Lifting Database




Competition Lifter Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points
01/19/2025 Cajun Prep Open Ayden Lege 2. JR -63 61.6 127.5 137.5 145 60 65 -67.5 125 137.5 -142.5 347.5 63.58
01/19/2025 Cajun Prep Open Gracie Cassidy 1. JR -69 64.3 147.5 157.5 165 90 95 102.5 127.5 142.5 -147.5 410 73.21
01/19/2025 Cajun Prep Open Emily Badeaux 1. O -84 83.9 147.5 -157.5 157.5 117.5 127.5 -132.5 140 155 160 445 70.02
01/19/2025 Cajun Prep Open Lauren Fontenot 1. R-PS 84+ 86.3 62.5 70 77.5 35 40 42.5 80 95 100 220 41.12
01/19/2025 Cajun Prep Open Abigail Dunigan 2. R-PS -69 65.7 60 65 70 32.5 37.5 -40 70 80 85 192.5 41.03
01/19/2025 Cajun Prep Open Ellie Shields 1. R-Y 0 0 20 25 30 15 17.5 -20 30 37.5 42.5 90 0.00
01/19/2025 Cajun Prep Open Thaovy Tran 2. R-JR -43 42.7 80 87.5 90 35 40 102.5 112.5 -120 242.5 74.43
01/19/2025 Cajun Prep Open Keira Segura 1. R-JR -57 55.5 127.5 137.5 142.5 70 77.5 82.5 142.5 155 162.5 387.5 92.77
01/19/2025 Cajun Prep Open Marley McQuade 5. R-JR -57 52.8 80 87.5 90 47.5 52.5 -55 80 87.5 -90 230 57.33
01/19/2025 Cajun Prep Open Lydia Shields 3. R-JR -63 60.6 110 120 -125 62.5 70 75 115 125 -132.5 320 71.88
01/19/2025 Cajun Prep Open Micaela Schexnider 4. R-JR -63 57.1 100 -110 -110 40 47.5 -52.5 92.5 102.5 -110 250 58.56
01/19/2025 Cajun Prep Open Mandy McQuade 1. R-M1 -69 65.2 97.5 -105 105 45 50 55 115 125 -135 285 61.03
01/19/2025 Cajun Prep Open Amanda Fontenot 2. R-M1 84+ 96.9 25 50 55 -57.5 45 125 22.49
01/19/2025 Cajun Prep Open Ariyanna Walker 1. R-SJ -47 45.2 50 60 65 25 30 -32.5 65 72.5 80 175 50.48
01/19/2025 Cajun Prep Open Mykaien Guillory 2. R-SJ -63 62.1 40 47.5 55 30 35 -37.5 65 80 90 180 39.77
01/19/2025 Cajun Prep Open Liam McHugh 3. JR -74 67.4 125 135 142.5 75 -85 -85 142.5 152.5 160 377.5 49.85
01/19/2025 Cajun Prep Open Rocky Dufort 1. JR -93 89.4 212.5 227.5 237.5 225 240 247.5 207.5 227.5 237.5 722.5 80.04
01/19/2025 Cajun Prep Open Atticus Campbell 2. JR -120 111.8 237.5 255 -270 160 -172.5 180 250 -260 -307.5 685 68.12
01/19/2025 Cajun Prep Open Addison Gaspard 2. O -83 79.4 192.5 207.5 120 127.5 132.5 215 -235 235 575 68.18
01/19/2025 Cajun Prep Open Jessie Badeaux 1. O -120 112.6 345 365 380 272.5 290 302.5 262.5 290 310 992.5 98.40
01/19/2025 Cajun Prep Open James Poland 1. SJ -74 70.7 125 137.5 145 -80 85 -102.5 142.5 150 160 390 49.83
01/19/2025 Cajun Prep Open Kolton McMilleon 3. SJ -74 71.9 125 135 142.5 65 70 77.5 135 142.5 152.5 372.5 47.06
01/19/2025 Cajun Prep Open Aiden Quinn 2. SJ -120 114.6 175 -190 190 -130 130 142.5 147.5 160 167.5 500 49.22
01/19/2025 Cajun Prep Open Justin Roe 6. R-JR -53 50.8 90 100 107.5 67.5 77.5 -82.5 117.5 130 137.5 322.5 57.84
01/19/2025 Cajun Prep Open Bryce Toups 3. R-JR -66 63.3 142.5 160 167.5 92.5 100 -105 150 162.5 172.5 440 70.13
01/19/2025 Cajun Prep Open Peter Nguyen 4. R-JR -66 60.7 142.5 155 -162.5 82.5 87.5 -92.5 162.5 177.5 182.5 425 69.27
01/19/2025 Cajun Prep Open Cristopher Caceres 2. R-JR -83 74.5 175 190 200 107.5 117.5 -125 175 190 197.5 515 75.37
01/19/2025 Cajun Prep Open Milo McQuade 1. R-JR -105 93.5 205 222.5 232.5 147.5 157.5 -167.5 202.5 215 -222.5 605 78.96
01/19/2025 Cajun Prep Open William O'Rourke 5. R-JR 120+ 120.9 220 235 245 105 112.5 120 197.5 210 -225 575 66.62
01/19/2025 Cajun Prep Open Chad Parker 1. R-M1 -120 108.7 200 205 220 220 96.98
01/19/2025 Cajun Prep Open Sean Augustin 1. R-M2 -66 65.6 92.5 102.5 102.5 58.36
01/19/2025 Cajun Prep Open Mason McQuade 3. R-O -74 70.9 102.5 112.5 117.5 70 77.5 -80 125 137.5 332.5 49.93
01/19/2025 Cajun Prep Open Earl Russo 2. R-O -93 87.8 185 190 217.5 142.5 150 155 190 225 230 602.5 81.09
01/19/2025 Cajun Prep Open Johnny Eriquezzo 1. R-O -120 115.1 285 302.5 317.5 185 195 -200 260 277.5 287.5 800 94.72
01/19/2025 Cajun Prep Open Zahndon Guillory 6. R-SJ -66 63.1 70 80 -85 55 62.5 -65 117.5 130 -137.5 272.5 43.50
01/19/2025 Cajun Prep Open Maddox Parker 1. R-SJ -74 71.7 145 150 157.5 157.5 85.45
01/19/2025 Cajun Prep Open Gage Guilliams 4. R-SJ -74 68.5 102.5 107.5 115 60 65 72.5 -112.5 -112.5 112.5 300 45.86
01/19/2025 Cajun Prep Open Jackson Micka 9. R-SJ -74 71 -85 85 -90 57.5 60 65 102.5 110 112.5 262.5 39.38
01/19/2025 Cajun Prep Open Elijah Sikes 3. R-SJ -105 99.4 117.5 130 140 62.5 67.5 75 157.5 175 185 400 50.69
01/19/2025 Cajun Prep Open Ethan Brabham 8. R-SJ -105 94.4 97.5 107.5 120 55 60 65 100 110 120 305 39.62
01/19/2025 Cajun Prep Open Aaron Nguyen 1. R-SJ -120 112.4 135 150 155 122.5 -132.5 132.5 160 175 185 472.5 56.56
01/19/2025 Cajun Prep Open Karsten Clinton 2. R-SJ 120+ 135.5 152.5 157.5 175 92.5 97.5 102.5 152.5 157.5 182.5 460 50.81
01/19/2025 Cajun Prep Open Kasen Clinton 5. R-SJ 120+ 163.1 142.5 152.5 165 -85 -85 85 142.5 157.5 182.5 432.5 44.53
01/19/2025 Cajun Prep Open Mahxton Guillory 7. R-SJ -120 118.1 80 97.5 112.5 72.5 82.5 -90 145 162.5 175 370 43.32
01/18/2025 8th Annual Powerlifting America Jacksonville Open Championships Randall Graves 1. R-M4 -105 101.5 130 132.5 135 135 61.40
01/18/2025 8th Annual Powerlifting America Jacksonville Open Championships Crystal Delguidice 1. R-M3 -63 62 50 55 60 50 52.5 57.5 75 80 85 202.5 44.75
01/18/2025 8th Annual Powerlifting America Jacksonville Open Championships Cheri Hines 1. R-O 84+ 114.9 137.5 142.5 147.5 65 70 75 122.5 125 127.5 350 60.47
01/18/2025 8th Annual Powerlifting America Jacksonville Open Championships Alana Seabrooks 2. R-O 84+ 85.1 87.5 92.5 97.5 50 -52.5 52.5 130 135 140 290 54.49
01/18/2025 8th Annual Powerlifting America Jacksonville Open Championships Madison Tan 1. R-SJ -69 68.5 67.5 72.5 77.5 27.5 32.5 -35 72.5 82.5 90 200 41.59
01/18/2025 8th Annual Powerlifting America Jacksonville Open Championships Nicolas Tan 1. R-Y 0 0 35 42.5 47.5 15 17.5 20 62.5 67.5 -75 135 0.00
01/18/2025 8th Annual Powerlifting America Jacksonville Open Championships Kyler Tan 2. R-Y 0 0 17.5 20 22.5 12.5 15 17.5 32.5 37.5 40 80 0.00
01/18/2025 8th Annual Powerlifting America Jacksonville Open Championships Logan Tan 1. R-PS -59 55.4 50 57.5 62.5 22.5 27.5 30 65 70 77.5 170 29.10
01/18/2025 8th Annual Powerlifting America Jacksonville Open Championships Antonio Gomez 1. R-JR -83 76.4 75 -240 75 120 132.5 75 200 220 427.5 61.73
01/18/2025 8th Annual Powerlifting America Jacksonville Open Championships Andrew Cain 1. R-JR -105 105 275 305 330 177.5 182.5 187.5 285 315 340 857.5 105.87
01/18/2025 8th Annual Powerlifting America Jacksonville Open Championships Erik Staggs 2. R-JR -105 100.4 150 -165 165 120 -135 135 160 175 180 480 60.51
01/18/2025 8th Annual Powerlifting America Jacksonville Open Championships Louis Bombardiere 3. R-O -93 85.1 195 207.5 212.5 130 -137.5 145 210 220 -230 577.5 78.95
01/18/2025 8th Annual Powerlifting America Jacksonville Open Championships Daniel Henson 1. R-M3 -93 85.7 110 135 152.5 157.5 160 152.5 172.5 467.5 63.70
01/18/2025 8th Annual Powerlifting America Jacksonville Open Championships James Bledsoe 0. R-M4 -83 81.7 -55 -55 -55 -60 60 -65 70 80 85 0 0.00
01/18/2025 8th Annual Powerlifting America Jacksonville Open Championships John DelGuidice 1. R-M4 -93 92.6 -110 110 115 127.5 140 -145 115 125 130 385 50.47
01/18/2025 8th Annual Powerlifting America Jacksonville Open Championships Jordan McKinley 1. R-O -93 93 230 250 270 195 205 210 285 310 335 815 106.64
01/18/2025 8th Annual Powerlifting America Jacksonville Open Championships Miguel Cedillo-Martinez 2. R-O -93 91.9 250 260 -272.5 152.5 157.5 160 285 295 -307.5 715 94.10
01/18/2025 8th Annual Powerlifting America Jacksonville Open Championships Jorge Loli 4. R-O -93 90.4 177.5 187.5 195 142.5 152.5 -157.5 205 215 227.5 575 76.27
01/18/2025 8th Annual Powerlifting America Jacksonville Open Championships Oliver Hoffman 1. R-SJ -83 79.8 180 185 -195 110 115 120 200 215 -220 520 73.41
01/18/2025 8th Annual Powerlifting America Jacksonville Open Championships Oliver Akridge 1. R-SJ -93 91.4 197.5 212.5 -227.5 110 120 -130 202.5 -210 210 542.5 71.58
01/18/2025 8th Annual Powerlifting America Jacksonville Open Championships Alana Seabrooks 1. R-O 84+ 85.1 50 -52.5 52.5 130 135 140 192.5 36.17
01/18/2025 8th Annual Powerlifting America Jacksonville Open Championships Daniel Henson 1. R-M3 -93 85.7 152.5 157.5 160 152.5 172.5 332.5 45.30
01/18/2025 Winter Classic Amanda Sansone 6. R-JR -52 48 65 67.5 75 65 70 77.5 85 92.5 -110 245 66.60
01/18/2025 Winter Classic Eleni Guerrera 1. R-JR -57 56.7 140 150 155 77.5 82.5 85 160 175 -185 415 97.73
01/18/2025 Winter Classic Anne Augustin 2. R-JR -76 70 145 -155 157.5 65 70 -75 140 150 -157.5 377.5 77.59
01/18/2025 Winter Classic Maya Eason 3. R-JR -76 75.1 125 135 142.5 80 -90 -95 145 155 162.5 385 76.34
01/18/2025 Winter Classic Emily Bombardier 4. R-JR 84+ 129.2 170 182.5 195 77.5 82.5 -85 137.5 150 160 437.5 74.16
01/18/2025 Winter Classic Emily Moshier 5. R-JR -84 81.8 127.5 135 -142.5 77.5 82.5 85 125 137.5 145 365 69.67
01/18/2025 Winter Classic Kayla Pietrkiewicz 7. R-JR 84+ 114.9 85 92.5 105 45 50 55 90 100 -105 260 44.92
01/18/2025 Winter Classic Kelsey Scannevin 1. R-O -57 56.1 130 137.5 -142.5 72.5 77.5 80 160 167.5 -175 385 91.47
01/18/2025 Winter Classic Kathryn Hoban 3. R-O -76 74.1 120 127.5 132.5 60 65 67.5 127.5 -140 150 350 69.87
01/18/2025 Winter Classic Danielle Cervone 2. R-O 84+ 88.8 135 145 155 72.5 75 80 130 142.5 157.5 392.5 72.61
01/18/2025 Winter Classic Madison Mcilvoy 4. R-O -84 79.1 110 117.5 -125 60 65 -70 125 135 142.5 325 62.94
01/18/2025 Winter Classic Elliott Sykes 1. R-JR -74 72.4 275 292.5 305 160 170 175 280 -300 -320 760 112.85
01/18/2025 Winter Classic Daniel Boush 3. R-JR -83 82.3 212.5 225 -237.5 135 140 -147.5 220 235 245 610 84.80
01/18/2025 Winter Classic Bryan Randolph 4. R-JR -93 89.7 207.5 217.5 227.5 132.5 142.5 152.5 245 -260 -272.5 625 83.23
01/18/2025 Winter Classic Ryan Adymy 5. R-JR -93 84.7 205 217.5 227.5 115 122.5 127.5 200 217.5 -230 572.5 78.44
01/18/2025 Winter Classic Liam Robinson 6. R-JR -93 90.4 210 220 -227.5 115 122.5 -130 210 220 -227.5 562.5 74.62
