 230 305 325 335 882.5 104.78
04/15/2023 Pennsylvania States Ethan Jones 1. R-JR -120 115.7 177.5 185 -192.5 130 -135 182.5 192.5 205 520 61.43
04/15/2023 Pennsylvania States Gabriel Herschman 1. R-JR 120+ 121.8 220 230 232.5 147.5 152.5 -155 220 230 240 625 72.19
04/15/2023 Pennsylvania States Sean Queller 1. R-M1 -66 65.9 170 180 190 82.5 -85 87.5 215 230 240 517.5 80.73
04/15/2023 Pennsylvania States Tuan Nguyen 2. R-M1 -66 66 125 155 175 75 105 -110 175 195 215 495 77.16
04/15/2023 Pennsylvania States Alex Thielemier 1. R-O -66 65.5 140 155 165 100 110 -120 185 200 210 485 75.91
04/15/2023 Pennsylvania States Joe Nguyen 2. R-O -66 59.3 127.5 135 -142.5 70 75 -80 172.5 182.5 -185 392.5 64.77
04/15/2023 Pennsylvania States Logan Dwyer 1. R-O -74 72.6 135 142.5 150 75 80 85 160 170 180 415 61.53
04/15/2023 Pennsylvania States Devon Townsend 2. R-O -74 69.5 130 140 -145 65 72.5 75 175 185 -187.5 400 60.68
04/15/2023 Pennsylvania States Anthony DeVito 1. R-O -105 96.2 165 182.5 187.5 122.5 127.5 132.5 175 192.5 -205 512.5 65.96
04/15/2023 Pennsylvania States Victor Melo 2. R-O -105 99.9 150 162.5 170 117.5 127.5 132.5 175 190 200 502.5 63.51
04/15/2023 Pennsylvania States CJ Sullivan 1. R-PS -53 52.3 67.5 72.5 75 62.5 -65 -65 85 92.5 97.5 235 41.49
04/15/2023 Pennsylvania States Chase Sciandra 1. R-SJ -66 61.1 80 -87.5 -87.5 50 -55 -55 90 95 -102.5 225 36.54
04/15/2023 Pennsylvania States Dylan Griffith 1. R-JR -74 73.5 175 192.5 -197.5 120 125 127.5 175 187.5 -195 507.5 74.77
04/15/2023 Pennsylvania States Syed Ali 1. R-JR -83 78.1 155 165 177.5 112.5 120 -125 182.5 192.5 202.5 500 71.39
04/15/2023 Pennsylvania States Angelo Murazzi 1. R-SJ -83 80.3 105 117.5 137.5 62.5 67.5 75 147.5 155 165 377.5 53.14
04/15/2023 Pennsylvania States Michael Wiktorek 1. R-SJ -93 92.2 130 140 150 82.5 87.5 90 150 162.5 175 415 54.52
04/15/2023 Pennsylvania States Jacob Breckinridge 1. R-SJ -120 116.2 215 235 250 122.5 130 137.5 220 237.5 255 642.5 75.75
04/15/2023 2023 University National Championship Jasmine Barlow 1. Uni -47 37.8 77.5 82.5 -85 40 45 47.5 77.5 -82.5 82.5 212.5 55.80
04/15/2023 2023 University National Championship Bella Vargas 1. Uni -57 56.9 165 -175 177.5 110 -117.5 117.5 177.5 187.5 192.5 487.5 93.52
04/15/2023 2023 University National Championship Ivette Ayala 1. Uni -76 75.3 145 155 -162.5 65 -72.5 75 135 145 150 380 62.60
04/15/2023 2023 University National Championship Mariah Ngo 1. R-Uni -57 54 70 75 80 42.5 -47.5 47.5 87.5 95 100 227.5 55.66
04/15/2023 2023 University National Championship Kianna Arthur 1. R-Uni -63 61.9 87.5 -107.5 -107.5 45 -50 -50 112.5 120 -127.5 252.5 55.87
04/15/2023 2023 University National Championship Guinevere Buono 1. R-Uni -69 65.8 127.5 -135 135 62.5 65 70 120 127.5 130 335 71.32
04/15/2023 2023 University National Championship Charlotte Bourgeois 1. R-Uni -76 72.1 115 -122.5 122.5 65 70 -72.5 140 147.5 150 342.5 69.30
04/15/2023 2023 University National Championship Jade Cuellar 1. R-Uni 84+ 98.7 100 110 117.5 65 72.5 -80 127.5 -137.5 -137.5 317.5 56.82
04/15/2023 2023 University National Championship Koda Robinson 1. Uni -74 71.7 185 195 205 112.5 -120 -120 210 217.5 -227.5 535 67.68
04/15/2023 2023 University National Championship Jameson Brodeur 1. Uni -93 84.6 232.5 237.5 250 175 182.5 187.5 240 252.5 267.5 705 80.51
04/15/2023 2023 University National Championship Andrew Faber 0. Uni -93 84.9 250 262.5 272.5 -192.5 -192.5 -192.5 265 272.5 280 0 0.00
04/15/2023 2023 University National Championship Blayne Butler 1. Uni -105 99 257.5 272.5 285 177.5 187.5 197.5 252.5 270 280 762.5 80.11
04/15/2023 2023 University National Championship Lue Yang 1. R-Uni -66 64.3 142.5 152.5 155 102.5 112.5 -115 182.5 192.5 202.5 470 74.32
04/15/2023 2023 University National Championship Ryan Bui 2. R-Uni -66 64.1 110 120 135 70 72.5 77.5 152.5 160 170 382.5 60.54
04/15/2023 2023 University National Championship Nolan Coglianese 1. R-Uni -74 72.4 170 177.5 -180 97.5 105 107.5 195 220 230 515 76.50
04/15/2023 2023 University National Championship William Hinson 2. R-Uni -74 72.5 167.5 180 187.5 95 -100 100 195 220 -227.5 507.5 75.28
04/15/2023 2023 University National Championship Mario Montes 3. R-Uni -74 71.9 117.5 122.5 -127.5 87.5 -95 -95 127.5 140 160 370 55.12
04/15/2023 2023 University National Championship Braeden Haught 4. R-Uni -74 72.8 107.5 -117.5 117.5 72.5 -82.5 -82.5 150 157.5 162.5 352.5 52.18
04/15/2023 2023 University National Championship Paul Benson 0. R-Uni -74 72.7 -170 -170 -170 95 100 -102.5 210 220 227.5 0 0.00
04/15/2023 2023 University National Championship Arman Roshan 1. R-Uni -83 82.2 185 192.5 197.5 160 167.5 -170 235 245 252.5 617.5 85.90
04/15/2023 2023 University National Championship Cameron Liebermann 2. R-Uni -83 79.8 182.5 195 200 127.5 135 -140 230 240 -250 575 81.19
04/15/2023 2023 University National Championship James Pulliam 3. R-Uni -83 82.5 182.5 192.5 200 110 117.5 120 235 245 255 575 79.86
04/15/2023 2023 University National Championship Elijah Vega 4. R-Uni -83 81.3 180 190 195 -115 115 -122.5 207.5 217.5 235 545 76.23
04/15/2023 2023 University National Championship Cameron Lunsford 1. R-Uni -93 92.9 270 -300.5 -300.5 160 -170 170 245 255 265 705 92.26
04/15/2023 2023 University National Championship Ryan Carter 2. R-Uni -93 93 227.5 -240 240 142.5 152.5 157.5 257.5 272.5 -310 670 87.65
04/15/2023 2023 University National Championship Jacob Cho 3. R-Uni -93 89.5 230 -237.5 -240 142.5 147.5 152.5 260 272.5 -282.5 655 87.31
04/15/2023 2023 University National Championship Andrew McDonald 4. R-Uni -93 91.9 217.5 -230 232.5 135 142.5 145 265 275 -280 652.5 85.84
04/15/2023 2023 University National Championship Parker Chastain 5. R-Uni -93 90.3 217.5 227.5 232.5 152.5 160 -165 237.5 250 257.5 650 86.29
04/15/2023 2023 University National Championship Wes Kim 6. R-Uni -93 91.6 182.5 190 195 135 142.5 147.5 225 232.5 240 582.5 76.76
04/15/2023 2023 University National Championship Nicholas Pototsky 7. R-Uni -93 92.3 -210 210 -230 112.5 120 130 207.5 225 235 575 75.49
04/15/2023 2023 University National Championship Enzo Ross 8. R-Uni -93 89.2 -170 170 -182.5 115 120 -122.5 225 235 -252.5 525 70.10
04/15/2023 2023 University National Championship Mark Villalba 9. R-Uni -93 86.4 170 180 187.5 102.5 112.5 115 190 197.5 207.5 510 69.17
04/15/2023 2023 University National Championship Jacob Bernal 10. R-Uni -93 91.2 185 192.5 -205 70 205 -217.5 -217.5 467.5 61.73
04/15/2023 2023 University National Championship Sam Sikora 1. R-Uni -105 104.6 240 255 -265 150 157.5 162.5 245 265 280 697.5 86.26
04/15/2023 2023 University National Championship Clark Griffin 2. R-Uni -105 102.5 205 215 227.5 132.5 142.5 150 227.5 250 -265 627.5 78.36
04/15/2023 2023 University National Championship Harlan Dean 3. R-Uni -105 101.5 185 195 207.5 110 117.5 122.5 230 240 255 585 73.38
04/15/2023 2023 University National Championship Matt Bernal 4. R-Uni -105 101 165 170 -180 160 165 -170 185 520 65.39
04/15/2023 2023 University National Championship Robert Hill 1. R-Uni -120 109.5 235 245 257.5 165 175 182.5 260 272.5 287.5 727.5 88.11
04/15/2023 2023 University National Championship Avery Dayvault 0. R-Uni -120 108.2 -215 -215 215 -120 -120 -120 190 210 230 0 0.00
04/15/2023 2023 University National Championship Luke Mellon 1. R-Uni 120+ 184 285 305 315 137.5 147.5 152.5 252.5 260 275 742.5 73.41
04/15/2023 2023 University National Championship John Jones 2. R-Uni 120+ 135.6 262.5 275 282.5 160 167.5 175 252.5 260 -270 717.5 79.22
04/15/2023 2023 University National Championship Jesus Ellin Jr. 3. R-Uni 120+ 138.6 212.5 227.5 245 155 -165 -165 -265 -265 265 665 72.79
04/15/2023 2023 University National Championship Wes Brock 4. R-Uni 120+ 129.8 170 -190 190 130 137.5 142.5 180 -200 -200 512.5 57.61
04/01/2023 8th Annual Orlando Open Championships Blair Dunn 1. R-JR -57 56.6 112.5 120 -125 65 70 -72.5 127.5 135 142.5 332.5 78.46
04/01/2023 8th Annual Orlando Open Championships Adnaloy Bello 1. R-M1 -63 61.6 92.5 97.5 -102.5 47.5 50 52.5 137.5 147.5 155 305 67.74
04/01/2023 8th Annual Orlando Open Championships Courtney Costrino 1. R-M1 -76 75.1 115 120 125 80 85 87.5 135 140 145 357.5 70.89
04/01/2023 8th Annual Orlando Open Championships Grace Russo 1. R-O -52 51.3 -97.5 97.5 -102.5 47.5 50 -52.5 97.5 -102.5 102.5 250 63.93
04/01/2023 8th Annual Orlando Open Championships Marisol Gonzalez 1. R-O -63 62 95 100 -105 42.5 -45 112.5 117.5 125 267.5 59.14
04/01/2023 8th Annual Orlando Open Championships Courtney Costrino 1. R-O -76 75.1 115 120 125 80 85 87.5 135 140 145 357.5 70.89
04/01/2023 8th Annual Orlando Open Championships Tyler Lee 1. R-M1 -74 69.3 147.5 155 165 -90 95 -100 187.5 197.5 210 470 71.41
04/01/2023 8th Annual Orlando Open Championships Marcos Sanchez 1. R-M1 -93 91.5 210 222.5 230 115 125 132.5 220 232.5 240 602.5 79.45
04/01/2023 8th Annual Orlando Open Championships Thomas Karastamatis 1. R-M1 -105 94.6 145 155 160 115 120 127.5 145 160 167.5 455 59.03
04/01/2023 8th Annual Orlando Open Championships Michael Jean Sr. 1. R-M1 120+ 179.5 260 -270 -275 175 180 185 260 270 275 720 71.75
04/01/2023 8th Annual Orlando Open Championships Michael Bitting 1. R-M3 -120 113.8 140 145 150 110 120 -122.5 155 165 167.5 437.5 52.07
04/01/2023 8th Annual Orlando Open Championships Tyler Lee 1. R-O -74 69.3 147.5 155 165 -90 95 -100 187.5 197.5 210 470 71.41
04/01/2023 8th Annual Orlando Open Championships Alonzo Biala 1. R-O -93 92.3 180 192.5 202.5 102.5 112.5 117.5 182.5 197.5 210 530 69.59
04/01/2023 8th Annual Orlando Open Championships Michael Jean Sr. 1. R-O 120+ 179.5 260 -270 -275 175 180 185 260 270 275 720 71.75
04/01/2023 8th Annual Orlando Open Championships Nicolas Gaines 1. R-SJ -74 72.8 75 75 75 225 33.31
04/01/2023 8th Annual Orlando Open Championships Derek Robert 1. R-SJ -120 114.8 155 160 162.5 77.5 80 -85 157.5 170 -177.5 412.5 48.90
04/01/2023 8th Annual Orlando Open Championships Michael Jean Sr. 1. R-O 120+ 179.5 175 180 185 260 270 275 460 45.84
03/25/2023 2023 Tennessee State Championships Jonah Boyd 1. R-O -83 80.7 145 165 187.5 102.5 -120 120 192.5 222.5 -227.5 530 74.44
03/25/2023 2023 Tennessee State Championships Luke Summerall 1. R-JR -93 89.9 185 192.5 202.5 115 125 -137.5 210 225 240 567.5 75.49
03/25/2023 2023 Tennessee State Championships Joshua McCormick 1. R-O -105 93.9 147.5 157.5 172.5 115 120 125 182.5 202.5 217.5 515 67.06
03/25/2023 2023 Tennessee State Championships Caleb Day 1. R-O -120 119.3 170 185 200 125 -132.5 227.5 250 270 595 69.34
03/25/2023 2023 Tennessee State Championships Dudley Delong 2. R-O -120 117 112.5 -145 145 90 102.5 107.5 142.5 175 -180 427.5 50.24
03/25/2023 2023 Tennessee State Championships Brayden Pierce 1. R-JR 120+ 146.9 265 282.5 295 132.5 140 145 270 287.5 300 740 79.17
03/25/2023 2023 Tennessee State Championships Brayden Pierce 1. R-O 120+ 146.9 265 282.5 295 132.5 140 145 270 287.5 300 740 79.17
03/18/2023 First Annual Brick City Open Cris Coniglio 1. R-M2 84+ 91 55 60 67.5 67.5 49.49
03/18/2023 First Annual Brick City Open Jessica Caraballo 1. R-O 84+ 93.4 62.5 70 -75 70 51.08
03/18/2023 First Annual Brick City Open Jason Pearson 1. R-M2 -120 114.7 125 132.5 -137.5 132.5 57.00
03/18/2023 First Annual Brick City Open Cris Coniglio 1. R-M2 84+ 91 100 110 117.5 117.5 21.56
03/18/2023 First Annual Brick City Open Jason Pearson 1. R-M2 -120 114.7 230 242.5 -250 242.5 28.76
03/18/2023 First Annual Brick City Open Faith Clough 1. R-M1 -63 61.3 100 110 117.5 62.5 67.5 72.5 92.5 97.5 -112.5 287.5 64.02
03/18/2023 First Annual Brick City Open Nimisha Mitha 2. R-M1 -63 59.4 60 65 70 42.5 45 47.5 87.5 95 100 217.5 49.53
03/18/2023 First Annual Brick City Open Yael Hatfield 1. R-M1 84+ 84.7 45 -50 50 40 -45 45 82.5 87.5 92.5 187.5 35.29
03/18/2023 First Annual Brick City Open Cris Coniglio 1. R-M2 84+ 91 85 92.5 -100 55 60 67.5 100 110 117.5 277.5 50.91
03/18/2023 First Annual Brick City Open Suzanne Laforge 1. R-M3 -63 62.7 85 95 105 57.5 62.5 65 125 140 155 325 71.34
03/18/2023 First Annual Brick City Open Mariya Yermak 1. R-O -57 56.3 145 150 -152.5 67.5 70 -72.5 142.5 150 -155 370 87.65
03/18/2023 First Annual Brick City Open Brittney Fields 1. R-O -76 74.3 120 -130 130 62.5 67.5 -72.5 125 130 150 347.5 69.28
03/18/2023 First Annual Brick City Open Jessica Caraballo 1. R-O 84+ 93.4 -120 -120 120 62.5 70 -75 125 140 142.5 332.5 60.50
03/18/2023 First Annual Brick City Open Jose Barbiere 1. R-JR -59 58.2 142.5 155 -165 -75 80 85 147.5 165 185 425 70.87
03/18/2023 First Annual Brick City Open Marcus Dialo 1. R-JR -74 73.4 235 255 -260 135 145 -147.5 -265 275 -300 675 99.53
03/18/2023 First Annual Brick City Open Brandon Combs 1. R-JR -93 92 277.5 282.5 -290 140 150 155 300 307.5 312.5 750 98.61
03/18/2023 First Annual Brick City Open Tyler Pennington 2. R-JR -93 87.1 165 182.5 -195 120 130 -137.5 185 190 197.5 510 68.89
03/18/2023 First Annual Brick City Open Jason Pearson 1. R-M2 -120 114.7 165 -175 125 132.5 -137.5 230 242.5 -250 540 64.03
03/18/2023 First Annual Brick City Open John Laflamme 1. R-M4 -83 82.8 172.5 182.5 190 95 102.5 107.5 205 217.5 227.5 525 72.75
03/18/2023 First Annual Brick City Open Darius Leon 1. R-O -83 82.2 210 225 237.5 155 165 -170 240 260 -270 662.5 92.15
03/18/2023 First Annual Brick City Open Jyahvonte Thompson 2. R-O -83 80.9 190 200 210 130 -137.5 -137.5 235 250 -255 590 82.72
03/18/2023 First Annual Brick City Open Jean Boyer 3. R-O -83 79.7 112.5 125 132.5 112.5 -125 -125 135 142.5 145 390 55.11
03/18/2023 First Annual Brick City Open Kylle Edwards 1. R-O -105 102.6 -285 285 300 195 210 215 300 312.5 317.5 832.5 103.91
03/18/2023 First Annual Brick City Open Richard Parrish 1. R-O -120 107.5 -125 125 -135 110 115 -127.5 185 -197.5 -207.5 425 51.91
03/18/2023 First Annual Brick City Open Derek Robert 2. R-O -120 112.3 145 150 152.5 -62.5 67.5 75 142.5 147.5 155 382.5 45.80
03/18/2023 First Annual Brick City Open Faith Clough 1. R-M1 -63 61.3 62.5 67.5 72.5 92.5 97.5 -112.5 170 37.86
03/18/2023 First Annual Brick City Open Miriam Zohar 1. R-M2 -63 60.9 37.5 40 -45 -82.5 82.5 85 125 27.96
03/18/2023 First Annual Brick City Open Cris Coniglio 1. R-M2 84+ 91 55 60 67.5 100 110 117.5 185 33.94
03/18/2023 First Annual Brick City Open Stefanie Wisselman 2. R-M2 84+ 122.6 40 42.5 47.5 82.5 87.5 92.5 140 23.92
03/18/2023 First Annual Brick City Open Jessica Caraballo 1. R-O 84+ 93.4 62.5 70 -75 125 140 142.5 212.5 38.66
03/18/2023 First Annual Brick City Open Jason Pearson 1. R-M2 -120 114.7 125 132.5 -137.5 230 242.5 -250 375 44.47
03/18/2023 Iron Office Open Stephanie Linder 1. R-M2 -76 76 130 142.5 -152.5 77.5 82.5 -87.5 157.5 175 -182.5 400 78.86
03/18/2023 Iron Office Open Patricia Johnson 1. R-M2 84+ 98.4 180 192.5 202.5 110 115 117.5 225 235 237.5 557.5 99.87
03/18/2023 Iron Office Open Stephanie Linder 1. R-O -76 76 130 142.5 -152.5 77.5 82.5 -87.5 157.5 175 -182.5 400 78.86
03/18/2023 Iron Office Open Felicia Flores 1. R-O -84 77 117.5 130 137.5 82.5 87.5 92.5 147.5 162.5 -167.5 392.5 76.94
03/18/2023 Iron Office Open Sean Bounkhoune 1. R-JR -66 64.6 155 165 175 120 130 132.5 200 210 220 527.5 83.17
03/18/2023 Iron Office Open Michael Perez 1. R-JR -74 73.1 90 100 -107.5 -77.5 80 85 140 152.5 160 345 50.97
03/18/2023 Iron Office Open Aaron Rettig 1. R-JR -83 82.9 190 202.5 212.5 110 115 120 205 217.5 227.5 560 77.57
03/18/2023 Iron Office Open Simon Zhamkochyan 2. R-JR -83 81.9 190 200 207.5 97.5 102.5 105 200 212.5 217.5 530 73.86
03/18/2023 Iron Office Open Roman Pawar 1. R-JR -105 104.8 -172.5 -172.5 172.5 120 122.5 -125 190 205 -215 500 61.79
03/18/2023 Iron Office Open Steve Babcock 1. R-M1 -93 91.6 200 207.5 212.5 140 145 -147.5 247.5 257.5 -265 615 81.05
03/18/2023 Iron Office Open Noel Perez 1. R-O -93 91 165 175 182.5 132.5 140 147.5 192.5 205 220 550 72.72
03/18/2023 Iron Office Open Vincent Bualoy 1. R-O -105 104.2 267.5 282.5 292.5 185 187.5 307.5 322.5 -340 802.5 99.43
03/18/2023 Iron Office Open Angel Curtis 2. R-O -105 100.3 205 217.5 227.5 150 152.5 155 250 265 267.5 650 82.00
03/18/2023 Iron Office Open Jesus Hernandez 2. R-O -120 115.8 187.5 200 215 -130 142.5 152.5 180 220 230 597.5 70.56
03/18/2023 Iron Office Open Kyle Lopez 1. R-SJ -83 80.7 172.5 182.5 190 90 95 100 210 220 232.5 522.5 73.37
03/18/2023 Lake Pleasant Classic 2023 Mario Montes 1. R-JR -74 73.1 85 92.5 -97.5 92.5 49.65
03/18/2023 Lake Pleasant Classic 2023 Kylie Smith 1. R-PS -52 50.8 50 55 -60 40 45 52.5 52.5 65 70 177.5 45.78
03/18/2023 Lake Pleasant Classic 2023 Kianna Arthur 1. R-JR -63 61.8 87.5 97.5 -107.5 45 47.5 50 105 112.5 120 267.5 59.26
03/18/2023 Lake Pleasant Classic 2023 Cindy López 1. R-M1 -76 71.9 117.5 -125 125 47.5 50 -55 135 137.5 -140 312.5 63.33
03/18/2023 Lake Pleasant Classic 2023 Adriana Ruiz 1. R-M2 -76 69.2 85 90 92.5 -47.5 47.5 50 110 115 125 267.5 55.35
03/18/2023 Lake Pleasant Classic 2023 Nancy Sassaman 1. R-M4 -57 55.3 40 45 55 25 30 35 80 95 102.5 192.5 46.21
03/18/2023 Lake Pleasant Classic 2023 Melissa Campbell 1. R-O -63 62.8 117.5 122.5 127.5 57.5 62.5 65 132.5 142.5 145 337.5 74.03
03/18/2023 Lake Pleasant Classic 2023 Cindy López 1. R-O -76 71.9 117.5 -125 125 47.5 50 -55 135 137.5 -140 312.5 63.33
03/18/2023 Lake Pleasant Classic 2023 Adriana Ruiz 2. R-O -76 69.2 85 90 92.5 -47.5 47.5 50 110 115 125 267.5 55.35
03/18/2023 Lake Pleasant Classic 2023 Drew Miller 1. R-PS -59 58.5 -60 75 -85 52.5 60 65 105 120 130 270 44.90
03/18/2023 Lake Pleasant Classic 2023 Charlie Baird 1. R-JR -66 64.8 130 -140 147.5 80 -85 170 182.5 -195 410 64.56
03/18/2023 Lake Pleasant Classic 2023 Paul Benson 1. R-JR -74 73 155 162.5 170 87.5 95 100 195 202.5 -217.5 472.5 69.88
03/18/2023 Lake Pleasant Classic 2023 Nolan Coglianese 2. R-JR -74 71.3 155 165 -172.5 92.5 95 100 177.5 185 200 465 69.63
03/18/2023 Lake Pleasant Classic 2023 Braeden Haught 3. R-JR -74 72.6 112.5 -115 -115 60 67.5 75 135 142.5 150 337.5 50.06
03/18/2023 Lake Pleasant Classic 2023 Isaac Dumeny 2. R-JR -83 76.8 172.5 187.5 197.5 97.5 107.5 112.5 210 225 -242.5 535 77.08
03/18/2023 Lake Pleasant Classic 2023 Luke Bishop 4. R-JR -83 79.4 160 170 -175 95 100 -110 182.5 192.5 -195 462.5 65.48
03/18/2023 Lake Pleasant Classic 2023 Yahir Perez 0. R-JR -83 76.7 -142.5 -155 -155 -100 105 -107.5 177.5 197.5 -205 0 0.00
03/18/2023 Lake Pleasant Classic 2023 Diego Samaniego 0. R-JR -83 82.4 -142.5 147.5 152.5 -117.5 -125 -125 182.5 190 197.5 0 0.00
03/18/2023 Lake Pleasant Classic 2023 Gabriel Pino 0. R-M1 -93 87 160 165 172.5 -112.5 -112.5 -112.5 200 212.5 -220 0 0.00
03/18/2023 Lake Pleasant Classic 2023 Wayne Hovey 1. R-O -83 78.7 150 155 162.5 -102.5 -107.5 110 185 190 -200 462.5 65.78
03/18/2023 Lake Pleasant Classic 2023 Logan Toft 0. R-SJ -66 64.9 92.5 95 100 -85 -85 -85 -122.5 125 135 0 0.00
03/18/2023 Lake Pleasant Classic 2023 E.J. Chikando 1. R-JR -83 79.5 170 182.5 192.5 120 130 -137.5 200 215 227.5 550 77.82
03/18/2023 Lake Pleasant Classic 2023 Matthew Twist 2. R-SJ -83 81 152.5 165 175 110 -112.5 115 187.5 195 207.5 497.5 69.72
03/18/2023 Lake Pleasant Classic 2023 Breyda Navarro Vargas 0. R-SJ 84+ 88.3 -57.5 -57.5 -57.5 0 0.00
03/18/2023 Lake Pleasant Classic 2023 Matt Bernal 1. R-JR -105 101.4 155 160 165 165 75.09
03/18/2023 Lake Pleasant Classic 2023 Jade Cuellar 1. R-JR 84+ 96.4 87.5 97.5 105 55 65 -75 110 120 130 300 54.06
03/18/2023 Lake Pleasant Classic 2023 Rachael Diehl 1. R-M1 -84 82.7 95 105 115 60 65 -72.5 120 130 140 320 60.81
03/18/2023 Lake Pleasant Classic 2023 Christina Lupro 1. R-M1 84+ 101.4 115 125 127.5 60 62.5 65 107.5 115 125 317.5 56.42
03/18/2023 Lake Pleasant Classic 2023 Tiffany Marik 2. R-M1 84+ 104 65 85 -95 55 60 -65 85 100 110 255 45.02
03/18/2023 Lake Pleasant Classic 2023 Kristy Medina 0. R-M1 84+ 95.6 -110 -110 -110 52.5 57.5 62.5 120 125 130 0 0.00
03/18/2023 Lake Pleasant Classic 2023 Rachael Diehl 1. R-O -84 82.7 95 105 115 60 65 -72.5 120 130 140 320 60.81
03/18/2023 Lake Pleasant Classic 2023 Erin Hall 1. R-O 84+ 107.5 -120 -120 120 57.5 60 -70 140 145 150 330 57.81
03/18/2023 Lake Pleasant Classic 2023 Miranda Palmer 2. R-O 84+ 95.5 87.5 95 100 57.5 62.5 65 117.5 130 -137.5 295 53.31
03/18/2023 Lake Pleasant Classic 2023 Tiffany Marik 3. R-O 84+ 104 65 85 -95 55 60 -65 85 100 110 255 45.02
03/18/2023 Lake Pleasant Classic 2023 Brian Grasso 1. R-G -120 118.3 205 227.5 147.5 157.5 165 392.5 45.92
03/18/2023 Lake Pleasant Classic 2023 Dylan Hoye 1. R-JR -93 92.3 202.5 210 217.5 132.5 137.5 -142.5 220 227.5 235 590 77.49
03/18/2023 Lake Pleasant Classic 2023 Jacob Bernal 2. R-JR -93 92.3 175 182.5 190 135 140 150 182.5 192.5 202.5 542.5 71.23
03/18/2023 Lake Pleasant Classic 2023 Victor Arredondo 3. R-JR -93 86.4 175 187.5 -197.5 -107.5 115 122.5 205 217.5 -227.5 527.5 71.58
03/18/2023 Lake Pleasant Classic 2023 Josiah Wadleigh 4. R-JR -93 86.4 142.5 155 162.5 97.5 -102.5 -102.5 175 185 -195 445 60.39
03/18/2023 Lake Pleasant Classic 2023 Jesus Ellin Jr. 1. R-JR 120+ 137.1 192.5 205 220 142.5 152.5 165 222.5 235 262.5 647.5 71.19
03/18/2023 Lake Pleasant Classic 2023 Alex Martinoz 1. R-O -105 102 212.5 230 -250 140 150 162.5 225 247.5 -272.5 640 80.12
03/18/2023 Lake Pleasant Classic 2023 Daniel Cramer 1. R-O -120 108.1 85 100 107.5 45 55 60 100 125 140 307.5 37.47
03/18/2023 Lake Pleasant Classic 2023 Gavino Borquez 1. R-O 120+ 131.3 220 235 242.5 135 145 150 250 265 275 667.5 74.68
03/18/2023 March Mayhem Barbara Beaudin 1. R-M3 -84 79.1 100 107.5 112.5 57.5 60 -65 147.5 157.5 162.5 335 64.86
03/18/2023 March Mayhem Cheryl ventola 1. R-M3 -76 74.6 97.5 102.5 105 52.5 57.5 -60 120 127.5 132.5 295 58.68
03/18/2023 March Mayhem Kelly Tonini 1. R-M1 -63 61.2 105 112.5 125 62.5 67.5 -72.5 130 142.5 150 342.5 76.38
03/18/2023 March Mayhem Ashley Gray 1. R-M1 -69 68.2 75 80 85 60 65 -67.5 85 92.5 100 250 52.13
03/18/2023 March Mayhem Jessica Brown 1. R-M1 -84 82.7 95 107.5 -117.5 52.5 57.5 -65 45 210 39.90
03/18/2023 March Mayhem Kelly Tonini 1. R-O -63 61.2 105 112.5 125 62.5 67.5 -72.5 130 142.5 150 342.5 76.38
03/18/2023 March Mayhem Casluh Chamberlain 1. R-O -76 75.8 -135 135 142.5 80 85 -90 145 152.5 157.5 385 76.00
03/18/2023 March Mayhem Leah Ibarra 1. R-O 84+ 100 142.5 152.5 160 85 92.5 95 130 135 140 395 70.45
03/18/2023 March Mayhem Barbara Beaudin 1. R-O -84 79.1 100 107.5 112.5 57.5 60 -65 147.5 157.5 162.5 335 64.86
03/18/2023 March Mayhem Tracy Pilch 2. R-O -84 80.8 97.5 105 110 60 62.5 65 132.5 140 147.5 322.5 61.87
03/18/2023 March Mayhem Cheryl ventola 2. R-O -76 74.6 97.5 102.5 105 52.5 57.5 -60 120 127.5 132.5 295 58.68
03/18/2023 March Mayhem Alexis Towner 3. R-O -84 82.4 95 102.5 110 55 60 65 107.5 117.5 125 300 57.09
03/18/2023 March Mayhem Rebecca Merrill 2. R-O 84+ 132.1 105 112.5 120 55 62.5 -67.5 130 135 147.5 330 55.77
03/18/2023 March Mayhem Ashley Gray 1. R-O -69 68.2 75 80 85 60 65 -67.5 85 92.5 100 250 52.13
03/18/2023 March Mayhem Jessica Brown 4. R-O -84 82.7 95 107.5 -117.5 52.5 57.5 -65 45 210 39.90
03/18/2023 March Mayhem Myah Young 1. R-PS 84+ 84.2 60 65 70 40 45 50 82.5 87.5 92.5 212.5 40.09
03/18/2023 March Mayhem Alex Lynch 2. R-JR -93 89.4 150 162.5 175 105 112.5 -120 150 165 180 467.5 62.36
03/18/2023 March Mayhem Chris Engebretson 1. R-M2 -120 106.2 212.5 -227.5 227.5 -142.5 -142.5 142.5 227.5 237.5 -242.5 607.5 74.61
03/18/2023 March Mayhem Chris Engebretson 1. R-O -120 106.2 212.5 -227.5 227.5 -142.5 -142.5 142.5 227.5 237.5 -242.5 607.5 74.61
03/18/2023 March Mayhem Eric Cintron 1. R-O -105 103.6 175 190 197.5 137.5 147.5 -155 205 225 240 585 72.68
03/18/2023 March Mayhem Ian Gillis 1. R-O -93 88.9 177.5 185 195 80 87.5 95 180 190 195 485 64.87
03/18/2023 March Mayhem Alex Lynch 2. R-O -93 89.4 150 162.5 175 105 112.5 -120 150 165 180 467.5 62.36
03/18/2023 March Mayhem John Engebretson 2. R-O -105 101.8 97.5 -107.5 107.5 75 80 82.5 117.5 130 137.5 327.5 41.02
03/18/2023 March Mayhem Ian Gillis 1. R-JR -93 88.9 177.5 185 195 80 87.5 95 180 190 195 485 64.87
03/18/2023 March Mayhem John Engebretson 1. R-SJ -105 101.8 97.5 -107.5 107.5 75 80 82.5 117.5 130 137.5 327.5 41.02
03/18/2023 March Mayhem Frank Smith 1. R-O -83 82.7 92.5 97.5 -102.5 97.5 49.06
03/18/2023 March Mayhem Jack Higginbottom 1. R-O -59 55.2 60 65 70 125 132.5 137.5 207.5 35.58
03/18/2023 March Mayhem Nicholas Fiorito 0. O -74 70 -230 -230 122.5 130 135 200 212.5 225 0 0.00
03/18/2023 March Mayhem Nicholas Fiorito 0. O -74 70 -230 -230 122.5 130 135 200 212.5 225 0 0.00
03/04/2023 New Mexico State Championship Maura Shuttleworth 1. M1 -57 55.8 110 117.5 -125 117.5 77.11
03/04/2023 New Mexico State Championship Corey Strickland 1. R-O 120+ 141.2 -187.5 -197.5 197.5 197.5 78.01
03/04/2023 New Mexico State Championship Gina Bauman 1. R-M2 -47 47 105 110 115 115 31.88
03/04/2023 New Mexico State Championship Maleah Cousineau 1. R-O 84+ 103.1 132.5 147.5 157.5 157.5 27.87
03/04/2023 New Mexico State Championship Claudia Nagata 1. M2 -69 65.5 80 -110 110 50 55 60 90 100 110 280 49.47
03/04/2023 New Mexico State Championship Mackenzie Schwartz 1. R-JR -76 75.2 77.5 85 -90 42.5 47.5 -50 110 117.5 -125 250 49.54
03/04/2023 New Mexico State Championship Candy Jardine Morrow 1. R-M2 84+ 100.1 95 105 -110 62.5 65 67.5 132.5 142.5 152.5 325 57.95
03/04/2023 New Mexico State Championship Nicole Mestas 0. R-M2 84+ 85.5 -100 -100 -100 45 47.5 50 120 127.5 137.5 0 0.00
03/04/2023 New Mexico State Championship Natalia Apodaka 1. R-O -63 58.8 75 90 97.5 47.5 50 -55 102.5 110 -115 257.5 59.08
03/04/2023 New Mexico State Championship Precious Andrew 1. R-O -69 68.6 142.5 155 165 97.5 -102.5 -102.5 142.5 165 192.5 455 94.57
03/04/2023 New Mexico State Championship Anya Lawrence 2. R-O -69 66.9 115 132.5 -142.5 55 60 67.5 130 145 -155 345 72.75
03/04/2023 New Mexico State Championship Thomas Cencich 1. M3 -93 92.8 150 -155 195 -210 210 190 207.5 -210 567.5 61.63
03/04/2023 New Mexico State Championship James Brookshire 1. M3 -105 99.6 75 85 95 100 110 -115 75 85 105 310 32.49
03/04/2023 New Mexico State Championship Bailey Mckenzie 1. R-JR -105 97.2 227.5 240 120 137.5 140 240 257.5 -272.5 637.5 81.65
03/04/2023 New Mexico State Championship Dham Khalsa 1. R-M1 -93 89.3 120 135 147.5 105 117.5 -125 170 185 192.5 457.5 61.07
03/04/2023 New Mexico State Championship James Finn 1. R-M1 120+ 148.6 190 195 200 150 155 160 190 195 200 560 59.65
03/04/2023 New Mexico State Championship Randal Whitt 1. R-M3 -120 116 100 147.5 152.5 157.5 125 382.5 45.14
03/04/2023 New Mexico State Championship Russ Marr 1. R-M4 -83 77.9 125 137.5 142.5 95 102.5 -105 195 212.5 220 465 66.48
03/04/2023 New Mexico State Championship Maitreye Owens 1. R-O -74 67.4 112.5 -130 142.5 -60 75 82.5 145 147.5 -185 372.5 57.43
03/04/2023 New Mexico State Championship Stephen Rael 2. R-O -74 67.1 40 -47.5 47.5 40 -52.5 -62.5 92.5 102.5 125 212.5 32.84
03/04/2023 New Mexico State Championship Michael Lynam 1. R-O -83 82.9 185 190 197.5 115 122.5 127.5 215 227.5 235 560 77.57
03/04/2023 New Mexico State Championship Ezrah Reed 1. R-O -93 91.8 227.5 245 -255 140 150 -157.5 295 317.5 712.5 93.80
03/04/2023 New Mexico State Championship Dennis Jaramillo 2. R-O -93 86.4 170 182.5 192.5 100 115 127.5 185 200 212.5 532.5 72.26
03/04/2023 New Mexico State Championship Chance Jacques 3. R-O -93 92.2 175 187.5 197.5 102.5 110 115 195 210 -222.5 522.5 68.64
03/04/2023 New Mexico State Championship Andrew Salazar 4. R-O -93 85.6 150 157.5 165 105 110 115 185 200 212.5 492.5 67.13
03/04/2023 New Mexico State Championship Dham Khalsa 5. R-O -93 89.3 120 135 147.5 105 117.5 -125 170 185 192.5 457.5 61.07
03/04/2023 New Mexico State Championship Richard Mcconnell 1. R-O -105 104.4 200 215 -227.5 130 140 147.5 220 237.5 255 617.5 76.46
03/04/2023 New Mexico State Championship Donald Vigil 1. R-O 120+ 123.4 172.5 182.5 190 127.5 132.5 -145 205 215 222.5 545 62.60
03/04/2023 New Mexico State Championship Kyler Crow 1. R-SJ -53 51.9 55 65 75 50 55 -60 102.5 115 -127.5 245 43.46
03/04/2023 New Mexico State Championship Sequoia Crow 1. R-SJ -66 61 70 82.5 -92.5 -62.5 65 -70 125 142.5 157.5 305 49.60
03/04/2023 New Mexico State Championship Ravi Khalsa 1. R-SJ -105 96.8 115 127.5 140 60 77.5 -87.5 110 132.5 142.5 360 46.20
03/04/2023 New Mexico State Championship Thomas Cencich 1. M3 -93 92.8 195 -210 210 190 207.5 -210 417.5 45.34
03/04/2023 New Mexico State Championship James Brookshire 1. M3 -105 99.6 100 110 -115 75 85 105 215 22.53
03/04/2023 New Mexico State Championship Stephen Rael 1. R-O -74 67.1 40 -52.5 -62.5 92.5 102.5 125 165 25.50
02/24/2023 2023 Classic National Championship Megan Hurlburt 1. R-G -57 53.4 150 160 165 92.5 97.5 100 160 -172.5 180 445 109.85
02/24/2023 2023 Classic National Championship Mary Gregory 1. R-G -84 83.8 135 142.5 145 90 92.5 95 165 175 182.5 422.5 79.88
02/24/2023 2023 Classic National Championship Jessica Espinal 1. R-O -47 45.8 130 137.5 143 -87.5 87.5 90.5 162.5 170 175 408.5 116.26
02/24/2023 2023 Classic National Championship Heather Connor 2. R-O -47 46.7 132.5 137.5 -140 67.5 70 -72.5 180 187.5 -193.5 395 110.31
02/24/2023 2023 Classic National Championship Jamie Fisher 1. R-O -52 50.8 130 135 -140 97.5 103 -105 160 -167.5 -167.5 398 102.62
02/24/2023 2023 Classic National Championship Kate Cohen 2. R-O -52 50.9 130 135 -140 72.5 -77.5 -77.5 172.5 180 185 392.5 100.92
02/24/2023 2023 Classic National Championship Natalie Richards 1. R-O -57 56.4 160 167.5 175 97.5 105 -110 198 210 221.5 501.5 118.64
02/24/2023 2023 Classic National Championship Christina Peracchi 2. R-O -57 56.1 135 145 152.5 95 102.5 -107.5 170 177.5 185 440 104.48
02/24/2023 2023 Classic National Championship Kaye Johnson 3. R-O -57 56.1 135 142.5 147.5 85 -90 -90 147.5 157.5 -167.5 390 92.63
02/24/2023 2023 Classic National Championship Meghan Scanlon 1. R-O -63 62.1 182.5 190 -191.5 120 125 -127.5 185 195 205 520 114.87
02/24/2023 2023 Classic National Championship Julia Williams 2. R-O -63 62.5 -165 165 170 87.5 92.5 97.5 180 187.5 -195 455 100.03
02/24/2023 2023 Classic National Championship Rebecca Loegel 3. R-O -63 61 -97.5 97.5 -102.5 75 80 82.5 135 142.5 150 330 73.74
02/24/2023 2023 Classic National Championship Chelsea Savit 1. R-O -69 68.7 167.5 177.5 185.5 115 122.5 125 195 205 -212.5 515.5 107.09
02/24/2023 2023 Classic National Championship Claire Zai 2. R-O -69 68.5 177.5 185 -190 115 120 -122.5 202.5 -212.5 -212.5 507.5 105.61
02/24/2023 2023 Classic National Championship Kelsey McCarthy 3. R-O -69 68.5 147.5 157.5 162.5 90 -95 95 175 182.5 207.5 465 96.73
02/24/2023 2023 Classic National Championship Carolyn Connor 4. R-O -69 68.3 162.5 170 177.5 80 85 -90 167.5 175 -177.5 437.5 91.20
02/24/2023 2023 Classic National Championship Amanda Ellis 5. R-O -69 68.5 127.5 135 -140 85 90 92.5 130 137.5 142.5 370 76.99