01/18/2025 Winter Classic Evan Gonsorcik 2. R-JR -105 99.2 225 237.5 250 155 162.5 170 280 300 310 730 92.57
01/18/2025 Winter Classic Daniel Leising 7. R-JR -105 100 157.5 165 175 97.5 107.5 112.5 167.5 177.5 195 482.5 60.95
01/18/2025 Winter Classic Raynard Raeburn 3. R-O -120 109.4 212.5 227.5 245 -190 197.5 210 250 272.5 285 740 89.65
01/18/2025 Winter Classic Thomas Keefe Jr 1. R-M1 -93 88.2 147.5 157.5 165 97.5 102.5 105 157.5 167.5 -175 437.5 58.74
01/18/2025 Winter Classic Elliott Sykes 1. R-O -74 72.4 275 292.5 305 160 170 175 280 -300 -320 760 112.85
01/18/2025 Winter Classic Christian Thoren 4. R-O -105 101.6 200 215 -227.5 135 145 147.5 250 265 275 637.5 79.93
01/18/2025 Winter Classic Raynard Raeburn 1. R-O -120 109.4 212.5 227.5 245 -190 197.5 210 250 272.5 285 740 89.65
01/18/2025 Winter Classic William O'Neil-White 2. R-O 120+ 137.9 335 355 -365 207.5 220 227.5 300 325 -332.5 907.5 99.52
01/18/2025 Winter Classic Billy Mangiamele 5. R-O -120 117.2 70 70 75 215 25.25
01/18/2025 Winter Classic Luis Gonzalez Jr 1. R-SJ -74 73.7 190 -202.5 202.5 122.5 -130 130 200 215 -227.5 547.5 80.55
01/12/2025 St. Louis Open Rhoda Hall 1. R-M1 -76 75.2 55 60 65 65 50.12
01/12/2025 St. Louis Open Carmen Papaleo 1. R-M2 -93 91.8 142.5 147.5 -152.5 147.5 70.43
01/12/2025 St. Louis Open Scott Chasin 1. R-M3 -93 88.6 130 -135 -135 130 63.18
01/12/2025 St. Louis Open Carmen Papaleo 1. R-O -93 91.8 142.5 147.5 -152.5 147.5 70.43
01/12/2025 St. Louis Open Angela Lawson 1. R-JR -57 54.2 55 62.5 -70 30 -35 -35 80 90 100 192.5 46.99
01/12/2025 St. Louis Open Keeghan Daughhetee 0. R-JR -84 81.9 -32.5 -32.5 -32.5 32.5 37.5 -45 85 92.5 97.5 0 0.00
01/12/2025 St. Louis Open Abby Fry 1. R-M1 -63 57.4 72.5 75 77.5 42.5 -45 -47.5 87.5 92.5 95 215 50.17
01/12/2025 St. Louis Open Jessica Shaddox 2. R-M1 -63 57.6 60 65 -70 45 47.5 -50 97.5 102.5 -105 215 50.04
01/12/2025 St. Louis Open Andrea Cox 1. R-M1 -69 65 -60 60 -70 30 32.5 -37.5 75 85 95 187.5 40.24
01/12/2025 St. Louis Open Angie Dockins 1. R-M1 -76 73.4 -120 120 -140 72.5 77.5 82.5 125 137.5 150 352.5 70.68
01/12/2025 St. Louis Open Rhoda Hall 2. R-M1 -76 75.2 50 55 60 55 60 65 75 82.5 95 220 43.61
01/12/2025 St. Louis Open Bree Urech-Boyle 1. R-M1 84+ 89.5 105 117.5 130 57.5 62.5 65 127.5 140 -155 335 61.82
01/12/2025 St. Louis Open Kate Evert 1. R-M4 -76 73 25 -27.5 -27.5 25 -27.5 -27.5 65 -67.5 -67.5 115 23.13
01/12/2025 St. Louis Open Franchesca Fender 0. R-O -57 52.3 -90 -90 -90 45 47.5 -50 115 125 130 0 0.00
01/12/2025 St. Louis Open Mya Jenkins 1. R-O -69 65 100 110 115 55 60 62.5 122.5 132.5 142.5 320 68.65
01/12/2025 St. Louis Open Angie Dockins 1. R-O -76 73.4 -120 120 -140 72.5 77.5 82.5 125 137.5 150 352.5 70.68
01/12/2025 St. Louis Open Nichole O'Neill 1. R-O 84+ 106.8 120 130 140 40 45 52.5 125 137.5 155 347.5 60.97
01/12/2025 St. Louis Open Bree Urech-Boyle 2. R-O 84+ 89.5 105 117.5 130 57.5 62.5 65 127.5 140 -155 335 61.82
01/12/2025 St. Louis Open Mallory Hammond 1. R-SJ -57 56.6 115 122.5 127.5 57.5 60 -62.5 135 -142.5 142.5 330 77.82
01/12/2025 St. Louis Open Makenzie Null 1. R-JR -69 66.9 85 92.5 -102.5 40 47.5 -52.5 97.5 107.5 115 255 53.79
01/12/2025 St. Louis Open Cadence Neitzel 1. R-JR -76 70.4 -67.5 67.5 75 35 40 -45 90 100 110 225 46.10
01/12/2025 St. Louis Open Ben LaBrot 1. JR -93 86.4 -180 -182.5 187.5 -117.5 120 -127.5 205 -222.5 222.5 530 59.81
01/12/2025 St. Louis Open Jacob Van Gorkom 1. R-JR -93 86.6 180 -187.5 187.5 90 95 100 -210 220 227.5 515 69.79
01/12/2025 St. Louis Open Sean Mullins 1. R-O -74 69.7 157.5 167.5 -175 102.5 112.5 -115 187.5 197.5 -207.5 477.5 72.35
01/12/2025 St. Louis Open Allan Lewis 2. R-O -74 67 105 112.5 115 60 65 67.5 115 120 125 307.5 47.54
01/12/2025 St. Louis Open Bobby Ulloa 1. R-O -83 77.3 155 167.5 177.5 112.5 115 120 180 187.5 -200 485 69.62
01/12/2025 St. Louis Open Zachary Helmkampf 1. R-O -105 93.6 222.5 235 -247.5 150 157.5 165 252.5 -265 265 665 86.75
01/12/2025 St. Louis Open Chase Ohm 1. R-O -120 114.9 240 252.5 -260 130 140 145 245 265 275 672.5 79.69
01/12/2025 St. Louis Open Caeden Martin 1. R-SJ -59 58.6 140 150 152.5 97.5 102.5 105 165 175 -185 432.5 71.86
01/12/2025 St. Louis Open Denzil Smith 1. R-SJ -66 64.7 -167.5 182.5 192.5 107.5 115 120 177.5 190 205 517.5 81.56
01/12/2025 St. Louis Open Zach Brothers 1. R-SJ -74 72.7 170 175 180 105 110 115 200 220 -240 515 76.31
01/12/2025 St. Louis Open Noah Galvez 2. R-SJ -74 70 125 145 165 107.5 115 -120 225 -240 -240 505 76.32
01/12/2025 St. Louis Open Pam Cantrell 1. R-M1 -69 68.6 35 -40 -40 87.5 97.5 -105 132.5 27.54
01/11/2025 Lake Pleasant Classic Paizley Campbell 1. R-JR -52 49.3 80 -90 90 40 45 -50 95 102.5 115 250 66.26
01/11/2025 Lake Pleasant Classic Michelle Molina 1. R-M1 -84 82.4 -82.5 87.5 -92.5 52.5 57.5 62.5 105 110 112.5 262.5 49.97
01/11/2025 Lake Pleasant Classic Michelle Harrell 1. R-M1 84+ 111.8 -147.5 152.5 157.5 92.5 97.5 100 165 172.5 -182.5 430 74.70
01/11/2025 Lake Pleasant Classic Erin Hall 2. R-M1 84+ 112.8 100 110 -120 55 60 65 130 145 -160 320 55.48
01/11/2025 Lake Pleasant Classic Valerie Ogden 1. R-O -47 45.9 75 85 87.5 42.5 45 47.5 105 112.5 -117.5 247.5 70.27
01/11/2025 Lake Pleasant Classic Michelle Harrell 1. R-O 84+ 111.8 -147.5 152.5 157.5 92.5 97.5 100 165 172.5 -182.5 430 74.70
01/11/2025 Lake Pleasant Classic Erin Hall 2. R-O 84+ 112.8 100 110 -120 55 60 65 130 145 -160 320 55.48
01/11/2025 Lake Pleasant Classic Jonathan Nico 1. R-JR -59 57.3 47.5 55 -62.5 50 52.5 -57.5 57.5 -65 65 172.5 28.99
01/11/2025 Lake Pleasant Classic Parker Stubblefield 1. R-JR -93 90 185 -197.5 -202.5 120 127.5 135 190 215 240 560 74.47
01/11/2025 Lake Pleasant Classic Elijah Homa 1. R-JR -105 98.1 165 180 192.5 97.5 105 -112.5 -190 210 -222.5 507.5 64.70
01/11/2025 Lake Pleasant Classic Dan Gradows 1. R-M1 -105 95.9 135 147.5 155 120 127.5 -132.5 202.5 -220 -237.5 485 62.51
01/11/2025 Lake Pleasant Classic Rodney Elm 1. R-M2 -93 91 182.5 195 205 132.5 142.5 155 200 217.5 232.5 592.5 78.34
01/11/2025 Lake Pleasant Classic Russell Brownsberger 1. R-M2 120+ 129.2 155 170 180 135 145 152.5 165 185 195 527.5 59.42
01/11/2025 Lake Pleasant Classic Chris Boillot 1. R-M3 -83 82.1 190 205 -215 117.5 122.5 127.5 190 205 -212.5 537.5 74.84
01/11/2025 Lake Pleasant Classic Glenn Brody 1. R-M4 -83 77.1 102.5 112.5 122.5 122.5 63.93
01/11/2025 Lake Pleasant Classic Charlie Dickson 1. R-O -93 92.8 260 272.5 285 182.5 192.5 200 270 295 317.5 802.5 105.12
01/11/2025 Lake Pleasant Classic Rodney Elm 2. R-O -93 91 182.5 195 205 132.5 142.5 155 200 217.5 232.5 592.5 78.34
01/11/2025 Lake Pleasant Classic Wyatt Holland 3. R-O -93 90 192.5 205 215 102.5 115 120 187.5 205 215 550 73.10
01/11/2025 Lake Pleasant Classic Ernest Atkins 4. R-O -93 87.5 165 175 190 120 -130 130 202.5 -220 -220 522.5 70.46
01/11/2025 Lake Pleasant Classic Jesse Kunitomo 5. R-O -93 89.6 142.5 157.5 170 122.5 135 -145 185 195 207.5 512.5 68.28
01/11/2025 Lake Pleasant Classic Isaiah Baker 1. R-O -105 98.7 170 -182.5 197.5 130 142.5 155 202.5 212.5 227.5 580 73.75
01/11/2025 Lake Pleasant Classic Logan MacFarlane 2. R-O -105 101.8 200 -215 -215 115 130 140 200 220 225 565 70.79
01/11/2025 Lake Pleasant Classic Elijah Homa 3. R-O -105 98.1 165 180 192.5 97.5 105 -112.5 -190 210 -222.5 507.5 64.70
01/11/2025 Lake Pleasant Classic Christian Upshaw 1. R-O -120 119.5 185 192.5 195 155 -160 250 255 -272.5 605 70.46
01/11/2025 Lake Pleasant Classic Sean Clarke 1. R-O 120+ 143.4 245 252.5 -262.5 130 137.5 -145 250 -260 -260 640 69.12
01/11/2025 Lake Pleasant Classic Masato Gentle 1. R-SJ -59 58.6 145 155 -165 87.5 92.5 97.5 175 190 200 452.5 75.15
01/11/2025 Lake Pleasant Classic Ehren Leonard 2. R-SJ -59 56.6 -102.5 107.5 120 57.5 60 65 120 132.5 145 330 55.86
01/11/2025 Lake Pleasant Classic Tristan Diaz 0. R-SJ -66 65.4 150 -162.5 -162.5 -77.5 -85 -92.5 182.5 187.5 -200 0 0.00
01/11/2025 Lake Pleasant Classic Christopher Stradling 1. R-SJ -83 81.1 160 170 -175 107.5 115 175 185 -190 470 65.85
01/11/2025 Lake Pleasant Classic Aidan Bauer 1. R-SJ -93 88.9 165 170 175 -92.5 97.5 -102.5 -182.5 185 195 467.5 62.55
01/11/2025 Lake Pleasant Classic Logan MacFarlane 1. R-SJ -105 101.8 200 -215 -215 115 130 140 200 220 225 565 70.79
01/11/2025 Lake Pleasant Classic Jennifer Staflin 1. R-M2 -84 79.8 25 30 -32.5 55 60 -65 90 17.36
01/11/2025 Rookie Riot Kaitlin Lowden 1. R-O -69 65 102.5 110 117.5 52.5 57.5 -60 130 140 150 325 69.76
01/11/2025 Rookie Riot Jeanie Barreto 2. R-O -69 67.1 95 102.5 107.5 52.5 55 -57.5 102.5 110 115 277.5 58.44
01/11/2025 Rookie Riot Kaitlin abercrombie 1. R-O -84 76.7 92.5 97.5 102.5 57.5 62.5 65 115 127.5 137.5 305 59.89
01/11/2025 Rookie Riot Jackson Laurence-Vijay 1. R-JR -59 55.4 95 -100 105 60 72.5 77.5 120 125 132.5 315 53.94
01/11/2025 Rookie Riot Mark Holcomb 0. R-JR -93 91.6 -235 -247.5 -247.5 -142.5 -220 0 0.00
01/11/2025 Rookie Riot Jackson Norton 1. R-O 120+ 147.9 265 285 305 162.5 172.5 -177.5 225 250 -265 727.5 77.64
01/11/2025 Rookie Riot John Callahan 1. R-SJ -83 77.4 150 152.5 165 -110 110 117.5 185 192.5 -195 475 68.16
01/11/2025 King Street Cynthia Smith 1. R-M1 -52 51.4 75 80 85 40 42.5 45 75 80 85 215 54.84
01/11/2025 King Street Juli Lefler 1. R-M2 -69 66.9 95 100 107.5 52.5 57.5 60 105 110 117.5 285 60.09
01/11/2025 King Street Savannah Lee 1. R-O -63 61.6 130 140 145 65 67.5 -70 157.5 -165 -165 370 82.20
01/11/2025 King Street Summer Smith 1. R-O -69 64.4 152.5 160 -165 65 67.5 70 157.5 167.5 -177.5 397.5 85.77
01/11/2025 King Street Emilee Strohl 2. R-O -69 66 92.5 97.5 102.5 52.5 57.5 60 102.5 110 115 277.5 58.98
01/11/2025 King Street Alese Jaeger 1. R-O -76 73.6 140 155 162.5 60 65 67.5 140 155 167.5 397.5 79.62
01/11/2025 King Street Brian Nguyen 1. R-JR -93 87.1 135 147.5 160 97.5 105 -112.5 160 175 192.5 457.5 61.83
01/11/2025 King Street Bryan Le 1. R-JR -105 94.8 220 225 -227.5 137.5 -140 -140 240 255 -262.5 617.5 80.05
01/11/2025 King Street Heath Mace 2. R-JR -105 97.2 180 190 200 117.5 125 132.5 200 212.5 225 557.5 71.39
01/11/2025 King Street Alpha Dumbuya 1. R-M1 -105 102.5 205 217.5 230 120 127.5 135 245 260 275 640 79.91
01/11/2025 King Street Avery Jackson 1. R-O -66 65.3 237.5 250 -262.5 137.5 145 150 250 270 282.5 682.5 107.04
01/11/2025 King Street Steven Sala 1. R-O -105 102.2 250 267.5 277.5 150 162.5 170 230 245 255 702.5 87.84
01/11/2025 King Street Ethan Sanders 2. R-O -105 99.9 25 25 75 125 15.80
01/11/2025 Shonen Strength Showdown Caroline Razma 1. R-JR -47 46.6 77.5 -85 90 40 45 -47.5 115 120 -125 255 71.29
01/11/2025 Shonen Strength Showdown Salma Perez 1. R-JR -69 68.5 97.5 102.5 110 55 60 -62.5 130 137.5 142.5 312.5 65.01
01/11/2025 Shonen Strength Showdown Francine Soliz 2. R-JR -69 68.6 92.5 -100 102.5 60 62.5 65 120 125 130 297.5 61.83
01/11/2025 Shonen Strength Showdown Megan Ekrami 1. R-JR 84+ 91.4 92.5 100 102.5 50 -55 -55 140 152.5 162.5 315 57.71
01/11/2025 Shonen Strength Showdown Elena Gutierrez 1. R-M1 -69 67.9 25 25 70 120 25.09
01/11/2025 Shonen Strength Showdown Leah Lutz 1. R-M2 -76 74.4 140 147.5 -150 77.5 85 -87.5 150 160 -167.5 392.5 78.18
01/11/2025 Shonen Strength Showdown Stephanie Winters 1. R-M2 -84 77.5 115 130 140 50 -52.5 -52.5 75 100 105 295 57.64
01/11/2025 Shonen Strength Showdown Mia Jessica Fortuno 1. R-O -69 67 145 152.5 160 75 80 82.5 150 160 170 412.5 86.90
01/11/2025 Shonen Strength Showdown Kimberly De Santiago 2. R-O -69 67.3 70 80 87.5 35 40 42.5 80 90 102.5 232.5 48.86
01/11/2025 Shonen Strength Showdown Leah Lutz 1. R-O -76 74.4 140 147.5 -150 77.5 85 -87.5 150 160 -167.5 392.5 78.18
01/11/2025 Shonen Strength Showdown Reem Farhat 0. R-O -76 74.6 -85 92.5 105 -35 -45 -45 -102.5 102.5 115 0 0.00
01/11/2025 Shonen Strength Showdown Stephanie Winters 1. R-O -84 77.5 115 130 140 50 -52.5 -52.5 75 100 105 295 57.64
01/11/2025 Shonen Strength Showdown Jasmin Ashby 1. R-O 84+ 87.7 130 140 147.5 62.5 67.5 70 110 120 127.5 345 64.11
01/11/2025 Shonen Strength Showdown Julisa Garcia 2. R-O 84+ 86.9 100 110 125 55 62.5 -67.5 100 110 125 312.5 58.26
01/11/2025 Shonen Strength Showdown Enzo Vickroy 1. R-JR -66 65 150 160 167.5 100 107.5 -112.5 165 177.5 -185 452.5 71.11
01/11/2025 Shonen Strength Showdown Leonardo Zafra 1. R-JR -74 73.3 155 170 175 105 110 -112.5 192.5 200 215 500 73.77
01/11/2025 Shonen Strength Showdown Joseph Saelee 2. R-JR -74 72.5 140 155 165 97.5 102.5 107.5 175 185 192.5 465 69.00
01/11/2025 Shonen Strength Showdown Alexis Castro 3. R-JR -74 68.6 132.5 142.5 -150 90 95 100 -162.5 162.5 177.5 420 64.15
01/11/2025 Shonen Strength Showdown Diego Velazquez 1. R-JR -83 79.9 140 145 155 -102.5 102.5 107.5 157.5 175 185 447.5 63.15
01/11/2025 Shonen Strength Showdown Jose Garcia 2. R-JR -83 81.6 155 -165 167.5 82.5 90 -97.5 175 185 187.5 445 62.13
01/11/2025 Shonen Strength Showdown Juan Picazo 3. R-JR -83 76.2 135 145 152.5 90 95 -100 170 180 187.5 435 62.90
01/11/2025 Shonen Strength Showdown Adam Greer 1. R-JR -93 86.4 205 217.5 -227.5 110 115 120 200 210 220 557.5 75.63
01/11/2025 Shonen Strength Showdown Noah Lima 2. R-JR -93 91.6 157.5 -170 -170 110 120 122.5 152.5 160 172.5 452.5 59.64
01/11/2025 Shonen Strength Showdown Ben Dresher 1. R-M1 -93 86.2 220 235 245 130 135 140 280 -295 -300 665 90.32
01/11/2025 Shonen Strength Showdown Daniel Gomez 1. R-M2 -120 114.2 185 195 202.5 127.5 132.5 -137.5 215 232.5 242.5 577.5 68.62
01/11/2025 Shonen Strength Showdown Thomas Kobel 1. R-O -59 58.2 142.5 147.5 -157.5 112.5 120 -125 180 -187.5 187.5 455 75.84
01/11/2025 Shonen Strength Showdown Joshua Landingin 1. R-O -74 73 202.5 215 222.5 112.5 120 -122.5 250 265 -275 607.5 89.82
01/11/2025 Shonen Strength Showdown Nick Gonzales 2. R-O -74 68.4 172.5 187.5 -197.5 105 117.5 125 182.5 200 212.5 525 80.31
01/11/2025 Shonen Strength Showdown Alexis Castro 3. R-O -74 68.6 132.5 142.5 -150 90 95 100 -162.5 162.5 177.5 420 64.15
01/11/2025 Shonen Strength Showdown Noel Campos 1. R-O -83 81.4 205 220 230 125 132.5 140 192.5 212.5 230 600 83.88
01/11/2025 Shonen Strength Showdown Noel Perez 1. R-O -93 89.9 197.5 212.5 222.5 140 147.5 150 230 247.5 255 627.5 83.47
01/11/2025 Shonen Strength Showdown Zachary Scott 1. R-O -105 105 240 257.5 -265 165 172.5 182.5 250 270 285 725 89.51
01/11/2025 Shonen Strength Showdown Michael Dorricott 1. R-O -120 113 192.5 202.5 220 -152.5 -152.5 152.5 205 225 242.5 615 73.42
01/11/2025 Shonen Strength Showdown Brenan LaSala 2. R-O -120 119.2 25 25 25 75 8.74
01/11/2025 Shonen Strength Showdown Jesse Perez 1. R-O 120+ 126.6 227.5 237.5 250 130 140 147.5 265 282.5 290 687.5 78.10
01/11/2025 Shonen Strength Showdown Cole Roberts 1. R-SJ -66 65.2 142.5 152.5 -170 30 100 102.5 -160 167.5 180 435 68.25
01/11/2025 Shonen Strength Showdown Daniil Petc 1. R-SJ -74 72.5 152.5 165 175 -102.5 107.5 117.5 180 197.5 207.5 500 74.19
01/11/2025 Shonen Strength Showdown Joshua Ambrose 1. R-SJ -83 75.3 -25 25 75 75 175 25.46
01/11/2025 Shonen Strength Showdown Cesar Garcia 1. R-SJ -120 117.9 200 215 -232.5 152.5 160 165 220 240 255 635 74.39
12/22/2024 MS State Championship Maura Mclaughlin 1. JR -52 49.7 47.5 47.5 34.20
12/22/2024 MS State Championship Samantha Drew 1. O 84+ 107.1 75 65 75 215 31.22
12/22/2024 MS State Championship Anna Spears 1. R-M2 -84 79.9 45 45 75 165 31.81
12/22/2024 MS State Championship Tashell Kerr 1. R-O 84+ 95.4 75 75 75 225 40.67
12/15/2024 Merry Liftmas Hawaiʻi Lindsey Jade Ligsay 1. R-JR -63 58.2 130 137.5 142.5 80 85 87.5 137.5 147.5 155 385 88.93
12/15/2024 Merry Liftmas Hawaiʻi Amanda Zuong 1. R-JR -76 72.2 67.5 75 82.5 37.5 42.5 -47.5 95 105 -110 230 46.51
12/15/2024 Merry Liftmas Hawaiʻi Kim Inoshita 1. R-M1 -76 76 60 50 75 185 36.47
12/15/2024 Merry Liftmas Hawaiʻi Fayelyn Kamiko 1. R-M1 84+ 89.2 162.5 172.5 180 80 87.5 90 190 200 212.5 482.5 89.13
12/15/2024 Merry Liftmas Hawaiʻi William Kahapea 1. M1 -93 90.8 215 235 -245 120 -175 -180 220 230 -245 585 64.25
12/15/2024 Merry Liftmas Hawaiʻi Rocky Solomon 1. R-JR -66 65.8 80 90 97.5 60 65 -67.5 110 120 127.5 290 45.28
12/15/2024 Merry Liftmas Hawaiʻi Laakea Faurot 1. R-JR -93 91 212.5 227.5 -232.5 130 140 -150 220 235 -247.5 602.5 79.66
12/15/2024 Merry Liftmas Hawaiʻi Eric Tran 2. R-JR -93 87.6 200 210 -215 107.5 110 117.5 195 -207.5 -207.5 522.5 70.40
12/15/2024 Merry Liftmas Hawaiʻi Tahoe Obregon 1. R-JR -105 103 190 -205 205 112.5 120 122.5 217.5 237.5 250 577.5 71.94
12/15/2024 Merry Liftmas Hawaiʻi Abdallah Elghayati 2. R-JR -105 95.4 -145 145 -180 80 -100 -100 162.5 167.5 182.5 407.5 52.65
12/15/2024 Merry Liftmas Hawaiʻi Richard Moon 2. R-O 120+ 122.8 295 312.5 155 170 -180 290 320 802.5 92.36
12/15/2024 Merry Liftmas Hawaiʻi Jarren Visaya 1. R-JR 120+ 157.2 265 -282.5 282.5 137.5 147.5 155 240 250 -260 687.5 71.71
12/15/2024 Merry Liftmas Hawaiʻi Anthony Harris 1. R-M3 -120 115 75 95 75 75 245 29.02
12/15/2024 Merry Liftmas Hawaiʻi Austin Keanu 1. R-M3 120+ 122.4 260 -275 275 142.5 -155 -155 220 227.5 235 652.5 75.20
12/15/2024 Merry Liftmas Hawaiʻi Alexander Zuong 1. R-O -93 93 75 75 75 225 29.43
12/15/2024 Merry Liftmas Hawaiʻi Joeny Rathavongsa 1. R-O -105 103.6 267.5 282.5 292.5 180 187.5 -192.5 265 280 290 770 95.66
12/15/2024 Merry Liftmas Hawaiʻi Ryan Cross 2. R-O -105 97.4 155 170 175 92.5 97.5 -102.5 170 182.5 190 462.5 59.17
12/15/2024 Merry Liftmas Hawaiʻi Stuart Spohn 1. R-O -120 108.6 140 160 182.5 110 120 -127.5 175 182.5 200 502.5 61.08
12/15/2024 Merry Liftmas Hawaiʻi Justin Pedro 1. R-O 120+ 150.8 330 350 360 200 210 -220 300 320 -340 890 94.27
12/15/2024 Merry Liftmas Hawaiʻi Steele Sarnacki 1. R-O -105 100.4 120 132.5 -142.5 185 -210 -210 317.5 40.03
12/15/2024 CRCL Classic Isabella Tiscani 1. JR -76 75.5 160 -170 170 70 -87.5 87.5 165 182.5 192.5 450 74.06
12/15/2024 CRCL Classic Anna Gonzalez 1. O -52 52 130 140 147.5 80 82.5 85 145 155 157.5 390 79.43
12/15/2024 CRCL Classic Helen Lewis-Rzeszutek 1. R-O -76 72.9 165 172.5 -177.5 87.5 -92.5 92.5 147.5 155 -162.5 420 84.51
12/15/2024 CRCL Classic Rayna Webb 1. R-O 84+ 86.9 127.5 135 142.5 65 70 -75 132.5 140 145 357.5 66.65
12/15/2024 CRCL Classic Michael Joyce 2. R-SA -59 57.4 55 70 77.5 47.5 57.5 62.5 75 92.5 105 245 41.14
12/15/2024 CRCL Classic Cesar Perez 1. R-SJ -59 59 152.5 -165 165 82.5 90 -97.5 192.5 212.5 -227.5 467.5 77.36
12/15/2024 CRCL Classic Ronnie guerra 1. R-JR -105 97.7 195 212.5 227.5 115 127.5 -132.5 217.5 -237.5 -237.5 572.5 73.15
12/15/2024 CRCL Classic David Berube 1. R-SO -59 56.8 85 -92.5 -97.5 52.5 62.5 67.5 105 -120 -120 257.5 43.51
12/15/2024 CRCL Classic Joey Songco 1. R-SO -66 65 85 90 105 87.5 -100 100 145 162 172.5 377.5 59.32
12/15/2024 CRCL Classic William Bissmeyer 1. R-O -74 66.2 37.5 40 47.5 50 55 -57.5 75 80 87.5 190 29.57
12/15/2024 CRCL Classic Oliver James 1. R-SA -74 72.4 105 -110 115 90 95 -105 130 135 140 350 51.97
12/15/2024 CRCL Classic Cristian Cavazos 1. R-O -83 82.2 205 217.5 227.5 145 155 162.5 207.5 222.5 230 620 86.27
12/15/2024 CRCL Classic Ryan Humphries 2. R-O -83 77.6 197.5 210 220 132.5 140 -145 222.5 237.5 -245 597.5 85.59
12/15/2024 CRCL Classic Kevin Hernandez 3. R-O -83 81.9 182.5 195 -200 122.5 125 -132.5 200 215 -230 535 74.58
12/15/2024 CRCL Classic Wilfredo Martinez III 1. R-O -93 88.8 165 177.5 182.5 105 -112.5 112.5 165 187.5 197.5 492.5 65.93
12/15/2024 CRCL Classic Luis Perez 2. R-O -93 87.8 142.5 150 157.5 85 90 -100 142.5 152.5 157.5 405 54.52
12/15/2024 CRCL Classic Kevin Paul 1. R-O -105 105 295 322.5 340 180 190 200 320 340 355 895 110.50
12/15/2024 CRCL Classic Joshua Moultrie 2. R-O -105 99.4 160 182.5 112.5 -150 182.5 227.5 522.5 66.20
12/15/2024 CRCL Classic Anthony Rogers 1. R-O 120+ 126.2 207.5 212.5 220 155 157.5 160 212.5 220 227.5 607.5 69.11
12/15/2024 CRCL Classic Nathan Boldt 2. R-O 120+ 135.6 190 200 215 102.5 110 115 190 200 210 540 59.62
12/15/2024 CRCL Classic Andrew Eisenhauer 1. R-SJ -83 82.6 190 140 200 530 73.55
12/15/2024 CRCL Classic Austin Munsey 1. R-SJ -93 91.4 240 -247.5 -247.5 135 140 -145 245 257.5 262.5 642.5 84.77
12/14/2024 Blizzard Buster Aliana Runyon 1. R-JR -84 82.9 80 47.5 85 212.5 40.34
12/14/2024 Blizzard Buster Lauren Rutan 1. R-M1 -69 65.1 145 152.5 162.5 85 87.5 92.5 130 137.5 145 400 85.73