02/24/2023 2023 Classic National Championship Joan Hon 6. R-O -69 66.7 110 117.5 125 57.5 62.5 65 130 137.5 142.5 332.5 70.25
02/24/2023 2023 Classic National Championship Dayna Mcneal 1. R-O -76 74.8 180 192.5 202.5 92.5 100 -102.5 217.5 232.5 -245.5 535 106.32
02/24/2023 2023 Classic National Championship Lindsay Rubel 2. R-O -76 74.6 150 -157.5 -165 87.5 92.5 -97.5 140 -147.5 -147.5 382.5 76.09
02/24/2023 2023 Classic National Championship Meghan Hornung 3. R-O -76 75.9 92.5 100 105 47.5 50 52.5 120 130 -137.5 287.5 56.72
02/24/2023 2023 Classic National Championship Michelle Robbins 1. R-O -84 79.3 175 -182.5 182.5 120 122.5 -127.5 -215 215 217.5 522.5 101.03
02/24/2023 2023 Classic National Championship Aliza Tessler 2. R-O -84 82.1 150 165 172.5 95 105 110 182.5 192.5 202.5 485 92.46
02/24/2023 2023 Classic National Championship Whitney DeGraaf 3. R-O -84 83 130 137.5 145 80 85 87.5 155 165 175 407.5 77.34
02/24/2023 2023 Classic National Championship Samantha Shirley 4. R-O -84 78.3 105 110 115 50 55 -60 125 135 -140 305 59.32
02/24/2023 2023 Classic National Championship Luella Bowden 1. R-O 84+ 127.6 195 220 -235 90 100 -105 200 210 -227.5 530 89.99
02/24/2023 2023 Classic National Championship Marisa Ruland 2. R-O 84+ 88.3 180 197.5 205 87.5 92.5 97.5 167.5 182.5 187.5 490 90.84
02/24/2023 2023 Classic National Championship Tashell Kerr 3. R-O 84+ 91.9 160 170 177.5 100 105 -110 192.5 207.5 -217.5 490 89.61
02/24/2023 2023 Classic National Championship Erlyna Morgan 4. R-O 84+ 114.1 172.5 -192.5 197.5 80 87.5 -92.5 185 202.5 -232.5 487.5 84.33
02/24/2023 2023 Classic National Championship Sara Shelton 5. R-O 84+ 91.4 120 130 137.5 70 75 -80 125 140 -155 352.5 64.58
02/24/2023 2023 Classic National Championship Jonathan Rivera 1. R-G -93 91.7 205 217.5 225 165 172.5 175 240 250 -257.5 650 85.62
02/24/2023 2023 Classic National Championship Mario Leos 1. R-G -66 62.7 177.5 185 190 122.5 130 -132.5 212.5 220 -227.5 540 86.50
02/24/2023 2023 Classic National Championship Wascar Carpio 1. R-O -59 58.9 200 210 217.5 125 132.5 137.5 245 258.5 -268 613.5 101.59
02/24/2023 2023 Classic National Championship Dalton Lacoe 2. R-O -59 56.5 177.5 187.5 192.5 127.5 132.5 135 247.5 260 -270 587.5 99.54
02/24/2023 2023 Classic National Championship David Berube 3. R-O -59 54.5 67.5 77.5 87.5 50 55 60 100 107.5 115 262.5 45.35
02/24/2023 2023 Classic National Championship Brian Le 1. R-O -66 65.4 227.5 -242.5 242.5 147.5 152.5 295.5 307.5 318.5 713.5 111.76
02/24/2023 2023 Classic National Championship Jonathan Garcia 2. R-O -66 65.9 252.5 -267.5 -271.5 162.5 172.5 -178 235 247.5 257.5 682.5 106.47
02/24/2023 2023 Classic National Championship Rodrigo Manzo 0. R-O -66 65.9 -215 220 -225 150 -157.5 -160 -275 -275 -275 0 0.00
02/24/2023 2023 Classic National Championship Nicholas Farison 1. R-O -74 73.5 227.5 240 250 150 157.5 160 227.5 242.5 255 665 97.95
02/24/2023 2023 Classic National Championship Logan Dwyer 2. R-O -74 72.3 115 122.5 130 67.5 72.5 77.5 152.5 162.5 172.5 380 56.47
02/24/2023 2023 Classic National Championship Deuce Gruden 1. R-O -83 82.2 280 295 305 187.5 -197.5 -197.5 285 300 312.5 805 112.00
02/24/2023 2023 Classic National Championship Sean Jin 2. R-O -83 83 272.5 290 300 180 190 195 287.5 310 -330.5 805 111.44
02/24/2023 2023 Classic National Championship Jonathan Losa 3. R-O -83 83 220 235 245 185 195 -200.5 235 247.5 257.5 697.5 96.55
02/24/2023 2023 Classic National Championship John Tong 4. R-O -83 81.5 237.5 252.5 270 142.5 152.5 160 -237.5 257.5 265 695 97.07
02/24/2023 2023 Classic National Championship Alex Sydor 5. R-O -83 82.9 240 250 252.5 -145 145 -150 280 292.5 -300 690 95.55
02/24/2023 2023 Classic National Championship Charles Williams 6. R-O -83 82 245 -257.5 -257.5 137.5 -140 140 255 265 -275 650 90.54
02/24/2023 2023 Classic National Championship Zachary Jones 7. R-O -83 82.4 205 217.5 222.5 -150 155 -157.5 227.5 242.5 250 627.5 87.20
02/24/2023 2023 Classic National Championship Luke Janosky 8. R-O -83 81.4 207.5 222.5 232.5 127.5 137.5 140 227.5 235 -247.5 607.5 84.94
02/24/2023 2023 Classic National Championship Andrew Sardis 9. R-O -83 81 202.5 217.5 227.5 125 132.5 137.5 185 195 205 570 79.87
02/24/2023 2023 Classic National Championship Elijah Morales 10. R-O -83 76.6 -165 172.5 -180 102.5 107.5 115 165 175 185 472.5 68.14
02/24/2023 2023 Classic National Championship Bryce Lewis 1. R-O -93 92.8 292.5 302.5 310 190 197.5 205 335 -355 -355 850 111.33
02/24/2023 2023 Classic National Championship Gregory Johnson 2. R-O -93 92.5 265 280 -287.5 147.5 155 -155 340 355 -355 790 103.64
02/24/2023 2023 Classic National Championship Wesley Mull 3. R-O -93 91.8 247.5 265 -275 172.5 182.5 -187.5 245 265 -277.5 712.5 93.80
02/24/2023 2023 Classic National Championship Justin Rogers 1. R-O -105 99 300 320 330 215 225 230 300 315 -325 875 111.06
02/24/2023 2023 Classic National Championship Allan Morelos 2. R-O -105 95.8 212.5 225 232.5 150 160 -167.5 252.5 267.5 280 672.5 86.73
02/24/2023 2023 Classic National Championship Nathan Dunn 3. R-O -105 104.4 240 250 -257.5 155 162.5 -167.5 225 240 250 662.5 82.01
02/24/2023 2023 Classic National Championship Conner Duyck 4. R-O -105 101.4 202.5 210 222.5 130 137.5 145 220 240 265 632.5 79.37
02/24/2023 2023 Classic National Championship Michael Bosquez 5. R-O -105 95.1 210 225 235 117.5 -122.5 122.5 225 -240 -240 582.5 75.40
02/24/2023 2023 Classic National Championship Tristan Nazelrod 1. R-O -120 119.5 325 340 347.5 202.5 210 -215 320 340 350 907.5 105.68
02/24/2023 2023 Classic National Championship Michael Tuchscherer 2. R-O -120 119.3 300 315 325 195 202.5 210 325 342.5 352.5 887.5 103.43
02/24/2023 2023 Classic National Championship Enrique Lugo 3. R-O -120 119.9 307.5 322.5 327.5 217.5 227.5 232.5 307.5 327.5 -347.5 887.5 103.22
02/24/2023 2023 Classic National Championship John Vasquez 4. R-O -120 119.4 317.5 330 -345 195 205 -215 285 300 310 845 98.46
02/24/2023 2023 Classic National Championship George Hana 5. R-O -120 119.7 242.5 -255 255 155 160 165 315 340 -350 760 88.44
02/24/2023 2023 Classic National Championship Martin Agoes 6. R-O -120 119.6 285 300 -320 170 195 205 70 -225 -225 575 66.93
02/24/2023 2023 Classic National Championship Ray Williams 1. R-O 120+ 194.9 395 415 435 215 225 -230 320 340 -355 1000 97.15
02/24/2023 2023 Classic National Championship Jonathan Avril 2. R-O 120+ 137.9 312.5 327.5 340 212.5 222.5 -227.5 312.5 330 345 907.5 99.51
02/24/2023 2023 Classic National Championship Brayden Pierce 3. R-O 120+ 143.6 270 272.5 292.5 -130 -140 140 275 -292.5 297.5 730 78.79
02/24/2023 2023 Classic National Championship Tony Tillman 4. R-O 120+ 162.5 215 225 235 185 190 195 185 -227.5 227.5 657.5 67.77
02/24/2023 2023 Classic National Championship Kevin Dinh 5. R-O 120+ 128.6 247.5 260 -265 -132.5 132.5 135 242.5 260 -265 655 73.92
02/24/2023 2023 Classic National Championship Matthew Buchbinder 6. R-O 120+ 149.1 230 245 252.5 137.5 145 -150 225 240 255 652.5 69.41
02/18/2023 6th Annual Jacksonville (FL) Open Championships Daniel Jones 1. R-M1 -83 80 -107.5 107.5 -125 107.5 55.03
02/18/2023 6th Annual Jacksonville (FL) Open Championships Salena Smashum 1. R-M1 -76 75.4 75 80 85 50 55 57.5 75 85 95 237.5 47.01
02/18/2023 6th Annual Jacksonville (FL) Open Championships Chereny Woodard 1. R-M1 -84 80.6 -80 -125 135 35 77.5 80 130 170 195 410 78.76
02/18/2023 6th Annual Jacksonville (FL) Open Championships Vanessa Reed 1. R-M2 -63 61.6 95 100 105 55 60 -67.5 137.5 147.5 -150 312.5 69.38
02/18/2023 6th Annual Jacksonville (FL) Open Championships Michelle Carlascio 2. R-M2 -63 61 65 70 72.5 45 50 52.5 110 112.5 237.5 53.07
02/18/2023 6th Annual Jacksonville (FL) Open Championships Susan Moyer 1. R-M2 -84 77.4 82.5 90 -97.5 37.5 42.5 -45 112.5 120 125 257.5 50.33
02/18/2023 6th Annual Jacksonville (FL) Open Championships Karen Hunnicutt 1. R-M3 -63 61.1 -55 55 60 32.5 35 -40 62.5 67.5 80 175 39.06
02/18/2023 6th Annual Jacksonville (FL) Open Championships Suzanne Laforge 1. R-M3 -69 63.8 100 -117.5 -117.5 60 65 -70 165 35.80
02/18/2023 6th Annual Jacksonville (FL) Open Championships Mariya Yermak 1. R-O -57 56 137.5 145 147.5 65 67.5 -70 135 140 147.5 362.5 86.24
02/18/2023 6th Annual Jacksonville (FL) Open Championships Diana Hagen 1. R-O -76 70.9 95 102.5 107.5 45 50 -55 110 120 125 282.5 57.67
02/18/2023 6th Annual Jacksonville (FL) Open Championships Samantha Kinas 2. R-O -76 74.1 -80 80 -85 35 40 -45 85 95 100 220 43.90
02/18/2023 6th Annual Jacksonville (FL) Open Championships Cassandra Young 1. R-O -84 78.9 102.5 110 -115 52.5 55 57.5 120 130 137.5 305 59.11
02/18/2023 6th Annual Jacksonville (FL) Open Championships Christina Hartley 1. R-O 84+ 90.4 67.5 75 80 70 75 80 110 120 125 285 52.40
02/18/2023 6th Annual Jacksonville (FL) Open Championships Hafsa Quraishi 2. R-O 84+ 100.1 80 85 90 50 57.5 62.5 105 115 120 272.5 48.59
02/18/2023 6th Annual Jacksonville (FL) Open Championships Jenna Wagner 3. R-O 84+ 104.8 82.5 85 87.5 45 47.5 50 87.5 95 97.5 235 41.42
02/18/2023 6th Annual Jacksonville (FL) Open Championships Charlee Davis 2. R-Y 0 0 15 19 25 9 11 13 25 30 35 73 0.00
02/18/2023 6th Annual Jacksonville (FL) Open Championships Mathew Sanchez 1. JR -83 83 -225 225 235 140 150 160 210 225 240 635 73.34
02/18/2023 6th Annual Jacksonville (FL) Open Championships Daniel Wade 1. M2 -105 105 235 245 175 -182.5 235 245 255 675 69.00
02/18/2023 6th Annual Jacksonville (FL) Open Championships Zion Stephens 1. R-O -66 66 175 192.5 200 110 120 -130 182.5 205 220 540 84.18
02/18/2023 6th Annual Jacksonville (FL) Open Championships Ryan Srigley 1. R-JR -83 78.6 170 177.5 182.5 95 -100 -100 195 205 220 497.5 70.83
02/18/2023 6th Annual Jacksonville (FL) Open Championships Will Kleinschmidt 1. R-JR -93 91.1 165 177.5 187.5 122.5 -127.5 202.5 215 -227.5 525 69.38
02/18/2023 6th Annual Jacksonville (FL) Open Championships John Howard 1. R-M1 -105 102.3 162.5 170 172.5 122.5 127.5 130 195 205 210 512.5 64.04
02/18/2023 6th Annual Jacksonville (FL) Open Championships Michael Weber 1. R-M1 120+ 143.6 180 192.5 202.5 157.5 167.5 170 180 552.5 59.63
02/18/2023 6th Annual Jacksonville (FL) Open Championships Andrew Paige 1. R-M2 -105 97.5 130 140 155 125 130 -132.5 215 222.5 -230 507.5 64.88
02/18/2023 6th Annual Jacksonville (FL) Open Championships Rodger Menezes 1. R-M3 -93 92.8 137.5 147.5 155 100 105 110 175 190 195 460 60.24
02/18/2023 6th Annual Jacksonville (FL) Open Championships Allan Reiss 1. R-M3 -105 95.9 100 110 117.5 77.5 82.5 -87.5 105 110 115 315 40.60
02/18/2023 6th Annual Jacksonville (FL) Open Championships Daniel Lindemann 1. R-M4 -93 86.7 132.5 145 150 92.5 100 -105 192.5 202.5 210 460 62.29
02/18/2023 6th Annual Jacksonville (FL) Open Championships Danh Nguyen 1. R-O -83 81.3 165 172.5 177.5 110 112.5 115 180 190 200 492.5 68.89
02/18/2023 6th Annual Jacksonville (FL) Open Championships Logan Tan 1. R-Y 0 0 32.5 37.5 42.5 15 20 22.5 50 55 60 125 0.00
02/12/2023 Cubs Roundup at Panther City Amaya Wade 1. R-SJ 84+ 123.6 137.5 142.5 -147.5 92.5 -97.5 -97.5 147.5 165 -180 400 68.24
02/12/2023 Cubs Roundup at Panther City Lizbeth Alegria 1. R-SJ -76 74.6 125 -145 145 52.5 62.5 67.5 142.5 160 170 382.5 76.09
02/12/2023 Cubs Roundup at Panther City Joshua Miranda 1. R-SJ -74 69.9 152.5 170 -175 70 75 80 165 190 210 460 69.57
02/04/2023 AZ High School & State Championships Leanna Schnell 1. R-JR -43 39.4 10 15 -20 10 -12.5 15 50 55 60 90 30.44
02/04/2023 AZ High School & State Championships Isabella Reitz 1. R-JR -63 63 97.5 -110 -112.5 52.5 60 67.5 -105 117.5 130 295 64.54
02/04/2023 AZ High School & State Championships Lakhvir Sodhi Gosal 1. R-M2 -84 82.2 62.5 62.5 62.5 187.5 35.73
02/04/2023 AZ High School & State Championships Amy Flores 1. R-SJ -47 45.5 65 -67.5 70 35 37.5 -42.5 67.5 75 82.5 190 54.49
02/04/2023 AZ High School & State Championships Edgar Zampini 1. R-JR -66 64.2 -200 200 -210 125 130 -135 -240 240 -250 570 90.17
02/04/2023 AZ High School & State Championships Sherveen Ahmadian 2. R-JR -66 65.4 100 115 142.5 70 85 -95 165 185 192.5 420 65.79
02/04/2023 AZ High School & State Championships David Amaya-Garcia 1. R-JR -93 91.4 225 237.5 -245 142.5 -152.5 155 255 270 277.5 670 88.40
02/04/2023 AZ High School & State Championships Chris Boillot 1. R-M3 -83 81.7 187.5 -195 -200 122.5 127.5 -130 190 200 -210 515 71.86
02/04/2023 AZ High School & State Championships Joseph Schofield 1. R-M4 -83 74.5 77.5 -92.5 100 55 65 -70 122.5 -137.5 142.5 307.5 44.99
02/04/2023 AZ High School & State Championships David Amaya-Garcia 1. R-O -93 91.4 225 237.5 -245 142.5 -152.5 155 255 270 277.5 670 88.40
02/04/2023 AZ High School & State Championships German Gastelum 2. R-SJ -59 57.8 -112.5 -115 120 70 75 -80 107.5 115 -127.5 310 51.86
02/04/2023 AZ High School & State Championships Izak Cotney 1. R-SJ -74 72.6 142.5 155 162.5 95 102.5 -107.5 160 175 190 455 67.47
02/04/2023 AZ High School & State Championships Jacob Toledo 2. R-SJ -83 80.4 140 -152.5 -152.5 82.5 90 -95 185 197.5 -202.5 427.5 60.14
02/04/2023 Powerlifting America DMV Championships Rebecca Cermak 0. R-JR -76 74.3 -25 -25 -25 -25 -25 -25 -77.5 77.5 80 0 0.00
02/04/2023 Powerlifting America DMV Championships Heather McConnell 1. R-M1 -63 62.6 100 107.5 112.5 67.5 70 72.5 140 147.5 152.5 337.5 74.14
02/04/2023 Powerlifting America DMV Championships Stacia Proefrock 1. R-M2 84+ 116.5 105 115 120 55 57.5 60 140 150 -162.5 330 56.86
02/04/2023 Powerlifting America DMV Championships Lenore Gelb 1. R-M4 -76 71.5 75 80 85 45 47.5 50 105 112.5 120 255 51.83
02/04/2023 Powerlifting America DMV Championships Rebekah Samuels 1. R-O -76 75.4 77.5 -90 90 52.5 57.5 60 105 117.5 122.5 272.5 53.93
02/04/2023 Powerlifting America DMV Championships Jamaal Grimes 1. R-M1 -74 73.4 170 190 200 110 120 125 240 265 280 605 89.20
02/04/2023 Powerlifting America DMV Championships Vadim Snitkovsky 1. R-M1 -105 98.4 175 187.5 200 112.5 120 127.5 215 232.5 250 577.5 73.52
02/04/2023 Powerlifting America DMV Championships Victor Eichenwald 1. R-O -105 95.6 225 237.5 -245 152.5 -162.5 -162.5 305 320 -327.5 710 91.65
02/04/2023 Powerlifting America DMV Championships Alexander Mcneal 2. R-O -105 98 180 197.5 207.5 115 137.5 -142.5 210 -240 -240 555 70.79
02/04/2023 Powerlifting America DMV Championships Antonio Cawthorne 3. R-O -105 100.2 145 160 -195 112.5 122.5 132.5 175 235 245 537.5 67.84
02/04/2023 Powerlifting America DMV Championships Malcolm Stidham 1. R-O 120+ 154.8 170 180 190 110 -125 -125 -212.5 212.5 -225 512.5 53.76
02/04/2023 Powerlifting America DMV Championships Trace Haggard 1. R-SJ -66 63.2 110 120 130 60 65 -75 130 145 155 350 55.83
02/04/2023 Powerlifting America DMV Championships Arth Babbar 1. R-SJ -93 87.5 -100 100 110 75 80 87.5 -125 125 130 327.5 44.15
02/04/2023 Powerlifting America DMV Championships Trevor Klein 1. R-SJ -120 114.9 205 217.5 -227.5 175 180 185 210 225 -230 627.5 74.36
02/04/2023 PWRBLD Winter Open CJ Sullivan 1. R-PS -53 47.2 47.5 50 52.5 52.5 35.93
02/04/2023 PWRBLD Winter Open William Munson 1. R-JR 120+ 139.4 177.5 187.5 -200 187.5 74.41
02/04/2023 PWRBLD Winter Open Emma Klime 1. R-SJ -52 49.3 77.5 85 90 37.5 42.5 -45 97.5 107.5 115 247.5 65.50
02/04/2023 PWRBLD Winter Open Jessica Fargnoli 1. R-SJ -63 62.9 92.5 105 -112.5 65 -70 115 125 137.5 307.5 67.37
02/04/2023 PWRBLD Winter Open Amy Mason 1. R-M1 -63 62.9 135 142.5 145 70 72.5 75 157.5 165 170 390 85.45
02/04/2023 PWRBLD Winter Open Jennifer Varano 2. R-M1 -63 60.5 115 122.5 127.5 77.5 82.5 -87.5 127.5 132.5 140 350 78.65
02/04/2023 PWRBLD Winter Open Cathy Avery 1. R-M2 -69 63.8 115 120 -127.5 75 -80 80 130 137.5 142.5 342.5 74.34
02/04/2023 PWRBLD Winter Open Rebecca Rutkoski 1. R-M1 84+ 99.9 145 152.5 157.5 75 80 -82.5 142.5 150 157.5 395 70.47
02/04/2023 PWRBLD Winter Open Michele Ioannides 1. R-M2 84+ 125.8 107.5 -117.5 -117.5 57.5 62.5 67.5 120 137.5 -147.5 312.5 53.17
02/04/2023 PWRBLD Winter Open Desiree Heath 2. R-M1 84+ 87.7 90 97.5 102.5 62.5 67.5 -70 127.5 132.5 140 310 57.60
02/04/2023 PWRBLD Winter Open Amy Mason 1. R-O -63 62.9 135 142.5 145 70 72.5 75 157.5 165 170 390 85.45
02/04/2023 PWRBLD Winter Open Jennifer Varano 2. R-O -63 60.5 115 122.5 127.5 77.5 82.5 -87.5 127.5 132.5 140 350 78.65
02/04/2023 PWRBLD Winter Open CJ Sullivan 1. R-PS -53 47.2 47.5 50 52.5 52.5 9.80
02/04/2023 PWRBLD Winter Open Michael Cagliola 1. R-M2 -74 73.8 182.5 190 -195 130 135 -140 202.5 212.5 220 545 80.15
02/04/2023 PWRBLD Winter Open Shaun Eisenhauer 1. R-M3 -83 82.7 145 152.5 -160 100 105 110 172.5 182.5 192.5 455 63.10
02/04/2023 PWRBLD Winter Open Michael Garozzo 1. R-M1 -93 93 260 -282.5 282.5 140 147.5 155 275 300 -317.5 737.5 96.50
02/04/2023 PWRBLD Winter Open Robert Moore 1. R-M2 -105 98.8 165 182.5 -190 105 112.5 -122.5 167.5 182.5 -202.5 477.5 60.66
02/04/2023 PWRBLD Winter Open Mark Fisher 1. R-M1 -120 120 -230 230 -242.5 165 -170 -170 265 -270 660 76.73
02/04/2023 PWRBLD Winter Open Eliott Stephany 1. R-O -74 69.8 -127.5 127.5 -140 67.5 72.5 82.5 137.5 145 157.5 367.5 55.63
02/04/2023 PWRBLD Winter Open Michael Garozzo 1. R-O -93 93 260 -282.5 282.5 140 147.5 155 275 300 -317.5 737.5 96.50
02/04/2023 PWRBLD Winter Open Benjamin Edelman 2. R-O -93 87.3 152.5 165 175 90 100 105 225 235 -245 515 69.52
02/04/2023 PWRBLD Winter Open Dwardly Edouard 1. R-O -105 98 -287.5 300 320 192.5 202.5 -210 330 -352.5 352.5 875 111.62
02/04/2023 PWRBLD Winter Open Robert Hill 2. R-O -105 103.6 227.5 242.5 252.5 165 175 -182.5 252.5 267.5 280 707.5 87.91
02/04/2023 PWRBLD Winter Open Sean Kim 3. R-O -105 103.5 205 217.5 -227.5 150 155 -160 240 250 -260 622.5 77.37
02/04/2023 PWRBLD Winter Open Robert Moore 4. R-O -105 98.8 165 182.5 -190 105 112.5 -122.5 167.5 182.5 -202.5 477.5 60.66
02/04/2023 PWRBLD Winter Open Romar Paul Harayo 1. R-O -120 114.8 295 -310 -325 175 185 190 295 320 -335 805 95.43
02/04/2023 PWRBLD Winter Open Emanuel carrasquillo 1. R-O 120+ 123.9 305 320 332.5 185 192.5 -202.5 220 232.5 250 775 88.86
02/04/2023 PWRBLD Winter Open Gabriel Herschman 2. R-O 120+ 124.1 215 227.5 -237.5 145 147.5 -152.5 215 220 222.5 597.5 68.46
02/04/2023 PWRBLD Winter Open Kyle Snedeker 1. R-SJ -66 65.3 115 122.5 -132.5 72.5 82.5 87.5 137.5 157.5 170 380 59.57
02/04/2023 PWRBLD Winter Open William Goodman 1. R-SJ -74 73 170 177.5 187.5 130 140 147.5 142.5 150 162.5 497.5 73.56
02/04/2023 PWRBLD Winter Open Eliott Stephany 2. R-SJ -74 69.8 -127.5 127.5 -140 67.5 72.5 82.5 137.5 145 157.5 367.5 55.63
02/04/2023 PWRBLD Winter Open Sean Duthie 2. R-SJ -93 91 175 190 195 117.5 125 127.5 170 180 -192.5 502.5 66.46
02/04/2023 PWRBLD Winter Open Benjamin Edelman 1. R-SJ -93 87.3 152.5 165 175 90 100 105 225 235 -245 515 69.52
02/04/2023 PWRBLD Winter Open Robert Hill 1. R-JR -105 103.6 227.5 242.5 252.5 165 175 -182.5 252.5 267.5 280 707.5 87.91
02/04/2023 PWRBLD Winter Open Michael Mitchell 0. R-JR -120 111 -195 -195 -195 102.5 -110 110 0 0.00
01/28/2023 Capitol City Clash Megan Walter 1. R-M1 84+ 104.9 60 67.5 -72.5 67.5 48.46
01/28/2023 Capitol City Clash Madison Shelton 1. R-JR -52 51.4 95 105 110 45 50 -57.5 120 132.5 140 300 76.52
01/28/2023 Capitol City Clash Rebecca Main 1. R-O -84 77 85 -90 -90 62.5 67.5 70 100 102.5 105 260 50.95
01/28/2023 Capitol City Clash Mikayla Vonlangen 1. R-SJ -84 80.3 122.5 127.5 -130 57.5 60 -62.5 155 165 -175 352.5 67.80
01/28/2023 Capitol City Clash Olivia White-Cogdill 2. R-SJ -84 76.1 60 82.5 -102.5 -30 30 -52.5 82.5 -110 110 222.5 43.84
01/28/2023 Capitol City Clash Colton Phillips 1. R-JR -66 65.4 75 -100 -100 75 -100 -100 75 -80 -80 225 35.24
01/28/2023 Capitol City Clash Trey Forrest 1. R-JR 120+ 160.1 257.5 280 300 150 165 -182.5 255 -275 -280 720 74.61
01/28/2023 Capitol City Clash Britton Ford 1. R-O -59 59 160 165 172.5 85 92.5 97.5 170 182.5 190 460 76.12
01/28/2023 Capitol City Clash Steven Lindblom 1. R-O -83 82.1 135 142.5 150 102.5 -105 -105 165 -167.5 -167.5 417.5 58.11
01/28/2023 Capitol City Clash Jacob Behnk 1. R-O -105 95.3 160 167.5 172.5 60 -65 -65 205 212.5 217.5 450 58.18
01/28/2023 Capitol City Clash Britton Ford 1. R-SJ -59 59 160 165 172.5 85 92.5 97.5 170 182.5 190 460 76.12
01/28/2023 ABQ Barbell Qualifier Carlos Santoliquido 1. R-O -120 108.8 25 25 25 75 9.11
01/28/2023 ABQ Barbell Qualifier Mandy Buenaventa 1. R-O 84+ 128 25 25 25 75 12.73
01/21/2023 Winter Classic Anne Tyler 1. R-SJ -84 80.9 70 80 105 35 -50 -60 85 140 147.5 287.5 55.13
01/21/2023 Winter Classic Anthony Mcnaughton 1. R-JR -105 103.6 300 322.5 335 210 225 -230 305 325 340 900 111.82
01/21/2023 Winter Classic Ashley Borza 1. R-O -63 62.2 -102.5 110 -117.5 55 62.5 -65 137.5 147.5 155 327.5 72.25
01/21/2023 Winter Classic Audrey Miller 1. R-O -84 78 175 182.5 190 97.5 100 -105 205 217.5 -227.5 507.5 98.87
01/21/2023 Winter Classic Blake Ault 1. R-O -120 119.7 237.5 250 -260 145 152.5 160 242.5 257.5 272.5 682.5 79.44
01/21/2023 Winter Classic Devyn Pioli 1. R-O -83 82 210 230 245 130 137.5 142.5 230 255 270 657.5 91.60
01/21/2023 Winter Classic Dustin Nicholson 2. R-O -93 92.2 182.5 195 200 105 112.5 115 182.5 197.5 205 520 68.31
01/21/2023 Winter Classic Ellen Trainham 2. R-O -63 57.7 75 92.5 100 42.5 -47.5 -47.5 130 140 145 287.5 66.83
01/21/2023 Winter Classic Kelly Devins 1. R-M1 -52 48.3 75 80 87.5 -40 -40 40 85 100 102.5 230 62.09
01/21/2023 Winter Classic Kenny Macumber 1. R-JR -93 92.4 185 197.5 202.5 120 -130 -130 230 245 257.5 580 76.14
01/21/2023 Winter Classic Lindsay Field 1. R-O 84+ 125.9 175 185 195 62.5 72.5 -77.5 202.5 215 -227.5 482.5 82.09
01/21/2023 Winter Classic Lydia Frick 1. R-JR -76 75 140 150 155 70 75 -77.5 150 162.5 170 400 79.36
01/21/2023 Winter Classic Madeline Owczarzak 1. R-SJ -69 64 57.5 67.5 -75 47.5 52.5 -57.5 82.5 95 102.5 222.5 48.19
01/21/2023 Winter Classic Richard Owczarzak 1. R-M1 -93 92.8 145 165 175 95 100 -105 165 185 200 475 62.21
01/21/2023 Winter Classic Vadim Ogiyevich 2. R-O -83 81.5 160 170 175 92.5 97.5 102.5 200 -210 -225 477.5 66.73
01/21/2023 Winter Classic Victoria Ralston 1. R-PS -57 55.9 35 40 45 15 20 22.5 -37.5 42.5 45 112.5 26.78
01/21/2023 Winter Classic Wilkenson Joseph 1. R-SJ -105 101 215 225 235 132.5 -145 147.5 240 260 267.5 650 81.75
01/21/2023 Ft. Myers Open - Around the Clock Fitness Championships Amy Hutchison 1. R-M1 -84 83.9 140 150 155 72.5 77.5 80 150 160 170 405 76.53
01/21/2023 Ft. Myers Open - Around the Clock Fitness Championships Andrea Pettyjohn 1. O 84+ 123.8 110 -112.5 -112.5 77.5 82.5 87.5 130 140 145 342.5 48.10
01/21/2023 Ft. Myers Open - Around the Clock Fitness Championships Antony Dyer 1. M1 -120 106.7 125 130 -140 120 130 135 130 140 150 415 42.11
01/21/2023 Ft. Myers Open - Around the Clock Fitness Championships Antony Dyer 1. O -120 106.7 125 130 -140 120 130 135 130 140 150 415 42.11
01/21/2023 Ft. Myers Open - Around the Clock Fitness Championships Brandon Kissel 1. R-O -66 65.5 157.5 165 -170 92.5 102.5 105 192.5 200 -202.5 470 73.56
01/21/2023 Ft. Myers Open - Around the Clock Fitness Championships Brian Kidder 3. R-M1 -83 79.9 125 132.5 137.5 92.5 97.5 102.5 145 152.5 160 400 56.45
01/21/2023 Ft. Myers Open - Around the Clock Fitness Championships Bruce Kyle 1. R-M2 -83 80.7 117.5 125 130 130 66.25
01/21/2023 Ft. Myers Open - Around the Clock Fitness Championships Clair Hennebach 1. R-O -84 82.9 75 87.5 95 95 18.03
01/21/2023 Ft. Myers Open - Around the Clock Fitness Championships David Jenkins 1. R-M2 -93 90 140 152.5 165 100 107.5 -115 190 205 -227.5 477.5 63.49
01/21/2023 Ft. Myers Open - Around the Clock Fitness Championships Dennis Blackmore 2. R-O 120+ 124.7 -140 140 147.5 125 -127.5 -127.5 182.5 190 200 472.5 54.03
01/21/2023 Ft. Myers Open - Around the Clock Fitness Championships Erin Riddle 1. R-O -63 57.4 122.5 130 135 62.5 65 67.5 130 137.5 145 347.5 81.08
01/21/2023 Ft. Myers Open - Around the Clock Fitness Championships Fernando Carballo 1. R-JR -74 73.4 165 170 -175 120 125 130 210 220 227.5 527.5 77.76
01/21/2023 Ft. Myers Open - Around the Clock Fitness Championships Gary Edwards 1. M4 -105 101.6 -167.5 167.5 185 162.5 -170 170 -205 205 227.5 582.5 60.46
01/21/2023 Ft. Myers Open - Around the Clock Fitness Championships Jackson Peacock 1. R-JR -105 100.7 137.5 -155 155 85 90 -95 132.5 145 160 405 51.00
01/21/2023 Ft. Myers Open - Around the Clock Fitness Championships Jeff Szymanski 1. R-M3 -74 71.4 110 120 125 125 67.96
01/21/2023 Ft. Myers Open - Around the Clock Fitness Championships Jennifer Senffner 1. R-M1 84+ 108.9 95 110 112.5 45 50 -55 100 112.5 117.5 280 48.90
01/21/2023 Ft. Myers Open - Around the Clock Fitness Championships John Hagen 1. R-M4 -83 81.2 -110 -110 130 90 -100 -100 165 182.5 190 410 57.41
01/21/2023 Ft. Myers Open - Around the Clock Fitness Championships Juan Trejos 1. R-SJ -66 64.9 127.5 137.5 145 65 67.5 -72.5 150 157.5 167.5 380 59.77
01/21/2023 Ft. Myers Open - Around the Clock Fitness Championships Larry Nash 1. R-M3 -83 77.3 175 182.5 190 127.5 132.5 135 185 195 205 530 76.10
01/21/2023 Ft. Myers Open - Around the Clock Fitness Championships Lawrence Milford Sr. 1. R-O -83 78.5 105 110 115 115 16.38
01/21/2023 Ft. Myers Open - Around the Clock Fitness Championships Leslie Abbott 1. R-O -76 71.1 107.5 115 120 60 62.5 67.5 125 140 142.5 330 67.25
01/21/2023 Ft. Myers Open - Around the Clock Fitness Championships Marisa Ruland 2. R-O 84+ 88.2 142.5 150 160 85 92.5 95 75 330 61.19
01/21/2023 Ft. Myers Open - Around the Clock Fitness Championships Nicholas Miele 2. R-M1 -83 80.5 132.5 140 -150 -107.5 -110 115 150 167.5 172.5 427.5 60.10
01/21/2023 Ft. Myers Open - Around the Clock Fitness Championships Owen Ward 1. R-O -105 101.5 247.5 260 -275 165 -175 175 290 305 -322.5 740 92.85
01/21/2023 Ft. Myers Open - Around the Clock Fitness Championships Robert Peters 1. R-M1 -83 81.5 182.5 -192.5 202.5 117.5 -125 130 190 202.5 212.5 545 76.14
01/21/2023 Ft. Myers Open - Around the Clock Fitness Championships Rowland Hoskins Iii 1. R-SJ -93 92 150 160 175 100 105 110 175 195 210 495 65.10
01/21/2023 Ft. Myers Open - Around the Clock Fitness Championships Sara Sosa-Garcia 1. R-O 84+ 86.8 137.5 147.5 157.5 70 77.5 -82.5 165 175 185 420 78.34
01/21/2023 Ft. Myers Open - Around the Clock Fitness Championships Sean Orso 1. R-JR -59 58.8 135 145 155 87.5 92.5 97.5 190 200 210 462.5 76.66
01/21/2023 Ft. Myers Open - Around the Clock Fitness Championships Steven Howard 2. R-O -105 102.6 187.5 220 227.5 135 142.5 155 220 235 240 622.5 77.68
01/21/2023 Ft. Myers Open - Around the Clock Fitness Championships Travis Strand 1. R-O -93 91.9 175 182.5 200 -140 147.5 155 205 215 -227.5 570 75.00
01/14/2023 2023 Bench Press National Championships Claudia Nagata 1. M2 -69 63.3 65 72.5 -77.5 72.5 43.64
01/14/2023 2023 Bench Press National Championships Michal Harris 1. M2 -84 83.6 47.5 50 52.5 52.5 27.47
01/14/2023 2023 Bench Press National Championships Dora Justice 1. M3 -57 56.4 70 -80 -82.5 70 45.57
01/14/2023 2023 Bench Press National Championships Maura Shuttleworth 1. O -57 56.4 110 117.5 -127.5 117.5 76.50
01/14/2023 2023 Bench Press National Championships Megan Richard 1. R-JR -69 68.4 77.5 -82.5 82.5 82.5 66.04
01/14/2023 2023 Bench Press National Championships Faith Clough 1. R-M1 -63 61 60 65 -75 65 55.30
01/14/2023 2023 Bench Press National Championships Rachael Diehl 1. R-M1 -84 82.1 60 65 70 70 52.54
01/14/2023 2023 Bench Press National Championships Sarah Wages 1. R-M1 84+ 131.5 92.5 100 105 105 74.20
01/14/2023 2023 Bench Press National Championships Cynthia Line 1. R-M2 -76 74.8 72.5 77.5 82.5 82.5 63.73
01/14/2023 2023 Bench Press National Championships Michal Harris 1. R-M2 -84 83.3 47.5 -55 -55 47.5 35.51
01/14/2023 2023 Bench Press National Championships Dora Justice 1. R-M3 -57 56.2 65 70 -75 70 62.90
01/14/2023 2023 Bench Press National Championships Susan Gibson 1. R-M3 -69 66.3 57.5 60 -62.5 60 48.76
01/14/2023 2023 Bench Press National Championships Heather Heywood 1. R-O -57 56.6 25 30 -35 30 26.83
01/14/2023 2023 Bench Press National Championships Chelsea Savit 1. R-O -69 68.9 117.5 125 -127.5 125 99.74
01/14/2023 2023 Bench Press National Championships Sara Shelton 1. R-O 84+ 92.5 72.5 77.5 -80 77.5 56.65
01/14/2023 2023 Bench Press National Championships Amelia Gercken 1. R-SJ -76 74.6 60 65 67.5 67.5 52.19
01/14/2023 2023 Bench Press National Championships Steve Petrencak 1. M2 -74 67.1 137.5 150 -160 150 63.99
01/14/2023 2023 Bench Press National Championships William Thacker 1. M2 -105 103.9 240 245 -247.5 245 76.47
01/14/2023 2023 Bench Press National Championships Mike Ferrantelli 2. M2 -105 104.2 105 -237.5 105 32.73
01/14/2023 2023 Bench Press National Championships Steve Davenport 1. M2 120+ 130.2 -227.5 227.5 -232.5 227.5 65.21
01/14/2023 2023 Bench Press National Championships Michael Rodriguez 1. M3 -74 73.4 135 145 152.5 152.5 59.84
01/14/2023 2023 Bench Press National Championships Daniel Sides 2. M3 -74 73.5 142.5 147.5 -155 147.5 57.78
01/14/2023 2023 Bench Press National Championships Thomas Cencich 1. M3 -93 92.5 100 210 -212.5 210 69.70
01/14/2023 2023 Bench Press National Championships Dana Rosenzweig 1. M3 -105 95.2 145 147.5 160 160 52.22
01/14/2023 2023 Bench Press National Championships Frank Veselicky 2. M3 -105 100.5 140 145 -155 145 46.00
01/14/2023 2023 Bench Press National Championships Robert Keller 1. M3 -120 120 105 110 112.5 112.5 33.10
01/14/2023 2023 Bench Press National Championships Bill Helmich 1. M4 -93 87.8 60 65 70 70 23.98
01/14/2023 2023 Bench Press National Championships Adam Mamola 1. O -83 82.7 100 265 272.5 272.5 97.24
01/14/2023 2023 Bench Press National Championships Luke Hanifen 2. O -83 78.9 100 205 215 215 79.50
01/14/2023 2023 Bench Press National Championships Jordan Kummer 1. O -93 90.1 150 155 157.5 157.5 53.09
01/14/2023 2023 Bench Press National Championships Austin Brown 1. O -105 104.7 -295 295 -315 295 91.72
01/14/2023 2023 Bench Press National Championships Jared Weers 2. O -105 102.2 137.5 147.5 152.5 152.5 47.96
01/14/2023 2023 Bench Press National Championships Jack Solomon 1. R-JR -66 64.1 110 122.5 -130 122.5 70.63
01/14/2023 2023 Bench Press National Championships Brady Graceffa 1. R-JR -74 70.8 105 112.5 120 120 65.52
01/14/2023 2023 Bench Press National Championships John Tyler 1. R-JR -93 92.7 182.5 -187.5 182.5 86.72
01/14/2023 2023 Bench Press National Championships Colton Patrick 2. R-JR -93 84.2 142.5 150 -155 150 74.82
01/14/2023 2023 Bench Press National Championships Jonathan Losa 1. R-M1 -83 82.4 185 195 -203.5 195 98.31
01/14/2023 2023 Bench Press National Championships Shane Heywood 2. R-M1 -83 82.8 142.5 -152.5 -152.5 142.5 71.69
01/14/2023 2023 Bench Press National Championships Kenneth Cameron 1. R-M1 -120 119.3 170 175 -177.5 175 74.01
01/14/2023 2023 Bench Press National Championships Steve Petrencak 1. R-M2 -66 65.9 125 135 -140.5 135 76.67
01/14/2023 2023 Bench Press National Championships Todd Solomon 1. R-M2 -74 68.5 110 120 -125 120 66.70
01/14/2023 2023 Bench Press National Championships Joseph McAuliffe 1. R-M2 -83 82.3 -165 165 -172.5 165 83.27
01/14/2023 2023 Bench Press National Championships Jason Ross 2. R-M2 -83 82.6 -142.5 -150 150 150 75.55
01/14/2023 2023 Bench Press National Championships Edward Ruland 1. R-M2 -93 92.7 160 170 -175 170 80.80
01/14/2023 2023 Bench Press National Championships Troy Casa 2. R-M2 -93 91.2 97.5 107.5 -110 107.5 51.50
01/14/2023 2023 Bench Press National Championships Chris Walter 1. R-M2 -105 101.5 165 175 182.5 182.5 83.04
01/14/2023 2023 Bench Press National Championships Richard Schulze 2. R-M2 -105 97.6 -97.5 -97.5 97.5 97.5 45.19
01/14/2023 2023 Bench Press National Championships Steve Davenport 1. R-M2 120+ 131 170 -185 185 185 75.25
01/14/2023 2023 Bench Press National Championships Steven Edwards 1. R-M3 -66 64.5 90 100 -107.5 100 57.46
01/14/2023 2023 Bench Press National Championships Daniel Sides 1. R-M3 -74 73.7 125 130 -132.5 130 69.48
01/14/2023 2023 Bench Press National Championships Michael Rodriguez 2. R-M3 -74 73.1 122.5 127.5 -132.5 127.5 68.46
01/14/2023 2023 Bench Press National Championships Carlos Lewis 1. R-M3 -83 79.9 122.5 132.5 137.5 137.5 70.43
01/14/2023 2023 Bench Press National Championships Thomas Cencich 1. R-M3 -93 92.4 130 135 140 140 66.65
01/14/2023 2023 Bench Press National Championships Dana Rosenzweig 2. R-M3 -93 91.7 115 125 127.5 127.5 60.93
01/14/2023 2023 Bench Press National Championships Kenneth Bennett 1. R-M3 -105 100.1 125 127.5 130 130 59.53
01/14/2023 2023 Bench Press National Championships Frank Veselicky 2. R-M3 -105 100.1 -110 115 -120 115 52.66
01/14/2023 2023 Bench Press National Championships Todd Peterson 3. R-M3 -105 97.5 97.5 105 110 110 51.02
01/14/2023 2023 Bench Press National Championships Shahriar Loniakan 0. R-M3 -105 101.6 -115 -115 -115 0 0.00
01/14/2023 2023 Bench Press National Championships James Ray 1. R-M3 -120 119.4 160 -172.5 -172.5 160 67.66
01/14/2023 2023 Bench Press National Championships Mel Tatsumi 1. R-M4 -59 57.2 45 45 27.63
01/14/2023 2023 Bench Press National Championships Gary Reale 1. R-M4 -74 73.1 87.5 92.5 95 95 51.01
01/14/2023 2023 Bench Press National Championships Edward Regua 1. R-M4 -93 86.7 80 87.5 95 95 46.67
01/14/2023 2023 Bench Press National Championships Seth Howard 1. R-O -74 73 145 152.5 155 155 83.26
01/14/2023 2023 Bench Press National Championships Oliver Saah 2. R-O -74 70.3 137.5 147.5 -152.5 147.5 80.88
01/14/2023 2023 Bench Press National Championships Mykhailo Zabrodin 1. R-O -83 82.9 190 200 -204 200 100.52
01/14/2023 2023 Bench Press National Championships Jared Pawlik 2. R-O -83 82.3 117.5 120 -125 120 60.54
01/14/2023 2023 Bench Press National Championships Jordan Harris 1. R-O -93 91.8 200 205 207.5 207.5 99.10
01/14/2023 2023 Bench Press National Championships Ryan Baylark 2. R-O -93 92.7 -200 205 -210 205 97.41
01/14/2023 2023 Bench Press National Championships Oleksandr Zabrodin 3. R-O -93 90.5 140 150 160 160 76.94
01/14/2023 2023 Bench Press National Championships Justin Rogers 1. R-O -105 101.9 215 225 230 230 104.44
01/14/2023 2023 Bench Press National Championships Kaden Hush 1. R-O -120 118.2 220 235 247.5 247.5 105.12
01/14/2023 2023 Bench Press National Championships James Kellerman 1. R-SJ -105 102 157.5 167.5 170 170 77.17
01/13/2023 Last Chance Bench Press National Qualifier Troy Casa 1. R-M2 -93 91.7 25 25 3.29
01/13/2023 Last Chance Bench Press National Qualifier Deuce Gruden 1. R-O -83 82.5 25 25 25 75 10.41
01/07/2023 WSS Get Your QT Kianna Arthur 1. R-JR -63 60.1 87.5 97.5 -110 -45 45 -52.5 105 112.5 122.5 265 59.83
01/07/2023 WSS Get Your QT Rakelle Stewart 1. R-JR -84 82 80 85 87.5 40 42.5 45 85 92.5 100 232.5 44.33
01/07/2023 WSS Get Your QT Jade Cuellar 1. R-JR 84+ 98.2 85 95 105 52.5 60 65 110 115 125 295 52.88
01/07/2023 WSS Get Your QT Angela Stone 1. R-M1 -76 70.3 107.5 112.5 117.5 67.5 70 75 130 140 145 337.5 69.21
01/07/2023 WSS Get Your QT Jamie Fisher 1. R-O -52 51.4 110 120 125 70 80 90 145 155 165 380 97.00
01/07/2023 WSS Get Your QT Tyler Fox 0. O -93 89.3 -200 -200 -200 0 0.00
01/07/2023 WSS Get Your QT Nolan Coglianese 1. R-JR -74 74 165 175 185 92.5 100 107.5 187.5 195 207.5 500 73.41
01/07/2023 WSS Get Your QT Mario Montes 3. R-JR -74 72.9 105 112.5 137.5 87.5 -95 95 130 137.5 142.5 375 55.48
01/07/2023 WSS Get Your QT Braeden Haught 0. R-JR -74 72 102.5 107.5 110 -75 -75 -75 142.5 150 -182.5 0 0.00
01/07/2023 WSS Get Your QT Jacob Bernal 1. R-JR -93 92.4 180 190 200 145 -152.5 152.5 192.5 200 210 562.5 73.84
01/07/2023 WSS Get Your QT Matt Bernal 1. R-JR -105 104.4 -182.5 182.5 187.5 152.5 160 -167.5 190 197.5 202.5 550 68.10
01/07/2023 WSS Get Your QT Jesus Ellin Jr. 1. R-JR 120+ 130.5 200 210 220 147.5 155 -160 227.5 250 255 630 70.68
01/07/2023 WSS Get Your QT Thomas Tombler 1. R-M1 -93 83.8 142.5 150 155 145 155 -160 177.5 190 -202.5 500 68.90
01/07/2023 WSS Get Your QT Jared Stone 1. R-M1 -120 112.3 200 120 125 150 175 200 525 62.86
01/07/2023 WSS Get Your QT Nicholas Farison 1. R-O -74 73.8 227.5 240 247.5 147.5 155 160 227.5 240 252.5 660 97.03
01/07/2023 WSS Get Your QT Paul Benson 2. R-JR -74 73.2 160 170 180 92.5 -97.5 100 192.5 205 215 495 73.08
01/07/2023 WSS Get Your QT Uriel Perez 1. R-SJ 120+ 124.9 185 195 215 -130 142.5 160 205 -222.5 -222.5 580 66.27
12/18/2022 Duke City Showdown #2 Claudia Nagata 1. M2 -69 63.4 50 40 65 155 27.88
12/18/2022 Duke City Showdown #2 Juanita Najera 1. R-G -57 54.4 75 55 75 205 49.86
12/18/2022 Duke City Showdown #2 Shanti Khalsa 1. R-O -84 83.9 97.5 110 117.5 50 55 -60 110 125 137.5 310 58.58
12/18/2022 Duke City Showdown #2 Shanti Khalsa 0. R-SJ -84 83.9 97.5 110 117.5 50 55 -60 110 125 137.5 310 58.58
12/18/2022 Duke City Showdown #2 Thomas Cencich 1. M3 -93 91.4 175 -190 190 190 202.5 207.5 185 202.5 207.5 605 66.23
12/18/2022 Duke City Showdown #2 Roman Florez 1. R-JR -66 64.9 172.5 180 185 145 -150 -150 205 220 230 560 88.11
12/18/2022 Duke City Showdown #2 Emilio Bazan 1. R-JR -83 78 165 177.5 185 122.5 -130 137.5 200 212.5 220 542.5 77.54
12/18/2022 Duke City Showdown #2 Cody Hanson 1. R-M1 120+ 151 60 82.5 102.5 110 252.5 26.73
12/18/2022 Duke City Showdown #2 Stephen Rael 1. R-O -74 69.2 37.5 -45 47.5 37.5 45 -57.5 95 100 -110 192.5 29.28
12/18/2022 Duke City Showdown #2 Mathew Berry 1. R-O -93 93 220 227.5 -232.5 165 170 -180 -255 255 -260 652.5 85.38
12/18/2022 Duke City Showdown #2 Andrew Salazar 2. R-O -93 84 147.5 155 162.5 105 107.5 112.5 195 200 207.5 482.5 66.39
12/18/2022 Duke City Showdown #2 Cody James Hanson 1. R-SJ -59 56.5 50 57.5 62.5 42.5 45 47.5 92.5 97.5 102.5 212.5 35.99
12/18/2022 Duke City Showdown #2 Arjuna Delph 1. R-SJ -105 99.4 125 -145 -145 -85 85 -92.5 145 -175 -175 355 44.98
12/18/2022 Powerlifting America Bench Press National Qualifier Rachael Diehl 1. R-M1 -84 84 25 25 18.65
12/18/2022 Powerlifting America Bench Press National Qualifier Richard Schulze 1. R-M2 -105 103 75 75 33.88
12/18/2022 Powerlifting America Bench Press National Qualifier Oliver Saah 1. R-O -74 73 75 75 40.29
12/17/2022 2022 Powerlifting America Holiday Hoedown Dustin Tobacco 1. R-O 120+ 130.6 80 87.5 92.5 92.5 10.37
12/17/2022 2022 Powerlifting America Holiday Hoedown Emma Klime 1. R-PS -52 47.6 77.5 82.5 -87.5 37.5 40 -42.5 95 105 107.5 230 62.97
12/17/2022 2022 Powerlifting America Holiday Hoedown Ashley Serrao 1. R-JR -57 56.9 -62.5 70 -82.5 35 40 -45 95 105 115 225 52.85
12/17/2022 2022 Powerlifting America Holiday Hoedown Amelia Gercken 1. R-O -76 73.9 102.5 112.5 -125 55 60 65 102.5 115 122.5 300 59.97
12/17/2022 2022 Powerlifting America Holiday Hoedown Erlyna Morgan 1. R-JR 84+ 111.4 177.5 187.5 -190 82.5 -87.5 87.5 177.5 197.5 210 485 84.31
12/17/2022 2022 Powerlifting America Holiday Hoedown Lindsay Rubel 1. R-M1 -76 74.9 150 157.5 -162.5 77.5 87.5 -97.5 142.5 147.5 155 400 79.44
12/17/2022 2022 Powerlifting America Holiday Hoedown Michele Ioannides 1. R-M2 84+ 127.5 105 115 117.5 62.5 65 67.5 135 142.5 150 335 56.89
12/17/2022 2022 Powerlifting America Holiday Hoedown Candace Ovid 2. R-M2 84+ 109.1 72.5 77.5 82.5 60 62.5 65 105 112.5 117.5 265 46.27
12/17/2022 2022 Powerlifting America Holiday Hoedown Julia Williams 1. R-O -63 62.4 25 155 -167.5 25 70 80 75 165 182.5 417.5 91.96
12/17/2022 2022 Powerlifting America Holiday Hoedown Christina Peracchi 2. R-O -63 58.1 135 142.5 -150 90 95 100 165 172.5 -185 415 95.98
12/17/2022 2022 Powerlifting America Holiday Hoedown Meghan Scanlon 1. R-O -69 63.1 175 182.5 190 130 137.5 142.5 185 195 205 537.5 117.48
12/17/2022 2022 Powerlifting America Holiday Hoedown Clelia Vasilenko 2. R-O -69 68.5 125 -130 130 -62.5 65 -70 147.5 155 162.5 357.5 74.37
12/17/2022 2022 Powerlifting America Holiday Hoedown Christina Peters 3. R-O -69 67.9 90 -100 -100 60 65 -70 105 112.5 122.5 277.5 58.01
12/17/2022 2022 Powerlifting America Holiday Hoedown Camille Bean 1. R-O -84 83.1 140 147.5 152.5 75 80 -82.5 150 157.5 -167.5 390 73.98
12/17/2022 2022 Powerlifting America Holiday Hoedown Erlyna Morgan 1. R-O 84+ 111.4 177.5 187.5 -190 82.5 -87.5 87.5 177.5 197.5 210 485 84.31
12/17/2022 2022 Powerlifting America Holiday Hoedown Claudio Lora 1. M3 -93 86.4 217.5 230 240 127.5 135 140 192.5 207.5 215 595 67.15
12/17/2022 2022 Powerlifting America Holiday Hoedown Edward Tiedge 1. R-M3 -105 102.5 147.5 -152.5 -152.5 120 -127.5 -127.5 195 205 210 477.5 59.62
12/17/2022 2022 Powerlifting America Holiday Hoedown Richard Acosta 1. R-M2 -120 118.7 215 -225 225 130 137.5 142.5 240 255 -260 622.5 72.72
12/17/2022 2022 Powerlifting America Holiday Hoedown Jonathan Jurewicz 1. R-M1 -120 114 147.5 155 162.5 70 -75 75 165 177.5 182.5 420 49.94
12/17/2022 2022 Powerlifting America Holiday Hoedown Adib Sarwar 1. R-O -59 55 160 -170 170 80 85 -90 170 180 -190 435 74.74
12/17/2022 2022 Powerlifting America Holiday Hoedown Adam Espinosa 1. R-O -66 65.9 147.5 150 155 97.5 100 -102.5 190 200 -205 455 71.01
12/17/2022 2022 Powerlifting America Holiday Hoedown Connor Foster 1. R-O -74 72.6 150 -157.5 157.5 100 107.5 112.5 202.5 215 220 490 72.65
12/17/2022 2022 Powerlifting America Holiday Hoedown Marcus Mcfadden 1. R-O -83 80.1 215 235 237.5 105 112.5 115 242.5 257.5 -267.5 610 85.98
12/17/2022 2022 Powerlifting America Holiday Hoedown Tyrell Cook 2. R-O -83 79.3 205 215 -227.5 122.5 130 137.5 215 235 -250 587.5 83.23
12/17/2022 2022 Powerlifting America Holiday Hoedown Allan Morelos 1. R-O -93 90.7 210 212.5 -215 145 -147.5 147.5 247.5 -267.5 -267.5 607.5 80.45
12/17/2022 2022 Powerlifting America Holiday Hoedown Amaan Khullar 2. R-O -93 90.2 150 160 167.5 90 95 -102.5 185 200 -210 462.5 61.44
12/17/2022 2022 Powerlifting America Holiday Hoedown Robert Barron 1. R-O -105 96.7 225 240 -250 140 150 155 252.5 -275 275 670 86.01
12/17/2022 2022 Powerlifting America Holiday Hoedown Gabriel Quintanilla 2. R-O -105 100.8 215 227.5 235 162.5 167.5 170 227.5 237.5 245 650 81.82
12/17/2022 2022 Powerlifting America Holiday Hoedown Martin Agoes 1. R-O -120 118.9 275 287.5 -290 182.5 202.5 -220 260 280 -282.5 770 89.87
12/17/2022 2022 Powerlifting America Holiday Hoedown Ryan Memoli 2. R-O -120 120 225 -237.5 -237.5 185 -190 -190 250 -260 -260 660 76.72
12/17/2022 2022 Powerlifting America Holiday Hoedown Genaro Chavez 3. R-O -120 117.2 227.5 -237.5 237.5 127.5 135 -137.5 235 242.5 -250 615 72.24
12/17/2022 2022 Powerlifting America Holiday Hoedown Matthew Deans 1. R-SJ -83 79.7 90 100 105 62.5 65 70 132.5 142.5 -150 317.5 44.87
12/17/2022 2022 Powerlifting America Holiday Hoedown Josh Foote 1. R-JR -105 103.2 235 250 265 152.5 160 167.5 252.5 272.5 285 717.5 89.30
12/17/2022 2022 Powerlifting America Holiday Hoedown Liam Buday 2. R-JR -105 97.4 200 210 215 130 137.5 -140 202.5 215 227.5 580 74.20
12/17/2022 2022 Powerlifting America Holiday Hoedown SHEREEN SAMRA 1. R-O 84+ 86.5 80 85 -90 152.5 162.5 175 260 48.56
12/17/2022 2022 Powerlifting America Holiday Hoedown Alexander Grass 1. R-O -120 120 -117.5 117.5 -120 182.5 207.5 227.5 345 40.10
12/11/2022 2022 CRCL Classic Isabel Olivarez 1. R-SJ -63 63 60 65 67.5 67.5 56.35
12/11/2022 2022 CRCL Classic Luke Hanifen 1. R-O -83 77.8 100 120 140 140 72.74
12/11/2022 2022 CRCL Classic Ryan Baylark 1. R-O -93 92.7 195 202.5 -212.5 202.5 96.25
12/11/2022 2022 CRCL Classic Isabel Olivarez 1. R-SJ -63 63 117.5 130 -137.5 130 28.46
12/11/2022 2022 CRCL Classic Natalie Hanson 1. O -76 75.6 210 222.5 227.5 165 170 -175 165 170 175 572.5 94.19
12/11/2022 2022 CRCL Classic Lily Falcone 1. R-SJ -47 45.6 102.5 107.5 112.5 45 50 -52.5 107.5 117.5 125 287.5 82.27
12/11/2022 2022 CRCL Classic Rebecca Loegel 1. R-M1 -63 62.8 85 87.5 95 70 77.5 85 132.5 142.5 150 330 72.38
12/11/2022 2022 CRCL Classic Janet Trevino 1. R-M1 -84 80.9 95 102.5 110 57.5 62.5 -67.5 140 152.5 157.5 330 63.28
12/11/2022 2022 CRCL Classic Loraine Efron 1. R-M2 -63 57.6 82.5 87.5 92.5 45 47.5 50 92.5 -100 100 242.5 56.48
12/11/2022 2022 CRCL Classic Missy Wheeler 1. R-M2 -69 67.8 92.5 100 102.5 67.5 72.5 75 127.5 137.5 140 317.5 66.46
12/11/2022 2022 CRCL Classic Anna Gonzalez 1. R-O -52 51.5 82.5 92.5 97.5 50 55 -60 115 122.5 -125 275 70.08
12/11/2022 2022 CRCL Classic Megan Hurlburt 1. R-O -57 56 140 155 162.5 85 92.5 97.5 155 165 175 435 103.42
12/11/2022 2022 CRCL Classic Ayana Parker 1. R-SJ -57 56.4 100 112.5 -117.5 -47.5 47.5 -52.5 135 145 -150 305 72.12
12/11/2022 2022 CRCL Classic Isabel Olivarez 1. R-SJ -63 63 102.5 110 115 60 65 67.5 117.5 130 -137.5 312.5 68.40
12/11/2022 2022 CRCL Classic Barbara Lopez 1. R-SJ -69 63.6 132.5 137.5 142.5 -57.5 62.5 65 135 142.5 147.5 355 77.20
12/11/2022 2022 CRCL Classic Alexis Maher 1. O -74 73.7 225 237.5 240 132.5 137.5 -142.5 327.5 342.5 365 742.5 92.26
12/11/2022 2022 CRCL Classic Patrick Le 1. R-JR -66 61.7 157.5 170 182.5 115 127.5 -137.5 190 205 220 530 85.67
12/11/2022 2022 CRCL Classic Christopher Bautista Torres 1. R-JR -74 72.9 195 202.5 -210 132.5 142.5 -147.5 197.5 205 210 555 82.15
12/11/2022 2022 CRCL Classic Anthony Perkins 1. R-M1 -83 81.3 207.5 217.5 -230 142.5 150 -155 237.5 -255 -255 605 84.66
12/11/2022 2022 CRCL Classic Marcus Warren 1. R-M1 -120 105.7 212.5 222.5 -235 170 180 -187.5 230 245 647.5 79.71
12/11/2022 2022 CRCL Classic David Berube 1. R-O -59 55.7 80 -92.5 92.5 52.5 60 62.5 110 120 -127.5 275 46.93
12/11/2022 2022 CRCL Classic Brian Le 1. R-O -66 65.6 225 235 245 145 150 155 290 305 -320 705 110.30
12/11/2022 2022 CRCL Classic Joey Songco 2. R-O -66 63.9 82.5 90 100 72.5 85 92.5 142.5 160 170 362.5 57.48
12/11/2022 2022 CRCL Classic Michael Joyce 3. R-O -66 59.1 62.5 -67.5 67.5 55 60 62.5 67.5 77.5 85 215 35.54
12/11/2022 2022 CRCL Classic William Bissmeyer 1. R-O -74 66.9 37.5 42.5 50 52.5 70 77.5 127.5 19.73
12/11/2022 2022 CRCL Classic Ken Nguyen 1. R-O -83 82.9 245 257.5 272.5 152.5 165 -172.5 280 300 -317.5 737.5 102.18
12/11/2022 2022 CRCL Classic Justin Rogers 2. R-O -105 99.3 155 -155 -155 155 -155 -155 155 -155 -155 465 58.94
12/11/2022 2022 CRCL Classic George Hana 1. R-O -120 120 222.5 242.5 260 152.5 160 310 327.5 345 765 88.93
12/11/2022 6th Annual Greater Tampa Classic Championships Elizabeth Parker 0. R-O -47 39.5 -55 -60 -60 0 0.00
12/11/2022 6th Annual Greater Tampa Classic Championships Marina Sidlow 1. R-O -63 62.9 45 50 -52.5 50 41.78
12/11/2022 6th Annual Greater Tampa Classic Championships Nora Keller 1. R-M1 -76 73.6 25 25 19.42
12/11/2022 6th Annual Greater Tampa Classic Championships Stefanie Wisselman 1. R-M2 84+ 124.1 -40 42.5 -47.5 42.5 30.11
12/11/2022 6th Annual Greater Tampa Classic Championships Kamil Iwasiow 1. O -66 65.9 -165 -165 165 165 71.67
12/11/2022 6th Annual Greater Tampa Classic Championships John March 1. R-M3 -74 73.1 110 120 -127.5 120 64.41
12/11/2022 6th Annual Greater Tampa Classic Championships Scottie Sussman 1. R-M2 -74 73.7 -110 110 115 115 61.46
12/11/2022 6th Annual Greater Tampa Classic Championships Allison Caney 0. R-JR 84+ 85.1 55 62.5 65 -40 -40 -40 82.5 87.5 97.5 0 0.00
12/11/2022 6th Annual Greater Tampa Classic Championships Reagan Caron 0. R-JR 84+ 88.9 -60 -60 -60 30 32.5 35 75 82.5 90 0 0.00
12/11/2022 6th Annual Greater Tampa Classic Championships Faith Clough 1. R-M1 -63 60.9 100 110 115 65 -70 -70 90 97.5 -105 277.5 62.12
12/11/2022 6th Annual Greater Tampa Classic Championships Suzanne Laforge 1. R-M3 -63 62.2 105 115 122.5 60 65 145 160 -167.5 347.5 76.63
12/11/2022 6th Annual Greater Tampa Classic Championships Tatiana Gondelman 1. R-O -63 61.1 80 85 92.5 42.5 47.5 -52.5 80 85 90 230 51.37
12/11/2022 6th Annual Greater Tampa Classic Championships Ashleigh-Marie Lanham 1. R-O -69 65.3 105 115 122.5 65 67.5 70 120 127.5 137.5 330 70.57
12/11/2022 6th Annual Greater Tampa Classic Championships Brittney Fields 1. R-O -76 72.2 127.5 132.5 -137.5 57.5 65 70 130 137.5 147.5 350 70.80
12/11/2022 6th Annual Greater Tampa Classic Championships Sara Shelton 1. R-O 84+ 90.7 115 125 137.5 70 75 -80 125 135 147.5 360 66.12
12/11/2022 6th Annual Greater Tampa Classic Championships Alexis Thompson 2. R-O 84+ 86.1 115 120 125 60 -67.5 -67.5 105 115 117.5 302.5 56.59
12/11/2022 6th Annual Greater Tampa Classic Championships Bryanna Harris 1. R-SJ -52 50.9 60 70 -72.5 30 32.5 35 70 85 -90 190 48.89
12/11/2022 6th Annual Greater Tampa Classic Championships Kenedee Rowen 1. R-SJ -63 62.4 125 130 -137.5 67.5 -72.5 -72.5 132.5 142.5 -150 340 74.83
12/11/2022 6th Annual Greater Tampa Classic Championships Juan Albin 1. R-O -83 82.5 235 252.5 262.5 145 155 160 260 277.5 290 712.5 98.94
12/11/2022 6th Annual Greater Tampa Classic Championships Juan Albin 1. R-JR -83 82.5 235 252.5 262.5 145 155 160 260 277.5 290 712.5 98.94
12/11/2022 6th Annual Greater Tampa Classic Championships Connor Speiser 2. R-JR -93 86.3 145 152.5 -162.5 105 112.5 -117.5 165 185 202.5 467.5 63.48
12/11/2022 6th Annual Greater Tampa Classic Championships Jose Ayala 0. R-JR -120 106.2 172.5 182.5 190 -130 -130 -130 205 212.5 -217.5 0 0.00
12/11/2022 6th Annual Greater Tampa Classic Championships Brandon Kaminsky 1. R-JR 120+ 125.3 240 255 -260 157.5 165 -167.5 240 260 -270 680 77.59
12/11/2022 6th Annual Greater Tampa Classic Championships Darren Nemow 1. R-M1 -93 90.2 195 217.5 -230 117.5 127.5 -132.5 142.5 182.5 190 535 71.03
12/11/2022 6th Annual Greater Tampa Classic Championships Wesley Paul 1. R-M1 -105 101.5 132.5 147.5 150 75 -82.5 -82.5 165 182.5 185 410 51.42
12/11/2022 6th Annual Greater Tampa Classic Championships John M Alderman 1. R-M4 -93 84.9 100 100 -110 -110 110 125 -135 325 44.47
12/11/2022 6th Annual Greater Tampa Classic Championships Brandon Kissel 1. R-O -66 65.2 152.5 162.5 165 92.5 102.5 -105 192.5 -197.5 197.5 465 72.93
12/11/2022 6th Annual Greater Tampa Classic Championships Darius Leon 2. R-O -83 82.2 212.5 230 -235 152.5 -165 165 230 242.5 262.5 657.5 91.49
12/11/2022 6th Annual Greater Tampa Classic Championships Pedro Colon 3. R-O -83 77.8 140 152.5 160 70 75 -82.5 200 212.5 220 455 65.09
12/11/2022 6th Annual Greater Tampa Classic Championships Pedro Colon 1. R-SJ -83 77.8 140 152.5 160 70 75 -82.5 200 212.5 220 455 65.09
12/11/2022 6th Annual Greater Tampa Classic Championships Philip Truong 1. R-O -93 89.6 250 262.5 272.5 167.5 177.5 182.5 270 285 290 745 99.27
12/11/2022 6th Annual Greater Tampa Classic Championships Philip Truong 1. R-JR -93 89.6 250 262.5 272.5 167.5 177.5 182.5 270 285 290 745 99.27
12/11/2022 6th Annual Greater Tampa Classic Championships Daniel Segura 2. R-O -93 86.2 185 -200 -200 105 110 -122.5 205 212.5 -227.5 507.5 68.93
12/11/2022 6th Annual Greater Tampa Classic Championships Jordan Pederson 1. R-O -105 103.8 170 180 190 115 125 135 215 235 -252.5 560 69.51
12/11/2022 6th Annual Greater Tampa Classic Championships Zachary Pohl 1. R-O -120 115.1 170 180 190 110 117.5 127.5 165 175 187.5 505 59.80
12/11/2022 6th Annual Greater Tampa Classic Championships Seamus Finn Hagen 1. R-PS -53 41.5 75 -80 80 45 47.5 -50 92.5 95 97.5 225 44.98
12/11/2022 6th Annual Greater Tampa Classic Championships Joaquin Bello 1. R-SJ -66 64.8 -172.5 172.5 -175 -105 110 115 185 195 202.5 490 77.14
12/11/2022 6th Annual Greater Tampa Classic Championships Nicholas Gagliardo 2. R-SJ -66 64.8 140 150 -155 80 87.5 92.5 182.5 192.5 200 442.5 69.65
12/11/2022 6th Annual Greater Tampa Classic Championships Antuan Sconiers 1. R-JR -66 59.8 -105 112.5 127.5 80 85 -90 152.5 170 177.5 390 64.05
12/11/2022 6th Annual Greater Tampa Classic Championships Tanner Faden 3. R-SJ -66 60.5 82.5 87.5 90 55 60 65 97.5 107.5 117.5 272.5 44.50
12/11/2022 31st Annual Florida Sports Foundation Senior Games Michelle Carlascio 1. R-M2 -63 62.7 75 80 85 50 52.5 -55 97.5 105 112.5 250 54.84
12/11/2022 31st Annual Florida Sports Foundation Senior Games Cris Coniglio 2. R-M2 84+ 96.6 90 95 97.5 55 60 62.5 100 105 112.5 272.5 49.07
12/11/2022 31st Annual Florida Sports Foundation Senior Games Diane Nelson 1. R-M2 84+ 106.4 90 97.5 -115 60 70 -75 137.5 -147.5 147.5 315 55.31
12/11/2022 31st Annual Florida Sports Foundation Senior Games Kimberly Hopkins 1. R-M2 -84 81.3 65 70 75 -42.5 42.5 45 70 80 85 205 39.22
12/11/2022 31st Annual Florida Sports Foundation Senior Games Debbie Bookman 1. R-M3 -76 72.3 77.5 82.5 87.5 50 55 -57.5 107.5 112.5 115 257.5 52.05
12/11/2022 31st Annual Florida Sports Foundation Senior Games Tina Weber 1. R-M3 -69 68.5 105 110 115 62.5 67.5 70 120 130 137.5 322.5 67.09
12/11/2022 31st Annual Florida Sports Foundation Senior Games Linda Rousseau 1. R-M3 -84 81.8 -105 105 115 55 57.5 62.5 105 115 125 302.5 57.73
12/11/2022 31st Annual Florida Sports Foundation Senior Games Sandra A Simmons 1. R-M4 -69 67 70 -75 75 35 40 -45 55 170 35.83
12/11/2022 31st Annual Florida Sports Foundation Senior Games Mary Pregler 1. R-M5 -57 53.1 25 27.5 30 -25 25 27.5 65 72.5 80 137.5 34.11
12/11/2022 31st Annual Florida Sports Foundation Senior Games Diane Nelson 1. R-M2 84+ 106.4 60 70 -75 70 50.18
12/11/2022 31st Annual Florida Sports Foundation Senior Games Kimberly Hopkins 1. R-M2 -84 81.3 -42.5 42.5 45 45 33.86
12/11/2022 31st Annual Florida Sports Foundation Senior Games Debbie Bookman 1. R-M3 -76 72.3 50 55 -57.5 55 43.02
12/11/2022 31st Annual Florida Sports Foundation Senior Games Linda Rousseau 1. R-M3 -84 81.8 55 57.5 62.5 62.5 46.94
12/11/2022 31st Annual Florida Sports Foundation Senior Games Sandra A Simmons 1. R-M4 -69 67 35 40 -45 40 32.34
12/11/2022 31st Annual Florida Sports Foundation Senior Games Francine Parker 0. R-M4 -76 73.8 -50 -50 0 0.00
12/11/2022 31st Annual Florida Sports Foundation Senior Games Kimberly Hopkins 1. R-M2 -84 81.3 -42.5 42.5 45 70 80 85 130 24.87
12/11/2022 31st Annual Florida Sports Foundation Senior Games Diane Nelson 1. R-M2 84+ 106.4 60 70 -75 137.5 -147.5 147.5 217.5 38.19
12/11/2022 31st Annual Florida Sports Foundation Senior Games Debbie Bookman 1. R-M3 -76 72.3 50 55 -57.5 107.5 112.5 115 170 34.36
12/11/2022 31st Annual Florida Sports Foundation Senior Games Sandra A Simmons 1. R-M4 -69 67 35 40 -45 55 95 20.02
12/11/2022 31st Annual Florida Sports Foundation Senior Games Cris Coniglio 2. R-M2 84+ 96.6 100 105 112.5 112.5 20.26
12/11/2022 31st Annual Florida Sports Foundation Senior Games Kimberly Hopkins 1. R-M2 -84 81.3 70 80 85 85 16.26
12/11/2022 31st Annual Florida Sports Foundation Senior Games Diane Nelson 1. R-M2 84+ 106.4 137.5 -147.5 147.5 147.5 25.90
12/11/2022 31st Annual Florida Sports Foundation Senior Games Debbie Bookman 1. R-M3 -76 72.3 107.5 112.5 115 115 23.24
12/11/2022 31st Annual Florida Sports Foundation Senior Games Sandra A Simmons 1. R-M4 -69 67 55 55 11.59
12/11/2022 31st Annual Florida Sports Foundation Senior Games Francine Parker 1. R-M4 -76 73.8 75 82.5 92.5 92.5 18.49
12/11/2022 31st Annual Florida Sports Foundation Senior Games Keith Carlascio 1. R-M2 -120 111 157.5 162.5 175 100 110 125 177.5 200 -215 500 60.18
12/11/2022 31st Annual Florida Sports Foundation Senior Games Paul Hampton 1. R-M2 -83 80.3 130 137.5 142.5 110 115 120 150 157.5 160 422.5 59.47
12/11/2022 31st Annual Florida Sports Foundation Senior Games Jason Pearson 2. R-M2 -120 111.3 182.5 192.5 -200 110 115 122.5 65 380 45.68
12/11/2022 31st Annual Florida Sports Foundation Senior Games Andrew Paige 1. R-M2 -105 93.9 120 132.5 150 120 130 -142.5 180 200 232.5 512.5 66.73
12/11/2022 31st Annual Florida Sports Foundation Senior Games Stephen Hopkins 1. R-M2 -93 89.3 125 135 152.5 92.5 102.5 107.5 182.5 205 217.5 477.5 63.72
12/11/2022 31st Annual Florida Sports Foundation Senior Games Kenneth Bennett 1. R-M3 -105 101.9 160 170 180 127.5 135 140 197.5 207.5 220 540 67.62
12/11/2022 31st Annual Florida Sports Foundation Senior Games Steven Carpenter 1. R-M3 -93 90 65 -122.5 127.5 132.5 65 262.5 34.91
12/11/2022 31st Annual Florida Sports Foundation Senior Games Michael Alexander 1. R-M3 120+ 132 60 70 85 -60 80 -100 -100 100 -125 265 29.58
12/11/2022 31st Annual Florida Sports Foundation Senior Games Jeffrey Tryon 0. R-M3 -120 119.3 170 182.5 -187.5 -170 0 0.00
12/11/2022 31st Annual Florida Sports Foundation Senior Games Michael Bitting 1. R-M3 -120 114.5 135 -145 150 -110 115 120 150 160 165 435 51.63
12/11/2022 31st Annual Florida Sports Foundation Senior Games Stuart Bookman 1. R-M3 -83 82 107.5 112.5 115 75 80 -82.5 140 145 -147.5 340 47.36
12/11/2022 31st Annual Florida Sports Foundation Senior Games Manuel Flores Rosa 2. R-M3 -120 114 70 -100 -100 70 -100 -110 100 127.5 147.5 287.5 34.19
12/11/2022 31st Annual Florida Sports Foundation Senior Games Dickson Farrington 0. R-M3 -120 113.7 -147.5 -147.5 105 -115 -120 147.5 150 170 0 0.00
12/11/2022 31st Annual Florida Sports Foundation Senior Games Michael Dollard 1. R-M4 -105 96.6 105 -120 120 70 80 85 170 185 390 50.10
12/11/2022 31st Annual Florida Sports Foundation Senior Games Michael Macmillan 1. R-M4 -93 86.2 -105 -105 105 75 77.5 80 125 130 135 320 43.46
12/11/2022 31st Annual Florida Sports Foundation Senior Games Anthony Dicandia 1. R-M5 -105 101.3 -87.5 -87.5 87.5 100 112.5 115 115 122.5 127.5 330 41.43
12/11/2022 31st Annual Florida Sports Foundation Senior Games David Parsons 1. R-M5 -83 81.7 52.5 60 -82.5 72.5 82.5 90 60 90 100 250 34.89
12/11/2022 31st Annual Florida Sports Foundation Senior Games Paul Hampton 1. R-M2 -83 80.3 110 115 120 120 61.31
12/11/2022 31st Annual Florida Sports Foundation Senior Games Jason Pearson 1. R-M2 -120 111.3 110 115 122.5 122.5 53.42
12/11/2022 31st Annual Florida Sports Foundation Senior Games Andrew Paige 1. R-M2 -105 93.9 120 130 -142.5 130 61.38
12/11/2022 31st Annual Florida Sports Foundation Senior Games Stephen Hopkins 1. R-M2 -93 89.3 92.5 102.5 107.5 107.5 52.03
12/11/2022 31st Annual Florida Sports Foundation Senior Games Keith Johnson 1. R-M2 120+ 135.3 -67.5 67.5 -85 67.5 27.11
12/11/2022 31st Annual Florida Sports Foundation Senior Games Patrick Delio 1. R-M3 -105 103.2 -140 140 165 165 74.46
12/11/2022 31st Annual Florida Sports Foundation Senior Games Kenneth Bennett 2. R-M3 -105 101.9 127.5 135 140 140 63.57
12/11/2022 31st Annual Florida Sports Foundation Senior Games Scott Hane 1. R-M3 -120 115.4 -152.5 152.5 -157.5 152.5 65.44
12/11/2022 31st Annual Florida Sports Foundation Senior Games Austin Pranger 1. R-M3 -83 80.5 87.5 97.5 -105 97.5 49.74
12/11/2022 31st Annual Florida Sports Foundation Senior Games Michael Alexander 1. R-M3 120+ 132 -60 80 -100 80 32.44
12/11/2022 31st Annual Florida Sports Foundation Senior Games Rick Rasamny 1. R-M3 -93 85.1 102.5 -115 -117.5 102.5 50.84
12/11/2022 31st Annual Florida Sports Foundation Senior Games George Woodbury 3. R-M3 -105 102.3 -90 95 100 100 45.33
12/11/2022 31st Annual Florida Sports Foundation Senior Games Stuart Bookman 2. R-M3 -83 82 75 80 -82.5 80 40.44
12/11/2022 31st Annual Florida Sports Foundation Senior Games Marvin Villiard 1. R-M3 -66 64.9 65 -70 -70 65 37.21
12/11/2022 31st Annual Florida Sports Foundation Senior Games Stephen Birchak 1. R-M3 -59 53.7 45 50 52.5 52.5 33.40
12/11/2022 31st Annual Florida Sports Foundation Senior Games Manuel Flores Rosa 2. R-M3 -120 114 70 -100 -110 70 30.20
12/11/2022 31st Annual Florida Sports Foundation Senior Games Edward Stine 1. R-M4 -120 108.4 87.5 92.5 -102.5 92.5 40.83
12/11/2022 31st Annual Florida Sports Foundation Senior Games Michael Dollard 1. R-M4 -105 96.6 70 80 85 85 39.59
12/11/2022 31st Annual Florida Sports Foundation Senior Games Dennis Glick 2. R-M4 -105 98.5 70 75 77.5 77.5 35.76
12/11/2022 31st Annual Florida Sports Foundation Senior Games Robert Cseh 2. R-M5 -83 77.1 72.5 77.5 -80 77.5 40.44
12/11/2022 31st Annual Florida Sports Foundation Senior Games David Parsons 1. R-M5 -83 81.7 72.5 82.5 90 90 45.58
12/11/2022 31st Annual Florida Sports Foundation Senior Games Otis Perry 1. R-M5 -93 88.2 55 60 65 65 31.67
12/11/2022 31st Annual Florida Sports Foundation Senior Games Joseph Jackson 2. R-M5 -93 88 45 50 55 55 26.82
12/11/2022 31st Annual Florida Sports Foundation Senior Games Duncan Beck 1. R-M5 -74 68.9 32.5 37.5 -40 37.5 20.78
12/11/2022 31st Annual Florida Sports Foundation Senior Games Paul Hampton 1. R-M2 -83 80.3 110 115 120 150 157.5 160 280 39.41
12/11/2022 31st Annual Florida Sports Foundation Senior Games Jason Pearson 1. R-M2 -120 111.3 110 115 122.5 65 187.5 22.54
12/11/2022 31st Annual Florida Sports Foundation Senior Games Stephen Hopkins 1. R-M2 -93 89.3 92.5 102.5 107.5 182.5 205 217.5 325 43.37
12/11/2022 31st Annual Florida Sports Foundation Senior Games Andrew Paige 1. R-M2 -105 93.9 120 130 -142.5 180 200 232.5 362.5 47.20
12/11/2022 31st Annual Florida Sports Foundation Senior Games Samuel Helms 1. R-M2 120+ 139.3 105 115 125 200 210 215 340 37.14
12/11/2022 31st Annual Florida Sports Foundation Senior Games Austin Pranger 2. R-M3 -83 80.5 87.5 97.5 -105 160 -175 -175 257.5 36.20
12/11/2022 31st Annual Florida Sports Foundation Senior Games Kenneth Bennett 1. R-M3 -105 101.9 127.5 135 140 197.5 207.5 220 360 45.08
12/11/2022 31st Annual Florida Sports Foundation Senior Games Scott Hane 1. R-M3 -120 115.4 -152.5 152.5 -157.5 200 210 220 372.5 44.06
12/11/2022 31st Annual Florida Sports Foundation Senior Games Michael Alexander 1. R-M3 120+ 132 -60 80 -100 -100 100 -125 180 20.09
12/11/2022 31st Annual Florida Sports Foundation Senior Games Timothy Quinn 1. R-M3 -83 76.5 102.5 105 -107.5 177.5 182.5 185 290 41.85
12/11/2022 31st Annual Florida Sports Foundation Senior Games Stuart Bookman 3. R-M3 -83 82 75 80 -82.5 140 145 -147.5 225 31.34