12/14/2024 Blizzard Buster Lauren Rutan 0. R-O -69 65.1 145 152.5 162.5 85 87.5 92.5 130 137.5 145 400 85.73
12/14/2024 Blizzard Buster Taylor Boykins 1. R-SJ -76 74 115 122.5 127.5 50 55 -60 150 160 -165 342.5 68.42
12/14/2024 Blizzard Buster Benjamin Desatnik 1. R-JR -105 102.4 75 75 75 225 28.11
12/14/2024 Blizzard Buster Jordan Johnson 1. R-O -83 78.3 227.5 142.5 227.5 597.5 85.23
12/14/2024 Blizzard Buster Matthew Burkhart 1. R-O -105 96.6 182.5 192.5 -197.5 -135 142.5 230 245 -257.5 580 74.51
12/14/2024 Blizzard Buster Jadon Bartman 1. R-O 120+ 134.9 240 255 180 187.5 285 305 747.5 82.71
12/14/2024 Maine Classic Monica Bartels-Biswell 1. R-M1 84+ 94 -67.5 72.5 75 75 54.67
12/14/2024 Maine Classic Brenna Herridge 1. R-M2 -69 66.9 100 -105 -107.5 60 -65 -70 100 -102.5 260 54.82
12/14/2024 Maine Classic Meghan Scanlon 1. R-O -69 64.3 185 195 200 135 142.5 147.5 195 205 215 562.5 121.48
12/14/2024 Maine Classic Danielle Lamarca 1. R-O -76 74.2 182.5 192.5 200 87.5 92.5 -97.5 162.5 172.5 177.5 470 93.77
12/14/2024 Maine Classic Starlynn Simon 1. R-O 84+ 85.3 190 197.5 205 80 85 90 195 205 210 505 94.81
12/14/2024 Maine Classic Jasmine Dube 2. R-O 84+ 85.6 145 152.5 -157.5 82.5 87.5 -92.5 152.5 162.5 170 410 76.87
12/14/2024 Maine Classic Siana Sewall 3. R-O 84+ 95.9 145 152.5 -160 85 90 -95 155 167.5 -175 410 73.99
12/14/2024 Maine Classic Jeremy Rodriguez 1. R-JR -74 73.5 250 265 270 132.5 -135 -135 255 272.5 282.5 685 100.92
12/14/2024 Maine Classic Marcus Ryan 1. R-JR -83 79.4 137.5 145 150 137.5 145 150 160 170 175 475 67.27
12/14/2024 Maine Classic Liam McGibbon 1. R-JR -105 95.7 187.5 200 210 120 130 -137.5 225 245 257.5 597.5 77.09
12/14/2024 Maine Classic Lee Rogers 1. R-M1 -74 72 145 157.5 160 117.5 122.5 125 190 202.5 -210 487.5 72.62
12/14/2024 Maine Classic Zachary DiCostanzo 1. R-O -74 73.7 255 267.5 275 170 177.5 -182.5 270 287.5 307.5 760 111.85
12/14/2024 Maine Classic Mac Brucker 2. R-O -74 72.2 160 170 177.5 95 102.5 107.5 180 192.5 200 485 72.12
12/14/2024 Maine Classic Mark Santangelo 1. R-O -83 82.2 230 245 252.5 137.5 147.5 -152.5 240 260 -265 660 91.84
12/14/2024 Maine Classic Henry Le 2. R-O -83 77.3 182.5 187.5 192.5 120 125 132.5 212.5 225 235 560 80.41
12/14/2024 Maine Classic Christopher Larson 3. R-O -83 78.7 160 170 175 92.5 100 -105 177.5 187.5 -190 462.5 65.80
12/14/2024 Maine Classic Riley Hennessey 1. R-O -93 88.3 252.5 267.5 280 147.5 157.5 -162.5 275 295 305 742.5 99.65
12/14/2024 Maine Classic Yujin Lee 2. R-O -93 91.9 242.5 260 275 152.5 160 165 265 285 302.5 742.5 97.73
12/14/2024 Maine Classic Travis Cooper 3. R-O -93 90.7 -235 245 267.5 155 165 -172.5 235 252.5 -260 685 90.74
12/14/2024 Maine Classic Sergio Villagran 4. R-O -93 90.3 225 240 250 147.5 152.5 157.5 225 240 255 662.5 87.95
12/14/2024 Maine Classic Nathan Kulas 1. R-O -105 96.5 270 287.5 295 155 165 167.5 300 320 -340 782.5 100.55
12/14/2024 Maine Classic Marcos Candido Jr 2. R-O -105 104.3 -220 225 230 147.5 157.5 165 -230 237.5 260 655 81.14
12/14/2024 Maine Classic Nathan Gaboriault 3. R-O -105 103.8 187.5 200 210 110 117.5 -122.5 210 227.5 247.5 575 71.39
12/14/2024 Maine Classic David Woolson 1. R-O -120 105.2 225 255 275 170 180 185 275 300 325 785 96.83
12/14/2024 Maine Classic Michael Kalter 2. R-O -120 115.2 220 237.5 250 130 140 -145 240 260 280 670 79.30
12/14/2024 Maine Classic Jack Reynolds 1. R-SJ -93 89.7 255 -275 285 185 195 200 290 310 -320 795 105.89
12/14/2024 AZ University Cup Challenge Emily Bailey 1. R-O -47 45.3 -42.5 45 47.5 -25 27.5 -32.5 60 65 70 145 41.78
12/14/2024 AZ University Cup Challenge Holly Wilson 1. R-O -52 51 95 105 110 50 57.5 -62.5 135 150 -157.5 317.5 81.61
12/14/2024 AZ University Cup Challenge Isabella Bilyeu 1. R-O -57 53 82.5 90 97.5 47.5 55 62.5 125 137.5 150 310 77.03
12/14/2024 AZ University Cup Challenge Caitlin Le 2. R-O -57 55.4 67.5 72.5 80 55 60 -67.5 75 82.5 87.5 227.5 54.58
12/14/2024 AZ University Cup Challenge Jenna Griswold 1. R-O -63 61.1 112.5 122.5 -130 57.5 67.5 -70 125 135 -142.5 325 72.56
12/14/2024 AZ University Cup Challenge Lyqualah Kinsey 2. R-O -63 57.5 105 112.5 117.5 60 65 -70 130 135 -142.5 317.5 74.04
12/14/2024 AZ University Cup Challenge Samantha Montgomery 0. R-O -63 58.8 -117.5 -120 -120 50 55 -57.5 125 132.5 137.5 0 0.00
12/14/2024 AZ University Cup Challenge Zoey Prokopyschyn 1. R-O -69 66.7 162.5 172.5 -182.5 75 80 87.5 160 -175 -175 420 88.76
12/14/2024 AZ University Cup Challenge Malajha Adkisson 1. R-O -76 75.6 100 107.5 -115 57.5 65 -70 120 130 140 312.5 61.79
12/14/2024 AZ University Cup Challenge Addison Morris 2. R-O -76 75.5 85 -92.5 -95 32.5 40 42.5 85 95 105 232.5 45.98
12/14/2024 AZ University Cup Challenge Jade Cuellar 1. R-O -84 83.6 100 107.5 115 57.5 67.5 -75 115 120 -125 302.5 57.25
12/14/2024 AZ University Cup Challenge Kenzie Probasco 1. R-O 84+ 155.8 130 142.5 155 82.5 90 95 142.5 157.5 167.5 417.5 69.44
12/14/2024 AZ University Cup Challenge Emma Jones 2. R-O 84+ 96.4 150 -157.5 -162.5 -85 90 92.5 160 -170 -170 402.5 72.54
12/14/2024 AZ University Cup Challenge Carly Hauser 3. R-O 84+ 88.2 127.5 135 142.5 82.5 87.5 -92.5 147.5 155 165 395 73.25
12/14/2024 AZ University Cup Challenge Emma Hagen 4. R-O 84+ 90.4 122.5 130 140 55 -60 -62.5 152.5 165 175 370 68.05
12/14/2024 AZ University Cup Challenge Molly Theys 5. R-O 84+ 102.2 87.5 92.5 100 50 -55 55 100 110 122.5 277.5 49.21
12/14/2024 AZ University Cup Challenge Marcelo Chanaba 1. R-O -66 64.6 167.5 180 185 117.5 127.5 -137.5 175 190 200 512.5 80.84
12/14/2024 AZ University Cup Challenge Frank Beard 2. R-O -66 65.3 102.5 112.5 122.5 72.5 77.5 85 142.5 160 -182.5 367.5 57.64
12/14/2024 AZ University Cup Challenge Matthew Twist 1. R-O -74 74 202.5 -215 215 117.5 127.5 -132.5 205 215 227.5 570 83.71
12/14/2024 AZ University Cup Challenge Luke Hoyle 2. R-O -74 72.3 180 192.5 -200 135 145 -150 175 190 195 532.5 79.16
12/14/2024 AZ University Cup Challenge Mason Eardley 3. R-O -74 68.4 -175 -185 185 107.5 112.5 210 220 517.5 79.16
12/14/2024 AZ University Cup Challenge Trevor Yee 4. R-O -74 70.6 170 177.5 182.5 115 120 -122.5 190 197.5 205 507.5 76.38
12/14/2024 AZ University Cup Challenge Wyatt Hardtke 5. R-O -74 70.9 160 -170 -170 107.5 -115 -115 202.5 215 -227.5 482.5 72.43
12/14/2024 AZ University Cup Challenge Travis Tran 6. R-O -74 69.4 160 -172.5 -182.5 -90 100 -105 175 187.5 -200 447.5 67.96
12/14/2024 AZ University Cup Challenge Apollo Bruckbauer 1. R-O -83 81.6 240 252.5 265 130 137.5 -145 262.5 280 -297.5 682.5 95.29
12/14/2024 AZ University Cup Challenge Sylas Glazier 2. R-O -83 81 220 235 245 130 -140 140 220 235 -242.5 620 86.89
12/14/2024 AZ University Cup Challenge Brandon Parker 3. R-O -83 82.9 185 200 -210 142.5 152.5 -160 210 227.5 -237.5 580 80.36
12/14/2024 AZ University Cup Challenge Connor Mangus 4. R-O -83 81.7 187.5 200 210 115 -125 -130 225 237.5 -245 562.5 78.49
12/14/2024 AZ University Cup Challenge Robert Walker 5. R-O -83 76.8 192.5 205 210 105 112.5 -117.5 197.5 210 215 537.5 77.44
12/14/2024 AZ University Cup Challenge Troy Swenson 6. R-O -83 80.3 167.5 180 187.5 95 107.5 115 215 222.5 -235 525 73.93
12/14/2024 AZ University Cup Challenge Damien Khaivilay 7. R-O -83 76 167.5 180 182.5 120 -130 -130 197.5 207.5 -217.5 510 73.85
12/14/2024 AZ University Cup Challenge Richard Pham 8. R-O -83 77.8 182.5 190 -200 102.5 110 115 185 -197.5 490 70.10
12/14/2024 AZ University Cup Challenge Donald Mata 9. R-O -83 82 125 140 -150 102.5 112.5 117.5 182.5 205 215 472.5 65.83
12/14/2024 AZ University Cup Challenge Brendon Cuevas 10. R-O -83 75.6 172.5 -185 -185 105 112.5 -117.5 150 155 162.5 447.5 65.00
12/14/2024 AZ University Cup Challenge Mario Montes Castillo 11. R-O -83 78.6 140 150 165 85 90 95 167.5 180 187.5 447.5 63.69
12/14/2024 AZ University Cup Challenge Daniel Chen 1. R-O -93 91.4 215 230 240 160 170 180 255 270 280 700 92.38
12/14/2024 AZ University Cup Challenge Cade Driskell 2. R-O -93 88.4 185 200 210 120 130 135 205 217.5 -225 562.5 75.45
12/14/2024 AZ University Cup Challenge Parker Leland 3. R-O -93 90.6 170 190 -205 90 97.5 102.5 230 245 257.5 550 72.90
12/14/2024 AZ University Cup Challenge Caleb Lizakowski 4. R-O -93 86.5 175 185 -195 -150 150 155 185 -192.5 -192.5 525 71.20
12/14/2024 AZ University Cup Challenge Maxim Kaminski 5. R-O -93 87.7 182.5 -190 192.5 -130 135 -142.5 172.5 -175 -180 500 67.33
12/14/2024 AZ University Cup Challenge Fernando Cortes 6. R-O -93 85.7 155 165 -175 95 102.5 110 180 190 -200 465 63.36
12/14/2024 AZ University Cup Challenge Michael Kawagoe 1. R-O -105 100.5 210 225 235 137.5 145 -152.5 272.5 295 -317.5 675 85.09
12/14/2024 AZ University Cup Challenge Scott Ramboyon 2. R-O -105 102.9 210 222.5 232.5 117.5 125 220 232.5 245 602.5 75.11
12/14/2024 AZ University Cup Challenge Jonathan Webb Ii 3. R-O -105 104 192.5 207.5 225 122.5 135 -142.5 235 -250 -270 595 73.81
12/14/2024 AZ University Cup Challenge Jason Rivera 4. R-O -105 100.7 160 172.5 182.5 105 -112.5 -112.5 165 180 190 477.5 60.12
12/14/2024 AZ University Cup Challenge Efren Benavides Jr 5. R-O -105 101.2 170 180 187.5 92.5 100 -105 165 -177.5 180 467.5 58.73
12/14/2024 AZ University Cup Challenge Uriel Perez 1. R-O 120+ 140.2 260 -280 290 172.5 185 200 220 235 -255 725 78.99
12/14/2024 AZ University Cup Challenge Jesus Ellin Jr. 2. R-O 120+ 131.7 222.5 235 -245 145 -155 240 250 260 640 71.53
12/14/2024 The Minnesota Meet Aliki Ameer 1. R-JR -52 51.5 120 130 135 82.5 87.5 90 125 137.5 147.5 372.5 94.85
12/14/2024 The Minnesota Meet Sarah Wang 1. R-JR -63 60.6 25 25 25 75 16.84
12/14/2024 The Minnesota Meet Cecilia Gagnier 1. R-JR -69 68.9 25 25 25 75 15.55
12/14/2024 The Minnesota Meet Lynn Pietig 1. R-M2 -69 63.9 25 25 25 75 16.27
12/14/2024 The Minnesota Meet Kathleen Casper 1. R-M3 -63 58.2 67.5 -72.5 72.5 32.5 35 -40 102.5 107.5 112.5 220 50.85
12/14/2024 The Minnesota Meet Sophie Palmer 1. R-O -52 50.8 25 25 25 75 19.34
12/14/2024 The Minnesota Meet Molly Larson 1. R-O -57 56.2 105 112.5 120 72.5 -77.5 77.5 137.5 145 152.5 350 83.04