12/11/2022 31st Annual Florida Sports Foundation Senior Games Manuel Flores Rosa 2. R-M3 -120 114 70 -100 -110 100 127.5 147.5 217.5 25.87
12/11/2022 31st Annual Florida Sports Foundation Senior Games Michael Dollard 1. R-M4 -105 96.6 70 80 85 170 185 270 34.68
12/11/2022 31st Annual Florida Sports Foundation Senior Games Dennis Glick 2. R-M4 -105 98.5 70 75 77.5 140 155 -165 232.5 29.59
12/11/2022 31st Annual Florida Sports Foundation Senior Games Edward Stine 1. R-M4 -120 108.4 87.5 92.5 -102.5 155 162.5 -170 255 31.03
12/11/2022 31st Annual Florida Sports Foundation Senior Games Duncan Beck 1. R-M5 -74 68.9 32.5 37.5 -40 82.5 92.5 95 132.5 20.20
12/11/2022 31st Annual Florida Sports Foundation Senior Games David Parsons 1. R-M5 -83 81.7 72.5 82.5 90 60 90 100 190 26.52
12/11/2022 31st Annual Florida Sports Foundation Senior Games Joseph Jackson 1. R-M5 -93 88 45 50 55 65 -70 70 125 16.81
12/11/2022 31st Annual Florida Sports Foundation Senior Games Paul Hampton 1. R-M2 -83 80.3 150 157.5 160 160 22.52
12/11/2022 31st Annual Florida Sports Foundation Senior Games Jason Pearson 1. R-M2 -120 111.3 65 65 7.81
12/11/2022 31st Annual Florida Sports Foundation Senior Games Stephen Hopkins 1. R-M2 -93 89.3 182.5 205 217.5 217.5 29.02
12/11/2022 31st Annual Florida Sports Foundation Senior Games Andrew Paige 1. R-M2 -105 93.9 180 200 232.5 232.5 30.27
12/11/2022 31st Annual Florida Sports Foundation Senior Games Keith Johnson 1. R-M2 120+ 135.3 82.5 90 100 100 11.05
12/11/2022 31st Annual Florida Sports Foundation Senior Games Austin Pranger 2. R-M3 -83 80.5 160 -175 -175 160 22.49
12/11/2022 31st Annual Florida Sports Foundation Senior Games Kenneth Bennett 1. R-M3 -105 101.9 197.5 207.5 220 220 27.55
12/11/2022 31st Annual Florida Sports Foundation Senior Games Scott Hane 1. R-M3 -120 115.4 200 210 220 220 26.02
12/11/2022 31st Annual Florida Sports Foundation Senior Games Jeffrey Tryon 0. R-M3 -120 119.3 -170 0 0.00
12/11/2022 31st Annual Florida Sports Foundation Senior Games Michael Alexander 1. R-M3 120+ 132 -100 100 -125 100 11.16
12/11/2022 31st Annual Florida Sports Foundation Senior Games Marvin Villiard 1. R-M3 -66 64.9 135 142.5 147.5 147.5 23.20
12/11/2022 31st Annual Florida Sports Foundation Senior Games Timothy Quinn 1. R-M3 -83 76.5 177.5 182.5 185 185 26.70
12/11/2022 31st Annual Florida Sports Foundation Senior Games Stuart Bookman 3. R-M3 -83 82 140 145 -147.5 145 20.20
12/11/2022 31st Annual Florida Sports Foundation Senior Games Rick Rasamny 1. R-M3 -93 85.1 145 165 -180 165 22.56
12/11/2022 31st Annual Florida Sports Foundation Senior Games Manuel Flores Rosa 2. R-M3 -120 114 100 127.5 147.5 147.5 17.54
12/11/2022 31st Annual Florida Sports Foundation Senior Games Michael Dollard 1. R-M4 -105 96.6 170 185 185 23.76
12/11/2022 31st Annual Florida Sports Foundation Senior Games Dennis Glick 3. R-M4 -105 98.5 140 155 -165 155 19.72
12/11/2022 31st Annual Florida Sports Foundation Senior Games Edward Stine 1. R-M4 -120 108.4 155 162.5 -170 162.5 19.77
12/11/2022 31st Annual Florida Sports Foundation Senior Games George Geots 1. R-M4 -59 58 122.5 125 132.5 132.5 22.12
12/11/2022 31st Annual Florida Sports Foundation Senior Games Jerome Mulay 2. R-M4 -105 96 135 145 155 155 19.97
12/11/2022 31st Annual Florida Sports Foundation Senior Games Duncan Beck 1. R-M5 -74 68.9 82.5 92.5 95 95 14.48
12/11/2022 31st Annual Florida Sports Foundation Senior Games David Parsons 1. R-M5 -83 81.7 60 90 100 100 13.96
12/11/2022 31st Annual Florida Sports Foundation Senior Games Joseph Jackson 2. R-M5 -93 88 65 -70 70 70 9.41
12/11/2022 31st Annual Florida Sports Foundation Senior Games Otis Perry 1. R-M5 -93 88.2 65 75 82.5 82.5 11.08
12/10/2022 Mississippi Open Jeanelle Valdez 1. R-SJ -57 57 97.5 102.5 107.5 42.5 45 47.5 115 125 135 290 68.02
12/10/2022 Mississippi Open Jeslyn Johnson 2. R-SJ -57 56.3 95 -100 -100 52.5 57.5 -60 125 135 -145 287.5 68.07
12/10/2022 Mississippi Open Savannah Laughlin 1. R-JR -57 56.1 77.5 82.5 87.5 42.5 47.5 -50 100 -105 -105 235 55.79
12/10/2022 Mississippi Open Seema Kawji 1. JR -57 56.5 102.5 115 117.5 42.5 45 47.5 117.5 130 -132.5 295 56.86
12/10/2022 Mississippi Open Tessa Blair 1. SJ -69 68.1 72.5 82.5 87.5 32.5 37.5 -40 85 92.5 105 230 39.80
12/10/2022 Mississippi Open Abby Shows 1. SJ -76 70.2 72.5 82.5 92.5 35 40 -45 95 102.5 115 247.5 42.18
12/10/2022 Mississippi Open Lindsey Keay 1. R-O -76 74.7 80 90 -95 45 50 -55 85 95 105 245 48.70
12/10/2022 Mississippi Open Carrie Davis 1. M1 -84 79.7 80 -85 85 -47.5 47.5 50 100 110 120 255 40.98
12/10/2022 Mississippi Open Samantha Shirley 1. R-O -84 77.5 110 -112.5 112.5 52.5 -57.5 -57.5 122.5 127.5 137.5 302.5 59.10
12/10/2022 Mississippi Open Lillian Perez 2. R-O -84 81.3 90 97.5 102.5 47.5 -52.5 52.5 100 110 120 275 52.62
12/10/2022 Mississippi Open Tashell Kerr 1. R-JR 84+ 93.1 150 160 170 95 102.5 107.5 185 190 200 477.5 86.96
12/10/2022 Mississippi Open Tashell Kerr 1. R-O 84+ 93 150 160 170 95 102.5 107.5 185 190 200 477.5 86.99
12/10/2022 Mississippi Open Pamela Bellamy 2. R-O 84+ 121.5 147.5 155 167.5 90 95 -102.5 160 167.5 -177.5 430 73.56
12/10/2022 Mississippi Open Tiberius Hooper 1. R-Y 0 0 75 82.5 -92.5 35 40 -45 77.5 85 90 212.5 0.00
12/10/2022 Mississippi Open Nicholas Magendie 1. R-PS -120 110.8 110 -120 120 65 70 77.5 130 142.5 160 357.5 43.06
12/10/2022 Mississippi Open Christian Rosales 1. R-SJ -74 73 102.5 -115 -120 82.5 97.5 105 105 122.5 137.5 345 51.01
12/10/2022 Mississippi Open Urian Roach 1. R-O -74 69.3 155 -162.5 165 107.5 110 112.5 -220 225 230 507.5 77.10
12/10/2022 Mississippi Open Carlos Hicks Jr 1. R-SJ -83 81.7 -230 240 252.5 125 135 -145 245 255 260 647.5 90.35
12/10/2022 Mississippi Open Erique Thomas 1. R-JR -83 81 185 197.5 205 117.5 125 -137.5 212.5 222.5 227.5 557.5 78.13
12/10/2022 Mississippi Open Peyton Scott 1. SJ -83 79.2 172.5 182.5 190 102.5 110 115 177.5 192.5 200 505 59.97
12/10/2022 Mississippi Open Charles Williams 1. R-O -83 81 237.5 245 255 135 140 -145 237.5 252.5 265 660 92.50
12/10/2022 Mississippi Open William Beistel 2. R-O -83 77.5 172.5 185 192.5 -122.5 -130 130 212.5 225 235 557.5 79.92
12/10/2022 Mississippi Open Travers Benoit 1. R-SJ -93 91.9 185 192.5 200 120 132.5 202.5 212.5 222.5 555 73.03
12/10/2022 Mississippi Open Patrick Yates 1. R-M1 -93 85.6 102.5 107.5 120 -85 85 95 125 132.5 145 360 49.07
12/10/2022 Mississippi Open Anthony Thomas 1. R-O -93 93 217.5 230 -237.5 167.5 177.5 182.5 270 287.5 295 707.5 92.56
12/10/2022 Mississippi Open Pierre Momon 2. R-O -93 90.5 212.5 220 -227.5 167.5 172.5 -182.5 240 250 265 657.5 87.17
12/10/2022 Mississippi Open Christian Henry 0. R-O -93 90.3 -147.5 -150 -150 105 107.5 -112.5 172.5 -180 0 0.00
12/10/2022 Mississippi Open Cael McDaniel 1. SJ -105 104.3 227.5 -240 -240 142.5 150 -157.5 227.5 240 247.5 625 64.08
12/10/2022 Mississippi Open Byron Pratt 1. R-M1 -105 94.7 142.5 150 157.5 105 110 115 175 185 195 467.5 60.62
12/10/2022 Mississippi Open Carlos Lawton 1. R-M2 -105 101.9 137.5 142.5 -145 110 120 125 142.5 147.5 160 427.5 53.53
12/10/2022 Mississippi Open Sam Mayard 1. R-JR -105 99.6 177.5 185 192.5 140 147.5 -152.5 212.5 227.5 240 580 73.41
12/10/2022 Mississippi Open Sam Mayard 1. R-O -105 99.6 177.5 185 192.5 140 147.5 -152.5 212.5 227.5 240 580 73.41
12/10/2022 Mississippi Open Mark Leebrick 1. R-O -120 111.6 225 237.5 250 137.5 147.5 -157.5 210 225 -240 622.5 74.74
12/10/2022 Mississippi Open Peyton Pilgrim 1. R-JR 120+ 155.8 145 152.5 182.5 102.5 107.5 -115 185 205 -230 495 51.80
12/10/2022 Mississippi Open Orlando Williams 1. R-M2 120+ 127.9 -102.5 125 145 105 120 130 135 150 165 440 49.77
12/10/2022 Mississippi Open Ray Williams 1. R-O 120+ 194.7 395 420 440 205 215 225 310 330 345 1010 98.14
12/10/2022 Mississippi Open Tony Tillman 2. R-O 120+ 159.1 172.5 182.5 197.5 172.5 180 185 172.5 187.5 -200 570 59.20
12/10/2022 Mississippi Open Michael Skrmetti 1. R-M4 -93 88 -92.5 95 100 100 48.76
12/10/2022 Mississippi Open William Thacker 1. M2 -105 105 225 235 -240 235 72.97
12/10/2022 Mississippi Open Thomas Herman 1. R-M2 -105 104.4 210 220 227.5 227.5 28.16
12/10/2022 2022 Maryland Holiday Classic Amanda Ellis 1. R-O -69 68.9 85 90 92.5 92.5 73.81
12/10/2022 2022 Maryland Holiday Classic Adam Mamola 1. O -93 83.5 100 -265 -265 100 35.45
12/10/2022 2022 Maryland Holiday Classic Joyce Kuwae 1. R-M1 -57 57 -82.5 -85 85 45 47.5 -50 100 107.5 115 247.5 58.07
12/10/2022 2022 Maryland Holiday Classic Eleanor Gease 1. R-M1 -63 60.5 97.5 102.5 -105 57.5 60 62.5 100 107.5 115 280 62.93
12/10/2022 2022 Maryland Holiday Classic Candyce Dyer 1. R-M1 -76 74 -97.5 100 107.5 50 -52.5 -52.5 100 107.5 115 272.5 54.43
12/10/2022 2022 Maryland Holiday Classic Margaret TELFER 1. R-M3 84+ 85.3 62.5 70 75 47.5 55 -57.5 85 92.5 95 225 42.24
12/10/2022 2022 Maryland Holiday Classic Amanda Ellis 1. R-O -69 68.9 125 132.5 137.5 85 90 92.5 130 137.5 -145 367.5 76.20
12/10/2022 2022 Maryland Holiday Classic Nicole McLean 2. R-O -69 66.6 -75 82.5 95 50 55 60 110 120 130 285 60.24
12/10/2022 2022 Maryland Holiday Classic Hal Malone 1. M2 -83 82.1 140 -147.5 147.5 -95 95 167.5 -180 -180 410 47.64
12/10/2022 2022 Maryland Holiday Classic Thomas On 1. R-JR -83 77.1 182.5 200 -202.5 125 -142.5 142.5 192.5 205 -215 547.5 78.67
12/10/2022 2022 Maryland Holiday Classic Thaddeus Say 1. R-M2 -83 82.5 177.5 185 190 120 125 -130 215 227.5 235 550 76.38
12/10/2022 2022 Maryland Holiday Classic Alex Thielemier 1. R-O -66 62.7 130 145 -160 95 -102.5 -102.5 170 185 197.5 437.5 70.07
12/10/2022 2022 Maryland Holiday Classic Martin Hsieh 1. R-O -74 73.4 195 -205 210 -127.5 127.5 235 247.5 257.5 595 87.75
12/10/2022 2022 Maryland Holiday Classic Seth Howard 2. R-O -74 73.3 180 190 200 145 152.5 -160 187.5 197.5 210 562.5 83.01
12/10/2022 2022 Maryland Holiday Classic Logan Dwyer 3. R-O -74 73.3 135 142.5 147.5 77.5 82.5 85 157.5 162.5 170 402.5 59.37
12/10/2022 2022 Maryland Holiday Classic Thaddeus Say 1. R-O -83 82.5 177.5 185 190 120 125 -130 215 227.5 235 550 76.38
12/10/2022 2022 Maryland Holiday Classic Jarred James 1. R-O -120 117.7 200 215 -222.5 167.5 175 182.5 227.5 242.5 -250 640 75.02
12/10/2022 2022 Maryland Holiday Classic Jack Cox 1. R-SJ -83 76.1 145 155 165 100 102.5 -105 185 197.5 205 472.5 68.36
12/10/2022 2022 Maryland Holiday Classic Carlos R Hernandez 1. R-O 120+ 131.9 205 217.5 227.5 247.5 265 492.5 54.99
12/10/2022 19th Annual Florida Collegiate Championships Connor Speiser 1. R-O -66 62.9 45 50 -52.5 50 29.13
12/10/2022 19th Annual Florida Collegiate Championships Ashleigh-Marie Lanham 1. R-O -69 65.3 105 115 122.5 65 67.5 70 120 127.5 137.5 330 70.57
12/10/2022 19th Annual Florida Collegiate Championships Connor Speiser 1. R-JR -93 86.3 145 152.5 -162.5 105 112.5 -117.5 165 185 202.5 467.5 63.48
12/10/2022 19th Annual Florida Collegiate Championships Antuan Sconiers 1. R-JR -66 59.8 -105 112.5 127.5 80 85 -90 152.5 170 177.5 390 64.05
12/03/2022 PRIME Power Summit Celeste Godinez 1. SJ -63 63 -95 97.5 105 80 -82.5 -82.5 95 107.5 -117.5 292.5 52.81
12/03/2022 PRIME Power Summit Caitlin Lara 1. SJ 84+ 94.6 122.5 137.5 152.5 62.5 70 -75 105 -110 110 332.5 50.09
12/03/2022 PRIME Power Summit Gabriella Garza 1. R-SJ -52 51 -85 -85 85 35 -40 -40 90 92.5 -95 212.5 54.57
12/03/2022 PRIME Power Summit Kaitlin Tagle 1. R-SJ -84 79.6 155 -162.5 -162.5 -62.5 62.5 -65 135 142.5 150 367.5 70.96
12/03/2022 PRIME Power Summit Jesus Rodriguez 1. R-JR -74 73.7 125 132.5 147.5 90 95 -102.5 145 157.5 165 407.5 59.95
12/03/2022 PRIME Power Summit Gabriel Garza 1. R-SJ -74 73.2 142.5 -147.5 147.5 90 95 -97.5 147.5 -152.5 152.5 395 58.32
11/19/2022 PA Farm Strong 2022 Frank Veselicky 1. R-M3 -105 98.5 95 115 -122.5 115 53.06
11/19/2022 PA Farm Strong 2022 Marc Drobny 1. R-M2 -83 81.7 167.5 177.5 185 117.5 122.5 -127.5 210 220 227.5 535 74.68
11/19/2022 PA Farm Strong 2022 Joseph Schofield 1. M4 -74 72.8 -77.5 80 105 55 62.5 -67.5 120 135 147.5 315 39.47
11/19/2022 PA Farm Strong 2022 Rodney Herbison 1. R-M3 -120 110.5 115 137.5 -150 80 85 -90 147.5 165 -180 387.5 46.73
11/19/2022 PA Farm Strong 2022 Wyatt Twohey 3. R-SJ -74 71.8 122.5 132.5 142.5 77.5 85 92.5 170 -182.5 192.5 427.5 63.78
11/19/2022 PA Farm Strong 2022 Nathan Wong 1. R-O -83 77.8 187.5 200 207.5 122.5 130 135 220 237.5 -247.5 580 83.00
11/19/2022 PA Farm Strong 2022 Jeffrey Stafford 4. R-SJ -74 72.6 135 -142.5 145 90 95 -102.5 170 177.5 187.5 427.5 63.39
11/19/2022 PA Farm Strong 2022 Miranda Cienfuegos 1. R-JR -63 61.4 105 110 -115 52.5 55 57.5 110 120 125 292.5 65.12
11/19/2022 PA Farm Strong 2022 Leah Quick 1. R-SJ -69 67.6 57.5 62.5 65 37.5 42.5 -45 70 80 90 197.5 41.39
11/19/2022 PA Farm Strong 2022 Izak Cotney 6. R-SJ -74 73.1 135 142.5 150 90 97.5 102.5 135 150 -165 402.5 59.49
11/19/2022 PA Farm Strong 2022 Jacob Toledo 1. R-SJ -83 81.2 -127.5 -140 140 77.5 85 92.5 -175 187.5 -202.5 420 58.79
11/19/2022 PA Farm Strong 2022 Sam Pitrone 1. R-O 120+ 121.5 -165 -165 165 122.5 127.5 -132.5 205 -222.5 -222.5 497.5 57.52
11/19/2022 PA Farm Strong 2022 James Barrett 3. R-O -105 103.1 190 202.5 215 140 145 -150 202.5 220 230 590 73.47
11/19/2022 PA Farm Strong 2022 Daniel Harris 1. R-O -66 64.8 185 197.5 -210 130 -137.5 -140 175 202.5 -215 530 83.46
11/19/2022 PA Farm Strong 2022 Daniel Harris 1. R-SJ -66 64.8 185 197.5 -210 130 -137.5 -140 175 202.5 -215 530 83.46
11/19/2022 PA Farm Strong 2022 Mark Winemiller 2. R-O -83 82.3 -165 167.5 -170 122.5 130 135 190 200 -215 502.5 69.88
11/19/2022 PA Farm Strong 2022 Garrett Blevins 1. R-O -105 103.8 310 320 332.5 202.5 212.5 220 -305 320 -347.5 872.5 108.30
11/19/2022 PA Farm Strong 2022 Sina Gartner 1. R-O -69 66.7 130 135 137.5 85 90 92.5 150 160 167.5 397.5 83.96
11/19/2022 PA Farm Strong 2022 Bryce Lewis 1. R-O -93 92.8 290 300 307.5 190 200 -207.5 325 330 837.5 109.68
11/19/2022 PA Farm Strong 2022 Jacob Goodin 2. R-O -93 85.2 155 165 175 92.5 100 105 185 200 212.5 492.5 67.30
11/19/2022 PA Farm Strong 2022 Sean Herbison 2. R-O -105 102 210 215 217.5 152.5 -157.5 157.5 235 -250 -250 610 76.34
11/19/2022 PA Farm Strong 2022 Jackson Walbridge 2. R-JR -105 98.4 172.5 -190 190 90 97.5 -105 182.5 192.5 197.5 485 61.76
11/19/2022 PA Farm Strong 2022 Michelle Robbins 1. R-O -76 76 -175 -175 175 110 115 -120 207.5 212.5 215 505 99.56
11/19/2022 PA Farm Strong 2022 Conner Duyck 1. R-JR -105 100.3 195 202.5 210 125 135 -137.5 200 212.5 230 575 72.54
11/19/2022 PA Farm Strong 2022 Sydney Feichtinger 2. R-O -76 75.8 72.5 80 -90 50 55 60 105 115 -122.5 255 50.35
11/19/2022 PA Farm Strong 2022 Sydney Feichtinger 1. R-SJ -76 75.8 72.5 80 -90 50 55 60 105 115 -122.5 255 50.35
11/19/2022 PA Farm Strong 2022 Colin Fahey 1. R-SJ -59 56.8 -100 100 -110 60 65 70 130 140 -142.5 310 52.38
11/05/2022 2022 Ohio River Rumble Andy Furnas 1. R-M2 -83 81.3 135 -142.5 -142.5 135 68.53
11/05/2022 2022 Ohio River Rumble James Kellerman 1. R-SJ -105 103.2 120 125 130 130 58.68
11/05/2022 2022 Ohio River Rumble Lauren Massaro 1. JR -52 49.4 100 107.5 110 60 62.5 -65 102.5 112.5 120 292.5 61.77
11/05/2022 2022 Ohio River Rumble Moe Brown 1. JR -69 68.9 135 145 155 62.5 67.5 72.5 135 -142.5 142.5 370 63.67
11/05/2022 2022 Ohio River Rumble Jillian Phillips 1. O 84+ 110.2 140 -150 160 80 85 87.5 145 160 -182.5 407.5 58.74
11/05/2022 2022 Ohio River Rumble Kaylee McGrath 1. R-PS -84 83.1 92.5 95 97.5 40 42.5 45 105 110 115 257.5 48.85
11/05/2022 2022 Ohio River Rumble Jessica Budd 1. R-M1 -63 61.6 137.5 145 152.5 77.5 82.5 85 155 165 172.5 410 91.08
11/05/2022 2022 Ohio River Rumble Kaye Johnson 1. R-O -57 56.2 127.5 135 137.5 82.5 87.5 -90 147.5 -155 155 380 90.10
11/05/2022 2022 Ohio River Rumble Jessica Budd 1. R-O -63 61.6 137.5 145 152.5 77.5 82.5 85 155 165 172.5 410 91.08
11/05/2022 2022 Ohio River Rumble Jacqueline Malayter 1. R-O -69 68.7 162.5 -170 100 105 110 172.5 187.5 195 467.5 97.09
11/05/2022 2022 Ohio River Rumble Kerri Skurnit 2. R-O -69 66.9 92.5 105 -112.5 47.5 -52.5 -52.5 107.5 117.5 130 282.5 59.59
11/05/2022 2022 Ohio River Rumble Jazzy Lowe 3. R-O -69 67.2 92.5 97.5 100 42.5 47.5 -52.5 97.5 107.5 -115 255 53.63
11/05/2022 2022 Ohio River Rumble Madeline Scott 1. R-O -76 74.9 182.5 192.5 -200 110 115 -117.5 205 220 -227.5 527.5 104.76
11/05/2022 2022 Ohio River Rumble Brittany Tolle 1. R-O 84+ 89.9 127.5 135 145 62.5 72.5 77.5 142.5 155 162.5 385 70.94
11/05/2022 2022 Ohio River Rumble Kelsey Shepherd 2. R-O 84+ 87.7 120 130 137.5 60 70 77.5 140 150 160 375 69.68
11/05/2022 2022 Ohio River Rumble Kylie Fannin 3. R-O 84+ 107.6 75 -90 -97.5 62.5 70 75 82.5 95 105 255 44.67
11/05/2022 2022 Ohio River Rumble Pete Nees 1. O -105 101.7 230 272.5 290 172.5 185 195 225 237.5 250 735 76.27
11/05/2022 2022 Ohio River Rumble Jeff Nogaj 1. R-JR 120+ 137 300 315 322.5 165 -170 170 310 327.5 -335 820 90.18
11/05/2022 2022 Ohio River Rumble Logan Dwyer 1. R-O -74 73 135 142.5 147.5 77.5 82.5 85 155 162.5 167.5 400 59.16
11/05/2022 2022 Ohio River Rumble William Wallace 1. R-O -83 81.8 205 215 220 127.5 132.5 -142.5 210 222.5 225 577.5 80.56
11/05/2022 2022 Ohio River Rumble Logan Mitchell 2. R-O -83 78.2 165 185 197.5 117.5 130 -140 182.5 195 210 537.5 76.72
11/05/2022 2022 Ohio River Rumble Michael Davies 3. R-O -83 80.4 170 185 192.5 105 112.5 117.5 182.5 200 215 525 73.88
11/05/2022 2022 Ohio River Rumble Matt whisman 4. R-O -83 82.5 150 157.5 165 120 127.5 -132.5 170 182.5 192.5 485 67.36
11/05/2022 2022 Ohio River Rumble Duane Howison 5. R-O -83 81.2 135 142.5 145 95 105 107.5 165 175 185 437.5 61.24
11/05/2022 2022 Ohio River Rumble Garrett Skurnit 1. R-O -93 91 220 227.5 232.5 152.5 165 175 267.5 272.5 -282.5 680 89.93
11/05/2022 2022 Ohio River Rumble David Palumbo 2. R-O -93 91.8 175 182.5 185 132.5 145 147.5 215 230 240 572.5 75.39
11/05/2022 2022 Ohio River Rumble Faro Palazzolo 3. R-O -93 91.2 160 175 185 122.5 127.5 132.5 200 215 220 537.5 70.99
11/05/2022 2022 Ohio River Rumble Doran Martin 1. R-O -105 102.1 167.5 182.5 190 112.5 120 125 182.5 205 215 530 66.30
11/05/2022 2022 Ohio River Rumble Jared ruby 2. R-O -105 100.6 185 192.5 -207.5 120 127.5 -132.5 197.5 -210 -210 517.5 65.21
11/05/2022 2022 Ohio River Rumble Vincent Cifani 1. R-O -120 107.2 170 185 192.5 115 125 137.5 185 227.5 272.5 602.5 73.68
11/05/2022 2022 Ohio River Rumble Max Liles 1. R-O 120+ 123.2 227.5 245 250 160 170 -182.5 227.5 245 -255 665 76.43
11/05/2022 2022 Ohio River Rumble Richard Paben 1. R-SJ -83 79.3 192.5 -200 -200 102.5 -107.5 107.5 205 210 212.5 512.5 72.61
11/05/2022 2022 Ohio River Rumble Grayson Williams 2. R-SJ -83 76.8 -145 152.5 160 95 100 105 165 175 -182.5 440 63.37
11/05/2022 2022 Ohio River Rumble Daniel Walsh 1. R-M3 -120 108 82.5 92.5 -97.5 82.5 100 105 197.5 24.07
11/05/2022 2022 Power Partners Championships Natalie Richards 1. R-O -63 58.6 65 65 65 195 44.81
11/05/2022 2022 Power Partners Championships Brian Cochran 1. R-M1 -120 112.8 170 185 200 130 142.5 -147.5 180 200 -220 542.5 64.82
11/05/2022 2022 Power Partners Championships Wesley Mull 1. R-O -93 92.4 175 145 175 495 64.98
11/05/2022 2022 Power Partners Championships Clint Poore 1. R-M1 -120 113.5 25 25 10.81
10/31/2022 Stars and Stripes Casey Hill 1. R-O -57 56.5 85 90 -95 90 80.55
10/31/2022 Stars and Stripes JASON MANENKOFF 1. R-M1 -74 73.6 172.5 177.5 -180 177.5 94.91
10/31/2022 Stars and Stripes Joseph McAuliffe 1. R-M2 -93 89.1 160 167.5 172.5 172.5 83.60
10/31/2022 Stars and Stripes JASON MANENKOFF 1. R-O -74 73.6 247.5 -262.5 -262.5 247.5 36.43
10/31/2022 Stars and Stripes Abigail Hunt 1. R-JR -76 69.3 135 142.5 -147.5 -82.5 82.5 -85 155 165 170 395 81.64
10/31/2022 Stars and Stripes Caroline Wesp 1. R-JR -84 81.4 112.5 122.5 130 55 57.5 62.5 120 137.5 142.5 335 64.07
10/31/2022 Stars and Stripes Rhianna Weall 1. R-JR 84+ 88.7 137.5 145 -155 80 85 87.5 130 135 142.5 375 69.40
10/31/2022 Stars and Stripes Annette Morgan 1. R-M1 -69 65.4 92.5 97.5 -102.5 62.5 65 67.5 127.5 135 140 305 65.19
10/31/2022 Stars and Stripes Dana Manning 1. R-M1 -76 71 87.5 95 100 45 50 -55 110 120 137.5 287.5 58.65
10/31/2022 Stars and Stripes Mary Gregory 1. R-M1 -84 83.5 122.5 -132.5 137.5 92.5 97.5 -100 150 160 170 405 76.66
10/31/2022 Stars and Stripes Adriane Divens 2. R-M1 -84 78.6 -115 122.5 -130 67.5 70 72.5 122.5 140 -150 335 65.04
10/31/2022 Stars and Stripes Rebecca Rutkoski 1. R-M1 84+ 101.5 145 152.5 157.5 75 77.5 80 145 152.5 -157.5 390 69.28
10/31/2022 Stars and Stripes Brandi Hurst 2. R-M1 84+ 89.9 112.5 -122.5 -122.5 62.5 65 -67.5 122.5 137.5 142.5 320 58.95
10/31/2022 Stars and Stripes Rebecca Nelson 3. R-M1 84+ 88.4 97.5 107.5 120 42.5 47.5 -55 107.5 120 130 297.5 55.13
10/31/2022 Stars and Stripes Megan McDonald 1. R-O -47 44.6 75 80 87.5 50 52.5 57.5 105 112.5 117.5 262.5 76.80
10/31/2022 Stars and Stripes Casey Hill 1. R-O -57 56.5 110 117.5 122.5 85 90 -95 130 142.5 -152.5 355 83.83
10/31/2022 Stars and Stripes Lily Neibart 1. R-O -63 61.1 95 102.5 -105 55 -60 60 130 137.5 140 302.5 67.53
10/31/2022 Stars and Stripes Rebecca Straka 2. R-O -63 61.9 47.5 57.5 65 -35 35 37.5 75 85 92.5 195 43.16
10/31/2022 Stars and Stripes Annette Morgan 1. R-O -69 65.4 92.5 97.5 -102.5 62.5 65 67.5 127.5 135 140 305 65.19
10/31/2022 Stars and Stripes Mary Gregory 1. R-O -84 83.5 122.5 -132.5 137.5 92.5 97.5 -100 150 160 170 405 76.66
10/31/2022 Stars and Stripes Whitney DeGraaf 2. R-O -84 82.2 125 130 135 85 87.5 90 150 157.5 -162.5 382.5 72.86
10/31/2022 Stars and Stripes Leah Wissow 1. R-O 84+ 98.7 120 125 130 80 85 -90 -120 120 127.5 342.5 61.30
10/31/2022 Stars and Stripes Amy Masters 0. R-O 84+ 104 110 -125 -125 -60 -60 -72.5 142.5 -160 -170 0 0.00
10/31/2022 Stars and Stripes Katherine Costanzo 1. R-SJ -57 54 55 62.5 70 35 40 42.5 100 107.5 120 232.5 56.89
10/31/2022 Stars and Stripes Tiara George 1. R-JR -63 61.8 130 140 142.5 75 80 -85 150 160 167.5 390 86.40
10/31/2022 Stars and Stripes Katelyn Wesp 2. R-JR -76 75.5 112.5 -125 125 55 -60 60 120 130 -135 315 62.30
10/31/2022 Stars and Stripes Addison Mack 1. R-SJ -76 72 85 -95 97.5 -45 45 -50 -110 110 -120 252.5 51.13
10/31/2022 Stars and Stripes Devon Townsend 0. R-JR -66 64.3 -120 -127.5 -135 62.5 67.5 -75 162.5 172.5 182.5 0 0.00
10/31/2022 Stars and Stripes Colin Holzman 1. R-JR -74 73.8 190 197.5 -210 142.5 -150 -150 175 190 -192.5 530 77.95
10/31/2022 Stars and Stripes Travis Roberts 1. R-JR -93 88.3 142.5 150 -167.5 87.5 95 -100 185 190 195 440 59.06
10/31/2022 Stars and Stripes Michael Cagliola 1. R-M2 -74 73.8 182.5 192.5 195 132.5 -140 -140 205 215 -220 542.5 79.76
10/31/2022 Stars and Stripes Laddie Gibson 1. R-M2 -83 82.2 140 120 140 400 55.63
10/31/2022 Stars and Stripes Troy Gibson 1. R-M2 -93 91.8 140 120 140 400 52.65
10/31/2022 Stars and Stripes Russell McDonnell 1. R-M2 -105 101.6 167.5 182.5 190 120 125 130 187.5 200 210 530 66.46
10/31/2022 Stars and Stripes Larry Nash 1. R-M3 -83 80.2 155 162.5 170 110 117.5 125 165 172.5 180 475 66.92
10/31/2022 Stars and Stripes Ray Padilla 1. R-M1 -93 90.6 240 255 260 110 117.5 -122.5 265 280 -292.5 657.5 87.15
10/31/2022 Stars and Stripes Anthony Stavenski 1. R-M1 -105 101.3 170 180 190 115 122.5 -130 175 185 192.5 505 63.41
10/31/2022 Stars and Stripes Dante Cavallucci 1. R-O -105 97.7 205 -215 220 -142.5 150 -155 210 -220 222.5 592.5 75.69
10/31/2022 Stars and Stripes Steve Gabriel 2. R-O -105 97.2 165 175 185 112.5 117.5 -127.5 210 227.5 -242.5 530 67.88
10/31/2022 Stars and Stripes Anthony DeVito 3. R-O -105 95.2 165 175 182.5 127.5 132.5 140 175 192.5 197.5 520 67.24
10/31/2022 Stars and Stripes Kevin Sullivan 0. R-O -105 98.5 157.5 165 172.5 -112.5 -112.5 195 -210 0 0.00
10/31/2022 Stars and Stripes Timothy Stevens 1. R-O 120+ 129.3 205 225 242.5 190 200 207.5 200 227.5 -245 677.5 76.28
10/31/2022 Stars and Stripes Gabriel Herschman 2. R-O 120+ 124.1 205 220 232.5 140 142.5 -150 205 215 227.5 602.5 69.04
10/31/2022 Stars and Stripes Sam Rolland 1. R-SJ -53 51.7 115 125 130 67.5 -75 -75 137.5 147.5 155 352.5 62.62
10/31/2022 Stars and Stripes Bodie Lacoe 1. R-JR -59 57.9 165 177.5 185 87.5 95 102.5 215 235 237.5 525 87.73
10/31/2022 Stars and Stripes Daniel Costanzo 1. R-SJ -59 53.5 -47.5 -52.5 52.5 32.5 40 45 70 85 90 187.5 32.69
10/31/2022 Stars and Stripes Chase Sciandra 2. R-SJ -59 55.2 -45 45 55 37.5 40 42.5 55 62.5 72.5 170 29.15
10/31/2022 Stars and Stripes Jacob Malitzki 1. R-SJ -66 65.8 125 137.5 145 85 95 100 170 185 -195 430 67.13
10/31/2022 Stars and Stripes Connor Mcauliffe 2. R-SJ -66 64.2 97.5 102.5 107.5 70 77.5 82.5 127.5 142.5 150 340 53.79
10/31/2022 Stars and Stripes Dylan Griffith 1. R-SJ -74 74 -175 175 185 117.5 122.5 -127.5 182.5 195 202.5 510 74.89
10/31/2022 Stars and Stripes Damean Oltmann 2. R-JR -74 74 -170 170 -175 -117.5 122.5 130 175 185 192.5 492.5 72.32
10/31/2022 Stars and Stripes Kenneth Jackson 1. R-SJ -105 102.9 192.5 210 -227.5 122.5 132.5 -140 245 -265 265 607.5 75.72
10/31/2022 Stars and Stripes Cole Schirg 2. R-SJ -105 103 200 215 -222.5 -135 137.5 -145 190 212.5 227.5 580 72.26
10/30/2022 Scary Strong Brady Graceffa 1. R-JR -74 66.9 57.5 60 62.5 62.5 35.19
10/30/2022 Scary Strong Kelsey Scannevin 1. R-JR -57 54.1 130 135 140 65 72.5 -75 145 155 -160 367.5 89.78
10/30/2022 Scary Strong Brittany Suplicki 1. R-O -63 62.8 157.5 167.5 172.5 95 100 105 167.5 177.5 -187.5 455 99.80
10/30/2022 Scary Strong Kati Vaca Diez 1. R-O -69 68.4 130 137.5 -145 52.5 57.5 -62.5 145 155 162.5 357.5 74.43
10/30/2022 Scary Strong Kelly Merlo 2. R-O -69 68.1 127.5 132.5 140 75 77.5 -80 115 125 135 352.5 73.57
10/30/2022 Scary Strong Tera Quigley 3. R-O -76 74 72.5 75 77.5 42.5 -45 45 87.5 92.5 97.5 220 43.95
10/30/2022 Scary Strong Katherine Breen 4. R-O 84+ 104.8 115 -122.5 122.5 50 55 -57.5 110 117.5 125 302.5 53.31
10/30/2022 Scary Strong Leah Foster 5. R-O 84+ 90.5 75 80 85 37.5 40 42.5 90 95 100 227.5 41.82
10/30/2022 Scary Strong Francesco Carpeno 1. O -105 102.9 240 250 265 -202.5 202.5 210 227.5 237.5 -250 712.5 73.51
10/30/2022 Scary Strong Dongyoung Kim 1. R-JR -66 65.9 175 182.5 190 90 -100 -100 200 210 -220 490 76.44
10/30/2022 Scary Strong Brandon Baeringer 0. R-O -74 72.8 165 177.5 -185 -120 -125 -125 182.5 195 -205 0 0.00
10/30/2022 Scary Strong David Wittenberg 1. R-JR -83 78 107.5 112.5 117.5 80 85 -90 107.5 115 122.5 325 46.43
10/30/2022 Scary Strong Mario Alfano 1. R-M3 -93 92.2 150 157.5 162.5 117.5 125 130 207.5 217.5 230 522.5 68.64
10/30/2022 Scary Strong Andres Vaca Diez 1. R-O -83 80.8 185 195 200 125 -132.5 -132.5 215 225 -232.5 550 77.18
10/30/2022 Scary Strong Dennis Fitzgibbon 2. R-O -83 79.2 155 172.5 182.5 100 -107.5 107.5 167.5 180 190 480 68.05
10/30/2022 Scary Strong David Lee 3. R-O -83 76.3 107.5 115 120 77.5 82.5 87.5 127.5 135 142.5 350 50.58
10/30/2022 Scary Strong Justin Nutt 2. R-O -120 117.3 240 260 275 125 137.5 142.5 285 305 320 737.5 86.59
10/30/2022 Scary Strong Robert Aguero-Hoffman 5. R-O -120 113.2 175 190 200 120 127.5 132.5 190 200 -210 532.5 63.52
10/30/2022 Scary Strong Hiram Gandia 3. R-O 120+ 127.4 207.5 220 232.5 120 130 140 207.5 225 235 607.5 68.83
10/30/2022 Scary Strong Jack Reynolds 1. R-SJ -83 77.4 170 190 205 137.5 -152.5 152.5 210 235 242.5 600 86.07
10/30/2022 Scary Strong Luke chiodo 2. R-SJ -83 79.4 -165 175 185 110 -117.5 -117.5 175 187.5 200 495 70.08
10/30/2022 Scary Strong Cameron Doyle 3. R-SJ -83 79.2 155 165 175 85 -92.5 -92.5 185 197.5 -210 457.5 64.86
10/29/2022 Bench Press Qualifier Heather Heywood 1. R-O -57 55 20 30 35 35 31.97
10/22/2022 5th Annual North Florida Open Championships Daniel Jones 0. R-O -83 81.2 -102.5 102.5 -120 102.5 52.08
10/22/2022 5th Annual North Florida Open Championships Charles Richards 0. O -105 104.6 175 182.5 195 270 287.5 -305 482.5 49.40
10/22/2022 5th Annual North Florida Open Championships Tammy Kaelin 0. R-M1 -69 64.8 92.5 97.5 100 55 60 62.5 110 120 122.5 285 61.27
10/22/2022 5th Annual North Florida Open Championships Susan Moyer 0. R-M2 -76 75.5 80 90 92.5 35 -40 -40 105 112.5 120 247.5 48.94
10/22/2022 5th Annual North Florida Open Championships Kate Cohen 0. R-O -52 51.1 122.5 130 -135 67.5 72.5 77.5 165 175 -177.5 382.5 98.04
10/22/2022 5th Annual North Florida Open Championships Lily Rubenstein 0. R-O -69 68.5 127.5 132.5 140 70 -75 75 140 147.5 152.5 367.5 76.43
10/22/2022 5th Annual North Florida Open Championships Cassandra Young 0. R-O -84 76.8 92.5 100 105 -52.5 52.5 -55 105 120 125 282.5 55.44
10/22/2022 5th Annual North Florida Open Championships Lily Rubenstein 0. R-SJ -69 68.5 127.5 132.5 140 70 -75 75 140 147.5 152.5 367.5 76.43
10/22/2022 5th Annual North Florida Open Championships Charles Richards 0. O -105 104.6 270 -280 280 175 182.5 195 270 287.5 -305 762.5 78.06
10/22/2022 5th Annual North Florida Open Championships Chase McHaffie 0. R-O -105 102.2 157.5 165 170 95 100 102.5 185 200 207.5 480 60.02
10/22/2022 5th Annual North Florida Open Championships Sylvester Price 0. R-O -105 98.2 155 -160 -160 100 -110 -110 200 205 210 465 59.25
10/22/2022 5th Annual North Florida Open Championships Noah Battle 0. R-O -120 115.2 -222.5 -222.5 222.5 -190 -190 197.5 220 -230 -230 640 75.75
10/22/2022 5th Annual North Florida Open Championships Kyle Gresham 0. R-O -120 114.3 220 232.5 250 130 137.5 147.5 220 240 -270 637.5 75.71
10/22/2022 5th Annual North Florida Open Championships Morgan Robinson 0. R-O -120 113.3 165 170 175 110 120 -125 212.5 225 230 525 62.61
10/22/2022 5th Annual North Florida Open Championships Anthony Lawrence 0. R-SJ -105 94.3 90 95 115 50 -67.5 -67.5 105 112.5 -147.5 277.5 36.06
10/15/2022 2022 Elite Season Classic Mykhailo Zabrodin 1. R-O -83 82 135 135 68.23
10/15/2022 2022 Elite Season Classic Oleksandr Zabrodin 1. R-O -93 86.7 130 140 150 150 73.71
10/15/2022 2022 Elite Season Classic Khristine Zimmerman 1. R-JR -63 58.4 80 -85 -92.5 40 45 -50 97.5 105 112.5 237.5 54.72
10/15/2022 2022 Elite Season Classic Haley Sheehan 1. R-O -63 63 137.5 145 152.5 67.5 72.5 77.5 157.5 170 182.5 412.5 90.25
10/15/2022 2022 Elite Season Classic Kayla Shaw 1. R-O -69 63.3 65 75 85 40 45 -50 75 87.5 102.5 232.5 50.74
10/15/2022 2022 Elite Season Classic Rebekah Hylton 2. R-O -76 75.4 80 85 92.5 55 60 62.5 105 112.5 117.5 272.5 53.93
10/15/2022 2022 Elite Season Classic Austin Spiegel 0. R-JR -83 80.3 -230 -230 -132.5 0 0.00
10/15/2022 2022 Elite Season Classic John Tyler 1. R-JR -105 95.6 240 252.5 262.5 182.5 192.5 197.5 277.5 290 300 760 98.13
10/15/2022 2022 Elite Season Classic Sam Sikora 2. R-JR -105 102.5 250 265 275 155 165 167.5 245 262.5 270 712.5 88.97
10/15/2022 2022 Elite Season Classic Michael Morrissey 4. R-JR -105 102.1 190 202.5 210 102.5 107.5 112.5 237.5 252.5 265 587.5 73.51
10/15/2022 2022 Elite Season Classic Ryan Scofield 1. R-JR 120+ 125.6 225 240 252.5 145 157.5 165 235 260 -272.5 677.5 77.24