12/14/2024 The Minnesota Meet Hannah Peterson 4. R-O -69 68 25 25 25 75 15.67
12/14/2024 The Minnesota Meet Hannah Filipiak 1. R-O -69 68.3 150 160 165 80 85 90 152.5 162.5 170 425 88.55
12/14/2024 The Minnesota Meet Evelyn Mendoza 2. R-O -69 68.8 160 167.5 -172.5 80 85 87.5 155 165 -170 420 87.19
12/14/2024 The Minnesota Meet Serena Minnihan 3. R-O -69 67.3 82.5 90 95 37.5 40 42.5 97.5 105 -110 242.5 50.98
12/14/2024 The Minnesota Meet Erica Villanueva 0. R-O -69 67.4 70 72.5 75 -52.5 52.5 -57.5 -100 -100 -100 0 0.00
12/14/2024 The Minnesota Meet Desirae Kramer 1. R-O -76 75.6 160 172.5 180 87.5 92.5 95 175 190 195 470 92.90
12/14/2024 The Minnesota Meet Adrienna Davis 2. R-O -76 73.7 135 145 152.5 92.5 97.5 102.5 152.5 165 175 430 86.08
12/14/2024 The Minnesota Meet Cassandra Beack 3. R-O -76 75.2 130 137.5 142.5 72.5 77.5 -80 150 157.5 165 385 76.31
12/14/2024 The Minnesota Meet Acacia Masters 2. R-O -84 76.2 25 25 25 75 14.77
12/14/2024 The Minnesota Meet Dayna McNeal 1. R-O -84 79.6 195 207.5 210 95 102.5 105 237.5 -252.5 -262.5 552.5 106.68
12/14/2024 The Minnesota Meet Kevin Serrano 1. R-JR -74 73.2 207.5 -217.5 -217.5 120 127.5 130 260 272.5 277.5 615 90.80
12/14/2024 The Minnesota Meet Davonte Jones 2. R-JR -74 74 185 195 202.5 -132.5 140 142.5 205 215 222.5 567.5 83.31
12/14/2024 The Minnesota Meet Minh Doan 1. R-JR -83 81.2 180 190 200 165 172.5 -177.5 200 210 220 592.5 82.96
12/14/2024 The Minnesota Meet Nathan Redfern 2. R-JR -83 82.3 180 190 200 117.5 125 127.5 185 202.5 215 542.5 75.44
12/14/2024 The Minnesota Meet Alexander Luckow 7. R-JR -93 85 25 25 25 75 10.26
12/14/2024 The Minnesota Meet Brady Gordon 1. R-JR -93 91.3 240 262.5 -275 152.5 162.5 -170 280 302.5 -320 727.5 96.06
12/14/2024 The Minnesota Meet Nick Walker 2. R-JR -93 92 200 217.5 227.5 132.5 142.5 150 220 240 257.5 635 83.51
12/14/2024 The Minnesota Meet Nick Beierman 4. R-JR -93 90.4 220 235 242.5 120 125 130 222.5 245 -255 617.5 81.91
12/14/2024 The Minnesota Meet William Kroening 5. R-JR -93 89.2 200 210 220 -125 125 130 205 225 -235 575 76.78
12/14/2024 The Minnesota Meet Gage Oldenburg 6. R-JR -93 92.8 175 187.5 110 115 -117.5 -185 197.5 207.5 510 66.81
12/14/2024 The Minnesota Meet Jacob Bostrack 1. R-JR -105 101.5 235 250 260 177.5 187.5 190 260 280 -300 730 91.57
12/14/2024 The Minnesota Meet Tucker Salley 2. R-JR -105 101.7 227.5 240 250 135 145 -147.5 290 310 -317.5 705 88.37
12/14/2024 The Minnesota Meet Owen Culshaw-Klein 3. R-JR -105 95.8 182.5 195 205 115 122.5 127.5 235 250 260 592.5 76.42
12/14/2024 The Minnesota Meet Jackson Geister 4. R-JR -105 93.4 190 202.5 -210 130 137.5 142.5 220 235 -247.5 580 75.74
12/14/2024 The Minnesota Meet John Ferguson 1. R-JR -120 113.5 -275 280 300 175 182.5 187.5 270 295 312.5 800 95.32
12/14/2024 The Minnesota Meet Jacob Grommon 2. R-JR -120 107.2 -185 190 205 125 132.5 -140 220 240 255 592.5 72.45
12/14/2024 The Minnesota Meet John Henry Hines 1. R-JR 120+ 125 220 237.5 252.5 115 125 132.5 220 -235 235 620 70.81
12/14/2024 The Minnesota Meet Brad Gillingham 1. R-M2 120+ 131.4 25 25 25 75 8.39
12/14/2024 The Minnesota Meet Peter Tressel 1. R-M3 -93 88.6 140 147.5 155 117.5 125 -130 205 217.5 222.5 502.5 67.32
12/14/2024 The Minnesota Meet William Puckett 0. R-M4 -105 102.8 -110 -110 -110 67.5 70 -75 115 120 125 0 0.00
12/14/2024 The Minnesota Meet Calvin Manivong 1. R-O -74 72.6 195 210 222.5 152.5 170 175 190 210 227.5 625 92.67
12/14/2024 The Minnesota Meet Kevin Serrano 2. R-O -74 73.2 207.5 -217.5 -217.5 120 127.5 130 260 272.5 277.5 615 90.80
12/14/2024 The Minnesota Meet Clay Kuhlemeier 3. R-O -93 87 25 25 25 75 10.14
12/14/2024 The Minnesota Meet Ben Johnson 1. R-O -93 87.7 220 -232.5 155 162.5 167.5 260 282.5 292.5 680 91.57
12/14/2024 The Minnesota Meet Drew Larson 2. R-O -93 91.8 210 225 232.5 132.5 142.5 -147.5 225 245 260 635 83.62
12/14/2024 The Minnesota Meet Benjamin Lawrence 1. R-O -105 105 265 282.5 292.5 180 187.5 192.5 290 -310 -320 775 95.68
12/14/2024 The Minnesota Meet Jacob Peterson 2. R-O -105 102.5 240 260 275 175 182.5 187.5 260 280 292.5 755 94.29
12/14/2024 The Minnesota Meet Caleb Levar 3. R-O -105 104.2 207.5 225 240 155 165 175 255 275 290 705 87.37
12/14/2024 The Minnesota Meet Barrett Reif 5. R-O -105 97.4 230 240 250 145 150 260 270 -275 670 85.73
12/14/2024 The Minnesota Meet Jake Christensen 4. R-O -105 104.6 225 240 247.5 147.5 155 160 260 -275 285 692.5 85.67
12/14/2024 The Minnesota Meet Elyas Hirsi 6. R-O -105 103.7 220 237.5 250 120 -130 -135 265 285 300 670 83.20
12/14/2024 The Minnesota Meet Gunnar Gronski 1. R-O -120 118.2 300 325 345 172.5 182.5 190 310 335 345 880 102.98
12/14/2024 The Minnesota Meet Baeza Tensaie 2. R-O -120 105.5 235 242.5 247.5 190 200 207.5 -260 267.5 280 735 90.55
12/14/2024 The Minnesota Meet John Elliott 1. R-O 120+ 133.9 280 295 -305 175 185 -200 270 -275 275 755 83.79
12/14/2024 The Minnesota Meet Tommy Marreel 1. R-SJ -83 80.4 25 25 25 75 10.55
12/14/2024 The Minnesota Meet Ivan Mugabe 3. R-JR -93 91.9 -217.5 230 240 117.5 122.5 127.5 250 265 -272.5 632.5 83.23
12/14/2024 More On The Bar Classic Serena Arave 1. R-M1 -63 62.5 100 107.5 112.5 52.5 57.5 62.5 130 137.5 142.5 317.5 69.82
12/14/2024 More On The Bar Classic Becky Enright 1. R-M1 -69 68 150 160 165 85 90 95 150 160 167.5 427.5 89.30
12/14/2024 More On The Bar Classic Jill Singer 1. R-M2 -76 75.4 75 -82.5 -82.5 45 47.5 52.5 105 115 117.5 245 48.50
12/14/2024 More On The Bar Classic Cheryl Iseri 1. R-M2 -84 81.7 100 110 115 77.5 82.5 85 142.5 147.5 155 355 67.79
12/14/2024 More On The Bar Classic Moriah Boldon 1. R-O -57 57 140 -150 152.5 85 90 92.5 167.5 177.5 187.5 432.5 101.45
12/14/2024 More On The Bar Classic Emma Adkins 1. R-O -63 62.7 -110 110 115 62.5 67.5 72.5 110 120 127.5 315 69.13
12/14/2024 More On The Bar Classic Ashley Hickert 1. R-O -69 67.7 102.5 110 115 55 60 65 115 122.5 130 310 64.92
12/14/2024 More On The Bar Classic Maria Barajas 1. R-O -76 73.6 122.5 130 -135 70 -75 75 140 152.5 -162.5 357.5 71.61
12/14/2024 More On The Bar Classic Cheryl Iseri 1. R-O -84 81.7 100 110 115 77.5 82.5 85 142.5 147.5 155 355 67.79
12/14/2024 More On The Bar Classic Kael Robles 1. R-JR -74 72 105 115 127.5 80 85 -90 145 155 165 377.5 56.22
12/14/2024 More On The Bar Classic Ryan Thornock 2. R-SJ -74 72.9 100 110 125 85 95 -105 120 130 140 360 53.26
12/14/2024 More On The Bar Classic Aydn Williamson 1. R-JR -93 91.4 225 232.5 240 142.5 150 155 235 250 265 660 87.08
12/14/2024 More On The Bar Classic Ranay Majji 1. R-O -66 65.1 -145 145 150 75 82.5 -85 175 182.5 190 422.5 66.34
12/14/2024 More On The Bar Classic Robert Doyle 2. R-O -66 59.6 92.5 -95 97.5 72.5 75 -77.5 130 135 137.5 310 51.02
12/14/2024 More On The Bar Classic Trevin Bentley 1. R-O -74 66.7 140 147.5 160 85 90 100 155 165 182.5 442.5 68.60
12/14/2024 More On The Bar Classic Kristoffer Bea 1. R-O -83 81.6 202.5 210 -215 120 127.5 132.5 210 217.5 222.5 565 78.89
12/14/2024 More On The Bar Classic Tyler Shook 1. R-O -93 85.9 225 235 247.5 140 145 150 265 285 302.5 700 95.24
12/14/2024 More On The Bar Classic Aydn Williamson 2. R-O -93 91.4 225 232.5 240 142.5 150 155 235 250 265 660 87.08
12/14/2024 More On The Bar Classic Liam Orlando 3. R-O -93 91 157.5 -165 -165 110 115 120 175 182.5 192.5 470 62.14
12/14/2024 More On The Bar Classic Nate Reynolds 0. R-O -93 86.7 77.5 80 -82.5 -70 -72.5 -72.5 102.5 110 115 0 0.00
12/14/2024 More On The Bar Classic Roman Reyes Jr. 1. R-O -105 103.3 265 285 295 157.5 165 167.5 295 320 782.5 97.37
12/14/2024 More On The Bar Classic Edward Dorey 2. R-O -105 101.6 142.5 157.5 172.5 100 110 -120 182.5 205 225 507.5 63.63
12/14/2024 More On The Bar Classic Andrew Gaskell 3. R-O -105 94 25 25 75 125 16.27
12/14/2024 More On The Bar Classic Thomas Blatner 1. R-O -120 111.1 200 212.5 -227.5 155 165 175 230 245 -272.5 632.5 76.09
12/14/2024 More On The Bar Classic David Arnold 1. R-O 120+ 125.5 -212.5 212.5 217.5 145 150 152.5 225 235 245 615 70.12
12/14/2024 More On The Bar Classic Deontae Hardin 2. R-O 120+ 121.2 -195 195 207.5 140 147.5 155 -200 200 -215 562.5 65.11
12/14/2024 More On The Bar Classic Trevin Bentley 1. R-SJ -74 66.7 140 147.5 160 85 90 100 155 165 182.5 442.5 68.60
12/14/2024 More On The Bar Classic Troy Bennett 1. R-SJ -83 79.2 182.5 190 195 90 95 -105 210 220 227.5 517.5 73.36
12/14/2024 More On The Bar Classic Gavin Crane 1. R-SJ -93 87 -150 150 160 105 115 -120 165 180 200 475 64.22
12/14/2024 More On The Bar Classic Caleb Johnson 1. R-SJ -105 98.1 145 150 155 -102.5 107.5 -110 160 167.5 172.5 435 55.46
12/14/2024 Maryland Holiday Classic Annette Morgan 1. R-M1 -69 67.4 97.5 102.5 107.5 65 67.5 -70 137.5 142.5 -147.5 317.5 66.66
12/14/2024 Maryland Holiday Classic Eleanor Gease 2. R-M1 -69 63.9 -112.5 112.5 122.5 65 -70 -70 120 127.5 -132.5 315 68.30
12/14/2024 Maryland Holiday Classic Bethany Blankespoor 1. R-M1 -84 82.4 110 115 120 57.5 60 62.5 100 110 120 302.5 57.57
12/14/2024 Maryland Holiday Classic Melissa Forbis 1. R-M2 -57 55.9 95 100 -102.5 47.5 50 52.5 117.5 125 130 282.5 67.25
12/14/2024 Maryland Holiday Classic Cherie Bennett 1. R-O -63 60.1 115 120 125 62.5 65 70 125 137.5 142.5 337.5 76.20
12/14/2024 Maryland Holiday Classic Rachel Mulumba 1. R-O -76 74.4 157.5 167.5 177.5 100 107.5 -112.5 180 192.5 202.5 487.5 97.10
12/14/2024 Maryland Holiday Classic Elena Pikounis 2. R-O -76 75.2 140 147.5 150 75 80 -82.5 165 -175 -175 395 78.27
12/14/2024 Maryland Holiday Classic Ashley Schell 3. R-O -76 74.7 137.5 145 147.5 67.5 72.5 75 147.5 162.5 -175 385 76.53
12/14/2024 Maryland Holiday Classic Janiah Tillery 4. R-O -76 69.9 95 105 115 40 47.5 57.5 115 127.5 137.5 310 63.77
12/14/2024 Maryland Holiday Classic Belinda Asare 2. R-O 84+ 87.6 60 62.5 70 60 -62.5 -62.5 60 75 120 250 46.48
12/14/2024 Maryland Holiday Classic Nora Sanzo 1. R-O -84 83.3 135 142.5 147.5 77.5 82.5 87.5 155 170 182.5 417.5 79.10
12/14/2024 Maryland Holiday Classic Michelle Hendrickson 2. R-O -84 80.6 85 95 -100 55 57.5 60 115 122.5 127.5 282.5 54.25
12/14/2024 Maryland Holiday Classic Mikaela Meyer 1. R-O 84+ 103.7 120 127.5 132.5 65 -70 70 155 165 172.5 375 66.25
12/14/2024 Maryland Holiday Classic Rebekah Givan 1. R-SJ -84 81.7 120 125 -130 65 -67.5 -67.5 137.5 145 -147.5 335 63.97
12/14/2024 Maryland Holiday Classic Patrick Cary 1. R-JR -74 73.4 225 237.5 -242.5 135 145 -150 240 255 -265 637.5 93.99
12/14/2024 Maryland Holiday Classic Jermaine Williams 1. R-M1 -105 100.3 175 185 195 135 142.5 147.5 210 222.5 232.5 575 72.54
12/14/2024 Maryland Holiday Classic Jacob Collen 2. R-M1 -105 100.9 130 140 152.5 85 92.5 100 170 187.5 210 462.5 58.18
12/14/2024 Maryland Holiday Classic Brian Poore 1. R-M1 120+ 132.8 200 207.5 215 140 147.5 -152.5 222.5 237.5 -245 600 66.82
12/14/2024 Maryland Holiday Classic Robert Gease 1. R-M2 -105 101.7 130 140 150 135 142.5 150 175 190 200 500 62.66
12/14/2024 Maryland Holiday Classic Gene Santomartino 1. R-M3 -93 88.5 75 -77.5 -125 75 75 225 30.16
12/14/2024 Maryland Holiday Classic Robert Johnson 1. R-M3 -120 110.5 125 140 155 110 115 -120 200 -205 -205 470 56.68
12/14/2024 Maryland Holiday Classic Patrick Cary 1. R-O -74 73.4 225 237.5 -242.5 135 145 -150 240 255 -265 637.5 93.99
12/14/2024 Maryland Holiday Classic Isaiah Harrison 1. R-O -83 77.2 165 182.5 192.5 -110 120 -130 185 200 -227.5 512.5 73.61
12/14/2024 Maryland Holiday Classic Nicolas Budosh 2. R-O -83 81.1 140 147.5 155 100 105 -107.5 137.5 145 152.5 412.5 57.77
12/14/2024 Maryland Holiday Classic Haoruo Zhang 1. R-O -93 92.1 240 252.5 255 185 195 200 275 295 305 760 99.90
12/14/2024 Maryland Holiday Classic Benjamin Koch 2. R-O -93 89.8 175 185 -190 125 132.5 -135 200 210 -227.5 527.5 70.20
12/14/2024 Maryland Holiday Classic Rosendo Medina 3. R-O -93 91.2 150 160 170 95 102.5 -112.5 162.5 180 195 467.5 61.75
12/14/2024 Maryland Holiday Classic Gideon Epstein 4. R-O -93 90.8 127.5 140 145 92.5 100 -102.5 180 197.5 -210 442.5 58.57
12/14/2024 Maryland Holiday Classic Connor Borkert 1. R-O -105 101.3 275 290 305 195 205 210 285 305 320 835 104.84
12/14/2024 Maryland Holiday Classic Victor Eichenwald 2. R-O -105 100.9 235 247.5 260 170 180 -187.5 330 350 -365 790 99.38
12/14/2024 Maryland Holiday Classic Hector Koch 3. R-O -105 96.8 175 185 195 -110 112.5 125 195 210 227.5 547.5 70.25
12/14/2024 Maryland Holiday Classic Matthew Cronin 1. R-O -120 114 302.5 315 322.5 220 227.5 230 275 290 -300 842.5 100.18
12/14/2024 Maryland Holiday Classic Ross Babineau 2. R-O -120 110.8 227.5 242.5 252.5 162.5 170 175 277.5 292.5 307.5 735 88.53
12/14/2024 Maryland Holiday Classic Wentao He 1. R-O 120+ 149 247.5 267.5 285 200 210 217.5 242.5 -265 275 777.5 82.73
12/14/2024 Maryland Holiday Classic Jay Moyer 1. R-SJ -83 80.6 212.5 227.5 240 135 142.5 150 225 240 255 645 90.62
12/14/2024 Maryland Holiday Classic Arth Babbar 2. R-SJ -83 80.5 160 170 177.5 100 105 -107.5 175 185 195 477.5 67.13
12/14/2024 Maryland Holiday Classic David Satloff 3. R-SJ -83 76 75 -80 -80 75 -80 -80 75 -80 -80 225 32.58
12/14/2024 Maryland Holiday Classic Adam Bregman 1. R-SJ -105 103.6 227.5 237.5 -245 130 -135 135 225 -232.5 232.5 605 75.17
12/14/2024 Power Express Jenna Lempel 1. R-JR -63 59.3 80 92.5 100 52.5 57.5 -60 90 102.5 112.5 270 61.53
12/14/2024 Power Express Rachel Olshansky 1. R-JR -84 83.7 122.5 132.5 137.5 65 70 -75 137.5 147.5 150 357.5 67.61
12/14/2024 Power Express Molly Doerflein 1. R-JR 84+ 85.8 125 137.5 145 80 90 -95 157.5 170 -180 405 75.87
12/14/2024 Power Express Laura Rathjen 1. R-O -63 61.5 92.5 95 100 55 57.5 -62.5 125 130 -135 287.5 63.90
12/14/2024 Power Express Leslie Centeno-Rodriguez 1. R-O -69 63.8 122.5 -130 132.5 62.5 65 67.5 132.5 142.5 150 350 75.96
12/14/2024 Power Express Samantha Terry 1. R-O -76 71.1 140 152.5 157.5 80 85 87.5 170 180 185 430 87.65
12/14/2024 Power Express Allison Ferrell 1. R-O 84+ 137 125 130 -137.5 75 80 -82.5 137.5 -142.5 -145 347.5 58.48
12/14/2024 Power Express Shawn Acor 1. R-JR -66 65.7 110 122.5 132.5 80 90 97.5 125 140 150 380 59.38
12/14/2024 Power Express Andrew Allen 1. R-JR -83 81.2 185 197.5 202.5 122.5 127.5 -130 210 222.5 227.5 557.5 78.03
12/14/2024 Power Express Alexander Mosher 2. R-JR -83 76.1 182.5 195 -202.5 115 120 127.5 230 -237.5 -237.5 552.5 79.95
12/14/2024 Power Express Nathan Riley 3. R-JR -83 76.4 205 -217.5 -217.5 100 107.5 -115 210 225 237.5 550 79.42
12/14/2024 Power Express Enrique Salas-Aguirre 4. R-JR -83 79.8 165 175 187.5 85 92.5 -105 170 187.5 200 480 67.78
12/14/2024 Power Express Tadei Lyushnyak 5. R-JR -83 78.2 150 -152.5 175 100 -112.5 -122.5 160 170 180 455 64.92
12/14/2024 Power Express Luciano Miceli 1. R-JR -93 92.2 -227.5 -230 230 -140 142.5 150 -235 240 620 81.45
12/14/2024 Power Express Albert Aquino 2. R-JR -93 91.7 222.5 230 -245 132.5 135 -137.5 -232.5 232.5 597.5 78.71
12/14/2024 Power Express Brady Finn 3. R-JR -93 87.3 195 210 222.5 115 120 -130 200 215 227.5 570 76.93
12/14/2024 Power Express Kyle Eubanks 4. R-JR -93 88.7 75 75 75 77.5 -80 227.5 30.46
12/14/2024 Power Express Noah Gay 1. R-JR -105 94.4 195 212.5 -225 135 140 145 225 245 255 612.5 79.55
12/14/2024 Power Express Stephaun Mosley 1. R-M1 -93 91.4 192.5 205 222.5 152.5 157.5 -160 272.5 282.5 290 670 88.40
12/14/2024 Power Express Dana Rosenzweig 1. R-M3 -93 91.5 145 155 162.5 95 102.5 110 182.5 192.5 202.5 475 62.64
12/14/2024 Power Express John Valpatic 1. R-M4 -93 83.7 115 -125 127.5 60 65 70 155 172.5 182.5 380 52.38
12/14/2024 Power Express Dan Findley 1. R-M1 -105 98.7 145 152.5 162.5 102.5 110 120 175 182.5 190 472.5 60.06
12/14/2024 Power Express Jerry Bozenda 1. R-M1 -120 109.8 205 217.5 227.5 115 125 135 200 215 227.5 590 71.36
12/14/2024 Power Express Aliki Hui 1. R-O -74 72.7 205 220 235 115 130 140 265 285 -300 660 97.79
12/14/2024 Power Express Juan Delgado-Lopez 2. R-O -74 73 215 227.5 235 152.5 162.5 -175 225 242.5 -247.5 640 94.62
12/14/2024 Power Express Rafee Akand 1. R-O -83 82.2 210 222.5 227.5 130 137.5 -142.5 240 -252.5 260 625 86.94
12/14/2024 Power Express Weilin Wu 2. R-O -83 82.5 145 160 175 100 107.5 110 155 175 195 480 66.65
12/14/2024 Power Express Caleb Havel 3. R-O -83 81.3 132.5 142.5 152.5 -102.5 115 122.5 142.5 175 180 455 63.65
12/14/2024 Power Express Ryan Kelley 1. R-O -105 99.6 230 245 257.5 150 160 170 227.5 235 240 667.5 84.49
12/14/2024 Power Express Nicholas Wawrykow 2. R-O -105 103.1 195 205 215 115 122.5 130 220 230 -240 575 71.60
12/14/2024 Power Express Mitchel Wojcik 1. R-O -120 118.1 270 -285 -287.5 -180 180 185 250 -260 705 82.53
12/14/2024 Power Express Ryan Lei 2. R-O -120 106.5 235 245 255 155 162.5 167.5 235 247.5 255 677.5 83.10
12/14/2024 Power Express Alec Steffgen 1. R-SJ -74 72.7 187.5 195 205 112.5 117.5 -122.5 187.5 200 215 537.5 79.64
12/14/2024 Power Express Logan Cain 2. R-SJ -74 69.7 125 135 147.5 105 110 -115 130 145 160 417.5 63.24
12/14/2024 Power Express Ethan White 1. R-SJ -83 82.8 190 202.5 -210 102.5 110 120 205 215 -227.5 537.5 74.49
12/14/2024 Power Express Gage Simmons 1. R-SJ -93 90.4 197.5 205 217.5 125 132.5 135 250 265 -277.5 617.5 81.91
12/14/2024 Power Express Chris Proano 2. R-SJ -93 91.9 180 205 217.5 135 145 -150 225 247.5 -252.5 610 80.27
12/14/2024 Power Express James Gonzalez-Luna 3. R-SJ -93 92.8 205 217.5 227.5 135 -142.5 -145 222.5 237.5 -245 600 78.58
12/14/2024 Power Express Gustavo Montano 1. R-SJ -105 98.6 180 187.5 -195 102.5 110 115 200 210 217.5 520 66.13
12/14/2024 Georgia State Championship Leonard Brooks 1. R-M2 -120 119.6 157.5 -165 -165 157.5 66.54
12/14/2024 Georgia State Championship Edward Acevedo 1. R-O -120 111.7 192.5 -197.5 -197.5 192.5 83.80
12/14/2024 Georgia State Championship Christopher Jones 1. R-O 120+ 133 197.5 205 207.5 207.5 83.89
12/14/2024 Georgia State Championship Gale Williams 1. M4 -69 67 87.5 92.5 -97.5 77.5 -80 -82.5 120 127.5 130 300 52.39
12/14/2024 Georgia State Championship Katelyn Gmernicki 1. O -63 62.3 180 190 192.5 125 130 132.5 172.5 182.5 187.5 512.5 93.12
12/14/2024 Georgia State Championship Gale Williams 1. O -69 67 87.5 92.5 -97.5 77.5 -80 -82.5 120 127.5 130 300 52.39
12/14/2024 Georgia State Championship Katherine Cargill 1. O -76 75.4 190 -200 200 -125 -125 125 152.5 162.5 -175 487.5 80.28
12/14/2024 Georgia State Championship carinne tzurdecker 1. R-JR -63 62.2 100 107.5 112.5 75 85 -87.5 120 127.5 137.5 335 73.94
12/14/2024 Georgia State Championship Hinako Watts 2. R-JR -63 60.9 72.5 80 -85 40 -47.5 -47.5 77.5 87.5 97.5 217.5 48.66
12/14/2024 Georgia State Championship Daisey Fields 1. R-JR -76 74.6 110 122.5 -132.5 65 72.5 -77.5 150 160 172.5 367.5 73.10
12/14/2024 Georgia State Championship Jessica Beadles 2. R-JR -76 75.4 102.5 112.5 -117.5 57.5 -65 65 110 120 127.5 305 60.38
12/14/2024 Georgia State Championship Olivia Hullender 3. R-JR -76 72.5 82.5 90 97.5 50 55 -57.5 87.5 100 115 267.5 53.99
12/14/2024 Georgia State Championship Kenia Calderon 1. R-JR -84 83.2 142.5 155 162.5 87.5 95 -97.5 142.5 157.5 172.5 430 81.53
12/14/2024 Georgia State Championship Amie Sanyang 2. R-JR -84 81.9 125 132.5 140 50 57.5 60 160 177.5 182.5 382.5 72.97
12/14/2024 Georgia State Championship Rebecca Harrison 1. R-M1 -57 56.8 52.5 60 62.5 35 -40 40 65 72.5 77.5 180 42.36
12/14/2024 Georgia State Championship Susan Butler 1. R-M3 -63 61.1 -70 70 75 45 50 -52.5 97.5 105 110 235 52.46
12/14/2024 Georgia State Championship Brandee Lymon-Rodriguez 1. R-O -57 57 -135 135 142.5 75 80 82.5 -180 180 190 415 97.41
12/14/2024 Georgia State Championship Hailey Harris 2. R-O -57 55.2 107.5 115 122.5 57.5 62.5 65 -142.5 150 157.5 345 82.94
12/14/2024 Georgia State Championship Emma Skweres 3. R-O -57 55.7 65 -67.5 -67.5 35 37.5 -52.5 85 90 92.5 195 46.55
12/14/2024 Georgia State Championship Rebecca Harrison 4. R-O -57 56.8 52.5 60 62.5 35 -40 40 65 72.5 77.5 180 42.36
12/14/2024 Georgia State Championship Christina Voss 1. R-O -63 60.5 127.5 135 142.5 85 90 -95 150 160 167.5 400 89.90
12/14/2024 Georgia State Championship Salma Malik 2. R-O -63 61.4 125 135 140 75 82.5 -87.5 152.5 167.5 -182.5 390 86.83
12/14/2024 Georgia State Championship Jacqueline Tu 3. R-O -63 61.4 127.5 135 140 75 82.5 -85 -142.5 142.5 155 377.5 84.00