10/15/2022 2022 Elite Season Classic Devyn Pioli 1. R-O -83 82.1 210 230 240 130 137.5 -145 220 240 260 637.5 88.73
10/15/2022 2022 Elite Season Classic Filipp Blyashuk 2. R-O -105 95.3 162.5 175 185 130 137.5 145 190 202.5 210 540 69.81
10/15/2022 2022 Elite Season Classic Cody Trainham 2. R-O -120 117 185 195 205 97.5 -102.5 -107.5 185 197.5 207.5 510 59.95
10/15/2022 2022 Elite Season Classic Greg Jones 1. R-SJ -83 82.5 180 190 202.5 110 -117.5 122.5 197.5 210 220 545 75.70
10/15/2022 2022 Elite Season Classic Maxwell Palmer 2. R-SJ -83 80.4 157.5 167.5 177.5 85 90 -95 175 185 195 462.5 65.06
10/07/2022 2022 West Regionals at the Legion Sport Fest Kelsey Heflin 1. R-JR -57 55.6 92.5 100 -105 50 -52.5 52.5 87.5 97.5 102.5 255 60.96
10/07/2022 2022 West Regionals at the Legion Sport Fest Madelina Rodriguez 1. R-JR -63 62.4 102.5 107.5 110 42.5 60 -62.5 105 -120 -132.5 275 60.54
10/07/2022 2022 West Regionals at the Legion Sport Fest Mahalakshmi Krishna 0. R-JR -69 68.6 97.5 122.5 137.5 52.5 70 -82.5 -115 -142.5 -142.5 0 0.00
10/07/2022 2022 West Regionals at the Legion Sport Fest Kirsten Iverson 1. R-JR -76 74 105 112.5 117.5 62.5 -67.5 67.5 107.5 117.5 -122.5 302.5 60.41
10/07/2022 2022 West Regionals at the Legion Sport Fest Brenda Arnold 1. R-M2 -76 74.2 87.5 92.5 100 -65 65 -72.5 130 140 -147.5 305 60.83
10/07/2022 2022 West Regionals at the Legion Sport Fest Claire Zai 1. R-O -69 68.3 175 182.5 190 115 120 122.5 200 210 -215 522.5 108.87
10/07/2022 2022 West Regionals at the Legion Sport Fest Megan Rankin 1. R-O 84+ 112.6 137.5 -142.5 -142.5 55 60 -65 132.5 -142.5 142.5 340 58.97
10/07/2022 2022 West Regionals at the Legion Sport Fest Kristina Nixon 2. R-O 84+ 107.2 112.5 -125 127.5 42.5 47.5 55 115 125 137.5 320 56.09
10/07/2022 2022 West Regionals at the Legion Sport Fest Sarah Dahlke 3. R-O 84+ 109.7 90 105 -112.5 77.5 -87.5 -87.5 102.5 107.5 115 297.5 51.88
10/07/2022 2022 West Regionals at the Legion Sport Fest Dafydd Herico 1. R-JR -83 81.5 200 215 230 140 150 -157.5 235 252.5 265 645 90.11
10/07/2022 2022 West Regionals at the Legion Sport Fest Curtis Malacrea 1. R-JR -93 84.8 -205 220 -230 -122.5 125 127.5 222.5 -230 232.5 580 79.42
10/07/2022 2022 West Regionals at the Legion Sport Fest Joseph Loomis 1. R-M1 -105 99.3 170 177.5 185 112.5 120 122.5 180 185 192.5 500 63.38
10/07/2022 2022 West Regionals at the Legion Sport Fest Richard Schulze 1. R-M2 -105 96.1 105 125 137.5 90 97.5 105 160 182.5 -187.5 425 54.72
10/07/2022 2022 West Regionals at the Legion Sport Fest Todd Peterson 1. R-M3 -93 89.8 145 -160 165 87.5 92.5 105 160 180 190 460 61.22
10/07/2022 2022 West Regionals at the Legion Sport Fest Wascar Carpio 1. R-O -66 64.4 197.5 -207.5 217.5 125 132.5 137.5 222.5 235 245 600 94.75
10/07/2022 2022 West Regionals at the Legion Sport Fest Jaemin Lee 1. R-O -83 78.2 -175 192.5 -202.5 107.5 117.5 120 200 -212.5 -215 512.5 73.13
10/07/2022 2022 West Regionals at the Legion Sport Fest Carlos Vega-Reza 2. R-O -83 81.8 -150 160 167.5 105 112.5 117.5 200 215 227.5 512.5 71.47
10/07/2022 2022 West Regionals at the Legion Sport Fest Joseph Lopez 3. R-O -83 81.7 175 -177.5 177.5 90 105 115 200 205 -210 497.5 69.42
10/07/2022 2022 West Regionals at the Legion Sport Fest Nathaniel Gutierrez 4. R-O -83 82.3 165 -182.5 -182.5 92.5 97.5 105 165 182.5 185 455 63.25
10/07/2022 2022 West Regionals at the Legion Sport Fest Andrew Marshall 5. R-O -83 78.7 135 142.5 -147.5 85 92.5 100 165 175 -185 417.5 59.38
10/07/2022 2022 West Regionals at the Legion Sport Fest Peyton Johnson 1. R-O -93 89.4 260 270 275 152.5 -157.5 157.5 -305 317.5 325 757.5 101.04
10/07/2022 2022 West Regionals at the Legion Sport Fest Andrew Peterson 2. R-O -93 88.6 190 200 210 125 135 140 210 220 232.5 582.5 78.04
10/07/2022 2022 West Regionals at the Legion Sport Fest Barry Bow 3. R-O -93 87.8 155 -165 177.5 110 120 125 200 212.5 217.5 520 69.98
10/07/2022 2022 West Regionals at the Legion Sport Fest Arthur Perez 2. R-O -105 95.6 177.5 -190 -190 107.5 115 122.5 185 197.5 -205 497.5 64.22
10/07/2022 2022 West Regionals at the Legion Sport Fest Sergio Ruiz 4. R-O -105 102.5 137.5 150 -157.5 110 115 120 140 157.5 170 440 54.94
10/07/2022 2022 West Regionals at the Legion Sport Fest Bronson Buxton 0. R-PS -53 48.8 55 60 67.5 -37.5 -37.5 -37.5 75 85 -92.5 0 0.00
10/07/2022 2022 West Regionals at the Legion Sport Fest Toribio Gutierrez 2. R-O -66 64.6 -102.5 112.5 -125 85 -92.5 92.5 120 137.5 145 350 55.18
10/01/2022 Knights Challenge 2022 Nick Rounick 1. R-O -83 82.7 155 -160 -165 155 78.00
10/01/2022 Knights Challenge 2022 Sherveen Ahmadian 1. R-SJ -66 62.4 142.5 -185 187.5 187.5 30.12
10/01/2022 Knights Challenge 2022 Claire Kemp 1. R-JR -57 55.3 92.5 97.5 102.5 45 50 -52.5 97.5 102.5 107.5 260 62.42
10/01/2022 Knights Challenge 2022 Erin Hall 1. R-O 84+ 108.9 -115 120 -125 55 57.5 -62.5 135 140 145 322.5 56.34
10/01/2022 Knights Challenge 2022 Alison Hutchings 3. R-O 84+ 114.8 -97.5 100 112.5 60 67.5 -75 107.5 115 120 300 51.84
10/01/2022 Knights Challenge 2022 Luella Bowden 1. R-SJ 84+ 123.4 170 180 192.5 80 85 -92.5 160 170 177.5 455 77.64
10/01/2022 Knights Challenge 2022 Lee Farmer 1. R-M2 -74 73.8 100 105 -115 -80 85 92.5 130 145 -160 342.5 50.37
10/01/2022 Knights Challenge 2022 McCady Findley 2. R-O -74 72.4 142.5 160 170 102.5 112.5 -120 182.5 197.5 210 492.5 73.16
10/01/2022 Knights Challenge 2022 Jeffrey Stafford 1. R-SJ -74 71.1 125 132.5 140 85 92.5 -100 165 172.5 180 412.5 61.83
09/24/2022 2022 Rancho Cucamonga Open Nancy Sassaman 1. R-M4 -57 56.1 40 45 50 25 30 35 80 85 92.5 177.5 42.14
09/24/2022 2022 Rancho Cucamonga Open Gaby Hinojosa 1. R-O -76 72.6 112.5 120 130 60 67.5 70 140 152.5 162.5 362.5 73.09
09/24/2022 2022 Rancho Cucamonga Open Nathaniel Lubrin 1. R-JR -93 89.7 200 -210 -220 -110 -117.5 120 225 237.5 -247.5 557.5 74.24
09/24/2022 2022 Rancho Cucamonga Open Ryan Wolfe 1. R-M1 -83 76.5 137.5 150 155 95 97.5 100 170 180 190 445 64.24
09/24/2022 2022 4th Annual Ocala Open Super Total x 3 Championship John DiGiorgio 1. R-M3 -93 91.1 -102.5 102.5 107.5 107.5 51.52
09/24/2022 2022 4th Annual Ocala Open Super Total x 3 Championship Jason Pearson 1. R-M2 -120 112.3 125 130 132.5 132.5 57.54
09/24/2022 2022 4th Annual Ocala Open Super Total x 3 Championship Jeffrey Tryon 1. R-M3 -120 119.9 115 125 135 135 56.98
09/24/2022 2022 4th Annual Ocala Open Super Total x 3 Championship Danielle Delaine-Rust 1. R-O 84+ 100.7 82.5 90 100 100 17.80
09/24/2022 2022 4th Annual Ocala Open Super Total x 3 Championship Jim Holt 1. R-JR -66 65.5 147.5 157.5 165 165 25.82
09/24/2022 2022 4th Annual Ocala Open Super Total x 3 Championship Jason Pearson 1. R-M2 -120 112.3 227.5 232.5 237.5 237.5 28.43
09/24/2022 2022 4th Annual Ocala Open Super Total x 3 Championship Jason Pearson 1. R-M2 -120 112.3 125 130 132.5 227.5 232.5 237.5 370 44.29
09/24/2022 2022 4th Annual Ocala Open Super Total x 3 Championship Precious Darling 0. R-JR -76 72.4 82.5 97.5 -105 47.5 -57.5 -57.5 112.5 115 117.5 0 0.00
09/24/2022 2022 4th Annual Ocala Open Super Total x 3 Championship Cris Coniglio 1. R-M2 84+ 93.1 77.5 82.5 90 55 60 -62.5 95 100 105 255 46.44
09/24/2022 2022 4th Annual Ocala Open Super Total x 3 Championship Suzanne Laforge 1. R-M3 -63 62.2 97.5 112.5 120 57.5 62.5 67.5 142.5 155 162.5 350 77.18
09/24/2022 2022 4th Annual Ocala Open Super Total x 3 Championship Regina Boyd 1. R-O -69 67.1 115 125 -132.5 -60 -60 60 150 -160 -160 335 70.53
09/24/2022 2022 4th Annual Ocala Open Super Total x 3 Championship Jessica Caraballo 1. R-O 84+ 93.1 107.5 112.5 117.5 62.5 67.5 75 122.5 127.5 137.5 330 60.10
09/24/2022 2022 4th Annual Ocala Open Super Total x 3 Championship Jose Barbiere 1. R-JR -59 56.2 125 135 150 75 80 -85 140 145 155 385 65.40
09/24/2022 2022 4th Annual Ocala Open Super Total x 3 Championship Antuan Sconiers 1. R-JR -66 59.7 110 117.5 125 80 85 -92.5 155 165 175 385 63.33
09/24/2022 2022 4th Annual Ocala Open Super Total x 3 Championship Tyler Pennington 1. R-JR -83 82.7 175 -182.5 -182.5 -120 -120 120 175 185 190 485 67.27
09/24/2022 2022 4th Annual Ocala Open Super Total x 3 Championship Joshua Ingram 1. R-JR -93 92.3 165 177.5 182.5 130 -137.5 137.5 200 -205 520 68.28
09/24/2022 2022 4th Annual Ocala Open Super Total x 3 Championship William Maples 2. R-JR -93 89.7 142.5 147.5 160 102.5 105 -112.5 195 210 215 480 63.92
09/24/2022 2022 4th Annual Ocala Open Super Total x 3 Championship Brandon Kaminsky 1. R-JR 120+ 125.1 230 240 250 150 157.5 160 230 240 245 655 74.79
09/24/2022 2022 4th Annual Ocala Open Super Total x 3 Championship Wesley Paul 1. R-M1 -105 104.3 132.5 145 147.5 75 82.5 -85 152.5 170 180 410 50.79
09/24/2022 2022 4th Annual Ocala Open Super Total x 3 Championship Jason Pearson 1. R-M2 -120 112.3 182.5 185 190 125 130 132.5 227.5 232.5 237.5 560 67.03
09/24/2022 2022 4th Annual Ocala Open Super Total x 3 Championship Jeffrey Tryon 1. R-M3 -120 119.9 160 170 175 115 125 135 160 180 -190 490 56.99
09/24/2022 2022 4th Annual Ocala Open Super Total x 3 Championship Edward Stine 1. R-M4 -105 104.2 102.5 -110 110 82.5 92.5 -105 -150 150 155 357.5 44.29
09/24/2022 2022 4th Annual Ocala Open Super Total x 3 Championship Jyahvonte Thompson 1. R-O -74 72.2 190 195 -197.5 120 130 -132.5 235 -262.5 -262.5 560 83.27
09/24/2022 2022 4th Annual Ocala Open Super Total x 3 Championship Juan Jr. De La Garza 2. R-O -74 72.3 137.5 142.5 147.5 97.5 102.5 107.5 167.5 -170 170 425 63.14
09/24/2022 2022 4th Annual Ocala Open Super Total x 3 Championship Kylle Edwards 1. R-O -105 102.2 280 290 302.5 182.5 192.5 205 285 302.5 310 817.5 102.22
09/24/2022 2022 4th Annual Ocala Open Super Total x 3 Championship Ruben Melendez 1. R-O 120+ 170.2 -207.5 207.5 240 152.5 -160 160 207.5 235 245 645 65.42
09/24/2022 2022 4th Annual Ocala Open Super Total x 3 Championship Tanner Faden 1. R-PS -59 58.6 62.5 80 87.5 45 52.5 57.5 85 100 112.5 257.5 42.75
09/24/2022 2022 4th Annual Ocala Open Super Total x 3 Championship Ethan Walker 1. R-SJ -66 60.2 100 -125 -125 -60 -60 60 -125 125 140 300 49.09
09/24/2022 2022 4th Annual Ocala Open Super Total x 3 Championship Aidan Folino 1. R-PS -53 53 50 60 62.5 27.5 30 32.5 70 75 77.5 172.5 30.24
09/18/2022 3rd Annual New Mexico State Fair Bench Press Deadlift and Powerlifting Championship Corey Strickland 1. R-O 120+ 141 190 -202.5 -202.5 190 75.08
09/18/2022 3rd Annual New Mexico State Fair Bench Press Deadlift and Powerlifting Championship Jessica Alderete 1. R-O -84 77.6 130 140 150 90 95 100 175 182.5 190 440 85.92
09/18/2022 3rd Annual New Mexico State Fair Bench Press Deadlift and Powerlifting Championship Joel Brown 1. R-O -105 98.7 165 185 -205 132.5 140 145 195 207.5 222.5 552.5 70.23
09/18/2022 3rd Annual New Mexico State Fair Bench Press Deadlift and Powerlifting Championship Kaden Hush 1. R-O -120 115.4 220 227.5 240 240 103.00
09/18/2022 3rd Annual New Mexico State Fair Bench Press Deadlift and Powerlifting Championship Kirshten Masiclat 1. R-O -69 65.6 102.5 125 142.5 57.5 60 65 102.5 137.5 160 367.5 78.40
09/18/2022 3rd Annual New Mexico State Fair Bench Press Deadlift and Powerlifting Championship Kyler Crow 2. R-O -59 45.3 47.5 52.5 62.5 -42.5 47.5 -52.5 65 77.5 92.5 202.5 38.65
09/18/2022 3rd Annual New Mexico State Fair Bench Press Deadlift and Powerlifting Championship Mackenzie Schwartz 0. R-O -76 73.8 70 75 -80 45 47.5 -50 -115 -115 -115 0 0.00
09/18/2022 3rd Annual New Mexico State Fair Bench Press Deadlift and Powerlifting Championship Precious Andrew 1. R-O -69 68.7 170 182.5 -200 182.5 37.92
09/18/2022 3rd Annual New Mexico State Fair Bench Press Deadlift and Powerlifting Championship Randal Whitt 0. R-O -120 112.6 -150 0 0.00
09/18/2022 3rd Annual New Mexico State Fair Bench Press Deadlift and Powerlifting Championship Ryder Crow 1. R-O -59 58.8 75 82.5 -97.5 62.5 65 -70 102.5 115 -125 262.5 43.54
09/18/2022 3rd Annual New Mexico State Fair Bench Press Deadlift and Powerlifting Championship Sequoia Crow 1. R-O -66 59.7 60 72.5 -97.5 -62.5 65 -70 102.5 -115 115 252.5 41.52
09/18/2022 3rd Annual New Mexico State Fair Bench Press Deadlift and Powerlifting Championship Shanti Khalsa 2. R-O -84 83.6 95 100 105 37.5 42.5 -45 107.5 125 127.5 275 52.04
09/18/2022 3rd Annual New Mexico State Fair Bench Press Deadlift and Powerlifting Championship Stephen Rael 1. R-O -74 67.7 -45 45 -55 40 -60 -60 92.5 97.5 105 190 29.23
09/18/2022 3rd Annual New Mexico State Fair Bench Press Deadlift and Powerlifting Championship Zen Mccollum 1. O 120+ 161.7 265 275 -280 265 285 305 580 158.46
09/10/2022 5th Annual Southern Sates Championships Cheryl Marlowe 1. R-M3 84+ 98.5 75 85 87.5 87.5 63.32
09/10/2022 5th Annual Southern Sates Championships Elizabeth Parker 1. R-O -47 37.9 50 55 57.5 57.5 83.88
09/10/2022 5th Annual Southern Sates Championships Troy Long 1. R-M2 -74 73.6 112.5 120 -125 120 64.20
09/10/2022 5th Annual Southern Sates Championships Savannah Laughlin 1. R-JR -63 59.2 77.5 82.5 -95 40 47.5 -50 102.5 110 115 245 55.94
09/10/2022 5th Annual Southern Sates Championships Brandy Mccoy 1. R-O 84+ 93.3 152.5 157.5 165 107.5 112.5 -117.5 155 160 170 447.5 81.44
09/10/2022 5th Annual Southern Sates Championships Sherri Henderson 1. R-M2 -63 60.9 72.5 87.5 -92.5 35 47.5 -50 85 97.5 -100 232.5 52.03
09/10/2022 5th Annual Southern Sates Championships Suzanne Laforge 1. R-M3 -63 62.4 97.5 110 -120 57.5 65 -67.5 145 155 162.5 337.5 74.34
09/10/2022 5th Annual Southern Sates Championships Sharon Jones 1. R-O -69 64.3 130 140 145 70 75 77.5 170 177.5 -185 400 86.38
09/10/2022 5th Annual Southern Sates Championships Patty Jane Gilmore 0. R-O -76 73.8 45 50 55 -45 -45 -45 -80 87.5 95 0 0.00
09/10/2022 5th Annual Southern Sates Championships Jessica Phillips 1. R-O -84 80.9 65 70 75 55 65 -75 75 85 92.5 232.5 44.59
09/10/2022 5th Annual Southern Sates Championships Pamela Bellamy 2. R-O 84+ 118.2 137.5 145 147.5 85 90 92.5 165 170 172.5 412.5 70.90
09/10/2022 5th Annual Southern Sates Championships Shannon Abbott 3. R-O 84+ 96.8 102.5 110 115 60 67.5 75 132.5 142.5 147.5 337.5 60.75
09/10/2022 5th Annual Southern Sates Championships Ashley Mason 4. R-O 84+ 133.1 97.5 -100 100 50 55 -62.5 97.5 102.5 110 265 44.75
09/10/2022 5th Annual Southern Sates Championships Travis Pardue 1. M2 -74 73.6 195 205 -212.5 132.5 140 142.5 227.5 -247.5 247.5 595 74.03
09/10/2022 5th Annual Southern Sates Championships David Alexander 1. R-M1 120+ 123.7 225 240 -275 145 150 195 210 -227.5 600 68.84
09/10/2022 5th Annual Southern Sates Championships Charles Williams 1. R-O -83 81.8 227.5 237.5 245 127.5 135 137.5 -227.5 -227.5 227.5 610 85.05
09/10/2022 5th Annual Southern Sates Championships Ryder Reed 1. R-O -93 91.3 232.5 242.5 252.5 162.5 172.5 182.5 290 302.5 310 745 98.36
09/10/2022 5th Annual Southern Sates Championships Sid Ngeth 2. R-O -93 91.1 212.5 -217.5 222.5 137.5 145 -152.5 220 235 -237.5 602.5 79.63
09/10/2022 5th Annual Southern Sates Championships Andrew Paige 1. R-O -105 94.8 -125 125 142.5 125 135 137.5 215 230 235 515 66.76
09/10/2022 5th Annual Southern Sates Championships Joaquin Bello 1. R-SJ -66 62.8 165 172.5 -182.5 92.5 100 -107.5 170 182.5 200 472.5 75.64
09/10/2022 5th Annual Southern Sates Championships Evan Pardue 1. R-SJ -74 67 82.5 87.5 97.5 47.5 52.5 57.5 100 110 117.5 272.5 42.13
09/10/2022 5th Annual Southern Sates Championships Brandy Harper 1. R-O 84+ 129.1 35 37.5 40 45 47.5 50 90 15.26
09/10/2022 5th Annual Southern Sates Championships Timothy Quinn 1. R-O -83 78.5 102.5 105 107.5 182.5 187.5 -190 295 42.01
09/10/2022 5th Annual Southern Sates Championships Timothy Quinn 1. R-O -83 78.5 102.5 105 107.5 182.5 187.5 -190 295 42.01
07/30/2022 TFX Challenge Cup Championships Sarah Skinner 1. R-O -69 66.6 122.5 127.5 132.5 95 100 -102.5 145 152.5 160 392.5 82.96
07/30/2022 TFX Challenge Cup Championships Kristie Powers 1. R-O -76 73.8 82.5 -85 85 47.5 50 52.5 110 115 -120 252.5 50.49
07/30/2022 TFX Challenge Cup Championships Noah Battle 1. O -120 118.8 200 210 222.5 185 187.5 195 200 215 227.5 645 62.59
07/30/2022 TFX Challenge Cup Championships Aidan Sakata 1. R-JR -93 90.6 160 172.5 187.5 115 122.5 -130 205 215 -230 525 69.56
07/30/2022 TFX Challenge Cup Championships Lawrence Milford Sr. 1. R-M3 -83 79.4 52.5 57.5 62.5 50 55 57.5 100 105 110 230 32.57
07/30/2022 TFX Challenge Cup Championships John M Alderman 1. R-M4 -93 86.3 107.5 115 117.5 105 110 -115 140 150 155 382.5 51.91
07/30/2022 TFX Challenge Cup Championships Anthony Lawrence 1. R-SJ -93 91.1 75 -85 85 47.5 52.5 60 102.5 120 127.5 272.5 36.01
07/30/2022 Summer Slam Ken Levine 1. R-M3 -83 80.8 110 -115 120 120 61.11
07/30/2022 Summer Slam Riley Decker 1. R-JR -63 61.8 77.5 87.5 -90 42.5 -50 105 112.5 -115 242.5 53.73
07/30/2022 Summer Slam Jackie Ventricelli 1. R-JR -76 70.2 95 -102.5 115 52.5 55 -57.5 120 130 140 310 63.62
07/30/2022 Summer Slam Samantha Moratori 1. R-JR 84+ 86.2 82.5 87.5 92.5 45 50 -52.5 107.5 110 115 257.5 48.15
07/30/2022 Summer Slam Rebecca Rutkoski 1. R-M1 84+ 100.4 135 142.5 150 72.5 75 -80 140 150 -157.5 375 66.81
07/30/2022 Summer Slam Marissa Feldberg 1. R-O -52 51.2 92.5 95 97.5 62.5 65 -67.5 117.5 120 -122.5 282.5 72.30
07/30/2022 Summer Slam Eleni Guerrera 1. R-SJ -57 54.1 112.5 120 -125 55 57.5 60 142.5 150 157.5 337.5 82.46
07/30/2022 Summer Slam Zoee Edmonds 1. R-SJ -63 58.4 77.5 -82.5 -85 52.5 55 -57.5 122.5 -130 -130 255 58.75
07/30/2022 Summer Slam Jacob Peck 1. R-JR -93 90.8 175 182.5 190 120 127.5 -132.5 205 217.5 -227.5 535 70.81
07/30/2022 Summer Slam Derek Herfurth 2. R-JR -93 90.7 135 140 142.5 142.5 18.87
07/30/2022 Summer Slam Tom Grebs 1. R-M3 -93 92.2 165 175 182.5 162.5 170 -172.5 192.5 207.5 215 567.5 74.55
07/30/2022 Summer Slam Anthony Stavenski 1. R-M1 -105 102.1 167.5 175 182.5 112.5 120 125 160 175 185 492.5 61.61
07/30/2022 Summer Slam Logan Dwyer 1. R-O -83 80.9 142.5 150 155 85 90 95 162.5 170 180 430 60.30
07/30/2022 Summer Slam Donny Palmer 1. R-O -105 102.2 170 185 -197.5 125 140 145 210 230 237.5 567.5 70.96
07/30/2022 Summer Slam Emanuel carrasquillo 1. R-O -120 118 280 290 300 185 192.5 200 210 230 -237.5 730 85.49
07/30/2022 Summer Slam Jack Cox 1. R-PS -74 72.9 120 125 132.5 87.5 92.5 -95 162.5 172.5 180 405 59.92
07/30/2022 Summer Slam Gabriel Herschman 1. R-JR 120+ 125.3 190 207.5 230 135 142.5 150 190 210 -230 590 67.32
07/30/2022 Summer Slam Johnathan Hulse 1. R-O -74 71.8 -72.5 75 87.5 120 130 137.5 225 33.56
07/30/2022 2022 Brother Bennet Analise Gautreau 1. R-Y 0 0 37.5 42.5 45 15 20 -25 42.5 -50 50 115 0.00
07/30/2022 2022 Brother Bennet Blasia Bonfanti 1. SJ -47 45 87.5 95 -100 42.5 45 47.5 92.5 -97.5 100 242.5 54.95
07/30/2022 2022 Brother Bennet Blasia Bonfanti 1. O -47 45 87.5 95 -100 42.5 45 47.5 92.5 -97.5 100 242.5 54.95
07/30/2022 2022 Brother Bennet Negin Meshkati 1. O -52 50.7 87.5 -97.5 -97.5 40 42.5 -45 95 105 -110 235 48.71
07/30/2022 2022 Brother Bennet Victoria Durost 1. SJ -57 55.7 102.5 120 -130 57.5 65 -67.5 -115 115 122.5 307.5 59.82
07/30/2022 2022 Brother Bennet Samantha Ruiz 2. SJ -57 56.5 82.5 95 -105 30 35 -37.5 75 82.5 -95 212.5 40.96
07/30/2022 2022 Brother Bennet Victoria Durost 1. O -57 55.7 102.5 120 -130 57.5 65 -67.5 -115 115 122.5 307.5 59.82
07/30/2022 2022 Brother Bennet Savannah Laughlin 1. R-JR -63 58.2 75 80 87.5 -40 42.5 -47.5 97.5 105 110 240 55.44
07/30/2022 2022 Brother Bennet Allyson Cole 1. SJ -69 66.3 85 97.5 -102.5 30 -35 -35 97.5 105 112.5 240 42.13
07/30/2022 2022 Brother Bennet Lily David 2. SJ -69 64.6 82.5 -92.5 -92.5 -42.5 42.5 -52.5 82.5 92.5 97.5 222.5 39.61
07/30/2022 2022 Brother Bennet Tessa Blair 3. SJ -69 65.1 -85 85 -92.5 32.5 35 -40 85 97.5 102.5 222.5 39.44
07/30/2022 2022 Brother Bennet Abby Shows 0. SJ -69 68 -85 -85 -85 32.5 35 -40 85 97.5 105 0 0.00
07/30/2022 2022 Brother Bennet Lily David 1. O -69 64.6 82.5 -92.5 -92.5 -42.5 42.5 -52.5 82.5 92.5 97.5 222.5 39.61
07/30/2022 2022 Brother Bennet Mc Dale 1. JR -76 74 160 170 175 82.5 87.5 92.5 160 170 -175 437.5 72.67
07/30/2022 2022 Brother Bennet Samantha Shirley 1. R-O 84+ 84.4 100 107.5 112.5 52.5 57.5 -60 115 122.5 -130 292.5 55.14
07/30/2022 2022 Brother Bennet Pamela Bellamy 0. R-O 84+ 120.3 -142.5 -145 -145 -90 90 92.5 165 -172.5 -175 0 0.00
07/30/2022 2022 Brother Bennet Lawson Navarre 1. SJ -59 56.8 142.5 152.5 -167.5 77.5 85 95 157.5 170 -185 417.5 62.63
07/30/2022 2022 Brother Bennet Lawson Navarre 1. O -59 56.8 142.5 152.5 -167.5 77.5 85 95 157.5 170 -185 417.5 62.63
07/30/2022 2022 Brother Bennet Blaine Parsons Jr 1. SJ -74 74 200 -212.5 -212.5 97.5 102.5 -105 215 227.5 237.5 540 66.92
07/30/2022 2022 Brother Bennet Ian Guarisco 2. SJ -74 66.5 157.5 170 -182.5 105 112.5 -117.5 157.5 165 -170 447.5 59.62
07/30/2022 2022 Brother Bennet Blaine Parsons Jr 1. O -74 74 200 -212.5 -212.5 97.5 102.5 -105 215 227.5 237.5 540 66.92
07/30/2022 2022 Brother Bennet Ian Guarisco 2. O -74 66.5 157.5 170 182.5 105 112.5 117.5 157.5 165 170 470 62.62
07/30/2022 2022 Brother Bennet Gavin Langlois 1. SJ -83 78.9 -102.5 102.5 -112.5 -52.5 52.5 65 105 110 117.5 285 33.92
07/30/2022 2022 Brother Bennet Angelo Amos 1. R-JR -83 80.8 175 185 192.5 125 135 -140 180 192.5 202.5 530 74.37
07/30/2022 2022 Brother Bennet Erique Thomas 2. R-JR -83 80.2 -185 185 -207.5 -102.5 102.5 107.5 -185 185 197.5 490 69.02
07/30/2022 2022 Brother Bennet Charles Williams 1. R-O -83 82.6 227.5 -237.5 -237.5 127.5 132.5 135 227.5 237.5 245 607.5 84.30
07/30/2022 2022 Brother Bennet Gavin Langlois 1. O -83 78.9 -102.5 102.5 -112.5 -52.5 52.5 65 105 110 117.5 285 33.92
07/30/2022 2022 Brother Bennet Trenton Harrison 1. SJ -93 86.9 212.5 225 227.5 -107.5 107.5 -117.5 215 227.5 -237.5 562.5 63.28
07/30/2022 2022 Brother Bennet Anthony Thomas 1. R-O -93 93 215 -227.5 -230 162.5 172.5 -182.5 267.5 282.5 292.5 680 88.96
07/30/2022 2022 Brother Bennet Pierre Momon 2. R-O -93 90.2 207.5 -210 -210 -167.5 167.5 -170 227.5 230 237.5 612.5 81.34
07/30/2022 2022 Brother Bennet Trenton Harrison 1. O -93 86.9 212.5 225 227.5 -107.5 107.5 -117.5 215 227.5 -237.5 562.5 63.28
07/30/2022 2022 Brother Bennet Jacob Williams 2. O -93 89.2 -160 172.5 182.5 110 117.5 125 170 180 190 497.5 55.16
07/30/2022 2022 Brother Bennet Byron Pratt 1. R-M1 -105 93.9 135 145 155 135 145 -152.5 180 190 200 500 65.10
07/30/2022 2022 Brother Bennet Cannon Lovitt 1. R-Y 0 0 75 85 92.5 92.5 0.00
07/23/2022 Powerlifting In The Pines Megan Richard 0. R-JR -63 62.9 -137.5 -137.5 -137.5 77.5 -82.5 -82.5 -115 -115 -115 0 0.00
07/23/2022 Powerlifting In The Pines Ziggy Mata Olague 1. R-JR -76 75.2 92.5 102.5 107.5 52.5 -55 -55 137.5 -142.5 -142.5 297.5 58.97
07/23/2022 Powerlifting In The Pines Haley Conant 1. R-O 84+ 94.3 92.5 100 107.5 62.5 70 72.5 117.5 125 130 310 56.24
07/23/2022 Powerlifting In The Pines Miranda Palmer 2. R-O 84+ 90.9 67.5 75 80 47.5 50 55 102.5 107.5 115 250 45.88
07/23/2022 Powerlifting In The Pines Quinn Batista 1. R-O -66 63.8 152.5 165 175 95 102.5 -107.5 190 210 -222.5 487.5 77.40
07/23/2022 Powerlifting In The Pines Marcus Sorrells 1. R-O -59 57.9 -95 -97.5 97.5 -62.5 62.5 -72.5 105 125 142.5 302.5 50.56
07/23/2022 Powerlifting In The Pines Shane Nichols 1. R-O -83 82 172.5 182.5 187.5 107.5 -112.5 -112.5 220 235 -245 530 73.84
07/23/2022 Powerlifting In The Pines McCady Findley 2. R-O -83 75.8 142.5 157.5 167.5 97.5 107.5 115 175 187.5 202.5 485 70.35
07/23/2022 Powerlifting In The Pines Braiden Fairbanks 1. R-O -93 90.7 137.5 147.5 155 95 102.5 107.5 177.5 192.5 200 462.5 61.25
07/23/2022 Powerlifting In The Pines Sam Bodnar 2. R-O -93 85 87.5 92.5 102.5 70 -77.5 82.5 115 127.5 135 320 43.78
07/23/2022 Powerlifting In The Pines Daniel Richard 1. R-O -105 98.6 190 200 210 -132.5 132.5 140 215 -227.5 -227.5 565 71.86
07/23/2022 Powerlifting In The Pines Caleb Osier 0. R-O -105 102.9 150 -185 185 -102.5 -110 -110 142.5 150 160 0 0.00
07/23/2022 Powerlifting In The Pines Joseph Bloxham 1. R-O 120+ 127.5 200 -210 220 150 -160 -170 225 237.5 -250 607.5 68.81
07/23/2022 Powerlifting In The Pines Marcus Sorrells 1. R-SJ -59 57.9 -95 -97.5 97.5 -62.5 62.5 -72.5 105 125 142.5 302.5 50.56
07/23/2022 Powerlifting In The Pines Izak Cotney 1. R-SJ -74 71.7 130 140 -145 -85 90 95 122.5 140 145 380 56.71
07/23/2022 Powerlifting In The Pines Jeffrey Stafford 2. R-SJ -74 71.4 110 135 -145 80 87.5 -95 155 -182.5 -182.5 377.5 56.46
07/23/2022 Woodlawn Open Carolina Alvarado 1. JR -43 42.3 80 90 95 37.5 40 -42.5 115 127.5 132.5 267.5 63.73
07/23/2022 Woodlawn Open Seema Kawji 1. JR -57 56.7 97.5 107.5 112.5 40 42.5 45 100 112.5 120 277.5 53.37
07/23/2022 Woodlawn Open Eliana Trevino 1. SJ -63 60.1 95 100 -102.5 45 47.5 -50 97.5 100 102.5 250 46.39
07/23/2022 Woodlawn Open Heather McConnell 1. R-O -63 62.4 90 100 102.5 60 -65 -65 115 120 125 287.5 63.29
07/23/2022 Woodlawn Open Jeorgia Wahl 1. O -63 61.3 77.5 -85 85 -42.5 -42.5 42.5 87.5 90 95 222.5 40.81
07/23/2022 Woodlawn Open Catherine Plaisance 1. SJ -69 67.2 97.5 -102.5 102.5 60 62.5 -65 102.5 105 110 275 47.93
07/23/2022 Woodlawn Open Rhianna Weall 1. R-JR 84+ 88.8 135 142.5 147.5 -82.5 82.5 -85 127.5 130 137.5 367.5 67.99
07/23/2022 Woodlawn Open Teanay Haynes 1. R-O 84+ 125.4 105 -110 110 67.5 -70 -70 110 115 120 297.5 50.64
07/23/2022 Woodlawn Open Tiberius Hooper 1. R-Y 0 0 52.5 62.5 70 30 35 -40 52.5 65 75 180 0.00
07/23/2022 Woodlawn Open Alex Canton 1. R-O -83 82.2 235 250 255 160 165 170 230 240 245 670 93.20
07/23/2022 Woodlawn Open Bennett Blank 1. R-SJ -93 92.2 -180 180 187.5 115 122.5 -125 195 202.5 212.5 522.5 68.64
07/23/2022 Woodlawn Open Sarah Wages 1. R-M1 84+ 134 92.5 100 105 105 74.14
07/23/2022 Woodlawn Open Tom Babcock 1. R-M3 -120 114.4 127.5 132.5 137.5 137.5 59.23
07/09/2022 Iron Independence David Litchfield 1. R-M1 -93 90.2 145 162.5 162.5 78.27
07/09/2022 Iron Independence Joshua Penuna 1. R-O -105 104 225 240 -250 240 29.76
07/09/2022 Iron Independence Esmeralda Lopez 1. R-JR -63 62 85 90 95 35 40 47.5 110 120 132.5 275 60.83
07/09/2022 Iron Independence Nina Chanthavongsa 1. R-O -57 55.4 40 45 52.5 25 30 -32.5 70 75 82.5 165 39.56
07/09/2022 Iron Independence Kristen Ruiz 1. R-O -69 64.4 105 112.5 117.5 50 55 62.5 135 147.5 -155 327.5 70.66
07/09/2022 Iron Independence Rosemary Perez 2. R-O -69 68.8 75 82.5 87.5 42.5 47.5 52.5 110 122.5 132.5 272.5 56.55
07/09/2022 Iron Independence Vanessa Trujillo 1. R-O -76 75.8 137.5 150 157.5 70 75 80 160 165 172.5 410 80.93
07/09/2022 Iron Independence Melissa Castellanos 2. R-O -76 75.3 60 67.5 -72.5 40 45 50 95 105 115 232.5 46.04
07/09/2022 Iron Independence Kelia Garcia 1. R-O 84+ 113.7 75 77.5 82.5 45 47.5 -52.5 112.5 117.5 -127.5 247.5 42.85
07/09/2022 Iron Independence Diego Cabero 1. R-JR -83 80.6 170 182.5 185 105 110 117.5 180 192.5 205 507.5 71.30
07/09/2022 Iron Independence Jaime Maldonado 1. R-JR -93 91.7 185 195 202.5 110 122.5 125 200 212.5 227.5 555 73.11
07/09/2022 Iron Independence Nick Jerrud Kalaw 1. R-JR -105 101.6 240 250 262.5 140 145 150 250 260 272.5 685 85.89
07/09/2022 Iron Independence Kenaz Bal 2. R-JR -105 102.5 180 190 197.5 110 120 130 190 205 215 542.5 67.74
07/09/2022 Iron Independence Adrian R Vasquez 1. R-JR -120 107.7 227.5 245 250 145 -162.5 162.5 240 250 -255 662.5 80.84
07/09/2022 Iron Independence Romy Jay Gallanosa 1. R-O -66 66 175 185 195 135 145 250 260 -272.5 600 93.53
07/09/2022 Iron Independence Amarjot Singh 1. R-O -74 72.2 -142.5 142.5 150 90 -92.5 -92.5 162.5 172.5 180 420 62.45
07/09/2022 Iron Independence Alfredo Orozco 1. R-O -83 79.9 175 180 185 120 130 132.5 185 205 212.5 530 74.80
07/09/2022 Iron Independence Jashbir Bains 1. R-O -93 92.9 217.5 230 240 152.5 162.5 170 200 215 230 640 83.77
07/09/2022 Iron Independence Dustin Jackson 1. R-O -105 104.7 215 225 230 150 155 160 230 245 260 650 80.36
07/09/2022 Iron Independence Philip Checkcinco 2. R-O -105 103.1 195 200 205 -122.5 122.5 127.5 205 212.5 217.5 550 68.49
07/09/2022 Iron Independence Conner Donnelly 1. R-O -120 117.5 192.5 205 210 120 127.5 132.5 200 220 227.5 570 66.87
07/09/2022 Iron Independence Gideon Makely 1. R-SJ -66 64.4 112.5 122.5 125 57.5 -60 65 115 125 132.5 322.5 50.93
07/09/2022 Iron Independence Marco Turner 1. R-SJ -74 72.8 -127.5 -127.5 130 -85 85 -97.5 -180 -180 180 395 58.48
07/02/2022 10th Annual Central Florida Open Powerlifting Championships Emely Azcarate 1. R-JR 84+ 86.4 117.5 125 -132.5 65 67.5 -70 130 132.5 -137.5 325 60.72
07/02/2022 10th Annual Central Florida Open Powerlifting Championships Carissa Maples 1. R-M1 -84 82.8 117.5 120 125 55 60 62.5 117.5 125 130 317.5 60.30
07/02/2022 10th Annual Central Florida Open Powerlifting Championships Coreen Ellrodt 1. R-M2 -76 74.4 67.5 70 75 40 42.5 45 87.5 92.5 -95 212.5 42.33
07/02/2022 10th Annual Central Florida Open Powerlifting Championships Suzanne Laforge 1. R-M3 -63 61.2 97.5 107.5 117.5 57.5 65 -70 140 152.5 -160 335 74.71
07/02/2022 10th Annual Central Florida Open Powerlifting Championships Catherine Flynn 1. R-O -63 61.8 100 110 120 45 50 55 100 112.5 120 295 65.36
07/02/2022 10th Annual Central Florida Open Powerlifting Championships Ashleigh-Marie Lanham 1. R-O -69 65.2 100 110 117.5 57.5 62.5 67.5 100 110 115 300 64.24
07/02/2022 10th Annual Central Florida Open Powerlifting Championships Jordan Daniels 1. R-O -93 92.4 190 200 205 135 140 145 232.5 242.5 250 600 78.74
07/02/2022 10th Annual Central Florida Open Powerlifting Championships Nelson Suarez 1. R-O -120 117.4 230 237.5 245 130 137.5 140 250 265 -272.5 650 76.29
07/02/2022 10th Annual Central Florida Open Powerlifting Championships Luciano Marrero 1. R-SJ -105 95 97.5 105 107.5 165 175 182.5 290 37.55
06/25/2022 Overload Classic Randal Whitt 1. R-M2 -120 115.5 150 155 -157.5 155 66.48
06/25/2022 Overload Classic Corey Strickland 1. R-O 120+ 141.6 185 192.5 200 200 78.92
06/25/2022 Overload Classic Andrea Deras 1. R-JR -76 72.9 100 112.5 122.5 52.5 60 62.5 100 115 -130 300 60.38
06/25/2022 Overload Classic Mackenzie Schwartz 2. R-JR -76 75.4 -77.5 77.5 -80 45 47.5 -50 112.5 117.5 122.5 247.5 49.00
06/25/2022 Overload Classic Madeline Pukite 0. R-JR 84+ 95.9 75 77.5 82.5 -55 -55 90 95 105 0 0.00
06/25/2022 Overload Classic Precious Andrew 1. R-O -69 68.2 155 -165 170 97.5 102.5 105 165 192.5 197.5 472.5 98.57
06/25/2022 Overload Classic Andrea Deras 1. R-O -76 72.9 100 112.5 122.5 52.5 60 62.5 100 115 -130 300 60.38
06/25/2022 Overload Classic Camille Bean 1. R-O -84 82.4 115 125 135 62.5 67.5 72.5 125 140 150 357.5 68.05
06/25/2022 Overload Classic Jessica Brennan 1. R-O 84+ 110.5 80 -95 100 52.5 62.5 70 115 130 -142.5 300 52.24
06/25/2022 Overload Classic Shanti Khalsa 1. R-SJ -84 83.2 92.5 97.5 102.5 42.5 -47.5 -47.5 -107.5 122.5 125 270 51.19
06/25/2022 Overload Classic Ravi Khalsa 1. R-PS -93 89 85 105 115 35 52.5 62.5 85 -115 -115 262.5 35.10
06/25/2022 Overload Classic Damien Anderson 1. R-PS -74 71.5 35 45 -55 30 40 -41 65 75 82.5 167.5 25.04
06/25/2022 Overload Classic Brooks Eggleston 1. R-JR -66 64.6 -137.5 137.5 -147.5 65 67.5 -72.5 165 175 182.5 387.5 61.12
06/25/2022 Overload Classic Arturo Gutierrez 1. R-JR -74 72.7 147.5 160 165 92.5 102.5 -105 182.5 192.5 200 467.5 69.29
06/25/2022 Overload Classic Brandon Chin 1. R-JR -83 83 150 160 170 85 90 -97.5 200 212.5 -227.5 472.5 65.43
06/25/2022 Overload Classic Hunter Stevens 1. R-JR -105 99.5 182.5 205 227.5 130 142.5 -150 182.5 205 227.5 597.5 75.68
06/25/2022 Overload Classic Brooks Eggleston 1. R-O -66 64.6 -137.5 137.5 -147.5 65 67.5 -72.5 165 175 182.5 387.5 61.12
06/25/2022 Overload Classic Nazareth Garcia-Cano 1. R-O -74 73.7 182.5 187.5 192.5 107.5 112.5 115 237.5 252.5 257.5 565 83.15
06/25/2022 Overload Classic Arturo Gutierrez 2. R-O -74 72.7 147.5 160 165 92.5 102.5 -105 182.5 192.5 200 467.5 69.29
06/25/2022 Overload Classic Stephen Rael 3. R-O -74 69.9 -37.5 42.5 -47.5 40 45 52.5 -82.5 97.5 107.5 202.5 30.64
06/25/2022 Overload Classic Michael Lynam 1. R-O -83 82.5 170 182.5 190 -102.5 115 122.5 190 212.5 227.5 540 75.00
06/25/2022 Overload Classic Dennis Jaramillo 1. R-O -93 86.3 160 175 182.5 122.5 127.5 -132.5 212.5 -220 -227.5 522.5 70.95
06/25/2022 Overload Classic Cristian Zamora 2. R-O -93 93 -142.5 -142.5 142.5 102.5 107.5 -120 182.5 220 227.5 477.5 62.47
06/25/2022 Overload Classic Tony Donio 3. R-O -93 87.5 145 150 160 117.5 122.5 -130 160 170 -177.5 452.5 61.00
06/25/2022 Overload Classic Hunter Stevens 1. R-O -105 99.5 182.5 205 227.5 130 142.5 -150 182.5 205 227.5 597.5 75.68
06/25/2022 Overload Classic Donald Vigil 1. R-O -120 114.9 -167.5 172.5 182.5 -125 132.5 142.5 -180 190 205 530 62.81
06/25/2022 Overload Classic Thomas Abeyta 2. R-O -120 108.1 175 190 195 85 95 -102.5 175 187.5 197.5 487.5 59.40
06/25/2022 Overload Classic Gonzalo Almeida 1. R-O 120+ 133.9 227.5 235 245 140 145 155 245 260 272.5 672.5 74.65
06/25/2022 Overload Classic Milton Sanchez 0. R-O 120+ 171.4 -145 -150 -150 125 135 145 -185 0 0.00
06/23/2022 43rd Annual Florida Sunshine State Games Championships Mari Saydal 1. R-M2 -84 83.6 62.5 67.5 70 70 52.29
06/23/2022 43rd Annual Florida Sunshine State Games Championships Angelina Hong 1. R-O -57 55.6 95 102.5 112.5 112.5 101.91
06/23/2022 43rd Annual Florida Sunshine State Games Championships Darian Bryant 1. R-M2 -93 84 160 162.5 165 165 82.37
06/23/2022 43rd Annual Florida Sunshine State Games Championships Paris Isley 1. R-JR -69 68.2 107.5 115 122.5 60 65 -67.5 105 112.5 122.5 310 64.65
06/23/2022 43rd Annual Florida Sunshine State Games Championships Lilianne Milanes 1. R-JR -84 82.8 102.5 112.5 120 55 60 65 130 142.5 150 335 63.63
06/23/2022 43rd Annual Florida Sunshine State Games Championships Ashley Moon 1. R-O -76 75.2 75 82.5 90 42.5 47.5 55 102.5 110 115 260 51.52
06/23/2022 43rd Annual Florida Sunshine State Games Championships Jon Kennedy 1. O 120+ 146.6 145 162.5 -170 145 165 182.5 345 31.19
06/23/2022 43rd Annual Florida Sunshine State Games Championships Graham Brown 1. R-JR -66 62 115 -125 125 67.5 75 -80 147.5 157.5 162.5 362.5 58.42
06/23/2022 43rd Annual Florida Sunshine State Games Championships Chad Denni 1. R-JR -74 73.2 142.5 160 165 102.5 112.5 120 165 177.5 185 470 69.39
06/23/2022 43rd Annual Florida Sunshine State Games Championships Jhamali McCalla 1. R-JR -93 84.8 225 232.5 245 142.5 147.5 157.5 225 240 255 657.5 90.04
06/23/2022 43rd Annual Florida Sunshine State Games Championships Bradon Fratianni 1. R-O -105 101 205 210 217.5 -142.5 147.5 157.5 200 205 215 590 74.18
06/23/2022 43rd Annual Florida Sunshine State Games Championships Robert Peters 1. R-M1 -83 82 182.5 192.5 200 92.5 195 205 -210 497.5 69.29
06/23/2022 43rd Annual Florida Sunshine State Games Championships Teran Sawyer 2. R-O -105 95.4 142.5 160 165 115 125 -142.5 167.5 175 185 475 61.38
06/23/2022 43rd Annual Florida Sunshine State Games Championships Christopher Kelly 1. R-O -93 92 -212.5 220 235 145 155 -160 245 265 -272.5 655 86.14
06/23/2022 43rd Annual Florida Sunshine State Games Championships Arsen Pascua 1. R-O -120 117.8 155 170 180 125 137.5 142.5 200 217.5 227.5 550 64.46
06/23/2022 43rd Annual Florida Sunshine State Games Championships Tim Brockett 1. R-O 120+ 132.4 205 217.5 227.5 142.5 150 -160 222.5 235 247.5 625 69.69
06/23/2022 43rd Annual Florida Sunshine State Games Championships Alexander Eker 1. R-SJ -59 58.8 92.5 102.5 -105 40 45 -47.5 92.5 110 120 267.5 44.34
06/23/2022 43rd Annual Florida Sunshine State Games Championships Nicolas Forte 1. R-SJ -74 71.4 97.5 100 -102.5 52.5 55 57.5 110 125 -130 282.5 42.25
06/23/2022 43rd Annual Florida Sunshine State Games Championships Jeremy Burks 1. R-SJ -83 81.8 142.5 155 162.5 82.5 95 -102.5 142.5 152.5 170 427.5 59.62
06/23/2022 43rd Annual Florida Sunshine State Games Championships Tyson Lebron 2. R-SJ -83 83 -125 125 137.5 65 72.5 80 142.5 167.5 185 402.5 55.72
06/23/2022 43rd Annual Florida Sunshine State Games Championships Jack Guyton 1. R-SJ -93 90.4 140 145 -160 90 97.5 102.5 125 137.5 147.5 395 52.40
06/23/2022 43rd Annual Florida Sunshine State Games Championships Mari Saydal 1. R-M2 -84 83.6 62.5 67.5 70 115 120 -125 190 35.95
06/23/2022 43rd Annual Florida Sunshine State Games Championships Jon Kennedy 1. M1 120+ 146.6 145 162.5 -170 145 165 182.5 345 31.19
06/23/2022 43rd Annual Florida Sunshine State Games Championships Michael Jean Sr. 1. R-M1 120+ 177 172.5 180 182.5 252.5 260 272.5 455 45.55
06/19/2022 2022 Equipped Nationals Mery Jativa 1. G -63 61.3 170 185 190 92.5 97.5 100 150 157.5 162.5 452.5 83.03
06/19/2022 2022 Equipped Nationals Janet Trevino 1. G -84 82.4 115 122.5 -127.5 55 77.5 -85 145 160 -170 360 57.07
06/19/2022 2022 Equipped Nationals Madeline Fitch 1. JR -57 54.6 155 -162.5 -162.5 70 75 77.5 140 147.5 152.5 385 75.87
06/19/2022 2022 Equipped Nationals Katelynn Caillouet 1. JR -63 61.5 130 140 -147.5 85 -90 90 120 127.5 -130 357.5 65.44
06/19/2022 2022 Equipped Nationals Alexandra Chavez 1. JR -84 83.5 195 -205 205 125 135 137.5 160 172.5 -187.5 515 81.18
06/19/2022 2022 Equipped Nationals Maura Shuttleworth 1. M1 -57 56.6 70 75 80 110 117.5 -125.5 85 95 105 302.5 58.27
06/19/2022 2022 Equipped Nationals Donna Marts 1. M3 -69 67.9 130 90 95 100 160 390 67.60
06/19/2022 2022 Equipped Nationals Lindsay Seamans 1. O -47 46.3 120 122.5 -125 67.5 -70 70 130 137.5 140 332.5 73.70
06/19/2022 2022 Equipped Nationals Jasmine Barlow 2. O -47 38.6 -75 75 -77.5 37.5 42.5 -45 75 80 -82.5 197.5 50.93
06/19/2022 2022 Equipped Nationals Katelyn Gmernicki 1. O -57 56.7 147.5 157.5 -160 102.5 107.5 110 150 160 -162.5 427.5 82.26
06/19/2022 2022 Equipped Nationals Madeline Fitch 2. O -57 54.6 155 -162.5 -162.5 70 75 77.5 140 147.5 152.5 385 75.87
06/19/2022 2022 Equipped Nationals Patricia Southerland 1. O -63 62.6 180 -187.5 187.5 127.5 132.5 -135 170 -180 180 500 90.60
06/19/2022 2022 Equipped Nationals Isabel Olivarez 2. O -63 61.8 132.5 147.5 -150 95 100 105 137.5 145 150 402.5 73.47
06/19/2022 2022 Equipped Nationals Katherine Cargill 1. O -69 67.6 -165 165 172.5 95 102.5 105 145 150 155 432.5 75.17
06/19/2022 2022 Equipped Nationals Rebecca Main 0. O -76 76 102.5 -110 110 -85 -85 -85 102.5 110 112.5 0 0.00
06/19/2022 2022 Equipped Nationals Alexandra Chavez 1. O -84 83.5 195 -205 205 125 135 137.5 160 172.5 -187.5 515 81.18
06/19/2022 2022 Equipped Nationals Saleen Nyman 1. SJ -43 42.6 102.5 -115 115 52.5 57.5 -62.5 110 117.5 120 292.5 69.35
06/19/2022 2022 Equipped Nationals Camille Crutcher 2. SJ -43 43 85 -92.5 92.5 42.5 45 -52.5 77.5 87.5 92.5 230 54.06
06/19/2022 2022 Equipped Nationals Jasmine Barlow 3. SJ -43 38.6 -75 75 -77.5 37.5 42.5 -45 75 80 -82.5 197.5 50.93
06/19/2022 2022 Equipped Nationals Lola Cheramie 1. SJ -47 46.6 115 -127.5 -130 57.5 62.5 67.5 112.5 122.5 -137.5 305 67.32
06/19/2022 2022 Equipped Nationals Mallory Guillie 1. SJ -52 51.4 117.5 127.5 -132.5 65 70 75 110 120 -122.5 322.5 66.21
06/19/2022 2022 Equipped Nationals Maura Mclaughlin 2. SJ -52 47.8 97.5 105 -110 -65 65 -67.5 100 107.5 -112.5 277.5 60.04
06/19/2022 2022 Equipped Nationals Sarah Amacker 1. SJ -57 55.7 130 137.5 -142.5 75 77.5 80 127.5 132.5 140 357.5 69.58
06/19/2022 2022 Equipped Nationals Katelyn Miley 2. SJ -57 56.8 125 -130 -130 57.5 60 -62.5 132.5 140 145 330 63.40
06/19/2022 2022 Equipped Nationals Lila Cooper 3. SJ -57 56.4 122.5 -135 -135 60 -65 65 122.5 -135 -135 310 59.85
06/19/2022 2022 Equipped Nationals Isabel Olivarez 1. SJ -63 61.8 132.5 147.5 -150 95 100 105 137.5 145 150 402.5 73.47
06/19/2022 2022 Equipped Nationals Aeryn Anderson 2. SJ -63 59.1 127.5 137.5 147.5 67.5 -72.5 72.5 127.5 137.5 -147.5 357.5 67.04
06/19/2022 2022 Equipped Nationals Kalea Keating 3. SJ -63 60.6 122.5 132.5 -140 55 62.5 67.5 -112.5 112.5 125 325 60.01
06/19/2022 2022 Equipped Nationals Kasee Sketoe 1. SJ -69 67.1 160 -172.5 -172.5 95 100 105 -150 155 167.5 432.5 75.46
06/19/2022 2022 Equipped Nationals Katherine Cargill 2. SJ -69 67.6 -165 165 172.5 95 102.5 105 145 150 155 432.5 75.17
06/19/2022 2022 Equipped Nationals Haileigh Lupo 1. SJ -76 74.8 162.5 -172.5 -172.5 112.5 122.5 -137.5 122.5 137.5 -147.5 422.5 69.85
06/19/2022 2022 Equipped Nationals Alejandra Salas 1. SJ -84 83.5 157.5 172.5 -182.5 75 80 -85 145 160 -167.5 412.5 65.03
06/19/2022 2022 Equipped Nationals Karson Oliver 1. SJ 84+ 124.7 212.5 222.5 230 105 110 115 165 170 177.5 522.5 73.27
06/19/2022 2022 Equipped Nationals Arabella Gelhaar 2. SJ 84+ 105.6 182.5 195 205 102.5 107.5 112.5 155 162.5 167.5 485 70.70
06/19/2022 2022 Equipped Nationals Kamaria Evans 3. SJ 84+ 102.8 167.5 177.5 185 -92.5 92.5 97.5 167.5 175 180 462.5 67.92
06/19/2022 2022 Equipped Nationals Bailey Fields 4. SJ 84+ 89.7 162.5 175 180 77.5 -87.5 87.5 112.5 125 140 407.5 62.53
06/19/2022 2022 Equipped Nationals Trashon Hightower 1. G -83 79.7 295 310 322.5 170 180 185 265 285 295 802.5 94.97
06/19/2022 2022 Equipped Nationals Chris Tran 1. G -59 58.8 235 247.5 255 140 147.5 -152.5 235 247.5 255 657.5 96.03
06/19/2022 2022 Equipped Nationals Mario Leos 1. G -66 59.5 205 215 -220 160 167.5 170 220 230 235 620 89.74
06/19/2022 2022 Equipped Nationals Landon Diepenbrock 1. JR -66 65 182.5 192.5 -200 122.5 137.5 145 182.5 192.5 200 537.5 72.79
06/19/2022 2022 Equipped Nationals Mason Quave 2. JR -66 64 -190 190 200 137.5 -145 -145 192.5 -202.5 -202.5 530 72.58
06/19/2022 2022 Equipped Nationals William Varnado 3. JR -66 63.2 160 165 -167.5 102.5 107.5 110 175 182.5 190 465 64.27
06/19/2022 2022 Equipped Nationals Jeremiah Parker 1. JR -74 72 175 185 -195 115 120 -125 195 205 215 520 65.61
06/19/2022 2022 Equipped Nationals Matthew Gross 1. JR -93 89.6 195 205 215 115 -117.5 195 210 217.5 547.5 60.55
06/19/2022 2022 Equipped Nationals Zen Mccollum 1. JR 120+ 163.6 -365 365 385 -260 260 -270 287.5 305 317.5 962.5 84.59
06/19/2022 2022 Equipped Nationals Luke Mellon 2. JR 120+ 182 320 347.5 365 195 210 -225 225 252.5 -277.5 827.5 71.12
06/19/2022 2022 Equipped Nationals Damarrio Holloway 1. M1 -74 73.4 260 275 280 200 205 210 265 272.5 277.5 767.5 95.62
06/19/2022 2022 Equipped Nationals Nathan Walton 1. M1 -83 82 295 307.5 315 -182.5 -182.5 182.5 282.5 305 310 807.5 93.94
06/19/2022 2022 Equipped Nationals Dale McLaren 1. M1 -105 104.2 312.5 322.5 327.5 267.5 -272.5 -272.5 282.5 297.5 -322.5 892.5 91.54
06/19/2022 2022 Equipped Nationals Barron Henderson 1. M1 -120 117.8 295 320 -325 190 200 205 280 290 -295 815 79.33
06/19/2022 2022 Equipped Nationals Ryan Donnelly 2. M1 -120 109.8 257.5 277.5 287.5 197.5 210 215 257.5 275 282.5 785 78.66
06/19/2022 2022 Equipped Nationals Andrew Cargill 1. M1 120+ 143 300 312.5 -317.5 252.5 260 265 285 297.5 -312.5 875 79.68
06/19/2022 2022 Equipped Nationals William Mccarthy 2. M1 120+ 131.2 265 280 287.5 230 235 -255 260 277.5 287.5 810 75.80
06/19/2022 2022 Equipped Nationals Eric Kupperstein 1. M2 -59 58 205 -225 235 60 65 70 205 220 235 540 79.63
06/19/2022 2022 Equipped Nationals Travis Pardue 1. M2 -74 74 195 205 210 130 -137.5 137.5 210 217.5 245 592.5 73.43
06/19/2022 2022 Equipped Nationals Chris Boillot 2. M2 -74 73.2 -210 -210 210 -135 135 140 205 212.5 -227.5 562.5 70.22
06/19/2022 2022 Equipped Nationals Keith Nautel 1. M2 -93 84.2 245 250 255 147.5 180 -185 265 270 -280.5 705 80.75
06/19/2022 2022 Equipped Nationals Richard Johnson 2. M2 -93 92.6 225 240 245 117.5 122.5 125 220 230 240 610 66.30
06/19/2022 2022 Equipped Nationals Jason Johnson 1. M2 -105 103.7 270 280 292.5 225 235 -245 270 280 -290 807.5 82.99
06/19/2022 2022 Equipped Nationals Michael Kalter 2. M2 -105 103.2 265 -280 160 170 -175 270 290 -300 725 74.70
06/19/2022 2022 Equipped Nationals Wilson Martinez 1. M2 -120 115.8 -265 265 285 195 202.5 207.5 265 280 285 777.5 76.20
06/19/2022 2022 Equipped Nationals Jeffrey Krause 2. M2 -120 117 192.5 -227.5 227.5 145 162.5 -167.5 227.5 250 640 62.47
06/19/2022 2022 Equipped Nationals Steve Davenport 1. M2 120+ 131.8 -285 285 157.5 170 185 230 250 272.5 742.5 69.38
06/19/2022 2022 Equipped Nationals Michael Rodriguez 1. M3 -74 72.3 190 200 -227.5 142.5 147.5 -160 210 222.5 -232.5 570 71.75
06/19/2022 2022 Equipped Nationals Thomas Cencich 1. M3 -93 91.2 75 175 185 125 207.5 -212.5 150 190 195 587.5 64.38
06/19/2022 2022 Equipped Nationals Brad Salter 1. M3 -120 112.4 140 -160 -160 105 115 120 165 180 190 450 44.65
06/19/2022 2022 Equipped Nationals William Campbell 1. M3 120+ 147 125 185 225 240 125 150 515 46.52
06/19/2022 2022 Equipped Nationals Jeff Hughes 1. M4 -83 80.7 -130 130 137.5 95 102.5 -110 182.5 192.5 202.5 442.5 51.97
06/19/2022 2022 Equipped Nationals Bruce Barry 1. M4 -105 101.2 -210 210 235.5 70 80 -165 165 -205 480.5 49.96
06/19/2022 2022 Equipped Nationals Eric Kupperstein 1. O -59 58 205 -225 235 60 65 70 205 220 235 540 79.63
06/19/2022 2022 Equipped Nationals Matthew Arnold 1. O -66 65.9 207.5 215 220 -140 140 -142.5 190 200 -212.5 560 75.09
06/19/2022 2022 Equipped Nationals Nathan Landry 1. O -74 72.7 250 260 270 -170 175 185 235 245 255 710 89.03
06/19/2022 2022 Equipped Nationals Travis Pardue 2. O -74 74 195 205 210 130 -137.5 137.5 210 217.5 245 592.5 73.43
06/19/2022 2022 Equipped Nationals Alexander Kang 3. O -74 73.6 225 -245 -245 100 150 -155 180 200 205 580 72.16
06/19/2022 2022 Equipped Nationals Nathan Walton 1. O -83 82 295 307.5 315 -182.5 -182.5 182.5 282.5 305 310 807.5 93.94
06/19/2022 2022 Equipped Nationals Zachary Jones 2. O -83 82.3 232.5 245 250 190 197.5 200 230 245 250 700 81.27
06/19/2022 2022 Equipped Nationals Ian Macpherson 1. O -93 92.9 305 315 325 207.5 215 220 265 275 287.5 832.5 90.35
06/19/2022 2022 Equipped Nationals Jordan Kummer 2. O -93 91.2 227.5 240 -245 157.5 162.5 -165 237.5 250 -257.5 652.5 71.50
06/19/2022 2022 Equipped Nationals Jared Weers 3. O -93 92.6 217.5 -227.5 227.5 127.5 132.5 210 220 230 590 64.12
06/19/2022 2022 Equipped Nationals Daniel Segura 4. O -93 89.1 160 180 185 -110 110 -117.5 185 200 210 505 56.04
06/19/2022 2022 Equipped Nationals Nelson Martinez 1. O -105 102.5 325 350 365 -250 250 260 275 285 290 915 94.58
06/19/2022 2022 Equipped Nationals Dale McLaren 2. O -105 104.2 312.5 322.5 327.5 267.5 -272.5 -272.5 282.5 297.5 -322.5 892.5 91.54
06/19/2022 2022 Equipped Nationals Jason Johnson 3. O -105 103.7 270 280 292.5 225 235 -245 270 280 -290 807.5 82.99
06/19/2022 2022 Equipped Nationals Austin Brown 4. O -105 104.4 75 -310 -320 297.5 310 -320 75 -285 -290 460 47.15
06/19/2022 2022 Equipped Nationals Ryan Donnelly 1. O -120 109.8 257.5 277.5 287.5 197.5 210 215 257.5 275 282.5 785 78.66
06/19/2022 2022 Equipped Nationals Mark Leebrick 2. O -120 109.8 280 300 320 200 212.5 220 217.5 232.5 240 780 78.16
06/19/2022 2022 Equipped Nationals Wilson Martinez 3. O -120 115.8 -265 265 285 195 202.5 207.5 265 280 285 777.5 76.20
06/19/2022 2022 Equipped Nationals Zen Mccollum 1. O 120+ 163.6 -365 365 385 -260 260 -270 287.5 305 317.5 962.5 84.59
06/19/2022 2022 Equipped Nationals Logan Barrett 2. O 120+ 136.8 340 352.5 357.5 235 242.5 -247.5 302.5 315 325 925 85.38
06/19/2022 2022 Equipped Nationals Andrew Cargill 3. O 120+ 143 300 312.5 -317.5 252.5 260 265 285 297.5 -312.5 875 79.68
06/19/2022 2022 Equipped Nationals Luke Mellon 4. O 120+ 182 320 347.5 365 195 210 -225 225 252.5 -277.5 827.5 71.12
06/19/2022 2022 Equipped Nationals William Mccarthy 5. O 120+ 131.2 265 280 287.5 230 235 -255 260 277.5 287.5 810 75.80
06/19/2022 2022 Equipped Nationals Nicolas Calidonia 1. SJ -53 51.9 162.5 172.5 -180 102.5 112.5 120 162.5 172.5 182.5 475 76.73
06/19/2022 2022 Equipped Nationals Jonathan Becerril 2. SJ -53 51.7 152.5 165 -175 82.5 92.5 -102.5 -167.5 167.5 -180 425 68.95
06/19/2022 2022 Equipped Nationals Zachary Montz 1. SJ -59 58 172.5 187.5 195 97.5 105 110 172.5 187.5 195 500 73.77
06/19/2022 2022 Equipped Nationals John Sylvera 2. SJ -59 57.6 162.5 170 -177.5 75 82.5 -92.5 177.5 -195 195 447.5 66.39
06/19/2022 2022 Equipped Nationals Lawson Lillo 1. SJ -66 64.8 182.5 190 197.5 -142.5 142.5 147.5 175 185 195 540 73.29
06/19/2022 2022 Equipped Nationals Jacob Pennington 1. SJ -74 68.6 215 225 -230 125 132.5 142.5 172.5 180 197.5 565 73.69
06/19/2022 2022 Equipped Nationals Christian Laja 1. SJ -83 81.7 252.5 267.5 282.5 132.5 142.5 -147.5 262.5 272.5 -282.5 697.5 81.30
06/19/2022 2022 Equipped Nationals Jaylin Magee 2. SJ -83 81.2 257.5 267.5 -270 147.5 152.5 157.5 -257.5 257.5 262.5 687.5 80.42
06/19/2022 2022 Equipped Nationals Gage Lisle 3. SJ -83 80.8 -230 230 237.5 142.5 147.5 150 217.5 225 235 622.5 73.02
06/19/2022 2022 Equipped Nationals Chase Lawton 1. SJ -93 91.6 275 -292.5 -292.5 112.5 190 227.5 260 290 755 82.53
06/19/2022 2022 Equipped Nationals Chandler Loescher 1. SJ -105 103.6 247.5 265 -275 232.5 -252.5 -252.5 247.5 265 272.5 770 79.19
06/19/2022 2022 Equipped Nationals Caleb Pennington 1. JR -120 108.4 -280 280 295 -190 190 205 210 220 -240 720 72.55
06/18/2022 2022 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Masters National Eva Polini 1. R-G -63 59.1 125 132.5 140 52.5 57.5 62.5 115 122.5 -132.5 325 74.25
06/18/2022 2022 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Masters National Carla Cohen 1. R-G -47 46.9 25 27.5 25 45 97.5 27.11
06/18/2022 2022 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Masters National Emily Manire 1. R-JR -52 51.9 92.5 -105 105 52.5 57.5 -60 127.5 137.5 -145 300 75.88
06/18/2022 2022 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Masters National Karen Nguyen 1. R-JR -57 55.6 85 95 100 -52.5 52.5 57.5 117.5 125 127.5 285 68.13
06/18/2022 2022 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Masters National Sofia Ayala 1. R-JR -63 62.8 137.5 147.5 -155 55 62.5 -67.5 152.5 177.5 -192.5 387.5 85.00
06/18/2022 2022 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Masters National Anya Lawrence 2. R-JR -63 62.1 105 115 120 50 -62.5 62.5 110 132.5 140 322.5 71.22
06/18/2022 2022 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Masters National Caitlin Ludford 0. R-JR -63 62.3 -137.5 -137.5 -137.5 65 72.5 77.5 122.5 130 -135 0 0.00
06/18/2022 2022 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Masters National Carolyn Connor 1. R-JR -69 68.7 135 142.5 148 67.5 72.5 77.5 137.5 147.5 155 380.5 79.04
06/18/2022 2022 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Masters National Taylor Gagnon 2. R-JR -69 66.9 125 137.5 142.5 72.5 80 85 132.5 145 152.5 380 80.10
06/18/2022 2022 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Masters National Jessica Kinney 1. R-JR -76 75.7 165 175 180 102.5 110 112.5 192.5 205 213 505.5 99.87
06/18/2022 2022 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Masters National Antara Jackson 1. R-JR -84 83.1 -157.5 165 172.5 112.5 120 125 187.5 197.5 207.5 505 95.77
06/18/2022 2022 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Masters National Hope Hunsberger 2. R-JR -84 82.8 180 187.5 192.5 100 105 -107.5 180 190 -197.5 487.5 92.57
06/18/2022 2022 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Masters National Noelle Brigden 1. R-M1 -47 46 102.5 105 107.5 65 70.5 -73.5 127.5 130 132.5 310.5 88.05
06/18/2022 2022 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Masters National Sarah Gravino 1. R-M1 -57 56.3 102.5 107.5 -110 65 67.5 -70 130 137.5 -145 312.5 73.99
06/18/2022 2022 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Masters National Joyce Kuwae 2. R-M1 -57 56.7 82.5 87.5 90 45 47.5 -50 100 107.5 112.5 250 58.91
06/18/2022 2022 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Masters National Jennifer Varano 1. R-M1 -63 61.2 112.5 120 125 77.5 82.5 -87.5 132.5 137.5 142.5 350 78.09
06/18/2022 2022 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Masters National Shannell Traylor 2. R-M1 -63 61.9 107.5 112.5 117.5 60 65 -67.5 130 137.5 145 327.5 72.52
06/18/2022 2022 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Masters National Tanya Vong 3. R-M1 -63 61.6 -120 -120 120 60 67.5 -70 125 137.5 -142.5 325 72.20
06/18/2022 2022 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Masters National Faith Clough 4. R-M1 -63 60.1 95 100 107.5 60 67.5 -72.5 90 102.5 107.5 282.5 63.78
06/18/2022 2022 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Masters National Nimisha Mitha 5. R-M1 -63 61.3 57.5 62.5 65 42.5 47.5 50 90 92.5 95 210 46.78
06/18/2022 2022 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Masters National Melissa Schulte 1. R-M1 -69 67.8 117.5 125 132.5 72.5 -77.5 77.5 132.5 142.5 150 360 75.36
06/18/2022 2022 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Masters National Clair Crawford 2. R-M1 -69 67.9 95 100 102.5 52.5 55 -57.5 122.5 130 137.5 295 61.70
06/18/2022 2022 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Masters National Joah Iannotta 1. R-M1 -76 75.7 120 130 -135 105 110 -112.5 165 175 -180 415 81.98
06/18/2022 2022 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Masters National Courtney Costrino 2. R-M1 -76 75.3 125 130 -132.5 72.5 77.5 -82.5 140 150 -155 357.5 70.81
06/18/2022 2022 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Masters National Linette Bogdan 1. R-M1 -84 76.7 135 145 -152.5 82.5 87.5 -90 172.5 185 187.5 420 82.47
06/18/2022 2022 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Masters National Carissa Maples 2. R-M1 -84 82.4 120 125 127.5 60 -62.5 62.5 130 -137.5 -137.5 320 60.90
06/18/2022 2022 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Masters National Melissa Copeland 1. R-M1 84+ 113.9 192.5 202.5 208 115 120.5 125.5 195 -205 210.5 544 94.14
06/18/2022 2022 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Masters National Lynn Aronica 1. R-M2 -47 46.5 75 80 50 52.5 -55 102.5 110 115 247.5 69.42
06/18/2022 2022 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Masters National Winnie Abramson 1. R-M2 -52 51.9 110 115 120 55 57.5 60 132.5 140 -142.5 320 80.94
06/18/2022 2022 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Masters National Melissa Forbis 1. R-M2 -57 53 90 95 100 47.5 50 52.5 102.5 110 115 267.5 66.52
06/18/2022 2022 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Masters National Michelle Carlascio 1. R-M2 -63 62.5 42.5 50 55 35 -47.5 47.5 55 77.5 100 202.5 44.53
06/18/2022 2022 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Masters National Roberta Carlson 1. R-M2 -69 67.1 125 130 135.5 67.5 72.5 -77.5 162.5 170 177.5 385.5 81.16
06/18/2022 2022 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Masters National Nicole Carrier 2. R-M2 -69 68.1 117.5 125 130 67.5 72.5 -75 132.5 -142.5 145 347.5 72.52
06/18/2022 2022 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Masters National Cynthia Line 1. R-M2 -76 72.2 115 122.5 127.5 70 75 77.5 142.5 150 155 360 72.78
06/18/2022 2022 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Masters National Lisa Perry 2. R-M2 -76 70 105 110 115 60 65 -70 145 152.5 158 338 69.49
06/18/2022 2022 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Masters National Michelle Cornwell 3. R-M2 -76 75 -90 90 100 55 60 62.5 120 130 137.5 300 59.53
06/18/2022 2022 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Masters National Coreen Ellrodt 4. R-M2 -76 74.7 -75 75 -80 42.5 45 47.5 87.5 95 100 222.5 44.23
06/18/2022 2022 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Masters National Kelly Gibson Bateman 1. R-M2 -84 79.6 140 147.5 155 82.5 87.5 90 140 150 160 405 78.20
06/18/2022 2022 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Masters National Michal Harris 2. R-M2 -84 83.4 97.5 115 -120 47.5 55 -57.5 130 142.5 -157.5 312.5 59.18
06/18/2022 2022 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Masters National Lilyan Jackson 1. R-M2 84+ 179.7 160 165 175 107.5 117.5 120 165 172.5 190 485 80.04
06/18/2022 2022 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Masters National Cris Coniglio 2. R-M2 84+ 94.7 75 80 85 -55 60 62.5 90 95 100 247.5 44.83
06/18/2022 2022 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Masters National Lynne Homan 1. R-M3 -57 56.9 77.5 82.5 85 57.5 60 -62.5 110 117.5 122.5 267.5 62.87
06/18/2022 2022 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Masters National Dora Justice 2. R-M3 -57 56.5 60 65 70 65 70 72.5 80 90 100 242.5 57.26
06/18/2022 2022 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Masters National Suzanne Laforge 1. R-M3 -63 60.1 92.5 105 -115 57.5 60 65 -140 150 -160 320 72.29
06/18/2022 2022 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Masters National Tina Weber 1. R-M3 -69 67.3 107.5 112.5 -115 62.5 67.5 -72.5 115 125 137.5 317.5 66.73
06/18/2022 2022 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Masters National Barbara Beaudin 1. R-M3 -76 74.2 -100 100 -105 57.5 62.5 -67.5 142.5 150 -162.5 312.5 62.31
06/18/2022 2022 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Masters National Vicki Brackett 1. R-M3 84+ 123.6 -110 -110 110 67.5 72.5 75 160 170 175 360 61.42
06/18/2022 2022 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Masters National Mary Pregler 1. R-M4 -57 54.5 25 27.5 30 25 27.5 -30 65 75 92.5 150 36.45
06/18/2022 2022 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Masters National Shelly Stettner 1. R-M4 -63 60.4 100 110 115 60 65 67.5 130 -137.5 -137.5 312.5 70.31
06/18/2022 2022 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Masters National Nancy Sassaman 2. R-M4 -63 59.8 -45 45 62.5 30 35 -42.5 85 95 107.5 205 46.45
06/18/2022 2022 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Masters National Gale Williams 1. R-M4 -69 67.1 80 85 87.5 55 60 62.5 120 125 126.5 276.5 58.20
06/18/2022 2022 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Masters National Sandra A Simmons 2. R-M4 -69 67 -72.5 -72.5 72.5 37.5 42.5 45 107.5 -115 -115 225 47.41
06/18/2022 2022 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Masters National Madison Hamilton 1. R-SJ -57 56.4 -100 100 105 -62.5 62.5 -65 110 115 -117.5 282.5 66.80
06/18/2022 2022 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Masters National Chloe Suchomel 1. R-SJ -63 61.8 115 -120 122.5 82.5 87.5 -90 145 150 155 365 80.87
06/18/2022 2022 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Masters National Mackenzie Montoya 2. R-SJ -63 62.9 105 115 125 60 67.5 -72.5 132.5 142.5 -147.5 335 73.37
06/18/2022 2022 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Masters National Myah Brown 3. R-SJ -63 61.5 105 115 -120 50 55 60 115 132.5 137.5 312.5 69.50
06/18/2022 2022 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Masters National Joy Rindfleisch 1. R-SJ -69 66.3 117.5 125 130 90 95 100.5 137.5 142.5 150 380.5 80.63
06/18/2022 2022 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Masters National Brianna Jordan 0. R-SJ -69 68.9 -147.5 -147.5 -155 95 -102.5 -102.5 152.5 -160 162.5 0 0.00
06/18/2022 2022 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Masters National Courtney Comer 2. R-JR -76 75.2 142.5 147.5 150 105 110 112.5 167.5 177.5 185 447.5 88.66
06/18/2022 2022 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Masters National Shanti Khalsa 1. R-SJ -84 82.7 85 95 -102.5 37.5 42.5 45 100 110 122.5 262.5 49.89
06/18/2022 2022 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Masters National Mahailya Reeves 1. R-JR 84+ 138.4 212.5 -220 225 160 165 -167.5 197.5 -215 220 610 102.53
06/18/2022 2022 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Masters National David Fuller 2. R-G -83 82.4 -150 150 -162.5 70 85 -92.5 185 197.5 -207.5 432.5 60.09
06/18/2022 2022 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Masters National Bodie Lacoe 1. R-JR -53 52.5 160 -170 170 85 95 100 205 215 225 495 87.21
06/18/2022 2022 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Masters National Joby Truong 2. R-JR -53 52.5 170 180 -185 85 -90 90 200 -210 -222.5 470 82.85
06/18/2022 2022 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Masters National Yash Pednekar 1. R-JR -59 57.9 -135 142.5 150 77.5 82.5 87.5 197.5 210 -220 447.5 74.80
06/18/2022 2022 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Masters National Zach Taylor 1. R-JR -66 65.5 210 220 -230 125 -130 240 585 91.56
06/18/2022 2022 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Masters National Jeffrey Leung 1. R-JR -74 73.6 215 230 242.5 142.5 -147.5 147.5 282.5 297.5 -307.5 687.5 101.25
06/18/2022 2022 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Masters National Tyler Mooney 2. R-JR -74 68.2 125 127.5 130 90 -92.5 -92.5 -167.5 -167.5 167.5 387.5 59.39
06/18/2022 2022 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Masters National Maxx Batchellor 0. R-JR -74 73.5 167.5 -177.5 -177.5 -100 -100 -100 210 217.5 220 0 0.00
06/18/2022 2022 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Masters National Sean Jin 1. R-JR -83 81.8 237.5 257.5 272.5 177.5 185 190.5 257.5 277.5 290 753 105.03
06/18/2022 2022 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Masters National Alex Sydor 2. R-JR -83 83 260 270 272.5 150 -155 -155 285 300 -331 722.5 100.03
06/18/2022 2022 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Masters National Bradley Robinson 3. R-JR -83 81.8 220 235 242.5 130 135 -140 280 300 -311.5 677.5 94.46
06/18/2022 2022 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Masters National Evan Gonsorcik 4. R-JR -83 81.1 180 -190 120 -125 -125 235 250 -260 550 77.01
06/18/2022 2022 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Masters National Huaiyu Tan 1. R-M1 -66 65.8 150 157.5 162.5 95 100 102.5 200 207.5 215 480 74.94