12/14/2024 Georgia State Championship carinne tzurdecker 4. R-O -63 62.2 100 107.5 112.5 75 85 -87.5 120 127.5 137.5 335 73.94
12/14/2024 Georgia State Championship Susan Butler 5. R-O -63 61.1 -70 70 75 45 50 -52.5 97.5 105 110 235 52.46
12/14/2024 Georgia State Championship Hinako Watts 6. R-O -63 60.9 72.5 80 -85 40 -47.5 -47.5 77.5 87.5 97.5 217.5 48.66
12/14/2024 Georgia State Championship Grace Skweres 1. R-PS -63 62.8 -50 50 52.5 30 -52.5 65 75 -77.5 157.5 34.53
12/14/2024 Georgia State Championship Lauren Garner 0. R-O -63 62.9 -55 -55 -55 35 37.5 -45 70 85 90 0 0.00
12/14/2024 Georgia State Championship juliette hartmann 1. R-O -69 68.8 155 165 175 87.5 92.5 95 192.5 207.5 212.5 482.5 100.12
12/14/2024 Georgia State Championship Lindsay Clark 2. R-O -69 67.9 80 -90 -95 -50 50 52.5 90 100 105 237.5 49.65
12/14/2024 Georgia State Championship Ellen Woodward 3. R-O -69 65.8 -67.5 67.5 72.5 37.5 42.5 -45 87.5 92.5 102.5 217.5 46.32
12/14/2024 Georgia State Championship Brielle Gilbert 4. R-O -69 63.9 65 67.5 70 37.5 40 -45 85 87.5 95 205 44.47
12/14/2024 Georgia State Championship Abagael Kostyu 5. R-O -69 68.8 -50 50 -52.5 -35 35 -40 70 87.5 90 175 36.31
12/14/2024 Georgia State Championship Lauren Acey 1. R-O -76 75 162.5 175 -180 92.5 -100 102.5 157.5 177.5 190 467.5 92.78
12/14/2024 Georgia State Championship Daisey Fields 2. R-O -76 74.6 110 122.5 -132.5 65 72.5 -77.5 150 160 172.5 367.5 73.10
12/14/2024 Georgia State Championship Jessica Beadles 3. R-O -76 75.4 102.5 112.5 -117.5 57.5 -65 65 110 120 127.5 305 60.38
12/14/2024 Georgia State Championship Olivia Hullender 4. R-O -76 72.5 82.5 90 97.5 50 55 -57.5 87.5 100 115 267.5 53.99
12/14/2024 Georgia State Championship Ruwel Sarmad 5. R-O -76 69.3 67.5 -75 -77.5 37.5 40 -42.5 87.5 95 -100 202.5 41.85
12/14/2024 Georgia State Championship Maura Adams 0. R-O -76 71.8 -32.5 -50 -50 -32.5 -32.5 -32.5 65 72.5 -80 0 0.00
12/14/2024 Georgia State Championship Danielle Rowley-Jenkins 1. R-O 84+ 105.5 140 150 160 90 100 110 165 180 195 465 81.82
12/14/2024 Georgia State Championship Kenia Calderon 1. R-O -84 83.2 142.5 155 162.5 87.5 95 -97.5 142.5 157.5 172.5 430 81.53
12/14/2024 Georgia State Championship Jermisha Kenny 2. R-O -84 76.4 -132.5 132.5 140 95 -102.5 -102.5 145 155 -162.5 390 76.70
12/14/2024 Georgia State Championship Hannah Warren 4. R-O -84 77.4 140 147.5 152.5 65 70 -75 137.5 147.5 157.5 380 74.29
12/14/2024 Georgia State Championship Amie Sanyang 3. R-O -84 81.9 125 132.5 140 50 57.5 60 160 177.5 182.5 382.5 72.97
12/14/2024 Georgia State Championship Stacey-Ann Gordon 3. R-O 84+ 107.2 125 132.5 137.5 57.5 60 65 152.5 165 177.5 380 66.62
12/14/2024 Georgia State Championship Vicki Brackett 2. R-O 84+ 125.4 122.5 132.5 140 75 77.5 -80 157.5 165 170 387.5 65.97
12/14/2024 Georgia State Championship Ashley Gilliam 4. R-O 84+ 108.5 -100 100 110 -55 55 62.5 107.5 115 117.5 290 50.70
12/14/2024 Georgia State Championship Emma Skweres 1. R-SJ -57 55.7 65 -67.5 -67.5 35 37.5 -52.5 85 90 92.5 195 46.55
12/14/2024 Georgia State Championship Lauren Garner 0. R-SJ -63 62.9 -55 -55 -55 35 37.5 -45 70 85 90 0 0.00
12/14/2024 Georgia State Championship Brielle Gilbert 1. R-SJ -69 63.9 65 67.5 70 37.5 40 -45 85 87.5 95 205 44.47
12/14/2024 Georgia State Championship Abagael Kostyu 2. R-SJ -69 68.8 -50 50 -52.5 -35 35 -40 70 87.5 90 175 36.31
12/14/2024 Georgia State Championship Maura Adams 0. R-SJ -76 71.8 -32.5 -50 -50 -32.5 -32.5 -32.5 65 72.5 -80 0 0.00
12/14/2024 Georgia State Championship George Cunningham 1. O -59 58.9 160 167.5 -175 85 90 92.5 160 167.5 175 435 63.42
12/14/2024 Georgia State Championship Logan Barrett 1. O 120+ 145.2 350 365 370 265 272.5 -275 295 305 320 962.5 87.26
12/14/2024 Georgia State Championship Atreyu Vest 2. O 120+ 141.6 287.5 305 320 180 192.5 200 225 240 245 765 69.87
12/14/2024 Georgia State Championship Naman Johri 0. O -120 119.7 145 -150 -150 145 42.70
12/14/2024 Georgia State Championship Atreyu Vest 1. SJ 120+ 141.6 287.5 305 320 180 192.5 200 225 240 245 765 69.87
12/14/2024 Georgia State Championship Jaxon Evans 1. R-JR -74 73.3 190 200 210 115 122.5 -127.5 230 242.5 250 582.5 85.97
12/14/2024 Georgia State Championship Evan Huang 2. R-JR -74 73.7 155 170 182.5 135 145 -155 215 225 232.5 560 82.42
12/14/2024 Georgia State Championship Bryson Moore 3. R-JR -74 72.6 162.5 175 187.5 105 110 115 200 215 227.5 530 78.61
12/14/2024 Georgia State Championship Brian Perez 1. R-JR -83 82.1 225 235 250 105 112.5 -115 272.5 282.5 -300 645 89.81
12/14/2024 Georgia State Championship Luis Suarez 2. R-JR -83 81.2 227.5 240 -250 132.5 142.5 -150 227.5 240 -250 622.5 87.16
12/14/2024 Georgia State Championship Carson Podell 3. R-JR -83 82.9 187.5 -195 -195 110 -115 -115 245 255 -265 552.5 76.53
12/14/2024 Georgia State Championship Nathaniel Yang 0. R-JR -83 81.9 147.5 160 167.5 -102.5 -112.5 -117.5 -165 180 187.5 0 0.00
12/14/2024 Georgia State Championship Nahuel Peralta 1. R-JR -93 92.5 230 247.5 255 140 147.5 152.5 260 285 300 707.5 92.82
12/14/2024 Georgia State Championship Erick Severino 2. R-JR -93 92.8 250 262.5 -272.5 142.5 155 -165 260 275 -290 692.5 90.69
12/14/2024 Georgia State Championship Alex Vastey 3. R-JR -93 83.8 207.5 217.5 225 147.5 152.5 -157.5 240 260 -277.5 637.5 87.85
12/14/2024 Georgia State Championship Armani Ekekhide 4. R-JR -93 88 185 -192.5 192.5 107.5 -115 -122.5 220 237.5 -257.5 537.5 72.26
12/14/2024 Georgia State Championship Landon Spurgeon 1. R-JR -105 93.2 275 287.5 -297.5 182.5 190 192.5 277.5 290 297.5 777.5 101.61
12/14/2024 Georgia State Championship Jared Miller 2. R-JR -105 104.2 225 237.5 -250 145 152.5 155 245 262.5 277.5 670 83.04
12/14/2024 Georgia State Championship Andres Tomas 3. R-JR -105 101.6 210 -222.5 227.5 125 -130 -130 210 220 -230 572.5 71.80
12/14/2024 Georgia State Championship Aaron McDaniel 4. R-JR -105 102.5 177.5 190 195 122.5 -127.5 127.5 190 200 -205 522.5 65.24
12/14/2024 Georgia State Championship Cain Lopez 1. R-JR -120 119.1 277.5 297.5 305 205 212.5 -215 270 287.5 300 817.5 95.36
12/14/2024 Georgia State Championship Dale McLaren 1. R-M1 -105 104.6 240 252.5 257.5 172.5 177.5 -182.5 280 290 -302.5 725 89.67
12/14/2024 Georgia State Championship Bowen Glass 1. R-O -59 45.3 57.5 -62.5 62.5 -37.5 40 -45 70 77.5 92.5 195 37.20
12/14/2024 Georgia State Championship Liam Townsend 1. R-Y 0 0 36 40 45 26 28 29 46 51 55 129 0.00
12/14/2024 Georgia State Championship John pelaez 1. R-O -66 63.9 160 170 175 -122.5 125 -132.5 180 192.5 -212.5 492.5 78.10
12/14/2024 Georgia State Championship James Nguyen 2. R-O -66 65.7 155 165 -175 87.5 92.5 -97.5 170 182.5 -200 440 68.75
12/14/2024 Georgia State Championship Charles Butler 3. R-O -66 59.7 120 125 130 72.5 77.5 80 145 155 162.5 372.5 61.25
12/14/2024 Georgia State Championship Zorn Crosby 4. R-O -66 63.9 85 105 -107.5 65 70 -72.5 -85 90 105 280 44.40
12/14/2024 Georgia State Championship Gabe Gainey 0. R-PS -66 62.4 -77.5 -85 -85 -60 65 -67.5 80 87.5 110 0 0.00
12/14/2024 Georgia State Championship Kevin Wang 1. R-O -74 73.8 195 207.5 -212.5 140 145 -147.5 275 285 290 642.5 94.49
12/14/2024 Georgia State Championship Jaxon Evans 2. R-O -74 73.3 190 200 210 115 122.5 -127.5 230 242.5 250 582.5 85.97
12/14/2024 Georgia State Championship Evan Huang 3. R-O -74 73.7 155 170 182.5 135 145 -155 215 225 232.5 560 82.42
12/14/2024 Georgia State Championship Gael Rivas 4. R-O -74 73.5 195 207.5 220 130 132.5 -137.5 195 -212.5 -227.5 547.5 80.66
12/14/2024 Georgia State Championship Bryson Moore 5. R-O -74 72.6 162.5 175 187.5 105 110 115 200 215 227.5 530 78.61
12/14/2024 Georgia State Championship Sion Farley-Thompson 1. R-O -83 82.7 265 280 285 155 162.5 -170 295 310 -330 757.5 105.05
12/14/2024 Georgia State Championship Eric Quoc 2. R-O -83 80 220 235 -240 167.5 177.5 182.5 225 245 250 667.5 94.14
12/14/2024 Georgia State Championship Brian Perez 3. R-O -83 82.1 225 235 250 105 112.5 -115 272.5 282.5 -300 645 89.81
12/14/2024 Georgia State Championship David Benavides 6. R-O -83 75.4 -210 -225 225 120 127.5 -132.5 260 -280 -280 612.5 89.08
12/14/2024 Georgia State Championship Luis Suarez 4. R-O -83 81.2 227.5 240 -250 132.5 142.5 -150 227.5 240 -250 622.5 87.16
12/14/2024 Georgia State Championship Bryan Calderon 5. R-O -83 81.1 205 215 227.5 130 137.5 -142.5 237.5 252.5 -272.5 617.5 86.51
12/14/2024 Georgia State Championship Matthew Noe 7. R-O -83 81.8 205 217.5 -222.5 135 140 145 215 230 237.5 600 83.70
12/14/2024 Georgia State Championship Carson Podell 8. R-O -83 82.9 187.5 -195 -195 110 -115 -115 245 255 -265 552.5 76.53
12/14/2024 Georgia State Championship Luke Dijohn 9. R-O -83 80.5 157.5 177.5 -187.5 107.5 -115 -117.5 200 215 -227.5 500 70.30
12/14/2024 Georgia State Championship Carlos Huembes 10. R-O -83 81.5 157.5 170 -182.5 95 105 -112.5 192.5 210 220 495 69.16
12/14/2024 Georgia State Championship Branden Kummer 11. R-O -83 82.3 135 145 147.5 107.5 115 -117.5 202.5 215 -217.5 477.5 66.40
12/14/2024 Georgia State Championship Evan Gonzales 12. R-O -83 80.1 -60 -62.5 62.5 37.5 -40 42.5 75 80 92.5 197.5 27.85
12/14/2024 Georgia State Championship Nathaniel Yang 0. R-O -83 81.9 147.5 160 167.5 -102.5 -112.5 -117.5 -165 180 187.5 0 0.00
12/14/2024 Georgia State Championship Nahuel Peralta 1. R-O -93 92.5 230 247.5 255 140 147.5 152.5 260 285 300 707.5 92.82
12/14/2024 Georgia State Championship Erick Severino 2. R-O -93 92.8 250 262.5 -272.5 142.5 155 -165 260 275 -290 692.5 90.69
12/14/2024 Georgia State Championship Alex Vastey 4. R-O -93 83.8 207.5 217.5 225 147.5 152.5 -157.5 240 260 -277.5 637.5 87.85
12/14/2024 Georgia State Championship Kevin Bolan 3. R-O -93 91.3 215 230 240 -130 -130 130 240 257.5 272.5 642.5 84.84
12/14/2024 Georgia State Championship Henry Kushner 5. R-O -93 89.7 -207.5 212.5 220 137.5 145 147.5 250 262.5 -275 630 83.91
12/14/2024 Georgia State Championship Kaiden Funderburk 6. R-O -93 91.7 235 250 -257.5 125 132.5 -137.5 220 235 -240 617.5 81.36