06/18/2022 2022 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Masters National Lee Rogers 2. R-M1 -66 65.4 132.5 142.5 -147.5 110 117.5 -120 175 -187.5 435 68.14
06/18/2022 2022 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Masters National Michael Haran 1. R-M1 -74 72.9 225 240 -250 137.5 -142.5 142.5 225 240 -247.5 622.5 92.13
06/18/2022 2022 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Masters National Lauren Cohen 2. R-M1 -74 73.3 205 220 235 120 132.5 -137.5 205 572.5 84.47
06/18/2022 2022 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Masters National Ray Rivera 0. R-M1 -74 73.3 165 175 180 -110 -110 -110 215 225 -230 0 0.00
06/18/2022 2022 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Masters National Jonathan Losa 1. R-M1 -83 82.9 205 220 227.5 160 170 180 217.5 227.5 247.5 655 90.74
06/18/2022 2022 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Masters National W.C. Waldron 2. R-M1 -83 82.8 207.5 -215 150 152.5 -155 250 272.5 -275 632.5 87.64
06/18/2022 2022 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Masters National Christopher Cubero 3. R-M1 -83 82.3 200 212.5 -220 -142.5 142.5 -155 237.5 255 -277.5 610 84.78
06/18/2022 2022 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Masters National Jensen Monterrey 5. R-M1 -93 84.1 -175 175 185 120 -130 -130 215 227.5 -230 532.5 73.24
06/18/2022 2022 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Masters National Eric Kupperstein 1. R-M2 -59 58.2 -125 125 55 175 355 59.17
06/18/2022 2022 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Masters National Michael Feldhaus 1. R-M2 -66 65.3 157.5 175 186 102.5 112.5 115 195 210 -215 511 80.14
06/18/2022 2022 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Masters National Brian Mott 2. R-M2 -66 65.3 80 87.5 90 90 92.5 -95 110 125 137.5 320 50.19
06/18/2022 2022 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Masters National Travis Pardue 1. R-M2 -74 73 170 180 185 105 110 115 222.5 245 252.5 552.5 81.69
06/18/2022 2022 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Masters National Chris Dishno 2. R-M2 -74 73.7 180 187.5 195 102.5 110 115 230 242.5 -247.5 552.5 81.28
06/18/2022 2022 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Masters National John Demchak 3. R-M2 -74 73.7 167.5 177.5 182.5 82.5 -87.5 -87.5 212.5 225 -230 490 72.11
06/18/2022 2022 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Masters National Ken Bray 1. R-M2 -83 80.7 205 227.5 -235 125 130 -135 265 275 280 637.5 89.52
06/18/2022 2022 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Masters National Reginald Miles 2. R-M2 -83 82.4 82.5 177.5 -186 -82.5 82.5 342.5 47.57
06/18/2022 2022 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Masters National Rocky Yearwood 1. R-M3 -74 72.7 160 170 180 100 -105 205 220 232.5 512.5 75.94
06/18/2022 2022 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Masters National George Kern 2. R-M3 -74 72.5 105 110 -115 85 90 -92.5 157.5 162.5 167.5 367.5 54.53
06/18/2022 2022 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Masters National Willie Wong 1. R-M3 -83 82.4 175 185 -195 95 100 105 180 200 215 505 70.15
06/18/2022 2022 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Masters National Shaun Eisenhauer 2. R-M3 -83 82 137.5 142.5 147.5 100 105 -110 160 170 180 432.5 60.25
06/18/2022 2022 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Masters National John March 3. R-M3 -83 81.7 45 65 85 117.5 127.5 -137.5 60 -70 85 297.5 41.51
06/18/2022 2022 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Masters National Lawrence Milford Sr. 4. R-M3 -83 78.3 -52.5 57.5 62.5 50 -55 -55 100 105 107.5 220 31.38
06/18/2022 2022 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Masters National Sam Felts 1. R-M4 -59 58.4 -85 85 100 80 95 -97.5 100 120 130 325 54.07
06/18/2022 2022 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Masters National George Geots 2. R-M4 -59 57.8 -30 30 30 122.5 130 -132.5 190 31.79
06/18/2022 2022 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Masters National Robert Cohen 1. R-M4 -66 64.1 45 67.5 90 45 57.5 62.5 67.5 102.5 127.5 280 44.33
06/18/2022 2022 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Masters National Dale Garlitz 1. R-M4 -74 71 140 150 157.5 95 102.5 -105 170 180 -187.5 440 65.98
06/18/2022 2022 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Masters National Edward Regua 1. R-M4 -83 81.9 137.5 147.5 -152.5 80 87.5 92.5 170 185 192.5 432.5 60.29
06/18/2022 2022 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Masters National Frank Smith 2. R-M4 -83 80.7 70 80 -85 85 95 -100 127.5 137.5 142.5 317.5 44.57
06/18/2022 2022 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Masters National Om Pednekar 1. R-SJ -59 57.4 127.5 137.5 142.5 72.5 77.5 -82.5 157.5 170 182.5 402.5 67.62
06/18/2022 2022 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Masters National Mark Weinberg 1. R-SJ -66 59.7 100 110 115 -72.5 -77.5 77.5 135 142.5 -152.5 335 55.11
06/18/2022 2022 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Masters National Clark Whitefield 1. R-SJ -74 72.8 202.5 212.5 217.5 130 140 145 205 225 237.5 600 88.81
06/18/2022 2022 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Masters National Ezekiel Malphurs 2. R-SJ -74 71.3 135 140 -147.5 107.5 -112.5 -112.5 165 175 -182.5 422.5 63.26
06/18/2022 2022 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Masters National Noah Mckinney 1. R-SJ -83 82.2 152.5 165 182.5 115 120 -125 192.5 207.5 212.5 515 71.65
06/18/2022 2022 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Masters National Keith Stroud 2. R-SJ -83 82.4 157.5 167.5 -182.5 100 110 115 187.5 200 -207.5 482.5 67.05
06/18/2022 2022 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Masters National Daniel Shrank 3. R-SJ -83 82.2 135 142.5 155 107.5 120 -127.5 182.5 200 -210 475 66.06
06/18/2022 2022 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Masters National Zavon Starks 4. R-SJ -83 83 -115 117.5 -127.5 77.5 -82.5 82.5 170 -180 187.5 387.5 53.66
06/18/2022 2022 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Masters National Danfer Sylvain 1. R-G -93 92.4 -232.5 -232.5 232.5 -155 165 -175 282.5 292.5 300 697.5 91.56
06/18/2022 2022 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Masters National Daniel Padron 1. R-G -120 106.2 200 217.5 227.5 135 142.5 -150 220 240 -255 610 74.92
06/18/2022 2022 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Masters National Joseph Tyler 1. R-G -83 79.4 180 197.5 -202.5 110 115 122.5 225 235 240 560 79.31
06/18/2022 2022 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Masters National Robert Fuller 1. R-G 120+ 150.4 145 165 185 105 125 145 165 200 227.5 557.5 59.11
06/18/2022 2022 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Masters National Noah Espinoza 2. R-G 120+ 120.8 145 155 167.5 75 82.5 -90 145 155 -165 405 46.95
06/18/2022 2022 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Masters National Shane Nutt 1. R-JR -93 91.3 267.5 288 295.5 167.5 172.5 175 310.5 325.5 -345 796 105.08
06/18/2022 2022 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Masters National Alex Olarte 2. R-JR -93 92.5 270 285 291 187.5 193 197 275 295 -310 783 102.69
06/18/2022 2022 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Masters National Jason Wu 3. R-JR -93 91.7 260 -270 -270 120 -127.5 -127.5 265 272.5 -280 652.5 85.95
06/18/2022 2022 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Masters National Dan Morrell 4. R-JR -93 93 200 210 -220 130 220 -240 560 73.27
06/18/2022 2022 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Masters National Vance Bussard 5. R-JR -93 85.2 160 170 182.5 135 140 -142.5 182.5 205 217.5 540 73.79
06/18/2022 2022 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Masters National Anthony Mcnaughton 1. R-JR -105 104.4 295 312.5 320 200 210 220 295 310 320 860 106.46
06/18/2022 2022 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Masters National Nathan Dunn 2. R-JR -105 101.2 220 230 240 142.5 150 157.5 215 227.5 240 637.5 80.08
06/18/2022 2022 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Masters National Yehia Aboelnaga 1. R-JR -120 107.8 290 -300 305 192.5 202.5 211 315 335 350 866 105.63
06/18/2022 2022 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Masters National Grant Ivarson 2. R-JR -120 117 290 305 315 190 198 203.5 290 310 317.5 836 98.27
06/18/2022 2022 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Masters National Luke Bussard 1. R-O -120 118 205 207.5 232.5 160 172.5 -187.5 205 215 -222.5 620 72.61
06/18/2022 2022 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Masters National Pablo Olivares 1. R-JR 120+ 176.8 347.5 367.5 377.5 192.5 200 205 325 -342.5 -342.5 907.5 90.88
06/18/2022 2022 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Masters National Layne Norton 1. R-M1 -93 92.3 242.5 255 260 145 152.5 157.5 275 285 295 712.5 93.57
06/18/2022 2022 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Masters National Ray Padilla 2. R-M1 -93 86.9 237.5 247.5 252.5 107.5 115 -120 272.5 -287.5 -287.5 640 86.60
06/18/2022 2022 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Masters National Steve Babcock 3. R-M1 -93 91.3 200 207.5 210 137.5 142.5 147.5 247.5 257.5 -265 615 81.18
06/18/2022 2022 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Masters National Darren Nemow 4. R-M1 -93 88.6 205 215 227.5 120 125 127.5 205 227.5 -232.5 582.5 78.05
06/18/2022 2022 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Masters National Ls McClain 1. R-M1 -105 103.8 300 310 320 210 215 217.5 305 317.5 327.5 865 107.37
06/18/2022 2022 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Masters National Timothy Mercer 2. R-M1 -105 103.8 245 260 270 175 185 -190 265 280 292.5 747.5 92.79
06/18/2022 2022 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Masters National Kenneth Cameron 1. R-M1 -120 118.6 185 205 225 175 -180 -180 285 305 315 715 83.54
06/18/2022 2022 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Masters National Jonathan Jurewicz 2. R-M1 -120 111.4 132.5 145 157.5 70 72.5 75 152.5 162.5 167.5 400 48.06
06/18/2022 2022 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Masters National David Kulbacki 1. R-M1 120+ 169.8 250 270 -285 180 190 -195 255 275 290 750 76.13
06/18/2022 2022 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Masters National Michael Jean Sr. 2. R-M1 120+ 174.4 225 232.5 237.5 170 175 180 250 260 270 687.5 69.16
06/18/2022 2022 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Masters National Edward Ruland 1. R-M2 -93 92.5 210 227.5 -230 155 165 170 235 247.5 257.5 655 85.94
06/18/2022 2022 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Masters National Gene Santomaritno 2. R-M2 -93 91.4 190 205 -212.5 130 135 137.5 225 242.5 -260 585 77.18
06/18/2022 2022 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Masters National Chris Engebretson 1. R-M2 -105 104.4 215.5 228 233 148 -150.5 -150.5 223 230.5 235.5 616.5 76.32
06/18/2022 2022 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Masters National Kirk Wiley 2. R-M2 -105 103.6 220 230 235 107.5 117.5 120 202.5 212.5 217.5 572.5 71.13
06/18/2022 2022 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Masters National Andrew Paige 3. R-M2 -105 94.9 102.5 125 -142.5 122.5 132.5 140 180 205 230 495 64.12
06/18/2022 2022 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Masters National Jason Pearson 1. R-M2 -120 110.3 160 167.5 175 -130 130 -132.5 220 227.5 232.5 537.5 64.89
06/18/2022 2022 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Masters National Keith Carlascio 2. R-M2 -120 109.2 157.5 167.5 180 100 110 117.5 177.5 192.5 200 497.5 60.33
06/18/2022 2022 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Masters National Timothy Edwards 1. R-M2 120+ 226.7 200 220 -227.5 115 -125 -125 220 230 -240 565 52.67
06/18/2022 2022 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Masters National Steven Carpenter 1. R-M3 -93 87.5 120 135 137.5 -118 117.5 122.5 -132.5 132.5 147.5 407.5 54.93
06/18/2022 2022 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Masters National Rory McCoy 1. R-M3 -105 104.5 170 182.5 190 115 122.5 130 220 232.5 -237.5 552.5 68.36
06/18/2022 2022 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Masters National Virgil Diaz 2. R-M3 -105 103.7 180 190 -195 -102.5 102.5 105 205 -220 220 515 63.96
06/18/2022 2022 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Masters National Robert Cross 1. R-M3 -120 109.4 155 167.5 177.5 -110 110 120 180 195 205 502.5 60.88
06/18/2022 2022 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Masters National Wilfred Kooser 2. R-M3 -120 113.7 135 147.5 155 -85 -95 95 165 185 -195 435 51.79
06/18/2022 2022 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Masters National Michael Bitting 3. R-M3 -120 117.1 135 140 145 115 120 -125 145 155 160 425 49.94
06/18/2022 2022 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Masters National Richard Bettina 1. R-M3 120+ 130.4 207.5 215 227.5 120 125 -127.5 207.5 215 -227.5 567.5 63.67
06/18/2022 2022 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Masters National John M Alderman 1. R-M4 -93 83.4 100 110 100 107.5 -112.5 125 135 142.5 360 49.71
06/18/2022 2022 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Masters National Bruce Barry 1. R-M4 -105 99.4 190 -213.5 213.5 70 80 85 175 190 202.5 501 63.47
06/18/2022 2022 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Masters National Michael Dollard 2. R-M4 -105 96.2 -105 105 117.5 90 -102.5 -102.5 167.5 182.5 -190 390 50.20
06/18/2022 2022 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Masters National Kaden Gammelgaard 1. R-SJ -105 96.3 235 -247.5 -247.5 142.5 147.5 155 255 272.5 -287.5 662.5 85.24
06/18/2022 2022 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Masters National Henrik Chan 1. R-SJ -120 111.9 150 160 170 140 147.5 157.5 175 190 205 532.5 63.87
06/18/2022 2022 Classic Sub-Junior Junior and Masters National Abram Espinoza 2. R-JR 120+ 120.8 230 240 255 125 -135 -137.5 205 227.5 -230 607.5 70.42
06/04/2022 Orange County Classic Alyssa Dellutri 1. R-JR -69 68.2 117.5 125 -130 60 65 67.5 142.5 152.5 160 352.5 73.51
06/04/2022 Orange County Classic Zoey Rojas 2. R-JR -69 65.3 100 102.5 105 52.5 55 57.5 122.5 127.5 135 297.5 63.64
06/04/2022 Orange County Classic Valerie Bragg 3. R-JR -69 68.3 75 -82.5 82.5 35 42.5 47.5 92.5 105 115 245 51.05
06/04/2022 Orange County Classic Rebecca Spitz 1. R-O -69 68.8 -85 92.5 97.5 50 55 -57.5 95 102.5 110 262.5 54.47
06/04/2022 Orange County Classic Kristie Powers 1. R-O -76 73 70 75 -77.5 50 52.5 -55 100 105 110 237.5 47.75
06/04/2022 Orange County Classic Ivana Medina 1. R-O -84 83.8 127.5 137.5 147.5 50 55 -62.5 132.5 142.5 147.5 350 66.16
06/04/2022 Orange County Classic Ana Reyes 1. R-O 84+ 131 145 155 167.5 57.5 62.5 67.5 155 165 175 410 69.37
06/04/2022 Orange County Classic Laci Gibson 1. R-SJ -69 64.7 65 72.5 82.5 40 42.5 47.5 82.5 92.5 102.5 232.5 50.02
06/04/2022 Orange County Classic Matthew Trinh-Pham 1. R-JR -66 62.4 157.5 170 -177.5 90 97.5 102.5 195 210 217.5 490 78.69
06/04/2022 Orange County Classic Frederick Licari 2. R-JR -66 65.9 170 177.5 185 80 87.5 92.5 185 197.5 205 482.5 75.27
06/04/2022 Orange County Classic Raymond Wong 1. R-JR -74 73.4 170 180 185 125 132.5 137.5 210 222.5 230 552.5 81.46
06/04/2022 Orange County Classic Nicolas Caicedo 2. R-JR -74 74 175 185 190 105 -112.5 -112.5 185 195 205 500 73.41
06/04/2022 Orange County Classic Luciano Santos 1. R-O -74 72.4 145 152.5 -165 105 110 112.5 177.5 190 197.5 462.5 68.68
06/04/2022 Orange County Classic Jonathan Aviles Ruiz 2. R-O -74 72.9 127.5 130 137.5 -85 85 95 170 185 200 432.5 63.99
06/04/2022 Orange County Classic Justo Arzu 1. R-JR -83 82.6 180 -195 195 130 140 152.5 230 240 250 597.5 82.91
06/04/2022 Orange County Classic Nathaniel Neill 2. R-JR -83 80.8 195 207.5 215 120 127.5 132.5 225 235 237.5 585 82.09
06/04/2022 Orange County Classic Brett Tanguay 3. R-JR -83 81 175 185 192.5 115 120 125 187.5 192.5 200 517.5 72.53
06/04/2022 Orange County Classic Eric Rozell 4. R-JR -83 79.5 170 185 -192.5 102.5 112.5 115 175 187.5 200 500 70.74
06/04/2022 Orange County Classic Andrew Alfonso 5. R-JR -83 82.2 150 165 -172.5 97.5 105 -112.5 195 -212.5 227.5 497.5 69.21
06/04/2022 Orange County Classic Brenden Deliz 6. R-JR -83 74.6 150 160 167.5 115 120 127.5 170 -190 200 495 72.37
06/04/2022 Orange County Classic Ethan Shannon 2. R-JR -93 91.1 197.5 210 217.5 125 132.5 137.5 -205 -205 205 560 74.00
06/04/2022 Orange County Classic Sebastian Gomez 1. R-JR -105 104.2 180 190 200 115 120 127.5 207.5 220 227.5 555 68.77
06/04/2022 Orange County Classic Wesley Paul 1. R-M1 -105 102.4 132.5 142.5 145 75 80 82.5 152.5 165 170 397.5 49.66
06/04/2022 Orange County Classic Ethan Russell 1. R-M2 -105 103.5 95 100 105 -95 -95 95 165 172.5 -182.5 372.5 46.30
06/04/2022 Orange County Classic Jonathan Almazan 1. R-O -66 65.7 147.5 155 162.5 105 110 115 182.5 192.5 205 482.5 75.40
06/04/2022 Orange County Classic Walker Gibson 1. R-O -74 72.9 107.5 120 127.5 62.5 72.5 -82.5 135 150 167.5 367.5 54.37
06/04/2022 Orange County Classic Collin Jones 2. R-O -74 72.9 120 -130 130 67.5 75 -77.5 142.5 155 -162.5 360 53.26
06/04/2022 Orange County Classic Christopher Morehouse 1. R-O -83 81.3 180 187.5 -195 145 150 152.5 207.5 215 220 560 78.34
06/04/2022 Orange County Classic Michael Giorgi 2. R-O -83 78 137.5 147.5 160 90 97.5 -102.5 177.5 187.5 192.5 450 64.29
06/04/2022 Orange County Classic John Bermudez 1. R-O -93 87.1 225 237.5 -247.5 132.5 142.5 147.5 232.5 242.5 247.5 632.5 85.46
06/04/2022 Orange County Classic Cameron Tanguay 2. R-O -93 88.5 210 220 230 140 147.5 155 -227.5 -227.5 227.5 612.5 82.11
06/04/2022 Orange County Classic Ryan Allen 3. R-O -93 86.7 200 215 -220 130 137.5 -145 195 215 -225 567.5 76.86
06/04/2022 Orange County Classic Alec Ellerth 1. R-O -105 99.2 215 -225 -225 132.5 142.5 145 250 260 -272.5 620 78.62
06/04/2022 Orange County Classic Javier Alpizar 2. R-O -105 103.8 175 185 192.5 135 140 142.5 185 200 210 545 67.65
06/04/2022 Orange County Classic Jose Gamez 3. R-O -105 102.5 162.5 170 182.5 95 105 -110 185 197.5 207.5 495 61.81
06/04/2022 Orange County Classic Alec Remiesiewicz 1. R-O 120+ 148.8 210 232.5 240 140 150 152.5 220 242.5 250 642.5 68.40
06/04/2022 Orange County Classic Gilberto Peguero 1. R-JR -93 88.8 185 195 -205 115 125 135 227.5 242.5 255 585 78.29
06/04/2022 Orange County Classic Anthony Lawrence 1. R-SJ -93 90.1 80 95 -105 47.5 52.5 57.5 102.5 110 127.5 280 37.20
06/04/2022 Orange County Classic Teran Dye 1. R-SJ -105 95.4 112.5 125 -137.5 55 62.5 -77.5 125 145 157.5 345 44.58
05/14/2022 Prescott Bar Buster Miranda Cienfuegos 1. R-JR -63 61.6 100 110 -120 42.5 47.5 52.5 105 112.5 120 282.5 62.76
05/14/2022 Prescott Bar Buster Ziggy Mata Olague 0. R-JR -84 78.8 80 92.5 -97.5 -45 -50 -50 125 135 137.5 0 0.00
05/14/2022 Prescott Bar Buster Presli Keith 1. R-O -69 63.6 67.5 75 -82.5 42.5 50 55 85 97.5 105 235 51.13
05/14/2022 Prescott Bar Buster Chris Carlton 0. M1 -93 92.5 185 -192.5 -192.5 -140 -140 -140 230 252.5 -272.5 0 0.00
05/14/2022 Prescott Bar Buster Timothy Edwards 1. R-M2 120+ 127.9 185 205 -227.5 100 -120 120 205 227.5 -242.5 552.5 62.49
05/14/2022 Prescott Bar Buster Jerry Chavez 1. R-O 120+ 131.7 300 320 327.5 177.5 190 200 300 -320 -320 827.5 92.48
05/14/2022 Prescott Bar Buster Wyatt Twohey 1. R-SJ -74 71.2 110 117.5 -125 65 72.5 -77.5 150 155 162.5 352.5 52.82
05/14/2022 Prescott Bar Buster Braxton Wennberg 0. R-SJ -74 73.2 -185 -185 -185 102.5 107.5 -112.5 162.5 167.5 182.5 0 0.00
05/14/2022 Prescott Bar Buster Luccas Conceicao 1. R-SJ -83 78.8 175 -185 -185 102.5 -105 -107.5 175 187.5 195 472.5 67.18
05/07/2022 Inaugural Midwest Open Elijah Strosnider 1. R-JR -74 73.8 130 137.5 -142.5 137.5 20.21
05/07/2022 Inaugural Midwest Open Triston Christensen 1. R-SJ -93 87.7 -140 -140 140 -85 -87.5 90 165 177.5 190 420 56.56
05/07/2022 Inaugural Midwest Open Shane Heywood 1. R-M1 -83 82.3 145 -152.5 155 155 21.55
05/07/2022 Inaugural Midwest Open Colton Patrick 1. R-JR -83 81 130 140 145 195 212.5 -227.5 357.5 50.10
05/07/2022 Inaugural Midwest Open Matthew Hernandez 0. R-O -83 83 -227.5 -227.5 -227.5 182.5 195 -215 225 -237.5 237.5 0 0.00
05/01/2022 Nevada State Championship Jaiden Christopher 1. JR 84+ 110.8 -75 -75 80 -30 30 32.5 92.5 97.5 100 212.5 30.59
05/01/2022 Nevada State Championship Bethany Boedecker 1. R-M1 84+ 124.3 137.5 147.5 152.5 80 85 -90 175 -185 185 422.5 72.02
05/01/2022 Nevada State Championship Susan Gibson 1. R-M3 -63 61.8 80 -85 85 52.5 57.5 -60 120 -125 125 267.5 59.26
05/01/2022 Nevada State Championship Julia Wideman 1. R-O -63 59.5 77.5 82.5 85 47.5 50 52.5 90 95 102.5 240 54.57
05/01/2022 Nevada State Championship Ashley Jansen 1. R-O -76 70.7 102.5 107.5 112.5 65 67.5 72.5 110 117.5 130 315 64.40
05/01/2022 Nevada State Championship Brenda Arnold 2. R-O -76 70.6 85 92.5 100 60 65 -67.5 120 135 142.5 307.5 62.91
05/01/2022 Nevada State Championship Carrisa Tashiro 3. R-O -76 73.4 55 67.5 72.5 40 50 -55 82.5 95 105 227.5 45.62
05/01/2022 Nevada State Championship Chyanne Taylor 1. R-O -84 78.6 107.5 115 122.5 70 75 82.5 122.5 135 -150 340 66.01
05/01/2022 Nevada State Championship Liliana Ruiz 2. R-O -84 81.6 110 115 117.5 65 67.5 70 127.5 135 137.5 325 62.09
05/01/2022 Nevada State Championship Lauren Bowen 3. R-O -84 80.2 -105 105 112.5 52.5 -55 -55 110 112.5 115 280 53.90
05/01/2022 Nevada State Championship Jared Tungol 1. R-JR -66 64.7 135 145 -147.5 87.5 92.5 -97.5 155 -165 165 402.5 63.41
05/01/2022 Nevada State Championship Kai Winston 2. R-JR -66 61.8 60 70 85 40 47.5 -55 100 115 130 262.5 42.37
05/01/2022 Nevada State Championship Richard Schulze 0. R-M2 -105 97.8 -105 -105 -105 0 0.00
05/01/2022 Nevada State Championship Darrin Olipendo 1. R-O -83 80.8 185 192.5 200 142.5 145 -150 230 240 -250 585 82.09
05/01/2022 Nevada State Championship Matthew Sorisho 2. R-O -83 80.7 167.5 180 -185 130 -137.5 -137.5 180 195 205 515 72.31
05/01/2022 Nevada State Championship Bradley Milton 3. R-O -83 78.9 142.5 160 -170 107.5 115 125 155 170 182.5 467.5 66.40
05/01/2022 Nevada State Championship Gabriel Lopez 4. R-O -83 80.7 132.5 140 145 105 110 -115 177.5 185 192.5 447.5 62.83
05/01/2022 Nevada State Championship Adam Gulla 1. R-O -93 91.5 -170 170 185 102.5 110 117.5 205 215 -227.5 517.5 68.24
05/01/2022 Nevada State Championship Mark Eardley 2. R-O -93 89.5 120 125 130 127.5 -135 137.5 147.5 155 165 432.5 57.66
05/01/2022 Nevada State Championship Anthony Goulet 3. R-O -93 91.3 130 -137.5 -137.5 82.5 85 -90 142.5 145 150 365 48.18
05/01/2022 Nevada State Championship Edwin Silvestre Jr. 1. R-O -120 116.1 187.5 -197.5 197.5 142.5 150 155 185 200 215 567.5 66.94
05/01/2022 Nevada State Championship Max Vawter 2. R-O -120 106.5 120 -125 -125 155 165 172.5 155 170 192.5 485 59.49
05/01/2022 Nevada State Championship Angel Velez 3. R-O -120 106 125 137.5 145 97.5 102.5 -105 175 182.5 190 437.5 53.78
05/01/2022 Nevada State Championship Bronson Buxton 1. R-Y 0 0 42.5 50 57.5 27.5 -32.5 32.5 65 75 -82.5 165 0.00
05/01/2022 Nevada State Championship Mason Eardley 1. R-SJ -66 64.1 147.5 155 160 82.5 87.5 92.5 150 160 167.5 420 66.49
05/01/2022 WSS Invitational Mack Hodges 1. R-M4 -120 109.4 -132.5 132.5 -140 132.5 58.22
05/01/2022 WSS Invitational Kamryn Rivas 1. R-O -69 69 80 85 87.5 47.5 50 -52.5 82.5 85 87.5 225 46.61
05/01/2022 WSS Invitational Joseph Schofield 1. R-M4 -74 72.6 82.5 95 -105 52.5 62.5 -70 120 132.5 140 297.5 44.11
05/01/2022 WSS Invitational Nathan Wong 1. R-O -83 77.2 192.5 202.5 207.5 127.5 132.5 -135 220 237.5 -250 577.5 82.95
05/01/2022 WSS Invitational Joseph Dattoli 1. R-O -120 118.3 217.5 227.5 -245 137.5 147.5 152.5 227.5 245 -257.5 625 73.11
05/01/2022 WSS Invitational Keegan Dunbar 1. R-SJ -93 88.8 177.5 185 -192.5 90 100 -105 195 205 -210 490 65.58
05/01/2022 WSS Invitational Noah Amin 1. R-SJ 120+ 129.4 227.5 245 265 137.5 147.5 157.5 225 237.5 245 667.5 75.14
04/30/2022 WSS High School Invitational Summer Mcdermott 1. R-SJ 84+ 91.4 45 50 -57.5 50 36.63
04/30/2022 WSS High School Invitational Yohanna Garcia 2. R-SJ 84+ 93.6 -45 50 -52.5 50 36.47
04/30/2022 WSS High School Invitational Itzel Lopez 1. R-SJ -52 47.9 55 60 65 25 27.5 32.5 60 67.5 82.5 180 48.98
04/30/2022 WSS High School Invitational Ashlyn Perkins 1. R-SJ -63 62.8 95 107.5 -115 70 77.5 80 102.5 117.5 -125 305 66.87
04/30/2022 WSS High School Invitational Jayden Katz 1. R-SJ -76 69.2 77.5 82.5 92.5 52.5 57.5 62.5 95 102.5 107.5 262.5 54.30
04/30/2022 WSS High School Invitational Pincessa Ortiz 0. R-SJ -76 71.7 45 50 55 -35 -35 -35 60 80 95 0 0.00
04/30/2022 WSS High School Invitational Nadia Perez Diosdado 1. R-SJ 84+ 111.8 127.5 132.5 142.5 75 -80 80 142.5 152.5 167.5 390 67.74
04/30/2022 WSS High School Invitational Hallie Morse 2. R-SJ 84+ 87.5 -72.5 72.5 -77.5 42.5 47.5 -50 85 90 -97.5 210 39.06
04/30/2022 WSS High School Invitational Jeffrey Stafford 1. R-SJ -74 73.6 -120 125 135 85 92.5 100 162.5 175 185 420 61.83
04/30/2022 WSS High School Invitational Luis Ceballos 2. R-SJ -74 74 117.5 120 125 -87.5 87.5 92.5 -152.5 -152.5 152.5 370 54.32
04/30/2022 WSS High School Invitational Mario Montes 3. R-SJ -74 73.2 60 65 82.5 50 60 75 100 120 -142.5 277.5 40.97
04/30/2022 WSS High School Invitational Brian Lopez 1. R-SJ -83 82.9 115 127.5 -145 102.5 -112.5 115 142.5 160 172.5 415 57.48
04/30/2022 WSS High School Invitational Alfred Bastidos 1. R-SJ -93 88.7 115 122.5 132.5 -100 100 110 142.5 150 172.5 415 55.57
04/30/2022 WSS High School Invitational Jesus Perez 2. R-SJ -93 89.2 -125 125 132.5 57.5 62.5 67.5 152.5 157.5 167.5 367.5 49.07
04/30/2022 WSS High School Invitational Pedro Cirne 1. R-SJ -105 96.2 102.5 120 140 70 75 -80 165 177.5 187.5 402.5 51.80
04/30/2022 WSS High School Invitational Javier Escobar 2. R-SJ -105 101.7 102.5 -110 112.5 65 -67.5 70 140 157.5 -162.5 340 42.61
04/30/2022 WSS High School Invitational David Monzon 1. R-SJ -120 106.8 177.5 182.5 -197.5 97.5 102.5 107.5 200 207.5 -222.5 497.5 60.94
04/30/2022 WSS High School Invitational Exeviur Cruz 2. R-SJ -120 113.2 142.5 -155 155 82.5 92.5 -100 142.5 157.5 172.5 420 50.10
04/30/2022 WSS High School Invitational Jaahziel Madueno 3. R-SJ -120 108.7 -80 90 105 52.5 65 -77.5 132.5 147.5 162.5 332.5 40.40
04/30/2022 WSS High School Invitational Noah Espinoza 0. R-SJ -120 118 142.5 -155 160 -87.5 -87.5 -87.5 125 142.5 155 0 0.00
04/30/2022 WSS High School Invitational Abram Espinoza 0. R-SJ -120 119.4 -250 -250 -250 -127.5 -127.5 127.5 190 207.5 227.5 0 0.00
04/30/2022 WSS High School Invitational Joseph Terian 1. R-SJ 120+ 123.3 165 187.5 197.5 105 115 122.5 215 232.5 247.5 567.5 65.20
04/23/2022 2022 TFX Open Championships Elizabeth Parker 1. R-O -47 38.6 50 55 57.5 57.5 81.24
04/23/2022 2022 TFX Open Championships Courtney Comer 1. R-JR -76 75.3 102.5 107.5 112.5 112.5 86.68
04/23/2022 2022 TFX Open Championships James Booker 1. R-M2 120+ 121.7 182.5 -190 -192.5 182.5 76.55
04/23/2022 2022 TFX Open Championships Courtney Comer 1. R-JR -76 75.3 167.5 -180 180 180 35.64
04/23/2022 2022 TFX Open Championships Lilia Buccino 1. R-JR -84 80.5 85 95 100 45 -50 -50 117.5 130 137.5 282.5 54.27
04/23/2022 2022 TFX Open Championships Rachel Aponte 1. R-O 84+ 103.2 125 137.5 150 60 67.5 -75 130 142.5 152.5 370 65.46
04/23/2022 2022 TFX Open Championships Brianna Jordan 1. R-SJ -69 68.7 140 145 152.5 100 -105 -105 152.5 160 167.5 420 87.26
04/23/2022 2022 TFX Open Championships Courtney Comer 1. R-JR -76 75.3 140 145 152.5 102.5 107.5 112.5 167.5 -180 180 445 88.12
04/23/2022 2022 TFX Open Championships Kaylee Wright 1. R-SJ -84 82.1 -102.5 107.5 -115 67.5 72.5 77.5 105 112.5 -120 297.5 56.70
04/23/2022 2022 TFX Open Championships Jason Vaden 1. R-JR -105 99.2 237.5 245 255 130 137.5 -147.5 250 260 272.5 665 84.32
04/23/2022 2022 TFX Open Championships Nelson Suarez 1. R-O -120 114.6 230 235 240 -130 130 135 250 -265 625 74.15
04/23/2022 2022 TFX Open Championships Ezekiel Malphurs 1. R-SJ -74 71.2 125 132.5 140 105 107.5 -110 -152.5 152.5 162.5 410 61.40
04/23/2022 2022 TFX Open Championships Courtney Comer 1. R-JR -76 75.3 102.5 107.5 112.5 167.5 -180 180 292.5 57.92
04/10/2022 Chalk It Up Classic Abby Mendoza 1. R-JR -76 74.9 150 160 -170 55 60 -62.5 150 160 165 385 76.46
04/10/2022 Chalk It Up Classic Logan Dwyer 1. R-M1 -83 74.9 80 85 -87.5 -47.5 47.5 -50 117.5 125 -127.5 257.5 37.57
04/10/2022 Chalk It Up Classic Mariah King 1. R-O -76 74.6 105 112.5 117.5 60 65 -72.5 127.5 137.5 145 327.5 65.15
04/10/2022 Chalk It Up Classic Andres Gonzalez 2. R-O -74 73.7 157.5 167.5 175 107.5 -112.5 112.5 192.5 205 215 502.5 73.95
04/10/2022 Chalk It Up Classic Adrian Ortiz 2. R-JR -74 73.1 152.5 162.5 172.5 97.5 105 -107.5 175 185 195 472.5 69.84
04/10/2022 Chalk It Up Classic Samnang Som 1. R-JR -83 80 190 210 227.5 110 122.5 -135 220 -235 227.5 577.5 81.47
04/10/2022 Chalk It Up Classic Spencer Hall 2. R-O -83 82 100 107.5 115 90 100 -107.5 155 167.5 182.5 397.5 55.36
04/10/2022 Chalk It Up Classic Tim Phuong 1. R-JR -93 90.8 195 -207.5 -220 147.5 160 -165 270 282.5 -292.5 637.5 84.41
04/10/2022 Chalk It Up Classic Tyrone Fernando 2. R-JR -93 86.8 100 110 120 60 70 80 130 140 150 350 47.37
04/10/2022 Chalk It Up Classic Sergio Valdovin 1. R-JR -120 117.5 -195 -230 230 95 100 -105 265 285 -300 615 72.17
04/10/2022 Chalk It Up Classic Shayne Mytinger 1. R-M2 -120 110.7 -65 70 95 -62.5 -67.5 75 102.5 140 157.5 327.5 39.46
04/10/2022 Chalk It Up Classic Christopher Chow 1. R-O -74 68.2 -175 175 182.5 -150 150 -155 190 215 -227.5 547.5 83.88
04/10/2022 Chalk It Up Classic Nathan Bui 3. R-O -74 72.8 155 -162.5 -167.5 100 105 -110 205 217.5 -230 477.5 70.70
04/10/2022 Chalk It Up Classic Rey Reyes 4. R-O -74 73.5 125 142.5 155 115 125 -135 170 195 -205 475 69.98
04/10/2022 Chalk It Up Classic Logan Dwyer 1. R-O -83 79.3 130 137.5 145 85 -90 -90 155 165 177.5 407.5 57.75
04/10/2022 Chalk It Up Classic John Schroeder 1. R-O -93 90.8 220 235 -240 -125 125 -130 285 297.5 305 665 88.02
04/10/2022 Chalk It Up Classic Tim Phuong 2. R-O -93 90.8 195 -207.5 -220 147.5 160 -165 270 282.5 -292.5 637.5 84.41
04/10/2022 Chalk It Up Classic Andrew Vallejos 1. R-JR -74 72.5 162.5 172.5 182.5 100 110 -115 190 200 210 502.5 74.59
04/10/2022 Chalk It Up Classic Nathan Bui 1. R-SJ -74 72.8 155 -162.5 -167.5 100 105 -110 205 217.5 -230 477.5 70.70
04/10/2022 Chalk It Up Classic Sam Hendrix 1. R-SJ -83 79.1 125 132.5 137.5 65 72.5 -82.5 165 177.5 185 395 56.05
04/10/2022 Throw Down at Brown's Stephanie Feddock 1. R-M1 -52 49.7 30 35 37.5 37.5 37.46
04/10/2022 Throw Down at Brown's Stephanie Feddock 0. R-O -52 49.7 30 35 37.5 37.5 37.46
04/10/2022 Throw Down at Brown's Ken Levine 1. R-M3 -83 81.9 110 115 117.5 117.5 59.44
04/10/2022 Throw Down at Brown's Lila Donnelly 1. R-JR -69 68.2 92.5 105 112.5 50 57.5 60 115 125 137.5 310 64.65
04/10/2022 Throw Down at Brown's Clare Suhanich 1. R-M3 -76 74.6 82.5 87.5 -92.5 50 55 -57.5 90 97.5 105 247.5 49.23
04/10/2022 Throw Down at Brown's Rebecca Rutkoski 1. R-M1 84+ 98.6 132.5 137.5 142.5 67.5 72.5 -77.5 137.5 145 155 370 66.24
04/10/2022 Throw Down at Brown's Casey Hill 1. R-O -57 56.4 100 110 117.5 85 -90 -90 130 137.5 142.5 345 81.57
04/10/2022 Throw Down at Brown's Dana Gilson 1. R-O -69 63.2 85 92.5 -100 60 -65 -65 95 102.5 120 272.5 59.50
04/10/2022 Throw Down at Brown's Ashley Faraday 1. R-O 84+ 93.4 -125 -125 125 55 60 -65 125 137.5 147.5 332.5 60.49
04/10/2022 Throw Down at Brown's Amy Masters 2. R-O 84+ 101.8 -85 -97.5 97.5 50 -67.5 -67.5 130 142.5 160 307.5 54.58
04/10/2022 Throw Down at Brown's Emma Klime 1. R-PS -52 48.6 67.5 75 80 32.5 35 -40 87.5 95 100 215 57.70
04/10/2022 Throw Down at Brown's Matthew Snow 1. R-JR -66 64 127.5 137.5 147.5 95 -105 -105 150 170 182.5 425 67.33
04/10/2022 Throw Down at Brown's Jacob Peck 1. R-JR -93 90.4 167.5 180 187.5 120 -130 -130 192.5 207.5 222.5 530 70.31
04/10/2022 Throw Down at Brown's Michael Ioannides 1. R-JR -120 118.1 245 255 262.5 142.5 150 -155 207.5 220 227.5 640 74.91
04/10/2022 Throw Down at Brown's Gabriel Herschman 1. R-JR 120+ 128.4 190 205 215 125 132.5 -142.5 190 205 220 567.5 64.08
04/10/2022 Throw Down at Brown's Stephen Falvo 1. R-M2 -105 97.7 125 -132.5 -137.5 75 -80 -80 147.5 162.5 172.5 372.5 47.57
04/10/2022 Throw Down at Brown's Dalton Lacoe 1. R-O -59 55.2 165 175 182.5 105 117.5 -125 240 257.5 -265 557.5 95.65
04/10/2022 Throw Down at Brown's Matthew Snow 1. R-O -66 64 127.5 137.5 147.5 95 -105 -105 150 170 182.5 425 67.33
04/10/2022 Throw Down at Brown's Tristan Richardson 1. R-O -83 82.4 195 205 217.5 110 117.5 127.5 227.5 240 -257.5 585 81.27
04/10/2022 Throw Down at Brown's Jordan Harris 1. R-O -93 91.8 227.5 -232.5 235 190 195 200 230 240 247.5 682.5 89.88
04/10/2022 Throw Down at Brown's Filippo Costanzo 2. R-O -93 86.5 225 237.5 242.5 132.5 135 -137.5 240 250 -255 627.5 85.07
04/10/2022 Throw Down at Brown's Jacob Peck 3. R-O -93 90.4 167.5 180 187.5 120 -130 -130 192.5 207.5 222.5 530 70.31
04/10/2022 Throw Down at Brown's Fernando Trigoso 4. R-O -93 91.1 165 175 185 125 130 135 180 200 207.5 527.5 69.72
04/10/2022 Throw Down at Brown's Brandon Long 1. R-O -105 105 252.5 265 -275 147.5 150 -155 270 277.5 285 700 86.42
04/10/2022 Throw Down at Brown's Jonathan Perez 2. R-O -105 100.2 220 235 242.5 140 145 147.5 247.5 -260 262.5 652.5 82.36
04/10/2022 Throw Down at Brown's Kevin Sullivan 3. R-O -105 101.4 157.5 177.5 182.5 112.5 117.5 205 -227.5 -227.5 505 63.37
04/10/2022 Throw Down at Brown's Anthony DeVito 0. R-O -105 96.8 162.5 167.5 -172.5 -130 -130 -130 180 200 -205 0 0.00
04/10/2022 Throw Down at Brown's Michael Ioannides 1. R-O -120 118.1 245 255 262.5 142.5 150 -155 207.5 220 227.5 640 74.91
04/10/2022 Throw Down at Brown's Timothy Stevens 1. R-O 120+ 126.2 175 195 -212.5 -175 180 185 185 205 227.5 607.5 69.11
04/10/2022 Throw Down at Brown's Colin Holzman 1. R-JR -83 82.4 -192.5 -192.5 192.5 142.5 150 -157.5 175 185 -195 527.5 73.29
04/10/2022 Throw Down at Brown's Kenneth Jackson 1. R-SJ -93 92.3 165 185 192.5 97.5 107.5 115 205 230 245 552.5 72.55
04/10/2022 Throw Down at Brown's Cole Schirg 1. R-SJ -120 109.1 200 207.5 215 130 135 137.5 190 195 205 557.5 67.64
04/01/2022 2022 Classic Open Nationals Presented by SBD Sami Depass 1. R-G -76 75.5 172.5 182.5 190 87.5 95 97.5 207.5 217.5 -227.5 505 99.86
04/01/2022 2022 Classic Open Nationals Presented by SBD Heather Connor 1. R-O -47 46 127.5 135 142.5 70 -72.5 -72.5 180 185 190 402.5 114.02
04/01/2022 2022 Classic Open Nationals Presented by SBD Cindy Vanh 2. R-O -47 45.2 82.5 90 95 52.5 -57.5 -57.5 105 112.5 120 267.5 77.20
04/01/2022 2022 Classic Open Nationals Presented by SBD Marisa Inda 1. R-O -52 52 130 135 -140 97.5 102.5 -105 150 -155 -155 387.5 97.86
04/01/2022 2022 Classic Open Nationals Presented by SBD Agata Przybylska 2. R-O -52 51.4 120 -127.5 -127.5 65 70 75 155 165 -175 360 91.84
04/01/2022 2022 Classic Open Nationals Presented by SBD Alexzandria Rattanavong 1. R-O -57 56.7 122.5 130 137.5 62.5 67.5 -72.5 160 170 -177.5 375 88.35
04/01/2022 2022 Classic Open Nationals Presented by SBD Meghan Scanlon 1. R-O -63 62.3 170 177.5 -182.5 117.5 -122.5 122.5 177.5 187.5 195 495 109.14
04/01/2022 2022 Classic Open Nationals Presented by SBD Ellen Liverpool 2. R-O -63 63 157.5 165 170 75 80 82.5 180 190 -197.5 442.5 96.85
04/01/2022 2022 Classic Open Nationals Presented by SBD Kristen Dunsmore 1. R-O -69 68.6 157.5 167.5 172.5 105 107.5 -110 200 207.5 215 495 102.93
04/01/2022 2022 Classic Open Nationals Presented by SBD Chelsea Savit 2. R-O -69 68.3 165 175 180.5 -113 113 117.5 195 -205 493 102.76
04/01/2022 2022 Classic Open Nationals Presented by SBD Precious Andrew 3. R-O -69 66.6 155 160 -170 92.5 97.5 -100 165 182.5 -202.5 440 93.06
04/01/2022 2022 Classic Open Nationals Presented by SBD Tessa Willis 4. R-O -69 66.7 132.5 142.5 -150 -60 62.5 -67.5 175 187.5 192.5 397.5 83.97
04/01/2022 2022 Classic Open Nationals Presented by SBD Dayna Mcneal 1. R-O -76 73.6 175 182.5 190 90 95 97.5 215 230 245 532.5 106.61
04/01/2022 2022 Classic Open Nationals Presented by SBD Aliza Tessler 2. R-O -76 75.9 -142.5 142.5 150 85 -90 -92.5 160 175 182.5 417.5 82.34
04/01/2022 2022 Classic Open Nationals Presented by SBD Amanda Lawrence 1. R-O -84 83.8 227.5 237.5 242.5 120 127.5 130 235 245 253 625.5 118.23
04/01/2022 2022 Classic Open Nationals Presented by SBD Jasmine Dube 2. R-O -84 79.6 150 162.5 -165 80 -87.5 -87.5 165 177.5 -187.5 420 81.09
04/01/2022 2022 Classic Open Nationals Presented by SBD Jackie Mercer 3. R-O -84 82.2 115 122.5 -127.5 65 70 -72.5 160 170 180 372.5 70.95
04/01/2022 2022 Classic Open Nationals Presented by SBD Bonica Brown 1. R-O 84+ 139 245 255 260 135 142.5 147.5 220 230 240 647.5 108.78
04/01/2022 2022 Classic Open Nationals Presented by SBD Alexandra Washington 2. R-O 84+ 92.2 145 152.5 155 82.5 90 -92.5 165 175 -182.5 420 76.74
04/01/2022 2022 Classic Open Nationals Presented by SBD JayCee Cooper 3. R-O 84+ 143 127.5 137.5 150 92.5 97.5 -102.5 130 142.5 155 402.5 67.43
04/01/2022 2022 Classic Open Nationals Presented by SBD Martin Agoes 1. R-G 120+ 121.2 265 295 -317.5 210 220 -227.5 220 272.5 -275 787.5 91.14
04/01/2022 2022 Classic Open Nationals Presented by SBD Jevon Dacosta 1. R-G -93 91.6 237.5 -250 260 -185 192.5 195 287.5 307.5 -320 762.5 100.48
04/01/2022 2022 Classic Open Nationals Presented by SBD Scott Jennings 1. R-G -83 81.6 237.5 250 257.5 165 -185 -185 295 317.5 325 747.5 104.34
04/01/2022 2022 Classic Open Nationals Presented by SBD Eric Kupperstein 1. R-O -59 57.9 145 160 -170 60 65 -70 185 205 225 450 75.25
04/01/2022 2022 Classic Open Nationals Presented by SBD Jonathan Garcia 1. R-O -66 65.9 250 260 -268 162.5 170.5 173 230 237.5 242.5 675.5 105.38
04/01/2022 2022 Classic Open Nationals Presented by SBD Rodrigo Manzo 2. R-O -66 65.9 225 -235 -235 -155 155 -162.5 272.5 -285 -296 652.5 101.78
04/01/2022 2022 Classic Open Nationals Presented by SBD Arnold Delgadillo 3. R-O -66 65.9 -175 175 187.5 125 130 135 197.5 210 -220 532.5 83.10
04/01/2022 2022 Classic Open Nationals Presented by SBD Taylor Atwood 1. R-O -74 73.7 230 242.5 255 187.5 196 202.5 245 260 275 732.5 107.75
04/01/2022 2022 Classic Open Nationals Presented by SBD Andrew Sardis 2. R-O -74 72.6 175 185 190 115 120 -122.5 185 192.5 -195 502.5 74.52
04/01/2022 2022 Classic Open Nationals Presented by SBD Delaney Wallace 1. R-O -83 82.4 282.5 295 300 -187.5 187.5 190 290 305 320 810 112.56
04/01/2022 2022 Classic Open Nationals Presented by SBD Sean Jin 2. R-O -83 82.6 252.5 270 280 175 185 187.5 260 282.5 292.5 760 105.45
04/01/2022 2022 Classic Open Nationals Presented by SBD Jonathan Losa 3. R-O -83 82.9 215 225 240 185 195 200 225 242.5 260 700 96.94
04/01/2022 2022 Classic Open Nationals Presented by SBD Jonathan Cayco 1. R-O -93 92.8 282.5 295 300 227.5 235.5 240.5 327.5 342.5 347.5 888 116.29
04/01/2022 2022 Classic Open Nationals Presented by SBD Chance Mitchell 2. R-O -93 92.4 285 300 307.5 177.5 185 -190 345 367.5 383 875.5 114.91
04/01/2022 2022 Classic Open Nationals Presented by SBD Tyler Wilburn 3. R-O -93 92.1 205 217.5 227.5 160 -167.5 -167.5 215 230 240 627.5 82.48
04/01/2022 2022 Classic Open Nationals Presented by SBD Scott Stratford 4. R-O -93 91.3 182.5 192.5 202.5 100 105 110 202.5 217.5 227.5 540 71.28
04/01/2022 2022 Classic Open Nationals Presented by SBD Michael Davis 1. R-O -105 104.9 307.5 322.5 327.5 205 215 220 345 -368 -370.5 892.5 110.25
04/01/2022 2022 Classic Open Nationals Presented by SBD Brandon Dudley 2. R-O -105 104.9 305 315 320 172.5 -180 -180 345 357.5 365 857.5 105.92
04/01/2022 2022 Classic Open Nationals Presented by SBD Enrique Lugo 1. R-O -120 119.1 332.5 347.5 -350 220 225 230 320 335 342.5 920 107.31
04/01/2022 2022 Classic Open Nationals Presented by SBD Tristan Nazelrod 2. R-O -120 119.6 325 340 345 210 215 -217.5 310 330 -362.5 890 103.61
04/01/2022 2022 Classic Open Nationals Presented by SBD Nicholas Guidice 3. R-O -120 106.3 285 302.5 -305 220 225 -230 290 310 -335 837.5 102.84
04/01/2022 2022 Classic Open Nationals Presented by SBD Calvin Hugo 4. R-O -120 117.5 262.5 275 -280 165 170 -175 265 285 295 740 86.82
04/01/2022 2022 Classic Open Nationals Presented by SBD Jesus Olivares 1. R-O 120+ 173.4 410 435 450 240 250 257.5 355 385 402.5 1110 111.88
04/01/2022 2022 Classic Open Nationals Presented by SBD Pablo Olivares 2. R-O 120+ 168.8 -332.5 332.5 357.5 190 -202.5 202.5 320 -340 340 900 91.54
04/01/2022 2022 Classic Open Nationals Presented by SBD Andres Soto 3. R-O 120+ 155.7 320 332.5 337.5 175 -182.5 -182.5 242.5 252.5 -255 765 80.08
03/26/2022 7th Annual Orlando Open Jeffrey Tryon 1. R-M3 -120 119.2 125 -130 125 52.88
03/26/2022 7th Annual Orlando Open Lawrence Milford Sr. 1. R-M3 -83 78.4 95 100 105 105 14.96
03/26/2022 7th Annual Orlando Open Bill Evans 1. R-M4 -93 89.3 110 122.5 132.5 132.5 17.68
03/26/2022 7th Annual Orlando Open Victoria Hattabaugh 1. R-JR -69 67 82.5 85 92.5 47.5 50 -55 92.5 95 -97.5 237.5 50.04
03/26/2022 7th Annual Orlando Open Kelly Terrell 1. R-M1 -69 65.4 87.5 92.5 97.5 42.5 47.5 -52.5 120 122.5 125 270 57.73
03/26/2022 7th Annual Orlando Open Joanna Eisele 1. R-M1 -84 78.4 97.5 105 107.5 62.5 67.5 -75 112.5 120 125 300 58.30
03/26/2022 7th Annual Orlando Open Kali Trautman 2. R-M1 -84 80.7 90 95 100 57.5 -60 60 122.5 130 137.5 297.5 57.12
03/26/2022 7th Annual Orlando Open Carissa Maples 3. R-M1 -84 84 105 107.5 115 52.5 55 60 102.5 110 117.5 292.5 55.25
03/26/2022 7th Annual Orlando Open Coreen Ellrodt 1. R-M2 -76 73.7 70 75 80 40 42.5 45 85 87.5 92.5 217.5 43.52
03/26/2022 7th Annual Orlando Open Cris Coniglio 1. R-M2 84+ 92.3 70 75 82.5 52.5 55 -60 85 87.5 92.5 230 42.01
03/26/2022 7th Annual Orlando Open Katrina Chuah 1. R-O -63 61 110 120 -125 60 65 67.5 125 132.5 140 327.5 73.16
03/26/2022 7th Annual Orlando Open Sarah Ouellette 1. R-O 84+ 117.7 125 135 140 62.5 65 70 132.5 142.5 152.5 362.5 62.35
03/26/2022 7th Annual Orlando Open Jenna Rall 2. R-O 84+ 128.1 82.5 87.5 92.5 62.5 65 70 107.5 112.5 122.5 285 48.37
03/26/2022 7th Annual Orlando Open June Moore 3. R-O 84+ 97.5 85 92.5 97.5 57.5 60 62.5 97.5 107.5 115 275 49.39
03/26/2022 7th Annual Orlando Open Matthew Otero 1. R-M1 -93 93 230 245 -255 135 145 150 247.5 262.5 -267.5 657.5 86.03
03/26/2022 7th Annual Orlando Open Juan Marin 1. R-M1 -105 95.1 130 137.5 147.5 90 97.5 105 127.5 135 142.5 395 51.13
03/26/2022 7th Annual Orlando Open Michael Jean Sr. 1. R-M1 120+ 179.4 192.5 200 225 160 165 -182.5 205 215 225 615 61.30
03/26/2022 7th Annual Orlando Open Jason Pearson 1. R-M2 -120 108.9 130 132.5 -137.5 210 220 227.5 360 43.71
03/26/2022 7th Annual Orlando Open Phil Madsen 1. R-M3 -74 72.8 97.5 102.5 -107.5 67.5 -72.5 72.5 127.5 137.5 140 315 46.65
03/26/2022 7th Annual Orlando Open Jeffrey Tryon 1. R-M3 -120 119.2 165 172.5 177.5 125 -130 170 182.5 187.5 490 57.12
03/26/2022 7th Annual Orlando Open John M Alderman 1. R-M4 -93 87.1 70 100 -112.5 -112.5 130 140 -150 310 41.90
03/26/2022 7th Annual Orlando Open Ronald Medrano 1. R-O -83 82 245 260 265 150 160 167.5 282.5 300 315 747.5 104.08
03/26/2022 7th Annual Orlando Open Matthew Otero 1. R-O -93 93 230 245 -255 135 145 150 247.5 262.5 -267.5 657.5 86.03
03/26/2022 7th Annual Orlando Open Justin Battles 2. R-O -93 84.9 187.5 195 202.5 132.5 142.5 152.5 182.5 195 200 555 75.94
03/26/2022 7th Annual Orlando Open Dan Michael Devano 1. R-O -105 101.2 235 250 -265 145 157.5 260 280 295 702.5 88.25
03/26/2022 7th Annual Orlando Open Robert Scholler 2. R-O -105 99.3 185 197.5 207.5 122.5 127.5 132.5 230 245 255 595 75.44
03/26/2022 7th Annual Orlando Open Michael Martinez 3. R-O -105 104.9 -170 180 190 130 -135 185 200 215 535 66.09
03/26/2022 7th Annual Orlando Open Jackson Tessmer 1. R-SJ -66 63.5 85 90 100 70 77.5 -85 -85 92.5 105 282.5 44.94
03/26/2022 7th Annual Orlando Open Colton Trehy 1. R-SJ -83 80.2 122.5 132.5 142.5 85 87.5 92.5 160 167.5 177.5 412.5 58.09
03/19/2022 Rumble on the Rio Precious Andrew 1. R-O -69 66.7 95 -100 95 76.93
03/19/2022 Rumble on the Rio Thomas Cencich 1. M3 -93 91.3 -195 195 202.5 202.5 67.70
03/19/2022 Rumble on the Rio Phil Lahargoue 1. R-M3 120+ 141.2 172.5 177.5 -182.5 177.5 70.12
03/19/2022 Rumble on the Rio Wilson Blackbird 1. R-O -93 91.7 -150 150 -160 150 71.66
03/19/2022 Rumble on the Rio Corey Strickland 1. R-O 120+ 142.6 180 190 -195 190 74.76
03/19/2022 Rumble on the Rio Milton Sanchez 2. R-O 120+ 165.5 130 140 -150 140 52.25
03/19/2022 Rumble on the Rio Cedric Noriega 3. R-O 120+ 144.2 132.5 -140 -140 132.5 51.93
03/19/2022 Rumble on the Rio Thomas Cencich 1. M3 -93 91.3 185 197.5 205 205 22.44
03/19/2022 Rumble on the Rio Wilson Blackbird 1. R-O -93 91.7 250 255 260 260 34.25
03/19/2022 Rumble on the Rio Cedric Noriega 1. R-O 120+ 144.2 -222.5 222.5 235 235 25.32
03/19/2022 Rumble on the Rio Milton Sanchez 2. R-O 120+ 165.5 185 200 -207.5 200 20.48
03/19/2022 Rumble on the Rio Annacita Crow 1. M1 84+ 94.2 67.5 -72.5 77.5 50 62.5 70 125 142.5 147.5 295 44.51
03/19/2022 Rumble on the Rio Anya Lawrence 1. R-JR -63 62.1 105 115 -125 47.5 52.5 57.5 115 127.5 137.5 310 68.47
03/19/2022 Rumble on the Rio Anya Lawrence 0. R-O -63 62.1 105 115 -125 47.5 52.5 57.5 115 127.5 137.5 310 68.47
03/19/2022 Rumble on the Rio Precious Andrew 0. R-O -69 66.7 -160 -170 -170 95 -100 -170 0 0.00
03/19/2022 Rumble on the Rio Andrea Deras 1. R-O -76 72 80 95 115 45 50 -52.5 80 95 110 275 55.69
03/19/2022 Rumble on the Rio Shanti Khalsa 1. R-SJ 84+ 85.3 -77.5 80 82.5 37.5 42.5 -45 107.5 112.5 115 240 45.05
03/19/2022 Rumble on the Rio Thomas Cencich 1. M3 -93 91.3 185 -200 -200 -195 195 202.5 185 197.5 205 592.5 64.87
03/19/2022 Rumble on the Rio Zen Mccollum 1. O 120+ 157.7 335 355 365 -260 260 -272.5 280 302.5 -310 927.5 82.24
03/19/2022 Rumble on the Rio Arturo Gutierrez 1. R-JR -74 72 145 160 -167.5 92.5 100 105 167.5 185 190 455 67.76
03/19/2022 Rumble on the Rio Hunter Stevens 1. R-JR -93 92 190 -200 -200 127.5 132.5 -140 190 195 -200 517.5 68.04
03/19/2022 Rumble on the Rio Nazareth Garcia-Cano 1. R-O -74 73.4 175 180 185 -102.5 107.5 -112.5 230 240 245 537.5 79.23
03/19/2022 Rumble on the Rio Arturo Gutierrez 2. R-O -74 72 145 160 -167.5 92.5 100 105 167.5 185 190 455 67.76
03/19/2022 Rumble on the Rio Stephen Rael 3. R-O -74 68.4 35 40 47.5 30 40 50 60 70 92.5 190 29.08
03/19/2022 Rumble on the Rio Dennis Jaramillo 1. R-O -83 81.2 167.5 180 -192.5 80 92.5 102.5 170 182.5 195 477.5 66.82
03/19/2022 Rumble on the Rio Matthew Manicke 1. R-O -93 91 182.5 195 -205 -125 125 -140 225 240 -252.5 560 74.06
03/19/2022 Rumble on the Rio Hunter Stevens 2. R-O -93 92 190 -200 -200 127.5 132.5 -140 190 195 -200 517.5 68.04
03/19/2022 Rumble on the Rio Chance Jacques 3. R-O -93 89.2 165 177.5 182.5 102.5 107.5 -117.5 190 205 210 500 66.78
03/19/2022 Rumble on the Rio Andrew Salazar 4. R-O -93 85.5 150 167.5 172.5 -95 102.5 -107.5 195 217.5 -220 492.5 67.16
03/19/2022 Rumble on the Rio Milton Sanchez 1. R-O 120+ 165.5 125 -150 160 130 140 -150 185 200 -207.5 500 51.20
03/19/2022 Rumble on the Rio Eric Manicke 1. R-SJ -93 83.7 -175 175 192.5 -115 115 -122.5 215 222.5 -232.5 530 73.05
03/19/2022 Rumble on the Rio Thomas Cencich 1. M3 -93 91.3 -195 195 202.5 185 197.5 205 407.5 44.62
03/19/2022 Rumble on the Rio Milton Sanchez 1. R-O 120+ 165.5 130 140 -150 185 200 -207.5 340 34.82
03/05/2022 Iron Classic Toby Frescholtz 1. R-M1 -69 65.8 70 -72.5 72.5 37.5 -40 -40 87.5 92.5 95 205 43.65
03/05/2022 Iron Classic Jen Oliver 1. R-O -76 75 75 82.5 -100 57.5 -65 65 105 110 120 267.5 53.07
03/05/2022 Iron Classic Carrisa Tashiro 2. R-O -76 72.7 50 55 -65 35 45 -50 75 90 100 200 40.30
03/05/2022 Iron Classic Caitlin Best 1. R-O 84+ 85.9 97.5 -105 112.5 57.5 62.5 -72.5 142.5 152.5 162.5 337.5 63.19
03/05/2022 Iron Classic Joseph Coogan 1. R-JR -74 72.5 170 175 182.5 92.5 100 -110 200 210 227.5 510 75.67
03/05/2022 Iron Classic Connor Self 1. R-JR -83 82 145 155 165 102.5 107.5 -112.5 165 175 182.5 455 63.37
03/05/2022 Iron Classic Josh Howard 2. R-JR -83 77.7 112.5 117.5 120 75 80 -82.5 135 142.5 145 345 49.39
03/05/2022 Iron Classic Gabe Ernstine 2. R-SJ -105 99.2 130 -137.5 145 85 90 -100 155 162.5 167.5 402.5 51.04
03/05/2022 Iron Classic Rafael Devia 1. R-O -83 79.8 175 185 -187.5 -110 110 -112.5 230 240 247.5 542.5 76.61
03/05/2022 Iron Classic Jared Pawlik 2. R-O -83 81.6 165 180 -190 112.5 117.5 120 170 187.5 -207.5 487.5 68.07
03/05/2022 Iron Classic Paul Kati 1. R-O -120 114.4 167.5 175 190 132.5 140 142.5 200 215 227.5 560 66.49
03/05/2022 Iron Classic Alexander Enard 1. R-SJ -105 99.4 205 212.5 -220 115 127.5 137.5 170 182.5 202.5 552.5 70.00
02/26/2022 2022 National Bench Press Championships Claudia Nagata 1. M2 -76 70.7 45 -50 -80 45 25.41
02/26/2022 2022 National Bench Press Championships Dora Justice 1. M3 -57 56.2 77.5 80 -82.5 80 52.21
02/26/2022 2022 National Bench Press Championships Lynne Homan 1. M3 -63 59.1 75 80 82.5 82.5 51.90
02/26/2022 2022 National Bench Press Championships Maura Shuttleworth 1. O -57 56.6 107.5 112.5 -130 112.5 72.99
02/26/2022 2022 National Bench Press Championships Elizabeth Parker 1. R-G -47 35.8 47.5 52.5 -55 52.5 86.12
02/26/2022 2022 National Bench Press Championships Maura Shuttleworth 1. R-M1 -57 56.8 67.5 72.5 -77.5 72.5 64.66
02/26/2022 2022 National Bench Press Championships Faith Clough 2. R-M1 -57 56.6 55 60 -67.5 60 53.63
02/26/2022 2022 National Bench Press Championships Salena Smashum 1. R-M1 -76 75.4 52.5 60 65 65 50.06
02/26/2022 2022 National Bench Press Championships Chevelle Hallback 1. R-M2 -76 75.2 75 82.5 85 85 65.51
02/26/2022 2022 National Bench Press Championships Claudia Nagata 2. R-M2 -76 70.4 45 52.5 57.5 57.5 45.46
02/26/2022 2022 National Bench Press Championships Mari Saydal 1. R-M2 -84 83.3 57.5 62.5 -65 62.5 46.73
02/26/2022 2022 National Bench Press Championships Michal Harris 2. R-M2 -84 83.2 47.5 -60 -60 47.5 35.52
02/26/2022 2022 National Bench Press Championships Jennifer Hosea 1. R-M2 84+ 96.4 67.5 70 72.5 72.5 52.63
02/26/2022 2022 National Bench Press Championships Dora Justice 1. R-M3 -57 55.8 67.5 72.5 -74 72.5 65.54
02/26/2022 2022 National Bench Press Championships Lynne Homan 1. R-M3 -63 58.8 57.5 60 62.5 62.5 54.40
02/26/2022 2022 National Bench Press Championships Sara Shelton 1. R-O 84+ 95.2 70 77.5 82.5 82.5 60.01
02/26/2022 2022 National Bench Press Championships Madison Hamilton 1. R-SJ -63 59.2 -65 65 67.5 67.5 58.47
02/26/2022 2022 National Bench Press Championships Rodney Elm 1. M1 -93 91 147.5 160 165 165 55.29
02/26/2022 2022 National Bench Press Championships Steve Petrencak 1. M2 -66 64.9 137.5 150 -173 150 66.29
02/26/2022 2022 National Bench Press Championships Brian Albert 1. M2 -74 73 100 150 162.5 162.5 64.06
02/26/2022 2022 National Bench Press Championships Mike Ferrantelli 1. M2 -105 104.2 102.5 240 -257.5 240 74.78
02/26/2022 2022 National Bench Press Championships Joe Dibert 1. M2 120+ 139.8 -300 305 312.5 312.5 87.90
02/26/2022 2022 National Bench Press Championships Michael Rodriguez 1. M3 -74 73.2 145 152.5 -160 152.5 59.96
02/26/2022 2022 National Bench Press Championships Daniel Sides 2. M3 -74 73.4 142.5 -147.5 -155 142.5 55.88
02/26/2022 2022 National Bench Press Championships Wesley Kipp 1. M3 -83 82.4 185 205 -220 205 73.32
02/26/2022 2022 National Bench Press Championships Thomas Cencich 1. M3 -93 91.8 100 -190.5 190.5 190.5 63.51
02/26/2022 2022 National Bench Press Championships Dana Rosenzweig 1. M3 -105 94.8 -142.5 150 -182.5 150 49.06
02/26/2022 2022 National Bench Press Championships James Ray 1. M3 -120 118.5 182.5 -205 -205 182.5 53.93
02/26/2022 2022 National Bench Press Championships Robert Keller 1. M3 120+ 124.3 75 80 85 85 24.71
02/26/2022 2022 National Bench Press Championships Robert Crawford 1. M4 120+ 154.4 75 95 105 105 28.92
02/26/2022 2022 National Bench Press Championships Lauren Cohen 1. O -93 83.8 125 142.5 -152.5 142.5 50.40
02/26/2022 2022 National Bench Press Championships Michael Zawilinski 1. O 120+ 177.9 275 -305 -312.5 275 74.14
02/26/2022 2022 National Bench Press Championships Kevin Ramirez 1. R-G -105 104.2 160 175 185 185 83.15
02/26/2022 2022 National Bench Press Championships Jack Solomon 1. R-JR -66 61.1 -115 115 122.5 122.5 72.49
02/26/2022 2022 National Bench Press Championships Quinn Raulerson 1. R-JR -83 82.2 167.5 175 -182.5 175 88.36
02/26/2022 2022 National Bench Press Championships Colton Patrick 2. R-JR -83 81.5 130 -137.5 -137.5 130 65.93
02/26/2022 2022 National Bench Press Championships Shane Heywood 1. R-M1 -83 82.5 142.5 -152.5 152.5 152.5 76.83
02/26/2022 2022 National Bench Press Championships Steve Petrencak 1. R-M2 -66 64.3 120 130 -140.5 130 74.81
02/26/2022 2022 National Bench Press Championships Brian Mott 2. R-M2 -66 65.1 92.5 97.5 -100 97.5 55.72
02/26/2022 2022 National Bench Press Championships Todd Solomon 1. R-M2 -74 68 105 110 -117.5 110 61.39
02/26/2022 2022 National Bench Press Championships Damian Fronzaglia 1. R-M2 -83 77.8 160 170 176.5 176.5 91.66
02/26/2022 2022 National Bench Press Championships Jason Ross 1. R-M2 -93 85.6 147.5 157.5 -165 157.5 77.88
02/26/2022 2022 National Bench Press Championships Chris Walter 1. R-M2 -105 100 202.5 207.5 210 210 96.21
02/26/2022 2022 National Bench Press Championships Joe Dibert 1. R-M2 120+ 138.9 207.5 220 227.5 227.5 90.41
02/26/2022 2022 National Bench Press Championships Steven Edwards 1. R-M3 -66 65.8 90 100 -107.5 100 56.83
02/26/2022 2022 National Bench Press Championships Daniel Sides 1. R-M3 -74 72.9 125 127.5 130 130 69.90
02/26/2022 2022 National Bench Press Championships George Kern 2. R-M3 -74 72.9 87.5 90 92.5 92.5 49.72
02/26/2022 2022 National Bench Press Championships John March 0. R-M3 -74 71.2 -125 -125 -125 0 0.00
02/26/2022 2022 National Bench Press Championships Gary Reale 1. R-M3 -83 75.5 92.5 100 -105 100 52.76
02/26/2022 2022 National Bench Press Championships Thomas Cencich 1. R-M3 -93 91.8 100 150 152.5 152.5 72.82
02/26/2022 2022 National Bench Press Championships Kenneth Bennett 1. R-M3 -105 101.1 125 132.5 135 135 61.52
02/26/2022 2022 National Bench Press Championships Dana Rosenzweig 2. R-M3 -105 94 117.5 125 132.5 132.5 62.55
02/26/2022 2022 National Bench Press Championships James Ray 1. R-M3 -120 118.7 160 175 -177.5 175 74.17
02/26/2022 2022 National Bench Press Championships William Campbell 1. R-M3 120+ 150.1 190 197.5 205 205 79.14
02/26/2022 2022 National Bench Press Championships Mel Tatsumi 1. R-M4 -59 57.1 60 72.5 75.5 75.5 46.42
02/26/2022 2022 National Bench Press Championships Claude Welcome 1. R-M4 -93 92.5 130 136 140 140 66.60
02/26/2022 2022 National Bench Press Championships John M Alderman 2. R-M4 -93 86.7 105 110 -115 110 54.05
02/26/2022 2022 National Bench Press Championships Robert Crawford 1. R-M4 120+ 154.1 75 95 -130.5 95 36.33
02/26/2022 2022 National Bench Press Championships Andrew Sardis 1. R-O -74 73.3 110 112.5 -122.5 112.5 60.30
02/26/2022 2022 National Bench Press Championships Jonathan Losa 1. R-O -83 82.8 185 195 203 203 102.10
02/26/2022 2022 National Bench Press Championships Lauren Cohen 1. R-O -93 84.8 120 140 150 150 74.54
02/26/2022 2022 National Bench Press Championships Blake Atwell 1. R-O -120 117.2 185 207.5 212.5 212.5 90.57
02/26/2022 2022 National Bench Press Championships Hennis Washington IV 1. R-SJ -59 58.4 -95 95 102.5 102.5 62.23
02/26/2022 2022 National Bench Press Championships Christian Simmons 2. R-SJ -59 55.4 80 90 -97.5 90 56.25
02/19/2022 5th Annual Jacksonville Open Championships Noah Battle 1. R-O -120 118 175 185 -187.5 185 78.61
02/19/2022 5th Annual Jacksonville Open Championships Frances Fahringer 1. R-JR -57 56.1 45 50 -60 25 27.5 -35 62.5 72.5 77.5 155 36.79
02/19/2022 5th Annual Jacksonville Open Championships Katherine Abbott 1. R-JR -69 64 80 87.5 -92.5 42.5 50 52.5 102.5 110 115 255 55.26
02/19/2022 5th Annual Jacksonville Open Championships Marina Sidlow 2. R-JR -69 64.6 77.5 82.5 -87.5 42.5 47.5 52.5 110 117.5 120 255 54.90
02/19/2022 5th Annual Jacksonville Open Championships Alyxandrea Rose Tyler 1. R-JR -76 76 87.5 95 102.5 50 57.5 -62.5 107.5 117.5 122.5 282.5 55.70
02/19/2022 5th Annual Jacksonville Open Championships Taylor Young 1. R-JR 84+ 92.1 122.5 132.5 137.5 65 70 82.5 142.5 155 165 385 70.37
02/19/2022 5th Annual Jacksonville Open Championships Courtney Costrino 1. R-M1 -76 75.6 122.5 132.5 140 72.5 77.5 80 137.5 147.5 155 375 74.12
02/19/2022 5th Annual Jacksonville Open Championships Vanessa Reed 1. R-M2 -63 59.4 95 102.5 -107.5 50 55 60 137.5 145 -155 307.5 69.96
02/19/2022 5th Annual Jacksonville Open Championships Shannell Traylor 1. R-O -63 62.8 100 107.5 112.5 60 65 -67.5 122.5 130 137.5 315 69.07
02/19/2022 5th Annual Jacksonville Open Championships Morgan Robinson 1. O -120 115.4 150 160 170 117.5 -125 127.5 205 220 230 527.5 51.78
02/19/2022 5th Annual Jacksonville Open Championships John David Stephens 1. R-JR -83 81.7 -77.5 85 95 60 67.5 75 110 122.5 135 305 42.56
02/19/2022 5th Annual Jacksonville Open Championships Dan Morrell 1. R-JR -93 93 200 212.5 -217.5 130 137.5 -140 210 220 230 580 75.88
02/19/2022 5th Annual Jacksonville Open Championships Tom Bryan 2. R-JR -93 86.7 -152.5 152.5 165 110 117.5 127.5 190 205 212.5 505 68.38
02/19/2022 5th Annual Jacksonville Open Championships Tadrib Choudhury 3. R-JR -93 87.9 165 175 182.5 105 112.5 -122.5 187.5 195 205 500 67.27
02/19/2022 5th Annual Jacksonville Open Championships Jake Molina 1. R-O -93 85.3 175 185 195 125 132.5 140 215 -235 -235 550 75.12
02/19/2022 5th Annual Jacksonville Open Championships Tom Bryan 2. R-O -93 86.7 -152.5 152.5 165 110 117.5 127.5 190 205 212.5 505 68.38
02/19/2022 5th Annual Jacksonville Open Championships Stephen Clifford 1. R-O -120 118.9 185 190 197.5 137.5 215 230 240 575 67.10
02/19/2022 5th Annual Jacksonville Open Championships Antuan Lawrence Sconiers Jr 1. R-JR -59 58.7 95 105 115 62.5 70 -82.5 125 140 150 335 55.60
01/29/2022 6th Annual Southwest Florida Open Championships Lawrence Milford Sr. 1. R-M3 -83 79.1 90 95 100 100 14.19
01/29/2022 6th Annual Southwest Florida Open Championships David Deetscreek 1. R-M3 -93 86.5 162.5 172.5 182.5 182.5 24.74
01/29/2022 6th Annual Southwest Florida Open Championships Cassandra Zimmerman 1. R-JR -63 58.4 75 -80 82.5 47.5 50 52.5 90 95 102.5 237.5 54.73
01/29/2022 6th Annual Southwest Florida Open Championships Elizabeth Rodriguez Colon 1. R-O 84+ 106.8 75 82.5 87.5 60 67.5 -70 105 112.5 120 275 48.24
01/29/2022 6th Annual Southwest Florida Open Championships Seamus Finn Hagen 1. R-Y 0 0 60 67.5 70 37.5 -41 -41 80 85 -87.5 192.5 0.00
01/29/2022 6th Annual Southwest Florida Open Championships Max O'Dell 1. R-JR -93 90.5 75 85 -95 47.5 -52.5 52.5 95 115 125 262.5 34.79
01/29/2022 6th Annual Southwest Florida Open Championships Robert Peters 1. R-M1 -83 82.2 -180 180 187.5 122.5 127.5 132.5 192.5 200 210 530 73.73
01/29/2022 6th Annual Southwest Florida Open Championships Brian Kidder 2. R-M1 -83 80 125 130 132.5 95 -100 100 147.5 -155 -155 380 53.59
01/29/2022 6th Annual Southwest Florida Open Championships Butch Swank 1. R-M2 -83 80.2 107.5 115 120 82.5 87.5 -92.5 145 152.5 162.5 370 52.12
01/29/2022 6th Annual Southwest Florida Open Championships Gordon Lami 1. R-M1 -93 93 185 -187.5 -187.5 132.5 142.5 -150 165 -170 175 502.5 65.74
01/29/2022 6th Annual Southwest Florida Open Championships David Deetscreek 1. R-M3 -93 86.5 107.5 120 127.5 87.5 97.5 102.5 162.5 172.5 182.5 412.5 55.93
01/29/2022 6th Annual Southwest Florida Open Championships Jordan Daniels 1. R-O -93 92.9 180 187.5 192.5 135 -140 140 220 227.5 235 567.5 74.28
01/29/2022 6th Annual Southwest Florida Open Championships Chase Noel 2. R-O -93 88.2 162.5 172.5 -182.5 115 127.5 -137.5 205 222.5 230 530 71.18
01/29/2022 6th Annual Southwest Florida Open Championships Gordon Lami 3. R-O -93 93 185 -187.5 -187.5 132.5 142.5 -150 165 -170 175 502.5 65.74
01/29/2022 6th Annual Southwest Florida Open Championships Steven Howard 4. R-O -93 90.5 142.5 162.5 177.5 102.5 112.5 -127.5 170 190 205 495 65.63
01/29/2022 6th Annual Southwest Florida Open Championships Owen Ward 1. R-O -105 102.3 255 272.5 167.5 177.5 182.5 292.5 307.5 320 775 96.86
01/29/2022 6th Annual Southwest Florida Open Championships Hayden Lecius 2. R-O -105 102.8 -230 230 -240 137.5 -145 -145 227.5 230 -235 597.5 74.52
01/29/2022 6th Annual Southwest Florida Open Championships Tim Brockett 1. R-O 120+ 135.8 202.5 215 -227.5 137.5 145 -155 212.5 225 237.5 597.5 65.94
01/29/2022 6th Annual Southwest Florida Open Championships Roman Rea 1. R-SJ -66 65.8 125 132.5 -142.5 95 100 -102.5 -185 190 -197.5 422.5 65.99
01/29/2022 6th Annual Southwest Florida Open Championships Ethan Belcher 1. R-SJ -83 81.4 147.5 155 -170 92.5 97.5 -102.5 190 200 -215 452.5 63.25
01/29/2022 6th Annual Southwest Florida Open Championships Roan Lami 2. R-SJ -83 81.2 140 145 -147.5 95 -102.5 -105 127.5 140 147.5 387.5 54.23
01/29/2022 6th Annual Southwest Florida Open Championships Brandon Jensen 1. R-JR -120 116.3 162.5 172.5 185 115 122.5 -130 197.5 207.5 217.5 525 61.87
01/29/2022 6th Annual Southwest Florida Open Championships Tim Brockett 1. R-O 120+ 135.8 137.5 145 -155 212.5 225 237.5 382.5 42.21