12/14/2024 Georgia State Championship Marvin White 8. R-O -93 87.3 -200 210 -215 -137.5 -137.5 137.5 215 227.5 235 582.5 78.64
12/14/2024 Georgia State Championship Johnie Franklin III 7. R-O -93 92.4 195 207.5 212.5 120 -127.5 130 220 235 247.5 590 77.43
12/14/2024 Georgia State Championship Armani Ekekhide 9. R-O -93 88 185 -192.5 192.5 107.5 -115 -122.5 220 237.5 -257.5 537.5 72.26
12/14/2024 Georgia State Championship Hill Kelso 10. R-O -93 90 155 165 175 110 120 127.5 170 190 202.5 505 67.14
12/14/2024 Georgia State Championship Gabriel Juan 0. R-O -93 91.6 220 -230 -230 -155 -160 -160 -220 0 0.00
12/14/2024 Georgia State Championship Dwight Burns 1. R-O -105 96.8 280 302.5 320 190 -200 -200 -312.5 312.5 822.5 105.53
12/14/2024 Georgia State Championship Landon Spurgeon 2. R-O -105 93.2 275 287.5 -297.5 182.5 190 192.5 277.5 290 297.5 777.5 101.61
12/14/2024 Georgia State Championship Robert Edmonds 3. R-O -105 103.7 247.5 262.5 267.5 175 180 182.5 267.5 280 285 735 91.30
12/14/2024 Georgia State Championship Dale McLaren 4. R-O -105 104.6 240 252.5 257.5 172.5 177.5 -182.5 280 290 -302.5 725 89.67
12/14/2024 Georgia State Championship Jared Miller 5. R-O -105 104.2 225 237.5 -250 145 152.5 155 245 262.5 277.5 670 83.04
12/14/2024 Georgia State Championship James Clark 6. R-O -105 103.4 197.5 205 -215 145 155 -160 200 210 222.5 582.5 72.44
12/14/2024 Georgia State Championship Andres Tomas 7. R-O -105 101.6 210 -222.5 227.5 125 -130 -130 210 220 -230 572.5 71.80
12/14/2024 Georgia State Championship Aaron McDaniel 8. R-O -105 102.5 177.5 190 195 122.5 -127.5 127.5 190 200 -205 522.5 65.24
12/14/2024 Georgia State Championship Michael Russell 9. R-O -105 101 152.5 160 165 92.5 97.5 -100 172.5 182.5 195 457.5 57.54
12/14/2024 Georgia State Championship Jonathan Sorrels 10. R-O -105 99 125 135 140 90 97.5 102.5 135 147.5 155 397.5 50.46
12/14/2024 Georgia State Championship Cain Lopez 1. R-O -120 119.1 277.5 297.5 305 205 212.5 -215 270 287.5 300 817.5 95.36
12/14/2024 Georgia State Championship Edward Acevedo 2. R-O -120 111.7 245 255 265 192.5 -197.5 -197.5 -305 305 -320 762.5 91.51
12/14/2024 Georgia State Championship Austin Roach Delk 3. R-O -120 110.5 227.5 245 260 135 140 -147.5 215 235 -240 635 76.58
12/14/2024 Georgia State Championship Jackson Vining 4. R-O -120 108.5 -122.5 147.5 187.5 95 97.5 100 135 175 205 492.5 59.90
12/14/2024 Georgia State Championship Adi Rao 5. R-O -120 114.9 105 122.5 132.5 90 95 100 147.5 160 170 402.5 47.70
12/14/2024 Georgia State Championship Leonard Brooks 2. R-O -120 119.6 157.5 -165 -165 157.5 66.54
12/14/2024 Georgia State Championship Bowen Glass 1. R-SJ -53 45.3 57.5 -62.5 62.5 -37.5 40 -45 70 77.5 92.5 195 37.20
12/14/2024 Georgia State Championship Charles Glas 0. R-PS -53 31.5 -32.5 32.5 35 -25 -27.5 -27.5 42.5 47.5 52.5 0 0.00
12/14/2024 Georgia State Championship James Nguyen 1. R-JR -66 65.7 155 165 -175 87.5 92.5 -97.5 170 182.5 -200 440 68.75
12/14/2024 Georgia State Championship Charles Butler 1. R-SJ -66 59.7 120 125 130 72.5 77.5 80 145 155 162.5 372.5 61.25
12/14/2024 Georgia State Championship Zorn Crosby 2. R-SJ -66 63.9 85 105 -107.5 65 70 -72.5 -85 90 105 280 44.40
12/14/2024 Georgia State Championship Bryan Calderon 1. R-SJ -83 81.1 205 215 227.5 130 137.5 -142.5 237.5 252.5 -272.5 617.5 86.51
12/14/2024 Georgia State Championship Matthew Noe 2. R-SJ -83 81.8 205 217.5 -222.5 135 140 145 215 230 237.5 600 83.70
12/14/2024 Georgia State Championship Luke Dijohn 4. R-JR -83 80.5 157.5 177.5 -187.5 107.5 -115 -117.5 200 215 -227.5 500 70.30
12/14/2024 Georgia State Championship Carlos Huembes 5. R-JR -83 81.5 157.5 170 -182.5 95 105 -112.5 192.5 210 220 495 69.16
12/14/2024 Georgia State Championship Evan Gonzales 3. R-SJ -83 80.1 -60 -62.5 62.5 37.5 -40 42.5 75 80 92.5 197.5 27.85
12/14/2024 Georgia State Championship Kaiden Funderburk 1. R-SJ -93 91.7 235 250 -257.5 125 132.5 -137.5 220 235 -240 617.5 81.36
12/14/2024 Georgia State Championship Hill Kelso 2. R-SJ -93 90 155 165 175 110 120 127.5 170 190 202.5 505 67.14
12/14/2024 Georgia State Championship Michael Russell 1. R-SJ -105 101 152.5 160 165 92.5 97.5 -100 172.5 182.5 195 457.5 57.54
12/14/2024 Georgia State Championship Jonathan Sorrels 2. R-SJ -105 99 125 135 140 90 97.5 102.5 135 147.5 155 397.5 50.46
12/14/2024 Georgia State Championship Jackson Vining 1. R-SJ -120 108.5 -122.5 147.5 187.5 95 97.5 100 135 175 205 492.5 59.90
12/14/2024 Georgia State Championship Kevin Wang 1. R-O -74 73.8 140 145 -147.5 275 285 290 435 63.97
12/14/2024 Georgia State Championship Henry Kushner 1. R-O -93 89.7 137.5 145 147.5 250 262.5 -275 410 54.61
12/14/2024 Georgia State Championship Gabriel Juan 0. R-O -93 91.6 -155 -160 -160 -220 0 0.00
12/08/2024 Holiday Havoc Ryan Mahovich 0. O 120+ 170.5 -240 -240 -240 0 0.00
12/08/2024 Holiday Havoc Eduardo Cruz 1. R-JR -120 112.8 197.5 202.5 207.5 207.5 89.94
12/08/2024 Holiday Havoc thomas sawyer 1. R-M3 -105 102.5 162.5 -165 -165 162.5 73.58
12/08/2024 Holiday Havoc Desiree Peters 1. R-JR -84 77.3 65 70 80 50 52.5 -57.5 107.5 117.5 -125 250 48.90
12/08/2024 Holiday Havoc Suzanne Bellofatto 1. R-M1 -57 55.4 85 90 95 52.5 55 -57.5 95 100 -115 250 59.93
12/08/2024 Holiday Havoc Abbey Jones 1. R-M1 -63 62.1 62.5 70 75 62.5 -67.5 -67.5 92.5 -97.5 97.5 235 51.90
12/08/2024 Holiday Havoc Linette Bogdan 1. R-M1 -69 68.6 130 140 147.5 85 90 92.5 170 182.5 -190 422.5 87.82
12/08/2024 Holiday Havoc Rachael Dugan 1. R-M1 -84 79.7 -95 95 100 65 70 72.5 122.5 130 137.5 310 59.82
12/08/2024 Holiday Havoc Jessica Spear 1. R-M1 84+ 97.3 67.5 -70 -75 40 45 -52.5 67.5 75 87.5 200 35.94
12/08/2024 Holiday Havoc Suzanne Bellofatto 1. R-O -57 55.4 85 90 95 52.5 55 -57.5 95 100 -115 250 59.93
12/08/2024 Holiday Havoc Meredith Brosh 2. R-O -57 52.3 25 -70 -70 25 -55 -55 70 -95 -95 120 30.15
12/08/2024 Holiday Havoc Abigail Brosh 1. R-O -63 62 145 152.5 157.5 102.5 -110 112.5 187.5 200 210 480 106.12
12/08/2024 Holiday Havoc Abbey Jones 2. R-O -63 62.1 62.5 70 75 62.5 -67.5 -67.5 92.5 -97.5 97.5 235 51.90
12/08/2024 Holiday Havoc Whitney DeGraaf 1. R-O -84 82.8 135 142.5 150 90 -92.5 92.5 140 152.5 165 407.5 77.40
12/08/2024 Holiday Havoc Jennifer Danei 1. R-O 84+ 97.6 90 95 -102.5 37.5 42.5 -47.5 90 95 -107.5 232.5 41.75
12/08/2024 Holiday Havoc Laynie Buli 1. R-SJ -63 60.9 85 90 97.5 52.5 55 -60 120 130 -135 282.5 63.21
12/08/2024 Holiday Havoc Kennedy Azzatori 2. R-SJ -63 58.7 25 25 65 115 26.40
12/08/2024 Holiday Havoc Claire Thomas 1. R-SJ -69 68 152.5 162.5 -167.5 -87.5 -90 90 157.5 -167.5 -167.5 410 85.64
12/08/2024 Holiday Havoc Sagan Marks 1. R-SJ -76 75 127.5 -135 -140 70 77.5 82.5 117.5 125 127.5 337.5 66.96
12/08/2024 Holiday Havoc Devon Townsend 1. R-JR -66 66 130 140 142.5 -70 70 75 170 180 187.5 405 63.13
12/08/2024 Holiday Havoc Edison Hu 2. R-JR -74 73 147.5 160 -165 100 -102.5 102.5 207.5 220 230 492.5 72.82
12/08/2024 Holiday Havoc James Johnsen 1. R-JR -74 73.3 225 237.5 245 140 147.5 150 250 265 -272.5 660 97.37
12/08/2024 Holiday Havoc Nabeel Rifai 1. R-JR -83 82.2 212.5 225 230 132.5 135 137.5 265 277.5 -287.5 645 89.72
12/08/2024 Holiday Havoc Joseph Fazio 1. R-JR -93 86.6 205 217.5 -167.5 167.5 182.5 242.5 265 -275 665 90.11
12/08/2024 Holiday Havoc Aidan DeLucy 2. R-JR -93 91.4 167.5 -175 -177.5 120 -125 127.5 220 230 240 535 70.59
12/08/2024 Holiday Havoc Eduardo Cruz 1. R-JR -120 112.8 207.5 215 227.5 197.5 202.5 207.5 195 210 212.5 647.5 77.36
12/08/2024 Holiday Havoc Corey Jackson 1. R-JR 120+ 132.9 245 262.5 275 145 152.5 162.5 215 232.5 250 687.5 76.54
12/08/2024 Holiday Havoc Gabriel Herschman 2. R-JR 120+ 121.2 227.5 242.5 -250 152.5 160 -175 215 242.5 250 652.5 75.52
12/08/2024 Holiday Havoc Matthew Berger 1. R-M1 -105 99.9 165 182.5 197.5 122.5 -137.5 137.5 192.5 215 -227.5 550 69.53
12/08/2024 Holiday Havoc Wilson Martinez 1. R-M2 -120 119.3 250 265 275 150 -155 -155 265 275 282.5 707.5 82.47
12/08/2024 Holiday Havoc Ken Levine 1. R-M4 -83 81.9 120 127.5 132.5 120 125 130 152.5 162.5 170 432.5 60.27
12/08/2024 Holiday Havoc James Johnsen 1. R-O -74 73.3 225 237.5 245 140 147.5 150 250 265 -272.5 660 97.37
12/08/2024 Holiday Havoc Nabeel Rifai 1. R-O -83 82.2 212.5 225 230 132.5 135 137.5 265 277.5 -287.5 645 89.72
12/08/2024 Holiday Havoc michael zola 2. R-O -83 82.8 157.5 172.5 180 105 115 -117.5 192.5 205 212.5 507.5 70.34
12/08/2024 Holiday Havoc Jason Chang 3. R-O -83 82.5 172.5 182.5 187.5 100 -105 105 170 182.5 195 487.5 67.69
12/08/2024 Holiday Havoc Adam Edson 4. R-O -83 79.2 152.5 160 172.5 112.5 -117.5 117.5 165 182.5 195 485 68.76
12/08/2024 Holiday Havoc Pasquale Desavino 0. R-O -83 83 -235 -235 -235 135 142.5 -147.5 292.5 -300 -300 0 0.00
12/08/2024 Holiday Havoc Gerardo Pacheco Cruz 0. R-O -93 84 -172.5 -172.5 -172.5 -115 -115 115 -195 195 -202.5 0 0.00
12/08/2024 Holiday Havoc George Nomah 1. R-O -93 90.9 295 310 317.5 155 162.5 167.5 305 320 330 815 107.82
12/08/2024 Holiday Havoc Alex Lau 2. R-O -93 92.2 250 270 292.5 170 180 187.5 260 280 305 785 103.13
12/08/2024 Holiday Havoc Fabien Ho Ching Ma 3. R-O -93 91.6 250 270 -285 155 162.5 -170 250 270 -290 702.5 92.59
12/08/2024 Holiday Havoc Michael Koenig 4. R-O -93 89.8 220 230 240 140 152.5 160 260 270 280 680 90.50
12/08/2024 Holiday Havoc Michael Pasquariello 5. R-O -93 88 200 210 220 135 140 142.5 280 300 -317.5 662.5 89.06
12/08/2024 Holiday Havoc Danny Stachelek 1. R-O -105 97.1 25 25 -125 -125 75 -195 -215 125 16.01
12/08/2024 Holiday Havoc Wilson Martinez 1. R-O -120 119.3 250 265 275 150 -155 -155 265 275 282.5 707.5 82.47
12/08/2024 Holiday Havoc Anthony Hu 1. R-SJ -59 58.3 110 117.5 122.5 57.5 62.5 160 172.5 182.5 367.5 61.23
12/08/2024 Holiday Havoc Roman Argiro 1. R-SJ -74 71.7 157.5 167.5 -172.5 115 122.5 -130 185 192.5 200 490 73.13
12/08/2024 Holiday Havoc Angelo Murazzi 3. R-SJ -74 73.1 142.5 157.5 165 77.5 -90 90 155 167.5 175 430 63.55
12/08/2024 Holiday Havoc Chase Sciandra 4. R-SJ -74 73.1 147.5 157.5 -172.5 75 80 -85 157.5 172.5 185 422.5 62.42
12/08/2024 Holiday Havoc Izaiah Serfass 5. R-SJ -74 71.7 -102.5 102.5 110 50